tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN March 12, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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can attack anywhere. get fast relief here with primatene mist. available over the counter for mild ashtma. primatene mist. breathe easy again. just after we ended the program last night tom hanks revealed he and his wife tested positive for the coronavirus. and nba cancelled its season. this became more real. today the ncaa cancelled march madness. and the nhl ended its season. broad way went dark. a tourist draw fl new york city.
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silent. a suburb north of here became the first coronavirus containment zone. four states closing schools. disney land and world shutting down. to so many people life moved further from normal. no one pretends it won't change more. coronavirus facts and fears the news continues. i'll hand it over to chris for cuomo "prime time." >> more facts less panic. the town hall is so helpful to so many. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." america is closed. closed in the way we have rarely if ever seen. that's true. a shaky president told you last night all is well. we know the truth is very different. tonight the reality. testing is not going smoothly. we have to expose the needs and we need to see the real challenge. the precautions that we're taking they will help reduce cases. more cases are coming than we
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can imagine. our real question are real challenge is going to be capacity. that is the crisis that is going on in italy. where are we on capacity? what's being done to pr pair for the cases we'll have. we're all being tested right now. i'm not talking about coronavirus. i'm talking about our personal meddle in a way we have never been before. let's get the truth. let's get the government to do its job and let's get after it. you don't need me to tell you what you're seeing. this growing sense of what if. tight fisted fear and sense of dread. fuelled by unknown. it does remind me of how it felt here after 9/11. of course this is very different. why? this time we can prepare. we can do something to reduce the scope. jus as then we will find the
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strongest defense in what? our collective will to fight back. that is why you see america shutting down at a head spinning rate. just the lst 24 hours ohio, maryland, kentucky, shutting schools. broad way going dark. disney land. no brainer. the bigger the group the bigger the resk. ncaa cancelling march madness. delaying opening day. museums and parade and marathons. tomorrow at midnight the trump ban on travel of foreign nationals from europe will go into effect. a startling headline. the reason why it's happening must get attention and perspective. tonight we'll focus on that. what the real challenge is that's coming that we are not hearing enough about. let me explain.
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here's the state of play. more than 1,600 coronavirus cases right now. that number has to be dramatically under reported. for good and bad reason. the bad is testing is woeful. continues to be despite blatant lies by the president of the united states. good reason, a lot of people have had coronavirus and recovered without realizing it. the number of cases wf hear about where that will happen. you'll get over it or never know you have it. 80%. think about that in the context of the 41 deaths so far. the number jumped from 30 to 41. 24 of those 41 were nursing home. that number -- one is too many. it's so low compared to other places. why the drama? why the closing? i'll show you. data shows that this virus is spreading faster in the united states than in almost all european countries except italy. why? take a look.
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i won't mess it up with my big hand. look at hong kong and singapore. why is it spreading? more aggressive action to cut down the spread. in china it's more dramatic. they can do things there people listen to like that. they don't have to sell it. south korea the response hasn't been perfect. with the testing of thousands a day we have barely done 1,000. it managed to greatly contain it. at home testing is slow. so slow. forget about contact tracing. where i have it and figure out i was with this woman and find her. it's not happening. we need the data for resources. be honest the horse left the barn. we'll see community spread. let me point out why we need to be tough on the truth. look at what happened just today. >> frankly the testing has been going very smoothly. >> the system doesn't is not
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really geared to what we need right now. it is a failing. let's admit it. >> fauci is about the we. and you have reasonable expectations. trump is about the me. he is lying to you. the reason that is matters is that his resistance to reality is keeping us behind on the most major challenge. you'll hear the term prevention will flatten the curve. two different curves. what could happen in america depending on the next steps. dr. fauci told us look at the out breaks they have big peaks and come down. flatten the peak. less cases and density and trouble. if you don't take the measures that we're freaked out by, you become italy. overwhelmed. you cannot handle the need. if you live with the measures
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and i know they suck. you have to take them in relationship to the alternative. if you go with it, you will see flatter line. we can treat more patients and limit the overwhelming of hospitals nationwide. according to the reporting our country has 2.8 hospital beds per thousand people. it's fewer than italy. china and south korea. why? a long discussion. forget it for now. it's estimated we only have about 45,000 intensive care unit beds in the united states. if you take a moderate out break, you have about 200,000 of us that would need a bed. so that is a moderate reality. in that context truth matters. i don't want you surprised. why the president said this. >> we're in great shape compared
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to other places. we're in good shape. >> what other place? l.a. l.a. land? we're not in great shape. more walk less talk. find capacity. the truth is a must. we cannot have excuses. you cannot be put into a state of panic because the truth was hidden from you. not when time is precious. we know cases will come at much greater scale. are we ready for the scale? the answer is no. how do you get ready for the scale? that's a good question. joining us now is someone who thoughs about how to protect the country from the kind of danger. lisa monaco. former adviser to president obama. and analyst for us. this is easy for you to follow. for so many people everything shutting down means everything is going to hell in a hand
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basket. when it's a sign of the opposite. we're getting it where with we need. why would fauci say everything it's not working the testing and president say going smoothly. who does it help? >> it doesn't help anybody. you provided a tremendous service with the curve graph. people need to understand the mission is flatten the curve. what you saw with fauci yesterday testifying on capitol hill. he was asked is this going to get worse? he was clear as he could be. yes, it is going to get worse. how much worse will depend on how aggressive we are right now. why did he say that? he's trying to set the conditions to flatten the curve. he's trying to prepare us to take the steps you just described. >>? just in terms of making sure people understand why we are where we are. the president says it's a foreign virus as if this was launched on us like an attack.
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that's about him playing -- working with the base. we never saw it coming. is that true? >> no, it's not. he talked about it being unforeseen challenge. it's in the true. it was foreseen. this is not a black swan event. we were surprised, we weren't. the intelligence community, career experts have said for the last several years pandemic disease. emerging disease is one of the top threats we face as a nation. and said it in unclassified form in the worldwide threat assessment. >> this is compelling to people. i want to make sure you get the best defense. she's with biden and try to trash trump and say this was here. nobody knew. and she's painting it like something that was about them preparing here. defend your position. as a biden support.
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why is this true. how can you show it's true. they had reason to know but made cuts sp didn't prepare. >> it's in black and white. the worldwide threat assessment submitted to congress. it's a public document. it ranks the top threats we face. listed in that document is emerging disease pandemic disease. something we have to be focussed on. the second point is we talked about it. in the transition. one of my jobs as homeland security is prepare the new team to take on a set of risk they were assuming. >> where was this? >> during the transition opt last week of the administration, we sat downside by side. i can't claim credit for this. we were taking a page out of the bush. they did a tremendous -- >> is coronavirus next to martians invading. it might happen but it's not real. >> we have been through sars and
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ebola. we know it's an issue. we sat down and said what lessons learned. we'll talk about terrorist attack and cyber attacks and hurricanes. what i decided to add to the situation and sat down in a room, side by-side. to work through the issues. we have to include a pandemic. and my team career experts who sat in a unit that was dedicated to preparing for these things much we have to include a pandemic. a new strain of flu. that's what we're worried about. ebola was a touch challenge. different from now. a respiratory disease. a new strain of flu. a novel virus. like sars or mers. >> they had forewarning. that's the past. i have a question about the president and the future. utah jazz they get a guy and look like matt gaetz the
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congressman. you play the fool. wearing the mask and now he's quarantined. he's touching everything on the table like it doesn't mean anything. now he has coronavirus. how did they get the tests so fast? if people are desperate all over the country. how did they get the tests so fast? >> i don't know the answer. we have to be figuring out a way and should be hearing from leaders how are we getting testing done on a widespread free basis? we can't attack what we can't see. we can't see what we don't test. we have to see -- >> do they play favorites with the testing? when you have the resources. do they go to your buddies first. there are tests if you know the right people. if he doesn't like your state you don't get them. >> of course not. i have no information that's how it's working now. the point is we have to get the testing. we're woefully behind.
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and that is the crisis we're focusing on now. and we should be. we have to do better. i'm worried about the next wave. >> which is. >> the overwhelming of the healthcare capacity. the numbers are stunning. >> why do the numbers stink? >> you had a rather on his show a congresswoman who knows something about the healthcare system. and i think it's fair to say over several administrations democrat and republican we have under funded public healthcare system. that's fair and we have to spread that around. >> do you know what's going on right now -- it seems to me, yes, testing. full stop. then new sentence but, you passed it anyway. cases will come and the next signal of the need will be at the hospital. is the federal government and
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some kind of huge military exercise building capacity that we don't know about? >> i don't know the answer. i'd like to hear from the president speech. somber tone, very important to do. i have been inside the white house. understand what goes into an oval office speech. you use it in rare circumstances. what we didn't hear what is the plan to do more widespread testing. and give our healthcare workers who are on the front lines, they will protect us. to make sure they have the capacity the equipment they need. >> we see it's coming. it can't be you were surprised. you know now capacity is an issue. 30 day ban on europe, right move? >> no. it may slow the spraed. but we have to focus on what we're doing right now here in this country to protect
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americans. >> thank you very much. i appreciate the perspective. what do with know about the virus? not so much in some areas a lot in others. it's the elderly. they are most at risk. here's part of the mystery. why are children being spared? of course it's not a case they sthould get it more. is there something in it that in that understanding the disconnect that could be a clue in figuring out how to fight this. that's one of the top infectious disease specialists is working on. is there hope there? 5g will change business in america. t-mobile has the first and only, nationwide 5g network.
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one of the big parts is we'll hear things and they'll become known. you have to start asking questions off of what you know to goat where you need to be. for example. kids have proven resistant to this particular virus. for example this china, out of more than 80,000 confirmed cases, only 2% kids or teens. cases. not deaths. that number mnuchuch lower. thank god. go another step.
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why not kids? is there a clue in that? we found a doctor. pediatric with the cleveland clinic children's hospital. he's looking at it. what it could mean for the rest of us. thank you so much for taking time. to explain the work and why you're optimistic about it. it's not effecting kids the way we would have expected. what does that mean to you? >> it's very interesting. it's not just this particular coronavirus. the original sars didn't attack kids as much as adults. something about the new coronaviruses are staying away from children and attacking much more the adult population and the older population. why that is is still not clear. it is something that we're very happy. it doesn't mean the kids are off the hook.
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they can still get infected. we don't want to roll the dice. we need to protect them as much as we protect adults. what is it about bt kids something that will be the biggest clue about the virus that can help us with the out break as well as future out breaks frs coronavirus. >> how do you figure it out? >> we have several theories. first is something about the virus. something about it that the children are more immune to than the adults. could it be because they have previous exposure to other coronavirus. that doesn't seem the case. both kids and adults see regular coronaviruses every year. it maybe the immune response in children is vigorous. better than older adults because older adults don't make as much as antibody response. and nothing to do with the virus but has to do with the adults. and specifically with their lungs. something about their lungs that makes it a better landing zone?
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something about the fact maybe they are smokers or they have been inhaling pollution for decades that children have not been inhaling and leads the virus attach better. something about receptors. is it different, changed. these are major clues that will help us figure it out. >> why isn't the conclusion here's why people like me are more susceptible than someone like my kid. how does that help you help me from getting it? >> let's say it has something to do with the receptor. if there's a way we can focus some therapies against to block it or the virus ability to attach. or maybe all the vaccines we figure out the binding site of where this virus likes to attack. because it's attacking this particular part in the adults. and we can focus this vaccine
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effort against those specific protein sequences and make a better vaccine. >> last question. people are hearing we're closing schools approximate hearing kids aren't as susceptible and why close the school. >> it's not just the school. because everything is on the table. we need to stop the spread in ohio has been at the forefront and aggressive in trying to minimize the spread within the state. we have five cases. five too many. we have decided to close schools. one of the reasons is we're protecting the kids but also their teachers and administrative staff. in addition to that maybe the kids aren't getting sick. the adults and parents and teachers are getting sick. there's not enough people in the school to make sure the students are safe. we have to use school closings as one of many different ways to help prevent the spread. >> can a kid be a carrier but
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not get sick and give it to an adult? >> one of the reasons we have recognized as many kids being infected is because they have been so mild they have never shown up to a doctor in order to be tested. it maybe that they can be carriers. we have seen in in children. they have the virus. they can spread the virus. a will the of times especially in china, they looked at what they found is in most of the family situations, it seemed to be the adults giving the kids the virus. that remains to be seen. any child infected should be isolated just like adult. but it's something that we have to watch out for and one of the things as we try to figure out the spread and capacity goes up and up. we will be looking at kids and the ones symptomatic. >> you are obviously smart as hell. thank you for working on this situation.
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let me know if we can get information out here valuable to the public. >> interview like that should hopefully bring down the fear factor. a little bit. you have reason to be worried. good reason. so on that score, i asked you to send questions about what you're dealing with day by day. the most anxiety. and who do you think would be the best person to arm you with the facts? how about chief doctor. sanjay gupta. back to answer the questions. next. chief doctor. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ with a relaxing commute. a nice long lunch. and how about those skyscrapers?
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can attack anywhere. get fast relief here with primatene mist. available over the counter for mild ashtma. primatene mist. breathe easy again. here's the good news. a lot of us have the same questions about coronavirus. we stop each other on the street. online. and you get mixed messages out of the white house. misinformation out there. let's get the facts best we can.
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questions directly to the chief doctor. sanjay gupta. good to see you. question one, how can you tell the difference between flu somes vs. coronavirus and if you have had the flu, can you still get coronavirus? >> the first question it's hard to tell. it's interesting. i looked at the china data carefully. early on when they didn't have tests they were doing clinical diagnosis. based on symptoms trying to determine. they runny nose for example or far less likely to be coronavirus because it effected the lower respiratory system more. it's hard to count on that. we need the tests. people can have mild symptoms of coronavirus that look like flew. or vice versa. >> can you get it twice? >> this has come up. reports of this happening. i asked dr. fauci about this.
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once you get if i think theed for a period of time you should be immunized. we don't know how long the immunity lasts. we're not sure about that. >> if i live with someone coming back from a another country coronavirus tested or not. do i quarantine with them? >> you don't need to. people quarantined are people who have been in one of the areas where the virus is known to be circulating. they developed symptoms and test positive. someone who is a partner of the person doesn't necessarily need to quarantine. unless the person becomes symptomatic. >> how long does it take tock symptomatic? and how long after you have it or are you contagious. >> about five days on average to become symptomatic. it can be up to 14 days which is why the quarantine periods are 14 days. you can be symptomatic -- spread this even for a period of time
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after symptoms go away. first patient in washington state several days after symptoms were gone they were finding evidence of the virus in the swabs. >> you use a would be. fo mite. i cough on you which would be the end of our relationship. or because you pick it up off a surface. how long can it live on my desk? >> don't freak out. it can live on surfaces for days. there's been -- days. several studies look at this. certain surfaces in the right condition can live for days. >> why copper? >> why does it live so long? i don't know if it's the specific type of metal. i don't know. even glass or -- >> copper is the longest. isn't that weird? >> it doesn't mean that's pathogenic the entire time. the likelihood it will make you
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sick. that decreases over time. >> that's why it's wash hands and surfaces. >> disinfect all the time. somebody coughs or sneezes. it doesn't matter if you disinfected yesterday. >> clean everything all the time. with the harshest cleaner. another question. what are the stages for the treatment? >> there's no particular antiviral. that's what everyone -- people think about the vaccine first. fauci talked about the fact it takes a year. that's not a reflection of the fact we're a much more sophisticated medical system. it takes time to do trials. antivirals the nec stage. antibiotic is -- this is viral. that's bacterial. >> i know there's information
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from italy and other places things they used. that will be part of it. now, the last part of treatment is where people go to the hospital. and on ventilators. that's capacity. which i believe is the new testing. concern that we're not getting it done on testing. my new frustration transferred to capacity. you know now you're not going to have enough. you have to do something about it. i have heard nothing about it. >> we started talking about testing early. i was in i was there because it's the largest cluster in new york state. the hospital there their icu is full. they have 12 beds. they're full. from flu. they have one patient with coronavirus. 148 isolating if home. and other patients who are being monitored. what happens if the patients start to need icu care?
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they have several hospitals in the system and can go on diversion. to your point they will run out of space and equipment. they'll run out of staff. we know what the projectioned number of hospital beds are for even a moderate pandemic. which this seems to be. we don't have that. i haven't great great answers on that. we'll need about 200,000 icu beds. we have 100,000 beds. we're half short. we'll have to modify new space and innovate i things. we can be good at that. we should have been doing this for the last several weeks because we knew this was coming. >> i'm poking around my friend on the military side. we're not ramping. that's what it will take. a national guard kind of extension program here. i haven't heard about it.
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this is one -- >> flatten the curve. and slow down the pace. >> that's why we have to obey. stay away from things that you do. life will be less enjoyable maybe. spend more time with family. more time at home. thank you, you're a gift. the good doctor is busy these days. his pod cast coronavirus fact vs. fiction is a must. updated all the time. with the best information. now he has to get ready. we have a special cnn facebook global town hall right after us. 10:00 p.m. eastern. all the latest. thanks to the good doctor. we keep doing this information stuff we're in unchartered territory. doesn't mean we're lost. even with the economy. why did i ask her to come in? she understands the market and understands how this could impact communities, schools, in ways we're not thinking about
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latest count 10,000 schools. closed or set for closure. now what does that mean? a lot of parents watching this show. scrambling to readjust to the new norm. child care and for a lot of people in public schools, those kids eat in those schools in way they cannot eat outside of the school. that's why financial expert very important to have you now. because of you know schools and communities and you know under privileged in a way that far exceeds what you have done with so much brilliance on tv. first your market head and the other hat. people say everything is gone from 2017. all the trump boom is gone. and it's fwoing going it get worse. what is the why now? >> the downward spiral over the
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last 48 to 72 hours. we have lost $11 trillion in value. the 3,000 largest companies. we wiped away the value from the start of administration. two trading halts. the first ever in history. if you look we're in a bare market. markets down north of 20%. we have seen such tremendous carnage in the last three to four weeks. what we need now is targeted intelligent bipartisan action. there are two forms of action that we can pull. to levers. monetary policy which is the federal reserve changing either interest rates or providing money supply. which means liquidity. what have they done so far in emergency rate cut last week. half a point. they are meeting next week. expectation is they'll do another half point maybe a full point. >> how much -- >> between one and one and a
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quarter. a full point next week we're out of -- >> money is almost free. >> money and rates are almost -- >> you have no more tools to use. >> very few. the second thing they have done is they announce today they are pumping one and a half trillion dollars into the market. into the repo market. and the government treasury. why are they doing that? they're allowing banks to give high level clat roll to the government in return for cash. the big corporations and specific industries are going to their credit lines and small businesses because they are in a cash crunch because everything has stopped so suddenly. >> he said last night the small business administration has been told to -- is that what's that's about? >> that's one piece of the equation. what you really saw in terms of fed action was to give the banks the access to liquidity they need. so they can help small business
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hins of credit but help the big institutions that right now are drawing down large lines of credit. you see revolvers drown down by $13 billion. the second piece of this is what's called fiscal policy. that's where you can do something with taxes and government spending. and that's to increase demand. that's our issue. the notion of what we can do on a bipartisan basis. this bill. this is incredibly important. we have to act judiciously and targeted. we have to be focussed on paid sick leave. we have to be focussed on small business owners. they count for -- >> like now. before the need hits us. >> that's 60 million people. who are employed in small business. >> mcconnell said he'll keep the senate open to consider. something else.
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you're always welcome back. i appreciate you doing this. closing schools. great. they'll go home. you say think about two things. the kids who need the schools beyond the academy and the elderly and vulnerable. remember which populations they belong to as well. remember that portions need. >> i put up a piece about this. the way it works with school. there are 55 million kids in the school system in the united states. 30 million of those kids rely on school lunch programs. they are free or reduced eligible meals. 15 million kids participate in school breakfast. the decision by the u.s. department of agriculture and on statewide basis and guidelines by cdc could not come at a more critical time. we are in the most unprecedented time we have ever seen in the school environment. here is why. the issue is that school
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buildings either have to allow themselves to stay open to pr virgin isla provide meals or file for waivers. we have school buses delivering meals to kids in communities. 40 million low income folks on food stamp. the question is is part of the bill are we going to increase funding to families to make up for the meals they're not getting in the school building. and right now 24% of the civilian workers do not get paid leave. that's 34 million people. do not get paid leave. >> they can change that. >> right now the biggest cause for concern about widespread school shut down is we have to feed our kids. so we have to make sure that in the communities we're mobilizing and mobile trucks and school buses. whether it's churches or buildings. we have to be careful that we're not congregating kids.
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>> don't get in big groups. >> exactly. >> you'll do what you're doing already. you'll track the need. we'll keep talking. >> i would love that. >> i'll chase after power to make sure it's what they're doing to fix it. once the need hits it's too late. thank you very much. i love you can't hug you because the doctor says with can't. best to you and family t. look, we'll have to figure out how to get through this. a lot of the prevention will help us. we're off on our perspective. we're not taking the information the right way. we're not seeing what the solution is. even though it's in front of our face. that's my argument next. your mission:
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i don't think that means it's all about getting worse and this isn't semantics. why? because when the numbers come up, you are going to see a lot more good outcomes. outcomes where people, yeah, they're sick but they get better. in fact, 80% are expected to be that way. make no mistake. the dead are going to be real and out of more than 1,600 cases we know so far, that number's way low, 41 people have died. but remember this. out of the 41, 24 died in one facility. i'm talking about you. your family. your community. not about what's going to be done for us, from on high, because you saw trump last night. right? he made marco rubio's water grab look cool headed. all right. he couldn't get the facts right last night. poor marco. exhibit a. listen to the president. >> we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states. >> false.
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but u.s. citizens and permanent residents can come back. he didn't make that clear. exhibit b. >> these prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo but various other things as we get approval. >> seemed scared when he was saying it and he should have been because it was wrong. he tweeted afterwards that the restriction stops people, not goods. one more. exhibit c. >> i met with the leaders of health insurance industry, who have agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments. >> look, he's wrong again. health insurance companies said they'd waive costs for the tests, not for treatment. look. he didn't know what he was talking about. we know he lies. but, more importantly, look, it was clear to you. be honest. he's not up to this challenge. you know who he is and who he is not. but here's the bigger point. this government is so much
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bigger than him. you're seeing the power and potential of government when it's done right. my question is not about him. the question is who are you? who are we? will you do what is asked of you? will you help others, even if it means giving up what you want for yourself? will you remember why government matters and stop trashing it out of political convenience? while leadership matters. and you can't just have anybody in there in office. why integrity and experience and decency matter. look at what we're being asked to do. keep your distance. limit. forbear. face fear. everybody's looking at it as all this thanks for us. i argue the opposite. i think it's going to bring us closer together. two reasons. because this isn't about manufactured us versus them and white versus brown. we're all exposed. we are all in it together, literally. all right? now, there's a lot we don't know about this.
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there are legitimate questions about preparation and even overpreparation. but there is an obvious truth that we've ignored, distracted by a bad case of us versus then fueled by a president who sees anger as an agency for his success, division as a way of keeping power and keeping us apart. but now, we are painfully aware of our greatest medicine. it is our interconnectedness. can't be touching each other that much right now. but there is an interdependence. what does that mean? i need you to protect my family. my mother. my in-laws. the vulnerable. and you need me to do the same for you. will you hold up your side? i promise you i will do my best. that's my argument. we'll be right back. right now, we've got 100 reasons for you
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all right. little bit of breaking news that just came in i want you to have. the prime minister of canada, justin trudeau, just confirmed through his office that his wife has tested positive for coronavirus. she is in quarantine. he is also in self-imposed quarantine right now. not showing symptoms. we are going to see more of this. the test is how we respond. if we do what we're being told to do, we'll get better sooner.
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