tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN November 1, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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do is step away for a little bit. time, he saidular other commentator said this and that, this is a result of a tribunal that was held later. we could give you a the facts of what other people's perspectives are. that works in most cases. people are able to say, actually, this is what an encyclopedia should do. in encyclopedia should not come to a final conclusion. for liablepassion sources. we look for high-quality sources. i would say we have a fairly sophisticated view of what constitutes of a high-quality source. it is not simplistic a thing we will accept the new york times but not the daily mail. even though those are clearly of
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different quality. daily mail is not that great of a source, but they sometimes do breaking news journalism, important think that should be credited to them and so on. how should we treat a blog? in many cases, blogs would not ,e considered liable sources but as an example of where blogs can be liable sources, if a politician writes about their own view of something in their own blog that is a good source of what their own view is. is no algorithm, no simple answer to some of these things, other than chewing on it. discussing, debating and trying to reach a consensus. this is one of my mentors from back in the day. >> hello, it is good to see you. what you have accomplished is
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awesome. my congratulations to you. my question ist, a little ironic because i want to pick up on your illusion to the distributive nature. suggested that was analogy. i want to say something more literal. it seems to me that wikipedia achieves a degree of objectivity be accuracy that could described as a result of human actions, but not as of human designs. in the sense that it emerges from a spontaneous order of people interacting in the way you describe. it is your design, but even the -- i am i just interested in your take on that? mr. wales: i think that is
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certainly true. when you have people of good faith working together and it may be a very different ideological perspective. sayimportant thing is i they are kind and thoughtful. kind and thoughtful people that i disagree with our much better a ragingith thin ideologue who won't listen to anybody i actually agree with. that is an annoying person to edit with. what comes out of wikipedia is not necessarily something that you would get from a smaller group of people. that ability for anything to be challenged at any time means a few things, it means it can be challenge, but as people are challenged they are thinking in their minds that they cover possible objections. of it. a big piece i have a friend of a different philosophical perspective from iran who says that all knowledge
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is convention. human convention for him, wikipedia is conventional. importantomething about convention, dialogue and to work off the rough edges by a knowledge different perspectives. i want to be fair here. i am always looking for women to is true,because, it all the way down to about five years old the boys raise their hands first. i want a little more balance. presence india's what i might call an apparatus of civilizations model base. it seems to me that from all accuracies,itical the stakes rise for a lot of holders to influence the content
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. so, in particular, have you noticed -- and i am just making this up. if you think about the scale resources that are available to typical nation state actors. the chinese might say let's hire 10,000 people to just have them an right of new pages and so on. if you have a hearty band of three to 5000 people trying to cover all knowledge, and you have 10,000 chinese going after .hat they care about you seeing evidence of that? it?o, how do you deal with have not seen any
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large scale efforts or state level efforts to flood wikipedia with hundreds of editors. it is something we worry about in the bashar, but it is not something we have actually seen. i had a conversation once that i think will help illustrate the problem. two conversations, they have to do with russia, but it could be other places. i was in russia and i had dinner with an editor of a popular magazine. -- if he wanted to change something in wikipedia why don't i just go pay 10 of your editors $100 each and make wikipedia say what i wanted to say. i said, look, think about it, you would have to do that and trust that none of those 10 editors would leak that the editor in chief of the magazine was bribing people. that was a rate new story and people would be happy to expose you. furthermore, your editor and chief of a magazine. it is easier for you to do that. and want to change
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what is in the press, it is easier for me to control you and hundreds of wikipedia volunteers. to the next question, somebody said recently there is this conflict between it ukraine and russia over the crimea. somebody said to me russian wikipedia is very different from ukrainian wikipedia. english wikipedia on this conflict. the question of the plane that were shot down, what are the facts there? was one-sided from the russian perspective. i have a problem with that. it ise would say that obvious the russians have agents controlling the wikipedia -- wikipedia. we have a ukrainian board member is apeaks russian, she great wikipedia and. basically what they said is that
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we are aware of the problem, but the problem is not that the control.ikipedian are it is harder for people to reach neutrality when they go to newspapers that they normally regard as perfectly -- perfectly legitimate reliable sources. they have quality newspapers in russia that are quite good on topics. unless it is a particular topic in which they told the line. that is a problem. obviously, people speak other languages and this is no longer a world where people control information. for a period of time you can have impact and influence. the --re minor things, but there were be minor disputes on different countries about different disputes. -- different things. had a minor dispute with a little weenie in. he said there was a famous
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battle between a list the wing in and polish. he could read polish and what the wing it and print it out to me all these articles about the battle and said, basically what i see is that the little wing inversion tells the version -- lithuanian version of the story. -- thesey things germans, they do not even cover it. english actually told both sides of the story and explains why there is historical conflict about sources and what people believe. i said, it does not surprise me because lithuanians are believing -- if i ask people who or u.s. in the u.s. speaking countries who invented the airplane, that is the answer. second-grade the wright brothers invented the airplane. if you ask french people you get a different answer. it is not because there is any genuine conflict between the americans and the french over
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who inflicted the airplane, people just know of things that they grew up with. somebody to wikipedia, call the sound that french wikipedia and english wikipedia are different. if you read the history of aerodynamics. brazilian guy and so on. most of us have this view -- i how this cartoon a few of things happen. and the wright brothers genius lien front of the airplane. this is really off-topic. the wright brothers invented the first plane and it went further than it would have. it did not go up, which is kind of important for an airplane. the brazilian guy was the first one to go up. there is legitimate claim to priority on this. that,s the kind of thing hopefully, while having in open system and open dialogue with people from different dialogs
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can challenge and say that in second grade i was taught that .he wright brothers invented it bullets talk about this and we can learn more together. a lot of wikipedia volunteers are passionate about that. learning new things that are surprising in some way. here, back here in the red jacket. my name is cindy crawford, this is sort of related to the last question but from a commercial perspective. i was wondering if you find that if there is a new movie or product coming out, if you are offered page entries so that there is an entry up you for the actual offering is available to the public? mr. wales: we discourage that sort of thing. it is a very tricky thing. when people try to use wikipedia for marketing purposes, it could backfire badly. people write a press release and
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try to publish in wikipedia and the wikipedians say this is not even out yet. there is no news articles so they will delete it. wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not an advertising directory. we discourage it. there are a set of guidelines for people because commercial entities, just like any other organization just like any other person, have the right to engage in public highlight. we say there are right ways and wrong ways of going about it. the most important thing to do is to engage with community in an honest fashion. to say i am with this company and there is an error that we have sources to third-party news coverage that show the error. a lot of times, celebrities -- i have met celebrities that have said, my wikipedia article is terrible. so i say let's see what this is all about. will be 18 andt outrageous, obnoxious things they said or did in their life.
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it is usually a minor factual detail of their life and it really bought up -- bothers them that we got it wrong. and we have a source so we can fix that. basically, if you have a conflict of interest, the best thing to do is never edit the page directly. it is to engage with community. what would you do if there was an error about you and then you are times? you don't change the new york times, you call them up or e-mail the author and say you got this wrong and correct it. obviously, some organizations are more responsive than others. we try to be very responsive. i always say to people, if you had that experience and it did not work, keep escalating and e-mail me personally because we are passionate about getting it right. [applause] mr. wales: thank you. >> thank you for an outstanding
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presentation. i especially liked the part about asking legislators to consult with you before they pass any stupid laws. that is something we could relate to. encourage them to get rid of some of the stupid laws we already have as well, which is the other side of the equation. thank you for a great presentation. you have one so many accolades times 100d one of most influential people. i think in 2000 seven, the world economics named you one of the young global leaders, which is particularly impressive two weeks old, local followers. you so much, not just for this presentation, but for wikipedia. it is so indispensable to many of us who are alive. thank you again teaching for your generosity in making this evening possible. thank you everyone for being here, and have a great evening. [applause]
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>> donald trump tweeting up this afternoon about his appearance with running mate might pence at valley forge, pennsylvania earlier today the two will be in eau claire, wisconsin this evening. we will have live coverage coming up here. about our live coverage on c-span2, hillary clinton holding a rally in fort lauderdale, florida. that is by that it: 45 eastern and that is on c-span2.
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coming up, part of this morning's washington journal. the: pat barrick is part of -- he joins us with advertising past and present. the 2016ek left in campaign, as you begin to look back at all of the ads that have been run this cycle, are there general themes that have emerged that are specific to 2016? guest: i think there are a lot of themes that kind of workers are history, but some that we .ee picking up this year we see in emphasis more on the negatives, and that makes sense with the fact that these are two candidates who have the highest unfavorable ratings in history. those negative ads, particularly using the words of the opponent against them. host: what is an example of that, and is that something relatively new in political advertising or is that something
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that has been long done? -- youwe have seen it can go back to 1956 and this deepens in campaign used as that .isenhower used in 1952 eisenhower promised to lower inflation, but they are at their .ighest point in history we have seen over the years. beganms that when clinton her general election ad campaign, it was almost exclusively words from trump. spoken over the images of kids watching television or young women looking in the mirror. you talk about images recurring to history happening in political ads this cycle. one new ad from hillary clinton's campaign combines past and present came out yesterday and it's getting a lot of attention. let's show it to our viewers. in 1964, i was in a political commercial.
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the fear of nuclear war, i never thought our children would have to do with that again. to see that coming forward in this election is very scary. a foreign-policy expert went to advise donald trump, and three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons. if we have them, why can't we use them? mr. trump: when it you rather have japan have nuclear weapons? what safeguards are there to stop any president who may not be stable? the -- out ofb them. onvote hillary clinton november 8. the stakes are too high for you to stay home. on the significance of this at this cycle? you heard the tagline, it was the same tagline we had in
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1964 where lgb was running against goldwater who had advocated the use of tactical nuclear weapons. this has been a theme that the clinton campaign has run ads on before. -- heard her announcement her acceptance speech, a man you can date with the tweet is not a man you could trust with nuclear weapons. another actor from that campaign also do in ad for clinton to the confessions of a republican ad. i just found this out yesterday, it was the same guy who we see 50 years later talking about how , as a disconcerted republican by seeing some of the things trump had said and done. host: let's head back to 1964 to remind viewers of that famous ad. six2, three, 4, 5, seven,
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, eight, nine, nine. 7, 6, 5, or, three, two, one. stakes to makee a world in which all of god's children can live. other, either loved each or we must i. >>. president johnson on november third. the stakes are too high for you to stay home. host: we want to hear from our viewers which ads have impacted you.
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political communications center. democrats can call in. and independents. about ad ofefore candidates using their own words -- using their opponent's own words against them, something donald trump has done this cycle. it is one of those ads. why aren't inton: 50 points ahead you might ask? >> maybe because you call americans deplorable. secretary clinton: you why are'i 50 can put half of trump supporters in the basket of deplorable. is because the director of the fbi said he lied about your e-mails. >> there was classified tiro e-mail. >> or maybe it's because your policy allowed isis to spread and made america less safe and less prosperous.
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secretary clinton: why aren't i 50 points ahead, you might ask? >> do you really need to ask? as we try to figure out what is a good ad and a nonaffected ad, is this an effective at? think it does pretty well. it uses clinton's words, it picks up on a quote where her tone is a little unlikable. the use of the deplorable comment. ofn it also hits on some trump's major scenes were he feels that he is strong and she --less strong drilling dealing with national security and isis and hits on the notion of trustworthiness. he has been hitting on that with the epithet of crooked hillary. i think there is an emotional resonance to it. i think it is a pretty effective at. numbers.e is some
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this is ad spending as of last week. this is from bloomberg. last week was the first time that donald trump outspent hillary clinton on hillary clinton television advertising. spent $4 million last week, two hurt $13.9 million on ads for that week getting october 18. other charges from bloomberg in this article talk about ad spending in just the state of new hampshire for that week, $203,000 spent by donald trump and hillary clinton's than $87,000. hillary clinton was spending 73 -- $73,000 in arizona. you can see the comparisons across the state. i want to hear from our viewers and your thoughts on what is an effective ad and what bad you did not like.
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lois is up first in voting to an, maryland, democrat. i think all of the democratic ads are very good, but i do think they should use more ads to show the hypocrisy of the republican candidates and their supporters. reporter on a non-fox ontion -- newt gingrich was and the reporter asked him who -- bestht the breast president ever in the united states, and newt gingrich stated bill clinton. now, all of a sudden, he is bashing bill clinton. , whenay with o'malley they ask o'malley if you believes everything on fox news
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was edited? he said no, fox paisley seven million a year to say. i think hypocrisy of the election is all about greed, money, and i feel it is so hippocratic. of course we know how hippocratic donald trump is, but what about his supporters? host: that is lois and maryland. that sort of speaks to the point you were making about using your opponent's words against them in ads. guest: i think that is a really good point. in three seconds, there is relatively little you can do. what i have seen from these campaigns is that they will put up online videos that are one minute to four minutes long, where they can have extended transcripts and clips of candidates saying one thing, then saying another.
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contradicting himself, or contradicting saying donald trump did not say that and then he is saying that. certainly, we have seen similar videosf edo's from -- from the trunk campaign as well. -- types ofof being things are affected. i think it speaks to character we getstworthiness so some clips of that into the 32nd ads, but not as much as we see in those online videos. host: those videos you are aboutg it out -- talking a relatively new. how effective are they? by the reaching the persuadable the 32nd tv commercial still the best way to
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try to impact those people and shift their boko haram? -- their vote around. i think most of the ads on the videos that you see that are put up on hillary clinton's youtube channel or facebook feed will mostly be seen by her supporters and maybe by the andnds of hers supporters, probably 90% of those are her supporters. there probably will not be a lot of reaching those pretty -- persuadable's that you mention. adsher or not television are still teeing is a little bit of for debate. were a lotn era of people turn up their tb -- tb, but go to their streaming service where there are no ads. if they do what something that
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came over the cable, they may be time delaying it and fast forwarding through the ads. the number of ads that you need to air in order to have somebody see them is getting higher and higher. host: the hillary clinton campaign in just the general election spent 173 million midars on ads, and that was october. the donald trump campaign comparison there, $58.4 million in the general election. that is through mid-october. those ads are continuing for another week. i want to hear your thoughts to what ads have been effective for you. steve in richfield, wisconsin, republican. good morning c-span and professor. interesting topic. my question is an extension of your most recent comments. wife and i,h tv, my
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and we flipped through and see a republican ad on maybe fox, or a on take your pick, cnn or whatever. we see thedon't opposite when you have a republican ad on a left-leaning theion and the opposite for democrats. how effective are those ads in persuading people, and is that politically intended? the last part is that i am not quite sure what hippocratic is. i think the effect we are looking for with those kinds of messages onontinual partisan cable. you are after reinforcement. you are after making for you and not sot to vote much ad converting those who might be persuadable.
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the times that you will see that kind of ad will be the big national ad buys or spots that appear during the local or national news. you are markets, where not really targeting partisan's, you are going after people who are at least interested because they are watching the news and they are likely to vote. maybe to have not made up their mind. jodi on twitter says the ads were kids are watching trump say what he says is the ads that have been most effective. or kids taking care of us and we get old. i want to show our viewers the ad jodi is referring to. daysrump: i love the old and you know what they used to guys like that any place like that, they would be carried out in a stretcher. you can tell them to go -- themselves. i could stand in the middle of it that desperate avenue shoot
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somebody and not lose voters. it is incredible. when mexico sends its people, they are bringing drugs, crime, they are rapists. you could see blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. you got to see this guy, i don't remember. our childrennton: and grandchildren will look back at this time, at the choices we are about to make, the roles we will strive for, the principles we will live by and we need to make sure that they can be proud of us. [applause] secretary clinton: i am hillary clinton and i approve this message. about adsway to talk and classify them as positive or negative ads. in terms of strategy, when is the right time to run a positive message add and when is a good time to run attack ads? guest: classic strategy is you
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open with positive comment it introduces yourself and why you are running. then you start talking about laying out your issue for what your major issues are and what you would like to do about them. then you go negative, then just before election day you come back to the vision for the future, so that you do not leave a bad taste in voters mounts. we have not always seen that. negativeeing a lot of ads in this election cycle for presidential campaign. clinton does come around to something of a positive message at the end of that ad. that are halfads
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negative saying here is why this person is saying, then saying here is why we are good, we like those comparative ads. trump has had a number of those type of ads -- with the two americas ad. here is clinton's america and here is my america. i think those can be fairly effective at reducing the kind of backlash that you often see with negative ads. to your point about the for a five-minute online ad, jim rice who spends four minutes watching in on my political ad. you can replace the dry element in four minutes. -- robert is in syracuse, new york, in independent. good morning. november 9 i will be 56 years old. i was born in 1960 and i remember when i was seven, eight years old in the 1968 campaign
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and i was very astute with my family members. we all talked and discussed what was going on during the vietnam war, the ads, nixon and everything that was happening. i am really concerned about these children today. the ad that played with the children listening to trump's terrible language. another thing i am concerned about with ads, some of these beings are borderline liable. what are we teaching our children. .ven the young millennials are we teaching them that it is ok to lie, to say anything you want? this person is a crook, this person is a sex addict, whatever, without any real proof. i am concerned about where we are headed. my last point is, when i was a child in the 60's, you have seen more input and feedback from walter cronkite's and dan rather's and the generation
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urrow. me arthur merl aren't the acres allowed to give their own opinion? that is another negativity that we are teaching our younger generation. if no one could stand up and give their point of view, or say that as an anchor, that i disagree with that and this is why, we are headed down the wrong path. we are in big trouble. thank you for c-span, i have been watching since it first started. god bless america, god bless both of you and your families. host: a couple of topics there, do you want to focus on the political aspects i? side?ect with regard to white political ads can get a way with more, they are not subject to -- ftc, false
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statement, false advertisement regulations that you see for product ads. are covered more strongly by the first amendment. it is protected speech. i think we have seen a trend towards these ads providing footnotes, saying, here is where for saying this thing about our opponent. it appeared in this editorial, or this new story. we do see at least some evidentiary basis for some of the statements we see in political ads. host: the caller they're concerned about the negativity in ads. it is odd to say that any ad is fondly remembered. if there is one it is probably the morning in america at going
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back to the 1984 campaign. ronald reagan's campaign. i want to show our viewers that ad and happy talk about that. >> it is morning again in america. work, more men will go to with interest rates at about the record high. nearly 2000 families today will buy new homes. more than any time in the past four years. this afternoon, 6500 young men and women will be married. with at inflation at less than half that was four years ago, we could look forward with confidence to the future. it is morning again in america. under the leadership of president reagan, our country is prouder, stronger and better. why would we ever want to return ere less than
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four short years ago? host: why did that at work? you had a lot of patriotic images. -- you had also a case for why we should keep reagan. things are better, america is prouder, inflation is lower. kind of in implicit negative thenst the candidate from democrats, walter mondale who had been vice president under jimmy carter less than four short years ago. when the ad says why would we want to go back to where we were four short years ago, he is saying why would we want to vote for walter mondale. it works on a number of levels. host: director of the political
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communications center at university of oklahoma. tell us about the center. guest: it has been in existence since 1985, and we have the world's largest archive of political advertising. summer on the order of about 125,000 political ads. gladly except donations from political consultants, candidates, and we are also looking to pull off, from the internet as much as we can. we are always happy to get the masters, the best quality reproductions of these ads to help preserve our political history, and to make sure we had that aspect of our heritage available for as long as we can do it. host: how many hours of ads do you have in your archives question mark -- archives? let's call it a little
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60,000 minutes, which works out to 10,000 -- host: will get a calculator on that. patrick is taking her call for the next 15 minutes. dave is on the line. just like the previous color, i am concerned about a lot of these falsehoods that are out there all of the time, and nothing seems to be done about it. you can make the free-speech think thatut i politicians are just insulating themselves. first lender i mean. they are not applicable to them
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because just like congress exempt themselves from a lot of the regular laws that everybody else has to abide by. also, fact checking. rubio is doing a lot of attacking on murphy. one of the big things he would murphy is was that saying he is a cpa, and rubio's first thing is that he is not a cpa. when they fact check it and he is a cpa in colorado, but now rubio's ads are saying that murphy is not a cpa. now they have added to the bottom that this is fact checked. do we have to fact checked the fact checkers? guest: we really have seen a renaissance of fact checking. we saw ad watches emerge after
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the 1988 presidential campaign, emerging in force after the bad taste that everybody had after that campaign. we have seen a number of independent sites, such as political fact and fact , as well as getting fact checks up in a of leading newspapers. is are right, sometimes it difficult to make a fact check stick. the old quote from mark twain that you can get half way around before the truth can get his pants on, there is truth here. the fact that they can cite a fact check proves that they were actually false, that is .roubling hopefully with have the opponent
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come back and had the fact check that shows that they were wrong. that is one of the main areas we are see fact checking getting use, in political advertising. host: line for republicans, good morning. say that just want to we all know how advertising can be very misleading. i remember all of the cigarette ads and how glamorous they glorified smoking. of thousands of people dying from cancer. we have to be very scrutinizing nothe advertisements, and allow ourselves to buy things, or things we do not need. we need to do our own research. i see that our children are very unintelligent. the cartoons they are being fed, the parents need to scrutinize these cartoons. parents need to protect the children's minds. the previous ads from
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previous campaigns. sean is in albany, georgia, a democrat. caller: good morning. first of all, god bless america because we will need it. i him a christian and i believe that god will come soon and he will have the final answer. however, while we are living in america and listening to the ad have made an effect on me and my daughter. my 10-year-old daughter said if he becomes president, what kind of role model will he be for us? that says a lot from a 10-year-old. that, i dost believe not believe either one of them is good, but we have to do the research like the guy from iowa was saying. an opinion of what they feel like. i feel donald trump feels like he is rich and money is power.
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that is not how it goes. money does not make people, people make money. if they put that mindset in their mind, they probably could do a lot more. host: that ad we showed earlier of the children watching donald comments is title role models by the clinton campaign. frank, in independent. what political ads impacted you this season? adser: one of the political -- first of all, i would like to ask one i would like to question. actually three questions. be, between the two candidates, who is putting out more negative ads?
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the second one is that i would like to ask if he ever heard of ava hodges on the internet. hands.lding it in my that clintonsays is a kgb t agent. sense.dges, the common is, i grew uption in a communist country and i 50's.rom europe in the , the way they act here in the united states right now it's very similar to the
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communist media i remember in eastern europe. host: a chance to respond. the first question, i do not know about percentages, but i can tell you hillary clinton has run more ads than most have been negative. on the second question, not familiar with dave hodges. i have seen reports from media like mother jones, not necessarily that trump is a kgb agent, but that he has had .ontact with russian agents not sure to what extent that can be substantiated. third, what was that their question? host: he was talking about living in communist russia and the message that he is seeing on tv and relating him -- relating them back to his childhood. not necessarily a question for you. guest: i will let that one go. host: allen, brooklyn new york.
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alan? if there hasder been any discussion about the end ofniversary of the the fairness doctrine under reagan's fcc, and the effect that has had on the polarization of the boat and population, and the way advertising works? when you have 30 years of a haveine eliminate, you msnbc able to self select an audience that only have one point of view. after a point of time people grow up with only hearing the point of view they wish to. and never have the chance to hear opposing viewpoints and get inoculated to diversity of opinion. then you have each of these stations advertising to a polarized audience that is looking to see things that confirm a point of view they are
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have, instead of information beenmay have a possibility affecting their range of opinion, and making them the more evenhanded or it -- evenhanded. guest: been affecting their range of opinion, and making i think wito fox and msnbc, they when i have been affected by the fairness doctrine. what we have seen in influences with talk radio. it has gone over 90% conservative. i am not sure why that is so appealing to conservatives, rather than liberals. there have been attempts to launch liberal talk radio stations. they have not been quite as successful. some looks -- reviewed some books that have talked about partisan media on political polarization. they come to different conclusions. some suggest that the ability to self select your news, and to
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some extent, your fax, can help to polarize the nation. others suggest that where we see people self electing their people who are already partisans. the folks in the middle are not selecting news at all. they have a lot more opportunities to select entertainment. they are not getting moved one way or another. host: it is not always the presidential ads that get the most attention. occasionally, a lower race comes up with an ad that spreads throughout the internet. one of them was by gerald dirty -- gerald daugherty who is running for commissioner in texas. it is an ad featuring his wife and it has gotten 3.4 million hits on youtube. we have room to put 2700 people in our jail and it cost us about $103 a day. >> gerald does not have any hot
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-- hobbies. >> we can take that down to 38 38. >> is he always like that? >> all of the time. >> most people leave their work at the office. >> you can put 60 people on each car. you areyou add to cars, talking about maybe 300 people that are affected. there are one million people in this community. this is .0 wanted a power, if you rounded off is .0. there are fumes all over the place. it is not a cold fire nation. code violation. >> please reelect gerald. host: i don't know how much you know about the race, but why has it gotten so much attention?
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humorous at a level that does not really depend on your partisanship. what mr.sten to doherty is saying, he is discussing some fairly conservative viewpoints. he is saying we need to lower tax rates, we don't want to be spending a lot of money on mass transit that is not going to affect a lot of people. message of the ad is, this is a guy who just wants to things, and we need someone like this in office and out of my house. stewart, auburn, washington. caller: i think that ad was brilliant because it got the point across. what i wanted to mention was that my favorite ad of the
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season was bernie sanders add, which i think going back to the reagan ad. the one with the simon and garfunkel background, very effective at. host: do you know the ad question mark -- add? yes, really effective. there are a number of ads that were not officially put out by the center's campaign that were made by individuals with editing software that went viral as well. in a lot of cases, we are starting to see the internet being able to democratize this kind of ad type message making. host: line for democrats, go ahead. i just wanted to bring up the clinton campaign ad that andrelated to the generals former bush advisers that were not supporting donald trump.
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i thought that was a powerful ad . i thought it was a bit reminiscent of the 1964 ad by the johnson campaign. i am familiar with the 60 -- and the ability of clinton to bring forth officers on her behalf. of course, we have also had trump bringing forth his former generals. some people are a little concerned about the extent to which we are seeing some politicization of military officers in this case. one more add that when ad thathis cycle ,an
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contributed to a lot of importance in the race. this is jason kander, the democratic candidate. his ad in missouri. i am jason kander and senator glenn has been attacking me on guns. in the army i used how to just learned how to use and respect my rifle. i volunteered, and in the state legislator i supported second amendment rights. believe in background checks so terrorists cannot get their hands on these. , because this message i would like to see senator but do this. perhaps one of the more unique ads of the cycle? guest: absolutely. demonstration of his familiarity with the weapon shows, he is not the stereo typical democrat who hates guns.
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he is someone who knows guns, respects guns, and so the , i like guns and i know guns. i think it will reach independents, and other nra members who might be persuadable. it mightme time announce background checks. polls suggest fairly wide support, even among republicans. my for democrats. democrats. gerald are you there? stephanie, good morning. caller: good morning, how are you? hi patrick. my comment is, when i was a , lucy and ricky had to
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sleep in separate beds on television. gotten to the point where we have political ads that on child be allowed screen television or movies. i am wondering how we got there, and why this is being allowed by the people who screen and rate televisions in general? that is an interesting question. certainly seen cultural changes over the last 50-60 years. changes in what is considered something that can be fit for a general broadcast.
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usually, broadcast stations are really weary of disallowing a political ad. they usually do not want to get into saying, we draw the line here. it goes back to those community standards. such that, maybe if an ad showed traffic images of abortion or something, they might say no, we will not air that. otherwise, they usually let these go. professor at is the university of oklahoma and director of the political communication center. edu. pcc. ou. i appreciate your time this morning on the washington journal. from tonight at about this time, 8:00 eastern, polls will be closed, or will be closing at this time one week fn
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tuesday, november 8, at about this time polls and a number of states will already be closed or closing at this hour. one week until election day. housead to the white coverage on c-span includes donald trump in eau claire, wisconsin. he got started about an hour earlier than we expected. our plan is to show you that speech coming up shortly. one of our viewers asking why we are not streaming him live. we will stream hillary clinton's live rally in an hour. it is not biased, it is a lot of events coming in for hillary clinton and donald trump over this last week. of ourtream of a lot political coverage online at your are planned this evening was to carry donald trump live at this hour. he got started 50 minutes sooner than we expected. we are editing that video and will show that you in just a bit on c-spa
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