tv Election Night in America CNN November 8, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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elsewhere. >> certainly will and we're getting ready for 16 states, 16 states, and the district of colombia going to be closing. all polling stations in florida will be closed at the top of the hour. that is i merging as the critically important state. pennsylvania close right now. hillary clinton wins in isle with its 20 electric votes. a win for hillary clinton. in new jersey. governor christie is the governor there but hillary clinton is the winner in new jersey with 14 electoral votes. hillary clinton wins in new jersey. in ma we projects will go to hillary clinton. massachusetts. let's move to maryland. ten electoral votes. we project hillary clinton wins in maryland. she'll carry that state. an important win for hillary clinton in the state of maryland. more wins for hillary clinton coming in right now.
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in rhode island, hillary clinton carries the state of rhode island with it's four electoral votes. delaware, three electoral votes. all going to hillary clinton and the district of colombia, three electoral votes go to hillary clinton. donald trump also has some projected wins, three specifically. we project he'll carry the state of oklahoma with seven electoral votes. donald trump will carry tennessee with 11 electoral votes and donald trump will also carry mississippi with six electoral votes 789 we ha. we have a key race alert right now. too early to call in florida right now. 29 electoral votes as stake. too early the call in florida. too early to call in pennsylvania with 20 electoral votes. cannot make a projection in pennsylvania. also in new hampshire, no projection there. too early to call in new hampshire right there. too early to call in new
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hampshire. let's get the complete list of all the states that are too early to call. the 8:00 p.m. closes of alabama, connecticut, florida, maine, missouri, pennsylvania. no projections there. too early to call. take a look at the electoral map. hillary clinton has the lead with 68 electoral votes compared to donald trump's 48 electoral votes. you see 270 are needed to win the white house. the blue states we projected go to hillary clinton. the red states go to donald trump. all the yellow states, too early to call. no projection in those states right now. that is where it stand, the electoral map right now. but jake these states like florida and north carolina, and pennsylvania and ohio, they will decide presumably what's going on. your take is this. >> well pennsylvania we still haven't heard anything out of
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pennsylvania. north carolina, as democrats were talking about, they were telling jeff zeleny they think it is going to go down to the wire and might not even have a call all night and of course florida, could be a race that's decided by one or two percentage points and as we've been saying the trump campaign and the republican national committee says there is really no path to the presidency for donald trump without the sta state of florida and why both candidates have been spending so many days and so many millions of the dollars in that state. one thing that cease so important is not just southern florida which tends to be democratic or northern florida, the pan handle which tends to be republican but the i-4 corner in the center of the is it state, where there are so many college of educated voters. how they are going to vote? the trend has been for college
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educated white women to go and support hillary clinton at least in early polling. >> dana you spent a lot of time in florida. >> i want to echo one thing jake was talk about with regard to how close florida is always historically and what republicans think is a path. i was talking to a republican source who says that at this point the way that they are seeing the modelling it looks like donald trump is more likely than not to lose by a couple of points in florida. that is what they are saying. they could always be surprised. don't have all the votes but that is the expectation in a republican source i'm talking to. and to your point earlier marco rubio running for reelection in florida is outperforming donald trump in key pockets of the florida in particular mooiiami e dade. >> this is the science and the methodology and then what people actually do. >> and the do is what's happening as we speak.
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>> even though there are democrats saying we think we're going win florida and republicans saying the same thing at the end of the day nobody knows. >> we have an update on the voting in those states right now. let's take a look at florida first. hillary clinton has an almost 80,000 vote lead over donald trump with 77% of the vote in. 29 electoral votes at stake. still close. 49.1 for hillary clinton, 48% for donald trump. but she has the lead. she also has the lead with almost half the vote in at north carolina. 185,000 plus vote lead over donald trump. 52.8% for hillary clinton. 44.8% for donald trump. 15 electoral votes at stake in north carolina. in ohio, a quarter of the vote is now in. hillary clinton is ahead in ohio as well. 137,000 vote lead over donald trump. 53.3 to 43.2%.
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26% of the vote is now in. just changed. her lead is up to 153,000. 18 electoral votes at stake in ohio. over to john king at the magic wall. these three states will make a major decision who's going to be the next president of the united states. let's start with florida. >> almost 80% of the vote in florida wolf and it is very close. >> only 50,000 votes now. it just shrunk a bit. >> did. and when you phil tfill the map here you can expect donald trump to make up ground. the challenge is smaller counties. not much in that county there. 92% of the vote in here and not that many votes. so that is one of the things we'll watch. it's what's missing. in the smaller counties there is only so much math you can make up. going down to the wire in a nail biter. osceola county. 1.4 o of the state population but it is in that important i-4
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corridor. the clinton people in the age of big data you know what you need. you know how many registered voters. you have an expectation of turnout and run the computer models and run the lists and turn out your voters and if you get to a number where you are happy. 63% there. back in time. 62%. if you are the clinton campaign, outperforming barack obama you think it is enough. bull pen y but you want to get the democrats out and in most places they are doing that. now this is a bit of a down for secretary clinton. and this is a swing area. pinellas county where st. pete. the president did a little better here. some areas she's overperforming. some she's underperforming. and then back that year's race. and looking not only to what's missing, we have no votes at you
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will -- at all up here. most of what we have is the early vote. we from the precincts we're not getting percentage reporting yet. and that is a big factor in the sense that what this tells us, we don't know how many because early voting has become so important. but it tells us there is more votes down here which is good news for secretary clinton. >> north carolina. hillary clinton has a lead there as well. half the vote in north carolina is now in. >> as i pull it out. i just want to tell our viewers, when you see me go to the national map because it is shaded doesn't mean it is over there. that is leading. on this map it is live data feed. so states switch back and forth. >> 51% of the vote in north carolina now in. she has a lead 51.9 to 47% in north carolina. >> we haven't had any votes in durham earlier. now with e have some durham
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vote if that percentage holds up that is what secretary clinton needs in a state that is one of the ultimate tug of war states in me american politics. wade county. she's getting close to 60% of the vote compared to 37%. the math from four years ago where this was such a close state. secretary clinton is doing what she needs here. looking for donald trump, where can he pull up the vote? back to the romney win. and you see all this red down here. donald trump needs to run it up along the coast all the way down. back in here. mitt romney, new hanover county. this is where donald trump, melania trump introduced donald trump the other day. at the moment it is the tiniest of margins. but if this county stays blue
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that is a sign the clinton campaign is not only holding the democratic areas but encroaching and taking a few votes. this is the big swing here in mecklenburg county. she's at 66% but that is a low vote total for what's almost 10% of the state population. so if you are the clinton campaign at 53%, you are looking at this. you know it is going to go late. but with what's still out there you are encouraged at the moment. but a lot of smaller areas. 2,000 here. 500 here. maybe 2,000 there. still potential for donald trump as the rural areas fill in. >> with 53% of the vote in that is significant. >> it is. it gets harder. donald trump again in the big population centers hillary clinton is winning and by lopsided margins so far. so for donald trump number one, shrink the margins in these major population centers. as the later vote comes in you are hoping they come in from the suburban areas, the farther out areas and run up the vote a
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belittle. two, in the smaller rural areas that are still out donald trump has to hope for very healthy margins and you go through some of these you see what i'm talking about. only 25% of the vote in stokes county. he's getting 73%. couple of thousand votes here. no votes over here yet. it is out there but if she keeps running up numbers in the big population centers, simple math, it gets your o the top. because the democrats are winning where more people live. it is arithmetic at the end but at the moment that is a healthy lead. the question is how was -- >> and they are keeping the polls open in durham because there were some problems there. at least an extra hour. >> let's look at ohio. >> blue at the moment. again if that stays blue at the end of the night, if we can call it. remember it was the day after in 2004. >> by the way i want to show our viewers in texas, is blue. that is only because the votes so far released. that doesn't necessarily mean
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much. >> barely because it is san antonio. one place reporting early. remember we haven't called these races. that is live data feed. same with ohio. it is blue at the moment. if ohio stays blue hillary clinton is the next president of the united states. that simple. but we're early. only up to 27% of the vote there. and you see that looks like a big swing but you don't know what's out. at the moment we did not have any votes out of cleveland, chi hogue county earliecuyahoga1 c . so the clinton campaign, you like these numbers. another key place is down here. hamilton county used to be republican. and the democrats are made up a lot of ground here in recent years. this is just early vote because we don't have a percentage right there. so we'll wait and see if this stays like that.
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>> i want to go to florida right now. because, what, 85% of the vote in florida is in. look at this. 3876,000, only about 15 or 16,000 votes separate the candidates in florida with 85% of the vote in. her lead once again has shrunk. >> shrunk and again what filled in? more areas up here. >> just changed again. only 11,000 vote lead. just now. >> math on your feet wolf. i like it. as you go through.
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you're seeing a live data feed into the wall. so it will change as we're talking. trump is doing what he needs in the rural areas. >> take a look at florida. all of a sudden, take a look at florida right now. you see with 85% of the vote in, hillary clinton is now in second place. donald trump has taken the lead in florida. he's got 3,900,029. donald trump all of a sudden has taken the lead in florida. >> 740 vote there is. you remember a campaign long ago 546 votes. >> that would be 2000. >> florida and north carolina are battleground states and why we have to count deep into the night. 86% and you start asking yourself what am i missing? and you think 48.3, 47.9, does that make a difference? it sure does when the margin in
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the state is inside of a thousand votes. winning a county like this where you have a population center, it sure does. so you have a tug of war here. this is interesting because earlier today a democrat organizing down here. said they got out the early vote and got very encouraged and saw the lines -- >> trump right now is 918 votes ahead. almost what? 8 million people have been counted and he's got a lead of just under a thousand votes. >> 86%. this is where you look when the race is this close. what are we missing? 8% here but they are getting there. you got most of the vote counts there. so come over here and get 80% here. >> take a look at this. she has now taken the lead once again. hillary clinton is now in the lead. it's going to update in a second. we're watching this very close. you can see right there. hillary clinton has a 4,000 vote lead.
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>> and we're going rock and roll with this for a while. let's go through. here is an encouraging sign for secretary clinton. she just pulled into the lead. we've had a seesaw in the two or three minutes -- >> now 3,000 -- >> only -- she's winning 60/40 there. if you are watching this seesaw you know there are a lot of votes missing from here. broward county. we don't have the percentages here. so this is early vote what that tells me. and we'll get more votes and that percentage will jump up very quickly. miami dade up to 80%. so there is more votes here. she's winning big. >> 1600 votes ahead right now. >> reasonable to expect she'll get more votes out of here. the challenge for trump, in the areas that are red, what's missing? this is an interesting one for me. duval county. donald trump had a rally the other day. the president of the united states came in after him. duval county is republican area. trump is up 49-47 but when
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president obama won narrowly four years ago he lost by three points. sometimes it is about the margins. the blue and red you think democrat/republican but the margins can make a big difference and the president obama came within three points there. they were happy with that. so if hillary clinton is this close in duval county that is actually -- she can lose -- is the if she's losing this county by that she's fine with that. the question is can she keep the margin from getting any bigger and that is the math you start getting into at 87% like this and you are in a see sauce of leisure than a thousand votes there. >> standby. we're watching, florida, north carolina, ohio and other battleground states throughout the night in election night in america. we'll show you the results in a very unique way on one of the world's most famous landmarks. the em spire state building in new york city. right now hillary clinton has 68 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the white house. donald trump has 48. this night is all about your
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vote. you are looking at pictures from many of the millions of americans who already have made their choice for president. they posted these photos on instagram with the #my veote. we're counting down to the next round of poll closes including results from new york, the hope base of hillary clinton and donald trump. much more results after the break.
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another check of the electoral vote count so far. hillary clinton right now with 68 electoral votes of the 270 gleeded to win. donald trump with 48. here is a key race alert. florida, 88% of the vote is in. look at how close it is. 48.5% to 48.4%. donald trump has now taken the lead. donald trump is ahead of hillary clinton by 8,000 votes. 29 electoral votes are at stake in florida. 88% of the vote is in. donald trump has now taken an 8,000 plus vote lead. in north carolina more than half
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of the vote is. hillary clinton may n hillary clinton maintains a lead over donald trump. 15 electoral volts at stake in north carolina. >> ohio almost a third is in. hillary clinton maintains her lead over donald trump. 18 electoral votes are at stake in ohio right now. take a look at this. you see hillary clinton with 68 electoral votes to donald trump's 48. you need 270 to win the white house. remember the blue states, those are states we've projected that hillary clinton will win. the red states are states we've projected donald trump will win. the yellow states are states where it is too early to call. we have not yet be able to make a projection in those states and you see all of those states, including florida, where donald trump has just pulled ahead. let's go and show the votes right now. look at this. florida, 88% of the vote is in.
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donald trump's lead has grown. almost 14,000 over hillary clinton. 48.6% to 48.4%. donald trump has a slight lead over hillary clinton in florida. and john, 88% of the vote is in. 12% outstanding. so this is a significant number right now. >> yeah. and we're -- again this is going to be -- 76% of the vote in. when you get close to 88, 90% statewide you are going county by county and saying what's left for donald trump to get? and he's left for hillary
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clinton? lee county, he's running up the score but there is nothing more. if you are in the clinton campaign you are down a little bit right now but if you lo look --. we don't know. we assume there are more votes here but we don't know the answer to that question. broward county. miami dade they are almost done but there is 20% more in a major population center. if that margin stays the same -- >> those three counties alone. miami dade, broward and palm beach have more than 30% of the population of the entire state. >> right. 7% in palm beach county. almost 10% there.
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16 plus. miami dade, so there you go. and they are big democratic areas and there are still votes out. so you start looking at other areas. i looked up here a little bit. in terms of clinton has what she's going to get out of orange county here. so if you go through matching up the counties what's left to count? >> stand by far second. i want to quickly go to dana you have two major projections in the balance of power in the u.s. senate. that's right, wolf. first the first democratic pick up in the senate of the evening. you see there tammy duckworth, the democratic challenger cnn projects will beat the incouple republican mark kerr. that is seat republicans frankly gave up a while ago. they new that tammy duckworth was very likely to win. and a that's happened.
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now to the state of florida. on the senate level cnn can project that marco rubio will go on to win another term in the u.s. senate, defeating his democratic challenger patrick murray. this was not a seat that rubio wanted. he said he was going to retire until a lot of big wigs came in and convinced him to reconsider and looks like he'll go on to win reelection. now let's look at other wins that cnn can project this evening. richard blumenthal, the republican in connecticut will win another term. now in the state of maryland, cnn can project that chris van holen will beat his republican challeng challenger. then in oklahoma, james lankford will win, defeating his democratic challenger.
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now let's look at some of the key races that we're watching that will determine the balance of power. new hampshire the polls have close within the last hour. the democratic challenger right now is ahead of the incouple challenger. incumbent -- democrats are hoping that will be another one in their column in their quest to take back the senate. at this hour you see there the democrats have 40 seats. republicans have 35. 25 left to call. but the big news during this hour is the fact that democrats have their very first pick up in the state of isle. so what that means is they would need four more pick up, holding
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all the rest in order to become the majority again in the u.s. senate. >> this was the one that we knew the democrats would get in isle and then we also suspected that rubio in florida and portman in ohio would be able to hold on to their seats. now we look at the real races and find out what happens in the ones we have no idea what's going to happen with. >> yeah but it could be very very close in the key battleground states. as you point out the democrats need a net gain of five, unless they win the white house they they need a net gain of four. we have a key race alert right now. in florida right now, 29 electoral votes at stake. 91% of the vote is in and donald trump is building up a sort of impressive lead. 63,000 votes. donald trump has a lead over hillary clinton in florida with 91% of the vote in. 48.8% to 48.1%. 56% of the vote in north carolina is in. hillary clinton has an
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impressive lead of 131,000 over donald trump. 15 electoral votes at stake in north carolina. in ohio, 31% of the vote is in. hillary clinton has lead of almost 100,000 votes over donald trump in ohio. 18 electoral votes at stake in ohio right now. we've got more. in virginia 45%, almost half of the vote, is in. donald trump has an impressive lead over hillary clinton in virginia. 130,000 in fact. 13 electoral votes are at stake in virginia. 9% of the vote in georgia is in. donald trump leads by 169,000 over hillary clinton. in new hampshire only 7% of the vote is in but hillary clinton's lead is 5700 over donald trump. 53% to 41.8%. michigan, they are going to be closing the polls but we've got some numbers. hillary clinton with a 20,000 vote lead over donald trump. 6% of the vote is in in michigan and in texas they will be
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closing the polls soon but 46% of the vote has been released. hillary clinton, look at this, has a 56,000 vote lead over donald trump with almost half of the vote in, in texas right now. there you see right now. we have more projections to make right now. two more wins for donald trump. cnn projects donald trump will win the state of south carolina with its nine electoral votes. another win for donald trump in south carolina. donald trump will also win al with its nine electoral votes. donald trump the winner in alabama and south carolina. two important wins for donald trump. we have a key race alert right now. the polls in arkansas just closed. too early to call. bill clinton's home state. hillary clinton was the first lady of arkansas. too early to call in arkansas. six electoral votes right now let's take a look at the electoral college map and see where it stands right now with
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the latest wins. 68 electoral votes for hillary clinton, 66 for donald trump. you need 270 to win the white house. let me remind you the red states we've projected donald trump will win. the blue states we've projected hillary clinton will win. the yellow states too early to call. no projection yet in those states. jake, this is a nail-biter in several of these state, it's been going back and forth, up and down. >> in florida, especially donald trump with something like a 60,000 vote lead right now. but there are still lots of outstanding votes in broward county. palm beach county, the southeastern part of florida where there are a lot of democratic votes and still as we've always said this is going to be a very tight race in some of these states and in florida really i have no idea what's going to happen. republicans and democrats still anticipate hillary clinton could edge it out but at the end of the day who knows. >> and donald trump really needs to win florida if he's going to have a major shot. which do it in ore ways but florida so important. >> it is important for him just
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emotionally and symbolically because he feels it is a second home because of mar-a-lago and other places he has there. but also much more importantly mathematically it is very hard for him to get the keys to the white house without going through florida first and the counties that are out do seem to be more democratic than ones we have already in. but i have to say communicating say with some republicans saying well can't say we aren't getting the vote out. >> one of the subtexts of this night is how did republican candidates deal with donald trump. mark kirk in isle was the first republican in the senate to announce he's not going to endorse donald trump. he got decimated in that very blue state. marco rubio trying to keep at
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arms length but he did say he was going to vote for donald trump and he tried to challenge his democratic opponent, do you think hillary clinton is trustworthy. do you support her and apparently his argument won the day. >> and co-i point out one bit of irony. marco rubio's presidential race trounced in florida by donald trump. and now winning in -- >> originally said he wasn't going to run for reelection. let's take a look at the state of florida right. now hillary clinton was ahead. donald trump was ahead. they are going back and forth. there are still votes outstanding but take a look at this. 91% of the vote has now been counted. i'm impressed florida counts its vote so quickly. almost 9 million votes. 48.9%. 48.1%. look at the small lead for donald trump over hillary clinton. he's ahead by only 77,000 votes.
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that is a significant number. >> that is a significant number and then again as i said we're going to keep looking. i was e-mailing when you were walking over with democrats and republicans in florida asking what they know on the ground and they are where we are now. when you get up this far you start saying what's missing. and you still have half of the votes in palm beach county and hillary clinton has a big healthy lead there. no guarantee, zero guarantee she keeps that spread but if she keeps anything like that spread she's almost 90,000 votes up there, if the other half comes in, she'll pick up -- if she picks up a ballpark of 80,000 votes when the other half comes in that is significant. so one of the most significant issues in florida now as we get up to 91% statewide and i'm going to keep checking because it changes on the fly as we go through is is what's missing and there is a lot of votes missing in that democratic stronghold. a lot of votes missing here. by don't have the exact number yet. broward county turnout expected
to be up from 2012. these are the early votes and there is always one county in any state a little low to count. >> bodes well for hillary clinton. >> the expectation is she's winning big and unless there is a dramatic change in the results she's going to get more votes there. and down to miami dade they are almost done here. but in a big populous county like this, 9% or 10% can make a difference. if you are looking at the map right now you are trying to think are there places on this map where donald trump can make up what's still to come? and he's ahead by a slight margin. there is every reason to expect hillary clinton will make up that margen and more down here. so then the question is where do you look for donald trump? let's go through. those are smaller rural counties. the question is how many can you
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>> you can get those right here. you could get those right here in palm beach county. a combination of palm beach, broward and what's left in miami dade is more than enough. the question is what is still left out there that is republican? >> let's go to north carolina and virginia. in virginia donald trump is ahead. let's go to virginia first. >> i've been watching this one repeatedly because donald trump is ahead. and just a cautionary note. again this is more competitive than we thought virginia was going to be here is the big issue. donald trump is doing exactly what he needs out here. the smaller rural areas. ful 68%. donald trump doing exactly what he needs out in rural. but the issue is what's here? only 15% loudoun county.
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secretary clinton running it up. waiting for a lot more votes out of fairfax. and swing counties. hillary clinton -- this is a comeback for donald trump. when we looked earlier tonight he was way down in prince william county. that is comeback of sorts there. this will be the channel. if donald trump can stay that dm competitive in the outer suburbs, then he has a chance. just across the bridge this is what you expect, two thirds of the vote. so more votes for hillary clinton to come out of here. the question is can donald trump stay more competitive in the outer suburbs and run it up in the rural areas? chesapeake county, 61%. portsmouth, 41%. still some votes to be counted.
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so donald trump is ahead but we still have some business to do in virginia. >> north carolina, hillary clinton is ahead right knew. by about 80,000 votes. 5,000. >> and they are coming out of the big areas where she needed to get them. mecklenburg county. that is a big margin and more votes to get here. again when you go into these states now. statewide where are we? 59%. so we still know because we have a zero there. that means there is an early vote dump and we are waiting for more votes to come in. and wake county, used to be the back and forth swing county in the state. it is democratic now. but the democrats need to win it big. >> and here -- and this is where we're waiting because the polls were kept open. they should be closing now in that area. and look at this and the question is where can donald trump get the votes? in these places where he's
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winning, brunswick. here it tells you, z performancewise looks a lot like 2012. now obviously president obama won in 2012. in this state mitt romney won. you see the gray. those are mostly trump votes. you can be pretty sure in the rural areas. between democratic counties here. democrat might win this one. but most of the rural areas up here they are democratic. down here and out to the west they tend or the republican. little more probably to be gained for secretary clinton up here. trump has to run it up here and the population centers as we haven't looked at winston salem all night. so this is still early voting. >> you know 59% of the vote is in so there are still lots of votes out there. in ohio, hillary clinton is ahead in ohio. no republican has ever won the
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white house without ohio. >> a quick note as we go through this. these are states we're still counting the votes in. this one here, i just wanted to show you, we don't think hillary clinton is going to win mississippi. if she does that would be a stunner. this is are live feed, one or two counties. bare with us throughout the night. ohio right there, 49-46. if you are the clinton campaign you are encouraged. the map is filling out. >> third of the vote is in. >> look at the map. remember it is mostly red. remember where the blues are. pretty typical. little more for donald trump up here. so far up here. >> ahead by 50,000. >> she's ahead by 50,000 votes the question is your biggest vote center, cuyahoga county where cleveland is. 32% of the vote. she's running it up pretty big. it is a reasonable expectation there is more in the bank for secretary clinton. so then here is the issue. a lot of red. they are smaller. this is only 24% of the vote. only 17% of the vote.
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only 18% of the vote. 16% here but still more votes to come in into trump. so trump is winning all of this red and if you are donald trump, be patient. republicans should do not give up on ohio there are a lot of places here that have not counted the vote. and you are not talking as big a margin but if it is 2,000 here. 2,000 here. a,000 or so here. over here the up to a third of the vote. in the republican areas you are getting up to a 100%. lot of counting still in ohio. most of these counties are still 20 or 30%wise. >> back to north carolina. hillary clinton's lead in north carolina, a critically important state has just narrowed to about 66,000 votes. 61% of the vote in. >> 66,000 so you are seeing what's happening here. the democratic areas where she's getting 57%. just start to watch and see
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where donald trump is starting to pull in. he's got votes to be counted out here. 2 33% here. pulling healthy margins in the small rural areas and still vote to be counted. as the votes come in he's coming back. the big population starts so see if it it is getting closer. still waiting for more votes out of mecklenburg county. and the early vote that comes in. in a lot of places the democrats feel very happy with the early vote turnout. sometimes the day of voting the republicans will stay -- even in democratic areas the republican wills get closer because of the traditional turnout on election day. so we need to be careful where we still have votes to be counted. wake county now 8 8%. same point. the clinton campaign can count more out of wake count but there is where you run the models. 12% left. is it enough to offset elsewhere? not only 85% but the gap, 22,000 votes right there, in your computer modeles of this race, you need 85% in big turnout in
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durham. >> standby. >> very close we're going to be here a while. >> another check of the vote count on the empire state building. we're just minutes away from another big round of poll closes in 14 states including delegate rich new york, the home of both presidential nominees. new yorkers are watching on a rooftop watch party. our election coverage continues after this. ♪ tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto®- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever,
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as the close race to 270 electoral votes right now. you can see our running tally on the empire state building. hillary clinton now with 68 electoral votes. donald trump with 66. and just on the street from the world famous landmark, new yorkers are watching election results on cnn as we get ready for the polls to close in new york state. the home turf for both clinton and trump. we're getting new numbers coming in right now. here is a key race alert. donald trump is ahead in two important state, florida and virginia. florida 91% of the vote counted.
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donald trump with a lead over hillary clinton, 49.1% to 47.8%. 29 electoral votes are at stake in florida. in virginia almost 60% of the vote is now in. donald trump is ahead by 128,000 votes over hillary clinton. 50% to 44.8%. 13 electoral votes in virginia. two important battleground states where hillary clinton is ahead. in ohio, more than a third of the vote is in, hillary clinton has a lead of 36,000 votes over donald trump. 49% to 37.2 victor. and the in north carolina hillary clinton's lead is 62,000 over donald trump. 15 electoral votes at stake in north carolina. she's ahead in north carolina and ohio right now. let's go over to jake and dana. we're watching florida. florida, florida, florida, 90% of the vote is now in. >> it is surprising how close it
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is given the fact that both democrats and republicans in the state had thought that hillary clinton had a slight edge. we're still waiting for a lot of outstanding vote in southeastern florida which is a democratic stronghold. but he's up more than 100,000 votes as of now with 91% of the vote in. >> impressive lead but it could certainly come back depending on what happens in those heavily democratic counties in the southeast. >> and look, they not only spent money but they also sent their most prized resources, the candidates and both of them have been there to florida 25 times, holding 45 events. in one state. that tells you everything you need to know about why this is so close. >> anderson, night is turning out to be a real nail biter. >> it is. let's talk with gloria borger
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and david axelrod. as you look at florida, donald trump has a lead of some 100,000 votes. broward and palm beach. >> there are about 800,000. i was just speaking with a republican in the state, 800,000 to a million votes still out. they believe this republican says that her democratic buddies are very worried about this state right now. and i -- look, i think that you see the latino turnout in the state was 18%. barack obama's -- david pointed out to me, was 17%. so it's a little bit up, but it's not usually up, which is what we anticipated. african-american vote is up in the state. so that may, that may balance it out. >> david axelrod, as you look at the numbers, what the do you see? >> it is a slightly more minority turnout. and i think when you look at what's out, i think there's cause for optimism. >> in terms of out, what votes have not been counted.
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in those heavily-leaning democratic areas. >> as john king points out, that's how you you have to look at these things. there are some big pockets of support for her that are out. this is going to be close. >> assuming the votes that have not been counted in the leaning democratic areas continue to mirror the votes that have been counted in those same areas. >> then she would end up winning the state. so, if i were sitting there and looking at this, i would say, let's count them. because if you're on the democratic side, this thing could turn tout -- >> but all along, the trump campaign has been saying that florida is a must-win for them. >> absolutely. >> they can't win without it. the fact of the matter is, that's 29 electoral votes. they have to have it. and they have to have other states, as well, that they've not been leading in the polls. but this one, because of the size of it, they have to have. so this is really, this is going to tell a lot of the story of this race. >> and i was texting with a democrat in the state, who is
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saying that donald trump did better in the exurbs, rural areas, and what this points to is this divide in this country. >> yeah. >> urban/rural. and you see it in the state of florida. >> you certainly do. wolf? >> we're standing by for the second largest wave of poll closings in the battle between hillary clinton and donald trump, just niminutes from now, 9:00 p.m. eastern. we'll be watching 14 states, key races in the brlattleground states. the last polls are also closing in kansas, louisiana, minnesota, nebraska, new york, north dakota, south dakota, texas, and wyoming. 156 electoral votes are at stake in this coming hour. remember, 270 are needed to win the presidency. jake, we're heading into battlegrounds where the candidates have tried to clearly shake up the electoral map. >> that's right. as we move west, we're looking at some states now where they've been trying to change the color
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of states. we've seen hillary clinton trying to make a play, to turn arizona from red to blue, while donald trump would like to flip democratic-leaning michigan, or wisconsin, or colorado from blue to red. let's check in with our correspondents, who are at the major presidential candidates' campaign headquarters. they're both in new york city. first, let's go to jeff zeleny at clinton campaign headquarters. and jeff, these numbers out of north carolina and florida have got to be nerve-racking for the clinton team, especially florida, which they felt pretty confident about. >> they did, indeed, jake. really for the last couple of days. the clinton campaign's confidence has been rising about florida. but what we're seeing here is seeing campaign strategy play out in real life. keep an eye on broward county, as john and you and everyone has been saying. secretary clinton visited there three times in the last week alone. they were literally dragging people to early vote. so that is something that is still out. that's why one top adviser tells me, just a few moments ago, there is no panic, because of broward county. but i can tell you, jake, much
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closer than they thought. they're also watching pennsylvania very carefully. though one adviser is telling me, we're flying almost blind there. this is old school. no early voting. they're frankly not sure what's happening in philadelphia, as much. but first things first. and first for the clinton campaign is watching broward county and watching south florida. jake? >> all right. let's go to sara murray, who's with the trump campaign, just a few blocks away in manhattan. sarah, the trump campaign, while who knows haas going to happen, they've got to feel pretty good. they're really turning some of these states into a very competitive battlegrounds. >> reporter: they do feel very good about that, jake. and particularly when you look at florida, on how tight the race is there, they're pleased to see that. but this is not a campaign that's out there popping champagne or rejoicing about the numbers they're seeing. they expected florida to be very tight and very nerve-racking. and they are very aware of the fact that if they cannot pull out a victory in florida, then basically donald trump's chances of reaching 270 pretty much evaporate.
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and that's why when i was checking in one trump staffer about how they're feeling so far, this person just told me, simply, scared. >> all right, sara murray at trump campaign headquarters, let's go to wolf blitzer. >> it's a lot closer than so many people thought in these key battleground states. this is going to take a while. >> it is going to be a long night. look, it is a divided country, at least as far as the votes are showing us, as they're coming in now. that is playing out. i mean, there's no question about it. especially, and incredibly so, in the purple state of florida. >> let's walk over to john king and take a closer look at florida right now. john, some of those democratic-leaning counties in the southeastern part of florida. there's still a lot of votes outstanding. >> still a lot of votes outstanding. the question is, are there enough votes outstanding? you go through them, palm beach county, we've been stuck at 53% of the vote counted for quite some time, 57-40. so reasonable to assume there are a lot more votes there for secretary clinton, if the margin holds up. there could be some more
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republican-leaning precincts out there. we don't know exactly what's out there. but if you watch as it's billed, it's been pretty consistent. the question is, what's left. we're only up to 13% in broward county. secretary clinton has targeted this quite a bit. it's 70/30 almost right there. let's go back and look at it. 67-32. so at the moment, she's running a little stronger than president obama was four years ago when he eked out the narrowest of victories in this one county in florida. the president won statewide, narrowly. we come o down to miami-dade, which is the biggest place for democratic votes. this one's almost accounted, 91%, but that 9%, a decent amount of votes. we've got some more counting to do here. the other thing you start looking for, wolf, where are the republican votes still out. you're looking at desoto county, 100%. a lot of the smaller counties, still polk county, we have nothing. there's some potential gain for donald trump here. we're starting to go through these. if you go out to the coast, here's a place, volusia county, this is daytona area. he's out -- this is a place where donald trump outperformed
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mitt romney. if you look 55, 54 there to 50. this is a decent vote total. he's done very well along the northeastern coast of florida. donald trump has. but you find a big county and find a gap and it's at 100%. move up here, a big gap, it's at 100%. pull back out where the democratic votes are, counted here in orange county. mostly counted here. one of the interesting areas, this is very, very close, and it's going to be very close to the end. if donald trump ekes out a victory, he may have his performance right here in the tamp tampa/st. pete here. hillsborough county, 51-45. go back in time, president obama won it a little bit bigger. donald trump is leading here right now. a vote-rich area. a swing area though goes back and forth in close races. trump is out-performing romney
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in that particular part of the state. that's what's keeping him more competitive and in the lead. and you come back down here and keep checking. still at 53%, a lot of votes here still to come in and so far they've been going clinton's way. this is the one to 16%. we'll check our lead in just a second. but to watch as we start going from 16 to 13 to 20 to 30, does it stay 69-30. if it stays in that margin -- >> that broward county where ft. lauderdale is, 9.3% of the whole population of the state. >> so as you move up, if you're looking at that big of a population center, as you move up through the county, miami-dade still stuck at 93. this is the big one we're waiting on. there'll be some adjustments in the margins, but when we get more of this, when we get from 16 to 30 to 40, we'll see if this holds up and we'll get a better sense of the turnout. we'll see how much of the math, but you imagine, 16%, you're
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talking about 260,000, 280,000 votes out there, if that continues, there are still votes to be had. i'm looking at other places, 76% here, clinton with a big lead. maybe some more votes for her there. most of these other places -- >> let's do virginia quickly. quickly. >> these are states where the early votes are being counted. these are not states that have been tossed. but virginia has stayed a donald trump lead for quite some time. we're up to 65%. this is a state, remember, hillary clinton's running mate, senator tim kaine, former governor tim kaine is from here. you see the lead right here, 50% to 45%. that's a pretty healthy lead for donald trump. let's take a look. number one, he's doing what he needs to do. running it up out in the small rural counties. this is incredibly important in these states, 74-21. you see how this goes here. the big issue here, wolf, we're still waiting for some vote out of the washington, d.c., suburbs. only half of the votes here counted in fairfax county. still a lot of math to be dope
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in the more populated areas just outside of washington, d.c.. >> 14 states are about to close to the polling in 14 states, including two huge ones. texas and new york. we're watching several other states right now. we're getting ready to make some projections. all right. take a look at this. we projected that hillary clinton will carry her home state of new york, that's 29 electoral votes. hillary clinton will win new york state. that's donald trump's home state, as well. hillary clinton carries the empire state. donald trump, we project, will win kansas, with its six electoral votes, nebraska with its five electoral votes, and wyoming with its three electoral votes. donald trump wins those three. donald trump wins some more states. three more, he will carry north dakota, with its three electoral votes, and south dakota with its three electoral votes. donald trump carries those states as well. donald trump carrying some
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