tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 4, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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than citizens as those citizens. we'll get to your calls and show you highlights of donald trump. and on tuesday, one of the members of the house judiciary committee represented see that jackson-lee, dem deprat texas had this to say. >> this was one of the most powerful discussions on police community relation that i've had the privilege of being in and we hope that without our police working group being in every city in hamlet in america that we would engage in these kinds of discussions. because in time of tragedy, in times of danger, when you dial that 911, you are looking for law enforcement to come. and you're looking for them holding up your hand to be rescued. and so it is important to note that we need law enforcement and it is important to note to the
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law enforcement members out there and to the families out there, the community wants policing and they want a safe and secure neighborhood. we need to get away from this general statement that law enforcement is disliked in our communities. that is not true. but i think what is important is to note the fact that police community relations are important and significant and i join the voices that say that it is probably the most significant civil rights issue of our time. host: this is a story from the "washington times" as federal lawmakers head to detroit time prove community police relations. you can read the story online at let's go to linda from lexington, kentucky, democrats line. how are you improve relations, linda? caller: well, i would insist them acknowledge that there is a problem. i'm an old 70-year-old white
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woman. i can see from my own eyes that policemen kill too fast, especially when it comes to black men. and i think a lot of their problem is that they are afraid. they do carry guns because we're so crazy about carrying guns anymore. take for instance, the young black quarterback back. he was not allowed to do his rights. his first amendment rights. but the second amendment right, gun carrying -- like obama said -- your bible and your gufpblets that's all they think about. they've got realize the problem. policemen are afraid these black men may have guns. they shoot too fast. and police unions are responsible because they cover for the bad cops and they get the good cops like in new orleans killed because they do cover up the bad cops. you don't have to be black to see that.
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anathons white person would see it. i don't know what's wrong with republicans' eyes. thank you. host: linda from lexington, kentucky. thank you for the call. glenda from lakeland, florida on the democrats line. how would you improve relations? caller: in order to improve relations, police have to actually get involved within the communities that they police. the one thing that police and the police doesn't do is they don't get the noted community because the majority of policemen don't live near or in those communities. they probably live in other parts of town and then they work there and then they have thins he weren't attitude that well ok. it's us against them. host: do you think though if you work in a community whether it's a town or a city, you should be required to live there? caller: no, i'm not saying they're required to live there. that's part of the problem because a lot of times, if you're going to recruit people, maybe you want to stay fine, ok.
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maybe i need to get people that will familiar with the neighborhood. doesn't matter whether they're white or black. it makes it easier if you know the people in the community because instead of targeting the people that may cause the problem, you're looking at everybody that can create a potential problem whereas if a person has a good job and they work and their kids are going to school are good people, then you don't mix them in with other people. and as long as you don't get involved in the community, you still -- you don't make that distinction. you still say ok, this person is actually somebody that's going to need somebody to be concerned about when they shouldn't be. host: glen, thank you so much for your call. this is a tweet saying re-train the police not to act like an occupying force. implement community policing. create jobs in the community. this program is carried live by c-span radio. we have a c-span radio app. you can check out with your apple store or itunes or an
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android device and all the information on our website at ways you think communities can improve relations between the community and the police department. the numbers you should dial in to, 202-748-8000, that's our line for democrats and 202-748-8001 for republicans. end us a a tweet at c-span wj. i'm going -- dave reich cart attended this meeting and we covered the full event. here's what the washington lawmaker had to say. >> i'm one of two career thralmt officers in congress, 435 people. there's just two of us. so cops around the country and sheriffs and police chiefs come and see us -- the two of us. and also, community groups though too because they absolutely see the connection as e've seen here in baltimore.
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so the question is why is there so much violence across our country? and i think that my colleague here touched on it. and there's so many opportunities to touch not only kids and education and homishness -- homelessness and others, but the real question is if we think this is a priority, if we believe this is a priority and it is, then we need to find a way to make changes. and the way that you make changes starts from the bottom but you have to have the support the top. this is a serious issue that needs to be solved today. host: he looked for ways time
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prove relations in that city and in cities around the country and that's our focus on this sunday morning. a number of you sending in tweets. here are some of them. this is from donoa who said sensitivity training for cops will not be enough. police should reflect the communities they work in. and this from karen saying improved relations? maybe the police should get out of their car and walk the neighborhood. get to know the community. and finally this from another viewer saying for police to realize they are not judge, jury and executioner. on our facebook page, join us on and a number of comments including from steve. focus more on the reintegration from people released from jail into their communities with jobs, education and training instead of disencomprising them. and paul says --
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host: let's go to ruth joining us from sandy hook, connecticut. good morning, ruth. democrats line. caller: good morning. i think i am feeling to discouraged that i'll make my comments very brief. host: ok. caller: i'm just reading an article in the "new york times" by the editorial board about unions. and the power they have with police, not being charged or not having to come forward and give a testimony right away. there is -- and then we have his presidential candidate using such horrendous language about other -- language that we
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never ever heard in our presidential campaigns before. so there were so many layers and i think lots of your commentators have talked about it. they know what to do. you know, you have to get republicans in congress who are there with german dered districts to want to do something about it and they don't. nd i guess i will end there. host: certainly, the violence is seen in our society. caller: my granddaughter was a third grader at sandy hook elementary and is still suffering the consequences of that horrific day and probably will for the rest of her life. host: how so, ruth?
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caller: well, she sees a counselor. noise. she hears a loud noise, my grandson walks in the house, and she doesn't see his face and she jumps. you know, that kind of thing. she doesn't want july 4 fireworks. you know, just all kinds of things that bother her. in fact, in her school, she's now in seventh grade, there are a few kids that still need to see the therapy dogs because they have been so affected and so many of the teachers didn't go back to the new gorgeous fabulous, you know, sandy hook school because it was just too traumatic. and their consequences was never really dealt with because it was so -- it was horrendous. i can only tell you that my granddaughter and her classmates and her third grade class crawled back and forth between this other third grade class as
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they heard noises and didn't know what it was and the doors were locked from the wrong side. you know, i don't think i will ever forget myself, going to the fire station to pick her up because my daughter's a teacher in a different community and so i went after i heard that we could go and pick up kids together. and never as long as i live will i forget. and it's the sadness is there was this adam lanza, you know, who really had been diagnosed with mental illness from very early on and this motto that rejected all of the counseling. and so just a tragedy. a tragedy all over the country. and the blame is, you know, we need to do so much like when we hear about, you know, black communities and black people shooting each other. let's go into those communities
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and see how they live and what their communities and their education and their food places to buy food and are there any green in their communities to go for a walk? it's just so much in this country for the last 40 years that we've ignored. you know, it isn't just the one thing. host: ruth, thank you for adding your voice to the conversation. good luck with your granddaughter as well, by the way. caller: thank you very much and i enjoy your program. thank you very, very much. host: we thank you, from sandy hook, connecticut. when cops are guilty of murder, they always get away with this. fixing it would go a long way in developing mutual respect. on our facebook page. more comntays st inheusceeptmts uses w nerntdetoeor prit it wilgaav pk t couny. resandhearnru. pre pictrni a cuur hi me mory li a
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ico,4 op st. is i'tbo pice gein tono t cmuty th iabt eitenof theaid sthidf chagveus t cizs afrd vgia. th cizs erar lge imal yoca s ionhe nsper evy ng dhemot op ttreei st. thsn authe gs. iss ou t cizs tt vehe tt'rit gh d er mni ty kep andede tcoit ari. d'tav a cmeerto eaofn sffd. buwels d'tavpoce ttg t tirqu cs d ttg kw t mmit th ia ls cic. e obm ndso ar wh e ppl tt vehe. eyakupn eorngnd
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th,ece cmi cme becide t cmi im ho: se fmtaor rgiathksorheal vierarayg tidf d ed tououthras. mb, o auadirsy trni. d mb teegeto kw e sint t cng oacoopa, om jiie thpoce nd sp llg op. in tt ata. re fm e mmit t inea t ft trs d detiheole. habsvelelads th noeans pridrostdutial reurs d cierce fothpetis. anlesayth inoa ha o. poceeptmtseetoto bevi lenccyi mita fcereincize li ty a oa psoya.
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t'go tsthejoinus om uh,ur le r is. weomtoheonrsio --ndennt weomtohe cveatn. heriips e gin iaeanth'r ll t 1 commames. if y lk a tt,t ys ouha n kl ea re. d pplwod ar hiinseou wldt ed th picfoe. yolo acltoan hla d am ne tm t ame gng tchchf owg tpelehahiis whe uaninthe prciesndtasihe anf opilrodeho prciesyooun'ne osole rc stndaretaywh ppedo edra thpocenvvewe glt
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enure emo eyhe pocen. enheolemtoyo d atheolem ss d a th te. d y tnkheolem wng tn ketigr, buon snd on tt re rn wh atolem wh l tt rewe wpp ou h wst a y'r stdi tre he out tohpk taungh reectholem. t uran oyotein whl deethhe uil th picanstainov u, ginyofuhe stctns ifoureiginfo yr i., b h ds at - i., t w dyo pican kw wh y'rfuli f? nd o picenan peal it bck counie inabt chico. inabt dro. inabt tselas d t shi an'motornyolem dog on
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i nthatpfnt buevyasthavgo ba y cra ibaha th d n oy at polima wt tt limasa etr y le ono visl t dh ceed ck lt yr. u ini s pudhath limastpeme bu gss wt. i spte tt lima d wt td t d itasessian n s a am aos84ea o a h waa yng m. w y, r, n s. gus at iesct h. esct m buheavmehatiet ho: uornalyhu ll: s. rpeed h. d go t tkebugus at e ck w tseou bu spo iadotn er d ttenorit tt pocen d eedp dd. cae t mreat evy ce tt u nue at wt d,hedino
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spt atolem. t pican sd t t th see g o oth reet. t picanayetn e grndgeonherod. hsa pouhas ov yoea p yran ave yo hd do ate ll u d an iuant y i w'te l ts s in owi t lima thpocen inoth b y. weavpelen r mmits atreadha stlurtu. anth'rbrki oom. waedn omwi a bulansey me soe edheolemn r un. dles,ed, opve ti aadomhiapnsa d lima ypoiged wh authehoan ogo thgshapoceno er da d inern e ws beusers e ws i bed i lds ho: i jt into jp i
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thk u ryuc f yr ll yore 84 yrsld ll: s,'m mthwa fr 8yes o. st w. ppbihd. ll: d t s ts d lleon ai aons ine ma thugdirc myonilte yod. wldavlaedimlf wi tolemenutis moeridt keo olhns t im ani ugimowo spt thpocen d w esct e thitanhoo rpe thne dr nghrhd d theaer he gotoetactohe olwaofaingurhire diotbu mchdren b it ohi ty ew th kwhaitou rchn d t em ho:ha y f talan go aico l ns st tyo mhe omouontesoy oth reblanin we areatit yc tnkou th ia sryn e on gef heasngn st
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doldruoongornrds dro. heashe yteay vitg remintly afcaamin ur. e orsang daltrp de ari vitatda moino blk crcinhe arf isajitla ty thatt epnisalri d te award eor tso th eesf aanda hardened by racially tinged appeals that have resonated with white republicans with the pastor said was trump's first visit toon african-american church. the g.o.p. nomin swayed with goelus, ld arar, acpt ararmall a td e ngregaonhae s the ltehe cce. he'sarf atapne doldru: r ti iooks lrotyque-e o
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beg olmol naru yi tt h se grs te dnivanspif expl o wt w olizg f. st e nehis ate hasa din t cpan thowonnu tdoyo ndatmongntth nel ectn? >>te,hedoldru prse rrefoavg us qte psol inor anne t rsoth is nscic bau t nu tt uta umatg op a nin emt un le u' exudgths. soe ftt tt oswh fehaernapa wld reivhi ereio o reeternay. rhe d etr saktoeoe ivelbendhas anhemaer bu ianelyoth t nald tmphaoueen thtrl ereinegt, doldrundovnopee ruindo tlosiahe ey s pplinee a sango psshainou
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aps dorland obouy teanfo f osineehas at leerdo gog tolashe l eplin esenal caidesavnobe llgo bor frkl y hen en en hiarcltothe te gog tola crcs to th cmuti sakg counieofol wrehe li. d stanng tengeit th. whheth ep ti f mr t hwi he ry mu eoy tt te cae weelve tt e esen t utestes sul reest lmeca. d y'rgogo reest lmeca ae ulasrede tn y ghtoe tki tal amics ilyoreunng r esen ho:ovnomi pce llg et t psse ll be reangisaxetns th wk. y s a snao icond umwod reashi borth nombleleio gut:es
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lo aju uhipa wk. e ffen ith cands,heifree i e y atilrylion andoldru a sedin thr mpaignves ptt rerkle shs rsi meyot gin nypehe anceaiyo li adess kee d. t mteof4 ur h d en isetlat rly ofhoan opelen a tudanit e lt ek i gu iasngn at o xio xi n mt thherede erupheamdatoav tepot ee o imgrio t-pntlaon imgrio an tn e vy xtorng i oo drshemecaleon sohas cditeho acalano keisas relyo e ppl iha nhi tdoit heth itas are dl dit ragyndowo u en yo ds? y sndouda wh vorsndn onf dice
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whe wldiktoeayo vionndpefiolio psintr e u enngiminolwohe mptt'sara'viya isgon? owaninthond trp mpgn n yk. grua orityolge eaeder l drefr or whitounerty lo-te puic ragi. ei fstatna cpan. t' g tyo pne cls ken cciat go mni. caergo mni. ththg thk tt ll pp, thk daltrp wi g aotor afran amic veshath inre mia ithging m ed f. y cpa h tla icis tsili i mpe at thiarshi llak imooueerm d llncaseax oth ck iheowwos. ceeoe ale ts d ju bednhaale, the'noouhadold
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trp wl t l me ppt omveonfr a degrhigrps ho: an fheal es is gatoiha n ominnni akg t flong rar heas fur o wt my vorsre dcori, iss tronaschce elti. i nn tnkf orstk chcenmmraononhe ecom o deang ric lac trosm. onduti pic wh to xtitbaca. d k'soi autru ancltosescte ecom pns wldrg yo vwe g a lk em for yrsf. cplwes a t dro veedis taxelf pn, mi telf,olngac a loofhe ruliohais e altrglg r sll bune oerndetri hehoou leo acevthr eranre. d e eahapelere on gngo gtohealt
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x lking ou sler ne anemrantnd n fts anigessol. atsisulhiinon ha othcltoamig d ruprts. i wa he fthn e vors th'seemyusesfo28 ar iwh dvors a nser tnk wh'smpta t tm. anyokn fmoongt tholots y at poantohearjo a ecomyvery d afrdily,efti rrishe abrd. edatn,eah re miatn,neyoly. yowi hr mr. tmp coin tgi secs l e suhapelear abt. othwesis dooat thdiert pns lient lsto s an beuse teso e ppl. ers qstnhashis cainfoaasveax inea, reegatn,o er iepdee ts uny. d enhe tksbo, que,nvtmtshas
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al lgor f t. ho: nt ngchn 22 ruin wkefo msh acurgorn meen d ma svein e om msausts decrsin he. ll:oomoin anor cinon y tnkouhod apoge ttoom f dendg td aen cme 22heheaithf mawaletiteap aterodhaa yf avdirean? gut:idt fe h a thk tt t miaus veto te e gave inabt medyhas n riedndotru idotefd m. i s s plsr,e nhe prar d e llnde w t imy d ene dn'wo r m a me. i owhato aenho i han' tketon yrsas asd rgens an
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pelend'm se omhe lo a iop hhareiv itrowh hssk i t ev aee wh os coen. on aeeitho mmts anitusvenftute th ith a of ita tn ssttksndo ricaonhaa mmt ke tt ulacal he le. tnkou f rsi i evf it w mnto a gave thk u raingt i cod tulyavalaor carheirorhoho clr outhru. st rubca le,oo moin ll: odorng myam i dle qnn mhe lesn lmgt, lareanshasd ay meenea ago. but dung t te a t puicatnsf m tmp ok s bghthe bks anshaiarneshsa ma mwos,e'aka woerl esenife er dede t r. wwe aaja hl e
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t cass es d m tmp wiisntra happed bealnghrghhe ale anmyotr waidhe d otacne tkhe ti tst a tk h anacowdg h. wira y tt ere wa a t mey tt e en onha b s aoonon. cmes aty ths neow b mwi i tt w gi dal tmp cnc a at wha aopmiicie ju le m. haheigstesctor thanigowecsee isotncas o dic, asaid neorhe reblan ptynd'm loin fwa tcainy teit my mde niitenrids i nt tsa tt ha t east rarfohind lkiorrdo h
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ki or o cnt a inheeoe atre ruinisamign e ithoe cae erydy isakg ndfu sseo me ho: an f t cl. whati iou a y w e n moy t si. t at athop f otray gut: wl tl u att sodsikerotrn-w s ghneo t gnd mose ath stso ub t thkheneotha daensa i sh a imrtt e cae sues - ion kw r licsnderiner moerr thn-w' poti bt owyohe crsor pehaond trp s aeced npitalern. u' hrdrohihire d omthho he ow hiorecescertaiy tnset rsha my tis. leseiitpele heov smi a tki t th lki i tirye geray ierteinha eyavtoay the'are acde om
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wh gerr d m.en d merinayor fst etg wn . umwa diusngalngo f op w m b h rni te anmrtrp unou tt thr ugerhaot3ad acmpieth a s w t t dnethnit fo bwe twooues ane siedha ty ve brkftndusepre chloe nc23ea o thllinof qstns abt r fe ju are emp a ith si emp ohow he nuel eoybeg th pele i' sn h fstan ath cotrtiit. ve wch h wh lkat raie i e m tinthti wn th pnesaingnd'm suhaevyo's eaued expt h ocose ane sthresn isnd gus wt,eoe e ian y vet cae ty nt ndattoho lkshohe wa tbeitvorsho i
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as cditeonnueso keis vcendisesge dict ttheot. l mfoowp a qck pot. yomeiod na tmp ipoexoit anheol rorrshahe dinodiuspaen f t llndheexanrede twteouth y ifa thmecapridt sd d lkbo ianmeco wot y r . wh hped? es wl,heha a diercef inn er wer, tnk m tmpad ryle ihispchn izaou lerhahe wi bld thealasarof hienoi iigtila wl cu touer boeruihawall a xi wl y r i at bn s pitn. 'slws enisosio he bn nng aithe qun fploanhe enercoisnturg is cpan. wrelyooathe poti aec oth etgharelyisri meetinwi t psintf meco veraouy ceed h viti t vitor f
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urhe. d crslo, ino erods vyocedn lelmmraonndhais ablulynef eaj su ttexo d e unedtas stddss geer buthe' ao ma afckg. ers soru cinov e bde ers so t ia at boerrocttheoveity ofotexo d e s. t t'akve carha prpeusndafmeco befi t utestes prpeus a se it at befs xi. thk tt s e rs o ma cversatnshahe o ads woul he m um we esen stweavabt ine le wh r cls quk esonro pesyan oth docts li. ea kp ibrf. ll: odorng m stoi t ne cole reonhye'ev, er vo f daltrp. e ithwaheald ou thpridthrght s esen. tr tamig
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nar. otr iste o s bn ard wh xu hasen st'lst y tre i insh mntog ale es s iesctheac th you a aemraan prab binin tvo r lly inn ywy t th y'rayg teioto thne sri. ha tsa sve a t e cle i rpeve eran rhto st tir vo ono tca tirot rrarovongshe feelit at doccyndhas eem peh,reomf exprsi. atheamti, wn e lkabt m tmpndis tas ouwheve s idbo psintba ri hredey, wld rendveono bk d vi tap a t aten. rtullyn os dat. mef e mt ser cricm orede oma ca fmilrylionnd
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beieanrs ane n stean llnsf te aa su hasetosaerid so the'sleyf itis enroitn s o rks buagn, wldxpt restedemratoe ang was hla inn. would tl u at mt vorso t casa teas onern ti th bet t cdite th se t docti de weaveertrblgepts abt er o othchf deofilrylioni wot ntn tiram cae eyeotn e baot buhiarclto i d e verwi he s whwi bbeerory ckbo? o salled dil iam rrisan wasald th dernenees ston? o s -whsa tt ilenhoren umin fainscol der t me tth a qli ucio oorni theaernd f soo chcendharteranho
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scols d e bl scolanthprat hos? d o an s n? iik t ft at ppl ve rl oi a a cora. d wi poucaerow inheilrylionamig foenylni t ve mh pria h rscte. ho: eneyo tes yit'thmeenr t thmeagth'solng doldru bk. d h aic szehe bas. wricawi ty f e umamig est'a eapie o vi fmy ie a foeros heasy ssy rs j i llgan my argo alysasomgrt aic so wt hisctll coeyg eriser imrtt. sillthsss at farsond um yolo ai intheey stdaro aie aut ekr o o,t s maab. itho ithas 2-se pos tenn effdae re a, mory amics ket init woinfo tm,ppvef
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, veai i i d e oerdiot anso t iue t ia at rrisannaon sury haatl lt theopf eisotses ncns thidhafr mke teates tedatn, th m tmps tki aut iaxelf ruiin o frtrtu. sn wl tki aut chd rela sollfhapuoghe 's sinthmeags yos. dhatheebesre gog b ctill poanbeusit wilbe thfit me tt op s hiarcltoandold trp deyid d eyilha tdede whdo iees omnd i ie whdoru tte m t utasredef e it ste o s enn shgt f o lg? o aotutde th wl ae tasss th se bid i inth ectn reha an c remr lmt li pplthkt'
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fend f daltr. ke wreoi twan d ers is he t sn mmru'sacana g yes oro. d y he po. no yoreoi twa io e ll box a y'roi t e naru a hla inn. d jl innd garjoso asel but'a ry iorntoi cae ts n a fend odoldru. iss choe econ llns me op i anf op fl tt vebt aew ppl elg odbo tireah reovagan l o lknobegbltoin llaygoboruaty edatn r eihire elg ssafanle osros grtde y ou ve rilry clto buwereakg isebe ryerus. 'vgoaanda tki ou iueevy y. ho: m intoto y erbeusweeoi t seur te. roneyo - join ufr n yk.
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anyo gut:ha y. ho: emdeshes peinonhiwe o o thsuayorngroam th wcay. opyotu ive ndegni ano eaerti srtg o wh me t pss ene meace' tn ouatntn tyo clsnd mmtsn y u' ppti a parcur caide. na tmpilrylion ryohonr mbe irpay ndat t rs ery wke o c-an 2 bk a 3 eran hto twe te u tr. thlolonntehleha tvengrod e uny. isee wtrelo cora. lo athrocky at nueasi a tves in me tnsioin a naon wd feefe. yocasehiat:0. al oli. re aoronrodeer odo
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stgeinom fdbk y cld tn e lu wn oyoet caerye it'sff ho:ohe. ll: wl, wl t te r ryohonir oal beusi' n gngo te foomnehosoi tsa th hwi n skeot tiafr eamig atut no wl t teor dal trp cae bie tt yoar pdu othpele th y aocte wh. w,isamigmages meerf el gh ris whhid h canerhoad berainthclto yi tfi se pe o scdaan psi hrie thgs ifou gbaeah. lly inn imyhoe beus s'shenlonth i n e isouryeang foar shs t e e w jt nt to bckhuh d ie t y atowhe f bck pele shs rkitall pele alerif ac hpac,rita soeoeeetoo ei sechndhewi fd
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th s is thcoecern fothoury al, d le say tt llan w w jt ou owus a hitl mpgn mageanshs n sin utulhis outh ndat an wn l u' dngs woinorheon a n inhost tt'no ytngha ts uny ed anls jt tckheon o ibain cnt -wh is bki tmpndouil sewh hsoi tdoor thisoury heou n aowlas to b onhelo othaso'in nejeey wn wke thugbeus hdi'tan eela pplthe en heashe. hyowllf sde h was basciedit blks no tse00la misrs atherealki autha suorhi goacndo sechn the op tsewh chch ty ero m he00lainte t b tether a othe n' he thsa
8:42 am
8:43 am
veot flod lics tt ch. bui owhai' vinfo doldru baue a leer heoe'teetoetn blk crc wtehuh,ny ur. e n ia sce. the at c h dn e gog whhath hn' ifilrylionetin er shs g a recdllig. e'go aecd urng th cnt io btnd lyg tubc. d t dngheig tng soheeplinsav gen heahol. alth'vgotoos t ba a wcherur hse cause at ect wt e'don niol a at f.iirtecoye' a dgre tum re. i' vinfodoldru. ana t mfrndfr thista aotg r na tmpllheay ho:has r t cl. y'r ltengn cpa rao,hi itrmen e b, wha aapvaab
8:44 am
r fus w y a suorngouanda. 'rhein fm um inn,ar jns,ndll otrs u n in ionhe coerti. ohheategunste. iseain duincaai spsho pas r wni a did io ging y alisef e apoaesfusonofhe hafuoftashailbe desi fheacofhe whe us a ao ntl e sate. nead fm e um caai tinai ahla inn. >>ers the hla sndd an tn e anrdor evyby se >>ouegastamse rrgeowort. noyosarede oma
8:45 am
poci a t hsh tre dlscaedt e gold anrd n y'ragnsit uouednaure an spit aacitnoas inru,eaty >> fr ad arins becausof pte obeus ofuyutor wk e nit o didhewod killommerica? atifree ts in do ima? iav bn a stigfoar a hesas did ei a foatn atasard asfi a t te. 10-mlsn 5eml chns he en derneby thwng eno ctaed clsiednfmaon wl u y ytng tge elte nlyelsead fm e ump-peeamig ilrmfrrosvle xasuorr gy joso odorng ll: odorng
8:46 am
ihi t cnt'sea f hae t t rul an b ahoarty an. beevth mohon alie anrerd thiaran um ty n a pttnay mpgn bo ohear phogical ar nelyweeea an. t nd tvo f a ffent pay. medyhas llg t al te crg oth cotr ho:ha y fheal be fm cneic. caer spo bni saer i ow hs t t tke t temra wt t n, tredeiaelti, ey btege r o hiarclto th'she oy y eye ino n. m sryut tt'thwa i fe. 'shenl cditehe ouavpup.
8:47 am
buth h iinhe md o eyeroi tutp. dn me y ffen wt eyid thi ve bee doct r8 aran'lte y o thg,hawath dtit potil cp atveen on thk u. strortroonctut thk u rheal nnse neei gd rng. caerthksorakgy ca. dolds sstngn teese,e d p dion csn e um trn. ers ayilryildo y odnenss. trp sstnger, u wot s ailrytier anhe. i n'thk yo wlot rer noinavna itoue waef me evyo ialto i f um
8:48 am
iwod a wte of me fo h tev tnkbo nnsee. st nt,uprt o gy hnn. odorng caerel. th i t. stt bacay mreonor suortingarjosoisha thibtaanta t bt t rubcans a decrs anodwh lkst e su,ou s tt nd thgo pts u n't ge era tt me wh th lly innr dal trp. i'al le riewh eadaiabt m t spinpo uilhendf thamig sd hwod t okpo r e stf eamig d r e datn t pridcy soustolehaup ho: tnkouorhe cl. thwe.
8:49 am
chl,or ldeal caer gd rng. myomnt i wh l es taed aouemtsnd meagoramigadnte fr daltrp in rar whe 'sctlltein peleoo tngto ain ndctll atal a biclynl inthowrf aso, arweeaorimo ke fu crg osoan chcaan vyelat inrniol delmes at wee d dl th ith yesri? d hoi tbeblto an ridgasthehis atak cfinctoak eig disns ite o m intoomthhe o y a p aalup ait u? st t "w rkim" itg ouhiarclto.
8:50 am
9:05 am
thhiquti, atou er -wh w crymis inthr c othdomes at wa mdafrayftno bereheonlar y ekd,hiheli fm si "e shgt pt"n e suofotra. ira bau t hdle aewnd in meas cale tbierroemwi rerdo te fud. rba inusexro flid odorng hiarcltosuorr,hy caerecse thinkhes e standa. thk na tmps oo nn. ee n te leo ep msf msa a hgo ofonannt thquti iavfoyoan erodinheeds y eyrenvtitiilry mendimagn r e mas,hi t fs
9:06 am
rey sinthe we crinois atbuth ner veige na tm's moy, s naia. hewemoy fei governntanfoig enti. whishanoev bug u hodo tt rkhehe get in t wte hse hgog desimlff esusessndreis ilenoi truth? w eshawo? stimrtt eson thk u. o adnefr t wainonoseaonfose onilrylion ahe nsra gngactoer arasiradn e rs te ohehua's mistti. thfrtteain gef heasngn pt, doldru lksor ioa dro. he' wt sd atvio ip thpromaty rin-eranhuh. [vid cp] ru: m se op thheyorenc
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9:09 am
y ia il ho eryinisoi o ho: aotaseegog i yo cnt wh bxi caer[lghr] i't atnftute w sck bth reltf e fend,ut sathreltnd s wre an nndopul w ilsothg ryosiv tordheute,o erwi be l oueio. founel nuccabe nesohe iebe ou wh wl oanifhe wi ba co rerdu. igog ba g in st wt llapn th otnd e ey goi ttrto eawafr t u. cae ts? aner: eyalthal i se athe a my o lle okg rom ki oinpeen rerdu peonlyi n tnkt llapn. thheri ooi a t
9:10 am
ecom iwaa ryve diertitti cpad whe aow hi [dierbl doothi tt llapn. hoinalbo whhoin st u nav- icpoon ho:ouo t ve ve t u n igin caerilrylionnd narump, wod t surid t trdar caideot wen skocti ithleio u arbo a ts uf gog o ilia d at apnerha meinli tt d enou arbo daltrp this nkpeeanitsra th wha g ts tuio -owod thin aa rul
9:11 am
ho ith n sci coite ki tm,own rtdith doctsnd reblangein ts siatno pot erso credeatyelisnta ansoonwhhaee, f 'm ncne hotee thgrte oolicnsnd deupetngntth siatn,omneasoto k eson wh igog ? strifr mchte gld,ootoeafr y agn. n ba raer weovtoeafr y. pria t cl fm e u. foowg isroamou prra ienorilcaid lkg outhfldi i losia d t rurof ngssndomofhesss wl dint. a ieseioanweilta bod tketoim politi a i hla cnt isleedrede.
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s crarcltois ecdrede, ho w fi cmorod t h t prre aa ti. hla cnt siin dn a tinshs whkeanwoinou doouhi tt a ssily? yaisre arin. hes intoorwi whev hnes wk ma setngapn. eay,he aolicin e usofepseates whhs apeerhe pren tt n a diat. t oeran wev t pridt i - ho: sat bl ssy s ougut 's ewaks" sdaanyocan lieno oc-anad. :0on tin
9:13 am
we cst loin areblano ve id ntoond um a let 0 puic lde will n ve r tmp he iwh ty acthr eangoi. ba tmi rneanjebu anmo reny,heomnt fr oerwh we yn ion ncnsbo dal tmp. th fl sryvaab oin l's tchs om lwke yoaryosuorng caer auay, aonhe onin i n rllli ehe caide,ut wl teor llylionecsef dire a t sre crt -spkery, u st ar fm evusas gat a hheasnv sa tts ons e econs erhes into t biorrdo iviz dire otoivou vchs
9:14 am
iwas gog beedarthwaits w. - wod ke mo mere t sre cot. tstond tmp beushespke oth hoeyaasalngbo h bi aerheleio hsa ate d t thond umandoldruaith heik tayyawagog. stha y. rkg t fhtveth anspkepa rn,hooi feow lmarsheth rern whitofoth stt cgrsn tuesd. e adnes tor t fit g t sndg an pce otrwe,he ith tea ofheene -gornnt utwnndhesath wl
9:15 am
t ppt e ngerr, d ats fm e na decricear rrre i thcoerceal ne i mie fm oovie, ora. y na tmp caerhehohis e preou cesbo ai llot f h, d thk isanaso chney d rely fl tt idog ole meyhash ian heeay iryg ry harto lpheeoe l eeoe ani fl atvebo th ith a vinfoth fit ma psintth shldotfojite. ceenom. .hmy gh abo vesorilry inn whllheiske anth s s ixpieed
9:16 am
exrice anshdinonoanhi abt lhoaps d dinoknhawagog anyoarblinotreoe d escehos thater sh u i jt -i ulgo a d, t aonwas ovs,een e lly'amic a y wl e st whashisbo. nndlgo o jt fe le umhaa ndfu tt sioelve al i gd. does t ok dnk, tas re ohiel a ihe uldollhehis i dogowgog l aun -i vehimet loofret. f tnkouer mh thca. omhep- pesro"t
9:17 am
wainon pt,mecan e rl mr cnt a h pt esen ueranwh doldru ds t. a okt an sollya ge or f wting aut t rerent othlendy or badst f t l. dgs d e in o i tes pits t flong a ts ar o t f blsis,nefheacrs atcuy'fil as cocisitthpridti caai ounecend arne. eatnins ilfr exsu tset pitics, icisury e as w soanpeleay sh nd peus tond aus weroy tou
9:23 am
9:24 am
he vid r onlis onsuorrsf lly inn,ond um my hnn-arjosoanal otrs peap oer cli t suorsh. dothfr stharin go mni. ll: gd rng. i spoinhiarclto beus ieeshishees quifd. e s t rthe pics d w e gngo me esthgs hapn. omety fi toolanofcen e it stesf era. i cplelfoimlf omety hhaunrge e scti hla cnt h unrge,e ulnobebl toay wd. adso bnvtiti itee tbequ. trg moatnd hilly ppte thk u vy ch ho:e ou pnt o tt
9:25 am
u veeeeay omio foa prentiro a wwi bjoed buotguts ab toiushisuay hofuy,e vehae scduheevw'sos tk ouescte su, ve.o ahero iue t wl e ispptuty hr reroyo frdijos . ppteofond um ll: an f hinme pret mh e stmpta in iloti, caon loti. aond um suorr? tothe ass,upme ur sre crtsuem cot. ur a y dal tmps outhe p oyour b b pas. the e cria ectn. hla gs t, e ll ndhewi lk t cstutn d e y
9:26 am
eyeeit itilbeika rsaces s wthewao e. wlo t sre crt theoe o kehis ashegolo a te ay r nstuon rht paicar t fstnd co andntit iga ov. stro u yomano lehehoe t umisheetr hewo rijos fm ora. auprtg? --horeou spoin caer im dedeli evyo isang i s yi tdiusso ises doldru iunnvtial hes ndceib] e y tk art j bh, d uzndar rio w aralouofheusscol of pits,k? ha g tgi h a stinirecsee o nvci.
9:27 am
emrsfeew ngss weant veuyuphe f f30r yrsn orde hiarcltoorond um too ytngffti. eyavtoethe cee potianou o ah erapne a cta pntyowe t bianyohatoe ok do? th iwh is wrg th era amic pplcaotethe beusthe npptuty d't inaotndta a w rgoi bau bge jotsreonoled e ngan qenofhe tem t se in tt fodi fhe we wk agns, ey a bnghaed w,ndhe ctrli t amic ste and tt woincls,ho w a unr 0000 yr.
9:28 am
a bri t bdeof at. bk de fgein llg eli. try pria cpaan wh ioefothamic pele we nd ndceib] t le tta cls brg ck t ban tt sp w ogillfode on ho: t ban istl er anweil sd ur wheto brn. a sda a8:, d u n get foatn chki iou o wwc-anrg ths omqeey,acto e enes core iba two stti torw. voti oudt soti wi bfrt denr. omheov ctef ooer binswk,ef bes d az, til re wh az'usof on- ll fexit amo's e dne
9:29 am
ne iboy omloda suorr daltrp. ll: gd rng. amotg r na tmp i s decr f nrl50 yes d fillgomyea ontrgh restedo teeplin r naruurg e imie thprareanasnuer e,e n a pitia. heaseearndolicbu ner e me disns hepes it le i. igoenghon tt d'tavto l. h g eugmoy ate reeoe. llylionndhees ner reanodinhe li. isa tt wl rks r psintutotngno ne a tt,o m i sobo tt al cesbo amic he has g h flt wello. wju s dn d in abthaweavaianwh hetrtoan
9:30 am
deta wt e artrng dfothourywith h moy d s owdgan h kn-h tbud bsbud cotrs, a iusthk at llylion- watued ilt e inns a cltodirad alffe ckhehe w psint wh s xu aic a hla cltowi h cerg h ales sh d n kw atat fm e xthashli authe y fo. st aie i"t n yk tis"asnef e alng fodoldru w te d mpamt. tt iueorouf , w esond umge bendha caere alrea bon at ifouhi autowe lk tohe ppl hsats da. lly inton esotay i ast . shsa ili s wldik toe. lly inn aupt th ppl
9:31 am
billio odoarardete toer fm llo dla re a fm isuyeoe ro w h dgg tt ha bghgornntalov th wld. is puinthstngon lly cnt, stikhe s llg emorohasich erwe two othe he, czteh uzane s souprting llylion wh yavpelectgik a ppeehethan ea aerivgou30 llnr 0 lln lls, u e intoo somein foth m. esga, anow heletooiuso lk oudresbueopto scdu h ain th ifr jy,ho ss ha h aonrvivsuem cot for e st0 aran its meor pgrsi o tole uthme.
9:32 am
ar, oefr ysner lllionga inhehi hse. lksn oreah. e ee cnt' ltor ne wchaslws en toprri. attupports,he omhesaod uveit po ithto f t weenedioofusod novethr nuprts e l eited autinng a tiwide pl keasab da ilach a falprt tord t ectn ne suorrsf lly inn d na tmpor mived fr t oerid clmethwhe hsendhe arexteabt eiow caide. inn hds 7adnte, 40o %,lo tthyce ldwoons o. e opti ondid vorss lo0%nduprt r irpayonnds piedp f gy johnn he igaltef eear. thy in uin
9:33 am
shgt, c.suorr hiarclto go mni. ll:oomoin i lerso lly inn bau s isnef e stccplhe won oenatn,ndhe s attak tbe pridt. e me qliedhahe s h hba a f tt tt, mo a cdite io t deta w althe op a tki abt h iri. bo kwsowiches cae ds t owisax tus. dootnoowouanot foanodhoefeso ow e x tus. anyo ho: tnkou th tetits eawh pptsond umve maagnhi irastnd godn itr obro nemeco gerr. hnn. ll: tt imyoyga
9:34 am
josohaitoi o evyo tnkhes ster o t inut ithode ga ithod mdaryecse ithnllo wh s adn raht hes e ndfuyhoan toelheol. ene sn w xi, dia ea j iss decricta a weleedeplin veor ic y d atapn? cae said t e ony. thk u. stha y. hela" wspe im re isno u,ond tru, o sid aosy black puication over the weekend, and tcan see his speech and remarks on their website at we carried it live yesterday. brian from colorado. caller:oomoin i w wdenghyo e er out t ft atil pjumpch f
9:35 am
anth h neromup anonofheosouagus nei arinheeangs, ats e fiti o i is pju anth h neromup th mesoen -th maso nsanitho tt e innsildonyinto keheireitntthwhe us this ectn oraou ho:anouta tin caerur ho:hiisrotealng e ghwi spity erowg. lllionsotunngor presidt cltovadad lly roh ll hodoouesnd caer ty rks tm, visl heheedn r d e ck hiwi t wene s eangn r thn ey llaynyinto g io fi. ataseeprenhrght eihior ho:has. t'goo lirogegi suorr hla cnt. odorng caer gd rngndha yofor tangy ll i uprtgecta cltobeusshes e lt
9:36 am
ofheo-ll o-soo heemrac rt s rpd toomhi d noregne. o fengemra rspeon vedor w jiy rt a tse moat pnclear t haitt spo lie lly inn suor, d at bie s wi p io acon s i pridt. stha y f t cl. hiarisn stuafi f pso n .hwheou ppti oafr e dnc ak alotoemra. iseain fm plalpa ilne, ekd itn, y,honvedim na tmpnhiy, coininits d otte gti ihiha. xtromiou, lce. ll:oomoin ndceib] s, asuorngar
9:37 am
9:38 am
at, eetootut its t mh thhe esen b o satan core. he g tgethe re potianouofhe tt e rtg isoury cl e it stesemra wn oy to t pti a they ut erodel o? thohonhod oth dete d e di y kw,he su st mutsoha moacabt at th nd balinhe bas. an y a ippcie u ki mca. st se, i decry ouom thk u. r vegeonnu oth grn rt cdite weover tm ts ekd. eyavbe o gstn "nsmer,"ndecer thr rtcoenon yocase wt he t th wsi. were trapantitthr ogmmg,o li a
9:39 am
wwc-anrgh thk u. il fm wor spoer dalru. odorng caer gd rng. i ulju le s tt na tmp ith se eranatot heasolweinheoote ofnoerremecawh 18s pacr ckn , ene kehicoreti to jn deawainont e ttfam tn caedt eswords,he i a meo aya te t [iisrnle annoisheimto fht. r l e eaamics,et t blobos d teor na tmpo me era e t gatt nio oth fa oth eth thk u. st tnkou marionoi uroirni
9:40 am
go mni. uranda ihiar clto wh caer gd rng. fit nto yeay noliitr he toe,ond ump ses ke vuaranndt nbo coenonronntn,ute un le meuy n u age t pt u d? erodwod hriedf walng tug h lkinheomrcl ou pele foe,e aoureou cae s sionchgend lly sak ieedoot ndyntyn e it ste th iwhe ug f t maurweidotav myonrnoreseyd e ttthgs its ats ouiten une ueronrvivsuem cot,o g cizs it desi tsath bicly if y a rh,ouanuy potianndhais teib disn. ouetmane
9:41 am
vohefo10anyoha t path rt? esarheinofsss wa tta aut i al dnoca autac uc a a tsehis. tngth aut afcts cause 'm sia seri a 'm ncneif tti t pvaze r mgrandcldn. wa ts uny ao rvmyidannoju t ve ete ho:otm newh y g in t vinooyowi pu t leror- ll:h,yod i ow it hd caero abrghupsssha imrtt d at ge h critor a wdoeetoo meinabt miatn, riincoans ck i vehaheroht tt beusi n tnkhe moat-- tnkhey we onrue ntl,inofan
9:42 am
i in tt eyetret hoinbeusi edoe relyierdemra y ands vallinbeeehiar cltoandoldru. ll:arofe,he lgitofond umi al biehawah ndoudy tateoe ghlah hi pti them dn d enal, ey lleutngou dn d ats cce omi wh na tmp th iall, b tnkou ho: tnkfothca. atwieromweadhi tet -r hnn d ldakg te fr tvo cnton? ses ssle-c tme ho: bthwa wwi he a sty t psintan cuuroftaom a k wsh wi bthue o"whito jonat 45asrnim
9:43 am
analrternd, rm chda f touer rris wl lkbo t siriesgen hes w e ceredef eesrcinite. tmary wl ins. ithceorhe sociatn he reo lk oumeca cere al he re so othtocsnd gst torr, who y te i orisn cparao. beien utcali. isoh rona wharyosuorng caerji sin i veee t doct r yes d llte ibudi thfos t fur shisoong athsten de iue. u owowheeplins ha aesn duryheit cos twon's hethar wi artn eson mk at wt eyavdo wh uciosyem ju le e lerris,ea
9:44 am
9:45 am
iarnd t wld geanhaa,ngnd auraa. many ac hehere pay,ndt t w to souccoonen. o t deta h wcod sckitmr tmp oev hnn. yh, amoongorhe eearnd a10 f it ho:e's tse fm nntit,uprts na trp. odorng caeroomoin so obagrndba i thid9's, w singridsn nhta ani mecrs dona tmp bierhas maous,0 argoani d dias f sinhion lesiince en fo enbuov tasye, wahealthprarebes a t tnhes f ainth
9:46 am
beusth iwhe geto e em i deto t sstcef lrn td,ut lo t g bau t rso .h ihepes e tth anhehi, dghr st rrd brisan ybyhoan [iisrnle ghto gtoonn. u n y gu i hf ho a ty a lalcrs e ol cnt. mehi wh fnce anotr roan cntesbu spifal autngnd ho: tnkfr cneic. th n a bthclto caai, e suof miatn. res at [veoli ♪ treanerin ba ftin
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