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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  March 15, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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that you can worship in your holy spaces and feel safe. >> rabbi meyers, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. >> we'll obviously continue to follow this in the coming days. right now i want to hand it over to chris for cuomo primetime. >> very heavy. very important. thank you for your guidance the past hour. welcome to primetime. 49 people massacred for being different than their murder and many more before them here at home. the time has come to stop ignoring an obvious problem abroad and here at home. white supremicism is on the rise. extremely valuable perspective from a muslim leader and former white supremacist. they have words we should listen to and how do we get the leadership to confront this problem? the president played it down today and has also upped the
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rhetoric that resinates with these kinds of bigots. it has to stop. when he wasn't denying the reality on this he was denying the need for transparency on the russia probe trying to block the mueller report after members of his own party voted to put it all out there. it's a tough night my friends. let's figure out what to do. this must unite us in grief and concern. so let's get after it. there's no mystery here. we know who is doing this. we know their motivation. the question is, how do you fight the rise of white nationalism around the world and yes, here at home. well, you have to start at admitting there's a problem and a growing threat. today our president wouldn't do that. >> i don't really. i think it's a small group of people that have very, very sere you
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-- serious problems. if you look at what happened in new zealand, perhaps that's the case. i don't know about it yet. they're just learning about the person and the people involved but it's certainly a terrible thing. >> a small group of people? if the president refuses to deal, the rest of us must. how do we move from us versus them to we? joining me now an influential of the muslim community who we all are grieving with tonight. a m a. >> thank you. thank you for your con dolences. i very much appreciate it. >> there's two things to discuss. first, what to do? what do you believe the remedy is for a problem that is obvious. not just in new zealand, we're seeing it over europe. we're seeing major leaders of
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european states and here at home. >> we understand that. but zoom out and look at the broad picture. today it's a couple of mosques in new zealand. yesterday it was a synagogue in pittsburgh. a day before yesterday coptic churches in cairo. the victims and perpetrators can claim to be of the muslim faith, the christian faith, the jewish faith, no faith has a monopoly on terrorism and no faith is immune from terrorism. it could be ethnic based, as in this case, white supremacy. the solution requires understanding the pain of each side. the root problems of it. there are some fears that they have and these fears have to be recognized and they have to be
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addressed. we're a different century right now. boundaries are not the same. identities are not the same. identities are shifting. when i was growing up, committees were bounded by very clear cut identities of national identity, language, culture, food, today we're all getting increasingly mixed up. more and more so. my congregation has different people. a greek, irish, american father. this is the way of the future. we eat chinese today, we eat italian tomorrow. this is who we are becoming. we have to have a clear idea of where we are going. today what we need is a new and
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globalized version of nato. ever since the fall of the berlin wall we needed it. >> it takes a lot of leadership. >> it takes a lot of leadership but global leadership and it has to be supported by a chorus of voices. it requires religious leaders. ngos, business leaders, it requires a strategic group of people who have the capacity to bring about the change. >> but that assumes that you have the leadership that wants to recognize the problem. now that would be something that you wauld take for granted but what we saw here today with our president and i'm not blaming him for what happened in new zealand. that would be absurd. the man that did that and anyone that helped him, they are to blame for what happened but for him to say i don't think this is a very big deal, he knows that we have been dealing with it here.
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he knows we had the coast guard guy and the pipe bombs and all of these things. what do you do with the refusal to acknowledge the problem and what do you see in that? >> well, we have to make the statement very clear that we disagree because this problem, it did not begin with trump. it began before trump and will continue after trump. this is not the last time terrorist acts will occur, chris, so we have to not only call for this but we have called for a cordova community, that's what our mission is called, to bring it about because this has to be supported by the facebooks and the apples and the digital industry. >> they have to work as hard on this. >> it requires all the skill sets of the 21st century because like we said, today the boundaries are getting diffused. we're increasingly getting
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globalized. i heard this morning they were influenced by a swedish youtube celebrity that made anti-semitic remarks in his videos. we require not now just national security but international security. the threats facing the human race are not just terrorism. terrorism, there's a whole host of things. so we need a 21st century, nato warsaw pact merger creating strategic plans and implementing them and supported by grass roots people like ourselves. supporting them and sending letters to members of congress
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because in the world today leadership has become more confused. >> we need that type of organizational structure. we need this. we need people to come together because the terrorists want to keep us apart. the haters want to keep us apart but i love you and i'm happy to have you. >> love you too. and moderates have to unite against the extremists because they're all over. >> there's a lot more of us than there are them. >> absolutely. we have drawn them out. >> be blessed and thank you. i'm sorry to talk to you on this occasion but it's better than ignoring it. >> we cannot ignore this problem and the solution is at hand and the time is now. >> be well. >> thank you, sir. >> so when you look at this, when you look at this threat, when you look at a white supremacist in this case, is it a sickness? is it phoner mindsober minded h? what makes a white supremacist and can you unmake one? the next guest says he knows the
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answer because he's proof that you can escape the hate. a former neo nazi. how he changed his life and his warnings about the threat here in the u.s., next. okay, paint a picture for me. uh, well, this will be the kitchen. and we'd like to put a fire pit out there, and a dock with a boat, maybe. why haven't you started building? well, tyler's off to college... and mom's getting older... and eventually we would like to retire. yeah, it's a lot. but td ameritrade can help you build a plan for today and tomorrow. great. can you help us pour the foundation too? i think you want a house near the lake, not in it. come with a goal. leave with a plan. td ameritrade.
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no biggie abroad or at home says our president. my next guest disagrees. he helps people leave that life. welcome to primetime. thank you for taking the opportunity. >> thanks, chris. >> so christian, tell me. what got you into it and what got you out of it? >> i came from a normal family. much like the manifesto said that person did. my parents loved me but i felt very abandoned by them so at 14 years old in 1987 after being bullied for much of that period, somebody gave me a narrative that i latched on to and offered me a sense of identity and community and purpose that i couldn't find anywhere else and because i had that abandonment issue and trauma and sense of loss, i was already on the margins and they knew exactly where to look for me. >> so the hate is a function of fragility. it's not something that was just inside of you? you didn't have a rational to
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make enemies or demonize others? >> no, my parents are italian immigrants that came over to the u.s. they were often the victims of prejudice. so racism wasn't part of my family dna. what i found out many, many years later and i have seen this with hundreds if not thousands of people is the hatred is really self-hatred being projected outward. everybody is broken. we're all broken but people that are on the fringes may have felt marginalized. they may be broken and dealing with mental health disorders. they may be dealing with poverty or privilege issues. these are called potholes. and as we're looking for identity, community, and purpose, there's somebody out there on the fringes that will scoop people that are vulnerable up. >> how did you get out? >> receiving compassion from the people i least deserved it from at a time when i least deserved
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it. i started to have meaningful interactions with the people i thought i hated for the first time and at 23 years old i found my way out. even though i was quite for a couple of years after that, in 2000 i started to talk about this problem that we're now seeing today and for 20 years i have been warning over and over about this issue that it's going to get worse. >> it's just discreet. it's just fringe. yeah they kill people every once and awhile but it's nothing like the threat we face from islam and immigrants. we're hearing all of this talk. you believe it defies the reality? >> this is the reality. 19 people flew two planes into the world trade center and other buildings that day. one person took home the oklahoma city building. this is happening almost on a weekly, monthly basis and goes underreported in many cases and
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i see these happen because i'm in this world. i hope people disengage from it. this has been going back from 30 years from when i was involved and we had rallies like charlottesville and our intention was to provoke at those rallies and create this lone wolf culture. we were pushing away even the average american white racist and we started to mainstream the ideology and this is a result of that effort. >> so you believe the internet is a turbo charging element. that it's on the rise. let me ask you something, why do these people like what the president says? >> well he says exactly what they're saying -- >> but he says all the time i'm not a white supremacist -- so just to give him his due, he'll say i don't like these people. i'm not about them. i'm not about their cause. he doesn't say it right away. he often has to be pushed. but what do they believe?
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>> most white supremacists will also deny the fact that they're white supremacists in public too and today when i heard him say he thought it was a fringe issue and he didn't think it was a problem. i have to believe he truly believes that. he doesn't see a significant portion of some of the people that voted for him are white nationalists. so maybe he doesn't see it as a problem. as a threat. >> and what do you think -- when you say he says what they say, what exactly? what do they cling on to? we have seen an up tick in mouthiness. what is it that they're grabbing on to? >> well, 30 years ago i used to call for a wall to be built or illegal immigrants to be taken out -- all immigrants that weren't white to be taken out of the country. i called for the u.s. to pull out of partnerships in europe. it was all about the break down of democracy. what's happening now is being
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aided be i a foreign influence. we're seeing the foundation rippers with the propaganda being flooded all over the internet. what's happening on the internet is it is a 24 hour hate buffet. it's that ally i was standing in at 14 years old and had to have a person physically connect with me to recruit me. what's happening is people are going to this buffet and they can feast all night long on message forums that are not even geared toward white nationals. the recruiters have gotten more devious and they're going to places that are safe places online like depression forums, autism forums, they're talking to our younger kids over their multiplayer headsets to recruit them. this is what's happening now. they're trying to push a false narrative based on conspiracy theory that is hard to not step into on the internet. >> got to call it out everywhere we see it. christian, good for you trying to get other people out of a jam that you found your way into and
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good luck with the rest of your life. thank you for talking to us about this. >> thanks, chris. >> be well. >> my pleasure. >> what a terrible way to have to grow up. what a way to evolve but at least he did. most don't. so let's accept what we learned about the mindset and the motivation. now, well how big exactly is the threat? here and elsewhere? we have the perfect guests that know the scope of the problem and the realities of fighting it, next. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss.
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google and you'll see that along with the emergent migrant situation you're seeing full blown leaders all throughout europe. probably half a dozen countries have moved extremely to the white -- to the white -- that's pun unintended -- to the right in terms of this extremism of politics and we have been seeing violence like this. how do you quantify it? >> it's hard to pick numbers but we can look at what intelligence agents around the world are telling us. they're saying the same thing. they're seeing a rise in this pattern of hate and dissemination of hate online. quite a lot of it here in europe and of course we're seeing it here in the rise of islamaphobia. people of color around the world being attacked in communities that are primarily white. so the evidence is overwhelming.
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there may not be accurate data that captured the full scale of this but it's impossible to ignore the daily drum beat of this. every day you open the paper, somewhere in the world there's been a race -- a crime committed by a white supremacist. call it what you may, against somebody that is either brown skinned or jewish or muslim. you can't ignore it anymore. >> here in the united states, we have seen in three of the last four years upticks. they were up years. one of those four years they actually went down but last year they were, i think, 50 something killings that were related to this 70 plus percent of them. 58 deaths last year. 78% of them were accountable to white supremacists and 2% islamist extremists. the muslims get all the attention. if a muslim did something like
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this you'd know all about who the killer was and the president would have probably jumped on it as terror and reargued that this is a threat but not when it's this. he plays it down. how big is the reality here at home? >> there is a very big reality as your graphic just showed, chris, and the fact is that it's not just the president down playing the threat and refusing to even acknowledge that the white national threat is a threat to our safety but unfortunately under both democratic and republican administrations over the last decade or so, we have not seen the level of attention and resources that should be devoted to this issue. so just to give you a couple of examples, even in 2009 in the first term of the obama administration, the obama department of homeland security kaboshed a report being put out to begin to look at the threat being posed by right wing, right nationalists movements and we've also seen the fbi put
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disproporti disproportionate resources and as your graph shows you would think the majority of our fbi counter terrorism agents should be looking at the threat posed here domestically and they're not. 90% of fbi agents are focused on the threat presented by isis and al qaeda and those groups. so there needs to -- this is hopefully -- i'm hoping that this will be a wake up call for the fbi to reset it's priorities. >> we've had a string of little ones here. we have this horrible tendency to only measure problems by death. and if you know, somebody has the intentions but they only kill a couple of people but we don't see it azarenka big a deal as if you kill 49. and of course lives matter and they're not a direct relationship to a size of a threat and thewhether it was th guy in the coast guard that put us on the list or the guy with the pipe bombs, if they want to act and they want to find ways
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to act, eventually they're going to be successful. >> especially if you talk about countries where lethal weapons are within an arms reach of desire, to use the old phrase. law enforcement agencies aren't paying adequate attention but the good news if you want to see the glass half full is that all the lessons that law enforcement have learned from tracking the spread of islamist hate online and in sort of -- on the dark web, all of those skills can quite easily be turned around and brought to bear on this problem and if you put that energy, you put all of the technology that's been developed, if you put that into the service of tracking down the dissemination, you can fix this problem quite quickly. >> you can but there's a but. it's political will.
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this is the legacy of 911 and the war is that muslims were the monsters and the boogie men and we started saying you can't talk about a billion people that way. but there's a legacy to that and it takes political will. i don't know that we have it in this administration. he'll talk all day about islam and the menace that it is and that it doesn't like, you know, as if it were a problem. that islam doesn't like america. do you think there's any chance that even in the eyes of this type of tragedy because it happened somewhere else that political will would change? >> i think there's a problem with a lack of political will on the republican and democratic side. the fbi was almost dismissive of dylan roof's motives, which were to create a race war.
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i'm hoping this is going to be a wake up call for elected officials and the fbi because even members of congress have a role to play. on the democratic and republican side they can call the fbi director and demand that he provide a briefing to them and notify congress about what level of priority is the fbi giving so this issue? and congress can appropriate resources to the fbi to ensure that it's giving adequate attention to this threat. there's a lot more that needs to be done for the democratic and republican side and we have a long way to go but we need to come together as a country to address this threat head on. >> that has to be the way we approach these is that out of the tragedy you try to come together. so thank you for being with me tonight. i appreciate it. >> 49 people in new zealand, right? last year 75% killed were because of white supremism. imagine if it were all one
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event. god forbid. imagine if i were standing in front of that place somewhere here in america? would that make a difference politically? that's part of the mix here and a president that ignores the problem doesn't help. look, i think the president should be trying to lower the temperature, all right? and that's something that we have to discuss. but first, on a day like today, the president felt the need to play the victim with the mueller report nearing and he said something that no other member of his party in the house said. he said no report. what does that mean? starting point for a great debate, next. to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn't. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful life on earth. ♪ ♪
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what would she do without me? >> he concluded there should be no mueller report. this was an illegal and
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convicted investigation in search of a crime. well, every member of the gop in the house disagrees with him. the house voted for 20-0 yesterday in favor of a public release. what does this mean going forward? that's the start of our great debate tonight. thank you to your both. am i supposed to just dismiss this as more trump speak or should we be concerned that he who oversees the attorney general might try to do something with what the rest of us get to know? >> i think the president considering that there has been no there there so far in terms of the big elephant in the room which is the question of the president of the united states committing treason with a foreign government and colluding with that foreign government -- >> that's how you choose to decide what the bar of accountability is but you're saying he hasn't messed with it
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yet so we should trust him. >> i don't think he's going to mess with it. i think that was another example of trump speak. i think the current attorney general is going to let mueller finish this process that has been on going and so far has not found that elephant in the room that i spoke of. >> let's deal with the elephant in the room right now. how do you guys expect to contend with the argument from the right that nihe put out the a couple of different ways which is, if it ain't a felony, it's fine. >> let's see what mueller's report says? we have string after string of element that leads one to conclude it leads to obstruction of justice. if not other crimes that we will see from the attorney general of new york or whatever. the bottom line is, chris, that he is -- first of all his son was saying just release the report. remember last week? just release the report.
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if he has nothing to hide, release the report. if there is no there there then we'll all see it. i believe that barr has too much integrity to allow himself to be manipulated by the president. i would hope that he would walk away if he were instructed in some way to do something he found unethical. >> all three of us agree that the report should come out and the american people should get to see as much as they can without compromising national security. do we agree? >> absolutely. i agree 100%. i will just only add considering the president of the united states was accused of committing either near treason or treason that mueller has the moral obligation to say he is clear of those allegations and charges that have been made numerous times including on this network. >> whoever accused the president
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of treason in any real way? you guys keep setting up these of what the standard is here and if it's not this, there is no collusion, except for manafort and stone but other than that, there's no criminal collision. and now it's treason by the president. if there's no treason by the president he deserves an apology, since when is that the standard of accountability here? >> i think when you consider that the charge that has been layed not by you necessarily but by others on this network, by commentators saying this president was in bed with a foreign government, i don't think there's a higher crime, a higher treason than that, chris. that's just common sense. colluding with a foreign government to undermine the interests of the united states of america? >> well, look, i hear what you're saying. the issue is jennifer, what if it comes out that they believe -- mueller believes he has information to form an
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opinion that paul manafort knew what he was doing when he met with him and he gave him that information and the president knew what he was doing? i don't know this to be true. but i'm saying to go down that road, then isn't that having close to you an agent of this russian interference who is trying to help them while working at your own campaign? >> are you asking me this? >> yes. >> i'm not asking him. i know what his answer is. what is your answer. >> no, it is. it is, obviously. i'm so over all the speculation, though, chris, i want to see the report. >> me too. >> let's just see what the report says. let's guess. let's guess. >> i'm tired of hearing that it's coming out and it doesn't. >> i know. and that's not going to be the last thing that we hear about whatever donald trump's activities are. so let the professionals put the evidence out and then we can talk about it. >> i hope we can see it. i hope it's not so terribly redacted that we're in a guessing contest and leak game
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for the next 2.5 weeks. i want to shift topics while i have you. the people on the right are going to come after me after tonight because they're going to say i can't believe that you tried to connect the president to what happened in new zealand. i don't want to do that. the people responsible for the crimes are the people to blame. the temperature is too high here. the president plays with matches is my metaphor and we're watching fires pop up all over the world and in this country of white nationalists, white extremists who are doing bad things. he talks a talk that i just had a former skin head on the show say it makes perfect sense that they like what he says. even stuff like the wall and even about demonizing people from other countries and coming in here. they love it all. do you think it's time to think about taking down the temperature, even if it works politically, even if it helps with one part of the base that fear replacement, don't talk like this? >> i think that the president actually to use your phrase, is
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actually trying to turn down the temperature. when the president says that this is a marginalized irrelevant group of folk which was the same logic and line that he used when david duke was brought up during the campaign. he tried to pretend that he didn't know who he was and i think he was doing it very purposefully to marginalize this extreme group of psychopaths. look, chris, all of us know a little bit about american history and there was a time that blacks and jews and catholics and others were under siege by the kkk and by white extremist groups that had a tremendous amount of power over our public officials, be they in congress or state legislatures throughout the country. we're in a different time and context matters. and i think what the president was attempting to do and continues to attempt to do is marginalize it. >> i hear the argument. so his argument is the reason the president says it is he was trying to mitigate the threat.
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>> i think first of all you don't make the threat go away by ignoring it which is what he has been doing. you come out and strongly and forcefully denounce it and say that's not who we are. they are us. number one. number two, you put money into enforcement. he has actually cut funding for violent extremism, countering violent extremism funds. you need to intel the fbi that they have to in addition to looking at jihadists look at the online chat rooms that you just described, these chat rooms that self-delete that are anonymous, facebook, and platforms have to do the same thing. they have to focus on this. as you noted over 70% of domestic terrorism, let's call it what it is, it is terrorism has been done by these white supremacists or neo-nazi extreme
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groups. we need law enforcement. we need the platforms and we need the president all three on the same page saying this is not acceptable and we will stop it. >> i appreciate the arguments on both points. as always, a pleasure and thank you. >> thank you. >> there's more to say about this. on a day of grief, sadness, and hopefully heightened sensitivity, president trump had the opportunity to bring people together. i'm going to break down exactly what he said with d.lemon next. it's the quote of the day. i was cured and left those doubts behind. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure
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be deceptive about what happened. the president condemned the massacre in new zealand today. i see all of these people on twitter saying he did but that's not what happened. 22 minutes after he tweeted his condolences to the people of new zealand he followed up declaring on twitter that jexodus movement encourages jewish people to leave the democrat party and that republicans are waiting with open arms. the day that we are in mourning a bigot massacring 49 people you spread that mess? of course it's a false suggestion that democrats are anti-jewish. do you want to compare how many jews are in the democratic party versus the gop? we shouldn't even be playing this game. then he followed up with this. >> we're on track to a million illegal aliens to our border. people hate the word invasion but it's an invasion of drugs
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and criminals and people. >> on the day that we're trying to deal with 49 people massacred for being different and a man in a manifesto says immigrants are the problem and you do this? context matters. does anything get through to be bigger than your own immediate political need? d.lemon is here. so there's two suggestions. the first is he said today i don't think white supremacists, i don't think they're a big deal. they're small. they're not a big deal. >> do your research. do your homework. >> to marginalize them. >> do your homework. >> both could be true. that's why i'm asking you. the other is he put it down because he thinks it's bad for him if it's a real problem because of the things he says here. >> yeah. >> you think it's that? >> i think number one, i don't think he reads his research.
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maybe he doesn't know or maybe he doesn't know the specifics but for him to not be able to know that right wing extremism is on the rise is very ignorant. and i think yes, he does whatever is politically expedient to him. he knows that he says he is not racists but the racists think he's racists and they support him and he doesn't want to lose that support. he cannot win an election with just his base next time and they are a big -- they're a very vocal and active part of his base. i won't say a big part. but a very vocal and active part of his base and he knows that. he knows it's up. listen, chris, you're a new yorker. since you grew up, you have been knowing the trump family. you live in new york city, one of the most diverse places in the world. donald trump knows what's happening. he knows what's up. he's just playing people for suckers. that's what he is doing.
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he knows what is going on and listen, we were warned, the guy who warned us about exactly what's happening now, warned us about it, his name is darryl johnson. he's coming on the show. he said 8 years ago i warned of the resurgence of white wing extremist activists. the financial crisis, the stock market crisis, guess what, he put out the report. the obama administration put it out. janet napolitano had to apologize because conservatives, veterans groups, on and on, they complained about it and now exactly what he said in that report is coming true. >> it wasn't an original threat. now we're seeing an obvious ramping up for obvious reasons.
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the left and right mismanaged it. muslims became the boogie man. >> they have. but why do we have this perception in our society that certain groups of people cannot be terrorists? cannot be terrorize people? but even though in every single bit of research, all the facts show who the biggest perpetrators of domestic terror is in this country and have been for a long time. people cannot wrap their heads around certain people being terrorists because they think terrorists look like muslims, whatever a muslim looks like. >> well, because they took down the towers and we were at war with them in iraq and afghanistan. so that was the collective experience. that was the collective experience. >> that's part of it. >> and the other part of it is what you like to speak about, which is how people perceive what a threat is and that it's more likely to look different from them than similar to them. >> if you look at the definition of what terror is, i'm talking about the definition of what --
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what our law enforcement people, what our national security people call terrorism. >> white extremism. white extremism. >> there you go. >> 78% of the deaths last year. 73% over the last ten years. >> i get tired of people saying, oh, my god. i can't believe don lemon is saying that. he's racist. no. facts aren't -- that's the facts. that's what it is. we need to come to terms with that in order to be able to stop it. otherwise, we keep looking at a group of people who have -- in the graphic that you showed, 2% versus 78%. the numbers don't lie. >> those are the numbers. now, if you were to say white people are inherently terrorists, that's racist. >> no one has ever said that. >> i know you didn't. you would never say that. the president did, though, about islam. he says islam has a problem with us and hates us. that's a racist thing to say. >> there you go. >> closing argument is next.
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now, yesterday our case was about the president knowing that he's raising the temperature of outrage and division. today he doubled down despite a mass murder born of hate. what i want to argue is not just the fact of what he has said. it's what he doesn't say and what must change. the point is always progress, next. one serving... ...once a day... ...with nutrients that support 6 vital functions... ...and one healthy you. that's the power of one a day. ♪ ♪ our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. (buzzer sound) holiday inn express. be the readiest. my dream car. it turns out, they want me to start next month. she can stay with you to finish her senior year.
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christchurch, new zealand, was the site for a massive hate crime targeting muslims. ironic? not really. good and evil are always at war, and that is the case here. the president must start acting like he cares about this. for all the things he's said, this was his major transgression. >> we see today white nationalism is a rising threat around the world. >> i don't really. i think it's a small group of people that have very, vecery serious problems, i guess. >> he guesses? to which part? that white nationalists are sick or that they're a small problem? this answer speaks to either profound ignorance or arrogance. first, he's just wrong, and he has no reason not to know that we've seen waves of opposition and violence and anger stoked by far-right leaders in major countries in europe, demonizing
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the emergent migrant issue. he's spoken about it, and he has to know it is a problem at home as well. 39 were killed by these haters just last year. three of the last four years have had spikes in killings by white supremacists, and that's what nationalism often arrives at. the muslims that the president likes to paint as inherently evil and anti-american, are only a fraction of the threat here at home. he has every reason to know all of this, and yet he is slow to cite a tax on muslims as terror, but never is he slow when they are the bad guy. ig nornnorance here actually mao sense. he gets briefings. the people around him do too. so this is much more likely arrogan arrogance, that he is aware and he's minimizing the significance. why would he do that? because he thinks somehow admitting this reality is bad for him, just like russian interference. the fat guy on the bed, the
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putin denies. if russia messed with us to help him, that is bad for him so deny as long as you can. no matter what it hurts, as long as it's not him. this is the same. he knows these haters cotton to him, so to acknowledge they're a problem becomes a problem for him, so deny it. and that is really dangerous because when he is confronted about denying something, you know what he does. he doubles down on the denial. and sure enough, on the same day as this mass jer in new zealand, he tweeted a b.s. motion about democrats not liking jews. is he complicit in the massacre? no. but he's totally responsible for playing with matches while the flames of bigotry and hate pop up all over the world and ignoring that same fact, ignoring the numbers at home, the murders at home, the threats at home. many of us were just on the list of a guy who cottoned to trump's suggestions and saw murder as a message worth sending. these haters are getting more mouthy, more active during his
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tenure. coincidence there was a spike in their activities and killings last year? every criminal act must be blamed on those who do the crime. but that's not where the accountability ends. you can't help to have a president who calls himself a nationalist and has to be pushed to denounce david duke and picks one bigot to run for senate in virginia and another as a mentor on immigration policy, steve king, whom he has still never denounced. what message do you think that sends to people who share king's views? potus knows the answer, and you know it. and if you ignore it, the majority will never be with you. this has to be something almost all of us agree on, left, right, and reasonable. no one wants hate crimes to increase. no one wants those with these ugly ideas to feel comfortable acting out here. back to the shadows where you belong. that must be the collective clarion call. we need this at home, and the world needs us to be the best of ourselves right now.
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we're not immune to the insurgency of hate. we never have been. this is not the latest. it's not the first. it's not even the worst. but as always, it demands our best. will america rise? thank you for watching. "cnn tonight" with d. lemon right now. >> i hope so, chris. i hope so. that was very optimistic. you said what we have to do. but will we do it is the question that you asked. i really, really hope so, and it's hard for me to feel that way in this moment after witnessing all of these over and over and over again and just the hate that we're witnessing. >> there is so much hate in the world right now. now, older, wiser people will say it's always been that way. what changes is the will to deal with it. it goes back and forth. muslims were made into monsters after 9/11. that happened with both parties. we went to war. we waent to wen


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