Sarah Huckabee Sanders
White House Briefing CSPAN October 29, 2018 7:36pm-8:00pm EDT
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weeks and announced that president trump and first lady melania trump will visit tomorrow to mourn a synagogue massacre that left 11 people dead. questions from reporters. >> good afternoon. to begin today with a few killingsut the heinous at the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh, pennsylvania on saturday. as you know, the shooter is in theody and the f.b.i. is on scene, leading the investigation, with the support of state and local law enforcement. atrocity was a chilling act of mass murder. it was an act of hatred. all, it was an act of evil. plague toism is a
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humanity and responsible for horrors in worst history. we all have a duty to combat everywhere and anywhere it appears. the american people reject prejudice andy, violence. we are a nation that believes in religious liberty, tolerance and respect. and we are a people who cherish the dignity of every human life. america grief grieves for the precious lives that were cruelly stolen. our hearts ache for every person who lost a loved one. jewish americans horribly murdered represented the very best of our nation. they were brothers and sisters out for each other. they were doctors who cared for citizens in need. grandparents who taught their grandchildren to value faith, family and country. religiousere the heart of the tree of life community. loss ofon mourns the these extraordinary americans and we also pray for those who were wounded.
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are with the four brave police officers who were shot and injured while trying to attack. we thank god for these officers and for every member of law enforcement who responded swiftly and bravely. and in the swai wake of the att, have witnessed americans of every faith and tradition coming together to mourn with their to support --, citizens, to support one another and stand in solidarity with america's jewish community. the president cherishes the everythingunity for it stands for. he adores jewish americans as part of his own family. the president is the grandfather his son-in-law is a descendent holocaust survivors. tomorrow the president and first lady will travel to pennsylvania the support of the american people and grieve with the pittsburgh community w. that, i will take your questions. >> sarah, the president said over the weekend that he could
7:39 pm what did he mean by that? and does he have any concern at could inspireords or provoke troubled people to do awful things? >> certainly the president moments where our country is hurting like we've seen in the last several days, ways to bring our country together. we've seen him do exactly that. however, the president is going to continue to draw contrasts, particularly as we go into the days of an election, the differences between the two on policyarticularly differences. you'll continue to see him make that contrast. think,has certainly, i found those moments to bring our certainlygether, and focus on some of the things that all of us can support and all of as well.ndemn >> he's also harshly attacked who of the very people received those pipe bombs and this morning suggested that the news media is responsible for the anger in this country.
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how does he do that, which in the case of the pipe bomber, went tosomebody who trump rallies, had a vancouvered the -- a van -- covered with attacks on the praise for the president. the shooter in pittsburgh was somebody that was provoked by that the president senspent so much time talking about. >> the very first thing that the president did was condemn the attacks, both in pittsburgh and bombs.pipe the very first thing the media did was blame the president and theseim responsible for ridiculous acts. that is outrageous, that that would be the very first reaction so many people across this country. i'm not finished. the only person responsible for out, either of these heinous acts, were the individuals who carried them out. not the president no more sanders'ss bernie fault for the individual who shot up a field of congressional republicans. you can't start putting the
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of individuals on anybody but the individual who carries out the crime. media? about the news the president is the one placing blame here. >> no, the president is not placing blame! the president is not responsible for these acts. thevery first action that president did was condemn these heinous acts. the very first thing that the did was condemn the president and try to place blame not just on the president but everybody that works in this administration. major news networks' first public statement was to blame president. and myself included. i mean, that is outrageous that anybody other than the carried out the crime would hold that responsibility. dave? take tos it going to stop these killings from happening over and over and over again? >> i think if we had a good answer to that, i think everybody in the country would support it. if anybody knows the answer, i certainly this administration would be all ears. the president spends every of every single day looking for the best way to protect the safety and security
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of americans. and we're going to continue to do that. >> is the president going to give a speech on immigration this week? and what is your thinking about options in terms of closing the border? ifwe'll keep you posted there's any scheduled address on that topic. i'm not aware of that at this >> 11 jewish leaders in the pittsburgh area have said that notpresident's visit is welcome, unless and until he denounces fully and forth white nationalism. does the white house believe this president has done enough denounce white nationalism? >> the president has denounced hatred and bigotry in all forms on a number of occasions and will continue to do that. doing it here today. at the same time, some grieving,s, they're they're hurting. the president wants to be there to show the support of this jewishtration, for the community, the rabbi said that
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well andcome as certainly we want to show our support for those individuals. >> i don't know if there was meeting this morning about what to do about the border. there may be some sort of options.y one of the options being discussed, making it impossible asylumbody to claim unless they enter through a port of entry. that would mean that anybody who the border illegally make aot be able to valid claim of asylum? >> there are a lot of options discussed. inmenin -- the number one priors way to secure our borders. we'd love for congress to help that. we're looking at administrative actions that will help and allow us to do so. much.nk you very the state department repeated toay that a commitment promote human right and democracy will continue to guide brazil.tionship with however, the brazilian president
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elected, bolsonaro, has made statementsversial about -- my question is, if the plans to -- [inaudible] >> and ask assurance from the brazil that they will protect human right and democracy in brazil? question, what do you think about the comparisons that -- >> let me address the first thing. promote human rights all over the world. longstanding relationship with brazil. we want to continue to work with them. we'll see what happens from there. >> okay. so what do you think about the comparisons? calling people are bolsonaro the trump of the tropics. and he plans to invite him to the white house -- if he has any anytime go to brazil or soon that bolsonaro is in operation. >> there's only one donald opinion. my go ahead. >> a question about the caravan. the president used the word
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"invasion" about this caravan. that's the same word mentioned invasion, with respect to the powers of the federal government to repel invasions. have thereion is, been any discussions here with respect to that, about the fact constitution provides for, for example, the suspension corpus to repel invasion if the public safety requires this. is the president talking about ignoring this by having the there?y go down is that in any way under consideration? ofwe're looking at a number different options. i know that the department of defense is holding a press atference this afternoon 4:00 to talk about some of the actions that they'll be taking. i would encourage you to tune that. >> i noted in my question, it has not been ruled out? those are options on the table? >> look, i'm not going to get into specific policies we're considering. number of actions we're looking at taking. when we're ready to make an announcement on that front,
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know.let you john? >> the midterms are eight days from today. from both parties, what the midterms actually mean the day after the election. what theed to ask you midterms mean before the election. the president, on october 18, in mississippi, said i'm not -- i ticket, because it is also a referendum on me. is that right? this midterm election -- is this midterm election a referendum on the president? >> look, i can't get into will impact the election. but i can tell you that the president wants to see more support his policies elected than not. so... now been four weeks since jamal khashoggi was murdered inside the saudi the president said early on, if the saudis are found responsible, there would be severe punishment. his words. it's now obvious to the world that khashoggi was murdered, it premeditated, by the saudis. why has there been no action? >> the president met last week
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with the c.i.a. director after having gathered additional on her overseas trip. and the administration is weighing different options. make an announcement about what the decision of that is. >> is he considering any actual action? >> like i just said, the administration is considering what action we'll take moving on that based information and the briefing that the president received last week. to go back to the tone question. the president said he was planning to tone down his this week. but in his rallies, since those suspicious packages began being president had been called -- he stood there as a supporter -- [inaudible] >> he continues to call crooked hillary clinton. will the president stop using that kind of language in light of the fact that these individuals were targeted? >> the president is going to continue to draw contrasts. let's not forget that these same have repeatedly attacked the president, whether it was eric holder saying kick
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when they're down, whether it was hillary clinton saying you can't be civil until control ofave congress or whether it was max encouraged her supporters to get up -- those actions are from those democrats. the president is going to continue to fight back when these individuals not only ofack him but attack members his administration. >> i want to follow up on something else. the president feel like it's necessary to send borderduty troops to the when he's already sent national guard troops down there who are exact same job? >> the president's number one priority is to protect the safety and security of americans. going to do what he deems necessary in order to do that. that,ecifics regarding i'd encourage you to tune into the press conference this afternoon. john? >> thank you, sarah. two brief questions. the first, a follow-up about the question on brazil. a few months ago, you used to give us readouts of the
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worldent's calls with leaders, including congratulatory calls to newly elected leaders such as macron, chancellor merkel. did the president or does the call tot plan to make a president elect bolsonaro? >> he did. night.e with him last actually sent a note to the white house press poll. if you didn't receive that, i'll do after the briefing is over. >> sarah, with the election away, some republicans such as the nominee for the senate in new jersey do not mention the president at name ornot invoke his image. others, such as mr. dewine, running for governor of ohio, in brochures, pictures. somee president aware that candidates run against him, and is this going to enter into his where to go in the final days? >> that's a decision for
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individual candidates to make. think the president has an incredible story to tell. he's had a historic first two years. a number of successes that i think any republican running for office should be proud of. jim? >> sarah, yes. i wanted to ask you -- [inaudible] spokesperson under general kelly, chief of staff marine, the -- a morning, i know quite a bit about the press. they are not the enemy of the american people. shouldn't you reserve the term people who are actually the enemy of the united states rather than journalists? is notpresident referencing all media. hee talking about the -- he's growing amounthe of fake news that exists in the country and the president is calling that out. >> may i ask a follow-up, please? >> go ahead, jim. >> since you mentioned that, the president said this morning the fake news media, the true ento
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of -- the true enemy of the people, must stop. record state for the which outlets that you and the as the enemy of the people? >> i'm not going to walk through a list. think those individuals probably know who they are. >> would that include my outlet, which received -- >> i don't think it's acessarily specific to general, broad generalization of a full outlet. at times, i think there's that the president would be referenced. jordan? >> thank you. so you're not going to state for the record , then -- i mean, if the president is going to say the "fake news media" are enemy of the people and if you're going to stand there and continue to say that there are some newsalists, outlets that meet that characterization, shouldn't you sarah, to state which outlets? are the "enemy of the people"? >> i think it's irresponsible of
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a news organization like yours to blame responsibility of a sent byb that was not the president, not just blame the president but blame members administration for those heinous acts. i think that is outrageous and i irresponsible. jordan, go ahead. >> sarah, we didn't say that the president -- you threeve given questions. jordan, go ahead. >> the president has talked haveple times to republican lawmakers to protect preexisting conditions if they keep control of congress, but the administration is supporting a lawsuit that would undercut those protections under couplere and take in a of regulatory actions as well. how do you square the two what's the plan, the republican plan for protecting the people? caree president's health plan that he's laid out covers preexisting conditions. loweresident wants premiums to make health care more affordable. nobody will be denied coverage under the president. >> thank you, sarah.
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merkel'sllor announcement that she'll be stepping down and won't seek to rerun, how -- what is the reaction from the administration, and how does relationshiphe going forward? >> we're aware of the announcement. and this is an internal matter and the --r germanlor and the germ people. >> why did the president in his tweets call andrew gillum a thief? >> i'll come back to you. go ahead. >> before you walked out, there was a report that says should the meeting between president trump and president xi of china in terms of easing the trade war, the trade tension, then it's at that point would go forth with the $257 billion in tariffs. that indeed the timetable that the administration is working with here? >> i'm not going to get ahead of president's meeting and i hope it goes well. go ahead. >> how important is that meeting
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then? you heard it said two weeks ago, lote there might not be a of detail that comes with it, in terms of trade. >> as the president likes to say, we'll see what happens. i'm not going to get ahead of the conversation. most powerfulthe leaders in the world. we'll see what happens when they sit down. president was tweeting today, in one tweet he called andrew gillum, the democratic for governor in florida, a thief. what is his definition of that statement? also i want to ask you about voter fraud -- >> let me answer your first question. that individual is under f.b.i. investigation. i would refer you to that. i'm not going to get into matter,s on that because it involves two candidates running for office. impact that, do to the hatch act. i'll leave that to the president to make those type of statements. >> second question. the president talks about voter at a time when there are votertions and proof of
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suppression taking place in the state of georgia where abrams is the republican. whereso in north dakota, native americans who don't have address, who have a they're -- box, they're not able to vote. >> what we do support is voter integrity. in not going to weigh specifics that have an impact on this election that's a few days away. i'll leave that to the president to lay out that specific case. >> thank you, sarah. could you tell us, does the white house currently believe they have the legal authority to the southern border, and is it an option being explored with relation to the caravan? a number of have options on the table. when we have a decision on that, know.let you >> two questions, please. first one, the president, whether he called president obama or any of the others that the bombs were addressed to, and
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they want me to, but we'll probably pass. can you explain why? speak withident did governor cuomo of new york last week. aren'tthis point, there any other plans for other calls. more about jamal khashoggi. the c.i.a.l us, has director actually heard the tape that they allegedly have proving killed?was >> i can't confirm or deny the intelligencethe that the director saw while she was there. >> throughout the course of this have repeatedly path -- the president's >> no, not because of the midterms. presidentded the fighting back when he's regularly attacked. there's a difference. doesn't matter if there's a not, the president is going to defend himself and fight back. >> from a political perspective, right? >> from any perspective. >> at what point does a national tragedy take president over the
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needing to punch back? if not now, when? president you saw the do exactly that in the wake of a national tragedy, not just this week, but every time our country has experienced the type of and pain as we have over the last week. this is a president who has risen to the occasion and worked our country together, whether it's the hurricanes, whether it's the las vegas shooting, whether it was the shooting. all horrible, horrible tragedies that this country has experienced. and this president has come out, condemned the attacks, when it an individual, and tried to look for ways to bring when it wastogether a natural disaster. >> but both he and you have also that in the next breath, he does talk about division. of, in the words of some, toning down the rhetoric? think the president had a number of moments of bringing the country together. once again, i'll remind you,
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the very first thing the president did was condemn the attacker, and the very first the media did was blame the president. you guys have a huge responsibility to play in the of this country, when 90% of the coverage of everything this president does is negative, despite the fact that the president is doing extremely well, despite the fact deliveringesident is on xfl what he said -- on exactly what he said he was going to do. got elected by an overwhelming majority of 63 million americans who came out wanted toted him and see his policies enacted. he's delivered on the promises he's made. if anything, i think it is sad and divisive the way that every thing that comes out of the media, 90% of what comes out of the media's mouth is negative this president. despite the fact that the economy is booming, despite the he said he would fix the trade deals and he's done exactly that. defeat isis and he has. the president has been delivering, day in, day out,
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it -- i think it would be nice if every once in a while, of thed focus on a few positive things the president has done instead of just attacking him. thanks so much, guys. >> tonight on c-span, q&a with aarp c.e.o. >> it's a night full of debate here on c-span with the kentucky sixth district race. after that come at 9:00 eastern, the defer much senate congressman kevin cramer and heidi heitkamp.
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