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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  November 7, 2016 10:00am-12:01pm EST

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>> campaign coverage starting live at 11:00 a.m. eastern, with donald in sarasota, florida. at noon, hillary clinton's rally in pittsburgh. and president obama campaigning for secretary clinton in durham, new hampshire at 3:00 eastern, followed by another stock with donald trump as he makes his way from florida to scranton, pennsylvania. move from state to state, the schedule could shift. we will tell you any changes as we follow the nominees on this last day of the election. here is a look at some of the campaign and viewers are sitting around the country. mr. trump: there are some bad hombres here, and we are going to get them out. this is a country where we speak english, not spanish.
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roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens. well, who is doing the right thing? somebody is doing the right thing. -- the raping. i happen to disagree with the concept of anchor babies, the whole thing with the anchor babies. we are going to have deportation, of course. crooked hillary all the way. 27 million latinos will be eligible to vote. we have a powerful voice to impact the election. we must show up and vote. why are you still watching this video? it is over. go vote! ♪ election day is less than a week away. we need to elect a strong leader
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who will renew our inner-city communities. our country needs a president who will focus on making our communities safer, and rebuilding our infrastructure. donald trump is the leader who will stimulate economic growth, generate opportunities for businesses, and create jobs in our urban communities. his urban renewal agenda is an of the long, honest conversations he has been having with leaders throughout the african-american communities, cities across the country will benefit from the ideas he has presented. , and yes, i am for trump. c-span --n night on watch the results and be part of a national conversation about the outcome. the on location at the hillary clinton donald trump election night headquarters. concessionictory and speeches in key races.
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demandive on c-span, on at, or listen to our live coverage using the free c-span radio app. ♪ after i came up with this idea, i did research information. withis definitely the case a lot of pieces that will be done for this competition, but mental illness especially -- it is a complicated issue. it is not black and white. and it is so multifaceted that i had to research to get a basic knowledge of what i wanted to talk about in this piece. obviously, there was a lot of -- it is so complicated i cannot talk about it all in 5-7 minutes. first thing was to decide what i was talking about. x it is a broad topic, and it was nice to know what i wanted to focus on. i wanted to interview my parents . before i started shooting, i researched the topic extensively.
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this is my dad's affirmative. i talked to the pharmacists there. i talked to my mom and her colleagues and coworkers and of course did a lot of internet research. and actually went to the library. researchot of internet to find facts and data and foristics about employment those with developmental disabilities, and to see really what was going on. most of the information i got off of the internet came from government-founded websites, so that is how i knew that the information i was getting was legitimate. >> this year's theme? your message to washington, d.c. what is the most urgent issue for this new president and congress to address in 2017? open to allion is middle school or high school students, grades 6-12, with $100,000 awarded in cash prizes. students can work alone or in a group of up to three to produce a 5-7 minute documentary on the issue selected. include some c-span programming
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and opposing opinions. $100,000 in cash prizes will be rewarded and shared between 150 students and 53 teachers. the grand prize of $5,000 will go to the student or team with the best overall entry. this year's deadline is january 20, 2017. mark your calendars and help us spread the word to student filmmakers. for more information, go to our website, >> in arizona, senator john mccain is seeking a sixth term. he is being challenged by democratic rep senator ann kirkpatrick. we are joined on the phone by dan, who is following this for the arizona republic. he is in phoenix. thank you for being with us. earlier this fall, the race seems to be relatively close. veryor mccain had a slightly. something seemed to change over the last few weeks. john mccain now with a much wider lead. what is happening?
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i think the race looks tight early on, maybe in the spring. i think part of it was that mccain was embroiled in a kind of bitter republican primary. and he wound up winning it by about 12ly, points over his closest opponent. but it was a four-way race. he wound up getting 52% of the vote and about 48% of republicans voted for one of the other candidates. so i think there is a lot of dissatisfaction with mccain in the republican party. that may have colored some of the polling in the general election race. i know that mccain, some sources in the mccain campaign, when they are doing their own polling, there was some confusion among anti-mccain voters between ann kirkpatrick, who was starting to run ads, and kelly, his main primary opponent. the kind of confused them. they just know they did not like mccain.
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it was that kind of republican dissatisfaction bleeding into the polls. after mccain so that the primary, i think a lot of those republicans kind of came home. they might not like mccain. some of the conservatives think he is to moderate or liberal. they do not like him on immigration reform, perhaps. but i think they see him as a better alternative than a regular democratic footsoldier light ann kirkpatrick. audience had a chance to see the debates in arizona senate race. what was your take away between these candidates, if anything? i think ann kirkpatrick was a little bit uncomfortable up there. does not have nearly the debate experience that mccain has had. obviously, he is a presidential candidate. politicians have as much experience on the debate stage as mccain does. i think she held her own. but she kind of needed to knock him out, was the consensus, and i don't think she did.
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steve: let the ask you about arizona, a battleground state for both the democrats and republicans, who donald trump and hillary clinton both campaigned for in the state. what impact has it had on the senate race? are it looks like arizonans going to split their ticket. the presidential race has been very tight. islooks like maybe trump kind of opening up a lead a little bit. -- a little bit in the wake of the fbi disclosures. it is still tight. it still could probably go either way, depending on the ground game and the turnout, on the presidential level. but mccain has been maintaining, pretty much since the primary, a double-digit lead over kirkpatrick. there have been a few polls that showed it narrower than that. but it has been many polls that showed him with a lead of 10 18 points or so. so it looks like at least in the minds of the voters, they are
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able to separate the two races. why would help explain kirkpatrick's attempt to tie mccain to trump not work very well. mccain is just a well-known brand, not just in arizona, but across the country and even across the world. so it sort of tried to paint him as the same -- cut from the same cloth as trump. it is probably difficult to pull off because people know him so well. steve: connected to all of that, former republican nominee mitt romney out campaigning for mccain in arizona. both have been very vocal, very critical of donald trump over the last couple of months. talk about this event that took place in arizona. well, there has been some kind of confusion about the event. some national concerts and analysts did not know what it was about. the strategy is pretty clear. i think mccain is worried that maybe -- there is maybe a lack
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of enthusiasm among mormons in arizona. obviously, this has gotten some attention in utah, but there are many mormons in arizona as well. they are usually reliable republican voters, for the most part. i think, given that many mormons just do not like trump -- they are turned off by his lifestyle -- i think mccain wanted to make sure that at least they come out and vote for him if they do not want to vote for trump. he brought out mitt romney. he went to mesa, which is well known for its mormon population. it was founded by mormon pioneers. he had jeff flake on stage, who is a mormon. he had the mayor of mesa, john giles, who is a mormon. and he had a congressman who is also a mormon. ,ven though it was not explicit i think he was programming for the mormon community in the eastern suburbs of phoenix. steve: finally, what do you expect the overall turnout to be in arizona on tuesday? what are your predictions? dan: it seems to be going
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through the roof. i know early voting is up. i think verizon is leading the nation in terms of latinos in early voting. ofre is a lot of engagement all of the visits by the presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates and their big-name surrogates. it has added to the excitement and i think it will be a big turnout. steve: dan is a national political reporter for "the arizona republic." he is in phoenix. thank you for your time. dan: thank you, steve. >> senator john mccain campaigned in arizona with 2012 presidential candidate mitt romney. the two spoke to supporters at an event just outside of phoenix. this is 15 minutes. >> thank you, jeff. thank all of you for coming. thank you.
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thank you. thank you all for being here tonight. thank you. and you know, typical arizona evening. [laughter] sen. mccain: and it is kind of nice to be -- hope it will be the same kind of winter -- winner of the chicago cubs had last night. it is really remarkable. i think we are very proud here in this state, but also in the east valley, to have a facility like this. ands really remarkable wonderful, and i am so glad you all would come out tonight. i would like to say that one of the great privileges i have had is to be able to serve in the congress with matt salmon, a conservative, a man of principle, a man who understands what this country is all about and its national security needs. we thank matt salmon for his great service to us in the house
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of representatives. [applause] and mayor, thank you for the great job you do. we are proud of our mayor. doesn't he do a great job? it is all because of him we have this great facility. thank you. and of course, jeff and cheryl, thank you for -- you know, i have said this a thousand times, and i promised i would not say it anymore. but i can tell you this. if i looked like jeff flake, i would be president of the united states today. [applause] sen. mccain: by the way, after i lost, i slept like a baby. sleep two hours, wake up and cry. sleep two hours, wake up and cry. so i thank all of you for coming out tonight. we have had a great campaign. we have had a wonderful campaign. we are coming down to the end. and i'm confident that we are going to win, that i also think
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that anybody who predicts what is going to happen in this election is using a substance that they are trying to legalize on the ballot in a couple days. look, i am proud to have been able to have the honor of serving in the united states and in the house of representatives before that. are thele of arizona most wonderful on earth. we have a diverse economy. we have a diverse history. that all ofa state us are proud of. we are proud of our universities. we are proud of our people, who build the best helicopter in work -- on earth, here at boeing, and the best missiles down at raytheon. --have bases that are doing men and women who are serving in uniform and are doing a good job serving this nation in uniform throughout the world. and i am very honored to have played a role as the chairman of the senate armed services committee. but my friends, we live in a world that is on higher, in
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which because we have had a president who believes in leading from behind -- and when you lead from behind, somebody else leads from in front, and this has been the most disastrous presidency in the history of this country, and we need to have a majority in the united states senate [applause] . as matt just said, in iraq had a sacrifice of thousands of brave young and women serving. the president called isis the jv. now we have 6 million refugees out of syria, 400,000 slaughtered. and the president of the united states stands by and calls it jv. my friends, i believe that we must keep the majority in the united states senate, and one of the reasons is because there could be as many as three supreme court justices that will be in the next four years. we have to have a senate who will prevent that for-four split
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from tilting to the left, and making decisions that will harm this nation for decades to come. i believe it is vital that we remain -- that we maintain our majority in the united states senate. and frankly, though many of those races are literally too close to call right now. i am also very proud that we have been able to do so much for arizona, whether it a coppermine out in the superior that is someday going to provide 70 5 -- 25% of this nations copper, keeping the a-10 in tucson when the air force wanted it retired, the first f 35's down at their and of course we have our f 35 not only for our air force, but all the foreign trading with those nations that will have the effect and 35 will be training out there. we live in a dangerous world.
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the director of national intelligence has said there will be further attacks on united states of america. my friends, i want to remain chairman of the armed services committee because i want to defend the men and women who are serving in this nation in uniform. and i believe we can do that. friends, if anybody can predict what is going to happen in this election, i would like to talk to you, because i have been wrong every single time. but i know this. if we are going to win next tuesday, we are going to win because of the support of the men and women of this state, who i have been so proud to serve. but i need you to get out the vote. i needed to get the vote. and i need you to make sure that everybody does so. [applause] so, i began my political career here in the east valley as a member of congress, and it has
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been the most rewarding period of my time and public service, and it will likely end up here in the east valley, because this is where our hearts are and where cindy and i first had our children and lived here in tempe . so i want to thank all of you. tonight i am very honored to have with us one of the people that i have grown to admire and respect and have great affection for over the past many years. this man ran for governor of a state that is so liberal that if you are a conservative, you refuse to admit it. is one of the people that i have had the honor of knowing as governor of massachusetts, as a competitor for the nomination of the republican party for president of the united states. mitt romney and i disagreed in 2008, when i was running against him for the nomination. other, andected each we admired each other, and at
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the end of the day in 2008, we joined together, just as in 2012 he represented the republican party with honor and integrity and decency. and think of what the world would be like if mitt romney had been president of the united states in 2012. [applause] and i want to say ,t is a mark of his friendship and also the kind of person he is, that he has been willing to take the time from his disease visual and come here to arizona in these last few days to help me out in my pain. it is a great honor and privilege for me to introduce to you one of the finest men i have ever known in american politics and american life, governor mitt romney. [applause] thank you, my friend. look at this group. thank you. you know, it is nice to have drums and an audience.
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it makes sure that when you tell a joke, you are sure to get -- there you go. als at the end is one of them. what a group this is. this is a renowned and admirable and extraordinary group. i hope you recognize that. to have people like this representing you in washington and here at home, it is really -- it is an honor to be here. after looking out here and feeling the cold wind, it is good to be here at fenway park. here,s beautiful over this little cold. what a beautiful facility you have here, mayor. where did he go? mayor giles, it is really something else. i look back and think, wouldn't it have been nice if john mccain had been elected in 2008 as president of the united? we would be in a very different position if that would be the case. the congressman and others talk about the challenges of the last seven or eight years, and you know some
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of those things. the high cost of health care has hit families across this country. the fact that more people in the middle class are being left behind. the fact there are more people who were in america today than there were back in 1965, when ,bj declared the war on poverty the fact that countries in america are trying to incorporate elsewhere, because it is so unattractive to be in this country, the fact that the military is being hollowed out at the time that russia and china are being -- are investing massively in the military's. domestically, we face real challenges. you look at what is happening internationally, and senator mccain and senator flake just mentioned that. north africa and the middle east, it has been an awful time for our interests around the world and for freedom. and i am related of that old joke -- i hope you don't not mind me telling a joke. you have heard it about the president when he went to cash a check at the bank and did not have his license. you have not heard it? , look, we said to him
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cannot cash a check unless we know exactly who you are. and he said, what do you want me to do? she said, the other day we had andre agassi in here emma same problem. he did not have a drivers license. he took a tennis ball and banged it into a target time and again. we knew that must be andre agassi. we cashed his check. she said, the same thing happened a few days later when phil mickelson came in. he did not have his drivers license. he took a golf ball and punted into a cup time and time again, a golf ball. we knew that had to be phil mickelson. we cash his check. she said, what can you do? he said, i don't have a clue. she said, would you like your cash in 50's or hundreds? over these last seven or eight years, we have had a president that when it came to helping people in this country, he just has not had a clue when it came time to advancing the interests of freedom in america and around the world. he did not have a clue.
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have hadly, we leadership that understands what america had to do. we are in a position where once again we rely on people of experience and judgment, like senator john mccain. i do not know who is going to win the presidency, but i know this. whoever wins is going to need somebody who has been to the middle east time and again and understands what is going on there, a person who understands what vladimir putin really is, a person who understands what is happening in asia and the south china sea, a person who understands our military and the needs of our veterans, a person who understands how america is the hope of millions and billions throughout the world. and that man is john mccain. [applause] gov. romney: whoever becomes president is going to need the judgment to decide the right people on the supreme court. never becomes president is going to have someone who can work across the aisle. all of the challenges i mentioned under president obama, they have not been solved. but all those challenges -- they
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are not going to get overcome unless republicans and democrats can work together. theave this thing called constitution. and under the constitution, there are checks and balances. i know sometimes it is frustrating when we do not get our own way. brilliant,nders were and i believe inspired, in saying we are going to have to get americans to work together from two sides of the aisle to make things happen. john mccain has shown that you can have principal and conviction and strength, and work with good-minded people on the other side of the aisle to get things done. we need john mccain and the get it done attitude in washington. [applause] and one moreomney: thing. let me mention this. they are sweeping this country in certain parts, and in europe and other parts of the world -- a sense of populism, a distrust of institutions, and anger towards government. that is very understandable, because government has failed so many people time and again, here and other places.
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but part of that frustration and anger -- it is because people do not have trust in the people who are in government. our country needs people of character and integrity. i do not know anyone who stands taller than john mccain when it comes to heroism and proven integrity. and when to ask of you guys are going to vote. will you get out and vote? i will ask you if john mccain is a real hero for america. i will ask you if he is going to be elected one more time as the next united states senator from arizona. [cheering] gov. romney: i am way to ask if you are going to knock on doors and get people out to vote for john mccain. let's do it! thank you. [applause] thank you some -- >> thank you so much, governor romney, senator mccain, mr.
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sanderson, and senator flake. we are so glad this is our congressional delegation. i promise to you that it is critically important we return john mccain to the senate. it is important for our state and community. please join me in working very, very hard the next few days to make sure that the right thing happens in our community. it is important. com.e go to johnmccain. volunteer and sprint to the finish and win this thing for our great country. thank you for being here. thank you to this great audience . let's go win this election. thank you. thank you, senators. thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] senator mccain and his opponent, congresswoman ann kirkpatrick, are running several political ads ahead of election day. here is a look at what voters are saying and arizona. >> this election is a choice
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between two very different candidates. before proudly voting for obamacare, liberal ann kirkpatrick refused to face her constituents. she walked away. john mccain was given a chance to walk away once, when he was a pow. but mccain chose to stay in a prison camp until his fellow soldiers had their chance to go home. ann kirkpatrick walked out on arizona. john mccain will never turn his back on us. sen. mccain: i am john, and i approve this message. >> what has happened to john mccain? mr. khan: he was begging for my endorsement. john mccain beta donald trump for his endorsement, then unendorsed trump to save himself. >> the john mccain i knew would never have endorsed trump. he has changed. he only cares about his reelection. i will never sacrifice my principles to get ahead. i am ann kirkpatrick.
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as your senator, i will tell it to you straight. >> this election matters to you. when you open your health insurance bill and find your premiums are doubling, remember that mccain strongly opposes obamacare, but kirkpatrick supports it, still calling it her proudest boat. death ton shouts america, remember mccain is fighting them, while kirkpatrick supports sending $55 billion to the world's largest sponsor of terrorism. that is why this election matters. sen. mccain: i am john mccain, and i approve this message. >> it is a story of two candidates. >> john mccain has been in washington for 33 years. >> ann kirkpatrick has taken a term limit pledge. >> mccain bailed out wall street. the big banks give him millions. >> ann opposed the bailout. >> mccain could oppose access to contraceptives. story -- too long in
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washington. >> ann --uniquely arizona. >> congresswoman kirkpatrick joined candidates at a get out the vote rally in phoenix. this is just under 15 minutes. [applause] >> i want to thank you all for being here and welcome to the maricopa county democratic party. we have four days to turn arizona blue. are you ready? it is so awesome to hear we have such enthusiasm with the best candidates we have ever had this year. we are ready to turn arizona blue. we have the right resources. we have the best candidates. thank you for joining us again. we have four days to turn arizona blue, to talk to as many voters as possible. we can now collect ballots, which is really good. so thank you. [applause] we have got to talk to tens of thousands of voters in the next
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four days. i am ready for that. are you guys ready? all right. we are joined by the board of supervisors from district five, steve garro. >> this is really exciting. we have four more days until we make history here in the state of arizona. days until we make history here in the state of arizona. let's clap. let's do this. [applause] more days until we turn and change the direction of the state of arizona. news, we got wonderful what we as democrats have been saying all along. that the bill, and legislation to prohibit ballot collecting is unconstitutional and does violate the voting rights act. tomorrow, we hit the streets going door to door, reaching out to voters, collecting their ballots, getting to the polls and changing arizona blue. we start that tomorrow.
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[applause] but right here, right now in maricopa county, we are going to make history like you've never seen before. we are going to elect countywide , we are going to start off with the sheriff's office. it's time for sheriff joe to go. paul penned zone is doing that right now. , talking tostreets voters, getting them out to vote. we are going to make sure our education system works for all students. we are going to make sure michelle robinson is the next maricopa county school superintendent. [applause] to elect a teacher to do a teacher's job to take
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care of family, take care of kids, and take care of our teachers. we are also going to elect a treasurer that's going to look at the finances of maricopa county and the first rule would be what? >> fire russell pearce. >> view got it. [applause] can follow thece footsteps of sheriff joe arpaio. we will show him the door tuesday when the voters decide we're going to elect a new county treasurer. are also going to elect a new prosecutor in maricopa county. we are going to elect someone who's going to bring justice to this important office. we are going to make sure diego rodriguez is our next county attorney. [no audio]
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-- [applause] respectwho's going to and bring justice back to maricopa county offices. we are also going to elect someone who is going to change the direction, the way maricopa county is going when it comes to conducting our election. we are going to elect a gentleman that's going to undo many of the wrongs maricopa county elections department has done. we are going to elect my man, right here as the new county recorder. he's going to change the direction of maricopa county. no more five-hour lines, no more long lines, no more long lines at the vote centers. we are going to make sure we have an election system that works for all maricopa county residents. we are going to have an election system that is fair and just.
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it is time for helen to go. [applause] we are going to elect democrats up and down the ballot to make sure we have a county government that works for everyone. but it isn't just maricopa .ounty we are going to elect the first from thes. senator state of arizona, ann kirkpatrick. [applause] i know ann kirkpatrick personally. i work with her one-on-one at the arizona state house. i have seen how she works and how hard she works and what she will do as our next u.s. senator to make sure all arizonans are represented. allow me now to introduce our next u.s. senator of the state of arizona, congresswoman ann
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kirkpatrick. [applause] >> how many people have already voted in here? let's make it happen. today in flagstaff, where i lived, talk to voters out there, people by the hundreds coming to vote early. , the same to sedona thing, people are phone banking and canvassing. is just fantastic. as steve said, we are going to make history on tuesday but it is already happening. there is an energy and excitement i've never seen .efore in arizona there's part of my background i treasure more than ever. family were republican ranchers. my families were democrat businessmen that made for interesting get-togethers
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because there could be heated discussions. at the end of the day, we were all family, we're all arizonans, we're all americans. everywhere i go in this state, politicianshey want to work together. they are sick of the gridlock and obstructionism. has already mccain vowed to vote against and stop confirmation of any supreme court justice that hillary clinton nominates. any supreme court justice that she nominates. do we want more obstruction for the next four years? no and arizonans are angry that he's not going to do his job. taxpayers arena doing their constitutional duty. this is the longest we have ever
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gone without filling a vacancy on the court. that is what is at stake. all these great people are going to make such a difference in maricopa county, but we will make a difference by collecting the first female senator in arizona and john has got to go. [applause] -- wepeat after me .elieve that we will win let's do it. make it happen. [applause] thank you. >> this is one of the most exciting elections i have been involved in in a very long time. you see the energy and excitement. you see a lot of folks that want to change here in the state of arizona.
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we are going to do it when we elect joe downes, david rodriguez, sean robinson -- these are candidates that are going to change the direction of maricopa county and serve all of its citizens and we have four more days until we have one hell of a victory on tuesday. let's go. [applause] >> i'm diego rodriguez and i'm running for maricopa county treasurer. when you hear the stories about what i want each and everyone of you to do is to make sure you reach out to your family and friends, anyone you know who has struggled to exercise their franchise, that is trying to vote but then dealing with the efforts to that is the vote, wrong. they need our support.
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they need us to knock on that door into tell us don't quit. we are going to win on tuesday, select push this over-the-top. >> i'm running for maricopa county recorder. that is the administrator of the election. wonderingeople are how critical are you going to be of the elections department. not today. i believe the american public, particularly those voters in maricopa county care enough about their democracy to stand in for our long, five-hour long lines. these are eligible american voters and we should not be wringing our hands about how bad is artful we should be excited about how great americans are and how much time they are willing to spend to exercise that franchise of voting. some people have to turn away because of work or other things, but when we look at the
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character of the people here in maricopa county, i'm positive democrats, republicans and libertarians, everyone is voting for change, voting for a better tomorrow. when i become maricopa county recorder, they are not going to have to give up that much time anymore. let's get out there and vote. [applause] for maricopa county treasurer. one-party politics has destroyed maricopa county in arizona. the cronyism and incompetence -- now is our time to flip the tables over and start again. with your help, we have a trifecta of hate to get rid of. we need to dump trump and dump arpaio. and with your help, we are going to get rid of russell fears once and for all. >> i'm going to be your next county superintendent.
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i know we are turning arizona blue because i'm talking to republicans and independents in their voting for us. they are tired of what is going on and we need to represent all, not the special interest groups. of our to make sure all kids have equitable resources and quality public education. they do not have to have a deity or an art behind their name. we give our kids the educationally deserve and make sure we represent the best interest of all. thank you all for coming out. [applause] >> we have more days to turn maricopa county and arizona blue. are you excited? what do you think about our great candidate? [applause] we have four days to make history. let's get it done. [applause]
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>> on this election day eve, c-span has a full lineup of campaign coverage starting in about 20 minutes with donald trump in sarasota, florida. then at noon, hillary clinton's rally in pittsburgh. president obama campaigning for secretary clinton interim, new hampshire followed by another stop from donald trump as he makes his way from florida to scranton, pennsylvania. continuing tonight, we follow hillary clinton appearing with president obama and then donald trump and mike pence in manchester -- grand rapids, michigan. ,illary clinton in raleigh north carolina at 11:45 eastern. as candidates go state to state, their schedule may shift. we will keep you posted of any
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changes on this final day before the election. here's a look at some of the campaign ads voters are seeing across the country. ♪ ♪
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>> i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> decades of lies, coverups and scandals have finally caught up with hillary clinton. hillary clinton is under fbi investigation again after e-mails were found on pervert anthony weiner's laptop. exposed byecret hillary clinton, her staff. hillary clinton cannot lead a anion crippled by investigation. hillary clinton -- unfit to serve. mr. trump: i'm donald trump and i approve this message. night on c-span. watch the results and be part of a national conversation about the outcome. watch victory and concession speeches in key senate house and governor races. watch live on c-span.
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listen to our live coverage using the free c-span radio app. >> i did research information because -- this is the case with a lot of pieces that will be done for this competition, but mental illness is a complicated issue. it's not black and white and it is so multifaceted that i had to research to get a base knowledge of what i wanted to talk about. it is so complicated that i can't talk about it all inside of seven minutes. >> pharmaceuticals is a broad topic so i thought i wanted to have a focal point to focus on. i started interviewing my i startedd before shooting, i researched this topic extensively.
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i went to my dad's pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist there. i talked to my mom's colleagues and coworkers and did international research -- ended internet research. >> a lot of internet research to employmenttics about of those with developmental disabilities and to see what was going on. most of the information i got from the internet came from government funded websites, so that is how i knew the information i was getting was legitimate. this year's theme, your message to washington dc what is your issue for the new president and congress to address in 2017? open to allion is middle and high school students with $100,000 awarded in cash prizes. students can work alone or in a group of up to three. include some c-span programming and explore public opinions.
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the cash prizes will be awarded and shared between 150 students and 53 teachers. 5000 dollarsze of will go to the student or team with the best overall entry. is january deadline 20, 2017. go to our website for more information. >> as we wait for donald trump's rally to begin, scheduled to start in about 13 minutes, we will look at some of the people, places and moments of campaign 2016. daniel klaidman, your piece notes that all of us that led to this election will carry memories of a shocking year in american history. a handful of ordinary people swept up in the history of a series of moments on which the that of a nation seemed
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became symbols of a divided nation. what are those places on the map of america that became new symbols of a divided country to selection? guest: hi, good morning. there are 16 of them. likerange from places lost itsn, ohio, which manufacturing base. it was a great field town. traditionally, it had been very democratic. a big union city. ans time around, this is area that has found a lot of appeal and donald trump's message about trade, these are people who feel left behind. and are switching over in considerable numbers to trump. still a fight their.
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hillary clinton could still win that area. but it is symbolic of the appeal of donald trump and some of the changes that have been taking place in american cities. at the same time, we looked at chicago. this is not a city that has really -- that is really in play. but it looms largely in the election because of the extraordinary gun violence over the course of the last few years. madeestingly, donald trump chicago a big issue in his campaign. hillary clinton went there as well. both candidates talk a lot about this issue. we sent a reporter, holly bailey, to chicago to spend time there. not so much to talk about the politics of chicago, but to tell our readers and viewers what it is really like to live in a city that is racked by so much gun
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violence. she profiled one family, a six older girl -- a six-year-old girl who was shot some months ago, and to this day, is scared to go outside. the news cameras were there, but at some point, they will be gone. is, do people know what it is really like to live their? we also look at orlando, florida. the i-44 corridor, one of the most divided areas. big deal in this election because of the pulse nightclub attack. the biggest mass shooting in the history of this country took place there. also considered a terrorist attack. what impact did that have on the race? interestingly, this is a very diverse area. you have a large population of gays, for example.
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you have a large, white evangelical population in and around orlando and a large latino population in orlando. all of these people came and had unity over this tragedy that happened there. that was an extraordinary thing that happened in the wake of that attack, but that unity has splintered over the divisiveness of the selection. we sent a reporter there to listen to people talk about how they view this election. these are symbols of a divided nation. we thought it was important to look at the places having an impact on the selection. host: you talk about what will be the symbols once the cameras are gone. what were the moments for you of this campaign that stuck out?
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democrats, 202-748-8000. republicans 202-748-8001. independent 202-748-8002. he mentioned youngstown, -- you .entioned youngstown, ohio trump went to laredo very shortly after he announced his candidacy for the presidency. towerch in which an trump , he made immigration a big issue talking about mexican's has read this and criminals in the very first speech -- andcans as rapists criminals and is very first speech.
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that was an issue that galvanized his supporters -- immigration and trade. we've got that laredo, texas was symbolic of that particular issue and a debate that is dominated the selection. host: and the 16 people you chose to profile, you described them as ordinary people getting caught up in the rush of history. you choose these ordinary people, and what are some examples? guest: they are ordinary people of got swept up in the rush history and had an opportunity to shape destiny and a small way. we thought it was important to focus on some of these people. be ofe a tendency to little narcissistic in our coverage of politics where we look at ourselves, pollsters,
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talk to political operatives, interview each other -- but we thought it was important to turn the camera lens away from ourselves and toward average americans. americanase, average to personify some of the most important issues and concerns and worries of the american people. for example, we sent someone --sinceone of our someone down to west virginia, and unemployed: minor that had a confrontation with hillary clinton and said previously at a cnn forum, we are going to end mining jobs.coal where he had event a chance to talk to her and slid a picture of his family to her
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and said, these are the consequences of these policies. him to beto hear from told that he was losing his job as a coal miner. and to clear out of his office in 30 minutes? what does it feel to have to go home and tell your wife and children that you are out of a job? we thought it was important for our readers and viewers and users to get a visceral sense of what these people experience. 11-year-oldtime, an guatemalan girl, who had a chance to share her fears and anxieties at an event with hillary clinton. she was worried that her parents who are undocumented, would be thrown out of the country. hillary clinton reacted to that in a very emotional way. that became a touchdown in the
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selection on the immigration issue. there were others on immigration as well. that was one we decided to focus on. on the other side of the debate, the parents of a young woman who was killed in san francisco by an undocumented worker. this was an issue that donald trump seized on. phenomenon ofe sanctuary cities, san francisco, which is a sanctuary city. this was a way of humanizing this particular issue. we did this with 16 people across the country. humanizedea was to this election for these people. host: 16 in 2016, the people, places, and moments that faced a shocking election. you can read the yahoo! new story online. the ordinary places that will stand out for you. our phone lines are open.
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let's start with danny waiting in ogden, utah. -- an depending independent. caller: the one thing that struck out to me was during the republican primary debate. donald trump was talking about his having brought in workers from overseas and he says, i am telling you, folks, you have to change the lives. i wish people, especially conservatives, with think about that. there is a walking, talking example for a need of regulation. and i wish they would remember that when they are voting for their senators and congressmen. thank you for the opportunity. host: daniel klaidman, the debates providing plenty of memorable moments. which ones did you include in your list? guest: there were so many.
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it was difficult to narrow them down. one of the moments that really sticks out from the primary new jersey governor chris christie's takedown of marco rubio, the senator from florida. rubio, who was considered a serious contender for the presidency, was really demolished in one series of exchanges at a debate in new ampshire when rubio kept robotic way, repeating the same and howout barack obama he wants to change the country, and all of a sudden come out of nowhere, chris christie cut in and says, there he goes again, the 30 seconds memorized
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political speech. it was kind of devastating. marco rubio was almost like a tick. he could not stop repeating himself. chris christie managed to get inside of his head. from then on, marco rubio was robot and aund by a robot rubio protester. we think maybe it was the trump campaign doing that. that's essentially took rubio out of the race and cleared the path for donald trump. that was a very significant moment in the debate during the primary, but ultimately had a real impact on trump's candidacy. host: these are moments that yahoo! news has chosen. we want to hear about the moment you have chosen. our phone lines are open. lorraine is in michigan, a republican. what are you going to remember? caller: it makes me emotional because i am a veteran, but when they talked about the deaths of
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our americans. die?ood are americans our servicemembers? it is very emotional for me. i served in the navy for 21 years. host: daniel klaidman, as we let the rain go, the debate -- as we let lorraine go, the debate about servicemembers serving overseas, the vessel to the list you covered? guest: it did absolutely. and veteran's issues were prominent throughout the entirety of this campaign. i can think of a couple of moments that we picked, moment 16 -- in arend a
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16 out of 16 project. one was when donald trump criticize john mccain saying he was not really impressed with john mccain's service. john mccain was shot down in vietnam and held as a prisoner of war for five years and tortured by the north vietnamese. line,nald trump's famous heroes -- i don't eroes webbing captured. s that were not captured. that shocked americans. that is one of the reasons why of ourcted that is one
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moments because it was a turning point when people realized how resilient donald trump would be. in fact, how rocksolid his support was from a significant sector of the republican primary electorate. there were other veteran's issues that came up, for example, we focused on how busy or -- we focused on the gold star family, he spoke at the democratic national convention showing up --showing his pocket constitution and would gladly lend it to donald trump. donald trump who had been critical of muslim americans, talking about a ban of not allowing muslims into this country. and donald trump, and the face of the criticism, started the khsn
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that was another issue we focused on related to veterans. y willlet's see what kenn remember? cammy and i am from st. louis, missouri. i have a couple of things that will be a debate. on the republican side, it was not a very good debate. will service anyone other than republicans. on the democratic side, i like ernue. i will be voting for the first woman president. is not ready for a progressive america. years, ie next four
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republicans will limit it in not have 150 people running. our -- we can get back on close because we are all important right now. greta is an independent. what is a key, memorable moment for you in the selection? >> good morning. there have been so many moments that are memorable that it is hard to come out with something that is very specific. nomination events that took place in cleveland on the republican side and in philadelphia on the democratic side. contrast and such
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professionally done on the one hand. and on the other hand, a super slick, well skilled event put together. host: which one was which for those who did not watch? of course, the democratic event in philadelphia was powerful. the speakers and the contributors to the whole thing. me is this surprises race has come down right to the wire. i mean, it is so close. view from my beenvation is one side has totally, totally amateur, changing its chair people. the other side is a well-developed machine.
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it still comes down to such a close race. that is what is memorable for me. klaidman, you picked orlando as one of those places that symbolizes this friction and our politics. in orlando, florida. go ahead. caller: one thing that is memorable is something no one is bringing out in the selection. comes in and brings in all the refugees, there will not be social security. if so, there will be a small amount for the elderly behind us. we cannot support the world. we do not have enough money. >> you can find the rest of this
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online. we take you now to sarasota, florida for a rally with donald trump. [cheering and applause] mr. trump: in one day, we are going to win the great state of florida, and we are going to take back the white house. we are going to take it back. florida is my second home, a state i love so much. onceby the way, hillary, this is over, she will never come back to florida. she's got nothing to do with florida. houses in thethe buildings and thousands and thousands of employees who we love. she's got nothing to do with this place.
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she doesn't know florida, that i can tell you. but i am really thrilled to be here. day of our last campaign. who would have believed it? campaign, too.e it has been some campaign. they say it is the single greatest movement, politically , in the history of this country. can you believe that? that is quite an honor. they say we will get a tremendous amount of credit, win or lose. i said no, no, no, i don't want any credit if we lose. i'm not looking for credit. i'm looking to make america great again. that's it. [applause] this election will decide whether we are ruled by a corrupt political class. you have been watching what's going on -- the system is rigged.
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the system is rigged. at least we know it and people in this country, i think because of us, have never known it so obviously as a do now. the system is totally rigged. clinton should not even be allowed to run for the presidency of the united states. she shouldn't be allowed to run. disgraceful. what's happening is a disgrace and our country is a laughingstock all over the world with what is happening with our justice, our country is a laughingstock all over the world, they are laughing. if we win -- you know what you can do -- go out and vote tomorrow. that's what you can do. that is the only way.
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that is where you beat the rigging. if we win, the corrupt politicians and their donors lose. if they win, the american people lose big league. this is it. we will never have another opportunity. not inferiors, not in eight years. it will be over with supreme court justices and people pouring into our country, this is it. good luck, get out there -- i did my thing. [applause] yesterday, they said i set a record. -- massive crowds. thank you. but yesterday, we set a record. to seven different states. you ought to see these crowds. in michigan, which i think we are going to win michigan, by
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the way. we are going to win michigan. do you know what we are going to win? we're going to win minnesota. we are leading big in ohio. we are leaving in iowa. we are leading in new hampshire, where i'm going in a little while. we are leading in north carolina. we are doing very, very well in pennsylvania. you watch what's going to happen in pennsylvania. to comers are going out, the steelworkers who lost their jobs are coming out. of people, lots surrounding philadelphia are going to come out because they want to vote. and you know who's going to come out? the women are going to come out big.
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[applause] deal.ll a phony they are telling you a lot of phony stuff. they are so worried. you ought to see them on television. they get a note handed over they are leading in let's say new hampshire. oh, oh mr. trump is meeting in new hampshire. you can see they are thrilled. thrilled. i just want to introduce -- i'm a big fan of billy graham. who isn't? a big fan and he has been so incredible, of franklin graham. he's a great guy. he's keeping it going. billy graham's granddaughter was here and spoke in credibly, i hear. sisi graham lynches here. you were so great.
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everyone is saying if you can do as well as that, you have done a good job. -- i will amazing tell you, my father used to take me. they called it the crusades and that was the crusades. billy graham was amazing. i think is he 98 today? 98 years old, billy graham. thank you. say hello to your family. years old.m is 98 truly one of the great, great men. our failed medical establishment has delivered nothing but poverty at home and disaster overseas. they get rich making america poor. the media andect political elite that blood our country dry.
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it is finally time for us to fight for america. [chanting "usa, usa, usa"] i am not a politician. my only special interest is you. i built a great company, one of the great real estate companies. incredible assets. buildings on the beach with a desert family and related. we have had a tremendous career. watching.ys i was on the other side. comfortablece and
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to be on the other side, but i love this country. this country was going bad. it was going bad. i went, and ultimate insider. senators would call and say how are you? they would give a check for some crazy thing they are doing and say donald, how are you? the day i announced it was like donald who? we don't know donald trump. you have to see these guys. i know them better than anybody. was time. i had to join the other side, which is you. things song to do special. our country was in trouble. 20 trillion in debt. making deals like the deal with a ran where we give them -- to deal with iran where we give them $150 billion.
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$1.7 billion in cash. you know what that is? that would fill up the size of the arena. at it, ourok military is allowed to deplete. our military is very depleted. this is among the times when we most need a tremendous, powerful, smart military. we need smart people. and obama care is a disaster. everything is wrong. country doesn't win anymore. we are going to start winning again. [applause] real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing obamacare. [applause] it has just been announced that
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the residents of florida -- sorry to tell you this. i don't want to make you depressed. experience massive double-digit premium hikes and they are far greater than what you have been told. you have been told numbers because they didn't want to do it before the election. i worked very hard to force those numbers out. my poll numbers are going through the roof. i believe a big part of it is obamacare. we are going to repeal it and replace it. in the great state of arizona, premiums are going up more than 116%. over 90% of the counties in florida are losing obamacare and they are losing insurers that put obamacare there. it 100%oing to make because we are going to terminate obamacare and it's not going to make a difference. we will be terminating obamacare
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and we will be replacing it with so many different options that -- will have great help great health care at a fraction of the cost and it will be great. with obamacare, premiums are surging, companies are leaving, doctors are quitting and deductibles are going through the roof. yet crooked hillary clinton wants to double down on obamacare, making it even more expensive. you got to go way up. obamacare is going much higher. [chanting "lock her up, lock her "]
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nobody in this room can believe what is going on in washington. room can believe what's going on with the fbi and what is going on with the department of justice. nobody. can believe it. i'm asking for your vote so we an repeal and replace obamacare and save health care for every family in florida and in our great country. means restoring honesty to our government. hillary clinton is the most seek theerson ever to office of the presidency of the united states. she threatened national security. she sold her office to the highest bidder, and then to cover her tracks, she deleted at least 33,000 e-mails after receiving a congressional subpoena.
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hillary clinton is being protected by a totally rigged system. up to thet is american people to deliver justice at the ballot box tomorrow. that is what is going to happen. that is what is going to happen. my contract with the american voter begins with a plan to end government corruption and take back our country. fromo take it back swiftly the special interests who i know so well. the entire corrupt washington establishment here the words we are all about to say. when we win tomorrow, we are going to drain the swamp. [applause]
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[chanting "drain the swamp, drain the swamp"] you know, the other day, you read where hillary clinton called entertainers because she can't get anybody -- nobody wants to go. fine, i'm doing fine in all the polls. i don't know how. nobody goes to her rally, so she got jay-z and beyonce and the language they used was so bad. the language. the language was so bad. as they were singing, singing right? talking wasn't talking more
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singing? i don't know. the language was so bad that many of the people left. by the time hillary got up, there was nobody there. the crooked media, those people are the most dishonest people. [doing -- booing] the crooked media, they don't explain it. and isn't it amazing, when jay-z and beyonce use the filthy language, if i ever said those words, it would be the reinstitution of the electric chair, right? it's true. it's true. these words and then she hugs him like everything is right and with me, he is very
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lewd. that's a new word, lewd. i've never seen anything like it in my life. she is such a phony. she is such a phony. [applause] i will say this -- i don't think billy graham ever spoke like this. this is different than a billy graham crusade. but we are all looking for the same thing. we are looking for the great things for our country, looking for religious liberty. are somewhat different personalities. look at this mask. wow. that is beautiful. look at that. looks just like me.
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[applause] nice head of hair. i will say that. thank you. thank you. is there any place more fun to be than a trump rally? [applause] at the core of my contract is my plan to bring back our jobs. in four of lost one its manufacturing jobs since nafta, a deal signed by bill
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clinton and supported by his lovely wife, hillary. lost, hard to believe this, 70,000 factories since china entered the wto. another bill and hillary disaster. we are living through the job loss in the history of our world. the company's leave, they fire everybody, they go to mexico and many other countries. it never happened before like this. we are going to stop it on day one. it so easy to stop. a trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving america and stop the jobs from leaving florida. promise. company wants to fire,
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their workers leave florida admits to another country like mexico, as an example and ship their products back into the united states through what will become an unbelievably strong , we will will tell you tax on those a 35% products. [applause] and i will tell you what's going to happen. nobody is going to leave because the model no longer works. ford is leaving -- i was in michigan last night -- they are all leaving. that's why i believe i'm going to win michigan. they have ripped cars out of there, factories out of
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many, same thing, ohio, so companies have gone to mexico and other companies and we are going to win these states by tremendous amounts because people are tired of being ripped off. that's what happening. they are being ripped off. they are being led by politicians -- i went to an ivy league school and with a good student and all that stuff. but some things you just can't duplicate them. led bytired of being stupid people. they are stupid. [applause] nafta, standotiate the jobina and stop killing transpacific partnership, which will be a disaster. [applause] clinton said it is the
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gold standard, and she's right. remember, she lied in the debate. was -- i say she was right. it is the gold standard for the other countries, not for us. she should have -- she doesn't know what she's doing. ring back our plan to jobs, we are lower taxes on american businesses from 35% to 15%. we are going to massively cut taxes for the middle class, who i call the forgotten people. these are the forgotten men and women. they build our country. they built our country. hillary clinton wants to raise taxes.
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once to raise taxes. i love those signs. blacks for trumps -- lacks for trump. -- one of theu things they are seeing in a couple of these states like florida, african-americans are not turning out and when they do, a lot of them are voting for trump. this is very disturbing to the other side. out because turning they don't care about her. she's got not a lot of inspiration. she used the term super predator to define a lot of black youth. they are not turning out. becausey are worried i'm they do turn out, getting so many more than was anticipated. [applause]
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i think the same is going to be true with hispanics. the cubans gave me the award -- the bay of pigs association. they gave me the award, man of the year. bay of pigs association. >> we are a divided nation. [chanting usa] donald trump: thank you. country.our we will also cancel billions and
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global of dollars in warming payments to the united ations, when the payments disappear. we'll use all of that money to the infrastructure and e could even say the environmental infrastructure of our country. and remember this, remember this, when it comes to environment, i've received many awards, people don't want to talk about, that's okay. absolutely crystal clear .nd clean water we need beautiful, immaculate we need safety. we need safety. billions ofions and dollars away. you can imagine who is taking that imagine, you can imagine. we don't even know what happens to it. taking it,"llary is probably. you are pretty smart.
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piece.y, she gets her we will create jobs and opportunities for african hispanic americans so badly, een failed they have been lied to, cheated to by the democratic party, they want their vote, give us your vote, thanks a lot, see you in years, that is hahappens. we're going to do a job. recently ce, i met with the leaders in the puerto community, a community that is a great community, i know it well. hey are being crushed by high taxes, regulations and failed education policies of hillary and obama. you know where obama is now? jobs, not working n mosul, where they gave them four months adverse notice, our into ry, we are going mosul in four months.
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enter to i said, please turn off the television, i can't hear it. the element of surprise, folks. so then i hear three months, yes, in three months we'll be attacking mosul. is it is two months, then it a month and two weeks. we're preparing to go into want to get their leaders because isis supposedly. the first realize time before they finish the first sentence four months ago, already foundhave new places? don't they understand it? general douglas macarthur, sir, where is general george patton? where are they? general patton? patton?s general george you know where they are? they're watching and they're their grave. they don't believe it.
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wouldn't it be nice if we just up, did the job, had a news and rence a week later said, we had great success. now?n't that be nice, that is obama. that is obama. know what, hillary, that ould be four more years of obama and we don't want it. and tell -- crowd booing] donald trump: tell this resident to stop campaigning and go back to work. jobs, ng to deliver safety, great education, help to thrive and s grow and create amazing pportunities for the children of this country. here in florida, we have such an incredible hispanic cuba, an community from from puerto rico, from
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venezuela, from haiti. was in little haiti the other day, great people. they are such warm, great people. by the way, warm, great people. i spent a lot of time with them, hate the clintons. hey hate what the clintons did to them in haiti. they hate them. ican republic and other places in this state, you ill have a true friend and champion in donald trump, that i can tell you. whether you vote for me or not, in donald trump, that i can tell you. whether you vote for me or not, with you. i will never ever let you down. e will become a rich nation once again. but to be a rich nation, we must a safe nation. 550% y clinton wants increase in the in-flow of
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refugees into our country. crowd booing] donald trump: 550%. will import generations f terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities. when i'm elected president, we refugee end the syrian program. radical islamic errorists the hell out of our country. [crowd cheering] donald trump: folks, all of us, us, we aking for all of all have heart. i have to say sissy anyway.of
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we have heart. gulf states, e they have tremendous amounts of help, put up ill all the money. we will not put up money. we will lead it and do a great job. we will get the gulf states to put up money. we have to rebuild our own country, it's time, it's time. to build safe zones that ia and we have to do because what's happening is just a horrible thing, what's happening. we have enough problems in our trump administration will also secure and defend the of the united states. great , we will build a wall and yes, mexico will pay for the wall. they're going to pay for the wall.
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[crowd cheering] [crowd chanting "pay for the wall."] donald trump: we have to keep he massive amounts of drugs that are pouring into our country and poisoning our youth, out.ave to keep it never before has there been a have in emic like we our country and much of it is coming through the southern pouring in, it's pouring in and it truly sepoisoning our youth and plenty other people. we are going to keep it out and very hard to work with medical professionals to take care of those people that addicted.dly okay. supports totally open borders, there goes your country. your country, folks.
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supports sanctuary , wherelike san francisco by steinley was murdered an illegal immigrant who was deported probably five times. cancel federal funding to sanctuary cities. stop illegal immigrati immigration, deport illegal of every get rid cartel threatening our cities. cities, threatening our they are threatening our itizens and they're not going to be here very long, folks, they'll be out of here. e will also repeal the obama/clinton defense sequester and rebuild our badly depleted military. we have no choice.
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build-up will be supported by new ship necessary mayport and advanced manufacturing of the space coast, okay. space coast. you know the space coast has lost.ike been new aircraft will fly from the force base and naval air pensacola.n we're also going to support our necessary cuba in the the against oppression, fight against the castro regime. e will demand political and religious freedom for the people of cuba and stand with our friend necessary venezuela and struggle, likewise for freedom. we will stand. and we're always going to help haiti who have such a tremendous, difficult
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path, but we will help them and help them rebuild, people of haiti. people.le i really enjoyed that time with them. very importantly, we'll also stand strong. strong with the state of israel in their fight terror.islamic barack obama was the worst thing happened to israel. the worst thing. worst thing that ever happened to israel, barack obama for believe me, the iran deal, where rich, we also gave them a direct path right to weapons, we'll be working with israel closely, closely.y i'm honored to have the
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admirals t of 200 top and generals and 22 -- and that raising -- rising very al of honor 22 med recipients. people.ble we were with them the other night, right next to fort braggg, we had 22, maybe 25,000 people in a field, the most incredible thing you have ever seen, incredible. these are incredible people, great patriots and truly brave. hillary unleashed destruction in iraq, syria, libya, she empowered iran and she unleashed isis on to the world. there was no isis when she was secretary of state. then they allowed the way -- electric, we should have never we were.raq, but we should have never gotten out of iraq the way obama and out, never, s
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never. vacuum was formed and thank isis ry much, we now have in 32 countries, all over the orld, unleashed by obama and hillary clinton. we're going to knock them identity, we have no choice. them out, to knock folks. we have jumping off heads, steel cages.le in not since medieval times have we this, not ng like since medieval times have we seen anything like this. the debates, did i win the debates, by the way? i win? they did nine online polls after nine said i d all won. she was in debate all the time. i was guilty. are you in debate prep? yeah, i've been doing this stuff all my life. i've supposed to be studying.
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she was in debate prep. week and a half before each debate, she would close the door, go to sleep and say it was debate prep. right? when she left the debates, she was exhausted. she left the second and third debate, she was exhausted. need in our country, folks. we need a lot of energy in our a lot of bump-bump. need a lot of things, we don't need hillary. chanting] and vote. who's already voted? wow, pretty good, wow. have almost all voted. goodbye, everybody. well, that's what the democrats
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do to the inner-cities, you know. say, they voted, let's get out of here, see you in four years. that is pretty good. for the few people that haven't, i love you, ve -- too, thank you. i love you, too. i love you, too. get out and vote, for the few haven't. hillary and failed washington establishment have dragged us wars that have made us less safe and that we never win. we never -- i don't think you like hillary very much. oh, boy, hillary, what a disaster this is. a disaster. it's she's not going to get in, i don't see it, i tell ya, i don't see. in. getting [crowd cheering]
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donald trump: they shipped our jobs and our wealth all over the world and left our borders wide open at home. will all change starting -- actually, tomorrow. actually, tomorrow. because while we don't take office until mid-january, the will change as of tomorrow, right? this guy knows. me, firemen, right? great people, great, great people. today, being a fireman right? thank you. i see a great fireman over here. fire groups the other day, they have a new of lem, nobody ever heard this problem. you know? oh, wow, get that for me. wow. [crowd cheering]
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donald trump: thank you. that is great. thank you. on, it ll set to put it is about 20 years old and this sucker has been used. way i'm puting that on. no, but the firemen have a big shooting problem. they're being shot at as they go phenomena, people don't even know about it. they are being shot at as they fires, as they put out fires. is that so? we haveo change, folks, to bring people together. we have such a divided country. thank you. thank you. rom now on, it's going to be america first.
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is timeicans, i say, it for change. it is time for new strong and smart leadership. summing up -- [crowd chanting] donald trump: thank you. everybody. think i'm going to be doing six today, can you believe this? six. going to north carolina, we're all over. we're going to new hampshire right after, going to be great. doing it because there is such spirit. the people of this country are incredible. awe, look at that.
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beautiful. beautiful baby. beautiful baby. good job. good job, daddy. wow. that is an elephant costume, that's so cute. thank you. that's very nice, thank you. about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days trump administration. we are going to have the biggest tax cut since ronald reagan. hillary clinton is raising your taxes. we will beautiful baby. beautiful baby. good job. save and protect social security and medicare, hillary is going to cut your social security and cut your medicare benefits. we will eliminate every nnecessary job killing regulation, they are killing our businesses. illegal obama executive order of which there are many.
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billy r of the great graham, we will protect liberty. our military and take great care finally of our veterans are not eing treated properly, provide school choice and put an end to common core, bring our education local. support the great men and women law enforcement. save our second amendment, which is under siege. the ppoint justices to united states supreme court, who will uphold and defend the of the united states. cheering] donald trump: this is so hard
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to believe, you have one day election. you know what that mean? that means tomorrow. day to make every dream you ever dreamed for your country come true. you have one magnificent chance and at the corrupt system to deliver justice. you will deliver justice for forgotten man, forgotten oman and forgotten child in this nation. do not let this opportunity slip away. we are fighting for every citizen who believes that overnment should serve the people, not the donors and not the special interests. and we are fighting to bring us americans, just imagine what our country could workingsh if we started together as one people under one saluting one american flag.
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usa, d chanting, "usa, usa." donald trump: thank you. i am asking you to dream big. day away from the change you have been waiting entire life. it will be the most important vote you will cast because we don't win any more as a country, we don't border, we don't win with trade, what china is doing is beyond belief.
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we don't win with our military, we have the greatest people in but we don't beat isis, we don't win anymore. and ll start winning again winning like you have never seen before. we are going to win again. in fact, the people of florida may get tired of it. guy, he wins this too much, we can't take it, he wins too much. will send your embassies, the e, mr. president, people don't want to win this uch, you are winning on trade, bringing back jobs, winning at the military, the military is unbelievable. it is too much. i will say, sorry, folks, we're going to keep on winning, right? together we will make america prosperous again.
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we will make america strong again. make america safe again great will make america again. thank you, everybody. god bless you. god bless you. out and vote. thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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>> and donald trump campaign sarasota, florida, will be in a number of states today. e will take you there live on c-span. to hillary clinton, she will be campaigning shortly in pittsburgh penguins, pennsylvania. we want to take your phone calls, hear what you think this day before election day. the phone numbers to call, 202-748-8000, for democrats. 02-748-8001, for republicans 8922 for all others. paul, hi. hey. i just want to say trump is our only hope for america. him, i believe he's going to make this country great again. be our next o president. host: all right, paul, thanks for the call. ouisiana tochlt florida,
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desire,venice, florida. desiree. caller: hi. i'm supposed to be on the republican line, i don't know if that came up or not. i agree with the caller we just it., no doubt about we definitely need trump. the difference between his rallies nd the clinton are, i cannot for the life of me in eve they have to bring shiny objects, they have no substance, nothing to talk about. to dangle shiny jects and constituents' faces. host: you talking about the performers appearing? performers are reduced to shiny objects and all the way to obama. actually played the "steiv e if i was a black american, i would be offended. not 1967. come on.
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that would be offensive to me if black. host: politico is talking about a few polls coming out. razor-thin lead over trump in florida, as well as north carolina. esparanza is calling. day before election day, have voted already? caller: no, not yet. i consider myself independent, honest, i am very the donald trump is the he -- our money. is to take care of the people in the united states have been neglecting ately because the government thinks more about others and -- who give money to people.aign and -- the
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hope that if he wins, the government will be once more as when i e 60 years ago first came here myself to this ountry, being a very young teenager, i highly appreciated the greatness of this country. the call.ks for again, here is a look at our coverage today, we're going to a shortly, inton rally that was supposed to start in ust about a minute, noon eastern time here. she will be in pittsburgh. 4:45, president obama in durham, new hampshire. and head up to will scranton, pennsylvania. of the scrum outside of hillary clinton's plane as she got ready to do her today.gning temperature
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>>-- because it would make a real difference in what we could we're e, but right now just looking at maximizing our operation everywhere and work nothing coordination, bviously, with other candidate necessary both the house and senate and governorships. excited about the having a chance to make the today. the event tonight at ndependence hall is really meaningful to me, where it is and everyone who is there. [crowd speaking at


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