tv Reliable Sources CNN December 31, 2017 8:00am-9:00am PST
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elections? if you're interested in helping forecast the answers, go to for a link. next week i'll tell you what you predicted and at the end of the year we'll see how your predictions measured up to reality. thanks for being part of my program this week and this year. i'll see you next week and next week. i'm brian stelter, welcome. this is look at the weekly story behind the story how the media works and the news gets made. it's the final day of the year and what year it's been for the news industry. we're looking at screw yups and successes of the year and the sexual misconduct tipping point and where it's going and as media allies align rob buert m h muell mueller's probe, first, lessons
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from an unforgettable 2017. we seen journalism at its best with papers and networks with incredible reporting but seen journalism at its worst with embarrassing mistakes and errors. from media company consolidation to newsrooms. on the business front, we seen exciting new startups promising to improve the business but tough times for buzz feed and vice. the face babook and google is soaking up revenue they are squeezing competitors in digital in print due to business problems but subscriptions are on the rise at the "new york times" and washington post. people are hungry to understand what is happening in the world,
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especially in d.c. president trump as media attacks went on all year long. calling real news fake and fake news real. but think about all the turnover we witnessed, sean spicer mocked by melissa mccarthy. there are days with sarah sanders taking over in the briefing room and transitions in the media room, as well, more than average. bill oc'reilly at fox and megyn kelly moving to nbc and head of the news division there. editors at places like "huff post, "vanity fair", news week" charlie rose all out for different reasons and just this month, espn president john skipper, one of the post powerful men in sports and media resigned siting substance abuse. so many changes at so many newsrooms and media companies and tomorrow, january 1st a new
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publisher at the "new york times" handing the paper over to his son a.g. we'll break it down for you in this special program starting with our panel of top editors, sal sally b usb ee and editor in chief of "the daily beast" and "usa today" ned work and editor of "usa today." this is a year, john, where the push alert on your phone made you recoil in horror or shut with joy. so many stories surprised and shocked us. what were the highlights and low lights? >> insane is the new normal. so much packed into every weak. the media and politics and industry. for me, one of the hay ligighli was reporting done at the same time by the new yorker and "the new york times" about hard rvey
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wine ste wine stein. it really broke down intimidation. not only in the entertainment industry but across all industries rippling down today. >> i remember jody cantor and her writing partner at the "new york times", jody saying i didn't know how seriously people would take this story. you look at the post viewed stories of the year at the top of the list. you're about to leave "usa today" and have a book coming out and you decided to devote energy to that. >> william, the publisher of the book loved up the publication date because there is an absolute extraordinary flood of interest in this topic, completely changed. the fact women come up and talk
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abo about ish shasues and i've been working on this for years. the point is how do we close the gender gap by bringing men into the conversation. when i started reporting, there was skepticism saying men will never want to be part of this. all of that has changed to the positive. >> we'll have more later in the hour. rebecca is here, back to hay lights and low lights perhaps to washingt washington. i wonder if you think there is successes or screwups covering the president trump administration and changes in washington. >> the drum whebeat of reportin there is skepticism at the beginning of the year, if there was anything there and what the scope of the investigation was going to be and the sort of everything from the scoops about michael flynn being caught on surveillance tape and his firing and just sort of the step by
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step of the story to the point where i think, you know, it's a very important story. it is important to the future of the president's tenure in office and those things and just that kind of focus on what i think of as very nitty gridgritty deep reporting. even people that support the president have paid attention to that reporting and what you really want with impact with the story is to have the reporting so strong, even people who have ingrained opinions have to pay attention. that's exciting to me. >> there is errors in the coverage, mistakes used to tarnish the press this year? and that's totally true and i think each one of the errors has been very difficult and dangerous for journalism. >> dangerous. >> there is no room for sloppy
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reporting, no room in this world? it's important to say none of what we've seen to date was malicious in nature from major news organizations. >> despite what president's supporters claim, not lies made up to hurt him. >> they are mistakes because this is a human business. the best available version of the truth sometimes facts are wrong and the critical thing is incredible. they are corrected. accountability occurs. sometimes it's in layoffs, suspects suspensions. there is a larger environment viewing bless with a sense of conflict gunning for reporters from partisan and for me, we've almost taken for granted the ugliness of hyper partisan media. >> yes said hate news, ou said
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that? >> they have a forthright philosophy. these are places vauiiewing political debate as war. they are ugly and will unleash critics. >> i remember news executives saying steve bannon at the time the president chef strategist wants the world to never trust the media because he would benefit from that. >> this is part of a business model. it's the ugliest extension of the flragmentation and keep the addicted and the program environment and the way social media works were able to property up numbers and get real profits for a type from creating an echo system aided by donors. it's dangerous. >> talking about the ups and downs of the year, one of the downs is when a competing outlet
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beats you to a story. what's it like when someone breaks that first? what's that feeling for you in your newsroom? >> that's what journalists try to do, break the news first. if you're not the first, break news on some big trending story, you fight your way into it, right? i mean, there is a lot going on in our world and there is a ton of interest in particular in the washington story. the competition in washington both for people and for scoops has been extraordinary this year. some of it is competition for people probably not the greatest thing for our industry i have in the sense it can cause distractions. the competition for news ask scoops makes every news organization better and absolutely makes people do their best work, work their hardest and resulted in some fabulous journalism. >> i actually think the competition has helped every news organization up its game this year. >> absolutely. >> we've seen extraordinary journalism across the board
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among the competition, really, really tremendous efforts throughout the year. >> i hope flow is this, quality matters. journalism and reporting matters because conventional wisdom is for scale and click bait and that's the future of journalism. if we all follow and become content farms and engage in commodity news, you kill what is unique and remove the value. that's what we need to remember, quality matters, influence matters, originality matters. >> some of that is heartening. much of this year has been bad. the aftermath of the islamic state and the people there and the lack of help for them to rebuild and how many people were actually killed and that sort of reporting that actually says what is going on in this world is astonishing to me how much the stories, how much attention they get, right? not just in america but globally
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and how people are hungry to figure out the shape of the world. i think the problem this year has been we must keep our attention on the trump administration, which is fabulous but make sure you're doing that other type of reporting. don't neglect the rest of the world and america i fund mental mentally believe. >> think about your new years resolutions. we'll come to that. up next, the mueller investigation, the fight for the truth and the fight to discredit it all. s each. plus, netflix for the whole family. on us. so, they get their shows... let's go, girl! you're gonna love this bit! and you get yours. watch however you want. on your phone, tablet, or tv. for just forty bucks per line. with no extra charges. let's rock this joint! all on america's best unlimited network, t-mobile.
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where we can find common ground... big enough to dance on. for a better us, donate to your local y today. so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing even a swing set standoff. and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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steyer: the president's national security adviser -- guilty. his campaign chairman -- under indictment. his son-in-law -- secret talks with russians. the director of the fbi -- fired. special counsel robert mueller's criminal investigation has already shown why the president should be impeached. you can send a message to your representatives at and demand they finally take a stand. this president is not above the law.
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welcome back to "reliable sources." the investigation is the defining story of 2018. was there coordination between anyone on trump's campaign and russians? did he try to obstruct justice? we have more questions than answers but with each drip, drip, drip there is clearly a concerted effort to discredit the investigation. trump and his allies in the protrump media have intensified their attacks on mueller and the fbi recently. just take a look. >> the russia story is a total
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fabrication. >> there is no collusion. i don't speak to russians. >> this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. the entire thing is a witch hunt. >> look, there is no obstruction, there is no collusion. >> there is a feedback loop, trump says it and allies repeat it and give him new talking points and he repeats those and it goes on and on. let's put this investigation into perspective and talk about what we do know and don't know with cnn's chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin and a staff writer for "the new yorker" and working on a book for the mueller probe. how is that going? >> this is not something we know the answer to, really. there have been two guilty pleas and two indictments but this is an unusually leak free environment. >> i noticed it was recently said, mueller has not uttered a single word in public since appointed in may. it's an intentional strategy
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meant to convey the credibility and seriousness, that he's doing this on purpose, staying silent. >> i have spoken to enough representatives of mueller and his office to know it is very much a strategy. they are not talking to the press, period. how long that will last, i don't know. they have a trial coming up in may of 2018. manafort and gates will be tried in that case. there may be more indictments and guilty pleas and ultimately might be a report in the way that can a star file the report? but even that is not known how mueller will signify that his investigation is at an end. >> you're saying they are not talking to the press but there is a lot of criticism in conservative media mueller and teammates have been leaking to the press. is that true? >>ist -- it's completely false. >> the leaks might come from
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congressionalinvestigators. >> there are two serious leaks. one is congressional investigations. both the staff members and certainly the members of congress have nowhere near the same obligation that a grand jury investigation does. the other source is defense attorneys and people who have been contacted by mueller's office, if you represent a witness who has been interviewed by mueller's office, you have some knowledge about what they are doing and the kind of questions they are asking. you are not under an obligation to secrecy. so congressional investigators have been talking to the press on occasion but you can't count either of those as leaks for mueller. >> when you're covering this for cnn and working on a book about this. >> yeah. >> i assume the book can't come out. >> the book is is not happening any time soon, yes. how do you find out what is ng? going on when mueller's team is so private? >> a lot of it involves waiting
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until there is some thaw in their media coverage. >> but viewers don't want to hear that. we want to know the answers. >> that's true. i think sometimes, not at cnn pleased to say, but that leads to speculation. you hear what is mueller doing? is mueller thinking? i want to be very judicious in answering those questions because sometimes you have to say the three words that are never allowed on cable news and those are, i don't know. and sometimes i just say i don't know. >> what are the biggest unknowns heading into 2018? you mentioned the possibility of more indictments. what are other big questions? >> they break into three areas. the first is financial and, you know, is there some sort of financial i'm pmpropriety and lobbying activity. in that case for ukraine. the broad question of was there
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any sort of financial i'm p improprie impropriety. the second question is about the possible collusion between russia and the trump campaign, the president is fond of saying there was no collusion. we know, in fact, there was at least some collusion. there was a relationship between donald trump junior and jared kushner and people who were proffering material about hillary clinton's supposed misdeeds. that is not illegal, as far as i know. collusion is one of those words that gets thrown around and i wrote a piece about whether collusion can be a crime. >> yeah. >> but that whole subject of the relationship between russia and the trump campaign is the secondary. the third area is obstruction of justice. all the events relating to the firing of james comey, was there an attempt by the president or people around him to shut down this investigation in a way that violates the law?
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so finances, collusion and obstruction of justice. >> you might utter those three words and then i ask this but do you think we'll get answers to those questions in 2018 or could this take longer? >> i think we'll get some answers and, you know, remember we will get robert mueller's answers. that doesn't mean they are the answers everyone will find satisfactory. >> or accept. >> we're arguing about what really happened in watergate in the 1970s. we're arguing about what did it mean? we're arguing a lot about clinton and lewinsky and what was in the star investigation. so i don't think there is ever going to be a moment when all these questions are answered to the satisfaction of everyone but certainly, we will know a lot more next new years eve than we do this new years eve. >> does that bring up the right wing echo chamber, we saw this
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intensified attack? it's a magic trick. some of these commentators are saying don't look over there, look here. they are trying to completely change the subject and make everything about hillary clinton and alleged misdeeds in the past to district from the russia question. >> and to attack mueller's staff. you know, the key talking point that has been about in the republican echo chamber, mostly on fox news is that, you know, one or more of his investigators, particularly in the fbi were bias in someway based on some text messages that were sent long before anyone was even working on a mueller investigation. by the way, it's never been done before that the private political views of an fbi agent, much less a prosecutor or the lead prosecutor has been used to discredit the organization. it's a completely frivolous argument. agent struck was not making any decisions who will be indicted.
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that is all on mueller and mueller, by the way, got rid of struck when he saw them, which is frankly arguable whether he should have done that, but the idea of any improper activity on the part of mueller is just frivolous, as far as i can tell. we're in mid investigation now. you know, obviously the question of whether robert mueller will be fired is not one fully resolved, not with standing what you hear from the white house today. the mueller story is one that the only grade you can give it is incomplete. >> incomplete. jeffrey, great to see you. we're doing a pod cast together in january. we should plug the pod cast. what is it about? >> cnn is broadcasting a six-hour documentary about the kidnapping of patty hurst and aftermath in the mid 1970s. >> going straight to cam. >> i'm not messing around here. i wrote a book about this cal ed
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"american heiress." we have a pod cast about the show. it is a good companion piece, just like we did to the o.j. simpson mini series on fx, we're doing with the cnn documentary that starts in february. >> there we go. the pod cast is called "patty has a gun." you can subscribe. >> we're like a team, the two of us. >> up next after a quick break, the sexual misconduct tipping point, the story of 2017 and will continue in the new year but what will real change look like?
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mvo: you're not doing work to help somebody, you're gaining something from meeting mr. adderley. it's a calling to not only everybody in this neighborhood in miami, but to the nation how great we are. and how great we can be. ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ and i'll never desert you. ♪ i'll stand by you.
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when "time magazine" recognized the me, too, movement by naming silence breakers as person of the year, the photographers included a six person with the five on screen. look carefully in the lower right hand corner, you can see an arm, just an arm carefully cropped. this is a young victim that wished to remain anonymous because she feared retribution. that arm, it could be anyone. that's what makes it so powerful. it could be the next person to come forward in the tipping point moment. think about it, in 2016 it was gretchen carlson suing roger ailes and then susan fouler
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speaking out about uber's culture. "the new york times" uncovered bill o'reilly's secret history of harassment settlements. while he denied wrongdoing, advertisers shunned him within a few weeks, fox news forced him out. a month later, roger ailes passed away, the end of an era for fox news but that going on, reporters were working on blockbuster investigations. nbc said he didn't think the reporting was solid enough to air, they took it to "the new york kw yorker." it caused a reckoning in hollywood and around the world. allegations by powerful men, charlie rose, kevin spacey and
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many more. while the media is breaking the news here, the media is also deeply implicated in this news and still shaping how the tale is getting told. many of the men accused of sexual misconduct and abuse were long-time trusted arbiters of the news. while the work to investigate the stories must continue and will, there is a parallel effort that is certainly necessary to hold newsrooms accountable and ensure systemic change. let's talk about that with rebecca. tell me about the point you're making about the media and it's role in covering this but also implicated in this. >> well, the media tells us the stories about politics, entertainment in a case like harvey wi harvey winestein, he's in the movies we look. you're looking at a spade of reporters from the best selling
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game change about the 2008 election to matt lauer who did the pivotal interview with hillary clinton and donald trump he was criticized for because he let donald trump off the hook on several untruths, false statements trump was making about support for the iraq war and interrupted hillary clinton, pressed her on e-mails, didn't give her a chance to answer, that's matt lauer's role. these are the influential notably male voices that help tell us the story of our politics and our leaders that help interpret for us who these people are who are running for office who want to leg straislad represent us. one of the things we're learning in this is both the kinds of stuff they are alleged to have done and abuses of power and disrespect of female colleagues and employees they engaged in but also taking a look at these
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entire structures that feed us the story of politics and feed us often entertainment and sating wasat saying wait a minute, look at the people telling us these stories and have the power to shape perceptions. a lot are guys, white guys and apparently white guys alleged to have badly abused the power they have. >> meaning we should be thinking about the impact on the way the news is covered and shaped. >> of course, we should be, yes. >> do you think that's finally happening? >> it's -- this is a moment in which it's happening. we had other moments before when barack obama ran for president in 2008 and ran against hillary clinton and you had two very different kinds of candidates out there and during that election, you saw on news programs, white men struggling to talk about race and gender and the impact they might have and you saw the elevation of non-white, non-male news voices. that's when rachel maddow got her show. melissa harris-perry, al
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sharpton. you saw lots of non-white male voices elevated and a lot of people lost elevations. these changes mrachel maddow remained in place and the msnbc lineup is back to evening, gone back to being primarily white and male. so we have these moments where things change and where the need to diverseify becomes clear but so much power is afforded to white men. >> it gets to this idea it's easy to fire someone, let someone go. it's a lot harder to make sys m systemic change. >> it's been almost three months now. the focus on the repercussions and i understand we need to have repercussions because men aren't going to stop behaving this way unless it is a real threat. economic stability and professional stability. it's important. i worry that we focus too much on the repercussions of the individuals rather than looking
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at the larger systemic imbalances so we think we can tell ourselves we got rid of a couple bad apples and solved the problem because a couple guys lost their job rather than looking at the bigger i can tpi the entire network, networks of power, webs of people who engaged in the protection and support of this behavior, covering it up. >> looking the other way. >> and supporting the people that engaged in it, promoting them, giving them more money, making them the powerful centers of their businesses and media networks and that whole picture and the ways in which women are sidelined, often self-exiled or exiled by others from these industries and of course, we're still only looking at these very elite industries right now. we need to move the focus away from some of the top places and looking at places where there are lower wages and worse working conditions where abuses are worse but names aren't
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necessarily famous. >> kudos to the recent times about discrimination at fort. >> and the "huffington post" talking about flight attendents and hotel workers. >> the lens open is really crucial. we have to remember this is a massive big picture exposure. >> it's about inequality in the workplace. the me too hash tatag was the st of that but we need other terms, hashtags for this beyond yes, it happened to me, too, to talk about system maic issues. >> it's not just about vichbsex crim
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crimes. 20 years ago anita hill testified and clearance thomas and years before that michelle vincent talked about sexual harassment suits that found its way up to the supreme court. it's a form of gender discrimination. it goes beyond individual stories of sexual assault or harm. >> i do see a few hopeful signs, one of them being sexual harassment training in major workplaces, another being this organization that helps press forward. i see organization happening. >> i saw awareness but what we have to look at is reassessing who has power in the organizations because we can do all the training we want and have all the language we need but we offer such a disproportion it share of power, economic power to white men and
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keep everybody else on the sidelines, you're just going to see these kinds of abuses and others perp petuated deep into e future. >> i remember what tamera said a couple weeks ago, we just want to work. we want to be able to get our jobs back in some cases. >> that's part of the issue of what are we going to do in terms of rep eating work to bring womn in and promote them? that takes a long time. you can't fix it in three months. you can't fire one guy and say now we fixed the problem. no, it means creating workplaces from individual companies and the choices they make abilities h to bring in men to government questions and better policies, protecting equal wages and paid family leave and subsidizing daycare. that better supports women's ability to participate equally. >> can change really happen when an accused sexual harasser is the president of the united
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states? >> the change we're seeing happen in terms of this conversation is happening because we elected an accused sexual harasser and the furry we felt so many women and men felt watching this everyday working situation in which a bad guy who even if you're gone to h.r., it was public he alleged to have assaulted these women, he got the big job anyway and that was such a familiar everyday circumstance for so many americans that i think it led metaphor riicall metaphorically, it brought us the anger that's here. >> a year that began with a women's march and ends with this conversation. >> the same conversation, just taking different form. >> great to see you. new york web mag website. when we come back, facebook and twitter took a beating for helping hoaxes and lies go viral. with midterm elections fast
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suspicion. first capeme a delay of made up stories, hoaxes as a propaganda and flooded to platforms like facebook and a coordinated effort by russian trolls to meddle in the 2016 election. executives were hauled before congress, the companies were shamed for missing russian interferenc interference. >> i must say i don't think you get it. you've created these platforms and now they are being misused. >> they pledged to changes but can they be trusted to police platforms? joining me is the founder and editor in chief of the tech news site panda. are they addressing these problems? do they know they have to stamp out misinformation? >> you mentioned the executives
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were hauled to congress. it was lawyers for the company. no ceos showed up. no sign that the company is yet taking this seriously and the most interesting develop the that -- development that's happened is sean parker feels he did bad things for society. one of the earliest executives who was in charge of growth hacking said the same thing, said he doesn't allow his kids to use the services. this is no longer a facebook against the world thing. you don't understand us, congress you're not tech savvy. you don't get it. these are the people that orchestrated and build systems saying they don't let their children use it and it may have done more damage than good. the company turned on itself, which is just a staggering development given that face book liked like it was all gravy for
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them. either way, whoever won, they would benefit. >> some comments have been amazing from a former employee looking back with regrets. another reason for the backlash in recent months, it's been media companies, publishers speaking out saying facebook and google are eating up so much ad revenue it's causing a squeeze on everybody else. this is a so-called digital age. do you see it getting worse before better? >> yes. this is to me one of the most interesting developments on the internet. i've been covering the sector for 20 years and everyone said the web was going to da mock ie advertising. there is a couple networks really controlling everything and we'll break it up so that hundreds of flowers are blooming across the internet and there is lots of people who are eating into this pie. well, it's become more
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concentrated. it's become more concentrated. facebook and google have more of a lock on advertising dollars than anything we saw in the preinternet world. those two companies swallow up and that's more concentrated. it's astounding. you look at twitter or snapchat, the only twa maj two mayor cons that didn't sell to facebook are struggling to be viable public companies. >> it's a huge issue and story for both of us how to continue covering facebook and google taking so much control, taking so much ad revenue and by the way, when we see disney and 21st century fox and at&t trying to buy cnn timewarner, we know that deal is in court. the government shoeiuing to blo it. these moves are because of
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google and facebook and giants getting bigger and bigger. >> the company that's done the best at building a digital media power house buzz feed had a hard time showing consistent revenues they would need to be a public company. >> they missed the target in 2017. they missed the profit goals, advice and other big companies. >> these guys had to take the gamble on things like facebook instant articles because it is where so much of the consumptions is happening that anyone covered facebook since they have launched the open platform has seen that, you know, facebook will only do what is best for facebook. that's what these stories get down to. facebo facebook and google are companies peddled to investors and users and employees as good forces in the universe. google's mantra was don't do evil and facebook is connecting the world. these are companies that said we're making the world better, trust us, trust us, trust us.
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we're in 2017 and nobody trusts them, even the people that helped build them. >> sarah, we have a midterm election next year. this conversation isn't making me more confident in controlling and stomping out hoaxes and misinformation. >> it shouldn't. i don't know if you saw the most recent announcement for awhile it was flagging stories that seemed to be false as disputed and it's now said that it's not going to do that and sited this academic research that doesn't at all seem conclusive to me and instead, they are saying we'll try putting related articles that give you more context. i don't know about you but when i see something that engarages on social media, i'm doing well to click through and read it. i usually hit share before i do anything else. i'm certainly not going to go and click and read other related articles. i'm skeptical that's the solution to fake news. we're headed into a midterm and that's the best we got at this point? it's not a priority. panda was an organization, had a saying for the last couple years in silicon valley, when tech
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companies tell you something is too hard, what they are telling you is they don't prioritize it and that comes to diversity hiring and rooting out truth in fake news and abuse on the platforms. these are companies that pfigurd a way to put planes in space that beam the internet from the sky. it's too hard to figure out what is fake news and don't spread it? it's not a priority. >> i couldn't have said it better myself. >> thanks, brian. >> we would love to have executives from base phase bofa google come. we'll keep trying to book them. sign up for the biggest media news delivered to your inbox every evening. you can sign up now for free at up next, it's time for new years resolutions. ♪ i'm alive, i'm alive ♪ ♪ i'm alive, i'm alive ♪ ♪ i'm alive, i'm alive ♪ alive! gives you more vitamins and minerals than leading brands. because when you start with more,
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for a better us, donate to your local y today. so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing even a swing set standoff. and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how.
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we were all spending too much time inside the beltway and all talking to each other. voters decided they liked donald trump or some of them have. i think we have to go out and we have to see how these policies are being played out, what is the real impact on people? >> first on your list is focusing on what's important? >> that's right. news rooms, it's a struggle between the you are jeurgent an important. it comes from the original reporting. it really makes a difference in the country and the life of our country. sit a great rule of reporting. you want to find out the truth in politics? follow the money. it will be a big story in the midterm elections but also i
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think as we dig into the russia investigation. >> and finally, i think we need to not depend on the duopoly. >> you're renting your audience. you don't own it. they have their own interest but also in washington, democrat and republicans. we buy into the narrative and see it from democrats versus republicans. i don't think it is the way most americans feel. >> and today off to promote and publish your new book, "that's what she said". >> we have to focus on the solution, not you the problem. this year has been tremendous for the reporting that has brought this into the public eye. it is still unfolding almost every day. we see this issue with more men but the fact is that women have
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been talking about this issue amongst ourselves for years. it wasn't taken seriously. wam ta we need men to join the conversation. i think the logical next step after all of this reporting on harassment is how do we solve it? that's what the book is all about. >> thank you so much for being here today. let me know what you at home think the new year's resolutions for the media should be. i'll see you back here this time next week. happy new year. male vo: when that hurricane hit, the entire community came together as a whole. ♪ it was such an overwhelming response to help others. no one thought that they were going to do this before it happened and everyone just did it. i think that's the way that human nature should be looked at. ♪ i'll stand by you.
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uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. trump's first year. we look back at key moments from the president's historic year in office. >> we have more legislative victories than any other president. >> and what year two might bring for his presidency. president thump's former communications director will be here, plus the investigation continues as president trump continues to attack the fbi and dismiss the russia probe as a hoax. >> there is absolutely no
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