Jun 14, 2019
Jun 14, 2019
eye 234
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During the second chance employment event, President Trump gives a shout out to Sarah Sanders, who he tweeted earlier, was stepping down as press secretary at the end of the month. Sponsor: White House
Topic: arkansas
Source: Comcast Cable
Business news and analysis.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Job Accomplishments
May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019
eye 119
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to reporters about President Trump's threat of tariffs on Mexican goods, and on other trade and border issues including the USMCA trade agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Sponsor: White House | News Media Stakeout
Topics: mexico, iran, white house, trump
Source: Comcast Cable
May 29, 2019
May 29, 2019
eye 127
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders talked to reporters at the White House following a statement made by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, saying the case was closed and there was no collusion between President Trump's campaign and Russia. She added that if there was a crime, Mr. Mueller would have had a moral obligation to report it. Sponsor: White House | News Media Stakeout
Topics: sec, sanders, mueller, robert mueller, white house, donald trump
Source: Comcast Cable
Interviews with political figures and news updates.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
This Sunday-morning public-affairs institution is network TV's oldest program, but it's certainly no dinosaur as it continues to be a prime forum for newsmakers (domestic and foreign) wanting to make announcements or test political waters. The series, in which guests are questioned by the moderator and a panel of journalists, began its life in prime time in November 1947.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Japan, Trade, North Korea, Nuclear
Rachel Maddow takes a look at the day's top political news stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Bipartisanship,...
May 3, 2019
May 3, 2019
eye 69
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to reporters at the White House, offering commentary and answers to questions on a variety of topics, including Attorney General William Barr's refusal to attend a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Mueller report. She suggested that the committee's chair, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), was ineffective and should consider resigning. Sponsor: White House | News Media Stakeout
Topic: white house
Source: Comcast Cable
A mix of news, features and interviews with notable figures in politics, business and entertainment airs from the CBS Broadcast Center in New York City.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
Jon Favreau, Pedro Pascal, Carl Weathers Gina Carano, and director Dave Filoniare featured. Jessica Mulroney presents wedding dresses at a deal.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
News, sports and weather.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Russia, Legal Issues
Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
Source: https://wellmp3songs.com/download/get.php
Interviews with newsmakers and discussions of current affairs.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Russia, Legal Issues
ABC News' Sunday-morning news forum.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Legal Issues, Russia
A look at the day's news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues, Health Care,...
Mar 26, 2019
Mar 26, 2019
eye 220
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to reporters outside the White House. She said the Mueller investigation resulted in the "complete and total" exoneration of President Trump, but that it was disgraceful that it took two years to conclude. She said it had been "a witch hunt that should have never taken place in the first place," and that the number of articles written and published about the investigation was "outrageous." Sponsor: White House | News...
Topics: ms. sanders, washington, mueller, sarah sanders, israel, trump, ms. sander, north korea, michael...
Source: Comcast Cable
Global news and feature stories are spotlighted.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj27rfq3qbzAhVrS98KHU-MDf0QtwJ6BAgGEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Farchive.org%2Fdetails%2FKGO_20190325_093000_World_News_Now%2Fstart%2F2224.2%2Fend%2F2234.2&usg=AOvVaw23osx490CNS87tqaWtbdQS
News coverage is provided.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
Source: https://www.universallibrary.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20190324_200000_Americas_News_HQ/start/1438/end/1455.9
Mar 12, 2019
Mar 12, 2019
eye 96
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Acting White House Budget Director Russell Vought held a briefing with reporters on the president's 2020 budget request. Following his remarks, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders talked about the Ethiopian Airlines crash the previous weekend from which there were no survivors, and answered a range of questions on topics including U.S.-China relations and the Democrats' handling of anti-Semitic comments. Sponsor: White House
Topics: white house, trump, michael cohen, china, steve king, charlottesville, clinton, cohen, acosta,...
Source: Comcast Cable
A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Human Rights
Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2018/10/fake-pelosi-tweet-pops-up-again/
A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, family, Presidential Power
Updates of the day's news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Legal Issues, Russia
Source: https://embed.old-games.ru/details/MSNBCW_20190305_100000_First_Look/start/288.2/end/310.5
Feb 22, 2019
Feb 22, 2019
eye 102
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to reporters at the White House. She answered questions on a number of topics, including the impending release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report. She said any decisions related to the report were in the hands of Attorney General William Barr, and said President Trump was focused on his upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader, in Vietnam. Sponsor: White House | News Media Stakeout
Topics: Sarah Sanders Speaks to Reporters, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable
Feb 16, 2019
Feb 16, 2019
eye 158
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to reporters following President Trump's signing of a bill funding some government agencies through the end of fiscal year 2019 and an emergency declaration to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. She confirmed he had signed both the bill and the declaration, and answered a few questions on other topics, including ongoing trade negotiations with China. Sponsor: White House | News Media Stakeout
Topics: washington, illinois
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders gives her first briefing since the new year. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Immigration, Crime,...
Jan 19, 2019
Jan 19, 2019
eye 68
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to reporters on the White House driveway. She said that reports that President Trump directed his former attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress were "absolutely ridiculous" and "categorically false." She also talked about the president's meeting earlier that day with North Korean negotiator Kim Yong Chol. Ms. Sanders said the U.S. wanted to see full and verifiable denuclearization on the Korean peninsula and that talks would...
Topic: north korea
Source: Comcast Cable
Brian Williams examines the day's top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
The major news and themes driving the business day are discussed with a roundtable of rotating industry leaders and economic experts.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Immigration, Federal Budget, Women, Crime, Mexico, Human Rights, Debt,...
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Immigration, Federal Budget, Workers, Crime, Drugs, Terrorism
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders; Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.). Panelists include former representative Jason Chaffetz, former state department spokesperson Marie Harf, Jonah Goldberg (National Review) and Democratic strategist Mo Elleithee.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Immigration
Source: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geJaQM5hVf1ZQA.C3BGOd_;_ylu=X3oDMTByNXM5bzY5BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1595299469/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2farchive.org%2fdetails%2fFOXNEWSW_20190106_190000_Fox_News_Sunday_With_Chris_Wallace%2fstart%2f228%2fen
Dec 21, 2018
Dec 21, 2018
eye 73
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke briefly to reporters outside the White House. She was asked about the resignation of Defense Secretary James Mattis, the government funding deadline and border security. On the resignation announcement, Ms. Sanders said the president and Secretary Mattis "have a good relationship but sometimes they disagree." As she concluded, the press secretary said President Trump would not be traveling for the holiday if there is a government...
Topics: mattis, ut, paul ryan
Source: Comcast Cable
Breaking news, market updates and insights from business leaders.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration, Federal Budget
Gisele Bündchen on "Note to Self."
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Federal Budget, Immigration
Dec 18, 2018
Dec 18, 2018
eye 129
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders reacts to news of the day including the delayed sentencing for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and the border wall negotiations and whether or not there would be a government shutdown just head of the holidays.
Topics: ms. sanders, fbi, michael flynn, flynn, russia, jenkins, michael cohen, mexico, pelosi
Source: Comcast Cable
Dec 12, 2018
Dec 12, 2018
eye 122
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke at Politico's annual "Women Rule" conference in Washington, DC, where she answered questions about her approach to press briefings, the impact of the job on her personal life, and reaction to President Trump's latest exchange with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office. Sponsor: Politico.com
Topics: sarah, donald trump
Source: Comcast Cable
A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Russia, Legal Issues, Foreign Policy
Nov 28, 2018
Nov 28, 2018
eye 359
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At the beginning of the White House briefing, National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow and National Security Adviser John Bolton gave a preview of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, scheduled for the weekend following this briefing. Mr. Bolton said the president was set to have bilateral meetings with the leaders of Argentina, South Korea, Turkey, Japan and Russia. He was also asked about an audio recording which allegedly documented the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi; Mr....
Topics: china, mexico, brazil, trump, mueller, argentina, sarah, afghanistan, bolsonaro, jamal khashoggi,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Nov 28, 2018
Nov 28, 2018
eye 1,951
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quote 1
At the beginning of the White House briefing, National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow and National Security Adviser John Bolton gave a preview of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, scheduled for the weekend following this briefing. Mr. Bolton said the president was set to have bilateral meetings with the leaders of Argentina, South Korea, Turkey, Japan and Russia. He was also asked about an audio recording which allegedly documented the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi; Mr....
Topics: Border Patrol, Tear Gas, Immigration
Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/01/bidens-position-on-osama-bin-laden-raid/
Updates of the day's news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, The Press
A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, The Press
Brian Williams examines the day's top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Job Accomplishments
Market coverage, featuring interviews and commentary from Wall Street experts.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, The Press
Local news, sports and weather.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, The Press
Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Immigration
Oct 29, 2018
Oct 29, 2018
eye 146
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held a briefing with reporters. She expressed grief for the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting which happened over the weekend prior to this briefing, and said President Trump and first lady Melania Trump planned to travel to Pennsylvania to "express the support of the American people and grieve with the Pittsburgh community." She also addressed questions about the president's tweets and comments in which he referred to "fake...
Topics: brazil, pittsburgh, sarah, merkel, pennsylvania, andrew gillum, jamal khashoggi
Source: Comcast Cable
[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders holds a briefing with reporters. Sponsor: White House
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
Simon McCoy and the team bring you all the day's top stories, weather, business and sport - and breaking news as it happens. Also in HD. [S]
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Terrorism
A look at the day's news and headlines.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Terrorism
The latest news from around the world.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Terrorism, Crime, Jobs,...
A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous discussions.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Terrorism, Crime, Economy, Jobs,...
The venerable morning show featuring news, interviews, and lifestyle and entertainment stories. This a.m. staple is TV's longest-running daytime series, debuting in January 1952 as the brainchild of NBC programming visionary Sylvester 'Pat' Weaver.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, immigrartion, Human Rights
The White House publicly defended the president's comments questioning Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault allegation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh at a campaign rally in Mississippi. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said he was simply stating facts. She also responded to a New York Times story about the president and his family's tax liability. Her comments came during a briefing with reporters. Prior to taking questions from reporters, Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon thanked the...
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Supreme Court, Women, Legal Issues
Source: https://www.universallibrary.org/details/CSPAN_20181003_201400_White_House_Briefing/start/937.8/end/2132.8?q=bill+clinton
Brian Williams examines the day's top political stories and current political-campaign news.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Supreme Court, Women, Legal Issues
Mega Deals and Steals: 28 deals with Tory Johnson.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Supreme Court, Women, Legal Issues
Tim Tebow; Leighton Meester; chef Gordon Ramsay.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Supreme Court, Legal...
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Russia, Legal Issues, Job Accomplishments
Sep 10, 2018
Sep 10, 2018
eye 104
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders answered questions from reporters during a briefing at the White House on a range of issues including the anonymous editorial piece printed in the New York Times, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's letter to President Trump, and trade relations with Canada. At the beginning of the briefing, White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Kevin Hassett updated reporters on jobs, the economy and small business growth figures. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, trump, obama, charlotte, mr. hassett, washington, kim jong-un, sarah, kevin,...
Source: Comcast Cable
A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Job Accomplishments
Aug 22, 2018
Aug 22, 2018
eye 103
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held a briefing with reporters discussing the federal government's emergency preparedness efforts for Hurricane Lane, as the storm approached Hawaii. In addition, she was asked repeatedly about the Paul Manafort trial guilty verdict and Michael Cohen's guilty pleas. Ms. Sanders responded, "As the president has stated on numerous occasions, he did nothing wrong." Other topics addressed included the security clearance review process, the Brett...
Topics: venezuela, paul manafort, hawaii, michael cohen, mueller, daniels, china, sarah
Source: Comcast Cable
The fourth hour of the morning news and variety show.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Russia, Legal Issues
Aug 15, 2018
Aug 15, 2018
eye 259
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced President Trump was revoking the security clearance of John Brennan, the former CIA director under the Obama Administration. The statement from President Trump came at the top of a press briefing for reporters at the White House, after which she answered questions on a variety of topics. Ms. Sanders said the president was considering revoking security clearances of many other Obama administration officials, including Susan Rice, Peter Strzok,...
Topics: mr. brennan, turkey, bruce ohr, brunson, mr. manafort, north korea, kavanaugh, rudy giuliani, brett...
Source: Comcast Cable
Aug 14, 2018
Aug 14, 2018
eye 106
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders took questions from reporters in the briefing room. She was asked about the president's disparaging comments about former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman, who recently criticized the president and released secret audio recordings during her time in the West Wing. Ms. Sanders said that the president was "voicing his frustration" in his tweets, in which he called Ms. Newman a "dog" and a "crazed, crying lowlife."...
Topics: ms. sanders, sarah, north koreans, vietnam, omarosa, afghanistan, kevin, kristen, reuters, turkey,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Aug 2, 2018
Aug 2, 2018
eye 127
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters in the briefing room. Sponsor: White House
Topics: russia, fbi, china, florida, facebook, sarah, clinton, helsinki, north korea
Source: Comcast Cable
Aug 1, 2018
Aug 1, 2018
eye 116
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[LIVE] White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions from reporters in the briefing room. Sponsor: White House
Topics: china, paul manafort, mueller, india, north korea, rosenstein, korea, john, rudy giuliani,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Chris Matthews debates hot political issues with politicians, newsmakers and Washington leaders.
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch
Source: https://www.zaibj.com/details/MSNBCW_20180725_230000_Hardball_With_Chris_Matthews/start/1011.2/end/1027.4
Jul 23, 2018
Jul 23, 2018
eye 123
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held a briefing with reporters on a number of topics including the president's consideration of revoking former government officials' security clearances. Sponsor: White House
Topics: ms. sanders, russia, iran, kavanaugh, brennan, rouhani, pompeo, paul, north korea, schumer,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Jul 19, 2018
Jul 19, 2018
eye 76
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders took questions from reporters on a range of domestic and international issues. She clarified President Trump's comments on Russia saying the president was responding "no" to answering reporter questions not "no" to a shouted question on whether Russia was still targeting the U.S. In addition, Press Secretary Sanders addressed Russian interference in U.S. elections saying, "We believe the threat still exists." Sponsor: White...
Topics: russia, sec, mexico, trump, robert mueller, john, helsinki, washington
Source: Comcast Cable
Jul 19, 2018
Jul 19, 2018
eye 122
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders took questions from reporters on a range of domestic and international issues. She clarified President Trump's comments on Russia saying the president was responding "no" to answering reporter questions not "no" to a shouted question on whether Russia was still targeting the U.S. In addition, Press Secretary Sanders addressed Russian interference in U.S. elections saying, "We believe the threat still exists." Sponsor: White...
Topics: russia, mexico, china, trump
Source: Comcast Cable
Jul 3, 2018
Jul 3, 2018
eye 50
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders took a handful of questions from the White House driveway. She said President Trump would continue interviewing candidates for the vacant spot on the Supreme Court left by outgoing Justice Anthony Kennedy. The president was slated to announce his pick July 9, 2018. She also discussed civility in politics and North Korea. Sponsor: White House | News Media Stakeout
Topic: angela merkel
Source: Comcast Cable
Government Accountability Office's Chris Mihm discussed the GAO's recent report examining the fiscal health of the U.S. as the national debt reaches $21 trillion. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump Administration, Executive Branch, Supreme Court, North Korea, Nuclear
Jun 29, 2018
Jun 29, 2018
eye 101
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders sat down with C-SPAN for a conversation, marking almost a year since she took over the role of White House Press Secretary. She talks about President Donald Trump's message, the tone of his presidency, and her interactions with the media. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: sarah sanders, alaska, c-span, fairbanks, mexico, clinton, john roberts
Source: Comcast Cable
Jun 25, 2018
Jun 25, 2018
eye 94
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At the beginning of the White House briefing, press secretary Sarah Sanders gave a brief statement on the incident that happened at the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia where she was asked to leave by the owner. In her statement, she said that healthy debate was important but "calls for harassment" and "any push for any Trump supporter to avoid the public" were unacceptable. She then answered several questions on the president's immigration policy, including his...
Topics: eu, harley davidson, john, south carolina, jared kushner, blake, sarah, julie, obama...
Source: Comcast Cable
Jun 14, 2018
Jun 14, 2018
eye 102
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White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders answered several questions from reporters at the White House on the release of the Justice Department Inspector General's report on the handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Other questions focused on immigration policy, the New York state attorney general's office lawsuit against the Trump Foundation, and speculation around Mrs. Sanders' future at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: new york, north korea, jim, bible, rudy giuliani, peter strzok, michael cohen
Source: Comcast Cable