tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 30, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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good evening. this time tomorrow night we are told donald trump will be laying out his immigration policy which is either softening or not, will or won't provide a path to legalization, is or isn't different from what he has been saying since the beginning of his campaign. we have been getting mixed signals for weeks. tonight we got a clear signal from the candidate's son, no softening, no change. perhaps however a step by step implementation of his plan to deport every person who is in the country illegally. donald trump jr. also talks about his father's outreach to the african-american community. that's coming up. we begin with factors complicating that outreach. >> reporter: he's not quite seeking forgiveness but pastor mark burns apologized in an interview on cnn after tweeting this cartoon of hillary clinton in blackface. an image that's offensive to
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african-americans. >> obviously my message, i stand by it but the methodology, i do not. the message is simply this. i believe that the democrat party has been using the black vote, that black voting bloc. >> never, ever will we allow her to step back into -- >> reporter: a popular warmup act as trump rallies, he preaches with a booming voice and a passion for ripping into hillary clinton. >> she don't belong in the white house. i'm going to still say it. she belongs in jail. >> reporter: the pastor is just the latest prominent campaign voice to create a distraction for trump as he attempts to woo african-american voters. the clinton campaign accused burns of crossing the line. >> i think he surrenders the ability to discuss the issues. i think it's unfortunate. there's an unfortunate pattern here. >> reporter: other top surrogates and staffers from the trump campaign are coming under scrutiny as well. buzzfeed discovered that audio of trump campaign ceo steve bannon using a derogatory term
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for lesbians on a conservative radio show. >> the women that would lead this country would be be pro-family, would have husbands, they wouldn't be a bunch of -- >> reporter: and this video of campaign manager kellyanne conway talking about women in the military, arguing that rape would not exist if women were as strong as men. >> if we were physiologically as strong as men, rape would not exist. you would be able to defend yourself and fight him off. >> reporter: the trump campaign claims it rejects extremist views like those of former kkk leader david duke, who placed a robocall asking voters to back the gop nominee. >> unless massive immigration is stopped now, we will be outnumbered and outvoted in our own nation.
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>> reporter: the campaign said in a statement there is no place for this in the republican party or our country. but democrats counter that trump's policies like his plan for a great wall on the southern border stir up racial tensions, even if one prominent conservative said he's not buying all of trump's promises on immigration. >> i can choose a path here to try to mollify you. i never took him seriously on this. >> reporter: trump will be walking a tight rope in his upcoming immigration speech tomorrow night. any changes to trump's immigration plans could erode support he has in his conservative base. later this weekend he will be speaking before the african-american community in detroit where he will find out if there's any lasting damage from pastor burns and his tweet. we tried to reach out to the trump campaign to respond to bannon and conway's comments in that piece you just saw but they did not respond. anderson? >> given what democrats see as racially charged controversy surrounding the trump campaign and given the candidate is now asking african-americans for their vote directly, the question is how does the campaign reconcile the two, is the outreach sincere. i talked to donald trump jr.
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when we spoke earlier today. your dad's also i believe saturday going to go to an african-american church. that's something that a lot of african-american republicans who support your dad have wanted him to do for awhile and a lot of critics of his in the african-american community have said why hasn't he done that sooner. if he's supposedly making an outreach to african-americans, why just do it in generallies? >> because i think unlike a lot of typical politicians my dad's not pandering. he's spoken with these guys from the african-american community, big names, for the last 25 years. i went to dinners with most of the people. when you have become a conservative, when you become a republican, when you run for office, all of a sudden those people forget all of those times, they forget all of those friendships and they run for cover because that's what's become, that's just the norm, i guess, unfortunately. he's always had those relationships. he's not just going to run around pander for votes. he's had those friendships for years and he will do great things for those communities. he's talking about all americans. all ethnicitieethnicities, all
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backgrounds, even immigrants. i'm the son of an immigrant. he's the son of an immigrant. >> when you want to talk about israel he went to apac. he does talk to specific groups. >> he has. he doesn't run around pandering. he's talking about bringing jobs back to our country. that's number one. if we do that we solve a lot of inner city programs. if we take care of our education problems. we spend more money per capita on education than any country in the world. we are not even in the top 25. we are like number 29 or 30. there's a long list of third world countries ahead of us in education that spend a fraction of what we do. if we educate our kids, think of what they can do. think of the productivity they would create that would trickle down into the economy. instead we have terrible education system. we have a terrible corporate tax structure forces our companies to send their technology, send their jobs abroad and overseas, makes it impossible to bring that money back into the country because of the tax structures that democratic policy have created. if we change some of those things, guess what? we will have good jobs. we will get rid of the problems
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in the inner cities because those people will be working. they will be able to have a productive lifestyle. they will be able to take care of their children. those children will be educated and able to do great things with their lives. that's what my father wants. he wants the same opportunity that i got, that you got because we were blessed with great fortune growing up. he wants that for everyone in america. >> when you hear some of the way your dad is talking to african-americans, i'm wondering if you have any concerns about it. because again, it's something we do interviews with african-american voters all the time, republicans, democrats, independents and we are are hearing from a lot of them saying the people we talked to saying look, he's saying we all live in poverty, our schools are terrible, we are worried about getting shot on the street. when that's not the reality of life for the vast majority of african-americans in this country. obviously pofverty levels are high. >> that's happening a lot more often than it should be. of course it's not happening to everybody. nothing happens to everyone. >> the whole what do you have to lose. >> look at democratic policies.
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so many people, we vote democrat, that's what we do. crime is up, shootings up, unemployment up. every statistic, every possible reasonable metric you could measure in those cities about success are a disaster under these left wing policies. all of those cities are controlled by liberals and democrats and what have those policies accomplished other than making things worse? other than creating more strife for the people in those communities. so what have you got to lose, maybe not the right way some people want to hear it but honestly, there's an element of truth to it. what could be worse than what's happened over the last eight years for those communities? >> just crime is down and has been going down. obviously in some communities, chicago, worse in 20 years. >> chicago is the prime example. it's the ultra-liberal city in this country. it's the benchmark for liberal policies in this country. you can't say well, in one city, things are great. take all of those places.
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>> but it seems like you are taking one or two cities and nationwide actually crime is down. >> you can look -- nationwide, in other cities that don't have those same problems. you can't look at it that way. i think in the big inner cities where you have these very loyal democratic voting blocs, they are vastly worse off than they have been in the past. >> just as a point of reference, as bad as things are in chicago, murders are down substantially from the 1990s, los angeles even more and new york which of course has had democratic independent and republican mayors over the past two decades has seen its murder rate fall 82.1% since 1993 according to nypd statistics which come out every week and are available online. that right there is a live shot of a trump rally close to starting in everett, washington. we will keep our eye on that as we welcome back our panel. as you listen to donald trump jr. talking his dad not willing to pander to audiences, what goes through your mind? >> the one thing he is right about is his dad is not pandering to african-american
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voters. what he's doing is slandering african-americans. he's doing this in front of an all white audience and saying to them hey, you know, african-americans live in urban hell holes and that's what he's doing. by the way, as we all know, which is not true. so i am actually curious to see how this is going to go for him on saturday at this church that he's going to in detroit, because i'm curious to see, is he going to use the same message, is he going to say hey, you guys live in a war zone, hey, you guys if you walk down the street, you're going to get shot? so i think that that's what's happening. it's a slandering, not a pandering. >> you think he will use the same message? >> i do. i think that's a response emblematic of the problem with the democratic party. they are trying to marginalize donald trump's outreach rather than address his argument. his argument is if you are african-american you are six times more likely to be the victim of homicide. that's data you can find in the bureau of crime statistics. if you are an african-american you are going to make your
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average wealth [ inaudible ]. these are hard, cold facts. he wants to remedy that. he's the first republican candidate in the words of alan west to stand on the stage and say i want to make this better for you. i'm going to bring $2.1 trillion back to this country, i will empower african-american franchise owners who are powerful business owners in their communities. he has an argument, school choice. rather than addressing the question, how are hillary's policies going to be different than barack obama's, you have not heard once the answer to that question. >> is hillary clinton silent on this issue? >> absolutely not. i think we can look at hillary clinton's record when she wasn't running for office. her consistent outreach to communities of color where they were talking about working with marian wright edelman with the children's legal defense fund or registering black and brown voters in texas who were disenfranchised by republicans. across the board, whether you are talking about what donald trump jr. said on the interview, when he mentioned what do we have to lose and we couldn't be worse off, that is so tone deaf.
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it is so untrue. when i think about what happened in flint just over the course of the last year, there is a democratic mayor, a democratic mayor that was pleading with the governor to fix the lead in the water of these poor families. that is not a democratic policy. that is the gross negligence of a republican governor. republican governors, they sit in 34 seats in this country. we have republican run state legislatures, house and senate all throughout the country. >> how is hillary clinton going to help the 1.3 million more african-americans who are in poverty today than barack obama first came to office in 2009? we don't hear specific policies. >> let me answer it. >> please do. >> thanks, scottie. happy to. >> good. >> so here's the challenge. these are not policies that came about under barack obama. which you will never hear from the trump campaign, is an ability to address systemic oppression and racism. that is the root cause of these
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policies. it is a bipartisan problem, scottie. this isn't something that i'm laying at the feet of republicans and it's not something that i'm just going to squarely lay at the feet of democrats. racism is real in this country and it is a result of slavery, it is a result of the jim crow south, it is a result of segregationist policies. that is where we have to deal with. until we can acknowledge that that in fact exists, we are going to continue to have these problems regardless of -- >> you are blaming unemployment. >> that's not what i just said. >> you are blaming on racism. you are still not telling me specific policies of hillary clinton. donald trump talks about school choice, education, letting parents decide what is best for their children. >> you are saying hillary clinton doesn't talk about education? >> you don't hear her bring it up. >> i don't have time to give you a state of the union address. scottie, you are sitting in a chair as a panelist just like me. >> i can give you specifics. you can't. >> okay. if that's what you think, you are ridiculous.
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>> look, there's always this argument about why do african-americans go with the democratic party. they go to the democratic party because they are actually a large constituency of the democratic party. they actually have leadership roles in the democratic party. the republican party doesn't do that. they don't talk about policies for the african-american community. african-americans are actually sophisticated, smart voters, just like white voters vote for their self-interest, so does african-americans. one more thing i jauchbt to sus say. we talk about the poverty rate. under reagan the poverty rate skyrocketed. it went down with clinton. this is all proven. these are facts. yes, it is. yes, it is. hold on one second. hold on one second. let me finish my point. then it went back up with bush. then it went down with obama. that is, those are the facts. >> it didn't go down with obama. >> yes, it did. >> i was assigned day to day to cover hillary clinton's campaign in 2007-2008 and we covered her
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pretty closely the last two years. i have probably been to about 20 predominantly african-american churches with her covering her there. i have been in rooms where it's just been maybe her and five or six other people on a panel, some of them african-american, some of them whites, some hispanic. i have seen her countless times go into cities, into neighborhoods, walk around. granted, a lot of this is theater. a lot of it is stage managed but she's gone into communities and she's listened as much as sort of talked to them. donald trump would be in a much stronger political position if over the last 14 months, he had made some kind of real effort to go out of his comfort zone, not to simply fly in a jet to a rally and then come back to new york every night, but to go and sort of show that he was going to parts of america that -- >> aren't the limitations of the way --
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>> patrick talks about hillary clinton going into these communities. donald trump has actually brought the african-american community into his community. for instance, i will give you the example of jesse jackson. this is a quote from a great civil rights leader who said donald trump had the gusto for people on wall street to represent diversity. he gave my coalition a space at 40 wall street making a statement that our people and african-american community have a presence on wall street. he also brought african-americans for the first time into mar a lago, was praise bide the antidefamation league who said he put the light on palm beach -- >> i have to -- >> he created jobs. hillary clinton has not created private sector jobs. he's certainly given money from his millions or billions, whatever it is. the thing he's not doing, what candidates do when they run for president, is essentially they do a restart. they say i need to go and learn about the country, learn about what's happening in people's lives now. not simply sit in a board room
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and have a track record creating some jobs, but going out into communities and hearing. >> has hillary done that? >> absolutely. >> there are other communities besides -- there are evangelicals. hillary clinton is trailing at 17% with evangelicals. has hillary reached out to evangelicals around the country? >> we need to correct the record just briefly. jesse jackson wrote a scathing op-ed today about donald trump. today. >> when there's politics involved. >> but you know what, hold on, because you guys like to compare donald trump to martin luther king. this is someone who was right alongside martin luther king the day he got shot so it's actually important. you should read the op-ed before you talk about the policies of it. >> this is just about politics. >> no, it isn't just about politics. they have no credibility. >> i can't hear anything. no one can hear what you guys
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are saying when you talk over. how conservative voters are taking mixed signals about whether the trump policy is shifting. a trump rally expect ted to sta soon. later, a different kind of signal possibly from outer space. why more than a few scientists are excited about what it might be and why some have their doubts. 73% of americans try... cook healthy meals. yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more... ...add one a day men's 50+. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. (man) honey, what's a word for "large blaze"? (wife] fire. [man] thirteen letters. [wife] fire. [man] thirteen letters. [wife] really big fire! [burke] conflagration.seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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immigration policy, not even from his promise to deport each person who is in this country illegally. he said his father's policy has not changed for months. however, de indicahe did indica could be implemented a step at a time. baby steps, his term was. whatever the plan is it comes with no shortage of expectations as randi kaye discovered on conservative talk radio air waves in chicago. >> simple question. what do you want to hear trump say on immigration in his speech tomorrow? >> reporter: it's 8:00 a.m. in chicago at conservative radio station am 560, the answer. >> i think that would be an interesting -- >> reporter: cohosts fielding calls from listeners anxious to weigh in on donald trump's upcoming immigration speech. >> what do you want to hear donald trump say tomorrow snnchlg. >> i think trump needs to talk about border security. until you have control of that border it doesn't really make a difference what you do. >> ralph? >> i want to hear him talk about border security because it doesn't matter how many you deport without a border they all crawl back in.
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>> i think it's really really focused on border security which is why the wall has such an appeal. it's not the wall itself. it's the idea somebody is being serious about border security. >> reporter: callers like the idea of trump building a wall and hope to hear more specifics about it in his speech. >> i want to hear donald say he's going to build the wall because one day there will be another democrat in office and he's going to let the flood gates open again. >> reporter: some callers want to hear trump take a harder line with employers, insisting they use an online verification system to determine if potential employees can legally work in the u.s. >> i want trump to say he's going to implement e-verify with imprisonment for employers who hire these people. they are just giving these people sanctuary in a job. it's no different than the cities. >> reporter: on a question of what to do with the 11 million people trump once promised to round up, none of the callers are pushing for amnesty. though some do say trump needs to be more compassionate. >> i just want to hear that
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trump will be sympathetic towards those who came here for a better life, but i think we need to hold those people to a higher standard and drug test people that have been on the government dole for five, ten, 20 years. >> reporter: other callers want trump to limit the rights of those who came here illegally. >> if you are living here and are productive but you don't vote for five years. >> reporter: one caller named steve would like to hear this mandate. >> they are going to be allowed to stay, they ought to be speaking english in the first place. >> reporter: how does that make you feel? >> that's not a reality. that makes me feel as if a lot of republicans that are supporting donald trump are a little bit racist. you can't force somebody to speak english. >> reporter: perhaps it's the caller named phil who had the most unique idea for trump's speech. >> [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: if donald trump softens his immigration plan, some listeners won't be deterred. >> if he changes his mind or moderated, i would still vote
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for him because nothing is worse than hillary. >> reporter: randi kay che, cnn chicago. >> safe to say people on both sides of the issues will be paying attention to what he says tomorrow night in phoenix. we are back with the panel. do you think it makes sense for donald trump, it seems like particularly tomorrow, he's going to be focusing on border security issue which most of the people who have voted for donald trump, that is, if you listen to the radio and what we are hearing from voters, that's what they most like. >> this is not controversial at all. every republican immigration reform plan has included something about border security. the question is, do you do border security first, do you sequence its then, then deal with the 11 million or do you do it simultaneously. that's always been the question. but to deal with border security is not controversial. in fact, i think a lot of republicans will say good, we should. >> it's interesting, i think during the primaries, donald trump spoke about it all kind of as a piece. they are now clear, donald trump
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jr. today was saying baby steps, first you got to do border security, then we will see. others have said we will see what happens down the road. still, deportations, everybody's got to leave, the good ones can come back. does that make sense to you? to focus on the wall which seems to be for his supporters the most popular? >> undoubtedly. he's listening to voters. in that anecdotal piece we just heard, voters are most focused on the wall. that's what they want. they want criminal illegal aliens out of the country. that's his focus. it's a position of security. contrast that to hillary clinton who still has not said what her plan is. i have yet to hear her give a detailed immigration speech, yet to hear her say how she's going to stop tens of thousands of criminal illegal yanls from being released as we saw the obama administration do. there's a clear choice for voters. it's a posture of security with donald trump and protecting your families and a posture of weakness on the part of hillary clinton. >> there has been, maybe you disagree, does it seem to you there has been something in the
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last week or two for the trump campaign whether it's indecision or some people advising the trump campaign that maybe you got to soften a little bit. if nothing, if there hadn't been any feedback for donald trump, why was he mentioning anything about a softening? why was he even talking about well, i talked to a lot of people, they say you got to be gentler so now -- >> for two weeks, we have been talking about immigration. some people might say yeah, but it's about not being clarified, bad communication. we have been talking about immigration once again, the spotlight is on immigration and tomorrow night, the entire country is going to watch donald trump and see exactly what his plan is. this is one of his strongest issues. tomorrow night if he comes out giving the solid speech that i'm pretty sure he will, as he said all along, all year long, he has the entire attention focused back on him. there's two issues people vote for donald trump for. immigration, the economy. i will add security in there as well. this is one of the key issues. i think this is actually, he has been kind of teasing us for the last two weeks, making sure
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tomorrow night the entire country is paying attention. >> is that a strategy he's been using -- >> no. >> or is there some, do you see indecision? >> not at all. the reason we are talking about immigration is because he made immigrant bashing the hallmark of his campaign. that's how he launched his campaign. yes, that's exactly what he did. softening or hardening, this is all hypocritical. all this is hypocrisy we are seeing and it actually is insulting to 11 million undocumented workers that are here, to voters that are trying to figure out what is it that you are trying to do. he can't even talk about mechanisms. donald trump jr. was not even able to talk about that. none of the surrogates were able to talk about that. >> as somebody who worked on campaigns, should somebody at this point, a presidential candidate at this point in the race be able to say very specifically what their policy is for 11 million undocumented workers? >> i think they should be able to have a little more meat on the bones than we have seen in the trump policy so far. what's staggering to me is why
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they would be trying to make this shift now. the things that donald trump has already said on immigration, those are going to cause him a lot of problems down the road. why then now make the shift? it's unclear to me who he's trying to satisfy by doing this if he is indeed going to shift. if he doesn't, you have a bunch of people thinking why did he ever then raise the idea or float the possibility that he would shift? the whole thing is completely incoherent. >> separation between him and hillary clinton. hillary clinton in 2006 actually vote forward a wall. she's not clarified whether or not she supports securing the border even though her voting record says she actually funded to build a wall. she's the one that's not clarified whether or not she believes in separating families and deporting children back to their homeland in order to deter other children as she stated previous. what about driver's license for illegals? in the past she's said she did not support giving driver's license for illegals, yet just recently on the campaign trail she thinks they belong. we don't know. talk about flip-flopping on issues. we don't know hillary clinton's issues. maybe if i went to one of her fund-raisers i would hear
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exactly what she wanted because that's the only people she seems to be talking to. >> this is a guy at a fox town hall gave a survey to the crowd, to the audience and said what should i do, should i forcibly deport or not. that does not sound like a person who is running for president that has a clear vision of immigration comprehension, immigration reform. so it's wild to me. you can't leave these types of decisions to strangers, to audience and that's what he did. this is the type of person we are talking about. >> i can give you four points right off the bat, building a wall, mexico is paying for it. enforcing e-verify. everyone who wants to be a citizen has to leave and come back. i ask hillary surrogates ten times over give me the points of her plan. they're not out there. they don't exist. mpl >> you are saying he's been very clear but what they are hearing are baby steps on the 11 million that are here. that's not what we heard during the primaries.
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we heard a very clear, very strong they all got to go, good ones can come back, there will be a door in the wall, it will be done humanely, there will be a deportation force. it does seem like baby steps is different than what it was before. isn't it? >> you have to have priorities. we look at -- >> i get that. i'm not saying you shouldn't have baby steps. but that's not what we heard early on. >> he's being realistic. president obama promised the world single payer. thank goodness we never got it. he wasn't realistic at to what he could achieve. donald trump is being realistic. he says republican voters care about criminals leaving the country and border security. in contrast, hillary clinton will purvey the same weakness we saw from president obama. cnn can now call another election race. debbie wasserman schultz will win her democratic primary in florida's congressional district. coming up next, more of my interview with donald trump jr.
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more now with my interview today with donald trump jr. i asked him about the campaign's most recent shakeup, the polls that show his dad trailing hillary clinton in many states, the union vote, whether there is some chunk of voters out there that somehow isn't being represented in the polling. take a look.
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as you see the campaign where it is right now, are you happy with it? >> i'm very happy with it. if you look at the trends, if you look at where the trends are going, where the numbers are going the last few weeks, i think it's been steadily on the rise. >> new management, you like? >> i love them. >> steve bannon? >> the new management is doing great. again, i think you are going to see a lot of nontraditional voters coming out and voting for my father. if you look at the hard-working union labor of this country that's always being told by their boss toes to vote democra- >> the leadership -- >> the leadership has been bought and paid for like the rest of -- >> but rank and file is -- >> the rank and file, they get it. i think if there's one thing my father has been able to do in this election is expose just that, the ridiculousness and the fraud at the top in at the leele frankly on both sides. >> the polls showing your dad trailing hillary clinton both in key states but also just nationwide, do you believe there
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are voters out there who are not showing up in the polls? >> i think there's voters that aren't showing up in the polls. again, i'm not sure that accounts for the entire deficit in some of the places where there's deficits. again, if i look at the trend and see where things are going, we have 75 days left, in my world, in business, building buildings, that's an eternity. sorry, in politics it's a long time. >> you think opinions are already formed? >> there's a lot of people we can win over. when you look at the stuff that's come out about the clintclin clinton foundation, the e-mails that continue to come out, the general haze around hillary clinton and the ridiculousness of what it is. i think she's got most of the media as her number one surrogate. if a republican had these controversies coming out, they wouldn't be able to walk down the street let alone run for presidency of the united states of america. those things, the more and more come out. now another 15,000 magically appear after she gets the best technology in existence, the snowden stuff, to wipe her hard drive clean.
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she's perpetrating fraud on the american people and we are saying it's great, she's a wonderful person. >> she has had -- >> you guys are finally, finally starting to come out with it. if someone else was a conservative in her position had those issues it would have been over a long time ago. >> the flipside of that, though, again, we hear this from republicans who are not in support of your dad, is your dad the best messenger for that anti-clinton message? he gave more than $100,000 to the clinton foundation, she went to his wedding. >> exactly. exactly. >> if it was pay to play was evolved in that? >> over 50% of the people got meetings with her when she was chief diplomat. >> what does that say about him? >> he didn't ask for anything. she showed up to a wedding. there's a big difference. when foreign governments say they can't get a meeting, all of a sudden they write a multi-million check and they're in the state department, that's
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disgusting. we are selling our children's future to these people who haphazardly donate to a foundation. that charity navigator and a lot of the other big companies that rate charities for efficiency, make sure your money is being well spent, they won't even look at it because they don't know where the money goes. it's a big farce. everybody is touching on it a little bit. >> your dad and kellyanne conway says it does great work. >> no one knows where it goes. >> millions of people have hiv medicine because of them. >> of course. of the hundreds of millions raised i'm sure a couple dollars have been spent the right way. millions haven't. you talk about the people in haiti who were in uprisings about the housing that was supposed to be built. two houses were built. what was the number of the quote unquote millions they were going to do? come on. you and i, if we were looking at a charity to donate money to, we wouldn't be donating there. okay? today. we wouldn't be donating. now that we shed light on it. >> why did your dad then? >> years ago we didn't know. we probably assumed you did
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great work. now that she's been uncovered, the "new york times" probably her number one surrogate in the history of her campaign is saying listen, maybe don't wait for the election, maybe you have to get away from this thing right now. >> 70 some days, you are confident, you feel good. >> i feel really good. >> thanks so much. >> my pleasure. good to be with you. should point out for the record charity watch gave the clinton foundation an a, said about 80% of the money raised was actually spent on things as opposed to 75% which is often for many charities. coming up, a major casualty in the fight against isis. one of its most senior figures, one thought to have led the arm of isis which threatens the west, killed. that's next. ave moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,
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from design through production, siemens technology helps manufacturers meet critical deadlines. i think this'll be our biggest flavor yet. when you only have one shot, you need a whole lot of ingenuity. tonight a senior isis figure, perhaps second only to al baghdadi has been killed. it's the highest profile killing of an isis member so far. the group itself confirmed that mohammad al adnani is dead. he was a spokesman, the most public figure in the terror group and one who is believed to have been the overseer for the group of isis who carried out the attacks in paris. nic robertson joins me with the latest. who is this guy and do we know how he was killed? >> perhaps the easiest way to understand who he was is this is
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the guy who spoke to all the acolytes around the world, sort of extorted them to come join the fight in iraq and syria but he is also the same man thcalle for isis wanna-bes to attack in their own country, threatened heightened attacks by isis in advance of ramadan this year. he is the same man that said if you can't shoot them, if you can't stab them, if you can't burn them, crush their heads with rocks and if you can't do that, then drive your vehicles over them. it's very clear to see the connection between that and when we saw in nice in france where more than 80 people were mowed down by an isis acolyte driving a huge truck. this is a guy whose voice carried. it had influence. he was the voice and to some degree, the face of isis around the world for their supporters. >> do we know how he was killed? he was with isis from nearly the
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beginning, right? >> yeah. isis has kind of been, if you will, sort of p.r. savvy on this one. they said he was dead before anyone else said it which kind of indicates this was some piece of bad news that they didn't want to leave anyone else to sort of if you will in their mind claim a victory over them. it does appear the pentagon are now saying that they did have a targeted air strike in the same area where isis is saying that adnani was killed and the pentagon saying they were targeting adnani. they don't say they have firm confirmation yet of his death but the two things marry up. isis was trying to get ahead of this in their eyes and deny the united states the ability to say they got him. >> he really was second only to al baghdadi? >> he was a very key player, very close to baghdadi. he was syrian and a key player in isis because he was sort of one of the most senior or if not
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the most senior syrian figure within isis. but his roots fighting u.s. forces in iraq go back to at least 2005. he knew baghdadi for an extended period back then when they were fighting together in iraq. he would have been trusted by baghdadi and certainly a very senior figure. we know the operation of isis involve a number of sort of surer councils that run things but he was a very close figure and a very important figure to baghdadi and isis as an institution. >> appreciate the reporting. just ahead, some breaking news that we will be bringing you. "the washington post" reporting, cnn also reporting that donald trump may be going to mexico on wednesday in advance of his immigration speech. we will bring you the latest on that in just a moment. king prescription medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath.
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"new york times" patrick healey is back as well as mark preston and the panel. what are you learning? >> we are learning donald trump is actually thinking about going to mexico before going and delivering the speech up in arizona. this would be unprecedented, historic. the fact he would even do so. we are actually hearing right now from the president of mexico saying that he had extended invitations to both candidates last friday but no one has confirmed any meetings yet. we have been told, i have been told that we should know within the next couple hours whether donald trump will in fact make a detour, go to mexico city, meet with the president of mexico, then move on to arizona for his speech. >> any other details? >> yeah. on sunday, when donald trump was out in new jersey with his team doing debate prep, this was discussed. steve bannon, his new chief executive, was saying this could be the kind of move to set up the immigration speech to show that donald trump is trying to sort of reach out to have conversations, he's not just going to lecture to people.
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that mr. trump was very intrigued by >> there's advanced planning. mr. trump's detail is really small. you need to have people in mexico city if it was going toe happen there. there's also the politics of this, it's relatively uncontrolled for mr. trump, he'd have to be standing there at some point with the president of
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mexico who conceivably might be stepping on his whole message on immigration, who is going to say something like there's no way mexico is going to pay for your wall, sir. >> for the president of mexico, it's great. he's faced with does he go after donald trump? he has said some very tough stuff about donald trump. does he publicly confront donald trump. >> at least two or three weeks where they send out advance teams. in addition to that, though, you're going to have the media now focused all on this meeting tomorrow in mexico should it happen and maybe it would take away from his speech in arizona, quite frankly take away from the e-mail situation that hillary clinton continues to be mired in right now, it tends to put a cloud in that as well.
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>> a foreign trip is risky for any presidential candidate. but it also could come with some big plusses for donald trump. >> absolutely. as we've seen with donald trump, we've seen him act as commander in chief. barack obama was taking vacation or in this case, going down and meeting with the president. >> everything is political. no candidate for president -- >> donald trump has risen to the test. this is another example of hillary not taking a meeting with mr. knee -- nieto, that
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will determine nafta and -- >> and they're paying for the wall, too. >> he faced that with ted cruz at the convention in july where he was sort of trying to get an endorsement, what would he say? i mean, sort of the -- there's big risk, big reward pup . you at least have to say that. >> donald trump has spent a year insulting mexicans and mexican americans. this a last-ditch desperate attempt to try to present himself as a world leader. the donald trump of 14 months ago is still the same donald trump of today. >> or 14 hours ago. to this point this isn't just about him going to meet with the president because he want to -- he's got some making up to do in the polls with brown voters. so i think it has everything do with that. i also think we should correct the record and say it sounds
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like hillary clinton hasn't accepted the invitation yet. >> she always follows. >> that is probably the only place where she's following him. >> cnn's phil mattingly is at a trump event tonight in everett, washington. has any word reached there with this possible trip? >> it hasn't reached the crowd yet but i can tell you right now the reporters are all taking in formal polls to see who brought their passports with them to the pacific northwest. it's tough to manage expectations any higher than donald trump has for the speech tomorrow. in talking to the crowd before they lined up in everett, everyone was talking about the speech tomorrow, everyone was very interested in what he had to say, was asking me if i had insight into what that speech was all about. obviously many graimmigration ha huge issue for donald trump and his campaign. they are all paying a very keen
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eye to what he has to say tomorrow and when you add the possibility of this trip to that, it only magnifies the importance of this moment for his campaign. if they're trying to downplay it at all, they're not doing a very good job. >> i was in new hampshire at a trump event a couple days ago, it is still part of his key speech and rallies about building a wall and it is still a very popular line. >> there's no question about it. it's kind of his key line. you see shirts throughout the crowd that say wall building construction corp. it's a crucial component of his campaign. that's why you see him continue to repeat over and over again as there's been questions about where he stands on deportation. the wall will always be there. the question comes if he does decide to make this trip to mexico city is the mexican president has been very clear, mexico will not be paying for that wall. i can promise you tonight,
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donald trump will talk about the wall and he'll ask the crowd who is going to pay for it and everybody will yell out mexico. that could be problematic tomorrow. >> phil mattingly, thanks very much. we have seen in past presidential races where a candidate has gone overseas hoping to bolster foreign credentials and it can backfire. >> it can backfire. mitt romney went overseas back in 2011, 2012, and it didn't go very well. he was in london and they were upset when he was talking about the olympics and the security, he said it was lax and the rest of the trip didn't go well when he went into eastern europe but we don't often see presidential candidates go into mexico. mitt romney might have gone into canada, might have been his first foreign trip. >> usually these are so scripted. >> and it's fascinating.
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donald trump is kind of walking into what a lot of people see as the tinder box of his campaign -- >> it's fascinating. >> it's fascinating. >> no question but it's going into what a lot of people see is his greatest vulnerability. it plays as a strength to someone who -- >> we have a problem with our neighbor in america today and this is mr. trump saying instead of going all the bureaucracy of the city commission, i'm going to go straight to my name and let's see if we can work this out. he's a problem solver. >> is that what it comes out today. >> i haven-- having worked on a national and local political campaigns, you have to be smart about it and strategize. he usually takes weeks before you can execute this. he could go there and be protested. there could be protesters there. why shouldn't they?
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