tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 20, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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nts of legislation, and veto attempts to undo obamacare and more. >> and he threatened vetoes in a state of the union address, and very unusual. our coverage of the state of the union address continues. and it is 11:00 here on the east coast of the united states here. president obama telling the nation that the shadow of crisis real time. and we will show you to the poll of the speech watchers. and we will go to the speech
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>> if these items come to my desk i will veto it. and finally, wages are starting to rise again. we know that more small business own owners are planning to raise their employee's pay than at any time since 2007. but here is the thing, those of us here tonight, we need to set our sights higher than making sure that government does not screw things up. the government doesn't halt the progress that we are making. we need the do more than just do
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no harm. tonight, together let's do more to restore the link between hard work and growing opportunity for every american. >> clearly those who want to be elected did not want to be seen with the president out there on the campaign trail, because they were afraid that it would hurt their chances. >> well whether or not it hurt their chances is up for debate, because clearly several lost elections. and tonight, president obama made a forceful case for more help for the middle-class and the tax code and one of the biggest ways he proposed of doing that, wolf, was proposing free for them, and hot for the country, but free community college. >> two years. >> two years of community college, and a number of people in the first lady's box watching the address the of how you can
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succeed. and so hose in the ad administration were going to specifically describe how he would want that paid for but i did not hear a description of that and there have been things floated about of removing the tax the e credit for individuals saving for college education, and taking that away to el help pay for wealthier individuals to pay for the community college and i did not hear that, and that is going to be one of the next issues that we will hear for, and how would the president propose to pay for the things that he wants to do to help the middle-class. >> we want to know how he wants to pay for the additional tax benefits or the middle-class by raising the taxes on the wealthy and raising the taxes and fees on the financial institutions on bank and he did not say how he would pay for two years of free community college, and if you go to high school for free, why not two more years of free education, and this is the united states. >> obviously a lofty idea and
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the idea ha the individualthat the individuals who have not experienced the economic rekovcovery to be provided the skills and training to be part of the economic rebound, but who going to be paying for the education and the retraining i did not hear it in the speech. a lot of details that e we need to hear. >> and he sfwois going to be presenting that in the budget. >> yes, he clearly talked about it in the stake of the american e economy. listening to more of what he said. >> if you truly believe that you can work full time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, trite. try it. if not, vote to give some of the hardest working people in america a raise. >> i want to bring in our new panel kevin madden is joining us cnn republican strategist
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and karen finney and ana navarro, and after 11:00, jay carney turns into paul balart. >> what a downgrade for carney. >> and kevin madden, what did you hear tonight. >> well, we heard a confident president obama in the speech. he feels that his speech has the wind at its back particularly at the last e election in a way that counters against the election results, but also a president obama return to the message that worked so well for him in 2008 and 2012. i think a that is what is driving his comments. >> i a agree with kevin. how about that. you saw a president that it is time for the legacy and in terms of going back to message, and this is part of building towards
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the legacy of the obamaed a mipistration aband the narrative they want when he leaves office and secondly the president was laying down the marker, and t the ideas that he has talked about, he has talked about them before, and new ideas over the week end, but the idea of build ging the middle-class is what essentially 2012 was waged on and in 2014 a although some of the democrats chose to run away from or didn't articulate that message it was effective in some state, and look at the places where increasing the minimum wage passed. so he was sort of laying down a mes message marker if you will. >> and ana, on the economy does the president deserve some credit? >> i think that the nation deserves some credit. >> and you can't say that the president deserves kredcredit? >> well, think about the way he framed it which is the right way to frame it. we are an american family that has gone through the tough times and now surpassing the times. think it is the right frame to
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put it. what i heard of the speech, carrots and sticks for everybody. there were things in the speech that republicans liked, and like isil and trade and things that democrats didn't like. it was a grab bag for everybody. it wasle balanced speech and optimistic barack obama who we v have not heard in six months be this peppy and this optimistic. so i think that it was a balanced speech that can get criticism and praise from all sides. >> and ven jones said that barack obama is back. >> yes, apparently the speechwriters were hacked and he is back. it was interesting and on the populist economic stuff, it was in the face of the republicans. when you talk to my friends at the white house, and they will point out not just the american people but policy matter ss.
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when he passed the stimulus bill, the republicans said it would explode the deficit and now it is down from 1.4 trillion to 0.4 trillion. and now, they said it would explode health care costs if he passed obamacare, and now it sis not, and so the american people are rewarding him. >> and we played the sound bite on the minimum wage and any chance to get a movement on that? >> no. some states did it and in the ballot on some states, but it is approved in almost all of the states but is this republican congress going to pass an increase in the federal minimum wage no. to paul's credit he worked in the clinton white houses and another clinton watching at home and she liked it. what is interesting is that bill clinton litigated a campaign where he said if you elect me, i will raise the taxes on the wealthy and redistribute that money to the middle-class. that is what thet president is
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proposing now, and we have mot had a campaign and the people have not voted on that. >> and if if you want to talk about optimism and bill clinton's optimism and ronald reagan's optimism and this is optimism speech. we is mot had a lot. and it is amazing what an improving economy will do for you and improving rate will do for you. >> and also the second to last one. >> and also, it is the only one that will make any difference, because you will be into 2016. >> and you mean we are not into 2016 yett? >> well, we can ask kevin mann about mitt romney and then we will ask you about jeb bush as well in a moment. >> and then i cannot answer you. >> and then this is going to set the table for up with way or another in 2016 because if he succeeds it is easier for hillary clinton absolutely if the e won -- if the economy is
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good good. >> and i disagree with the 47% and the 1% and the president won and that added to the swagger that you heard tonight, and sort of ignoring to what happened in 2014. >> oh karen, that was decades ago. >> okay. we won. >> and we are gathered around the table two months ago and if at the end of the night, someone were to say that the president would come out in two months in january and he would take a victory lap, none of us would have believed it, and that is what we witnessed which is remarkable but i wonder how many democratic candidates watched it and are having second thoughts of not embracing him and the vision. >> and that is a good point, michael, but two big tests ahead of him now. and is this president going to be able to find a way to work with the congress that he has either very bad relationships with or no relationships with. and the second is that the window is closing quickly. six months from now, we are all going to be out with iowa at a
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gop debate. >> are you? >> and maybe not me but you are all going to be and very quickly the american public's at attention is going to to be turning to the 2016 candidates and hillary clinton as their potential leader of the democratic party. >> and kevin, he has answered the question of can he work with congress, and the sans no. because what we have seen is him doing more and more through the executive action. and anything done with congress going to be minor stuff. >> true. >> and that is why he is so liberate and feeling so good that -- >> and real quick, john boehner and mitch mcconnell have the jobs they have dreamed of having and they want to get something done. >> and there are democrats who believe that the republicans don't want to work with the this president. >> and they want a landslide and the slogan was clear and we saw it, "stop obama." it was not principled compromise. so if they were to do it, and honest free advice, and the if they were to cut a deal with the
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president and meet him halfway and raise it to 25%, and not 28, and they could cut a deal and water it down and they would put my friend hillary should she run in the worst bind ever because she would endorse weak tea, and they won't do that. >> and the republicans when paul begala is giving advice on how the put hillary clinton in a bind don't listen. >> and we have realtime reaction to that with tom foreman, and with we will go the you. >> and we have 2 million clicks anderson and if you look at the flow the lines of data out of this, it will give you an idea of what happen ded here. some of it you may expect. the line of the democrats, they are sticking with the president throughout this in terms of what they clicked. it is not scientific but it is interesting to look.
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it is a sense of the feeling out there, and the purple line, that is the independents, the all-important independents and you will see that they are not nearly as in lock step with the president as the democrats, and in fact, the trend lines match more to the red republicans over here although they don't have nearly the negative view of things as the republicans. here's an area of strong disparity erlarly on in the speech that gives you an idea of how they split and anything about the economy, and any time that the republicans said it is going well, the democrats said absolutely. and look at this clip about wages. >> today, thanks to a growing economy, the rekofcovery is touching more and more lives. wages are finally rising again. >> look at the split that happens here. this is the biggest split of the whole thing. way down here with the republicans, and with way up here to the democrats and the independents in the middle. why so differently? in part look at the republicans when you talk to them.
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they will tell you over and over again, they believe that one of the big issues is wage stagnation and that a lot of people are not participating and so many people have dropped out of the workforce and skewing the numbers. and another thing that came up here and tracking along the lines of the big disparity that program ha the president talked about paying for college. take a look at that part of the graph here. listen to how he spoke and how people responded. >> and yet we are living in a kun country where bright americans are priced out of the education they need. it is not fair to them and not smart for the future. that is why i am send ging this congress a bold plan to lower the cost of community college to zero. >> well shgs, he lowered the republican support there, giant dive there. and independents okay with that but that at the end is where it is crashing down.
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why does it crash down so much? because simply put so many republicans will look at all of this and say that's this white house answer and the democratic answer and when in doubt, give something away. it may not be fair but that is why the republicans dive down there, and we saw it over and over again tonight. >> fascinating, and not scientific but interesting to see the trend lines, and john king, you look at it a lot. >> it is one of the issues in the town and in this presidency if barack obama is for it, the republicans are against it. john john mccain campaigned on not free community college, but reducing the costs, and he said it is critical to the 21st economy economy. and again, similar, but not free. and so again, is this where we get no shgs, no, no mr. president or well the ideas are well intentioned, but we disagree with the policy, and let's talk.
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that is the challenge of washington. if if he does not budge and they don't reach out, nothing gets done. to what kevin said earlier, and we can talk about it, and it started in the clinton administration and got worse in the george w. bush, and progressively worse is the trust deficit, and they don't know each other or trust each other. on the way out of the hall the president was briefly touching the democrats on the way out. and grabbed orrin hatch. and dana grabbed to talk to some of the senators on the way out. and if he gets to know them, maybe. >> and if the president spend morse time with congress and we have been saying that for five years. >> we have and it is the blame on both sides that they have not tried to do more and the president promised a different washington and he has not deliver and spending time with them and the staff says that
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the republicans have not pushed it either. >> and by the way, if you talk to the democrats in congress a lot of them will say they have to relationship ax and they don't like that white house, and the staff is insular, and so it is not just a republicans in congress problem. >> and if we go back to the trend line that we are talking about, the part of it is the knee jerk kind of democrats tax and spend. this is a new entitlement program, free community college and how to spendpay for it? we don't have all of the details as you said but the republican reaction okay how does this happen? that sounds terrific just like free head start sounded terrific and in the last state of the union was it? so there's a natural cynicism here that comes from life, and the fact that people have been paying for entitlements that a
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lot of people think that need to be reined in and was not mentioned tonight. >> and you look at the last state of the union, michael, and a lot of them the accomplishments were not made on them. a year from now, we will be looking back and say the same thing? >> less of a state of the union to check the boxes, but put more in the narrative form so there is less accountability for it frankly. one reaction to the ekg if i might. the president will never do well with the base of the gop, a and that is a constant from mou to the time he leaves office. governor romney had given a speech in san diego, and he said we will be forward looking, and this is not about the record and i said, oh, no what placates the base of the gop is to go after obama. and so what is going to happen is to demonize the president in the face of the economic matrix
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that are better. >> and in the -- can the republicans do that the p the e e e konconomy gets better? >> well, there are some things that are going to to be disagreeing with president obama, but a lot of the republicans who are potential 2016 candidates talk about poverty, talk about equal opportunity, and if you look at the responses seeing from the republicans tonight, that is what they are talking about, prison reform, so you are hearinging a different republican party not going to cede an inch. >> they have had literally from day one, and it was written about from a very good can journalist includingken mccarthy who met on day two on the night of the president's first inaugural that they met to oppose everything they did. so when they proposed mitt romney's bill they opposed it and george bush's bill they
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opposed it anyway and the cap and trade bill they opposed it anyway. >> and so in 2014, the president first did was to describe the veto strategy was, and it goes both ways. >> and the first thing that the republicans did was to start with the social agenda. >> i named you three. >> and so -- >> one at a time. >> there is a huge element there where they are having a hard time and talking past each other, and much more rhetoric and not enough emphasis put on the trying to make progress. >> paul, you are saying it is not fair to say both sides. >> of coursers it is both sides. the president has bad relations on the hill with both. he is not good at it. it is true. >> he is no bill clinton. >> well, if he were here he would say if i were lbj, it would not work because i don't have anyone with whom to engage. my point is this there are three central proposals of the obama presidency all came from
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republicans, and he has the midas touch in reverse. he has the marxist touch, anything h touches goes in reverse. >> and mitch mcconnell has bragged about the fact ha the whole agenda is to make him a one-term president, and block everything and that is the way to start. >> you don't believe it is true? >> no, there are elements of this gridlock on capitol hill that both sides contribute to. michael makes a good point that the republicans that are going out there with this muscle memory out there right now the define the agenda by opposing obama, we have to move past that and have someone to build a vision if they take the office on january 2017 and reverse engineer from that moment back. >> and does it help the
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presidential candidate in 2016 help if they accomplish it through the next year. >> if there is a negotiation that helps or hurts the branding? >> some of of the gop candidates in the last elections, the branding of the parties can overcome that in their own message. i want to go back to something a that paul touched on. this idea that ana touched on too too, and the idea that the talking points that mitt romney discovered the 47% and the poor and he said that i don't have to worry about the poor and just because we are hearing republicans talk about these things, what is more important is whether or not paul is exactly right if they were willing to compromise on some of the thing ss and make it seem as though they were going to move on these things it would be more powerful. there is a mistrust of the american people. >> and now, here is the thing of the proposal of paul ryan --
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>> and you talk about the programs -- >> you criticize about the republicans when they don't talk about the poor and when they do start to talk about the poor, you criticize them, too. >> well, i criticize them when they talk about the poor because when they talk about the poor they talk about them as grubby hands and freeload er sers and free stuff. >> and that everybody needs some class warfare to pit one class against another. >> and shouldn't any candidate be tauklking about the poor with grubby hands? >> well, he said that he can't make them take responsibility for their own lives. that is what he said in that 47% -- >> oh no. >> gloria? >> well can we just talk about this self-interest that is involved here. these people don't work together just because they like each
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other or like the president or don't like the president. they do what is in their own self-interest. when you have a public that is growing less pessimistic, it helps every politician because they all hate washington. if they have reason for optimism they may look better at you, and that is why they may find some areas to agree on. >> john? >> self-interest, and going into 2017, john p mcconnell loves his job and he wants to keep it. and kelly ayotte, and so the senate seats that are mup the blue -- are up in the next election. >> and so in the telephone poll we will find out how the president's speech may influence the next race for the white house. we will talk to two potential presidential candidates and what got them riled up ahead.
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>> my only agenda for the hex int two years is the same one that i had when i swore an oath on the steps of this capitol, to do what i believe is best for america. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today.
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we have the first results of the cnn polls. 61% said ha they had a positive view of the speech and 18% said that they had a negative take on the president's remarks and the president got a more positive reception than last year and more on par of the speeches of 2013 and 2011 and far more favorable than george w. bush got in his state of the union address in 2007, six years into his presidency but remember
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this, this poll does not reflect the views of all americans, only those who watched the speech hachlt is a group that is more likely to include a lot more democrat han thethan the population as a whole. more democrats tend to watch a democratic president just as republicans would watch a republican president. what do you think about it? >> yes, it is the same as why he was so appealing, and not to mention that he he had proposals that were so appealing to the left, such as free community college, and tax cuts to the people that would appeal to the people on the left. >> and now, there were people who were saying they were ready to work with him regardless of the moments he outlined in the
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speech. >> tonight, i want to focus less on a checklist of the propostals and focus more on the values at stake in the issues before us. new sanctions passed by this congress at this moment in time will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails. alienating america prfrom the a allies, and making it harder to maintain sanction, and ensuring that iran start ss up its nuclear program again. it doesn't make sense. a that is why i will veto any new sanctions aimed at this. and i believe with we should have a bipartisan effort aimed at combatting cyber attacks. and i believe that we will not let congress endanger the
children by taking away their health insurance or unraveling the new laws against wall street. and if they come to my desk i will veto arned my veto. if you fully believe you can support a family on $15,000 a a year. try it. so the question for those of us tonight is how we, all of us can bet better reflect america's hopes. imagine if if we did something different. i ask you to join me in the work at hand. if you disagree with parts of it, i hope that you will at least work with me where you do agree. >> we are joined by two possible presidential contenders the retired johns hopkins
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neurosurgeon and best selling author ben carson who is considering a run for the presidential nomination and senator bernie sanders who is an independent, but he might run as a democratic presidential nominee. thank you both for joining me. is there anything that you heard from president that you loved? >> well shgs, many things that i and many people on the conservative side would agree with. >> like what? >> for instance, some of the trade promotions. i think that education. we are all in favor of good education. the concept of the equal wages for men and women. i am glad to hear him say all of these things because the women in the white house should be delighted, because they know that they are getting a a raise tomorrow. the return on investment by investing in people are thing
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thass that the conservatives love, but the real question is how do we get there. i love it when he talks about the fair taxes. i have been talking about that for a long, long time and the question is what do you consider fair taxes? these bad people over there, and we take their money and give it to the good people over here or is fair taxation proportional ti.ti proportionality? >> well no because i would make it proportional and eliminate all of the loophole ss. right now, the people who can afford the fancy lawyers and accountants do not pay their fair share. >> senator sanders, what do you think? >> of the speech in general? >> no, the new class warfare debate that clear ti president is putting forward in a progressive or liberal -- >> well we have had class warfare in the country for many, many years. the wealthier people, and the
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large corporations have been at war with the middle-class families and they have been shutting down and shipping out the jobs to chai in and-- china and resisting the efforts to form union, and they have worked with the lobbyists here in washington and wall street and corporate america to make sure that the wealthiest people and the largest corporations enjoy obscene loopholes and tax break, and we have a situation now, wolf where since the wall street crash 95% of all new inkom income in the country goes to the top 1%. we have a situation are where the top 1/10 of 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 90%, and more americans see this country evolving into the oligarchy where the billionaires have unbelievable power while the middle-class disappears. >> and part of that is because of some of the policies that we have a had in place for a while. and i'm you know blaming this
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on one party or another. i'm talking about policy issue ss here. with we have artificially suppressed the interest rates. and the implications is that people who used to work mr. joe at the corner store or the factory put 5% of the money in the bank for 10% or 30 years to have the money accumulate so they could retire, and now what incentive do they have? >> and now, i want to talk more of that, because there seems to be a stride when unemployment was under 6%, and at 10% at one point, and the dow jones at 17,000 and the goddp has increased significantly. >> and let me talk about that. >> and you give president obama credit for the economy
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improving. >> and you say, what employment is down to. but i am sure that you can recognize that you can make that number anything that you want, but the number that is d difficult to manipulate is the other one that is looking at the proportion of people who can actual actually work and the ones who are working, called the labor force participation rate. >> what do you think of that senator sanders? >> well shgs, number one, in no doubt that the e e n many zi much,conomy is much, much better than when president p bush left office. but here is the point, official unemployment which is what the president talked about is different number than real unemployment. if you include the people who gave up looking for work and part-time, and real unemployment is 11%, and youth is 18%, and the african-american youth unemployment is over 25%.
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so yes, we are bert than where we were six years ago, no question, but anybody who thinks that the economy today is where it should be for working people is terribly mistaken. >> sounds like agreement here at this table. >> yes, and this is what we need truthful and not throwing out the numbers that make our side look good. that is what will solve problems. >> and let me throw in and i trust that you will not deny, but it is far better than when bush left office. >> yes, it has improved. it was pretty awful there? and remember that there was a great recession. >> and so are you running for the democratic presidential nomination? >> i am giving thought to running, but i have not made that final decision. >> are you running for the republican presidential nomination? nomination? >> just ditto what he said. >> a lot of agreement here. >> ben carson, thank you for joining us, and senator sanders, you as well. anderson, back to you. >> and back to the panel.
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in terms of the race for 2016 does anything tonight change anything one way or another or set up anything differently? >> well, certainly from hillary clinton's perspective, and she is 75% among the democrats in the polls this week, and clearly if she should run the front-runnerr, but it is easier for her, because to the extent that there sis a lot of challenge coming from the the populist left the president embraces the populist left in that agenda, and so does hillary she tweeted out in praise of the speech the president has tweeted out in support of the praise for all, and fair shot and fair share and allows her to embrace that in support of the president, and nice agenda for her to run on if the republicans will help her to kill the whole thing, this is an agenda that she can run on. please block everything. >> ana. >> well, it does not change anything. no republican going to be stopping of running or start
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thinking of running because of the speech today. as far as hill clinton embracing the left i don't know what to say about that because she is so busy embracing wall street i am not sure how much time she has to embrace anything else but i think that if president obama's numbers improve, and keep improving he may just get invited to the democratic convention. >> and from the the white house perspective, karen, what did you feel about? >> well the part of pit was the message and setting the table and contrast and here is what we are for, building from the middle-class out, and we are for the white house for a long time, and agree with paul as a former hillary clinton staffer, a message that works for her and any democrat in 2016, and any white house issue for legacy if that is what we are talking about at the end of the legacy if this is a guy that is going for middle-class --
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>> you are overdosing on the hill ri cool aide if-- hillary cool aidekool-aid if you think that barack obama wrote this speech thinking about her. >> well it has more to do with the leveraging for the next two years. >> well they alter the atmospherics, but where they will be re-shaping the debate six months from now, we don't know. >> and do they alter the atmospherics for long? is the clock clicking on the debate for long? >> well you can give a speech for 45 minutes tonight, but if the president and the team are going to to be going to capitol hill and sit with orrin hatch and paul ryan and sit with wideman and others who are going to be crafting the big pieces of legislation to the where there is a potential or the compromise, that is the big test. the 45 minutes tonight will change the atmospherics.
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>> and how much of this is the president trying to set the legacy? >> well shgs, part of it, he e got the butt kicked in an election and he can sit in the korncorner and sulk, and he can sit in the corner, but no he comes out, and he is a competitor. and that is why mitt romney is back on the scene. he is a a proud guy who wants to try again. and paul remembers the bill clinton i am relevant press conference. he was sulking then, and then he came out of it and went back to being bill clinton. this president wants to be be relevant and fight. be but the question is where is the climate in a few months? there is a post world war ii high and the president did not change any of the math tonight. he can't pass a bill, but they can't either, because they don't have 60 in the senate. so the question is if you want
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to get it done, they have to do it together. one last point about 2016 his standing does matter. the last time in history a two-term party kept the white house was george bush because ronald reagan was in good standing and it helped george h.w. bush. >> and he carried every state where bush was below. >> and he had a good campaign but he handed it to every other campaign. >> and if barack obama is popular, hillary clinton could win, but the if he is unpopular, then she may not win. >> and if the speech was 51% favorably disposed and 40% undisposed then it is not because it did not offer the detail but then it does offer
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detail the kun tricountry is left with the oxfam data suggests that 1% of the control more wealth than the remaining 99%, and the president has put forward a proposal to alter the tax strategy in the country, it is not all about taxes, because around the globe, 200 different tax systems and income ine equality is a worldwide phenomenon and what is the solution to technological advances and globalizations and tom friedman, the world is flat and i don't know, and i don't know if any of the kandcandidates have put forward that kind of an idea. >> and we want to take a break and look at the poll from the the americans that watched the speech. he seemed emboldened for certain, and we are crunching the the numbers. those are straight ahead. plus get the brand-new samsung galaxy note 4 for $0 down.
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we have more results of the instant poll of the americans who akctually watched the president's speech, and did he sell the policies, and the answer appears to be yes. heading into the night 37% of the people said that the policies are moving the country this the right direction. but after the speech 72% of the people who watched the president's e remarks said that he is putting the country on the right track and he seemed to win over some of the opponent ss. right now, fewer speech watchers are saying that his policies are moving the country in the wrong drek can shun than before he spoke today. this poll is only the people who watched the speech and remember that mostly democratic viewers will tune in to watch a
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democratic president just as more republicans will tune in when there is a republican president. >> and, it was a optimistic speech and reminded people of why they elected him twice, and invoking the 2004 speech of no red states or blue state, but just the united states. and as they say here in the town i is the devil in the details. fine to say two years of community college should be free, but it is another thing to say that community college is free, and nothing in the life is free but none of it is in the speech, so we don't know how he intends to pay for it and maybe when we do those numbers may go down a little bit the people are affected adversely,r and some people are talking about how the president wants to remove the tax credit or elimination of the taxes for savings account for education, and some middle-class
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vote voters may be affected by that. >> a lot that is going to be the devil this the details. i should say that. anderson, back to you. >> thank you, wolf. one of the most interesting moments happened behind the president while he was speaking. look at house speaker boehner and vice president biden. >> that is why this congress needs to pass a law to make sure that the woman is paid the same for a man for doing the same work. >> john king, it is always fascinating to watch the theater of who is standing and who is not standing and do they feel awkward. >> and you have a divided government and boehner always have a grumpy face on at these thing, and looking out, and sometimes he is looking at the the members on the floor, and are we going to get up, and nah, we will stay and then delayed, and hey, it is hard. we talked about how hard it is to be the person who responds to
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any president. the if you are the responder to the president, tough. and if you the vice president, your job is to jump up a lot, and if you are the speaker of another party no. >> and what is amazing is that he went a whole hour without crying. >> and is it hard for him to reach out the women and not stand. and i mean policy differences on this issue, and so -- >> i have to tell you they didn't like that moment because the optics were not good and when you saw the optics coming out of president obama's face, it did not work. >> and no look look these are pageantry, and the optics of the pageantry did not work in peek speaker bayoehnerboehner's favor and that is the presidency and you say it, and everybody else has to react, and that is the bully pulpit. >> and biden and boehner are friend and old friend and you
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saw biden pop up every minute he could, and boehner just kind of stare out there trying not the look at biden, and you know. >> biden was on good behavior tonight, because he goes a little weird with the facial stuff, but he was disciplined tonight. >> and let's speak to the substance of what was happening there, because part of what we saw in the 2014 even and seeing it inkrees gcreasingly this idea that these so-called soft issues the women's issues like child care and like equal pay are actually becoming mainstream economic issues and that is how the president was trying the reframe them and the families who have held on in the middle-class did so because of a second paycheck and the wife's paycheck and so for a lot of families, this is a mainstream economic issue, and that is what the president was speaking to and the republicans don't support it and yes, the pageantry, and yes, the biden is going to stand up at this point, and speaker bay foris not at this point, but there is also
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something to the message and the policy that they were speaking to, that does matter. >> and the difference going forward and the issues that you went through did not work as well for the democrats as they thought so for 2014 and the next midterm is 2016, and it is a presidential year so you have more of a democratic coalition by history and we will see if it works out. >> the democrats have a demographic with doing poorly with the white folks, and the white folks that they tend to get are working women, and especially unmarried moms. and everybody believes in the policy because it is good but this is maternity leave, and equal pay, and minimum wage pay, and those are the people that my party is targeting now. >> and the icy stares and they spoke volumes about the reactions in the room. we will talk about that when we
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finally tonight, some moments in the president's speech that goes beyond the boilerplate and policy to show the mood in the room. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states! [ applause ] strong. >> that is good news, people. >> we need to set our sights higher than just making sure that government does not screw things up. this congress needs to pass a law to make sure that a woman is
paid the same as a man for doing the same work. it is 2015. it is time. if you truly believe that you can work full time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year try it. >> we need affordable high quality child care. it is not a nice to have, it is a must have. >> i have no more campaigns to run. i know because i won both of them. >> and if a bill comes to my desk that tries to do these things, i will veto it. it will have earned my vieeto. >> i know that there is bi- bipartisan support in this chamber, and we restill more than a collection of red states and blue states. and we are the united states of america.
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>> a lot of people have waited a long time to get those hugs and kisses. what does the president do p in terms of going on the road? >> le with, a quick domestic trip and then overseas, but broadly, he was the big issue in the campaign and his party lost badly and now hovering 50% of approval and he was upbeat and so will the town change? and they thought it was lame duck and forget can about him, but we should keep our eye on him. >> i think that he is energized and he has a small window and maybe a year, but before the state of the union he took it on the road and he is going to take it on the road after the state of the union, and he has the public with him and he is 50% and that is high for him. >> and the president declares funk over and it remains to be seen. >> and we are about to replay
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the president obama's state of the union in wu he dehich he declares the funk over. stick around. we will be right back. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer here in washington. we're standing by to hear the president of the united states. he's up on capitol hill getting ready to address the nation. indeed the world. the state of the union address, the president will say the state of the union right now is strong. jake tapper, we're watching members of congress and the senate they're getting ready to hear the president of the united states. this is the first time the president will be introducing the house and the senate with the republicans in majorities in both
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