tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 23, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
issue, 7.1, millimeters thin, about the equivalent of nine credit cards stacked on top of each other, which when they do that is extremely thin. we reached out to apple for comment, and haven't heard back. tomorrow night, my interview, we'll see you tomorrow. anderson starts now. good evening, from the united nations where tomorrow president obama will be here chairing the security council. tonight, as commander in chief he is presiding over the war in syria regarding isis, where officials say could last for years. breaking news tonight, pentagon says that airstrikes are continuing, that and a first terror alert of the day. the look out for terror. a complicated diplomat effort that for the first time has
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back. this is people who may have never traveled overseas at all but just watched videos on the internet, or watched sermons on the internet. >> right, in fact, we know that officials are monitoring about 100 individuals that could be lone wolf terrorists that they say could have the tendency to sort of go over that line and become a lone wolf terrorist. and especially they're concerned because isis released videos in the recent days urging the lone wolf attacks. so that coupled with the airstrikes, has many on alert. >> pamela brown, thank you. more now on the airstrikes, so much as pamela mentioned that not only targeted isis but also a little-known al qaeda spin-off called the khorasan group. now, the leader was killed sources say, something we have to independently confirm. barbara starr is at the pentagon
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tonight. the first round of strikes, do we know exactly what they accomplished, according to the u.s.? >> well, according to the u.s. they believe they were effective and accomplished a great deal, 48 aircraft, including those from five countries, they went against the khorasan targets, eight war ships firing against the targets, anything the u.s. could get at khorasan to try to disrupt their planning. they believe here at the congress they have disrupted and ended their ability to plot against the united states. we shall see if it proves to be true. the second round of strikes against isis targets, further into northern syria, that is what everybody expected them to go after. again, leadership communications, anything they could get to, to stop isis from
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being able to communicate among the troops to pass orders to try and essentially try to stop them in their tracks. but again, the battle damage assessment is ongoing. we'll have to see what the pentagon has to say down the road very quickly anderson, about what they believe they accomplished. >> is it clear -- the kind of time line, obviously they said the pentagon was saying just about everybody in washington, including the president. but in terms of actually having targeted they can reach, how active is this bombing campaign going to be in the next couple of days, do we know? >> reporter: well, i think that is the most interesting question right now. they hit about 20 pre-planned targets. so these were stationary targets. they had done reconnaissance on them and knew where they were. stationary targets were relatively simplistic because
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they knew where the targets were. the question is, where is the next list of targets? what else can you hit that would really disrupt isis and the khorasan? what can you do to get them stopped and moved back from continuing their advance? it will be very interesting to watch over the next couple of nights. will there be more strikes? how long do they do battle damage assessments? when do they move on to develop additional targets that they can hit? >> barbara starr, appreciate the update. a short time ago we talked about the limits of airstrikes and duration and limitations. admiral kerby, you said last night's strikes were only the beginning. the director of operations today said the time frame is years, would you agree with that? >> i absolutely agree with that 100%. we know -- we're very clear-eyed, anderson, about the threat we're facing from isis. so are our regional partners,
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everybody know it will be a long, difficult struggle. and i think we're all steeling ourselves for exactly that. >> and human rights reports show the collateral damage from the bombing. can you confirm that and how big a concern is it for the pentagon? >> it is always a concern from us, anderson, as you know from reporting our operations in iraq and afghanistan, nothing is more serious than that. we investigate the collateral damage, i can tell you right now we have no such indications that we caused any such injuries or collateral damage. and the reports, we take them seriously and if we have to we'll certainly investigate and look into it. >> and the ground operations in isis and syria and iraq, how long of a time frame will it be to equip the moderate rebels inside syria? >> it will take us three to five months now that we have the authorization to recruit and vet a significant number of
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trainees. it will take another eight to 12 months on top of the vetting process to feel them and train them in syria where they can start to defend their communities and citizens. it will take a while, and we're being very honest about that. >> is there anybody on the ground that you would like to see who is capable of taking advantage of the airstrikes that we are engaging in? >> what we're trying to do is improve the capabilities over time. >> their first priority and we've heard this from them publicly is the overthrow of the regime. >> they're not a monolithic group, we know they're fighting the regime, that is part of the reason we want to equip them as well. but also they're getting slaughtered by isol in syria, we know they have to address that threat. they want to. quite frankly we want to get
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them a basic set of leadership and military skills, organizational skills to defend their communities and citizens. then they have to go after isol. the ground forces that matter the most are the iraqis on the iraq side of the border, a good syrian opposition. >> to rebuild the iraqi military which was obviously trained by the united states, equipped by the united states, you know, under nouri maliki, you had generals paying to become a general. the corruption is rife. how long before you can get them and vet them, train them and get troops willing to stand up and battle? >> i think there is a little misconception about the iraqi forces. they certainly need more of a group and development, it is an existing army, we now have a unit in iraq that is pledging
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itself to plurality and responsibility and training the resources and their army -- it is their army, not ours. >> wait a minute, you said you have a new government, they can't figure out a minister, the interior minister, the parliament is a mess. so actually getting them to reach out to sunni groups, getting them. i mean, they can say one thing but actually getting them to rebuild the iraqi military, i mean, you have to admit it will take a long time. >> it could very well take a while. everybody is clear-eyed about this. but all the vectors we see moving around are clearly a challenge. >> in regards to the strikes against this group, khorasan, cnn has been told there was no intelligence indicating they had chosen a specific place or building that they had acquired materials and were in the advanced stages of planning. is that your understanding, as well? >> i would really rather not get into too much intelligence issues here on tv. but what i can tell you is we
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know they were very close to the end game in their planning. we don't know exactly where the attack they were planning would take place. we think it was either europe or the homeland. there was some information we probably didn't have all the way down to the exact detail. that said, we know they were close. we know they had a very serious intent to conduct the attack on the western targets and that drove a lot of the urgency last night. >> thank you, admiral. >> my pleasure. a reminder, "ac360" is live throughout the next two hours here from the u.n. and cnn of course is live all night long bringing you all the latest developments as always. be sure to set your dvrs, and coming up next one of the big reasons given for striking right in and out. this khorasan group, who exactly are they and why are they considered so dangerous and why are any of us just hearing about it for the first time. president obama's security adviser next on what is being done to keep us safe.
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al qaeda splinter group, called khorasan, a group you may not have heard of until today. again, here is our pamela brown. >> reporter: u.s. officials say one of the goals of american-led airstrikes in syria was to eliminate the command at control structures of a terrorist group called khorasan. >> in terms of the khorasan group which is a network of seasoned al qaeda veterans these stru strikes were done to stop the attack against the u.s. targets. >> the leader is a former al qaeda operative who was part of osama bin laden's terror group, who is deemed to be very dangerous to the united states because of the attacks on targets. an intelligence group said they had already acquired materials and was in the advanced stages to carry out an attack. senior officials say that
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khorasan was creating bombs. what makes the threat a worry is their ties to al qaeda's master bomb maker in yemen, al-asiri. >> the concern is al-asiri trained people in these techniques, the fear is that some of them have joined this group khorasan and have helped them to develop new techniques. >> they helped to build the underwear bomb brought to amsterdam from detroit and are planning to blow up printer cartridges. the question remains, did the airstrikes stop ckhorasan's plots? >> the concern is whether the operatives included in these attacks were taken out. if the operatives are still around it is possible they could still carry through with this
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plot. >> and pamela brown joins us now. do we know what type of device they were working on? >> well, anderson the latest intelligence suggests the group is trying to put these easily concealed bombs into hand-held devices. we're talking cell phones, smartphones, any type of electronic device. you may remember in july security was heightened at international airports and they asked the passengers to turn on their hand-held devices, connected to the intelligence the group was trying to hide the bombs in the hand-held devices. not only that, we're talking tooth paste tubes. my colleague said they would use the electronic detonators. >> i had never heard of that before. >> what i'm learning from my source, they had a variety. they were looking at a variety of options putting them in hand-held devices, one option
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they were looking at. in sources tell me it was sophisticated attacks and also smaller less sophisticated attacks they were looking at also. >> scary thoughts, thank you so much, pamela brown. and president obama discussed the threat. >> once again, it must be clear to anyone who would plot against america and try to do america harm that we will not tolerate safe havens. i have spoken to leaders in congress and discussed bipartisan support for the actions we're taking. america is always stronger when we stand united and that unity sends a powerful message to the world that we will do whatever is necessary to defend our country. >> with me now is president obama's counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, thank you for joining us. >> good to be with you, anderson. let's talk about this bulletin that was put out, warning of lone wolf type of attacks, what can you tell us about it? >> well, anderson, i think you
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were referring to an intelligence bulletin that the department of homeland security put out. what they do is try to put in context for state and local law enforcement officials information and events happening around the world. and that is what they were doing tonight. trying to make sure that law enforcement officials are vigilant for anything that could be ongoing and in relation to events that are happening in the world. >> is it based on specific intelligence that is already known? or is it based on just kind of an obvious -- well, this could be a very real threat? >> the bulletin you're referring to was not based on any specific intelligence based on any plotting inside the united states. what this was, was putting into context what we saw last night and the very violent messages from isol that they have been putting out. >> it is fascinating because there is so much focus on isis and the europeans, americans, fighting there and returning to europe and the united states. but you're talking about not
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necessarily people fighting overseas who are on the radar for that reason. these are people like the fort hood shooter who may not have traveled overseas before, but may just be watching sermons on the internet and may just be ideology motivated. >> and we are focusing on the very dangerous groups like the khorasan groups, those focused on plotting the attacks, that is what you saw decisive action taken by president obama last night with our military forces to try to stop the plotting. the second thing we're focused on is the problem of foreign fighters. those who travel to iraq, syria and other places to get training to come back to their home countries, those with western passports. and the third thing we're focused on, those who could be radicalized and are sympathetic
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to -- >> those kind of attacks don't have to be a large scale attack to make an impact. again, the nidal hasan shooter, and again, the attacks in mumbai, a handful of fighters can really paralyze a city. >> that is exactly right, anderson, the types of things that can be done with small arms and not very sophisticated capabilities. that is why we're doing everything we can to address the violent messages and to counter the messages. you will hear president obama talk about that as far as the foreign fighters meeting at the u.n. security council. >> and with the khorasan, a lot of people may have read about it in "the new york times" for the first time or maybe are just hearing about it today. how long has u.s. officials, how long have you been talking about it? >> we have been focused on this group for a while now, working
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with our foreign partners for about two years, focused on them. they are a group, as you said, of al qaeda veterans. >> do you have a sense of how big they are? >> they are seasoned operatives, individuals who traveled from afghanistan and pakistan area, from other areas in the middle east, bringing their skills and their expertise and experience to take advantage of the chaos that has happened in syria and the safe haven that has been constructed there really out of the violence and the chaos going on in the conflict there. >> and that is an important point to show, that they're not there because of bashar assad, they're there like a parasite to basically have the protection of the chaos going on. >> they have gone there precisely because it is a safe haven and because of the chaos, because they have freedom of movement to plan, plot and design attacks against the west. >> maybe you can't say, do you have a sense of how big they actually are though?
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are we talking about a handful of individuals? a large group? >> we're talking about a subset group of seasoned veterans, al qaeda operatives, that is why when we had intelligence indicating they were in advanced stages of attacks against the west president obama took decisive action against that threat. >> we talked about the well-known bomb maker, do you know for a fact or i don't know if you can say -- members in khorasan, have they been trained by that person? when i think of that guy, i think of that person, clearly they're looking at the bombs or devices the sources have been describing. that seems like a relatively sophisticated bomb knowledge. >> we're always going to be very concerned about exactly the threat you're referring to. the threat of aviation plots. and particularly from al qaeda and the arabian peninsula which is the group you're referencing,
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they have proven to be the most determined and focused on aviation plotting. and because we're constantly addressing the threat and evaluating our measures you saw us take a number of aviation security measures over the past several months. >> lisa monaco, we appreciate your time, thank you very much. just ahead, we'll dig deeper behind the coalition of the strikes. what is took to get them on board, we'll be right back. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. in the country.
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tonight's breaking news, continuing airstrikes on targets in syria. and a new warning by the pentagon regarding potential strikes on u.s. soil. now as we said, five new countries have joined in the airstrikes against the operation in syria. tonight, president obama proved he made good on a promise. >> also made clear that america would act as a part of a broad coalition and that is exactly what we've done. we are joined in this action by our friends and partners, saudi arabia, the united emirates,
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saudi arabia, and qatar. america is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with these nations on behalf of our common security. the strength of this coalition makes it clear to the world that this is not america's fight alone. >> well, each of those five countries is a sunni/muslim nation and now they have joined the war against the extremist group. the importance cannot be overstated. so what did it take to get them on board and where are america's western allies. joining me now is chief financial security correspondent jim sciutto, and christiane amanpour, and former presidential adviser david gergen. it is important to point out, jim sciutto, that these coalition efforts, to have sunni arab nations attacking a group. >> also because they're from the region, you have five arab nations taking part very
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actively in these airstrikes as well. all five of them, bahrain, arab emirates, as it turned out contra did not drop bombs but will be prepared to going forward. when the president said he wanted to get international participation, he has five of them. that is pretty diplomatic achievement. >> france did bombings in iraq recently, not in syria, the united kingdom did not bomb syria, it may have surprised a lot of people. >> obviously the united kingdom is with the u.s. in whatever military campaign they do. but there are lots of political issues. nonetheless the british have supported this and said they will look to contribute whichever way they can. french foreign ministers tell me even though they're bombing targets in iraq, not in syria yet, they are going to be front and center in the most important task of building up the opposition forces, the free
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syrian army. >> and what is going to happen on the ground that is critical, you just had a meeting with iraq's new prime minister. >> that is exactly right, the first major one he has done and what a day to do it. i asked him about the strikes in syria and he says he is really pleased that people have woken up to the blood bath that has happened certainly in syria and iraq. he was very pleased that the allies have come on. >> the question is will his government -- >> i pressed him very, very hard on that. because as you know this is president obama's centerpiece to get up a functional government that is inclusive. he tells me he is trying his best and understands he has to do it. but he understands when he meets tomorrow, americans are not doing enough. i said you have airstrikes, what else do you want? he says they want air cover when
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they go out on the ground. >> david gergen it is sort of difficult to hear the iraqi prime minister saying the u.s. is not doing enough, given that it is the iraqi government, the predecessor, who is really the cause of the iraqi military completely collapsing. the general core that is put in is largely corrupt. a lot of these guys paid to become general, there is corruption and they basically abandoned their men in the field. >> and the iraqi government has been talking to assad and syria, trying to cozy up to assad. this is a problem we want out of power in syria itself. there are things not working well here, but the big story is the very, very welcome surprise that president obama has pulled off. nobody thought he would do it this quickly. getting these five sunni nations there and hammering, not just delivering a pin prick, but hammering the other side, going
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through to their headquarters. all of that is very welcome. i talked to a big political american leader hearing this, he said look if you're going to get into a fight it is really important to the american people to show them you're willing to kick some ass. that is what the president did. i hope it means a turnaround, he has had a very rocky start to the war. >> david gergen, i'm shocked, shocked by your language. >> me too. >> yeah, right, jim sciutto, for all the talk of the coalition there is no doubt that the u.s. is the one really calling the shots here. the question is how long will the arab partners, the sunni governments be involved in this effort? are they in for the long haul? >> well, as the arab countries made public announcements of the involvement in the campaign, one comment struck out in the announcement saying these are the first strikes against isis, making very clear just as you heard from the pentagon this is
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the beginning of a very long campaign. and privately diplomats telling me they're in for the long haul. >> and the prime minister used the words, as long as it takes so we'll see. >> and you and i both talked to admiral kirby. >> a marvelous man. >> the time frame for getting quote unquote moderated syrian forces, 18 months. >> recruiting, five months or so. then getting them into the field, another eight to 12 months so this is a long process. >> and that is only 5,000. >> for the iraqi military we're talking potentially years to try to get them up and running. >> but the thing is what everybody has to understand, the famous word, strategic patience, political will, this is not going to work unless there is that. the president made that clear this is not even a two, three, four month campaign. this could take several years and that is what it is going to take. >> and david, the concern of that, you can only do so much from the air.
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you need some forces from the ground to move and push isis out of those areas where they have been bombed and weakened. if there is not a force on the ground, be it peshmerga or iraqi military forces or syrian rebels they're not going to be able to take advantage of whatever gains they get. >> that is true, anderson. and this is not only going to be a long one but filled with uncertainties. one uncertainty now, christiane amanpour addressed this. as we continue to bomb in syria as i believe we will for a while and don't have any rebels to go in really and cover, does that leave the way open for assad to move in some of the forces that have been hit and grab some of the territory for himself? >> what do you think about, christiane? does it become an advantage for bashar assad? >> you know, i'm trying to figure that out. i don't think so, but i do think the united states -- this is what the iraqi prime minister said to me that the u.s. has made it clear they're not going
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after assad in this round. this is about isis. on the other hand, the fsa who they want to stand up as their ground forces, and they need a ground force. this is not going to work without one. they say we have been fighting assad and isis for a long time. we're not going to give up. but don't ask us to give up our ultimate aim which is fighting assad. the iraqi government said we're having no fight with you mr. assad, we're not violating your sovereign territory but this is going to happen against isis there. >> christiane, david gergen, thank you very much. we'll play a portion of the interview that she mentioned in this hour. coming up, though, new fighter aircraft first used in the bombing campaign. we'll give you a look at the military campaign now being used in the strikes against syria.
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philippines sea launching tomahawks against the isis targets. tom foreman has more on the mission. >> hey, anderson, no doubt about it. the tip of the sphere here were the cruise missiles, because the missiles can be launched, traveling about 550 miles an hour. flying close to the ground. very hard to detect, almost impossible to stop. and just importantly they can be launched from very far away. and these were, there were launches from the red sea and way out here in the arabic sea, and you talk about complications that are so far removed from the target site that there is no ability for anybody up here to wage a counterattack on the ships out there. now, there is another interesting point to bear in mind in terms of the targets here. the cruise missiles that were most heavily relied upon in the western area where the first attacks occurred why might that be? there is one real reason, the syrian military and government are strongest over in this part
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of the country. they have genuine anti-aircraft defenses. so flying jets in here is far more perilous than bringing them over in here. and we did see much more aircraft activity in the second strike zone and in the third strike zone over here. and the aircraft that were involved were really very impressive. an array of some of the most advanced aircraft in the world including the f-22 which saw the first battle here. this is a stealth aircraft that actually carries the missiles inside so it presents a smaller area in terms of hiding them. they cost around $300 million per aircraft, less than 200 in the world. this saw some of its first battle here. in any event these aircraft all worked in tandem to pound away at all the targets off in this part of the country. and overall the amount of force applied throughout here in a
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precision way was very, very robust, anderson. >> all right, tom, thank you very much. tom officforeman. joining me now, rick francona, tom talked about the u.s. possibly taking into the calculations the civil defense air missile system. that is something the u.s. must be concerned about. the idea of the assad regime launching some sort of anti-aircraft battery against u.s. forces. >> well, it is something you always want to consider. and tom is right, if you look at the way the syrian defenses are a raid, they have always been a raid, the primary offenses in damascus to aleppo and along the coast. once you get out to the east of that there is almost nothing. there are a few radars, a few mobile sam systems but very little that would pose a real threat with the amount of force that we would bring in. and of course, with that strike
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package we took suppression of the enemy air defense. we took that into consideration. i think it was wise to use the cruise missiles in that area to the west of aleppo. because there are still government forces up there. now the syrian air defense has been degraded over the last few years but you know why risk it? >> brendan, as far as targets are concerned i mean are there going to be that many targets that the u.s. really can hit? it seems in some cases they're using cruise missiles to hit a vehicle or you know, antennas on top of a building. at a certain point with a group like isis that is relatively decentralized it is not like striking the commander control structures of the old saddam regime. >> yeah, i see this more as a symbolic strike. i personally don't think it was very effective at doing anything to isis who have proven
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themselves to be a very flexible adversary. the big problem with a strike like this is the bda, or battle damage assessment, without u.s. forces on the ground to be able to assess the damage on the ground it is really not known how effective these strikes were. >> colonel francona, do you agree with that? i mean, i keep looking at what the pentagon released, these vehicles and stuff. that is in the first wave, does it really make sense? >> well, the targets last night were mostly buildings. and you know, storage facilities, logistics, anywhere they thought there were concentrations of troops. most of these were fixed targets. you can do fair bda from overhead assets and drones. the problem will be when we get into the tactical nature of there. we already see isis moving their things out of storage and moving people into civilian areas. so that is going to make it much
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more difficult to target. and then when you get into that you are going to have to have somebody on the ground not only to do the bda, as brandon says, but you need to have people on the ground to designate the targets. otherwise you're going to have a lot of civilian casualties. and i think we're trying to avoid that. i think it is a little more than just symbolic, brandon, but you're not just going after a state actor. >> and brandon -- go ahead. >> you cannot defeat an unconventional enemy like isis, who is really -- we're talking about the islamic state in the middle east is more of a radical ideology. you heard president obama say, it is one of the first times he acknowledged it. was nice to hear. we've gotten really good in the u.s. operations of killing bad guys but missing part of the strategy is how do we prevent this massive ideology from -- i
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mean, isis is recruiting from all over the world. so that is a big problem we're facing. >> well, also i think your point is incredibly important, brandon and not talked about much. because even our allies in this, saudi arabia, with the one hand they're helping this operation with the other hand they're funding medrassas, spreading this kind of ideology to a whole new generation of people throughout the world. >> exactly. >> good to have you, brandon web, as well, just ahead, a voice you may recognize if you have been watching over the years. an activist, a long-time activist arrested by the regime. he will tell me what he thinks about the airstrikes next. and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork.
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i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. well, for years on this program we've covered what has been going on inside siyria, he visibili described what has been going on in heartbreakingly clear detail. his name is adoon, a passionate activist for syria since the moment his voice was first heard on this program. i want to play you a small
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portion. this was adoon saying the entire world should be ashamed for not doing anything about the fact that syrians were being slaughtered in 2012. >> thank you. we are getting killed every moment. we are not able even just to get some basic medicine to injured people. children are really hungry. i swear, children are hungry. no power, no fuel, it's too cold. it's too much, for god sake, this is too much. >> that was about two and a half years ago. i spoke with zadoon a while ago.
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do you believe the airstrikes will be able to eliminate isis? >> no, way, we've seen what happened in iraq, somalia, and now this is a new chapter. terrorism, extremism is not going to be defeated by airstrikes. everybody knows that. i was a couple of days back in syria and i hear people saying i mean, they started to have some sort of sympathy with isis. it was really shocking. and what matters to me, in fact, anderson, is the civilians. we are losing lives. today, after the airstrikes just -- three or four kilometers away from me we brought ten people who were injured. they were all civilians. i mean, only us, only we people, only the syrians are suffering.
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we first, suffer then we still suffer from the barrels of assad regime, we suffer the knives of isol. and now we are suffering the tomahawks. is this fair? >> it seems like in some ways the very preparation of isis, al nusra, in some ways they are fighting the assad regime, in some ways it helps bashar assad. because as you well know better than anybody from the very beginning he claimed that those who rose up against his regime, those who were simply protesting peacefully, not even to overthrow the regime just to have their voices heard, to have reforms, to stop having children being arrested and imprisoned, they were labelled terrorists from the very beginning. they were labelled extremists from the very beginning. so now the actual presence of
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terrorists inside syria in some ways validates the lies that bashar assad has told from the beginning. >> everybody knows that, anderson, i saw that from my own eyes when i was jailed, assad was releasing only extremists from prison. those extremists that came from all over the world to the damascus airport, to fight, when assad was guiding them to iraq. and then he brought them and put them in his hands to control them. he did only one thing, to spoil that revolution and he succeeded in that. he just released that and he hijacked our revolution. and now, we all are suffering from his terrorism and from their terrorism. he is endorsing, very much happy with the airstrikes. he has been telling us for three years that america is the enemy. that america is the devil.
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and now he is telling us that america is a friend. and i shall work with america to fight terrorism. can anybody believe him? how can anybody believe what is happening to us? it is not a nightmare. it is that. >> zaidoun, i appreciate you very much being on the program again. >> thank you very much, anderson, my pleasure. just ahead, the latest on the ongoing u.s. airstrikes against isis and other targets in syria as well as in iraq. we'll be right back. the kids ge, and you get a delicious milo's kitchen chicken meatball. i wish you liked my cooking that much. milo's kitchen. made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. the best treats come from the kitchen. to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster...
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6:00 pm
. good evening again from the united nations where there is breaking news tonight and history in the making tomorrow. that is when president obama will become the first american president to chair a meeting of the council. he will do it as a nobel peace laureate. tonight, with the help of five other countries, the u.n. is doing just that. sunni countries for the first time taking military action against a sunni extremist threat. a lot to cover tonight including fresh airstrikes and a new warning about the possible
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