tv Smerconish CNN May 21, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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strike and the investigation into egyptair strike 60s 4. we'll bring you that at 7:00 eastern time. eastern time. "sherconish" starts right now. -- caions by vitac -- i'm michael ssmerconish. on board, 56 passengers, 10 crew and security offices around the world shudders again. just before it happened american travelers had been complaining about long security lines at airports. is this just a necessary reality to keep us safe or is private security toance. donald trump tweeted about the
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crash almost instantly. when will we get tough, smart and vigilant. >> and bernie sanders resolve to stay in the race fighting both hillary clinton and the democratic establishment. is he hurting the party or doing the right thing? first back to reality. the crash of egyptair flight 60s 4 injected a sense of purpose into the presidential campaign, one that is offer named the s l silly season. news regarding the fate of the 66 on board interrupted a rhis where the low lights have included debates over hand size and voice analysis of 25--year-old recordings. suddenly our focus shifted to how best to react to world crisis. the responses of the leading candidates provided us a microsome of what separates them. donald trump shot from the hip or as he might say, he told it like it is. thursday morning he didn't wait for any word from authorities. he said it looked like terror and he renewed his call for strength. hillary clinton was much more cautious. she waited until afternoon.
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her words to chris cuomo were more marshed, but being deliberative is not necessarily a virtue in a climate where so many voters are eager to eject the status quo. let's hope that egyptair is a wakeup call for seriousness as we enter the second half of our presidential selection process. joining me now is the nation's first secretary of homeland security, the governor of the great state of pennsylvania, tom ridge. you know, governor, that the reaction to circumstances like this have great political consequences. i can remember yourself embroiled in some controversy over threat security levels. what's the appropriate response from someone who seeks to be the president when not all the facts are in? >> well, first of all, i appreciate the opportunity to respond to what i think is a very seminal question. i think we have seen and will see in the future similar situations, and i think above all the president of the united states has to be -- he or she
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has to be very tempered in their remarks, get all the facts before them before they draw any conclusions. i think the the appropriate response at the outset is an expression of concern and sorrow over this unspeakable tragedy, a commitment to work with the officials in egypt and greece to determine a causation. i think we can all jump to conclusions, but i think those that would lead this country or other countries -- i think you would expect a little more. >> we both know who you're talking about. let me put few tweet back up on the screen. here's what trump said soon after the news brook. quote, it looks like yet another terrorist attack. airplane departed from paris. when will we get tough, smart, and vigilant? you'll not be surprised i heard some say it appears he was right. doesn't he get some credit for instinct? >> well, i think his instinct is no different than several people
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on the planet, but they're not running for president of the united states. look. we know there were two terrorist incidents in france, we know there was an airliner, egyptair taken out over sinai some time ago, and so you can take those aunld put them together and talk about probability and learn a little along the way and reach some kind of intuitive conclusion, but that's not based on the facts, and i think before leaders speak out, they should have all the factsed a hand. there's no time for leaders to be speculating as a cause skaggs. express remorse, sore row for the victims, pledge your assistance if called upon to do so, pray for families that have lost loved ones, and commit our resources do whatever we can. i happen to have the same conclusion in my own mind but i'm not running for president of the united states. >> a few hours after the trump tweet, secretary clinton appeared on cnn with chris
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cuomo. here's what she had to say. >> it does appear that it was an act of terrorism. exactly how, of course, the investigation will have to determine, but it -- once again, shine as very bright light on the threats that we face from organized terror groups. isis, of course, but then there are other networks of terrorists that have to be hunted down and defeated. >> critique what you heard from secretary clinton. lin. donald trump was right. we have to be smart, we have to be correct. we have to be smart, we have to be tough. that's true. we haven't been smart dealing with isis. we have with drawn basically from that part of the world and our withdrawal from that region that's created the vacuum in isis and these other terrorist organizations are thriving in it as you look to lead the free world and that's what we do, the president of the united states leads the free world. people are interested in what he
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knows, not what he speculates about, so i understand he wants to be tough and smart, but i think he needs to moderate his language if he wants to be president. >> speaking of moderating language, he then responded to secretary clinton and focused on semantics. here's donald trump again. >> we had a terrible tragedy and she said that donald trump talked about radical islamic terrorism, she used a different term because she doesn't want to use that term. she refuses to use that term. a plane got blown out of the sky, and if anybody thinks it wasn't blown out of the sky, you're 100% wrong, folks. >> is he right relative to the word choice? >> he's absolutely right. you and i have had this conversation for several years. this administration, if in fact you believe it was a terrorist event -- and obviously mr. trump does -- if you believe that,
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then we know the ideologies based on the radical interpretation. it's radical islam, wapure and simple. >> it sounds to me like you're warming to donald trump. >> not a chance. >> you asked me some straightforward questions. i'm giving you the answers. >> you've been highly critical of him in the past. let me ask you an additional question if i might. >> wait a minute, michael. his real use of the term "radical islam, if that was the cause of this, and his criticism of hillary clinton's failure and possible's failure to side few all the global scourges, that's accurate and a lot of republicans and democrats agree. >> that's why i like having you here because you don't at the timer to any particular talking points. one final question. i know you're no longer getting the daily briefings, but how worried are you about americans traveling this summer season?
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>> well, i think the waiting in line won't be seen as much of an inconvenience as it has been. i think you can anticipate tsa upgrading not only the public measures that they take but also measures with other people getting access to the plane. i think you have to be aware of state department warnings and the like. but once you start compromising what you do and fear over where you're going, then they win. i think you ought to heed those warnings. >> governor tom ridge, the nation's first secretary of homeland security. thank you as always. >> michael, nice talking with you. thank you. when an event like this occurs in the heat of a political campaign, how a candidate responds can impact their voters. donald trump acting like he could fix it. hillary clinton waited until she was briefed and then went on cnn
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and was hedged. it seems like it was terrorism. that's the likely cause. what does this mean for election day? david axelrod and john king. you know, david, donald trump's tweet about the presumed terror is what both people like and fear about him. they like the fact that he's bold. he said, of course, it is. to others it was intemperate. >> i think it may give people pause when thinking about him as president. what you don't want to do when you're president is jump to conclusions, point fingers, create panic, perhaps stir reaction. presidents have enormous power with their words. the first thing i think that probably would have to be done if donald trump became president is someone would have to take his twitter account away because
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you just can't operate that way as president of the united states. >> you can't have him in with codes in one hand and an iphone in the other, right? >> yeah, i've said repeatedly, you know, having spent a couple years sitting next to a president what you learn quickly is what presidents say and do can send armies marching and discretion is really an important part of the job and it's a quality that mr. trump has yet to display. >> john, on the other hand, does she appear too cautious, too out of touch with that visceral reaction from americans in the aftermath of an event like this? >> it's an interesting kwaus because there is no doubt, zero doubt, that mr. trump's following his gut. mr. trump always tries to project strength right away after events like this. it helped him in the republican primaries. trump needs more than republican votes as we get closer to november you're pick ago president. will it be a different scenario? i thought what was interesting, though, about the initial
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reaction, secretary clinton did say in that interview that donald trump said a whole lot of reckless things, but she says the likely conclusion is that it was terrorism. they say, there goes trump again, shooting from the hip or tweeting. she did lean forward and say it likely was terrorism too. so in some ways his toughness may be influencing other politicians as well. >> well, does he get cover, david, because presumably he was right and his instinct was correct? >> well, he gets covered because he is entertaining. he gets covered because that blunt talk is good tv and makes news, but that doesn't necessarily make it wise in terms of a potential president, and i think that's the issue -- the issue for trump is sort of preparedness and temperament. his ability to generate attention is beyond question. he's got -- he's a past master
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at it, maybe the best we've seen in many a moon in american politics, but i think what's going to happen in this campaign, and he may pass the test at the end. he may develop qualities or show qualities that haven't been shown to date, but what people are going to take a good hard look at is at the end of the day, does he have the temperament to be in a job that has such enormous power and hair trigger potential. >> john king, in 2016 when there are measures, does the republican party necessarily benefit or is that folklore and a thing of the past? >> it's a fascinating question. you have a two-term president. the question is does the rest of the country want change or some continuity. you have an incredibly clear contrast here. now, ronald reagan had no foreign policy experience. bill clinton had no foreign policy experience.
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possible had little or no foreign policy experience. it's not unusual for americans who elect a president who doesn't have a deep portfolio in foreign affairs. hillary clinton says my record as first lady, in the united states senate, being around a president as david jufd said. dlt says and bernie sanders said of this in the primaries you don't have to judge. what about benghazi? we don't think that the world is in a better place than when president obama inherited it. can he sell it now to some independents but the contrast between the experienced level and the tone and the temperment with which they discussed these issues is striking. the american people have a very clear choice. >> david, react to that same issue. does it necessarily benefit the gop because they talk tougher in circumstances like this? >> well, i do think that, you know, that that is -- that has been the operative theory. i think that this temperament question is very, very important
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though. you know, the interesting thing about donald trump is that he -- he preaches this notion of nonintervention. he thinks we've gotten involved in too many bad situations and yet he's completely intemperate in his approach to issues in a way that could portend conflict, and he does have this sort of muscular image like i'm going to take care of this. well, how are you going to take care of it if not through intervention? so, you know, it's -- he isn't -- he doesn't seem like the world's greatest exopponent of diplomacy. so it creates a lot of questions that he's going to have to answer between now and november. one thing i would caution, though, michael, ily are going to be many, many stories between now and november that are going to test the candidates in different ways. for barack obama, it was the collapse of lehman brothers on september 15th, 2008. it was kind of a defining event
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in that campaign. there will be other kinds of situations that will arise between now and november that will test different aspects of their experience, their profile, their temperament. and this one may be in the rear view mirror by then. >> you know, john, it's funny that david should say that because i often make these observations. who could have forecast that reverend wright or in 2012 there would be a comment about mitt romney talking about the 47% or that in this cycle there'd be a debate about the size of a candidate's hands or a week ago we would be talking about whether we could authenticate a tape of donald trump from perhaps 25 years ago. to david's point, in the next several months, we have no idea what what hay'll bring. >> no, we have no idea. this is my eighth presidential election. david's been through quite a few. michael, you as well. when yo view established
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politicians, in this case, he's an established politician. they always think, well, i've been a governor for two terms or i was in the united states senate or i've been around for 25 year, there's nothing new about me. every cycle there's something new and we learn it late. the scrubbing continues, the vetting continues, the looking continues, the technology makes this somewhat easier that we now find things that were missing before. trust me, we'll learn new things about hillary clinton and donald trump and the environmental in this country between now and november without a doubt. >> john king, david axelrod, thank you so much. but don't leave because i want to talk to each of you about commencement season later in the program. coming up, bernie sanders, staying in the race. is he advancing his issues or damaging his party? which means you need to know your heart rate. when you're going up that hill. or holding up that post. or hiking on that trail. baaaaah!
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by staying in the race is bernie sanders hurting the democrats or is he just seeing the democratic process to its conclusion? joining me now, sanders supporter and degree gat angie morelli from nevada where things got a little heated last week. and thomas frank. you'll remember he wrote "what's the matter with kansas." his latest book," listen, liberal. whatever happened to the party." i know you saw the editorial at the end of the week. i'm going to put it up on the screen. mr. sanders denies reality when he tells supporters he still has a plausible pathway to the democratic nomination, but passion cannot trump reality. it also cannot excuse violence, and threats, it is past time for sanders to be honest with his supporters before he takes the responsible ethos to greater
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extremes and thereby help ensure the election of donald trump. your response, thomas, is what? >> that's an editorial, right, or is that one of their news stories? >> no. it's the lead editorial. i think it was thursday. >> well, look. they're trying to get him to drop out of the race by some other means, you know. but look. the rules of the game are until somebody wins, you know, it's still going on. we're still having a robust competition of ideas, and there's all of -- you know, people are forever coming up with these ways of saying, i don't -- you know, trying to win the debate by some other means by making -- by disqualifying one of the two candidates. look. it's a good -- it's a robust debate. let's have the debate. let's let the elections happen. >> but hillary clinton said to our chris cuomo this week, look, i have 3 million more votes than him. i'm going to secure based on pledged delegates alone the nomination. isn't there a point to what she said and the "post" said that he
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doesn't have a plausible path? >> but she hasn't done that yet. lets's have the debate and let the elections happen. >> but hillary clinton said to chris this week, i have 3 million more votes than him. i i'm going to secure the nomination. isn't there a point to what she said and what the post said that he doesn't have a plausible path? >> but she hasn't done that yet. the game goes on until one side or the other wins. >> what do you think is going to happen between now and the district of columbia on june 14th? >> my own feeling is of course she's going to win. there's no doubt in my mind that she's going to win, but it's -- like i said, there's this robust debate going on, you know, and why interrupt it? it's good for democracy. this is how the game is supposed to be played. >> you know, i read and enjoyed your most recent book, "listen, liberal." i'll give it another plug. in your book you argue the democratic leadership hasn't been liberal enough. in fact, you go after bill clinton in a big way. aren't you concerned that by bernie sanders staying in you're helping elect donald trump and i know you're not comfortable with that. >> i'm helping elect donald trump? look, i'm not going to vote for donald trump. you know, no, i'm actually not
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concerned about that. i think that bernie -- what he's doing so far is hello althy for process. he's bringing in all sorts of new ideas. look, the main stream of the democratic party needs a challenge. this is how democracy works. this is what makes it healthy. having this robust conversation of ideas and just trying to, you know, constantly shut one side or the other down, that's not healthy. that's not good for the system. >> i'm playing devil's advocate with you. who would have thought that we'd be in a situation on the democratic side of the aisle and that the rs would be coalescing around donald trump and heading toward a seemingly smoother convention? >> i know. ultimately it's up to hillary to win this election. she needs to win. in that competition of ideas, she needs to win. that's the only answer. >> but isn't it also incumbent
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on bernie at some point to see the handwriting on the wall and try and marshal the troops on his side of the aisle? >> he should do that once she has clenched the nomination and i fully expect that h will. >> thank you as always. now to a sanders' supporter. angie, we've all seen the film footage. is what happened in nevada a sign of what's to come in my hometown when philadelphia hosts the dnc? >> well, i think that we eenk all seen some film footage. i don't think that some of the things that created the chaos on saturday have all been shown, but i think that we are prepared to see this through in the democratic way such as tom was just suggesting. we need to make sure that we're having this conversation all the kwa throughout because i think that the media and everyone has been saying that this has been in the bag for hillary clinton since super tuesday when the contest was first starting off, and we have this process for a
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reason. we need to see it all the way through. >> if bernie sanders were tomorrow to stand up and say, you know, that washington post editorial is right, i don't have a plausible path, i guess we've reached the moment when we all need to embrace hillary clinton, are, you angie morelli, ready do so? >> well, i don't think that for a second he dwould that, first of all. >> well, what if he was. >> i don't think that he would do that. that's not something that he's been campaigning on. he's been campaigning on that we have a rigged political system at this point and this there's a lot of smart people that could be standing up and making the decision to make this a more transparent conclusion. >> i guess what i'm trying to get at because i have this genuine doubt whether you're ready to follow his lead. i don't know that you're going to take direction from him if and when that time comes. >> i think that we will see what bernie sanders has to say, but i think that -- us sitting here
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having conversations about what could possibly happen in the future especially when those are very unlikely is ignoring the fact that we had a very contentious situation on saturday. and there's some real problems that came out of that that we need to be addressing on a national level. we have a very divided party, and i think that that's not going get solved until we start actually looking at the reasons why it's divided. >> would elizabeth warn on a ticken with hillary clinton appease your concerns? >> i think again -- let's talk about what actually happened. i think if elizabeth warren came out and made some comments, they would be a lot less insendaire than comments made by other people involved in this political process, but i think elizabeth warren coming on a ticket is ignoring exactly what the problem is. that's a flashy way of saying here aes a carrot to make everybody happy.
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instead the real concerns are that we're not having our voices heard, that we've got draconian rules governing our local elections and national elections, and i think those are the things that we need to be addressing instead of here's a quick fix for the reason why everybody is so upset right now. >> there was a statement put out by the sanders campaign that you're reminding me of. we expect voters in the remaining nine contests will also disagree and senator sanders doing much better than clinton against donald trump. here's the key part. it is clear that millions of americans have growing doubts about the clinton campaign. when i read it, i said that doesn't sound like a campaign that is ready to go into that and it doesn't seem like you're ready to fold the tent yet either.
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you get the final word. >> absolutely not. this is about a political revolution. this is about getting people involved and allowing them to say exactly what they feel, and i think that anybody who thinks this is going to be over after the national election -- or after the national thing in philadelphia, they're wrong. >> convention, okay. >> yeah, the convention. this is not something that's going to go away. people are upset and people want to get involved and bernie sanders has inspired us all to get involved and make sure that our voices are going to be heard and that we stop being given the choice between these two wholly unpopular candidates. we need to move on from this. >> angie morelli, thank you so much. >> yeah, of course. thank you. heading to the conventions, who would have thought that it would be the democrats who are splintered and angry while the republicans are holding hands to support donald trump? i will talk to the rnc's sean spicer next. it's true what they say. technology moves faster than ever. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration.
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for months the gop seemed hell bent on tearing itself apart. leaders refused to condone the candidacy of donald trump. meanwhile everybody expected hillary clinton to have her nomination wrapped up by now but now there's been a huge reversal of fortune. clinton still out there fighting with bernie sanders. trump cruising into the convention with the backing of most of the gop establishment. usually i have to pester the rnc chief strategist to come on the program. this week he reached out for me. i think he's here to do a victory dance. hello, sean. >> hey, michael. i've never pestered you. >> a little premature to be doing a victory dance, isn't it? i know you're feeling good. >> look, i'm not doing any victory dance by any means. i think we've had a good week. we went through a rather contentious primary. i think we've unified and we've done that quicker than anybody
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anticipated, but you're right in your intro, that it's the democratic party that frankly is looking highly undemocratic. you're seeing chairs being thrown in the nevada caucuses, you're seeing the two sides talking about the concessions they might have to offer to get bernie sanders to at least even talk about being on the team again. you're seeing someone like governor ed rendell talk about the fact that the majority of women in america are ugly. i mean this is like the -- i think the democratic party has probably had one of the worst weeks it's ever had. >> wait a minute. he said something bone-headed if which he apologized, but he was explaining a comment that you can't be a ten if you're flat-chested. do you want to hang your hat on that? >> i think the funny thing is whatever anyone and i mean anyone who has an "r" next to
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their name, we get a phone call to repudiation little johnny because he said something, but when the chairman of the democratic convention says the majority of women in america are ugly and hillary clinton refuses to comment on it, and yet time and time again, donald trump says, you know, every tweet that he sends out, every republican is asked to comment on, i think there e there's clear will a double standard. so i do think it's unbelievable that he turns around add and says yeah it's a bone headed thing and the rest of the media says let's move on -- >> i stalked about it extensively, and the reason it stands out is that was a piece in the "washington post" with a dateline of pennsylvania in a town in which i was born and raised, but you have to acknowledge that was what began that conversation is that donald
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trump said no woman who's flat-chested can be a ten. you're celebrating this week. >> but here's the point is that you will talk -- and i don't mean to pick because you have been very balanced and fair, but i'm saying the rest of the media, every comment that donald trump or any republican makes that's outside the bounds of main stream discussion, we get a phone call asking us to denounce and explain. ed rendell made a bone-headed statement and no one called him to pick up the phone and repudiation. there is an amazing double standard that comes to when cements are made on the left. they don't call the dnc and ask for comment because they excuse it and say, oh, well, he didn't mean it, but when republicans do it, it's quite a different story. you're seeing a week of the dnc getting trash. you're seeing van jones on cnn talking about he'd rather have reince priebus as miss chairman. this has been a very, very bad week for the dnc, for the democratic process, for the entire candidate battle. they've had a very, very bad
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week. >> i've had my eye on something i want to point out to sean spicer. that is the emergence of this libertarian ticket which will consist of two republicans, governor of new mexico and bill weld from massachusetts. are you concerned? there's a fox poll that shows that johnson, there he is, in double digits at 10%. are you worried that two republicans banding together now as libertarians could eat into donald trump's vote? >> no. and i'll tell you why because story has popped up over and over again, and if you look back lieu the course of history, it's never panned out. i think i am much more concerned right now when you look at the poll numbers at the number of people who will bernie supporters, but one in ten is assaying they're going to vet for trump. i think the democrats have a bigger issue than we are, and i
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appreciate the media's incessant concern about the state of the republican party, but the fact of the matter was the foretelling of what's going on in philadelphia. the democratic party is fractured, very fractured when it comes to where hillary clinton is and the far learn extreme that bernie sanders represents. it is going to be very hard for them to get back together. >> i will give you this. i will give you this. if you said to me at the end of may, going into memorial day weekend one of the parties is going to have a contest and the other looks relatively smooth going into the convention, i'd reverse the two, no doubt about it. sean, thank you very much. call me any time. >> thank you, michael. it's graduation season. i've got something in common with two of my favorite cohorts. we all are giving commencement speeches to millennials. what did we each say to them and what did the experience teach
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it's graduation season and seniors around the country are celebrating around the country. i'm delivering one of my own. a commencement speech in pennsylvania. it's a big respondent. think about it. what's the most crucial piece of advice that you can give a new grad about to tackle the world on their own? it's a challenge both of my guests have faced. cnn's john king, the host of "inside politics" gave a commencement address earlier this month. david axelrod spoke at ronald reagan's alma mater. >> i think they wanted to see what a guy of my particular political lineage looked like so they brought me in so everybody -- no, you know, they -- i think i was invited there because i run the institute of politics at the university of chicago now and i'm very committed to the goal
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of inspiring or trying to inspire young people to consider lives in the public sector and the public's sphere, and that's why i wanted to be there because this is where ronald reagan's journey began and it was a very great experience. >> i don't know about the two of you, but for me, this was an awesome responsibility. in other words, i had to spend a lot of time. you might not know it from having heard my speech, but i put, john king, a lot of time into my remarks. what was your approach? >> i spent a lot of time asking what do you want to say? what do you want to live? do you want to be an optimist or a real list, that it's tough out there, but what i get -- i get more than i give from these speeches. these kids are so full of idealism. a lot of them are idealists, but
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they're skeptical of government. new way to serve, not necessarily in public office but in nonprofits, as volunteers and you have these great optimistic talents in front of you. >> here is john king at american university. >> and i'm being brutally honest when i tell you, i don't think i have any great secrets or any unique insights. you heard mine before. don't just work hard. work harder and work smarter. respect others. get up when you fall and when you fail. and trust me, you will fall and you will fail. >> hey, john. you're looking pretty handsome in all that garb if i might say. >> they know how to do it at a.u. they give you a nice robe. i'm dr. king now, i guess. my speech was a lot more optimistic. i have a blessed life. i grew up in family of seven kids. we didn't have a lot of money growing up. i now travel in my job all
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around the world, 50 states, to more than 80 countries around the world. so it's a blessing. it's a blessing. i get paid to learn is the way i describe it to these kids, but you always tell them, guess what? you're going to psychiatry up, you're going to make a mistake and make a bad choice in life and in your career. you can learn from it or dwell and mope in it or get up and move on. the world is so complicated. it's so loud. the other piece of advice, find quiet time to think because you're always connected to devices. my main point is be an optimist. if you make a mistake, learn from it and go forward. >> i loved your speech. i also loved ax's speech.
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don't get so swept up in your tra jekry that you [ free from your anchors. don't get so focused so heavily on making a living that you forget to make a life. >> see, i love that. i couldn't come up with something that memorable. >> well, you know, i was really drawing on my own life experience because i was driven as a young man and as a young father. i was busily building my business, and looking back, i think that one of the things i would like to do better is recognize earlier what the anchors in my life -- in my life were. i think these kids feel so much pressure to excel, to achieve, and they forget or they're not told what the most important thing is. which is family, which is friends, which are those things that you can count on, whether
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as john says you succeed or you fail, and i really wanted to impart that as part of my message. >> well, guys, here's what i'm saying at wide never university this weekend. my climb has taught me that in order to succeed, you must first ask for the order. you'll need to request the meeting, be prepared to introduce yourself, write the e-mail. better yet, sign the letter. make the phone call. show up. where you're not invited, find a mentor. people like to be asked for assistance. my key line. your level of success in life will be determined by your unwillingness to accept rejection and failure. happy birthday graduation to ev. john king, david axelrod, i loved your addresses and i i really appreciate your being here. >> thank you. >> thanks, guys. coming up, a huge important story that almost everybody has forgotten about. y mark. ♪ thread every needle.
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finally, was it all about catfishing? by now, you know that "rolling stone" magazine published a huge story in 2014 under the title "a rape on campus." it told the story of a woman wh gang-raped by seven men in a fraternity. they were all dragged through the mud, but the story was bogus and later retracted. and a review by the columbia university school of journalism found that the "rolling stone" reporter never interviewed the alleged perpetrator or the friends of the alleged victim. then the media moved on before we learned the origin of falsehood. this week, t. reese shapiro explained what has come out in court documents from the pending civil suit against "rolling stone." here's the story those documents tell.
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jackie, a freshman, had a romantic interest in another student, ryan, only ryan wasn't interested. in an effort to attract ryan, she made up a name, haven monahan, made a yahoo! account in haven's name. haven told ryan that jackie had a crush on him. apparently when that didn't work, she took it up a couple of notches. jackie claimed that haven assaulted her after a dinner date and word of her account then spread. and she circulated a photograph she said was of haven, only it was someone with whom she went to high school. jackie never went to the police. so she faces no charges for her false account. a uva assistant dean is seeking $7.5 million from "rolling stone," for what her lawyers say was a false portrayal of her as indifferent to jackie's alleged assault. so what did this unrequited schoolgirl crush cause? a terrible fallout for the fraternity, the university, the
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magazine, and making life harder for real rape victims. and yet nothing happens to jackie. that's not right. i'll see you next week. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed is incredible. thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team. book your next journey at in new york state, thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team. we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at
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you are in the "cnn newsroom." i'm jim sciutto, in washington, in for poppy heaarlow this weekend. andwe we're following breaking news on three major stories this hour. first, a taliban leader and an architect of mass killings across afghanistan, including the kill of u.s. soldiers, as likely, said the pentagon, been killed in a u.s. drone strike. u.s. officials frantically trying to confirm whether unmanned drone got their target. he is mullah mansour, likely killed in an air strike in a remote area of pakistan on the afghanistan border. we're also
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