tv Inside Politics CNN July 3, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PDT
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we are so grateful. and always grateful to spend our mornings with you as well. make some great memories this weekend. "inside politics" with john king starts right now. donald trump targets the blue collar rust belt. >> this is one thing that bernie sanders and i are in complete accord with, and that's trade. he said we're being ripped off. i say we're being ripped off. hillary clinton acknowledges the economic anxiety driving voters to trump but then draw as line. >> make america great again is code for go back to the time when a lot of people were not included, including women. >> clinton's long-awaited interview with the fbi, just days after house republicans release a highly critical report on benghazi. >> i think it's pretty clear it's time to move on.
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the istanbul attack again puts terror front and center. >> we have no leadership. you know, you have to fight fire with fire. >> do voters prefer trump's tough talk or clinton's deep resume? "inside politics," the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters, now. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thanks for sharing your sunday morning on this big news fourth of july weekend. america celebrates its 240th birthday in the middle of a presidential campaign that gets more unusual by the day. three questions as we count down to the conventions. will hillary clinton's interview with the fbi swing a swift conclusion to the investigation of the private email server or at a new wild card in a campaign where questions of trust and likability are already a giant problem. >> a lot of people tell pollsters they don't trust me. now, i don't like hearing that, and i've thought a lot about
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what's behind it. and, you know, you hear 25 years' worth of wild accusations, anyone would start to wonder. and it certainly is true, i have made mistakes. >> here is question two. donald trump's promise to rip up trade deals puts him at odds with president obama and the republican business establishment but would put him in sync with battle ground blue collar workers who feel abandoned. >> hillary clinton and her campaign of fear will try to spread the lie that these actions will start a trade war. you already have a trade war. and we're losing badly, badly. she has it completely backwards. question three. how much does party unity really matter? can trump win even though more and more republicans view him as toxics as president obama and elizabeth warren help to project a big happy family. >> donald trump says he'll make
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america great again. it's stamped on the front of his goofy hat. you want to see goofy? look at him in that hat. >> the most important man in presidential politics, for the next few weeks is a man who, by law, has given a ten-year term to shield him from, you guessed it, the pressures of presidential politics. james comey, the fbi director. they asked hillary clinton about her use of the private email server as secretary of state. cnn justice correspondent evan pérez in my view, the best in the business on that beat, is told the expectation among investigators is that no charges will be sought against secretary clinton. evans' sources told him, barring some new development the investigation will conclude in the next two weeks. in an interview with msnbc
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secretary clinton said she was happy to talk but not going to comment on the process. >> i am not going to comment on the process. i have no knowledge of any time line. this is entirely up to the department. >> just think about the timing here. secretary of state clinton is three weeks away from accepting the democratic presidential nomination, and she is enjoying a boost in the polls as june turns it july. the arc of the race as pros like to say, is bending her way. but now we wait on the fbi. that sentence is just -- now we wait on the fbi, three weeks before she is to accept the nomination, days before she hits the road with the president and the vice president. wow! >> it's completely remarkable in an election that has been completely remarkable. for hillary clinton, i think it is very important that she get both the email issue and the benghazi issue out of the way before she gets to the conventions. at the same time, i really don't think you're going to see people
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changing their minds, voters changing their minds on this issue based on the outcome of the fbi investigation, short of an indictment. for people who believe she has done something illegal or this is an example of the clintons playing by their own rules, they'll continue to believe it. i think the questions have dogged her for so long it needs to be finished. >> i think this situation will get worse before it gets better. everyone will come off their fourth of july weekend where they've been barbecuing to see the statement hillary clinton enjoyed her three and a half hours that she spent with the fbi and she went voluntarily. that's not how people feel about spending almost four hours with the fbi. she'll have to keep answering questions, i agree. evan is the best in the business on this. in his sources say there are no charges coming, i think that's right. but until the official announcement she'll just be asked over and over again.
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>> the republicans keep driving that home saying, think about this. she spent three and a half hours with the fbi. this is historical. if you think about it, three and a half hours is enough time for maybe 25 questions in the scheme of things. that's not a very long interview. you would think, if investigators had the goods on somebody and were taking a deep dive, it would have lasted much longer. >> also think about the idea that, if it was someone other than donald trump running against her right now, she would probably be in a much worse situation. 37% of the country finds her trustworthy. 45% find donald trump trustworthy. if it was chris christie, if it was jeb bush, if it was marco rubio, scott walker, htheir numbers would probably be north of 50%. she is lucky to be facing such an outspoken opponent who is under water on this. this should be the worst week in her campaign and so far she is treading water.
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>> let's assume she didn't say anything in the interview to change the trajectory of the report. setting up a private email server as the secretary of state, about to handle some of the most sensitive information in government. let's see where it goes forward. that's the law of it. donald trump couldn't resist getting into the politics. the republican national committee issued a statement noting the fact that here is a major party nominee interviewed by the fbi. donald trump tweets, it's impossible for them not to recommend criminal charges. he tweets after the reporting comes out saying that they're not likely to press charges. donald trump tweets, it was just announced by sources that no charges will be brought against crooked hillary clinton. like i said, the system is totally rigged. on one hand he is her opponent and you could get that reaction. on the other hand, if he's president of the united states, the fbi director will be sitting
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at his side. is appropriate for him to trash the fbi? >> yes. when he says the last sentence "the system is rigged" that's his best message in this campaign. if he can keep making that point about the emails and the clintons and what they'd do in power, i think he could be quite successful. the problem for him is it gets lost in various other things he's saying. >> once he's president, it won't be rigged anymore. >> the first to suggest that it is. >> the outside sider message works for trump. at this moment is it best for the republicans to just step back, or does it help -- i guess if they assume that there are going to be no charges, i guess piling on jins up your base? you could make a case, when this happens the republicans should step back. if she is on fire, let her do it herself. >> i think they add fuel to it, honestly. you have seen trump. i don't think he can do anything
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except add fuel to the fire. the question is whether he tries to hammer her as crooked hillary or whether he takes the benghazi report and whips it up into a broader question. does she have the ability to be president? do you feel safer now? would she make the right decision if the country was in peril. if he uses that to frame a broader message about the judgment of the safety of the nation, i think it could work to his benefit. these are two candidates that are prone to unforced errors. >> i think you'll see some of the fire this week trained at the president and the vice president especially because both will be campaigning with her. the idea is to maybe bring them down a few pegs, discount them as surrogates for her. the president -- the majority of the country thinks he's popular right now. you don't want that as the republicans. president helping out his potential successor. this is probably their last
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chance to get him too. >> we don't know what will happen in the final days. they have interviewed so many other people. what they'll do is go back and check and make sure everything matches up. if evan's reporting is on track. they get to a final report. we know this is essentially jim comey's decision. normally an investigation so sensitive the fbi director goes to the attorney general and says here is what i think. they have a conversation. you put the best legal minds at the table and make a decision. but loretta lynch, the attorney general has to all but recuse herself. she said she's going to leave this up to the fbi. why? she is in a box of her own making. she was in phoenix and bill clinton, the husband of the candidate, excuse me, and former president of the united states, walked onto loretta lynch's plane and they say it was a conversation about golf and grandchildren, about janet reno. loretta lynch in a box. she says now, probably shouldn't have done this. >> i certainly wouldn't do it again. and, you know, because i think
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it has cast a shadow over what it should not, over what it will not touch. it's important to talk about how it will be resolved. it's important to make it clear that that meeting with president clinton does not have a bearing on how this matter is going to be reviewed, resolved. >> you could ask the question, what was he thinking? the former president. what was she thinking? the attorney general. isn't the answer i guess nobody was thinking? >> this is so stunning that this happened. bill clinton gets on a plane with the attorney general investigating his wife at a pivotal moment for her campaign. i was astounded by the fact that the meeting went forward for 30 minutes. you can believe both of them that they did not talk about the investigation. they likely did not. but the perception for people who think the clintons are trying to game the system, that it is rigged in their favor, this will be at the top of the list. >> i would like to say i was surprised but i covered bill clinton for 20 years. got most of these gray hairs.
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he like the high wire. >> it says something about her, though. even if he came on the plane and tried to make nice. a staffer of hers should have said, can i talk to you second over here? she should have said, with all due respect, get back on your plane, i'll stay on mine. we end this now. because with all due respect i am investigating your wife. it says something about her judgment, i think, that she didn't have the gumption to say that. >> the staffer should have clicked record to make sure people were in ear shot and nothing untoward was going on. you have people believing a rm toer president and the attorney general are being honest when they say it was purely social. it really was. then others think maybe he somehow influenced her to tip him off in this 20, 30-minute conversation and change the outcome of the investigation. >> if you're the republicans, do you make this about the clintons? always on the edge.
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in the gray area if not over the line. to your point about judgment. why did she set up a private email server, why did she overrule her boss. back to the benghazi report. there are a lot of conspiracy theories. if you look at the basics of it, there were warnings throughout themati the state department. is that the issue? you have warnings, you have warnings, you have warnings and everybody realizes the boss doesn't know this? what was the culture of the state department if she was the ceo that they never got to her. >> the challenge for trump is he loves conspiracy theories. this is the former birther, remember? this is one of the things that worries republicans about him is that he gets stuck in these conspiracy theories and fails to make the broader case against hillary clinton. this week i think will be sort of a challenge for him if he can do that, if he can make the bigger, broader case against her. >> she'll see. up next, trump was troubles of his own.
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the family feud with the rnc two weeks away. could a trump vice presidential pick help to bring the family together. the canadian prime minister justin trudeau talks up his more than friendship with president obama. and now, finally, this house gets to see a bromance up close. thanks for making that possible. although i still think dude-plomacy is more accurate. i'll get over it.
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the week ahead is a big one for donald trump. maybe huge, to borrow one of his favorite words. he has a republican unity problem, a family feud. little time to settle things before his presidential nominating convention. the list of prominent republicans who say they will be anywhere but cleveland continues to grow. the contrast with hillary clinton and the democrats is beyond striking. secretary of state clinton, as we talked about in the first block, will be on the road this week. in north carolina with president obama. to battleground pennsylvania with vice president joe biden. the other day it was out here in one of the biggest battle grounds of all, ohio, with the liberal icon elizabeth warren at her side. >> when donald trump says "great," i ask, great for who exactly? for millions of kids struggling to pay for an education? for millions of seniors barely surviving on social security? for families that don't fly to scotland to play golf? >> mr. trump was also criss-crossing the battle ground
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states this week. he lacks the side-kick star power. a battle ground speech in pennsylvania. he was in ohio as well. echoed the trade speech up in new hampshire. but, look at this. all three of those states have republican incumbents. vulnerable senators on the ballot this fall. all three avoided trump like the plague. instead of unity, trump has more discord. listen to utah senator mike lee, a tea party favorite explaining why trump may never get his support. >> he accused my best friend's father of conspiring to kill jfk. we can go through the fact that he's made some statements that some have identified correctly as religiously intolerant. we can get into the fact he's wildly unpopular in my state. i hope i can get over these concerns. i hope mr. trump can help me identify them. don't sit here and tell me, steve, that i have no reason to be concerned about donald trump. >> it is hard to fathom
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sometimes this campaign. he accused my best friend's father of conspiring to kill jfk. he's talking about ted cruz and ted cruz's father. mr. trump actually did say that. what does it tell us that a tea party guy like mike lee from utah still can't do it? >> it says everything. most critically, perhaps, for trump, he is a key swing vote on the convention's rules committee. he's a member of it. this group will decide whether or not to change the rules. lee has not made a decision on how he would vote on the various proposals, including one that would strip away the obligations to vote the results of the primaries and caucuses. that's telling that he continues to say that. i think it's a signal that a lot of other like-minded lawmakers and tea party activists are sitting on their hands. >> mike lee does have sway with tea party people.
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>> absolutely. >> he could get the votes if he needed them. >> he is saying, i am not feeling pressures from people in my state in utah to back donald trump. the mormon vote in utah despise donald trump vehemently. this is why we got into the discussion of if donald trump -- if he is the nominee, does he win utah? could utah potentially go blue? that's a stunning question itself, the idea that the republican nominee could lose utah. >> you had mitch mcconnell last weekend declining to say when pressed is donald trump qualified to be president. he said we'll leave it up to the american voters. you have labor unions and, you know, the manufacturing association and the chamber criticizing him together in unison. it's just -- everything has been tossed and turned. >> up is down, down is up. you mentioned mitch mcconnell. i want to listen to him. a couple of weeks ago he said i'm glad he's using the
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teleprompter and staying on script because he doesn't know about the issues. you had paul ryan in the silicon valley this weekend trying to raise money essentially saying, forget about him. he is just the presidential nominee. doesn't matter what he says. give us money. we'll take care of you. mitch mcconnell saying, trump is getting a little better. >> my hope is that he is beginning to pivot and become what i would call a more serious and credible candidate for the highest office in the land. >> at the moment i hear you saying he doesn't meet the threshold. >> he's getting closer. getting closer. [ laughter ] >> i mean, there's often displeasure. there's often, okay, this is not the guy we wanted. the public criticism. mark roscoe, former governor of montana, says i'm hoping for better. >> i think sarah's point was important saying these republicans are feeling no pressure from voters in their states to line up behind donald
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trump. they looked like they may have been feeling pressure after the other candidates dropped out and he would clearly be the nominee, but that's faded away. they're seeing something in the electorate that makes them nervous that he cannot be elected or feel they're better positioned not siding with him. if you're trump, what do you take away from that? i would take away that i clearly do not have a winning coalition. how can he cobble together the voters to win if it appears as though republicans are not united behind him. >> "washington post" had a story this week that has a long list of republicans saying they'll vote for hillary clinton. former george w. bush officials, operatives. officials. a longer list than i might have expected. >> michael hayden saying this week when it comes to the issue of national security preparedness she is the only one capable at this point. if you're in that lane -- this is the guy who ran the nsa and cia and seemed to be aligned with republicans.
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if he is saying that publicly, it signals they're worried. i have talked to delegates in kansas, wyoming, licenses. colorado, places trump is supposed to win. they have serious doubts and they're not doing anything to change it. >> people saying, i am out of town. i'm busy. they're avoiding him. one of the big questions is can trump help his problem with republican unity with his vice presidential pick. he said he would do it at the convention. now he is saying he may do it earlier. these are the people who inside the campaign say are on the list. newt gingrich. chris christie. mike pence. bob corker. now, they're on the list. trump said he wants someone who can pull the levers of washington and someone who can help to unify the party. mike pence popular with
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conservatives. newt gingrich popular with some quarters. not all. even newt gingrich who said it would be wild if he got the job. he doesn't think he would. even newt gingrich saying, you know what, trump has some work to do. >> trump's job is frankly to quit screwing up, get the election down to three or four big issues all of which come down to a single concept. enough. >> he is right about that. gingrich, whether you like him or not, he is a smart political guy. the idea that trump needs to get on to change washington, fix washington. enough. the economy is rigged against you, enough. smart political advice from newt gingrich. trump's job frankly is to quit screwing up. >> comments not super healthy if you want to be the vp. >> or maybe they are. maybe they are. >> they could be. >> flip that for a second. maybe that's exactly what he needs. have has gingrich been floated as a possibility? a washington veteran, knows the house. he can raise tons of money. sounds like exactly what trump
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needs. someone who has an equal level of television familiarity if you will. for a guy who thinks this is a television election. >> on gingrich for a minute. he is right that donald trump's best message is changing washington. do you send the message that you're changing washington by reaching into the '90s and pulling the former house speaker onto your ticket? >> will his ideas be seen as fresh? >> can anybody change trump's behavior. we've seen it in fits and starts. but then he moves to the rally. he said this week the popeye speech. i am who i am. i'm going to continue to be trump. president obama says trump has it all wrong on trade. so does the republican business establishment. why that bipartisan criticism has trump smiling. who would you most like to hear from at donald trump's convention? ivanka trump, chris christie, bobby knight or tom brady.
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for hillary, it's always been about kids. and when millions couldn't get health care, this first lady worked with republicans and democrats to fix it. creating the children's health insurance program, so that every child gets the health care that child deserves to have. now eight million kids are covered. that's the kind of leader she is. and the kind of president she'll be. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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donald trump is again trying to rewrite the rules. most of the rust belt states from pennsylvania across to wisconsin are reliably blue in presidential politics. mr. trump aims to change that. the strategy for doing so is a direct rebuke to the pro-business, pro-trade, pro-globalism republican establishment. >> the transpacific partnership is another disaster, done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country, just a continuing rape of our country. that's what it is too.
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a harsh word. it's a rape of our country. >> his week-long focus on trade and economics began in eastern pennsylvania where he made the case blue collar workers cannot trust his opponent. >> hillary clinton unleashed a trade war against the american worker by supporting one terrible deal after another. nafta, china. south korea. it doesn't matter. no matter where she went, the american worker was hurt. >> if the economy is issue number one as we have, i think, all expect it to be come october and november, is this the right approach? chamber of commerce is mad at him. president says it's the wrong prescription. but trump thinks, i'm getting bernie sanders' voters, disaffected blue collar workers. >> he needs to put together a coalition and that's his best chance, to go after disaffected democrats, to try to get republicans who may not be voting frequently on his side. i think the trade message is a
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strong one for him. i think that it is probably his most specific policy position to date. he flushed that out nicely in a speech this week. i do think, though, that this is another example where he is separating himself from his party. every time he does that, i think it's a little concerning to me, if i were a trump supporter. i do think he needs to find a way to appeal to a part of the party that's powerful and r robust, the business part. >> it's potent. preying on feeling of emasculation, this message is like the little red sports car, the little blue pill. >> party elites have something to learn here. there is a reason someone like donald trump rose to the top. it's because there is a significant share of republican voters who don't believe in the idea that trade benefits everyone. they don't believe in the notion that, if you cup the top tax rate, all of a sudden that will benefit middle-class households. they have good reason to believe
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that. the party promised to help them in many ways has not. if party elites are going to take one message out of donald trump's candidacy, even if it goes down in flames, it should be the notion that we have lost touch with a large swath of our base. maybe we need to adjust our policies or do something swingly in the future to reach them. >> if you have the president of the united states, chamber of commerce, all the ceos think he's wrong, maybe people will think he's on to something. is donald trump the best messenger. donald trump saying he is all for made in the usa and his opponent isn't. >> they want to protect the world. they don't care about our workers. hillary clinton, honestly, is one of the great abusers. the united states, we buy anything. our people should have more pride in buying made in the usa. remember the old days? made in america or made in the
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u. usa? we should put that on our product. made in the usa. >> the clinton campaign was quick to tweet when donald trump talks about made in the usa, buy a mirror. this is a trump shirt made in bangladesh. the hypocrisy argument comes up. a lot of the trump brand is not made in the united states. >> trump says he would love to do that but it costs too much. critics say if it's so important, deal with it. is he right messenger for this? it is hypocritical. >> it's a tough message for him to send. you will have the clinton campaign constantly showing the labels of he and ivanka's products. his comeback is always interesting on this. he says, i would love to do that but the system is rigged and it makes it so that i can be more profitable doing it this way. if i'm president, i'll change it all. trust me. i'll change it as president. asking voters to put a lot of faith in him saying that. >> one of the lasting images of the last week or two was him
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standing in scotland, the plarkets are crashing and the uk has voted for brexit and he's saying look at my sprinkler system. it's all about him. instead of saying something to calm the world's fears, he was making it all about his own business. >> you mean it's not all about him? news flash. something fascinating happened this past week. the president, who is getting briefed by the clinton campaign and they're sharing messages and sharing how to shape the fall complain. both hillary clinton and president obama, while trashing trump, started to talk more about how they're sympathetic to the voters who follow trump, saying they understand globalism has left people behind. they understand that people in the trait vaermede environment around trying to figure out what to do. saying, a stretch on my part, but i feel your pain but. >> i am sympathetic to a lot of the people attracted by trump's message who are feeling really left out and left behind.
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they have lost faith in their government, in the economy, certainly in politics. i am not sympathetic to the xenophobia, the misogyny, the homo phobia, the islam phobia. >> to understand the level of coordination. you heard from secretary clinton. president obama in canada said he is sympathetic too. and -- >> somebody else who has never shown any regard for workers, has never fought on behalf of social justice issues, they don't suddenly become a populist because they say something controversial in order to win votes. that's not the measure of populism. that's nativism. or xenophobia. or worse. >> so when we're talking about
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the dissonance among republicans. most republicans are pro-trade. trump now isn't. the democrats are sharing strategy memos. >> good catch. i have heard that reflected in talking to voters, that they say, i'm still really struck by a trip i took to vegas a few weeks ago and talk to hispanic voters. i talked to two younger ones, under the age of 30. they said, a lot of what he says makes sense on the economy. he is a successful businessman. it is kind of the american dream. but he's racist so i won't vote for him. i think that's where he gets it wrong on the sanders voters. sanders said this himself. they're not going to vote for a bigot, for a racist, a guy who is islamo phobic. i think he's right. a lot of people, live in pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin. they'll say he has a point but i can't support someone -- >> which is why the next couple weeks are so important.
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he has to chip into the perception that he is pushing people away, th. >> his convention is an opportunity for him to actually physically show that. so far we haven't seen signs of him putting forward a diverse younger face on the party. jennifer has had great reporting on people they're considering to be on stage. there is not a celebrity who is appealing to young people on the list. very few minorities and very few women on the list. this is his moment. it's unclear whether he'll seize it. >> trump says the roster is full for speakers. i reached out to somebody in the campaign and they said it's not true. hillary clinton's deep resumé for donald trump's tough talk? that's next. did all her exes get invited?
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terror attacks this past week in istanbul and bangladesh put the commander in chief test front and center once again. this recent poll, who would best stand up for america? donald trump wins. who would be stronger on terrorism and homeland security? trump wins. would would be a good commander in chief, who has the best ability to handle a crisis. smarter on foreign policy. hillary clinton wins. trump calls it more proof the attacks, the united states needs to be tougher and reince tut the use of water-boarding, for example. and he says hillary clinton is
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too weak. >> the last person they person to see become president of the united states, believe me, is donald trump. i can tell you that. that's the last person. they have dreams at night, and their dreams are that hillary clinton becomes president of our country. believe me. >> this strength message was his calling card and part of his success in the republican primaries. does it hold up when voters are not picking a republican nominee anymore, they're picking a commander in chief? >> i think you're seeing in the polling numbers you showed that people are drawn to that top-line message, the idea of showing strength, being tougher than we are currently against terrorism. but really, he has not flushed out at all what he would actually do in terms of going after isis, in terms of putting u.s. troops on the ground in the middle east, what kind of presence we'd have there. i think voters tend to try to look for more details as we get deeper into the campaign. this could be an election where
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that doesn't happen. i think hillary clinton, on her side, also looks to need to separate herself from president obama a bit, show she'll be tougher. that she understands the need to send this message of strength as well. >> when you look at in terms of experience, obviously hillary clinton takes the cake on that one. i think that's why we have seen republicans who served in former republican administrations who are leaders in national security and in the military saying they're going to come out and vote for hillary clinton. but it also speaks to a weakness that donald trump is able to poll so high on his tough talk on the strength message. when you look at things like bangladesh and turkey. when you look at what just happened at the nightclub in orlando, you can go to voters and say, do you feel safer about the world, about your country than you did eight years ago? if you don't, why would you vote for hillary clinton, who was secretary of state in this administration and why wouldn't you go with someone like me? >> part of tough talk is
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truth-telling. we know polito fact has designated more pants on fire for trump than any other. >> than all others combined. >> the statements were mostly false or entirely false. he wind-surfs so much on issues too. when will people start thinking that he is just another one of these mealy-mouthed politicians that he has such a habit of criticizing. he is one way on torture one day and one way on the minimum wage saying leave it. it's too low. then saying women should be punished for having an abortion. the next day he's silent. >> then the muslim ban. a strong policy in the primaries, was a ban until we figure it out. then it became a ban on most until we figure it out. now it's based on which country you're coming from. >> which is a fine notion to walk your policy back and refine your policy. i think the issue is they're
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saying, this is what it was from the start, but we all have the video clip of donald trump saying, this is a ban on all muslims. there were no equivocations there. he said, until we figure out what the hell is going on. he wasn't very clear that this was going to be temporary. he wasn't clear on who it would apply to. now he's saying countries with terrorism links. his advisers are saying it's not about religion. that wasn't in the original clip. democrats will play that over and over. >> sometimes it's smart for politicians to change their mind and their policy. the question is does it undercut the authenticity and strength argument. what the clinton camp loves to raise is tone. saying donald trump speaks in a language not befitting of a commander in chief. this is when a woman asks him a question and the question is should trump have answered differently. >> why aren't we putting our military retirees on that border or in tsa? get rid of all the jobbies they
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wear at tsa. we need the veterans back in there. they've thought for the country and defended it. >> we are looking at that. we are looking at that. we're looking at a lot of things. >> we believe she meant hijabs. people get up at the rallies and speak. is he supposed to -- we're looking at that? what does that mean? >> mccain did it in '08? it was great because it was so authentic how he jumped in and cut off the woman who he said -- >> she was asking -- questioning obama's religion. >> he immediately stepped in and said, no, i don't want anything to do with that. something that meets that halfway might have been a good idea, when you know that your biggest weakness with skeptics is the idea that you are an intolerant, racist, islamaphobic guy. >> he likes to reassure and agree with his fans.
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somebody friday criticized zionizio zionist israel and he said, wait a minute. they're one of our greatest allies. >> no question trump says things or lets things fly that would kill any other candidate. we just played a clip of him comparing trade to raping our country. let's maybe agree that we only talk about rape when we're a talking about rape and not use rape to reference trade. yet that was one of the many blusterous things that he said over the course of the week. he almost gets no attention for saying something like that before we move on to the next controversial moment. >> for some voters it has high appeal. he's unconventional, speaks in a language no other politician does. the question is, is there a ceiling? >> i go back to the idea that, what he needs to do is build a coalition, add to his voter base. all of these comments or these lack of push-back on a voter like that, i can't see how he is doing that right now. he needs to get republicans who voted for mitt romney and then
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more of them to sign up for him. i am not seeing evidence of that. >> conventions are designed at this point of the campaign to address your weaknesses and build on your strengths. we'll see if they figure that out. sit tight. reporters share from their notebooks next. here are the results of the quiz. we asked who would you most like to to see as an rnc convention speaker. the majority of you -- well more of you said tom brady at 46%. if he doesn't show up, would people find it deflating? ♪ rock-a-bye stacy, your day is through. ♪
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asking the reporters to share a nugget from their books. julie pace. >> hillary clinton's campaign is discouraging democrats from going to cleveland to protest during the republican national convention. they're using it to use it as a registration drive. you'll see work around cleveland registering voters. they're planning a social media campaign where democrats with show voter registration efforts around the country. this is another sign that donald trump is a master at getting attention and will be a master at getting attention for himself
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during the convention but democrats are skilled at these on the ground, voter registration and field efforts that really prove to win elections. >> sounds rather grown-up. is that aloud lowed in this elen cycle. >> keep an eye on the federal court this week. thursday in richmond the judge will hear a case brought by a virginia delegate who says that the rules requiring him to vote based on the results of the march 1 primary in virginia violate his first amendment rights. he says it's unconstitutional. eight virginia delegates who support trump last week jumped in to say, he's trying to pull something at the 11th hour in his self-interest. the judge will have to rule. some republicans i have talked to say it might be helpful to get a court ruling before they meet in cleveland because many questions have to do with
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whether or not the delegate has to vote the results of the primary. >> jennifer. >> we have the vice presidential announcement in trump world on the horizon. everywhere trump goes before the convention, everyone sizing up the location to say is this the place that he'll be announcing. for his week, we have north carolina on tuesday. he is going to go head-to-head with president obama and hillary clinton. they will be in the state doing an event about four hours before him. and this is a place where he -- president obama is going to be a messenger, saying that, you know, this is a woman he respects and she can do the job. whereas, trump doesn't have anyone. no former president is saying that. wednesday he'll be in ohio. if he manages to land john kasich as a running mate, that would be a good place. thursday he'll be in d.c. meeting with senate and house republicans, cozying up to that establishment. friday sounds like he'll be down south. then saturday he will be at a swank fund-raiser in the
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hamptons hand in hand with rnc chief reince priebus, the co-hosts of the vant aevent are of the biggest backers for rubio. >> does geography matter? donald trump meeting with mike pence. part of the appeal is he is a rust belt guy. when statisticians look back at the last half-century geography has not mattered one bit. yet it's still something the trump aides are considering. with mike pence they feel the rust belt state appeal could help as they become convinced of where his path lies. paul ryan did not deliver wisconsin. >> my first campaign was dukakis boston austin.
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they lost 40 states. the trump campaign continues to annoy and befuddle veteran republican activists on key states. trump campaigned that trump republicans rigged the process against him. in new hampshire the other day activists who supported trump's rivals in the first in the nation primary say trump and his team have done little or nothing to try to win their help. the state republican party handled the invites to a trump event this week and the national party is now stepping in to help with the new hampshire ground effort. more than a heavy lift is how one republican described the challenge of making the state competitive in the fall. he said a planned trump fund-raiser in new hampshire was canceled for a second time this week, quote, because no one was coming. ouch. that's it or "inside politics." thanks for sharing your sunday. up next, "state of the unio union". .".
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hillary clinton talks to the fbi. the email investigation takes center stage after a three and a half hour interview with authorities. but should the attorney general recuse herself from the case after a meeting with bill clinton? >> that team will make findings. they will make recommendations, and i fully expect to accept their recommendations. >> and what happens if she is indicted? the email fallout with one of other potential vp candidates in minute. plus, two major terror attacks in one week, and the candidates responded. >> are we going to
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