tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 24, 2009 7:00am-10:00am EDT
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top of the hour. good morning. i'm natasha curry in this morning for robin meade. hope you're having a great morning so far. john travolta was forced to open up about his son in court ask now the judge wants to hear more. plus -- she has been stuck in the mobile home behind the elementary school since monday morning. >> two teens made it their mission to come to the rescue. investigators say they've uncovered a dog fighting ring at a daycare have ncenter and you not believe what they found just
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feet from children being watched. an experimental hiv vaccine prevented people from getting infected. now, up until now, every vaccine trial has failed, but this one was done in thailand, paid for by the u.s. army, in part, anyway. here's chief correspondent sanjay gupta talking about the breakthrough significance. >> this was a retro virus that was thought to be too tricky, too evasive. it was thought to hide too well. 31% of people got hiv compared to 50. that's a decrease of about 50%. the study followed 60 volunteers in thailand over the last three years. researchers cautioned different hiv strains exist around the world, so more research is needed to see if the vaccine works elsewhere and make it more
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effective. two people who disappeared in a remote forest monday have been found alive. a chop per found a woman so weak, she could barely eat breakfast. they searched with dogs. her husband thanks the rescuers. >> i'm truly grateful. i appreciate everything you guys have done. thanks for finding my wife. she's really strong-willed. never tell her she can't do anything because she'll prove you wrong every time. athletes ran for a full day, covering 100 miles. she is seriously dehydrated and in serious condition. they walked out on iran's president during his speech at the u.n. last night. mohammad ahmadinejad spoke to a
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near empty room. he spoke about disarmement but didn't mention the nuclear program. when he announced he's ready to work with other countries, he ra railed against the u.s. and israel. >> translator: it's not fair that some who are several million kilometers from the middle east should send in troops for military intervention and for spreading war, aggression, intimidation and fear by promoting within the nation who are scared of their safety. >> he went on a rant for more than an hour and a half yesterday. he suggested that swine flu was a military tool. gadhafi also called for an end to the security council calling it the terror council. some people who called gadhafi a
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terrorist for the 1999 pan am bombing got their way. coming up, how they were able to kick him out of a new york suburb. hot santa ana winds are driving a wildfire toward california homes right now. this is how the fire looked last night about 40 miles north of los angeles. firefighters are cutting and burning brush to get it under control. more than 2,000 people were warned to evacuate their homes. right now the fire is only 44% contained. today we will learn who will temporarily take over the late ted kennedy's senate seat. the massachusetts governor will make that announcement at 11:00 a.m. eastern. kennedy family associates say several family members want it to be paul kirk, a former democratic chairman. this would give paul kirk a 60th senate vote for a health care bill. the election for the seat is coming uch in january.
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the storms are gone and more people in the southeast are going home. a few say they got help from two teenage heroes. as the floodwaters began rising, a couple best friends in the atlanta area decided to make it their mission to save as many people as possible. >> we wanted to get out there and get it done. i can't stand sitting inside and watching tv and watching helpless people not able to do anything. >> it really makes me very proud of him because you hear so much about teenagers doing wrong. >> they're not the only ones. rescue teams are going door to door looking for animals, handing out food and whatever else it takes. officials say the biggest worry right now may be the disease-causing bacteria floating in the water. definitely something to keep in mind. you can also have creditters,
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roderoa rodents swimming around. how is the weather looking? >> the area around georgia, east tennessee beginning to dry out today, which is good. i'm watching the weather pattern shaping up again and i don't like the way it's going. that's gradually going to shift to the kansas city area over the weekend, and as it does this, it's going to take rain right around texas and chicago and throw it right over those areas that got flooded last week and this week. so yeah, more rain this week specifically in atlanta, knoxville, chattanooga all going to see heavy rain. look at the rain now. heavy at times. especially when you get in towards the houston area just over to the west and north. we'll see more thunderstorms develop this afternoon, dallas and towards houston, too. you can see the rain right around arkansas and stretching in towards missouri. that's the heaviest rain, but you can see the way it looks in
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memphis. scattered showers around, but with a little daytime heating, we'll get more thunderstorms out there. if you're doing traveling in western tennessee today, once the sun comes up, you'll see it's mostly cloudy. rain showers in the forecast. about half an inch of rain possible, even more if you're near memphis. a solid sheet of rain in jefferson city. covered up with heavy rain. all this action moving up towards the north but falls apart before it hits chicago. i think you'll be dry in chicago for most of the day. more of that coming up in just a bit. >> all right, thanks, bob. the community organizing group acorn isn't going down without a fight. why they're suing the people who caught their employees giving illegal advice to a phoney pimp and prostitute. plus, if you wanted a wii but didn't like the hefty price, you may be able to swing one now. instead of $5 per person for fast food,
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nine minutes past the hour. the community organizing group acorn are suing the people who filmed undercover videos at their offices. you may remember seeing the tapes of acorn advising pimp and prostitut prostitutes. they brought girls into the country, cheating the irs and hiding illegal income. correspondent richard lui joins us now. richard, acorn admits that behavior was unacceptable, so why are they suing? >> here's the details for you, natasha. acorn is saying workers set up their employees and they violated wire tapping laws n. maryland where the tapes were made, it is illegal to tape a
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conversation unless everyone involved there knows they are on tape. the two baltimore employees who were fired over those tapes are co-plaintiffs on this lawsuit as well. it also seeks an injunction to stop any further distribution, natasha, of these videos. >> so, richard, it names angela ripehart, the two who first announced the tapes. >> the people who made the tapes are just 20 and 25 years old. hanna giles got the idea after jogging past an acorn office. he offered to donate money only if it was used for black women to get abortions. okeefe says they made these
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latest tapes with just $1300. keeping your mortgage lats could be expanded. jennifer westhoven is here. good news. >> this is a program most people doentd even know about because it's behind the scenes. it's not like cash for clunkers where you heard and saw all about it, butd you're still getting benefits in this program. the government has been buying thousands of dollars of mortgage-backed securities. what that does is it keeps mortgages low. by guaranteeing them, lenders are secure in making new loans. it just keeps the housing going. that's why levels are the lowest we're seeing in this generation, about 5.25% right now. the feds says the program is not going to end early. there was some thought that was going to happen, but it will be gradually phased out early next year. they're not going to be doing government intervention forever, but they are trying to keep the housing steady for now.
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this holiday season, fewer elves to help you with the shopping. 54% say they'll have less staff for this holiday season in the survey of some of the biggest surveys. the shopping companies like best buy, target, sachs -- they were among those surveyed -- they won't have too many people. they have to make money, too. the flip side is, it's good for us to be spending less but there are a lot of people who count on those holiday jobs to make extra money. maybe your kid wants to get a wii. they are getting cheaper. they're chopping the prices from $250 to $200 and they are following x box a. they are lowering as well.
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>> the wii rocks. you can get in good shape. i don't see any delays but with the rain stretching through the midwest. right now it's over saint. loui. it's coming down pretty well. if you're doing any traveling, missouri right here, illinois, notice the showers headed to the north. nothing so far in delays. still early. memphis, houston and dallas, showers. chicago and san francisco, morning fog, about 30 minutes to one-hour delays there. a man suspecting of killing his wife and five children is seeing some shocking things. he's even coming right out and talking about how they died and why he's still alive. national car rental knows i'm picky. so, at national, i go right past the counter... and you get to choose any car in the aisle. choose any car? you cannot be serious! okay. seriously, you choose. go national. go like a pro.
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and i'm joni./ we've been best friends since we were two. we've always been alike. we even both have osteoporosis. but we're active. especially when we vacation. so when i heard about reclast, the only once-a-year iv osteoporosis treatment, i called joni. my doctor said reclast helps restrengthen our bones to help make them resistant to fracture. and reclast is approved to help protect from fracture in more places: hip, spine, even other bones. (announcer) you should never take reclast if you're on zometa, have low blood calcium, kidney problems. or you're pregnant, plan to become pregnant or nursing. take calcium and vitamin d daily. tell your doctor if you develop severe muscle, bone or joint pain or if you have dental problems, as rarely, jaw problems have been reported. the most common side effects include flu-like symptoms, fever, muscle or joint pain and headache. nothing strengthens you like an old friendship.
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but when it comes to our bones, we both look to reclast. you've gotta ask your doctor! or call 1-866-51-reclast. year-long protection for on-the-go women. you're about to hear a shocking confession. a florida man admits killing his own wife and five children. he tells that he blames it on his mother-in-law's spirit. >> my mom pretty much made me do it. >> why? in what way? >> my mom's spirit, whoever she's serving. >> why in such a brutal way? why your children? what did they do? >> they're innocent. >> then why would you kill them
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if they're innocent? >> damas said all this as he was being taken by haitian police to be returned to the u.s. he is now being held without bond. the bodies were found saturday in the family's home. damas admits he thought about killing himself while he was killing his family. coming up, hear him explain why he didn't do it. the head of a mental institution has resigned after a legally insane killer escaped on a field trip to a county fair. philip paul was on the run for three days in washington state before being caught. he was institutionalized after confessing to a 1987 murder. the ceo who chased him down said they follow procedures but future field trips are suspended for now. oprah wynfrey is using her star power to try to bring the 2016 olympics to chicago. here's rafer weigel with the latest on this news.
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>> that's right, natasha. chicago can breathe a windy city sigh of relief because oprah wynfrey is going to the final presentation in copenhagen next week. that's when they decide who will get the 2016 games. she will be there and help plead the windy city case to host the olympics games. oprah has been very open about chicago getting the names. il it's unclear whether or not the president is going but the first lady is. it doesn't matter because oprah is going. i'm not being sarcastic, i'm being sincere. russians are buying the nba's new jersey mets. many seem to think that this cash infusion would allow the team to move to brooklyn. ironically the team used to be called the new jersey americans.
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now we can call them the new jersey nyets. get it? a new york city newspaper is saying the coach of a cricket team is telling players to have sex before matches. he told them it increases testosterone levels. it doesn't make them sleepy? here's how you get in the starting line-up. knock the guy out ahead of you. they practiced hits. the man we just spotlighted there, prado, and he goes down. we'll get you another replay on the right of your screen. you can see the batting practice. he would be limping off and they would put johnson in. the braves, by the way, would beat the mets and announced their manager johnny cox is retiring after next year after 20 years with the team.
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one of the most amazing basketball shots you will ever see. check it out. >> this is the world's longest basketball shot. >> did you see it go in, folks? we'll show it to you again. they got the replay on the right. over 2 million people have watched this so far. we dug it up for you on youtube swish. what do you think, real or fake? >> i'm pretty skeptical, so i'm going to say fake, but that's because the first time i played golf i got a hole-in-one and it was rigged on camera. >> we'll talk about that later because i'm intrigued. we have a new edition of prime timeline-upcoming up on our show. they will be on every night at 9:00 p.m. here's a quick shot of what you will get. it's a quick moment of joy commentary. >> this week we've got the
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season premier of dancing with the stars. donny osmond, even marie osmond returned to the scene of the crime to support her brother donny. who was sitting with marie? jermaine jackson. the man is everywhere. he's like smog. my favorite contestant this year on dancing with the stars is tom mehan who will soon be dancing behind bars. he looked like one of the flying monkeys from the wizard of oz. at the beginning of the show, he seemed uncomfortable sitting there with all the russian immigrants and gay men. he had that, what, am i the only one here on a federal indictment look on his face. but once the competition started, he loosened right up. in fact, i don't think a republican had that much fun tapping his toes since larry craig worked the men's room in the airport. hey, wait until he gets up in front of a real judge. i hope that tom sticks around all season.
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♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association, and who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and county and municipalities that
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exist in all of the state of maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes, it is a research based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the checkpoints are helpful in hopefully lowering traffic
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fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes, we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every week and everywhere and where you think that it is the best
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possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers, but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended, some people have drugs in the vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different
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observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them, there is zero tolerance if you don't have your seat belt on, it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do. if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it is that they feel comfortable in using. >> thank you, colonel for
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for the first time ever, an experimental hiv vaccine prevented people from getting the virus. people who got the two-part booster and not the placebo were 31% less likely to get hiv. thousands of firefighters are warni -- firefighters are warning thousands of people to evacuate their homes. right now the fire is only about 40% contained. these are some of the headlines we're following for you this morning. welcome back. we're almost to friday. it's thursday. i'm natasha curry in for robin meade today.
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four police officers were shot this morning in new jersey. they were serving a no-knock search warrant outside trenton when the suspect opened fire. one officer was shot in the face, another was shot in the foot. one officer is in serious condition. the suspect is in the hospital with multiple gunshot wounds. new this half hour, we're hearing more of the confession by a florida man accused of killing his wife and five children. mesa damas told the news his mother's spirit made him do it and he considered killing himself as well. >> when i did it, my eyes were closed. now my eyes are open. >> are you going to go to heaven when you die? >> right now, yeah. i thought about killing myself, but i couldn't do it. >> when were you going to kill yourself? >> when it happened, but i didn't have the courage to do it myself. >> the bodies were found saturday in the family's home.
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damas is now being held in florida without bond. he says he wants to be executed right away so he can be buried with his family when they're buried on saturday. we need to warn you this next story may be disturbing for you. deputies outside chicago raided a dog fighting operation. it was in a house also used as a daycare center. nine dogs were so badly hurt that they had to have surgery. >> this is a difficult one given the carnage and given what you see on these poor dogs. then when you add to it this was going on within feet of a daycare center. there was a swingset and less than ten feet from the swingset was a log the dogs were chained to. it's very unsettling, to put it lightly. >> ten kids were at the home when deputies arrived there. three people have been charged with felony dog fighting. the filmmakers who prompted a federal investigation of acorn are getting slapped with a lawsuit. you may remember they posed as a
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pimp and prostitute secretly taping conversations with acorn employees. well, the organizing group says those tapes broke laws and seriously damaged their reputation. correspondent richard lui joins us. richard, there's actually new fallout from these videos? >> yeah, the census bureau is the latest groups to distance themselves from acorn. they say they will no longer include the group in their volunteer tax assistance program, although acorn says they already cut off that program. also there is continuing pressure for president obama to deny all federal funding to acorn. >> what does acorn have to say about this? >> understandably not happy. she is unhappy with what's happened so far with regard to these incidents but says she is taking action now.
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>> these people were terminated. we took immediate action. regardless, it is unprofessional and never met our professional standards. >> they plan to have a hiring freeze for new employees. they hired someone to do an internal investigation. but acorn says it will continue to operate despite state and funding cuts, natasha. we told you about omar gadhafi's rant. now they have evicted the libyan leader from their neighborhood. the town of bedford took down a large tent that was on the property owned by donald trump and many in the area are angry with gadhafi over libya's role in the pan am bombing over scotland. how is it looking weatherwise for today? are we in store for more storms? keep your fingers crossed at least for the south. bob? >> a couple showers popping up, too. more on that in a second.
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this weather brought to you by zir tech. where is the heavy access of rain? once again across the midwest this morning. it's a stationary front that basically starts as a cold front near ohio. goes all the way back in towards texas. you can see the steady stream of showers going up that line and that will be the case the entire afternoon. down south a little farther, you can see a line of thundershowers south of houston. just an occasional lightning streak but back to the west, another cold front past amarillo. you can see rain showers ahead of that one as well. the rain is out there for texas coming in strikes, basically. here's how it looks for houston. a few showers overhead for the north, more up towards the northwest. take you live to houston. traveling down here to the texas coastline. anywhere down there, you'll watch showers pop up. showers in the forecast today, more thunderstorms a possibility this afternoon. back to the mess. a heavy stream of rain moving out of arkansas towards
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missouri. it's now beginning to stretch into illinois, too. you look at the radar. you've been socked with heavy rain as well for the last couple days. the rain itself is getting into st. louis. this whole access of heavy rain slides to the east for the weekend. more heavy downpours for areas that really got slammed last week and early this week we're talking about alabama and georgia, unfortunately. we'll talk about that in just a little bit. tennessee, you're in there as well. more in half an hour. there is a new system to calculate your credit score. your spending habits could stay exactly the same, but still, your credit score could go down? what's up with that? [ woman ] dear cat. gentle cat. your hair mixes with pollen and dust in the air. i get congested. my eyes itch. i have to banish you to the garden. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®,
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welcome to progressive. how may i help you? i'm looking for a deal on car insurance. i think i might have a coupon in here. there's an easier way. we've got the "name your price" option. you do? follow me. you tell us how much you want to pay, and we'll build you a policy that fits your budge@e and i still get great coverage? uh-huh. go ahead. you're the boss. i'm the boss of savings. more like the c.e.o. oh, oh. no glass ceiling. the freedom to name your price. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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your home could actually be making you sick. a new study finds one in three homes in u.s. cities have at least one problem that could be hazardous to your health. that includes water leaks, peeling paint or rodents. water leaks can cause mold that triggers allergies and asthma and it could ex popose your children to lead paint. he was accused of giving preference to applicants who were family. >> we've completely reformed the
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emissions process at university of illinois, eliminated any abuse. we're going to have a strict policy of enforcing fair admissions. >> white has denied that he pressured anyone to admit particular students. he's going to serve as president until the end of the year, then stay on to teach and raise money. environmentalists may have gotten you to recycle and reuse water bottles. now they're heading for the bathroom, folks. according to the washington post, environmental groups want you to give up your super soft toilet paper. they say you should be using tissue made from 100% recycled paper. that's a rough sell, though. toilet paper makers says super soft tissue is a big seller. >> don't you take my charmin away. >> for the recycled stuff, it's a lot less expensive than it
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used to be. you know the $7 billion that went to the banks to bail out the financial institutions, we're probably not getting that money back. jen, what happened here? >> i'm sure there are a lot of people going, yeah, obviously. but this is coming from the man whose job is to watch over that program. his name is neal baroski. he's going to be on capitol hill today and reports think he's going to say, yeah, you heard the headline that some banks paid back the money with interest and we made a profit. but he's skeptical. in all likelihood, the taxpayers were not getting all our $7 billion back, so let's face that and get real and not just have the headline of, oh, we're getting the money back. he said they did stabilize the market, though. they were so wobbly last year at this time, but he said the treasury has been too secretive
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with taxpayer money. the treasury says they had to be that way, but still an argument about it. your credit score. banks are changing the rules. your credit score is so important. it's just a number, but it can determine what house you get, your car, how much you pay in interest every month, and now banks are changing the rules. among the changes, it's going to pay more attention to how much credit you're using. how much of your credit line you're actually charging. from the bank's view, they want this to be an accurate gait, so they want to know how much risk they're taking on if they deal with you. that's the bank's side, though. from your side, it could really knock your score, the new credit system, because you know a lot of banks are cutting your credit limits, so if they cut your limit and you haven't paid down your debt, you're using a bigger percentage, your score is probably going to go down. basically, the bottom line is, you got to try to keep down the amount of debt that you haven't
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paid off, the revolving debt, try to get it down. >> for sure. jen, thank you. this is something really everyone is talking about. actress mackenzie phillips now says she had sex for years with her father. here's some of her story in her own words. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal!
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and apparently he does too. with unbeatable prices on nivea smooth sensation lotion, beauty costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. [ engine powers down ] gentlemen, you booked your hotels on orbitz. well, the price went down, so you're all getting a check thanks. for the difference. except for you -- you didn't book with orbitz, so you're not getting a check. well, i think we've all learned a valuable lesson today. good day, gentlemen. thanks a lot. thank you. introducing hotel price assurance, where if another orbitz customer books the same hotel for less, we send you a check for the difference, automatically.
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tv actress mackenzie phillips talked with oprah wynfrey about her claim that she had sex for years with her own father, john phillips. phillips says she's hoping she's helping someone else by telling her story. >> i went to my father and i said, look, we need to talk about how you raped me. and my dad said, raped you? don't you mean when we made love? and in that moment, i thought, wow, i'm really on my own here. >> this video here shows john phillips on the left. mackenzie's former stepmother says john was incapable of
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having sex with his own child. and john phillips' second wife says weather mackenzie's story is, quote, delusional or not, it's very hurtful to the story. john phillips died in 2001. you're probably taking caution against the h1n1 virus. sanjay gupta actually came down with it while on assignment in afghanistan. he talked about some of the symptoms, including a cough that sent him to see the doctor. >> i hadn't checked my temperature. you're in the desert, it's hot outside. hadn't really thought about it. i went there and my temperature was around 102 degrees. so pretty high certainly for me, 98 being normal, 98.6, so that was the first sign. then i had that same cough you did, lightheadedness and i was freezing cold. i don't know if you had that as well, but that was really the most memorable part of it. i was freezing cold despite being in the desert. >> i'm glad he's feeling better, though. read his story at slash
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robin and go to the special web site section. tiger woods and 20 other golfers will tee off for a shot at $10 million. here's rafer with that. >> this is the pga's final tournament of the year. if tiger wins it, he will win the fedex cup and the $10 million prize. he leads in the point standings. here he is taking a practice swing on wednesday. as you can see, the sun was finally shining, the ground was dryer. the tournament starts today. bob says, though, it's going to rain saturday and sunday, which might mean they have to get a lot of golf in over the next few days. a set of men are celebrating their 30th year of golfing today in myrtle beach, north carolina. they started going there when it was $20 a day for everything, room, food and the golf.
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we know it's a lot more now. the course is giving them four free rounds and they're flying there for free as well. a scary moment in a braves-giants game. a ball hits a little girl in the head. you can barely see it. the catcher can only look on and oh, no, look how everyone reaches for their head at once. fortunately, she will be okay. she was checked by doctors, and san francisco would win the game 5-2. a little ice pack, some tears and hopefully some free tickets. it's a face only a mother could love. this is the world gurning championships. this looks like the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen. guess what? it started in 1297. they have been doing this weird thing since 1297. look at the little baby making a face. i don't understand why you must wear the horse collar, why the guy -- then there's balloons and
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there's your winner, and that's a look at sports. >> that's ugly. >> i guess. >> thanks, rafer. investing in the stock market can really be a gamble, but if you play your cards right, you can weather those markets' ups and downs. hln money expert clark howard with some expert advice on how. >> it seems we are such pack animals that we follow the herd when we shouldn't. and i'm going to give you an example. you know, a lot of people really were shell shocked by the huge decline in the stock market that went on for about a year and a half, saw your blgt values just evaporate right before your eyes and your 4 0 01(k)s or iras or whatever. at the worst possible moment when things were really in the toilet, people said, i can't take this anymore, sold out
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their positions and put their money in ultra pushing money ba stocks after they've already recovered big value. doesn't work. you're working against yourself. put money in steady as you go. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to invest wisely, go to howard. >> clark will teach you how to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. catch him at noon eastern saturday and sunday right here on hln. well, there may be no easy way out when it comes to dodging the seasonal flu this year. new for you in the next hour, why researchers say nasal spray vaccines might not stack up against good old-fashioned shots in the arm. so how's it looking at the airports? up in the sky with all those delays? let's check in with bob van
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dillen for the latest. >> so far so good. no delays this morning, but i think we'll see some pop up. we could get a couple around atlanta. here's the way it looks around atl, low clouds around there. all the rain the last couple of days, every day we get the low clouds. this afternoon it should disperse a bit. partly cloudy but watch for delays this morning. more showers into st. louis, 30-minute to one-hour delay possibly there. currently raining in memphis, dallas will get showers and storms, houston same thing. half-hour delays because of the rain. we'll talk about that, plus look at the radar in about ten minutes. >> dallas and houston get affected, it seems like a lot of others, too. until now scientists thought an hiv vaccine would never happen. but that all could be changing. today could be an amazing step forward in the fight against the disease. g heard the saying less is more?
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♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association, and who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and county and municipalities that exist in all of the state of
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maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes, it is a research based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the checkpoints are helpful in hopefully lowering traffic
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fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes, we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every week and everywhere and where you think that it is the best
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possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers, but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended, some people have drugs in the vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different
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observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them, there is zero tolerance if you don't have your seat belt on, it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do. if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it is that they feel comfortable in using. >> thank you, colonel for
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good morning. it's thursday. i'm natasha curry in for robin meade. hope your day is going great. researchers say they've found a way to keep people from getting a deadly virus. and it's worked in at least one trial. a man admits to reporters that he killed his family. now hear what he says drove him to do it and why he couldn't kill himself. also -- the behind the scenes government program that's helping maybe you. good news you in a bad economy. we'll let you know more. our top story, a major breakthrough in the fight against aids. for the first time ever, an experimental hiv vaccine
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prevented people from being infected. volunteers in thailand who got the two-part booster were 31% less likely to get hiv, according to researchers. here's achieve medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta talking about why even this limited success is a major breakthrough. >> what the scientific community is telling us and what they'll be talking about over the next week or so is this idea that this is proof of principle, this is this proof that this pathogen that causes hiv was thought to be too tricky, evasive, that it hid too well. but you can create a vaccine that woks. >> the u.s. military helped pay for the thai government study, followed more than 16,000 veers over the last three years. researchers caution that different hiv strains exist around the world so more research is needed to see if the vaccine would work elsewhere and to make one that's more effective. new this hour, more of that speech that made some world leaders walk out on iran's president at the u.n. last
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night. mahmoud ahmadinejad called for nuclear disarmament but you did not mention iran's nuclear program. although he announced he was ready to wok with other countries, ahmadinejad then railed against israel and the u.s. >> translator: how can the crimes of the occupiers against defenseless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals, and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments? >> libyan leader moammar gadhafi went on a rant for more than an hour and a half yesterday. he suggested that swine flu was a military tool. gadhafi also called for an end to the u.n. security council calling it the terror council. and said people who call gadhafi a terrorist for the 1988 pan am bombing got their way. coming up, wait until you hear how they were able to kick him out of a new york suburb.
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new this morning, four floofr police officers were shot this morning in new jersey. they were serving a no-knock search warrant outside of trenton when the suspect opened fire. one officer was shot in the face. another was shot in the foot. one officer is in serious condition. the suspect is in the hospital right now with multiple gunshot wounds. two california ultrarunners who disappeared in a remote national forest on monday have been found alive. a chopper found maria yesterday. she was so weak she could barely flag down rescuers, though. her brother-in-law was found hours earlier. rescuers had to send other endurance runners after them. the endurance was too rough for search vehicles and dogs can't go that far. maria's husband thanked the rescuers. >> i'm eternally grateful. i appreciate everything you guys have done. thanks for finding my wife. she's really, really strong,
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strong-willed. never tell her she can't do anything because she'll prove you wrong 100% of the time. >> endurance athletes run for a full day covering as much as 100 miles. she was severely dehydrated and in serious condition. for the first time, russia may be on board with u.n. sanctions against iran over its nuclear program program. the russian president signaled his support after meeting with president obama yesterday. iran is accused of trying to develop nuclear weapons, but iran says its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes. hot santa ana winds are driving a wildfire toward people's homes in southern california. this is what the fire looked like overnight. about 40 miles north of los angeles, firefighters are cutting and burning away brush to get it under control. more than 2,000 people were warned to evacuate their heomes the right now it's only about 40% contained. john travolta brought his wife to tears in a courtroom in
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the balm haws as he spoke about his son's death. two people face charges that they tried to extort $25 million from the actor. travolta said he signed papers in the heat of the moment thinking he would fly his son to a hospital in florida instead of a local one. >> all we know is that it was a quick decision that travolta made during the worst moments of his life, and that somebody was trying to take advantage of him because of it. >> travolta says his son was unresponsive and he did cpr on jett before paramedics arrived. one of those paramedics and a former senator are charged in the alleged blackmail plot. both have pleaded not guilty. we've been talking about a whole lot of storms lately, serious ones in the southeast. let's check in with bob to see what's in store for today. >> good morning. another day dry for areas in
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xrornlg george and alabama. i don't like the way it's shaping up for tomorrow through basically the weekend. here's your upper-level low, not moving very far at all, across the middle part of the country. that is going to gradually shift to the east of the as that happens this front will move over as well. the heavy rain we have are right now coming out of texas, stretching into arkansas, missouri, ultimately near the great lakes this morning is going to shift toward alabama and georgia, places that really got flooded out earlier this week and late last week. we'll see more rain coming in starting probably tomorrow lasting through about sunday afternoon. unfortunately, more rain out there. shouldn't be as long live, though. i think all the rain will get out of there by sunday afternoon, monday. the rain is heavy outside of san antonio. that's all beneficial stuff, too. look at the rain toward houston. couple of showers coming in there. more heavy downpours, this is where the heavy stuff will fall for the morning, central miz, toward illinois, showers and thunderstorms have been staying mostly away from memphis but we'll see this stuff refire
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later this afternoon it will get energized once again. couple of thunderstorms around the tennessee valley later today. look at the rain toward st. louis. you can see the showers overhead. the northern extent of the rain is now passing north of indianapolis. you can see the radar sweep as it goes through. that's going to head on into places like cincinnati, but i think cleveland should be seeing mostly cloudy skies. up to the north, a cold front around knonew york city pushinge rain overnight to the atlantic ocean. this will drop the temperatures down over the next couple of days. live to d.c., mid-80s today, cold front will not pass by you, but the clouds will. isolated thunderstorms possible, too. by friday, temperatures down into the upper 60s. you see 15 to 20-degree difference between today and the next two days. couple of hours back to atlanta -- >> oh, beautiful shot there. >> oh, man, that's what jimi was talking about. it's not illicit drugs. no. it's the atlanta haze in the
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morning time. rock it, jimi. rock it. that's what it looked like earlier this morning. time lapse going on, purple haze out there. later this afternoon, couple of isolated showers and storms, better shot at rain friday, saturday and sunday morning. don't forget eastlake, they're playing golf down here. more details in a minute little levity on this thursday. there you go. more in a half hour. >> thanks, bob. so the community organizer group a.c.o.r.n. isn't going down without a fight. why they're suing the people who caught their employees giving advice to a phony pimp and prostitute. plus, if you wanted a wii plus, if you wanted a wii but didn't like the price tag, you may be able to swing one now, folks you may be able to swing one . havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you.
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you may remember seeing the tapes of a.c.o.r.n. workers advising two people posing as a pimp and prostitute. well, they offer tips on smuggling underage girls into the country, cheating the irs and hiding illegal income. >> correspondent richard lui joins us for more on this. a.c.o.r.n. admits that behavior was unacceptable. why are they suing? >> a.c.o.r.n. is saying the filmmaker set up their employees and claim that the tape violate wiretapping laws existing right now. in baltimore, maryland, specifically, where one of the tapes is made, it is illegal to record a conversation unless everyone involved knows that they are on that tape. the two baltimore employees who were fired over those recordings are co-plaintiffs on this lawsuit. it also seeks an injunction to
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stop any further distribution of the videos as well. >> so the lawsuit names the conservative columnist who first posted the videos online plus the filmmakers. what do you know about them? >> the conservative activist who made the tapes are just 20 and 25 years old. you can see them here. hannah giles says she came up with the idea after jogging past an a.c.o.r.n. office one day. they got in touch them with james o'keefe because she heard he had done similar projects in the past, for instance in 2007 he taped calls to planned parenthood clinics offering to donate money only if it was used for black women to get aborgs. in some cases, some agreed. they said they made the tapes with just $1300. >> richard, thank you you very much. appreciate it. a government program that could be keeping your mortgage rates low is being extended now. our money expert jennifer westhoven is here with more. jen, what do we know about this program and how aware are homeowners about it? >> they're keeping it alive and
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this is really a behind the scenes program. it's not like cash for clunkers where you see it on television all the time. but you are reaping the benefits. good news in a bad economy. the federal government has been buying billions of dollars worth of mortgage-backed securities. that's not a market that usually you need to know about, but it was a big part of the financial crisis. so by doing this, basically they're making the lenders secure enough that the lend hes keep making new loans. that's what's seen as having helped the housing market keep going. it seems the rescue partly for the housing market. xpaerts say that's why rates are still as low levels, still just a little bit more than 5% now. the fed says they're not going to pull the plug on the program right away as some had speculated, although they will gradually phase it out early next year. fewer elves helping with your holiday shopping this season. a majority most retailers, 57%, say they're going to have less staff for this year's holiday season.
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this was done in a survey of some of the biggest retailers in the country, done by the haig group. they were talking to companies like best buy, target, saks. the companies think that americans are going to be very cautious with their budgets this year. that's good for your family if you're very careful. the flip side is, there are a lot of people who really count on those jobs for extra money. in case you've been interested in the wii, they are getting cheap he for the holiday season. this sunday the price is going to go from $250 to $200. and that follows moves, they also cut the price of the playstation and the xbox recently. na taush that, back to you. thanks, jen. personal question for you. what are you doing tuesday night? we've got an excite addition to our prime-time lineup coming your way "the joy behar show" will air every night at 9:00 eastern, kicks off tuesday september 29th. make sure you tune in. this story is one that everyone is talking about right now.
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shocking confession. a florida man admits killing his wife and five children. he tells that he blames it on his mother-in-law's spirit. >> my mom pretty much made me do it. >> why? in what way? >> her mom's spirit, she's serving, whatever she worships. >> why in such a brutal way? why children? your children? what did they do? >> they didn't do nothing. they're innocent. >> then why would you kill them if they're innocent? >> he said that all of this, this is being done as he was taken away from the hugs police to be returned to the police being he's being held in florida without bond. the bodies were found saturday in the family's home. damas admits he thought about killing himself when he was killing his own family. coming up, hear him explain why he didn't.
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the faa is criticizing a major u.s. airport for what it calls numerous safety violations. inspectors say your takeoffs and landings could be at risk. that story is new for you in about 30 minutes. hey, oprah winfrey is using her star power to try to bring the 2016 olympics to chicago. here's rafer weigel with more. >> good morning. the queen of television is going to help bring the 2016 games to the windy city. that is great news for chicagoans. she along with five other olympic and paraolympic gold medalists will head to copenhagen to meet with the ihc. it's unclear whether oprah will actually speak to the group. but as long as she invites them to an episode of her favorite things we should be fine. she's been very outspoken about chicago. i watch the show sometimes. the president being we're not sure if he's going, but the first lady is.
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the richest man in russia anouned he'll buy 80% of the new jersey nets. he could become the nba's first non-north american owner. 6'6", a billionaire and amateur basketball player, and a fan of the ladies from what our sources tell us, a lot of people think this would mean that the team would likely move to brooklyn with that cash infusioinfusion. they used to be called the new jersey americans. now they may be called the nyets. an indian newspaper announced the coach of their cricket team has told their players to have relations being sex before matches because it increases on-field performance. the paper claims the coach told them it will increase testosterone levels which increases aggression, competitiveness. it comes as india prepares for the champions trophies. my informal research is it
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usually does the opposite of that. makes one a little groggy. we'll see. here's how you you get in the starting lineup. martin prod dough was knocked out during batting practice when a ball hit him in the knee. the guy who hit the ball was the guy who backs him up, kelly johnson. here is the replay on the right of the screen. down goes prodo. as the braves beat the mets after announcing bobby cox would retire after more than 20 years with the team. today's viral video, an amazing basketball shot. check it out. >> welcome to aggie land. this is the world's longest basketball shot. let's give you a replay here. over 2 million people have watched this so far on the right it goes in the hole. we dug it up for you on youtube.
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what do you think? real or fake, natasha? >> i'm doing to say fake. >> i think it looks real. i think he probably had 37 takes. >> thanks, rafer. that's cool. let's check in with bob van dillen. bob, how's your shock? >> that's the look shaq has with the net. same reaction when he makes it. let me show you what's going on. traveling out there, so far so good. no delays yet. they'll probably pop up. look at the steady rain out of arkansas, missouri, toward illinois. st. louis you're now getting decent rain. hasn't slowed you down yet. for the day, i think you'll get some, stl, watch to a half-hour delay, memphis, houston, dallas, chicago, san francisco, morning fog just like yesterday. more weather details in just a bit. >> thanks, bob. say ra palin was criticized on the campaign trail for not having enough international experience. now she's trying to pick up some
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with a speech in hong kong. what she told a packed crowd about main street usa. [ engine revving ] [ engine powers down ] gentlemen, you booked your hotels on orbitz. well, the price went down, so you're all getting a check thanks. for the difference. except for you -- you didn't book with orbitz, so you're not getting a check. well, i think we've all learned a valuable lesson today. good day, gentlemen. thanks a lot. thank you. introducing hotel price assurance, where if another orbitz customer books the same hotel for less, we send you a check for the difference, automatically.
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for the first time ever, an experimental hiv vaccine prevented people from getting the virus. according to researchers, people who got the two-part booster and not the placebo were 31% less likely to get hiv. the study done in thailand and the u.s. army paid for part of it. three suspects in an alleged terrorist plot have hearing toedz. meanwhile, hundreds of federal agents and cops hit the streets of new york trying to collect intelligence. cops say that bomb making instructions were found on the computer of a colorado cabdriver that they say is linked to al qaeda. u.s. and british officials are warning people in germany
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about a terror threat. the travel alert comes after al qaeda posted a video threatening attacks if next week's elections don't turn out like they want. the video calls on muslims to stay away from public places in the two weeks after the election. and as the headlines we're following this morning, welcome back. i'm in for robin meade today. we expect to see huge protests in pittsburgh today as the g-20 gets started. yesterday greenpeace protesters rep pelled over this bridge and unfurled a massive banner being warning that carbon dioxide emissions are hurting the planet. nine people were arrested here. another five were arrested at another bridge where they were planning a similar stunt. the fill makers who prompted a federal investigation of a.c.o.r.n. with getting slapped with a lawsuit now. you may remember they posed as a pimp and prostitute secretly taping conversations with employees. the group says that those tapes broke wire tapping laws and seriously damaged their
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reputation. correspondent richard lui joins us know. richard, there's actually new fallout from the videos. >> yeah. it continues. the irs and u.s. census bureau are the latest groups to distance themselves from a.c.o.r.n. the irs specifically saying it will no longer include the group in its volunteer tax assistance program. a.c.o.r.n. said it had already suspended that program. the u.s. census bureau cut ties with the group for had next year's nationwide survey. there's growing pressure for president obama to deny all federal funding to a.c.o.r.n. >> richard, what does a.c.o.r.n. say about it all? >> the head of a.c.o.r.n. says she's just as appalled as congress and the public, but says she is taking some action here. >> these people were terminated. we took immediate action regardless. it is unacceptable and never met our professional standards. >> a.c.o.r.n. announced a hiring freeze and new training programs for new employees, also hired a former massachusetts attorney to do an internal investigation
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there. but a.c.o.r.n. ceo saying it will continue to operate despite state and federal funding cuts ongoing. >> interesting. richard, thank you. a popular cancer drug might work better in double doses. a new study finds adults with a common form of leukemia had a better chance of remission if they got the double dose. another study showed that it did not improve the outlook for elderly leukemia patients. an author of one of the studies received support from two companies that make chemo drugs. this next story may be disturbing. deputies outside chicago raided a dugfighting operation. it was in a house also used as a day care center. nine dogs were so badly hurt they had to have surgery. >> this is a difficult one to completely sum up, given the carnage and what you've seen on these poor dogs. but then when you add to this this was going on within feet of a day care center, there was a swing set within less than ten
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feet of the swing set was a log that the dogs were chained to. it's very unsettling to put it lightly. >> ten kids were at the home when deputies arrived. three people have been charged with felony dogfighting. check out this wildfire burning in ventura county. look at these pictures. this is from a couple of minutes ago. the southern california fire has burned more than 16,000 acres. officials say this fire is only about 40% contained right now. more than 2,000 people were warned to evacuate their homes. we'll keep you posted. the heavy storms are now gone and more people in the southeast are finally getting to go home. a few say that they got help from two teenaged heroes as the floodwaters began rising. a couple of 16-year-old best friends from the atlanta area decided to make it their mission to save as many people as possible. >> i've always been the one to go out there and get it done. i can't stand sitting inside and watching tv and watching
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helpless people not be able to do anything. >> it really makes me very proud of them because you hear so much about teenagers doing wrong. in the two days these boys have done the right thing. >> they're not the only ones. rescue teams are going door to door looking for animals, handing out food, whatever else it takes. officials say the biggest worry right now may be disease-causing bacteria in the water. this just in -- an important update about the job market. the number of people applying for first-time unemployment benefits fell last week. our money expert jennifer westhoven has details on this. jen, what do the numbers mean exactly? >> hi. thanks, natasha. it's a little better, 530,000 people lined up to get benefits for the first time, jobless benefits. that is down from the week before when it was about 551,000. so we have had a couple of weeks
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now where we're seeing fewer people file for unemployment benefits. it tells us that companies, they're still laying people off, but by that number is slichrink. the good news is it's going in the right direction. but the big picture is a half million applying for unemployment. even as you hear about the economy healing, the fed chief saying we're turning a corner being the job market isn't there yet. that's normalment the job market is a lagging indicator and it's probably, many economists say, going to get worse before it gets better. they believe that unemployment is going to go to 10% or more in coming months. we're already at 9.7%. so bottom line still a very tough job market out there. very tough to find a job these days. but at least when we look at this little weekly number it looks like we're starting to see that really improvement but the firings are slowing down. >> good to hear, jen. thank you. we want some good news hopefully because it's just been
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messy weather-wise lately. let's check in with bon for the latest on the forecast. >> it's been a little rough. we're talking about heavy rain again this morning around areas like st. louis and stretching down towards just west of memphis right now. the good news is we continue to dry out for areas that really got hammered with rain, north georgia, alabama. things will get for us you today. but as this cold front and stationary boundary begin to move east being the axis of the heavy rain will do the same thing. if you live toward the north, it won't be as bad today. cold front just went past new york city, live to nyc. tower cam showing just a clouds out there. temperatures in the low 80s, next couple of days, by at least saturday temperatures in the mid-60s. oh, the circus was in town yesterday. i saw hug ells the clown at the u.n. doing a rant for an hour and a half. oh, no being that was just the u.n. let me show you what it looks like across the region there. looking pretty good. can you see the u.n.? no, no, you you can't. that's too bad because man it was funny.
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rain showers coming out of the south, you can see houston showers getting into louisiana, more rain around arkansas, too. the heaviest stuff we have is pulling out of arkansas getting back into basically lower mart parts of missouri and illinois. hughes toon rain showers coming in, you can see it there. to the north a little farther, more heavy rain and the shield of it getting into illinois now. notice chicagoland on the outskirts of this, high pressure trying to build in at the lower level. it will be tough for the rain to actually make it up there. you might skirt by with a shower or two. really that's all you'll find. more details in about a half hour. have you ever wondered if it's possible to live on the moon? an interesting discovery shows something might be lurking on its surface, and it could make moon living a reality. (announcer) your doctor knows tylenol doesn't interfere with certain high blood pressure medicines the way aleve metimes can. that's one reason why doctors recommend tylenol
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41 minutes past the hour. sarah palin's speech in hong kong yesterday is being described as more moderate and more up to speed on foreign affairs. the former vice presidential candidate talked to international investors about government, health kay, and global politics and some speculate she might be preparing for another run at the white house. >> i'm not worry birthdaied abo. america is open and very much enthused about having voices heard across the world, especially voices from main street. not worried about the reaction from the u.s. >> palin is resumed to have been highly paid for the appearance.
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here are stories making headlines in the morning papers. the oil industry is on a hot streak. the "new york times" reports that there have been more than 200 new oil discoveries so far this year in dozens of countries. and there may actually be water on the moon. "the l.a. times" reports that data from three spacecraft shows that a thin film of water cooked the sursurface. it could be a big find for colonizing the moon someday. "usa today" says republican campaign committees outraised democrats by $1.7 million loost month. they've apparently gotten a boost from the heated debate over health care. you know, the $700 billion of your tax dollars that went to bail out banks and other financial institutions? well, we're probably not getting all that money back. our money expert jennifer westhoven is here with what
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happened, jen. >> i'm sure a lot of people are listening to this and going, yeah, no surprise. but this is coming from the man whose job is to watchdog the program. testimony today reportedly that headlines that some of the banks paid back all the money with interest, but he says it's extremely unlikely that the taxpayer will see a full return, meaning we won't get all of that $700 billion back realistically, in his opinion. he says, though, look the rescue has stabilized financial markets. i mean being they were on the brink of collapse just about a year ago. but he does believe the treasury has been too secretive with your money, taxpayer money. banks are changing the rules for your credit score, which is so important. that number can determine what house you get, what car you get, how much you pay in interest. now banks are changing those rules so you've got to know so you can play the game right. the new scoring system is called
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fico 08. one of the tweaks is that it will pay a lot more attention to how much of your credit line you're using. now, from the bank's point of view, they want this to be a realistic gauge of your you riskiness. they say if you use a lot of your credit, that is riskier. so they want to make sure they know what's going on. for you, this could knock your credit score lower because lenders as we all know have been cutting credit. you're going to be using a bigger percentage if they've cut your credit and you haven't paid your debt down. the kind of bottom line you can take away from this, it becomes even more important for you to use less of your available credit and knock down that revolving credit. i know so many people are trying really hard, but do what you can. back to you. >> jen, would that mean that people who use their credit cards to pay their mortgage payments, that's not a good idea? >> that's never a good idea. that didn't change with this. that's bad news. if you know you can pay it off right away, but you should be
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making better preparations to pay your mortgage. >> thank you so much. a federal census worker has been found hanged in rural kentucky. a big focus of the investigation is something that was written on the man's chest.8 can add up fast. for lunch so i'm packing my own lunch now-- for less than $3. thanks to walmart. just two times a week saves my family over $500 a year. save money. live better. walmart.
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a law enforcement official says that the word "fed" was written on bill sparksman's chest. the fbi won't confirm this being though. a retired kentucky state trooper says he warned sparkman that some people in the area can be anti-government. the census bureau stopped door-to-door canvassing in the area during the investigation. federal inspectors found major safety violations at chicago's o'hare airport. according to the "chicago tribun tribune", rocks, garbage and wood were found on the runways. those areas are supposed to be
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clear because it could interfere with flights. tall grass was found that could attract birds. airport officials were accused of lying on self-inspection reports. an airport rep says that most of of the violations have been fixed. this half hour, we're hearing more of the confession of by a florida man accused of of killing his wife and five children. damas told the naples news daily that his mother-in-law you's spirit made him do it and he considered killing himself as well. >> when i did it, i was told, not right now, my eyes open. >> are you going to go to heaven when you die? >> right now, yeah. but i was going to kill myself. i didn't have the courage to do it because if you kill yourself you're not going to heaven. >> when were you going to kill yourself? >> the same time it happened. but i didn't have the courage to do it myself. >> the bodies were found saturday in the family's home. damas is being held in florida without bond. he says that he wants to be executed right away so he can be buried with his family when
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they're buried on saturday. police are enlisting trash collects to fight crime. a sheriff's office in florida is training them to look out for suspicious people and signs of break-ins. they're also giving them specific information about investigations to help them know what to watch for. everyone seems to be on board with the program. >> we get to see a lot more than what other people get to see. >> i think's a great idea because i don't see very many cops around here anyway. the neighborhood seems quiet enough being but we could still use a patrol around here to keep an eye on everything. >> police are also training public works employees, heating and air conditioning workers, and also electricians. today we'll learn who will temporarily take over the late edward kennedy's senate seat. the massachusetts governor will make that announcement in about three hours. kennedy family associates say that several family members want it to be paul kick, a former democratic national committee chairman.
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this could give democrats a 60th senate vote for a health care bill. there's a special election for the seat in january. tiger woods and 29 other golfers will tee off for a shot at $10 million. can you imagine winning that chunk of change? here's rafer weigel with more on that. >> with four days of work, golfing seems like a lot of fun. he looks ready to go and reportedly the pga's final tournament of the year, we're talking about the final leg of the fedex cup. it's at the east lakes golf club. here's tiger taking in some practice. if he is wins the tournament, he wins the cup and that's $10 million. and as you can see, these pictures such a stark difference of what it was a couple of days ago. it's good news for this entire area, because the sun was shining and the ground was dry.
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and speaking of golf, four pennsylvania men are celebrating their 40th straight year of golfing together at myrtle beach in south carolina. 40 years. they started going there once a year in 1970, when it was a measly $25 a day for all of it, room, food and golf. so as a thank you, courses are giving these guys four free rounds of golf and free airfare as well. so you do it 39 times and you get the 40th for free. catcher miguel montero looks on. she would be checked by a dmplt lastly, it's a face only a mother could love in where else? england. nch this competition actually started in 1297.
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they do actually call it a sport. the community organization a.c.o.r.n. is under fire after embarrassing secret videos surfaced. well, a.c.o.r.n. is striking back. boy: is that your new car? uh...yeah. boy: cool. thanks. i knew i wanted the new subaru legacy. i went back and forth on the hood scoop. but i'm glad i went for it. the all-new subaru legacy. feel the love. ♪ so blessed with inspiration ♪ ♪ i don't know much ♪ but i know i love you ♪ and that may be ♪ all i need
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it's almost friday, aren't you glad? you're hanging in there, i am too. good morning, i'm in today for robin meade. so glad you could join us. here's the stories making headlines on morning express. scientists are marking a milestone today, we could be hearing about a first step toward an hiv vaccine. plus john travolta was forced to open up about his son in court. and investigators say they have uncovered a dogfighting ring at a daycare center. you won't believe what they found just feet from where children were being watched. and a major break through in
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the fight against aids. for the first time ever, an experimental hiv vaccine prevented people from getting infected according to researchers. the study was done in thailand and researchers cautioned that the results are limited. but here's the u.n.'s top scientific advisor. >> the vaccine in question was one that was developed, two vaccines, they were developed specifically for the types of hiv that circulate in thailand. so it's fairly thailand specific, these results. but they hold a lot of promise. >> researchers say that people who got the second of the two-part booster and not the placebo were 31% less likely to get hiv. the u.s. military helped paid for the study which followed 1,600 volunteers for three years. analysis has been suggested that one possible vaccine studied in the u.s. in 2007 may have raised the infection risk. new this morning, four police officers were shot this
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morning in new jersey. they were serving a no-knock search warrant for firearms and drugs outside of trenton when a suspect opened fire. one officer was shot in the face, another was shot in the foot. one officer ask in serious condition and the suspect is in critical condition with multiple gunshot wounds. after an incredible search, two long distance runners who disappeared in a remote national forest on monday have been found alive. a chopper found maria lamenta who could -- rescuers had to send other endurance runners after them. the terrain was too rough for vehicles for searching and dogs can't do that far. >> i'm eternally grateful, i appreciate everything you guys have done.
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thanks f my wife is really strong willed. >> these ultraendurance athletes run for a full day covering as much as 100 miles. armenta is fully dehydrated and in serious conditions. after john travolta brought -- two people faced charges that they tried to extort $25 million from the actor. he says they threatened to publicize medical documents about jet travolta's death. travolta said he signed them in the heat of the moment thinking that he would fly his son to a doctor in florida instead of a local one. >> it was a quick decision that t travolta made during the worst moments of his life and people tried to take advantage of him because of it. >> travolta did cpr on his son jet before paramedics arrive.
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a paramedic and a former bahamian senator are accused of the plot. ahmadinejad mentioned nuclear deployment, but did not mention iran's nuclear program. he railed against israel and the u.s. >> translator: how can the crimes of the occupiers against defenseless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals, and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments? >> libyan leader moammar gadhafi went on a rant for more than a half four yesterday. he suggested too that swine flu was a military tool. gadhafi also called for an end to the u.n. security council, calling it the terror council.
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some people called gadhafi a terrorist in the 1981 pan am bombing. the heavy storms are gone and more people in the southeast are going home now. a few say that they got help from two teenaged heroes. as the floodwaters began rising, a couple of 16-year-old best friends from the atlanta area, decided to make it their mission to save as many people as possible. >> i have always been the one to go out there and get it done. i can't sit inside and watch tv and watching helpless people not be able to do anything. >> it makes me very proud of them because you hear of teenagers not doing anything. and in these two days, these boys have done the right thing. >> rescue teams are going door to door looking for animals, handing out food an whatever else it takes. the biggest worry right now may
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be disease causing bacteria in the water. all right, so hopefully the weather is looking better today, now that rain tapered off earlier in the southeast. but how is it looking right now, bob? >> the rain is falling in the same spot it did yesterday, but this time it's a little heavier, so we're watching a gulf stream come out of texas and it's stretching right in through st. louis, getting in through iowa and illinois. the heaviest rain that we had over the last couple of days was moving from the east to the west, right around a frontal boundary. houston some showers out there, another one of those thunderstorms develop later today near dallas. you can see a line of showers there. another gulf front heads over to big d and ft. worth. right now most of it is right around that houston area, it's riding up towards the north and getting up into the northeast as well. what about the heaviest rain? right now it's coming out of missouri and basically illinoisñ thunderstorms are going to develop today in memphis, but a better chance coming at you right around st. louis.
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take a look at tower cams now, note the delays of the airport, but there's the arch. the rain is going to be solid and pretty heavy at times in the next couple of hours. everything moves from the south to the north, watch for heavy rain for most of the day in st. louis. what about the rest of the region? indianapolis dry, with some rain toward the great lakes. i don't think you'll see much rain towards chicago, detroit or cleveland, but you will get some rain around indianapolis. a man systemed of killing his own wife and five children is saying some really shocking things. he's even coming right out and talking about how they were killed and why. plus the community organizing group a.c.o.r.n. is fighting back, it's going after the filmmaker who is got the group into hot water.
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here you go. whoa! that's some serious insurance. ding-ding-ding! ding! ding! fun fact -- progressive is the number-one truck insurer. yeah, great service at the right price. and nowadays, my business depends on it. do you have anything like that for my car? yes! our car insurance comes with 24/7 claim service, and you can save hundreds. so, what you haulin'? oh, eight-year-olds to soccer practice. nine! oh, precious cargo. protecting what matters most to you. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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you are about to hear a shocking confession. a florida man admits to killing his fife children and his wife. he tells naples that he blames it on his mother-in-law's spirit. >> my mom pretty much made me do it. >> in what way? >> my mom's spirit, whatever she's serving. >> why in such a brutal way? why your children? what did they do? >> they didn't do nothing, they're innocent. >> then why would you kill them if they're innocent? >> damas said all of this as he was taken away by haitian police to be returned to the u.s. damas is now being held in florida without bond. the bodies were found saturday in the family's home. damas admits that he thought about killing himself too when he says he was killing his own family. he
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today we're going to learn who will temporarily take over the late edward kennedy's senate seat. kennedy family associates say that several family members want it to be paul kirk, a former democratic national committee chairman. this could give democrats a 60 senate vote for a health care bill. there's a special election for the seats coming up in january. a government program that could be keeping your mortgage rates low is being extended. our money expert jennifer westhoven is here. jen, what do we know about this program? >> it's not extended, at least they're not going to drop it. it's a behind the scenes program. so you don't see this one directly the way you see cash for clunkers and you hear about that. but some experts say it has rescued the housing market by keeping rates lower than they have been in decades. the government is spending billions of dollars to buy mortgage backed securities.
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they are not going to stop doing it, although it will be gradually phased out early next year. new this morning, a bit of good news for anybody looking for a job. the number of people who filed for unemployment, it got smaller, 530,000 people. obviously that's still more than half a million people who are losing their jobs just in the latest week. so it's a very rough job market out there. but it's going in the right direction, the number of pink slips has been shrinking for a couple of weeks now. even though you hear the fed saying the recession is endinge the g-20 is happening in pittsburgh, the leaders of 20 of the world's biggest countries look top stabilize the world's economy after the financial market meltdown. this sunday nintendo is dropping the play skags from
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$250 to $200. on the road to riches, we have our small business success. >> not only did he serve the berry with it. >> cooking with meade is just one tip david myers shares with his customer. meade is an alcoholic beverage for meanted from honey. >> the beauty about the product is it's never one thing. >> david started home brewing beer in the late '80s. he remembers tasting a fellow brewer's prickly pear meade. >> i took a couple of sips of that and i said, oh, i got to make some of this stuff. >> david comes from a family of entrepreneurs. his family founded london fog
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raincoats. >> it was an inspiration from my grandfather to try something of my own. >> last year, sales topped more than half a million dollars. david says the sour economy has not impacted his business much. >> the reality is that people drink in good times, people drink in bad times. >> oh, we all love meade around here. if you're a small business owner, maybe you think you would like your story on our air. go to you got to upload a video of your business and your tips, and if we like it you could be on morning express. fire officials are warning people to leave their homes. what's making this fire especially difficult for the firefighters in southern california. ♪
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videos at their offices. you may remember seeing the tapes of a.c.o.r.n. workers advising two people posing as a pimp and prostitute. they offer advise on smuggling underaged girl into the country, fooling the irs and getting illegal income. >> you get a tin and you bury it down in there and you put the money in there and you tell a single soul but yourself where it is. >> a.c.o.r.n. admits that behavior was unacceptable, richard, so why are they suing? >> a.c.o.r.n. is saying the filmmakers set up their employees basically and they claim that the tapes violate wiretapping laws that are existing right now. in baltimore, maryland specifically, where one of the tapes was made, it is illegal to record a conversation unless every one involved knows that they are on that tape. the two baltimore employees who were fired over those recordings are co-plaintiffs on this
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lawsuit. it also contains an injunction to stop further distribution of the tape. >> the columnist who first posted the video online, plus the two filmmakers, what do we know about that? the political conservative activist who made the tape are just 20 and 25 years old. you can see them here. hanna guiles says she came up with the idea after passing an a.c.o.r.n. office one day. she got in touch with james o'keefe because she had heard that he had done similar projects in the past. he called planned parenthood offices and said that he would donate money only if it was given to black women to receive abortions. the head of a mental institution has resigned after a legally insane killer escaped on a feield trip to a county fair.
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the ceo who is steps down says that the hospital followed proper procedure but similar field trips are suspended for now. hot santa ana winds are driving this wildfire towards people's homes right now in southern california. this is what the fire looks like about 40 miles north of los angeles. firefighters are cutting and burning away brush to get it under control. more than 2,000 people were warned to evacuate their homes. right now the fire some about 40% contained. guess what? oprah winfrey is using her star power to try and bring the 2016 olympics to chicago. here's rafer waggle with that. >> this is going above and beyond anything oprah has done at this point to try to bring the games to chicago. the queen of television, along with other par olympic and olympic gold medalists are going to copenhagen to meet with ioc officials where they're deciding
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between chicago, madrid, rio dejaniero. she's been very outspoken about chicago getting the games. so we don't know if the president's going to go, but the first lady is definitely going. >> if the richest man in russia is going to buy 80% of the new jersey nets. he would become the nba's first nonnorthern american owner. 6'6", the man is, a billionaire and he was an amateur basketball player and known for his playboy lifestyle. many people think this cash infusion would help the team move to brooklyn. now ironically the team used to be called the new jersey americans and now they would call it the new jersey niets. a newspaper is reporting the coach of their cricket team has
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told players to have relations before matches because it increases onfield performance. the paper claims the coach told them it would increase testosterone levels which increases strength, energy, competitiveness and aggression. we're very confused by this because our research tells you it makes you tired. but we'll see. all right, and moving on, here's how you get into the starting lineup. knock out the guy ahead of you. that's martin prado as we spotted him hit during batting practice by a ball to the knee. and he was hit by a guy who backs him up, kelly johnson. and before that they announced that their manager bobby cox who's been with team for over 20 years would retire next year. that's a look at sports and that's sad for atlanta. a kansas man says that he can draw a map of the united states faster than minnesota senator al franken. he can draw 50 states in just 90
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seconds. about half the dime of franken. he admits his maps are not always perfect but the party trick has earned him a beer or r two over the years.♪ it's interesting what theser garbage collectors are doing to this dinosaur ♪ ♪ hello hello hello can anybody hear me? ♪ ♪ i know i know i know i shoulda gone to ♪ ♪ free credit report dot com! ♪ that's where i shoulda gone! coulda got my knowledge on! ♪ ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage.
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the new york stock exchange has just opened for business. stocks are expected to have a lackluster start this morning. we're going check in a in a few minutes to see if that's the case. for the first time ever, an experimental hiv vaccine prevented people from getting the virus. people who got the three-part booster and not the placebo were less likely to get the virus. police say a suspect opened fire on police serving a search warrant for drugs and firearms. one officer was shot in the
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face. another in the foot. one is in serious condition right now. the suspect is in critical condition after being shot several times. fire officials are warning thousands of people to evacuate their homes. crews are clearing brush, trying to save homes 40 miles north of l.a. santa ana winds are making it ñ tough to fight this fire though, right now the fire is only about 40% contained. these are your top stories. welcome back, i'm natasha curry. here are live pictures right now. and president obama is making history as the first african-american president to chair a u.n. security council meeting. you see him there in the middle of your screen shaking hands. he's the first american president to do that. he's shaking hands here right now and nuclear issues are going to be the top of the agenda today in this meeting. later today the president leaves new york for pittsburgh where preparations for the g-20 summit
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are underway. we'll keep you posted on what happens there. we do expect to see huge protests in pittsburgh today as the g-20 summit gets started. yesterday greenpeace protesters rappelled over this bridge and unfurled a massive banner. it warned that carbon monoxide emissions are hurting the planet's climate. five people were arrested at another bridge where they were planning a similar stunt. this half hour, we are hearing more of the confession by a florida man accused of killing his wife and five children. damas told the daily news that his mother-in-law's spirit made him do it and he considered killing himself too. >> when i did it, my eyes were closed, right now my eyes are open. >> are you going to go to heaven when you do? >> right now, yes. i was going to kill myself, but i didn't have the courage to do
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it because if you kill yourself you're not going to go to heaven. >> when did you think about killing yourself? >> right after i did it. but i didn't have the courage to do it myself. >> damas is now being held in florida without bond. he says he wants to be executed right away so he can be buried with his family when they're buried on saturday. tv actress mckenzie phillips talked with oprah winfrey about her claims that she had sex for years with her father, john phillips, the koe founder of the mamas and the papas. phillips says she hopes she's helping someone else by telling her story. >> i went to my father and said we need to talk about how you raped me. and my dad said, raped you? don't you mean when we made love? and in that moment, i thought, wow, aisle rei'm really on my o.
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>> this video shows john phillips on the left. mckenzie's former stepmother says john phillips was incapable of having sex with his wife. mckenzie's half sister china tells us weekly that she does believe mckenzie is telling the truth. john phillips died in 2001. excuse me, i have a little tickle in my throat. let's check in with bob van dillen for the forecast. >> areas like the deep southeast, we have got all the rain for the last couple of days. drying out now, but if you look across the west, usually some good news, means you're not going to see a whole heck of a lot of weather, but the temperatures are going to heat up and the santa ana winds are going to pick up too. fire danger, let me show you where that's located. the highs today in downtown los
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angeles, mid to upper 90s. get across the valleys, just up towards your north, and temperatures will be approaching 101. add the 30-mile-per-hour wind gusts and the low humidity, the fires are raging right now. so hopefully they get that contained, but the weather is not going to help the firefighters out there today. as for a little bit farther over towards the east. you can see a big area of low pressure in the upper levels of the sphere. it's getting some rain right now around a frontal boundary. the large circulation getting the rain coming out of the gulf. another stripe of rain moving through texas. scattered showers from dallas all the way back down into houston. heaviest rain by far is approaching in towards missouri, get into illinois too. more details on that in just a little bit. stocks on wall street took a surprise tumble late in yesterday's session, but a
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favorable report on weekly jobless claims is helping put the market back in the green. a break down those numbers for us susan. >> a report shows both new jobless claims fell, more than expected and continuing claims as well. but that number remains above $6 million the market encouraged by the slow improvement in the job market. "the wall street journal" meanwhile says citigroup wants to cut its retail branch network to just six major cities, new york, washington, miami, chicago, san francisco and l.a. report also says citi plans to scale back us lending to mainly credit cards and mortgages of high priced homes. nintendo is cutting the price of its wii gaming system to $199. gearing up for a competitive holiday shopping season. $50 cut is the wii's first price reduction.
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finally the recession is having an effect on family planning. a new survey aimed at documenting the effects of the recession on child bearing said nearly half of working class women want to put off getting pregnant or having fewer children. this stis not a new phenomenon, birthratesationi shrunk during 1970s. well, sheriff's deputies found a garage full of mangled dogs outside of chicago and just ten feet away, a swing feset fo the daycare center inside the home.
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the united nations nation's security council meeting has just gotten underway. these are live pictures of president obama speaking right now. he is making history as the first american president to chair a u.n. security council meeting. nuclear issues will likely top the agenda for today and later today, the president will leave new york for pittsburgh where preparations for the g-20 summit are underway. he's got a busy schedule. moving on, deputies outside chicago raided a dogfighting operation in a house also used as a daycare center. the daycare operator said that she was not involved in dog fighting and kids weren't near the dogs. but, police say the dogs were too close for comfort in a garage next to the play area. nine dogs were so badly hurt they had to have surgery.
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>> this is a difficult one to completely sum up ginobili the carnage and given what you have seen on these poor dogs but you add to it that this was going on within feet of a daycare center. within ten feet of the swing set is a log that the dogs were chained to. it's very unsettiling to put it lightly. this just in, we have learned that the governor of massachusetts will name paul kirk to temporarily take over the late edward kennedy's senate seat. after two democratic sources say the kennedy family wanted him. kirk was a long-time aide to ted kennedy. this could give democrats a 60 vote in the senate for a health care bill. and there's a special election coming up for that seat in january. the fbi is investigating the death of a census worker who was found hanged from a tree. it happened in rural kentucky
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almost two weeks ago. a law enforcement official says that the word fed was rain on bill sparksman's chest. the fbi won't confirm this. a retired kentucky state trooper said that he warned sparksman that some people in that area can be anti-government. investing in the stock market, it can be a gamble, but if you play your cards right, you can weather the ups and downs. clark howard tells you how. >> it seems that we are such pack animals, that we follow the herd when we shouldn't. and i'm going to give you an example. you know, a lot of people really were shell shocked by the huge decline in the stock market. it went on for about a year and a half, saw your account values just evaporate right before your eyes and your 401(k)s or your iras or whatever. so what did so many people do?
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they did what's called capitulati capitulation, people said, i can't take this anymore, sold out their positions and put their money into ultrasafe things. now the stock market has had a big runup that may be running out of steam, don't know. but people are pushing their money back into stocks after they have already recovered big values. it doesn't work. you're working against yourself. put money in steady as you go. i'm clark howard, for more ways for you to invest wisely, go to >> and clark will teach you how to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. catch him at noon eastern on saturday and sunday right here on hln. we told you about libyan leader moammar gadhafi's hour and a half ran at the u.n. here's how some people were able to kick him out of a new york suburb.
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you have want to be in our vip tour like these folks, just go to for more information. >> gadhafi's speech is crazy, it went over 90 minutes. i think she was supposed to speak for 15 minutes, it went on for 90 minutes. and as usual he was awful over the place. >> and that was conan o'brien's take on libyan leader mow gar gadhafi's rant at the u.n. a new york suburb has evicted the libyan leader from their neighborhood. yesterday the town of bedford took down a large tent that was
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on a property owned by donald trump. many people in the area are angry with gadhafi for libya's role in the 1988 pan am bombing over lockerbie, scotland. the joy behar show will air right here on hln at 9:00 eastern. it's your moment of joy commentary. >> this week we got the season premier of stars" and right from the start it was fabulous. even marie osmond returned to the scene of the crime to support her brother donnie. and who was sitting next to marie? jermane jackson. tom delay, the former house majority leader who may soon be dancing behind bars. tom was wearing a tiny browned vest glitter. he looked like one of the flying monkeys from the wizard of oz. he looked uncomfortable sitting
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there with all those russian immigrants and gay men. he's like what, annm i the only one here under federal indictment look on his face. i thought tom danced okay, even if the judges were a little rough. hey, wait until he gets up in front of a real judge. i hope that tom sticks around all season. i just can't wait for little bruno the nail the hammer. but that's just me. >> the joy behar show premiers next tuesday on hln at 9:00 p.m. eastern. but you can check out out now at here's rafer weigel where that. >> good morning to you, tasha, this is good news for golf and it's also good news for folks in the atlanta area as the pga's final tournament looks good to go after all the rain that was
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hitting us so very hard. tiger took in some practice rounds wednesday at east lake golf club. this is the final leg of the fedex cup championship, if he wins this round, he wins the $10 million payout. and look at that sunshine. but bob says it's going to rain here saturday and sunday, so they're going to have to get a lot of golf in the next two days. and speaking of golf, this is taking tradition to a whole new level. two pennsylvania men are celebrating their fourth straight year of golfing together at myrtle beach in south carolina. these guys started going there in 1970 when it was $25 a day for everything, that included room, food and golf. as a thank you, the friends are getting a free round of golf, free airfare and lodging. a foul ball hitting a poor girl right in the head, ouch. and miguel quintero can only looking on. watch his reaction, oh,
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goodness. his reaction, everybody else's reaction. they all reach for their heads. she would be okay. she was checked by doctors, san francisco would win 5-2. it's a face only a mother could love. reaction. she was all right. a little sore, though. a face only a mother could love. where else would this be but in england? this is the world gurning championship. can you make the ugliest face you can, for some reason through a horse color, and that's since 1297. look at the longest baseball shot you will ever see. check it out. and it's in!
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what? here is a replay on the other side. it looks real to me, and over 2 million people have watched it so far. >> if it's not real, he's a good actor there. >> he probably had about 1,200 tries. just like yesterday, yesterday is 45 minutes. we will watch for that dissipate by noon. and st. louis, rain coming in. half hour delay possible. showers and thunderstorms for memphis. and dallas, more thunderstorms this afternoon. and houston, currently raining just outside. less than an hour there. and more weather details coming up in 15 minutes. >> yeah, we have storms to talk about for sure. until now scientists thought
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