Sarah Huckabee Sanders
White House Briefing CSPAN October 20, 2017 2:18pm-2:44pm EDT
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and constitutionally, if we have to. we are we try to find an alternative way, as you probably know, senator klobuchar, instead of directly confronting a media person. but that is not a blanket protection. the attorney general, saying he's not taking aggressive action. what are we talking about? e: senator amy klobuchar is the daughter of a newspaper man. her father was a reporter. she has been asking attorney general sessions and others at doj this question, all your long. in part because president trump the news mediaks via his twitter account and public appearances. open questions about whether his justice department is willing to subpoena news organizations and individual reporters to try to get their sources.
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jeff sessions did not give a lot of comfort to the news media this week in the statement you just heard. he said we not have taken any aggressive action. ms. sanders: good afternoon. it is friday. come on, guys. last night the senate adopted another budget resolution and this is another milestone for tax reform and sets the stage for us to deliver major tax cuts that will deliver more jobs and higher wages for americans all of the country. the first lady donated the gown that she wore to the inaugural ball to the smithsonian's national museum of american history. and her speech she said leading up to inauguration day, the dress designer ended up only having two weeks to work on the design and create the dress. atobviously came together the first lady is excited to take part in the rich tradition
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of first ladies contribute to and maintaining our great history. not visited they smithsonian's exhibit of first lady dresses you should do that. briefing of the week, so happy birthday, hope. thanks for your selfless leadership and most importantly, your britons of humor. -- and most importantly, your great sense of humor. said in: the president -- should we take that as a signal that other candidates are not doing the job? we still have an
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announcement on that and that is something under consideration but he has not ruled out the number of options and will make an announcement soon. head of aing to get a big announcement like that. the president himself will make it. we'll keep you posted. janet yellen said the president was extremely critical of her during the campaign, saying that at some point she was political and should be shamed of herself and was a political arm of hillary clinton. now he has said rather nice things about her, most recently that he expects -- that he respects her. what has changed in his relationship with janet yellen over the last year? ms. sanders: i think them having the opportunity to spend time directly communicating with one another, certainly through this process. but beyond that i'm not going to weigh in any further into this
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process, other than the process -- other than the president will make an announcement soon. what is the president going to weigh in on what happened to those for special options -- special operations soldiers in niger? said, asrs: as we general kelly addressed, the department of defense has initiated a review which occurs any time an american is killed in action. we are going to the process. the president, the dod and frankly the entire country and government want to know exactly what happened. and the president and the nation are grateful to those for american he rose and we won't -- roes.can he rose when the time is appropriate we will talk about the details of the investigation. there is a controversy
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over congresswoman wilson's speech in 2015. and the speech, it doesn't appear she represented funding for the fbi building. this general kelly stand by the statement he made yesterday that he felt he was grants that felt she was grandstanding. ms. sanders: absolutely. general kelly said he was stunned that representative wilson made remarks about her own action in congress, including lobbying president congress -- president obama for funding. you arekelly said if making it about yourself you are an empty barrel. if you don't understand that, as we say in the south, all caps and no capital. >> she was not talking about
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securing 21 million dollars. choose talking about naming the building. she then went on to effusive lee praise, and that was the bulk of the speech. had quites: she also a few comments that they that were part of that video that were also witnessed by many people that were there. what general kelly referenced yesterday. exactly what he said. there was a lot of grandstanding. he was stunned she took that opportunity to make about can he cannotter: hear talk to us? ms. sanders: the address that thoroughly yesterday. reporter: he was wrong yesterday. ms. sanders: if you want to go after general kelly, that is up to you. if you want to get into a debate with a four-star marine general i think that is highly appropriate. when president spoke at the cia building in january, in front of the stars representing cia agents who had killed -- had been killed in the line of duty, he talked a lot
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about himself. he talked about fake news affecting him. he talked about the mlk controversy. he talked about crowd size. ms. sanders: that wasn't an event set to memorialize those individuals. that was a celebration, talking about the transfer of power. it is two very different events. president'sat the comments at events like the 9/11 ceremony earlier this year, those were very somber. those were focused specifically on those events. those are not even apples-apples. that's not a fair comparison. putting the congresswoman aside i want to focus on what the mother of sergeant johnson said. she felt the president disrespected her in his comments. regardless of the president's intentions, is the president concerned that when he said might have come across as disrespectful, and does he plan to follow up with her and repair
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that relationship? ms. sanders: certainly, if the spirit in which those comments intended were misunderstood, that is very unfortunate. but as the president has said, who has a kelly said, very deep understanding of what that individual will be going through, his comments were very sympathetic, very respectful, and that was the spirit in which the president intended them. if they were taken and any other way that's an unfortunate thing. the 43rd president of the united states, george w. bush, made comments in new york yesterday. and i would like you to address comments he made regarding the issue of russia, specifically russian influence in the united states. he said the russian government is making progress in turning americans against each other. and he said russian interference
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will not be successful, or will be cyber attacks and financial influence should never be downplayed or tolerated. do you agree with those sentiments? ms. sanders: we agree russian interference shouldn't be tolerated we have said that many times before and would certainly argue that should be repeated. i know i have said it at least a dozen times from this podium. relating to our relationship with russia, i have asked you a few times and never gotten an answer from you. this president trump view russia as an ally, a partner, or a foreign adversary? of sanders: i think a lot that depends on russia and what type of relationship they want to have, and whether they want to be a good actor or a bad actor. and we are going to continue trying to work with them on
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certain things that are very important, particularly for national security come on things like syria, north korea, we would like to be put to work with them to can run some of those rats. -- some of those threats. depends on the actions russia takes and how they want to be perceived. reporter: are you saying the white house is no longer saying that the congresswoman talked about the funding, and just talked about legislation in general? ms. sanders: i will repeat it again, general kelly said he was stunned she made the comments about herself. that was the point of what he said and what took place here yesterday and we still stand by those comments. reporter: on the george w. bush when bigots are emboldened, our policies seem more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and fabrication. this president trump agree? seems emboldened
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and our politics seem more emboldened to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication. those were president bush's words. think ifrs: i everybody is pushing fabricated things, most people would think that is coming from the news media and i would agree with that sentiment. reporter: the president signed an executive order today, that appears to recall retired pentagon officers into duty. reporter: why did he feel like it was appropriate to come out here and call a congresswoman an when he hasn't
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done that with other members of congress who have been critical of the president? ms. sanders: i think israel simple. you guys are the 1 -- i think it is real simple. you guys are the ones talking about this story and he thought was important to address you in the american people directly. he thought it was important that people got a full and accurate picture of what took place and that was a personal decision he made, that he wanted to come out and frankly not just share with you, but share with all of america and make an appeal to america to go back to kind of honoring that sacred code of gold star family's. families. and to answer the rest of augustine, why the president need to respond, is because it should have ended yesterday after general kelly's comments, but it didn't. he continued. and it is still continuing today. the bulk of the coverage on almost every tv you turn on, and every newspaper you open up
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and the president responded to this continued accusations and continued mischaracterizations of his comments. reporter: the president was asked earlier today whether he ger.n resignation in nice anytime an american is killed in action there is a full review that takes place. before we start jumping to any conclusions we want to make sure that is completed fully, and then we will have those details for you at that time. niger, a n congressional aide it was brief said there was a massive intelligence failure. is that the understanding of the white house? we are underway for
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the department of defense investigation and will answer those questions at the time. reporter: did the president authorizee the operation? ms. sanders: i'm not a get into any details at this point. people at theo department of defense and they can answer anything further. but where we are at the process is, until the review is complete we are not to weigh in any further. given all the reaction to the president's phone call, this president trump intend to make phone calls to the families of the fallen in the future, should other americans die while he is commander-in-chief? ms. sanders: we are hoping and praying those phone calls don't have to take place and that is where we are renowned. the "los angeles times" has reported that military officials in niger
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requested additional capacity and medical response assistance in the months leading up to the sandwich on october 4. is the president satisfied that that special forces unit that went out that they had all the resources it needed? ms. sanders: as i have said several times, i am not going to get into the details until that review is finalized. we often in cases like that, have jumped to conclusions and tried to make determinations before all of the details are known. we want to make sure the process is complete before we weigh in. reporter: do i have to keep it to one question today? ms. sanders: yes sir. even you, john. i know it will be tough. reporter: i will obey. [laughter] if only i had power over my kids, it would break.
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-- it would be great. reports say the president's trip to london will be a working visit with prime minister may and not an official state visit. that means he will not be received by the queen of buckingham palace. what will be the nature of these visit to london, and prime minister made. a working visit our state visit? ms. sanders: that still has a determined. once we have those travel outlines determined we will certainly let you know. but they have made an invitation for the president to come, we have excepted, and we are working at the majestic's. out the logistics. reporter: the state department 24 people have, been impacted by the sonic attacks in havana. is the president satisfied with the investigation into what is
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happening, and has he reached out a considered reaching out? ms. sanders: i don't believe that he has reached out to any victims involved, at this point. that is an ongoing investigation so we can't wait in further, at this time. . areident trump's a lot of this morning seemed to suggest there is a transcript of the call and she has read it. ms. sanders: there is not a transcript of the call. i think she was responded to reports about something she has read. i would refer you to the campaign that handles her press inquiries. there is not a transcript. senator john cornyn confirmed today that he is -- does the nomination that come as a surprise?
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that the number two republican would be locking the nominee? ms. sanders: the administration welcomes a conversation with all members of congress about the next disaster relief request, which we expect in the coming weeks. while we work with congress on that next request weird the congress to do their job by confirming qualified nominees to crucial positions in our government. this administration has already faced unprecedented obstruction of its nominees and further delays only hurt the american people and we hope that they will get on board and make the process move further along. reporter: given president bush's comments yesterday, it in general does the weight house feel itdoes white house is appropriate for a former president to be critical of a sitting president? ms. sanders: i'm not sure when the last time they spoke but it is made or standing that those comments were not directed to the president. and when these two past presidents have criticized the president in the past they have done so by name, and very really
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do it without being pretty respect, -- pretty direct. so we will take them at there were that these comments were directed to the president. reporter: the united nations is following the refugee situation -- bangladeshe -- border. president trump metadata with you and secretary-general. did they speak about the rohan ingia refugee situation? ms. sanders: they had a very productive conversations and we laterave more details this afternoon. and with that, happy friday. i hope you have a good weekend.
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melania trump donated her inaugural gown to the smithsonian this morning. >> thank you, so much. thank you for your warm welcome. what an honor to be your today. start by thanking the director and the secretary for the wonderful introduction. aff here at the smithsonian have been a true pleasure, to work with. thank you for everything that you do to house the artifacts of our nation's history. youistorians and curators,
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have such an important role on behalf of our country. stagei maybe the one on be the one stage, i want to take a moment to introduce my pi.gner, purvey herve, for all you did to create a wonderful piece. a true artist and a rare professional. before being elected president my husband was never in politics. so you can imagine that after he were very involved with all that goes into preparing for a new administration and all the things that we as a family, would be facing. when i would wear
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to the inaugural ball was the last thing on my mind. by the time i got around to thinking of about my wasrobe choice, poor herve only given two weeks design and produce this piece. we had never worked together before but i knew of his stellar reputation. i wanted to work with someone who do more than just a design a dress. i wanted someone who would be willing to collaborate with me, and herve exceeded my expectations. i have had a passion for design and had ay young age, very good idea of what i wanted for such an historic event. herve toing down with
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discuss my vision, i expressed a desire for a modern, sleek, light, unique, and unexpected look. task tot would be a choose an outfit that would become a part of our nation's story and history. i was so pleased with our end result, and it is now my hope that this piece is one of the additions to our family history here in washington dc. the president then i love living here, and we are so honored to represent this country. the smithsonian has the unique honor and ability to teach future generations the story of our nation's history. i am so honored and grateful to andme part of this history, thank you all for being here with me today.
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you, and god bless the united states of america. >> you can see the entire event on the dress will now be on display in the first ladies exhibit. offensive language and freedom of speech, at the heritage foundation. that is at 5:00 eastern on c-span. also, speech at the economist club this evening. term ends ins february and she met with president trump at the white house. we will have live coverage of janet yellen's remarks at 7:15 eastern today, on c-span,, and the free c-span radio app. moment. your eyes for a close your eyes and stretch.
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trust me. i want you to stretch your imagination. [explosion] open your eyes. that is how fast it happens. in a blink. no warning. , a retiredight on marine talks about his own paralysis and his work to help paralyzed vets. >> this is what i see from a patient perspective, from a policy perspective, women you needperspective, to make the ba and ideal provider for veterans who have fought and sacrificed. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's q and a. former attorney general
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loretta lynch met with the white house -- the house intelligence as part of the russia probe into the 2016 election. general wasttorney head of the justice department will james comey was fbi director and looked into hillary clinton z-mapp while secretary of state. russian foreign minister sergey answered questions about the iran nuclear deal. he spoke at the annual moscow nonproliferation conference. the foreign minister's comments came one week after president trump announced the u.s. would not certify the deal. this is half-an-hour. >> thank you. we areand gentlemen, pleased to be here at this conference, this nonproliferation conference.
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