tv Wolf CNN September 7, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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on a 20-year federal prison term plus the possibility of civil commitment and that's what we did. >> that's what you got. >> the other thing is, this is a tough gut-wrenching case. we sat down with the wetterling family before we made any deals. that was the only way we were going to go forward. we had a long conversation about it. they wanted their little boy home and they got him home. >> thank you for what you did and for getting him off the street and for being with us today, andrew lugar and thanks for watching, everyone. wolf starts right now. i'm wolf blitzer, 1:00 p.m. here in washington, 6:00 p.m. in london, 8:00 p.m. in aleppo, syria and wherever you are watching. we start with breaking news. national security front and center in the presidential race here in the united states. speaking a little while ago, donald trump pledged to restore and strengthen america's military and repeated his plan for taking on isis.
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>> i will ask my generals to present to me a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy isis. >> this will require military, cyberand financial warfare as i laid out on my speech on defeting radical islamic terrorism several weeks ago. instead of an apology tour, which you saw president obama give over and over again, i will proudly promote our system of government and our way of life as the best in the world, just like we did in our campaign against communism during the cold war. >> on the democratic side, hillary clinton got some help out there on the campaign trail from former president, bill clinton at a campaign stop in
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florida. he said, even republicans trust hillary clinton to keep the country safe. >> i can never remember a democratic candidate for president that had as many prominent republicans endorsing her as hillary has had. in view of all the attacks on her, i think it is very interesting that the overwhelming majority of them said they are doing it because they trust her with the national security of this country to keep us safe enough and strong enough. >> these are live pictures you are seeing right now from carlyle, pennsylvania, where chelsea clinton is campaigning for her mother. we are going to dip into that event later. stand by for that. first, let's bring in jim acosta. he is in philadelphia where trump just gave his national security speech, along with our pentagon correspondent, barbara starr. this is the second day in a row trump has focused on national
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security. what was the gist of his message today? >> reporter: well, wolf, obviously, the speech was aimed at laying out his policy proposals for national defense, for national security. in that speech, he talked about his plan for defeating isis. that plan basically consists of telling his generals on day one of his administration that they have 30 days to come up with a pln f plan for defeating isis. he talks about wanted to end the forced sequestration at the pentagon to increase military spending. this speech was designed to go after hillary clinton. time and again he went after her readiness as he put it to wage war in the middle east, saying there was no military intervention that she did not like. also, questioned her steadyness, her capability to be commander in chief and some of that is really aimed at deflecting some of the attention away from his own poll numbers in that regard. keep in mind, our latest cnn poll p finds that americans, by
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and large, believe that hillary clinton is more temperamentally fit to be president of the united states. listen to these remarks when i wrapped them together to attack hillary clinton as being unfit for being president of the united states. here is what he had to say. >> sometimes it seemed like there wasn't a country in the middle east that hillary clinton didn't want to invade, intervene in, or topple. she is trigger happy and very unstable, whether we like it or not. that's what's going on. she is also reckless, so reckless, in fact, that she put her e-mails on an illegal server that our enemies could easily hack and probably have. >> now, this whole issue of hillary clinton's e-mail server and the safety of those e-mails
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came up frequently throughout this speech, wolf. there was another part during this speech where he said that hillary clinton has shown to all of us how vulnerable we are to cyberhacking. we should point out, though, it was back in july when donald trump got into a lot of trouble when he seemed to invite the russians to hack into or find wherever those missing or deleted e-mails from her private e-mail server. later went on to say he was being sarcastic about that. some things we want to check into where he accuses her of rushing into war in iraq. he likes to say he was against that war but was caught on tape saying the u.s. should go ahead and invade iraq in 2003. this was one of those speeches well-designed, well-delivered. in addition to laying out miss foreign policy, he wanted to take another opportunity to take some whacks at hillary clinton. >> barbara starr, you are at the pentagon. what did you make of trump's
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speech? >> there is a lot to break down, starting with his statement that hillary clinton likes to intervene. donald trump has called for u.s. troops to basically seize the oil fields in iraq. his speech had a lot in it. it started by talking about military readiness, which deals with where your troops and your equipment is today as we stand today. are they ready to go to war? he starts with that but the bulk of his speech is, of course, with the future of the u.s. military. let's put up a few numbers to show people. these are massive increases in the standing force of the u.s. military that donald trump called for in this speech. he is basically calling for of everything. tens of thousands of additional army forces, marine bat ttalion hundreds of navy ships and fighter jets. what's the cost? who is going to pay for it? you are going to have to get a republican or democratic or
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coalition type effort in congress to pay for all of this. there has been very little inclination to do that. do you really need all of it? that is the fundamental military question. commanders always say they need more. they have said repeatedly they don't have enough right now. do you need all of this? military policy dictates that you don't start with the numbers. you start with the threat. what is the threat? what is the capacity and capability you need to deal with that threat? if you can't match that up, you wind up with a huge standing force that maybe you cannot continue to pay for over the decades. this would cost billions of dollars. it would be a real question of whether you need this kind of capacity for decades to come. that's not what we heard today. wolf? >> let's get some perspective
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now on trump's plan, his national security speech from peter king of new york. he is a key member of the homeland security and intelligence commit it is. he is joining us live. congressman, thanks very much for joining us. what's you initial reaction to donald trump's plan to strengthen the military to improve national security? >> basically, wolf, i would agree going forward. i believe there have been too many cuts to the military. the sequester policy to me is absolutely wrong. there is no equivalency between domestic and military spending. on the military, we have to spend what we have to spend. if we are not safe or alive, it doesn't matter what domestic programs we have. when china is expanding in the pacific, we have to do more with our navy. barbara was talking about whether or not we would have too many ground forces. one of the problems we have now is is that we have the same troops being p deployed over and over contributing to the ptsd and
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morale issues. we need more ground forces, whether it is as much as donald trump is asking for but that will be the subject of hearings in congress. he is definitely going in the right direction. i support the thrust of what he is saying as far as more military readiness. >> i want the viewers to be aware, i assume you are a donald trump supporter? >> i have endorsed him and had several meetings with him on security issues. i was not supporting him during the primaries but i am supporting him now, yes. >> he said once again today that he will ask the generals for a plan within 30 days how to defeat and destroy isis during the campaign, though, as you well know, he indicated he already had a plan but didn't want to tip-off the terrorist toss what that plan was. listen to what he said back in april. >> and then there is isis. i have a simple message for them. their days are numbered. i won't tell them where and i won't tell them how.
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we must we must as a nation be more unpredictable. >> does he already have a plan or is he depending on the generals to come up with a plan during his first 30 days if he is elected president? >> he has received significant advice from people like general mike flynn, former head of the defense intelligence agency, a top military adviser. he has general ideas and some specific ideas. he is realistic enough to know as president, he wants the latest intelligence and the latest to the military to fine tune, refine and add to it. the big difference you will see is you will not have donald trump telling you what he is not going to do. that's one of the big criticisms that i have had and donald trump has had. with president obama in september of 2013 when he said he was -- 2014, when he said he was going to take action against isis, air attacks and no ground troops. you should never tell what you are not going to do.
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let the enemy think we are going to do anything. don't let them know what we are not going to do. be unpredictable. >> this is from a new ad from the hillary clinton campaign trying to win support among veterans. listen to this. >> i know more about isis than the generals do. john mccain, a war hero. he is not a war hero. he is a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. okay? >> first he said he knows more than the generals. secondly, he said, john mccain is not a war hero. he said he knows more than the generals. what's your reaction to that? >> i think that's the type of statement you make during a campaign. obviously, i know for instance how much he relies on general flynn. i know that he said he is going to go to the generals. i think what he is saying is he is not going to be bound by what the generals say and his way of disagreeing with president obama. >> what about what he said about john mccain as a p.o.w., that he
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wasn't really a hero? p.o.w.s are not heroes? >> does he owe john mccain and others an apology? >> it was wrong. i am the greatest admirer of anybody, of john mccain. i endorsed him for president in 2000. he is a close personal friend. he is a hero. he should be an inspiration to all of us. what donald trump said at the time was simply wrong. however he works it out with john mccain is between the two of them. i can't imagine be being a p.o.w. for one night, let alone five or six or seven years like john mccain and sam johnson had to go through. >> yesterday, dr. ben carson told our dr. ben tap earth that he should apologize for supporting the berther movement involving the president of the united states? does he owe the president an apology? >> i don't believe he does. he was raising issues i wouldn't have raised. he was raising the issue to put the president on the spot of why
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he hadn't shown the birth certificate. i don't want to become the nation of making apologies all the time. if you can't take it, get out of the arena. a lot of people have said things about me, including reporters. i never asked for an apology. say whatever you want. let's be more tem pid as we go forward. >> this is the first african-american president of the united states. once he released his birth certificate from hawaii showing he was born in honolulu, should he formally have apologized. is it still appropriate for him to say, you know what, mr. president, i apologize. >> i don't think it had to do with an african-american. if he would have been from scotland, germany, ireland or spain, and he hadn't produced his birth certificate. he is an equal opportunity in attacking people. he grew up in queens. i grew up in queens. we do more often than we should resort to the ad whom anyone
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attack. that's sort of our style. i don't see that as being a racial issue at all. as far as apologies, i think we should get over the apologies. >> you said he should apologize to john mccain and other p.o.w.s. >> i said he can work that out with john mccain. that is in a class by itself having been a prisoner of war for seven years. that's different from being a part of the political give-and-take. i would put that in a different category. >> peter king, congressman from new york, thanks very much for joining us. >> coming up, our political panelist standing by to weigh in on donald trump's national security speech today. plus, hillary clinton says donald trump is dead wrong. that voters don't care about his tax returns. is she right? we're going to get our political panel to weigh in on that and the conditions he has set for releasing his returns. any moment, chelsea clinton will rally voters for her mother. stay with us. lots going on. with the right steps,
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need to enforce classification laws. >> one of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information. hillary clinton put her e-mails on a secret server. nobody knew about except for the man that was i have been go the fifth. remember? whatever happened to him? where is he? what happened to him? where did he go? >> let's discuss trump's latest attacks and his lift of policy proposals. joining us political reporter, ed o'keefe and cnn political host of the david gregory show podcast, david gregory. how successful was donald trump in attack can hillary clinton on this issue of national security? >> in terms of pure political theater, a more disciplined trump than we have seen in the recent past. two, i think he is tapping into those voters that look at america's place in the world and
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to the extent they think about it, they are troubled about it. they are troubled by the threats of isis and terrorism and troubled by our allies thinking we haven't stepped up and asserted our leadership. he falls short of real policy prescriptions and a sense of realism of what we can accomplish militarily. we have 16 years now after 9/11. a lot of lessons that he has been learned that he doesn't really show that he has learned in a lot of these attacks on clinton. >> he had been giving several speeches on national security. he likes doing it. today was a little different. what did you see differently today? >> the discussion of ending the sequester. we spent most of 2013 talking about that. >> having written about the sequester, the automatic budget cuts that would come into effect if federal spending hit a certain level, a certain amount to the pentagon. >> across the board. >> right. his discussion today of ending it for military spending is music to the ears of a lot of
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republicans specially those that just came back to do a little bit of work on capitol hill. you heard peter king say, i think it is a great idea. defense spending shouldn't be e-quaided with domestic spending. that will ring pretty well with a lot of skeptical republicans and maybe some independence and certainly military service mims, their families, veterans that may not like him or may have concerns about him as commander in chief but will appreciate the talk. >> a state like florida, which could be the most important state among the battleground states in terms of what could tip the scales of the election, by military vote there. this is not heavy policy. this is more, hey, let's do more for veterans and to strengthen the military. pure politics in a general election campaign. >> there are a lot of democrats and a few republicans that think the u.s. is already spending too much on defense, on military matters. if you take a look, the numbers, the bottom line numbers, the u.s. spend more on defense than the next half a dozen, maybe even dozen countries combined even if you include russia,
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china, iran and north korea, in na category. there is a whole group of members of congress that say, you know what, we should be cutting back more. >> there are those that say that. david is right. there is some real politicking here. not only does it appeal to voters in florida, north carolina and virginia have massive military. he is struggling to reach out to them and to bolster support against republicans. >> the role of the united states in the world and the projection of the u.s. force. after 9/11, decisions were made to invade afghanistan and iraq to project american power. this administration has been defined by restraint and criticized for that. there is going to be a new chapter of this debate. trump is the ultimate outsider. hillary clinton is very much a part of the old order having voted for iraq, supported afghanistan and he is right. his language calling her trigger happy. there is no question, she is more hawkish than president
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obama. she has made that very clear. that's a fair debate to have. we will hear more in the presidential debate. >> libya, for example, as bad as it was under gadhafi, take a look at what's going on with isis in control of big chunks of libya, including oil. >> you have heard trump and mike pence and other republicans ask the questions, what really did she accomplish as secretary of state if you look at the state of the world right now? the president is overseas in asia getting disrespected every single day by different leaders of that region. you have what's going on in the middle east. they hold that up and say she was responsible for this for four years. if this is still happening now, why on earth would we want to return to her. it is an argument. >> you hear from a lot of top military leaders. they may not love her or respect her. there is a grudging acknowledgment for the fact that she has made tough decisions and she knows these issues. i don't see a lot of voters are
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going to see her as reckless compared to donald trump. >> she, in turn, is responding by going after him on a whole host of issues, including as recently as yesterday. why doesn't he release his tax returns? he says he can't do it under audit. there are a lot of years going back where he is no longer under audit. >> this is one that won't go away for him. it speaks to a question of transparency. what is he trying to hide? also, amid all these questions about donations he was giving, for example, the attorney general of florida, pam bondi. terrible donations would be revealed in a tax return. if he would put it out, maybe it would settle those questions. my colleagues at the post have been asking, was he really giving money or using his own charitable foundation to give money to various organizations. the tax returns would help clear that up. >> his vice-presidential running mate supposedly as early as tomorrow is going to release his. that will give new focus and attention on why isn't donald
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trump at least releasing those tax returns that are no longer under audit. >> there is no reason he should not be releasing threes. in his arguments, they run thin throughout this campaign. as you've pointed out, this is also somebody who didn't believe the president of the united states was an american citizen. these are things he has to keep answering. >> i want to go to carlyle, pennsylvania. chelsea clinton is speaking at a rally there. >> everything that i care most about i worry is at risk, all the progress that president obama has made, the progress i don't think he gets enough credit for having made to move our country forward and all the opportunities for further progress that his leadership has really enabled. i know it is really hot in here and there are lots more people i can see. i just want to share a few
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thoughts about why i'm such a passionate supporter of my moms and take a couple questions and try to meet as many of you as possible. i should acknowledge no great surprise, i am deeply and unapologetically biased towards my mom. we should hang out more often. i couldn't imagine a better grandmother for my children. that's one of the reasons i am so by ased towards her. i couldn't imagine a better role model for me as a working mom. when an astay ya was talking about all the work my mom did before i was born, i was thinking of all the work she did after i was born. all the work she did in the 1980s to help expand early childhood education in arkansas and improve the standards in our public schools, helping arkansas public schools go from one of the worst in the country to the most improved in the country in the 1980s. the work that she did in the
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1990s on health care reform. i remember around the time that i met anastasia when my mom was fighting for universal health care coverage. i remember pretty vividly when that didn't work out. she didn't give up. quitting is not in her vocabulary. she got back up and kept working. i'm really proud that there are more than 8 million low income kids across our country including more than 100,000 here in pennsylvania who have health care coverage in large part because of my mom's efforts. i'm really proud that when she was our first lady and also when she was my senator in new york she fought for work that she hasn't yet been able to deliver on, paid family leave, equal pay for equal work, ensuring that women's rights are always moving forward and not being pushed
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backward. it matters. >> chelsea clinton not surprisingly strongly supporting her mother to become the next president of the united states. she is a pretty good campaigner for her mom. her mom has a whole bunch of other excellent surrogates as well. >> i was just sitting here thinking that. she is in pennsylvania today. bill clinton is down in florida. they are sending the first lady, michelle obama, out to northern virginia. >> a pretty good surrogate herself. >> and tim kaine and his wife out campaigning as well. they can cover a lot of ground on any given day. you think about trump, you have trump, mike pence, maybe the trump children and rudy giuliani and jeff sessions who seem to be flying with trump. they can't cover as much ground in this way, the old way, tried and true and the way trump is trying to do it. you wonder to what extent this helps. it helps them keep the message
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going in big battleground states. >> pretty soon, she will have the president of the united states out there on the campaign trail. that barack obama coalition will be recreated. >> he has pretty high approval ratings. maybe they are not high enough to help her as much as she would like. the country is identifying with democrats. she can expand the map quite considerably and she can target various groups. this is her daughter. she is speaking about issues that will resonate with working women in particular, that gap that's already been created between clinton and trump, among women, even white women, which typically vote republican, big leads for hillary clinton. if she can keep growing that. it gets harder and harder to imagine a path to victory for him. >> there is more news coming up. republican lawmakers are ready to dig deeper into hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server. >> how big of a problem are these new congressional hearings for her. plus, we'll talk about that a lot more. clinton supporter, congressman,
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and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around. in a major speech on national security, donald trump slamming hillary clinton as reckless saying her policies have unleashed death and destruction. congressman to respond to the speech. you support hillary clinton obviously, very strongly. your reaction to what we just heard from donald trump on national security? >> he is right about one thing. hillary's policies did create
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death and destruction for osama bin laden. we are in such a bizarre environment where donald trump can read off a teleprompter and by reading off a teleprompter, he doesn't sound so crazy. it is when he speaks from his gut it gets dangerous. today, he said we need to improve our missile defense systems. yesterday, he said he would trust china to handle north korea's nuclear missile systems. today, he talked about the need to improve our cyberdefenses. last month, he invited russia to conduct cyber espionage against the people. when it comes to his gut, something a president needs, he doesn't have the temperament to lead. the contrast on national security could not be more vivid. >> you agree that the so-called sequester, automatic budget cut for defense should be eliminated? >> i think sequester should be eliminated across the board. donald trump is speaking the democratic talking points. we have been saying we should eliminate the sequester, not only talking about it, but trying to do it. here is the problem with donald
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trump's approach. he says we should eliminate just for defense spending. right now, the house republicans are saying they don't have the money to give the cdc to deal with zika under sequester. if you are going to eliminate sequester on the defense side, what about eliminating it on the defense of public health and do it across the board. donald trump false dangerously short. >> in his speech, he attacked hillary clinton overuse of a private e-mail server during her four years as secretary of state. listen to this. >> hillary clinton has taught us really how vulnerable we are in cyber hacking. that's probably the only thing that we have learned from hillary clinton. >> he is proposing stronger classification rules, stronger enforcement of laws surrounding the handling of classified material. do you agree with him that's
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needed? >> how could you possibly support stronger classification and cybersecurity when a month ago he publicly asked the russians to commit suber espionage. >> he said he was being sarcastic. >> we know that's what is in his gut. no question we have a major vulnerability. we have very good cyber offensive capability. i am not going to take lectures about classifications from s cybersec curity. >> tomorrow, your republican colleagues are set to hold a new hearing involving hillary clinton's e-mail use. do you think there is some new vulnerability based on the
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latest information that has just come out? this story never seems to go away as far as she is concerned. >> it never seems to go away because house republicans never seem to stop doing these hearings. we have just come off a seven-week recess. we've been here for less than 24 hours. tomorrow, they're going to have yet another hearing, another day, another hearing into hillary clinton's e-mails. meanwhile, you have increased threat from zika. they will not pass funding from zika this week. you have the federal government is going to shut down at the end of this month. we do not have a budget. we have national security emergencies, republicans have done nothing. i understand that they have a political agenda to try and reduce the intensity of hillary's support with these constant hearings. they also have responsibility to govern. there, they are doing nothing. >> if, in fact, she and her associates did destroy some of those e-mails after they received a formal subpoena to make all that information
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available, isn't that a problem? >> wolf, she has taken responsibility for the e-mails. she has apologized for it. she has said she should have done it differently. the republicans just don't seem to take yes for an answer. they want to continue to do the hearings, because it deflects the issues important to the american people. we need to deal with zika and pass a budget and do the other things. instead, we are going to do this hearing and try to impeach the irs commissioner and sanction house democrats that had a sit-in against gun violence. these things don't matter to the american people. they want us to protect them from zika. another hearing into hillary clinton's e-mails is not going to advance the national security or our national economy. >> you agree that the members of congress, 435 in the house of representatives, they are capable of doing more than one thing at a time? >> all republicans are doing are
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hearings into hillary clinton's e-mails. you don't need to be spending all of your time on one thing. that's what they seem to be focused on. >> congressman steve israel of new york, thanks very much for joining us. thank you, wolf. devastating scenes out of syria. families, including small children, rushed to the hospital gasping for air. what we are learning about a new suspected gas attack. stay with us. but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support.
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delivers mega support. i know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. age. john mccain, a war hero. he's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i've made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i've had tremendous success, i think... those are sacrifices?
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children as they are treated at a makeshift hospital. an activist from the aleppo media center tells cnn at least seven people were killed, 40 injured following today's air strike. comes on the heals of yesterday's suspected chemical attack in the same area. this footage shows people gasping for air in a hospital. the syrian observatory accuses the syrian regime of bashar al assad of using war planes to drop barrel bombs of gas. they are laying out a plan for a political transition to try to end the five-year civil war. for more, let's bring in our senior international correspondent, arwa damon. talk to us about the horror that's happening in aleppo right now. >> wolf, our viewers just got a brief glimpse of it in those two videos you were showing right
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there. you had this initial gas attack of sorts that took place yesterday. when people in a place like rebel-held aleppo succumb to this type of attack, they are not going into a fully functional hospital. they are going into makeshift clinics, most of which were underground. when they were above ground, they were bombed by the syrian regime or the russians according to aid organization. they are functioning underground. they don't have regular electricity. they are running on generators that are reliant on diesel fuel. that is in very short supply. these are areas under siege. you saw in one of those clips that toddler crying desperately. his mother standing right next to him unable to comfort her child. when you live in rebel-held aleppo or most rebel-held parts of syria and you survive one attack. you don't get to breath a sigh of relief. the next day, you are more
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likely than not going to succumb to another strike. this is the reality of syrians in many parts of the country for more than 5 1/2 years. >> arwa, how do they know it was a chlorine gas attack? >> well, for a couple of reasons. first and foremost, activists and medical aid workers say it was because of the smell. also, because of the symptoms. they've been through this before. this exact same neighborhood in aleppo p has been targeted by what activists and aid workers and other organizations say was chlorine gas. so they've been through this. there are other parts of syria that have been through similar strikes as well. there are networks in place where they exchange information about the various different kinds of weapons they are being hit with so they can figure out how to better treat the symptoms. this is nothing new, wolf. this chemical weapons line was crossed back in august of 2013
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with that strike that happened in the da mamascus suburbs wher upwards of 1,000 were killed. over the last three years, nothing in the country has changed. >> britain's foreign minister hosting talks in london today. we are also told that the u.s. and russian foreign secretaries of state are getting ready to meet. any hope at all for progress? >> look, one always has to cling on to hope, because if that all flies out the window, then there really is nothing left. here is the problem. everything is talk at this stanl. everythi stanl. all of those rhetorics, they are backing different players within syria much the population realizes it. they feel as if they are pawn ns this broader political game that is playing out regionally and globally. is there hope? no, very little at this stanl.
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>> arwa damon reporting for us in istanbul. she has seen so much of this horror and destruction. thank you so much for joining us. other news we are following. it appears an outburst by the president of the philippines is now apparently somewhat forgiven. an official with the white house tells cnn that president obama and the philippines president duarte spoke briefly before the asian dinner, it consisted of pleasantries. he blasted president obama calling him an s.o.b. duarte now says he regrets his comment. apple set to unveil its next generation iphone but all the buzz is about what it may not have. we'll update you when we come back. you do all this research on a perfect car,
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details on the latest feature apple is offering its customers. >> reporter: well, wolf, tim cook did not start this event the way he usually does climbing on stage. instead, he climbed in the car to do car pool karaoke with james cordon. no surprise, or no coincidence, since apple signed a deal to syndicate that on their beats service. they just started talking about the iphone 7 and they accidentally tweeted out one thing so we have confirmation of one of the expectations. it looks like the phone is indeed going to be waterproof. maybe in my next report i'll ununderwater using the phone and testing that out. also we expect a dual lens camera in the next couple of minutes on the bigger device. that way it can take pictures that are really what a wedding photographer might take, higher quality pictures with that dual lens. also more memory. you go to take a picture and it runs out of memory and you can't save that cherished picture. looks like the cheapest units
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will have 32 gigabytes of space. and getting rid of the headphone jack. that's what apple is expected to do. you're probably saying are they crazy? how are we going to listen to our music? everybody is very upset about this online. looks like they'll just be getting rid of that little port right there. instead, you may plug in your headphones into the charging port. they might offer wireless ear buds or maybe you fork out $2 for an adapter so you can use your headphones on the new phone. sometimes when apple shifts, the entire industry goes along with it. >> i got the apple 6-plus. is it going to be bigger? smaller? what's the story? >> reporter: it's just coming up on the screen now for the first time. it looks like it is going to be about the same size. they're saying it could beat piano black, all those different names of colors really don't make that much difference for me. i think the big difference here really is going to be how we listen to things. that's really going to change everything for electronics. >> anxious to hear the specific details.
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samuel, thanks very much for doing that. samuel burke reporting. that's it for me. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." for our viewers in north america, "newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts right after a quick break. the heirloom tomato. intensely-flavored. colorfully-diverse. beautifully-misshapen. cultivated for generations, it's the unexpected hero of any dish. when you cook with incredible ingredients... you make incredible meals. fresh ingredients. step-by-step-recipes. delivered to your door, for less than $9 a meal. get $30 off your first delivery i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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11:00 am
here we go. hi there, i'm brooke baldwin. thank you so much for being with me. i'm watching cnn. moments ago donald trump detailed what he would do if and when he is elected commander in chief. this is a big run-up to his first official event with hillary clinton tonight. it is being billed as a commander in chief forum. they won't be on the same stage but they will be facing the very same crowd. no doubt, these presidential contenders know that absentee voting, folks, begins in one week. one week.
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