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tv   [untitled]  CSPAN  April 5, 2010 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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you recommend providing commodity foods for breakfast which can be used if you've already -- if you already have them for the lunch program. but that are not available there. what about farm to school? do you see a role for that? in the breakfast program? >> we are urging congress to consider five additional cents for commodity. and the farm to school program in that value would certainly be a wonderful thing to have. and you're absolutely right. about the vegetable gardens and, you know, providing the nutrition education aspect to the students' knowledge. ...
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>> yes fight being authorized existing federal farm to school program, hasn't invited. so what would you say about making the funding mandatory? >> absolutely. >> that was a softball question.
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[laughter] >> any funding you can make mandatory will graciously accept. >> not a trick question. a key pillar of the first ladies let's move campaign to solve the problem of obesity is to serve healthier food. she is encouraging or actually working toward the goal doubling the number of schools that participate in the healthier u.s. school challenge. what does it take to become a healthier u.s. school? how can we help more schools get there? is doubling a reasonable goal? >> i think it is a reasonable goal, and we, the school nutrition association has been working closely with usda, and, you know, they are looking at
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some of the paperwork criteria to make it easier for school districts to be able to apply. because when we used is the big application that we had to fill out, it made it more complicated. but the benefits of the healthier u.s. school is bad, not only does it have requirements in the menu planning, which is very key to the healthier schools requirements, but it also has a component for physical activity. and in the first lady's let's move campaign, one of the pillars is school meals, but one of the other pillars is physical activity. and so the healthier u.s. schools is a wonderful, you know, recognition that school districts can achieve that promotes both nutrition and nutrition education and physical activity. and so a wonderful program, and
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it is going to be, you know, really encouraging more of our members to participate, and are going to be promoting it at our meetings and conferences and publications and everywhere we can. to help school districts. >> i think the other witnesses and i'm sort time doesn't allow for discussion with those excellent witnesses now, too. thank you. >> thank you. congresswoman shea-porter? >> thank you. think you all for being here. better nutrition creates better health, greater productivity and lowers health care costs. and right now we're talking but not quite a bit on the hill, so the work you do makes a big difference and why in the lives of the children and adults that i wanted to thank you for the. we had a report which is the university of new hampshire which happens to be my mama, i did have a disturbing note. and it says that 55% of income
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eligible rural households with children did not participate in the national school lunch program. can you identify any barriers to that? >> i'm not somebody with that community, but i know that one of the carriers is that they're, you know, very often is a social stigma related to the application. and so more funding to be able to have technology make applications, online and easier to access and reduce that statement that students might have regarding making meals available to them would be helpful. but i think any community, where there is a high poverty area,
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the community of eligible type of program, or community eligibility would be very helpful. because in that case then students wouldn't have to fill out an application, and that would reduce the cost of the application process to the school district. >> that clearly has to be addressed. and mr. chairman, i would ask we submit a copy of the report for the committee. >> no objection. what? >> i didn't think he would mind. [laughter] >> it's on republican side so i have to look at it. no. [laughter] >> the other thing i need to ask is i know the president is going to put this terrific program into place, and i know that she has shown great commitment for children and for nutrition and obesity, and the issue would be an diabetes, et cetera, is enormous. mrs. obama has talked about
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these pillars. i can remember i think he was last year when i had, talking about the necessity for exercise and have children just weren't getting enough exercise. and i was remembering when my own kids were in school, the punishment would be if a child was hyperactive or needed to move around, they weren't allowed to move around. they had to sit in their seat. if they couldn't stay still they would miss recess and had to sit in the seat. so it seemed like it was exactly the opposite of what we hoped the result would be. so my question is, while we start to integrate these programs and we bring in more people, will you all really be part of a team if you're in a school and in such a setting, a daycare setting or where ever, where you will actually be included in some of the decisions that are made by principals and teachers as part of the education process to say that not only is it about food and good food, so that children don't have too much sugar and too much whatever it is in the
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food, too many carbohydrates, but that we also make sure that the policies in the classrooms and on the playground make sense? because what mr. simmons was talking about was a very real problem that the kids aren't exercising enough. so your voices be heard, would you be part of that integrated approach? >> yes, and i would suggest that you go to the school website, because in their we have the press release where one of our initiatives and partnering with the first lady was to include working to make coordinated school health a concept that is one that more of our members embrace. i think very often what we have found is that when you work in partnership with the total school community, we are more
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successful in including the total school environment. not only from the menu planning aspect, but to the physical activity as well as, you know, even the benny program, you know, at the school because we are all supporting each other toward that same effort of reducing childhood obesity, including the health of our students. >> let me indicate i have great sympathy for a principal who says what other tool we have? but he seems to be counterproductive for what we are trying to do here. i would suggest that even school boards and others who are involved in budgetary decisions about physical exercise need to be part of that so that it's not just nutrition, not just one component, but is looking at the whole child in all of the different issues, to really, really change the direction that we have been heading in. thank you, and thank you all for being here. >> thank you all so very much for your testimony. i would just like to ask,
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mr. kleiman have an additional question, but you made a recommendation i think any follow-up, and that is i was just done by your description of the, how did you call, the broken hospitals. and i will take your suggestion and talk to mr. waxman and mr. rangel about this. it's just unacceptable that in a year, over your now we have spent discussing how to drive down long-term health care costs, that the recommendations from the institute of medicine on breast-feeding would not be incorporated into the perth of those children in those programs. so i appreciate very much that recommendation. thank you all. we look forward to this reauthorization. i think you have all made a lot
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of very good recommendations. some of which we have discussed with you previously, and some which we have yet to follow up on. be assured that it will get the full attention of the committee. mr. kline, do you have any think? >> just again, thank the witnesses. >> thank you so much. and without objection members will have 14 days to submit additional material or question for the hearing record. and without objection, the hearing is adjourned. thank you. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> t. minus 15 seconds. >> space shuttle discovery launch this morning on its way to the international space station. the 13 day mission will deliver thousands of pounds of supplies and equip it to keep the station
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running long after the program and later this year. >> blazing a trail to scientific discoveries aboard the space station. >> houston, discovery. >> discovery is rolling into a head down position. eventually the international space station. now throttling down to reduce stress on the shuttle. discovered is at an altitude of 4.7 miles, or 26,500 feet.
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traveling -- discovery, go and throttle up. >> roger. go at throttle up. >> traveling 1000 miles per hour, discoveries engines are now throttled back up and performing at full capability. >> weighs more than four and a half million pounds, and now one minute and 27 seconds into the flight. the main engines and solid rocket boosters have reduced that weight by about half. earning 11,000 pounds propellant per second. discovery is now 21 miles away from its launchpad, and 22 miles in altitude traveling 2700 miles per hour.
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all main engines working as expected. three auxiliary power units are all producing pressure. in short, everything performing well. two minutes and seven seconds into the sts-131 nation. >> solid rocket booster separation. continuing to function well. >> from are here this morning nasa has played three more shuttle flights before the program which started in 1981 is shut down. the final trip in september. the shuttle launch this morning also set a record for the most women in space at the same time, that is for. the shuttle should arrive at the orbiting outpost wednesday. >> all three -- a program
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update. >> if you have a process where it takes years to get it answer and you're bogged down in the cords which is what is threatening our industry right now, that's not a good answer for anybody answering doesn't make the agency effective. >> a rising executive vice president for policy and former congressman, tom tauke on calling for the federal government to take a fresh look at gene mutations policy. tonight on "the communicators" on c-span2.
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>> let's meet another winner in c-span's student can documentary competition. there are five to eight minute videos. today we talk to an eighth grader at independent day school in tampa, florida. how is it going today? >> good. >> thank you for joining us at c-span. you chose to do your document on hunger in the united states. why did you choose that topic? >> normally they always tell you you need food, shelter and clothing, but really the only thing he scientifically need to survive is food and people are getting as much as they should. >> how has hunger affected your commute at all and have a? >> i don't live in a neighborhood directly affected by hunger, but it has a huge impact on a number of people involved in food banks.
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>> how is the situation changed over the past few years because with unemployment rates, people spend less on food because they have to choose between food or health bone. so not only, they can't afford food but they can't afford food that is healthy. there is food that is not as healthy that is the cheapest. and although as i mentioned before, the soup kitchens on christmas day were packed when i left there. there were a lot of empty seats before. >> you interviewed a lot about his at the food bank. what did you learn from the? >> actually a lot of people, two of three people i interviewed were going through an organization, but the one volunteer, he knew the owner of the food bank very well, who also was on food stamps. so he was able to put a personal
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prospected. >> tell me about the people who rely on those services for food. >> a lot of the people, about 50% of the people are food stamp beneficiaries who aren't getting enough. the other 50%, they are people who should be getting food stamps and they need different food. a lot of times people are new to this struggle with hunger before, the people who just got hit by the recession. >> what ways do you think people could help and volunteer for people who are hungry out there? >> well, a lot of time you will see it at thanksgiving and christmas time there is a ox if you can donate food. and maybe you can use a buy one get one free to donate to the people who needed, and a lot of
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the times the organizations you work for they will give you a day off with pay. >> what have you learned from working on this documentary? >> before i made i knew there was going to be a large amount of people that need this. but i look at the numbers and it was astounding how many people there with a dramatic increase of people, and also a lot of knowledge from people i interviewed, more of a professional perspective and also personal perspective. >> thank you for talking with us today and congratulations. >> thank you. >> now let's watch a portion of his documentary. >> stereotype of say like a welfare queen, you know, and they're living large off of the government subsidies. and to tell you that she may get something like 25, $30 a month
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in food stamps. can you survive on a $30 over a months time? >> itould be great if they had something available kids that they didn't have to fill out the form, didn't have to be embarrassed and get something for lunch if they need to. >> you can watch his entire documentary and all the other winning entries at student >> the federal communications bar association hosted a conference last week on media regulation and the first amendment. from that conference a discussion here on technology and the future of journalism. industry leaders and others talk about the challenges broadcasters and newspaper organizations days, and whether government should provide a bailout your it's about an hour and 20 minutes. >> a hush fell over the room so i thought you were probably ready to get going here. our topic today does sound rather daunting, the future of journalism, is a time for a bailout?
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journalists and news consumers alike recognize this is a time of tremendous change in how news is gathered and delivered the americans are getting more news from a a variety of sources than ever before, but at the same time the digital revolutiorevolution is demolishing some of the pillars of traditional news business models. len downie, the former executive editor of the "washington post," and michael of media scholar, publish a report last fall but said the economic foundation of the nation's newspapers is collapsing, and newspapers themselves are shrinking. the knight foundation's on the needs of local community said local journalistic institutions are themselves in crisis with financial, technological and behavioral changes taking place in our society. yet there is universal agreement that healthy journalism is a vital ingredient in a democratic society.
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citizens in need trusted sources of information about how their government and major institutions function. only a thriving news media can serve as a check on a powerful government. at this moment of tremendous change, what course should policy take? how can we guarantee the survival of an independent media serving the public interest? what role can government policy makers play that does not breach first amendment protections? to answer these and other questions, we have assembled a panel of experts who have different points of view that promise us a very lively discussion. so let me begin by introducing the panelists. first, and if you'll raise your hand, susan desanti is the director of the office of policy planning at the federal trade commission, where she previously served from 1995 to 2006. among our current projects is a study on changes to the news media in the internet age. to her right is gene policinski,
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vice president and deputy director of the first amendment center, a program of the freedom forum. he is a pattern to those who hope news executive positions at u.s.a. today, and was a correspondent covering washington for gannett news service. in the middle, andrew schwartzman is senior vice president of policy director of the media access project. andy has been with the media acts as project 78 representing citizen interest. and congress. to his left is steve waldman. he is a senior adviser to the chairman of the federal communications commission, directing that agency study of the state of media. he was cofounder, ceo and editor-in-chief of belief net, a leading website on religion and spirituality. and before that he was national editor of u.s. news & world report and national correspondent for newsweek. and, finally, right here is
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barbara wall, vice president and senior associate general counsel of gannett company, which advises gannett's newspapers, television stations and websites on issues, including intellectual property, rights, ethics, privacy and libel. she has been with gannett since 1985, and previously was in private practice. please welcome the panel. [applause] >> and i make it, by my count, three journalist versus three attorneys so they should be interesting. [laughter] >> we will save some time later on for your questions, but first i'd like to begin by asking susan and steve to tell us what they have learned so far from the studies that they are conducting on the state of the media, and i would like to start barbara.n. i first want to emphasize that
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the views i express today are my own. they do not necessarily represent those of the commission or of the individual commissiocommissioner. and this is especially important, because of the commission is still in a fact gathering stage. as barbara mentioned, the ftc has a project on the future of journalism in the internet age. one of the first questions i often get is why is the federal trade commission and called in this. and so i wanted to share with you the fact which is not well known, that the ftc actually does have a special statutory authority to gather facts and issue reports on events or trends in the economy that have significance, and we have done this before. we have worked on a report on the radio industry in the 1920s. it was one of the events leading towards the formation of the federal communications commission. and the 2000s we did a report
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on patent law and innovation. so it's not something totally new that we are doing here. but it certainly is the case that when we look to see the situation in the news media, we see a lot of financial difficulties. and there are trends there that have significance, not just for the economy, but also to whether we're going to have a future that includes the well-informed citizenry that we need for a well functioning democracy. so, what has the ftc done with is project so far? we have had two workshops, both of them two days. anti-semitism has a nine, we had a workshop that was basically gathering the facts about the economics of the news industry industry these days. and we found at least three critical facts. the first is that there are certain ways of financial difficulties that have been caused by overleveraged purchases of newspapers, and
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times when it was thought that margins of 20 or 30% would continue for a long time, and they obviously haven't. and it's important to note in that context that most newspapers as a stand-alone enterprise in the united states, most ofm are still profitable. but if you look at them on as stand-alone enterprises, but you can't look at them only as stand-alone enterprises, because they are part of much larger organizations that are still sound with the dead from those overleveraged acquisitions. second, there have been significant reductions in advertising revenues to newspapers. and why is that important? because newspapers traditionally got about 80% of their revenues, at least during the 20th century, from advertising. so what are the causes for that? there are two main ones. one is the great recession of
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2007-2008, 2009, 2010. that recession has hit traditional advertisers for newspapers, particularly hard. that includes auto dealers, retail stores, housing sales, et cetera. then there is another cause which is the development of online advertising. and this is most striking if you look at classified advertising. it used to provide about 40% of newspapers revenues. it is now substantially reduced as a source of revenue for newspapers, and why is that? because you can put your classified ads on craigslist for free. so why would you list them in the newspapers necessarily? so let's take those three crucial facts and look at them in terms of the question for today's panel, which is is a time for a bailout for newspapers. well, in my view there is no reason why you would want to bail out newspaper owners who have made bad business
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decisions. i haven't even heard the newspaper owners asking for a bailout. and no one is suggesting that the financial world would tumble if newspaper owners didn't get a bailout. second, in terms of the recession, well, there are many many businesses that are having very hard times during this recession. there are many people who are being laid off, not just journalists. and so eventually, we believe, the recession will left, graduate. you'll probably take much longer than any of us here would like. but that is still a phenomenon that is a short-term phenomenon. finally, let's look at the online advertising. and this is the phenomenon that i think might justify some kind of shift in government policy to provide more support


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