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tv   Coronavirus Pandemic  CNN  April 7, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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voluntary efforts that we see across the country in this moment. thank you for joining me today. our special coverage continues with anderson cooper. have a good afternoon. i am anderson cooper, you are watching cnn's coronavirus coverage. in new york home to a third of total cases, governor cuomo offering a glimmer of hope even as he announced the state posted its largest single day of increase of covid-19 deaths. >> we are projecting that we are reaching a plateau of the total number of hospitalizations and you can see the growth and it is starting to flatten. again, this is a projection. it still depens on what we do.
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what we do will affect those numbers. this is not an act of god that we are looking at. it is an act of what society does. shimon prokupecz is at the comfort, the navy ship that was brought for non-covid cases before. >> reporter: a large number of people but more importantly it is the number of people that have been calling out sick. we are almost at 20% at the nypd, the number of officers who has been calling out sick. at last count it was close to 7,000. that number is likely to grow. they had 12 deaths and a detectiv detectives, officers and civilians who lost their lives. this is everyone who's apart of the community. it is taking the toll on the
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nypd and also close to 2,000 members of police officers who have tested positive for the vir virus, anderson. >> 20% figure that does not necessarily mean that all of them have covid, it is just that's the percentage of officers who are calling in sick or employees of the police department calling in sick. >> that's right. these officers are calling in sick for other reasons or some have symptoms and are waiting back for results. there are large numbers for the police department, it is important to point out that a large number have called out sick don't necessarily have to coronavirus. >> yeah. the comfort, they're now admitting coronavirus patients, any sense of how many patients they already have on board? i understand one crew member tested positive. >> that's right, anderson. we are just getting in numbers
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from the navy on the number of patients behind me here at the comfort. 41 pay she watients and five of have tested positive for the coronavirus. as you said initially the ship was not going to take these coronavirus patients but the governor says he spoke to the president and spoke to the military and so they decided to help the hospitals to take these patients. they're only allowed to take up to 500 now. initially ta wehey were going t take up to 1,000. they can't take that many patients, they're only taking up to 500. there is a crew member a aboard this sip and it is not clear how he contracted the virus. the likelihood is they
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contracted the virus sometimes before they left virginia and came here. that crew member is isolated and the crew member has not had any contact or interactions with patients but none the less the ship we are told the navy is taking every precaution to try to keep that person quarantined and anyone who may have contact with that crew member, anderson. >> shimon prokupecz, appreciate it. to louisiana where a surge of cases feeling the devastating effects on african-americans. african-americans count for 70% of deaths in louisiana. the numbers point to the impact of in equities and health and economy in the u.s. something echoed by the surgeon general today. >> i share myself personally that i have heart disease and high blood pressure i am
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pre-diabetic. i represent that group growing up poor and black in america. cnn's ed laif davandera is in louisiana for us. >> it reveals all that exists in society and this is one of them. what are officials there saying? >> it is true. i was speaking to one doctor here in new orleans who works in the hospital. he talked about how as they're in the midst of working on this pandemic and you see the stats bear out like this and of what you are seeing there in real life. look at some of the statistics we are seeing. if you take a look at the state
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of illinois. they account for 42% of the deaths in that state. african-americans count for 70% of the deaths we see of coronavirus. african-american counts for 30% of the population and milwaukee county and wisconsinwisconsin, african-american deaths. these numbers are jarring to medical professionals. >> thank you very much. two of the top medical officials in the country warning the americans that the u.s. may not get back to the way before the outbreak until there is a vaccine. >> i don't think that you will
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say the country can't get back to a real normalcy until you have a safe vaccine. >> normal is a different normal when we reopen. we know once we get a vaccine, we can get it back to the way we treat flu season. >> doctor, is it going to take a vaccine to return back to normal in the u.s., that's something we are still talking about a year or a year and a half away. i am wondering what you think of dr. fauci and the surgeon general saying? >> i think dr. fauci and the surgeon general is correct. it is going to take some time to get back to normal. what normal for us is going to change. anderson you and i have talked for a long time about pandemics and being prepared. i think this is just a very good illustration of what we'll now
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need to be doing. we are nowhere near prepared, we have been suffering from this. we have to take all of this into account. our new normal will only begin to occur once we have vaccines and therapeutics and wide testings. we don't have any of those things in place when it will take time. >> it is so essential and can you talk to that piece? in order to get back or out of the current kind of lockdown situation and you know to some sort of sense where businesses can reopen and business can start to go out more, even to get to that point is going to require a level of testing which is not currently possible. >> that's absolutely true. >> we have come a long way with our testings from weeks ago. it is almost like a day-to-day thing for us. i can give you an example for
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our facility, we are doing 400 tests a day. we would like to test more so actually each day we are evaluating how many swabs we have and how many agents we have and physically getting to patients and especially outside of the hospital trying to diagnose them and implement measures and really try to keep them out of the hospital so identify ways that we can keep them in their settings and identify them, should they be developing more serious illness, needing to come to the hospital. we have a long way to go with our testings. we have come a long way in the last several weeks. >> dr. rimon, people are hearing or slowing down cases in new york and the governor was talking about projection of that which depends on people behaving and continuing social distancing at home and how concerned are you people that are going to
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relax their efforts because they think this is you know, this is plateauing. i bike to new york and work everyday so i am not interacting with people in vehicles and i got to tell you, new york is busy and the streets were businesser tod busier than i have seen in weeks. >> i think that you are absolutely right. it is time to double down. we have done a good job starting to flatten this curve by all the major social distancing methods that's put in place and washing hands and now wearing cloth masks. anything that we can do, if we start to relax right now, people lose all the grown that we gain. now is not the time of thinking how we reopen, we can push on this curve and flatten it.
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>> children make up 2% of the coronavirus cases and most of those cases are mild. that's certainly some good news for parents and families and everybody to focus on. >> yes, i would say this is a study of 150,000 diagnosed cases and you have the number of their 370. we are at twice as many total cases of 2500 were in children. a small proportion so the great news that you described is they have milder illness and requires less hospitalization. one of the challenges is though that these individuals can't develop the same sort of symptoms so identifying them is possibly infected and a source for other members in the household is a challenge. >> dr. shenoy, what's the situation in the hospital of massachusetts in terms of the level of patients. >> at mass general right now, we
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are really at a very high number of patients for us. we have 225 patient who is are confirmed covid in-house, a large number of those are in our icus so critically ill. we have over 100 investigating right now and testing. we are not at the top of the curve. a lot of the work we have been doing around the clock is preparing and embracing ourselves for that which right now the experts suggest, maybe about the third week of april, we have a way to go and we are at pretty high numbers of cases in our facility. >> i wish you guys, dr. rimon and dr. shenoy, thank you. >> coming up, people are waiting for hours to vote in today's primary election. >> plus, the acting general is apologizing after calling the
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captain stupid or kneenaive. >> a fourth package is needed to help americans. we'll speak with house speaker pelosi ahead. introducing t-mobile connect. a prepaid plan to help keep america connected. starting at just $15 a month, it gives flexibility for uncertain times. visit to learn more. you can also manage your account, and make payments online. stay connected with t-mobile connect.
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ballot. let's be clear, holding this election amid the coronavirus is dangerous." i understand residents there are supposed to be under a stay-at-home order. what are you hearing from voters coming out. >> reporter: we are at one of five polling locations in milwaukee. five out of the typically 180 that we have seen. because we did not have enough poll workers. this is why we are seeing long lines at multiple or even those these five locations. one voters we spoke to said that while she was happy to perform her civic duty that she was not happy she potentially have to risk her health to do so.
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>> i was upset coming out here today. don't go out and if you can help not going to shop today, this week may be the peak. they home and be safe but they want us to do our civic duty. it is pretty upsetting that our leaders don't take in consideration. >> reporter: what we heard from many voters who are walking out of the polling place behind me. they did say all of what they saw inside these polling mplace did feel sanitary and they did feel comfortablcomfortable. >> there you see the line, people put up cones informing people where six feet should be. >> for sure. you can imagine there has been a lot of thought that went into how to keep and not only poll
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workers safe but also the voters coming in. when you walk to some of the polling places, some of the locations have pglass to divide the voters and the poll workers. the poll worker will look at that id and not touch it, just examine it and they move on from there. a lot of thought went into this. if you are going to have an election in the midst of an ongoing virus, making it as safe as possible. >> thank you, the navy captain raised alarm, the top official calling him stupid and naive is now apologizing and he's saying he stood by his words. as a struggling actor,
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we know wnow why thomas mody
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is now apologizing. >> defense secretary mark esper told modly to apologize after making those remarks on the crew of theodore roosevelt. 200 sailors tested positive on the navy ship. thank you so much for being with us. modly defended his remark and hours later apologized for any confusions of his choice of words may have caused. it is clear of what his choice of words was. >> can he survive after this? >> i don't know how you can continue to lead after this. i don't know how you can expect people to follow you after this. this is no voluntary force.
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i think the abrupt turn here shows what the problem is. this only happens, secretary defense only told the acting secretary of the navy to apologize. and so you got a commander in chief who politicizes the military all the time and gets involved inappropriately and pardons criminals and calls people generals and who belittles people all the time and attacks the press all the time. it is not much of a surprise that somebody would say something like this. and attempting to get ahead of
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the president and when there is so much blow back, they decided to go the other direction. >> there is a lot we don't know about the chains of events. the letter he sent which there is no evidence and the letter did get out. they were sent to a number of people and also there is this belief that it was inappropriate for him to even send such a letter and send above the immediate supervisor, i wonder how captain crozier send tht th letter and how he did it? >> some where of the chain of command failed him. somebody in that position, their first instinct would be not to
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se send the letter. that's one of the chief of operations that would understand. let's investigate this and see why it happens. he had to do it. captain crozier had to do as an act of desperation, i am trying to protect my sailors and i am willing to risk my career on it. >> i want to play and you mentioned what the president said and maybe getting involved in this. let's play what he said yesterday. >> the letter should not have been sent to many people. unclassified. that was a mistake. so the letter should not have been sent. with all of that said, his career prior to that was very good. so i am going to get involved and see what's going on there. i don't want to destroy somebody for having a bad day. >> i wonder what you make of
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that? >> i am going to get involved. he's gotten involved as i have said over and over again and politicizes the military. it destroys the chain of command. it destroys military discipline when things like this happens. when you think that somebody will be funny or praised on a whim of the commander in chief. >> the former navy secretary ran a foul on the president because he had the issue with the president getting involved in the case of the navy seal. >> absolutely. >> and i think that secretary spencer was trying to do what he thought the president wanted in that case, too. the president listened to evidently people in the media
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that said this person is a hero until he gets involved with these things that he should not that just destroys the notion of accountability and just destroys of command and control and just destroy the notion that our military ought to be a political and outside any sort of political problems. >> thank you mr. mabus. >> thank you. >> the stimulus package may not be enough to help americans during this troubled time. we'll speak to house speaker nancy pelosi about the plan of what she wants to happen. in this world where people are staying at home,
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mitch mcconnell and house speaker pelosi are pushing on more legislation on the two million dollars care act. speaker pelosi calls it care two. clearly more money is needed. the source says the treasure department plans to ask for
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another $200 billion to help small business loan programs. joining me now is house speaker pelosi. thank you for being with us. $2 trillion was not enough to handle the fallout. you told house democrats another trillion dollars will be needed in the next round, is that what you are anticipating of this next round? >> well, we'll evaluate as we go along. thank you for your attention to all of this. it is such an assault on the lives of the american people. we were proud to be able to pass bipartisan legislation in the month of march. it was clear that it would not be enough for our state and municipalities and hospitals and other institutions, that would not be enough for education and the rest. it was a giant first step of the
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program and it is an important part of how we help small businesses thrive. we have no data though, we don't know so much about who's being served or who's being under served. we need additional fund that's administered in a way and how people have access to -- we want to have certain considerations that we want to go forward with that. >> you reported that the $1,200 to americans is not enough. the 2,000 payments to all americans, is that something that sounds feasible? >> well, let's just say we are
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working bipartisan way, we have a good template of the three bills that's passed in large in a bipartisan way so we know we have a precedent for helping states and local governments and other institutions as i mention that there is a couple of threshold doing more than they expected. again, a template built on a bipartisan bill signed by the president and this important small business initiative that has three aspects, paycheck
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protection to small businesses and grants that would go out to businesses and the disaster assistance which is in the own category and not in the category of possible forgiveness at least at this time. again, we have a plan that we can and we know have been successful in terms of passing and implemented. we do have to have an oversight to make sure everyone who qualifies have the access and there are experiences that people have that we have sometimes required with the banks. these people would not think that we are in this kind of situation. i want to make sure we are ke s connected with our financial institutions that is are going to smaller minority and businesses in the rural community have always had
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bipartisan support in congress and we want to make sure that all the banks that can participate are able to do so and not just those of big reputation but community on banks and minority on banks and the rest. access to capitol and the ability of capitol for banks. >> i think it was a week ago, the focus seems to be, there were a lot of talk of focusing on infrastructure. that was not what you see this next package being. >> yes. and thank you for mentioning that because we do believe there is some infrastructure needs whether we are talking about clean water or community health centers or transportation to take our essential worker to work or whether we are talking about broad band so that we can
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have children learning from home and tele-medicine and so many aspects of life are people communicating with each other after they are shelter at home. that seems to be along the path to that eventhough it is related to coronavirus. that's not off the table. i hope you can still hear me. >> we can still see you. >> the three things american people sort of really concerned about. one is our workers have protective equipment they need to help save lives and not risk their lives to save a life.
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also ventilators and the rest help meet the need of those who are ill. secondly, they want their checks. they want their direct payment and unemployment checks. third, they do not want taxpayers money being used by big industries and dividends and bonuses. it had angered them for a while. >> let me ask you about that. >> we want to make sure that's important and right now the senate is taking action to undermine the oversight. >> let me ask you about that. did the president removed the chairman of the panel created by congress to overseas and created the $2 trillion package.
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should somebody we watching over this? >> yes. and the president should be the one and that's exactly upside down. now he was chosen by his colleagues to lead this pandemic committee oversight committee, he's now being removed by the president, and the president is sending in some of his loyalists. this is really a problem. when we do some of this, we should try to follow the truman model which i have established. in world war i, there was a concern of how money was spent. senate truman says following
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world war i, there were one 115 investigative committee investigating the spending of world war i. it is better to have at least one right now while we are making sure we do not have price gouching. that's what we want to have in the community. it is not geared to the president. it is geared to how the program is implemented and where there is money. >> we make sure we spend to benefit the livelihood of the american people. >> the president is talking about that being a witch hunt in his words. in this new relief package, are you go i thi going to push for t
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home for tr the upcoming election? >> that was the package that mnuchin suggesting. yes, we want the resources to be there and no obstacles to that voting to take place. it is about our democracy. it is about our democracy in a time even a physical challenge to vote so we want to have more sources to vote by mail or states sending ballots to those who are qualify to vote. that'll be part of our initiative. we got 400 million dra$400 mill package. that's about 20% of what we actually need but it is a start. they put in some restrictions that we would like to remove and the removal of those restrictions is bipartisan from the national association of
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secretary of state, democrats and republicans writing together to say we move this restriction. i thank you for what you all are doing, calling attention to the first and for most of the serious health challenge that our country faces and the assault on our economy as well and how they are related. >> speaker pelosi, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, give my best and pray everyone who's afflicted by this. >> thank you, still ahead. british prime minister is spending another day in the icu. we are live in london on the latest on boris johnson's condition.
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when managing diabetes you can't always stop for a fingerstick. with the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you don't have to. with a painless, one-second scan you can check your glucose with a smart phone or reader so you can stay in the moment. no matter where you are or what you're doing. ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at
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right now prime minister johnsen remains in intensive care in a london hospital, where he's receiving oxygen, but is not on a ventilator, we're told. clarissa, what do we know about the prime minister's condition? >> reporter: we've been told basically, anderson, there's no real change. he's not been intubated, he's not on a ventilator, but there's a reason they're keeping him there. part of what they're doing is to keep him with oxygen, and i think everyone's happy to see that his situation or condition has not deteriorated, there is a bit of concern also that we haven't heard that his situation
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has improved significantly either. a lot of people here in the uk on every side of the political spectrum very much want to see him make a -- and the foreign minister is acting in that position, dominic raab is the first state secretary, which means he has beendeputyized. he's one of the faces of the brettic movement, also the brexit secretary under theresa m may. that only lasted about four months, but the real sort of question is, who is in charge. when raab and other members of the cabinet have been pressed on this issue, they say, well, it's a collective decision-making.
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but the prime minister's job in that situation usually, anderson is one to pick the course of action. it's not really clear at this moment in time who, if anyone, is actually doing that. >> members of johnson's cabinet said they were taken by surprise how quickly his condition has deteriorated. does it seem as though they weren't being kept in the loop? certainly the public statements seemed also somewhat slow in coming. >> reporter: absolutely. i think there's been a lot of confusion and frankly anxiety from people about the way in which news bull tense, information and updates about the prime minister's health have been delivered, in such a way whereby most people thought the picture was pretty rosy, even after he was admitted to the hospital. we were told it was precautionary, there were just some tests, nothing to really woir about except he had persistent symptoms for ten
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days. within a matter of hours, he was admitted to the icu, his own cabinet, as you mentioned, saying they only found about it. they gave a press conference yesterday at 5:00 p.m.,h he he was still running the country and only at 8:00 p.m. did they even find out he was in icu. so there's not a clear sense of how the messaging is being done here, anderson. >> appreciate it, clarissa. thanks very much. the owner and head chef at a restaurant that was once named the world's metz. madison park now makes 2,000 meals a day for first responders and new yorkers who normally rely on food banks. they teamed up with rethink food nyc. american express is helping to fund the effort. go to eed!
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by the enrock and roll!tour i'll turn you [ screaming ] zombies.
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if we're gonna save the world we need to unite all the trolls. like country. the country trolls look friendly. get em'. [ screaming ] hip hop. ♪ tiny diamond is my name peace and love tiny and daddy out. and techno. -get ready for the drop. wait for it. come on man! ♪ one more time the world premiere is in your home friday. go to for more. this is our special coverage of the coronavirus. i'm anderson cooper. the hemessage to keep up the so distancing. dr. robert redfield says that's the best weapon against the unthinkable amount of deaths


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