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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm CET

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this is the that really was live from berlin algeria's army chief demands the country's president be declared unfit to rule out because he's with a flick eye has faced two weeks of consistent protests calling for his resignation while now the army says the country's constitution offers a way out of the crisis will get you the very latest live from algiers also coming up a major blow to internet giants and some supporters of online freedom as european lawmakers back controversial copyright reforms call this fight protests ahead of this
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a sensitive vote from critics worried that the changes that would lead to censorship the majority of any piece approved or new rules saying they will compensate content creators more fairly and a delicate balancing act of friendship president and general mccall those talks with the leaders of china germany and the e.u. well they need to find ways to resolve security and economic concerns as chinese investment pours into your. heart thank you so much for your company everyone while we begin this broadcast a weird breaking news coming in algeria as army chief has called for the president to be declared unfit to rule on president sarkozy's which a figure has faced or weeks of a peaceful mass protests will now. military is intervening saying it wants to
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trigger a constitutional process that would put a caretaker leader in place. we can take you know alive to algeria to journalists to sophia messer who is standing by in the capital algiers for a specific can you hear me ok. sophia and when the army chief makes a statement like this what does it mean. it's basically means that what she said and what you call for one have to so for one hundred years you're in constitution it's very likely applied now which means that for those of a different reason. that on stage who have a constitutional conclusion which will take a close up of the time we've gone to take over also the president of the senate for the powers of your argument of them somebody who will take over as a caretaker president so we will have
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a transitional period. but after that new and presidential elections all right so if i understand comic correctly somebody will come in from the military or is this man a civilian. no it's a civilian the sacral job powers of the role of the parliament with this statement a certain section of the army who has the constitutional rights to apply this article but the fact that guy was saying this particular today in the future means that just off it will be applied so it's not a direct military coup not at all and we would study it to the constitution. but the fact that. our guys let's make this announcement made it very clear who is willing to challenge this he's right now public the public opinion in algiers has been so strong all these people now for more than a month out on the streets wanting to step down is this what
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algerians would like to see. it's definitely a first step. and it means that look if you can we have you removed from power and you will not stay longer in office than kind of a term but if it can make some to put them on to a race in weeks and months with much because if not to you know to run in these new elections will have good chances to win. all right algerian journalist to sophia nasr reporting from algiers on that breaking news there for us thank you so much for your reporting. and we'll keep monitoring that story story as it develops but now we had back to the european union where the parliament in stroudsburg has voted to approve major changes to european copyright law well the controversial proposal prompted
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a tens of thousands of europeans to protest against the measures that they say that they are worried about how new rules will affect free speech on the internet while at the heart of the matter is article thirteen of the legislation its proponents claim it would help copyright holders protect their intellectual property but opponents fear it could lead to censorship and so how exactly will this new bill change things for in it users in berlin well right now if a user uploads text video music or photos to a platform like you choop that person is responsible for respecting copyright restrictions the age you has now reversed that principle the new legislation makes platform operators liable for the content on their sites and they will face fines if laws are broken while the intent behind this is to force sites like facebook and
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you tube to monitor what users publish but critics fear that web sites will end up using automatic filters that also block material that's now were stripped it so opponents of the bill say this could have major repercussions online will excuse you more now on this a bill that passed this afternoon with the corresponding much us who is at the e.u. parliament in stroudsburg where the votes the all important vote took place good to see you again york of all right to the bill was basically already a lockdown before this vote but i understand there was still some haggling going on regarding an article thirteen can you tell us more about that. and no doubt this was a very emotional very polarized debate here in the european parliament but if you listen to it closely it was pretty clear that there is a strong majority in favor of change because you have to understand that for two decades the copyright law has not been updated and so many supporters of this bill
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said look we had to do something we know it's not perfect but things need to change a big tech giants like google like facebook are reaping enormous profits from the fact that there is a lack of regulation in this field now when it comes to regulations that is where the o. poland's come in and i talked to one of them just after that landmark voter timor vote can who's been campaigning very hard against this new law i'm really happy that it was very close vote so only five votes missing this demonstrates that many members listen to the people who were out on the streets on demonstrations against apple features the internet will differently change so we do not really know how platforms will adapt to this new regulation but i i fear that they will use up old filters and this will especially make my wife more complicated for smaller
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platforms so gary what happens next when will all of this be implemented. well the technically the member states in principle they have already agreed to this is so has the commission the european parliament was now the last step and so now it's up to member states in the period of two years to put this law into reality and then we'll have to see how tech giants will work this out whether those upload filters will be as bad as the opponents say the supporters of this reform if that they've bend over backwards to accommodate as many concerns as possible and this law is definitely not the end of the internet as we know it garrick motus reporting for you from strasburg thank you. you're watching t.v. news still to come. a window of hope for abused women in jordan we take you inside the country's first
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protective shelter for women whose lives are at risk from family members. but first some of the other stories making news around the world. the european parliament has voted to end the practice of changing the clocks between winter and summer time by twenty twenty one while it follows a poll in which millions of europeans said they wanted to stop the by annual timeshift each member state will now decide which time zone to keep. authorities or media say they've seized more than a thousand kilos of cocaine from a boat that capsized in the black sea last week while officials say the drugs have a market value of up to three hundred million euros and two suspects have been detained. and out to jordan where years of campaigning for the government to provide better protection for women threatened by domestic abuse is beginning to
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bear fruit under the country's criminal prevention law it has been common practice to jail women are risk of abuse supposedly for their own protection but last year the government finally opened a secret shelter and as news found out it's giving vulnerable women hope of starting new lives and safety it's been years since mona last saw her husband but the abuse she suffered at his hand is still fresh in her mind. the one. when the beating got really bad i would run away to the neighbors when my husband suspected i was having an affair with my neighbor so he beat me again and strangled me. authorities feared one of husband might kill her in the name of family honor so they put her in prison. the forty two year old mother of eight was incarcerated for seven months under georgians crime prevention law which has long been used to indefinitely jail women considered to be at risk of so-called honor killings
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supposedly for their own protection. the hook up with a jailed me with women facing the death sentence women convicted of drug crimes were the ones on death row are hard to view is the whole. lawyers were able to get out of prison after her husband left the country but the circumstances of her release are extremely rare. a woman is usually told that someone must come and bail her out in guarantee has safety usually a brother or a father her son or her husband and that's difficult because these are often the same people who were threatening her they had to do well. it is estimated that hundreds of women have been jailed under the pretext of protection with some spending over a decade in prison but after years of campaigning things are finally starting to change. according to the government cases like more that won't have to spend any more time in prison for their own protection and twenty eight in the jordanian
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ministry for social development opened this home known as the purpose of it is to house women whose lives are under threat by members of their family today we're being given a rare look into the home and the lives of its residents the shelter the subject around the clock protection and surveillance its location is kept secret. and is one of the first to be transferred from jail to the shelter after spending almost six years in prison. for safety reasons we cannot give details about the twenty six year old story only that her life is under threat from multiple members of her family. when i arrived here for two days i could not believe that i could just go out on the balcony and see people the world and life had been almost six years and i had not seen the sign and i had not seen people. shelter director does that insists this is not just
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a place for the women to eat and sleep here they also receive psychological counseling legal aid and vocational training with the aim of reintegrating them into society children up to the age of six can remain with their mothers. and when a woman comes to us she's entering an unfamiliar situation with let her know that being here is voluntary one of her choices on our first task is to comfort her health and once that happens working with her becomes much easier. since it's opening twenty women have been transferred from prison to the shelter around twelve still remain in prison but the ministry intends to gradually move them here as well three of the women transferred from prison have left the shelter after they were deemed to no longer be in danger if a woman wants to leave beforehand she's informed of the risks and cannot be held against her will. my goal is to one day be able to leave and find
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a suitable place to live i do not want to be threatened anymore who had heard the opening of the shelter has been hailed as a major step forward but activists say the law which allowed for these women to be held in the first place must be repealed to guarantee this never happens again. abraham reporting there from jordan chinese president xi jinping is in paris for talks with the european union after other meetings in some of the continent's major capitals his hosts france is in my car along with the junk load younker and germany's america are trying to find a common approach to china's rapid economic expansion which has led to aggressive investment in europe and the takeover of a number of companies by chinese competitors president xi though is on a charm offensive he came bearing gifts. an order for three hundred airplanes it's a game changer for airbus giving the trance european aircraft maker a leg up in its never ending rivalry with us competitor boeing china's cheating
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ping signed the deal during his visit with french president. a move that seems to. we have to have trust in multilateral cooperation and the fact that everyone will. multilateral cooperation does not work if one partner is another partner is lost and we have seen that before and that's why i'm a firm believer and convinced it's worth fighting for it. duffield to kim. she responded that the e.u. and china should advance together despite an distrust that has recently hidden that progress that includes business with chinese telecom equipment maker who are way which has been accused of being in beijing's pocket the u.s. has banned the tech giant from its domestic infrastructure projects the e.u. is also currently discussing whether or not to allow the chinese company to help build its new five g. networks. in pairs the european leaders and she set the stage for the upcoming
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china summit but the real work will happen behind closed doors over the course of the next few weeks. and want all twenty eight members to assume a common stance on china it won't be easy to push through as some member states are eager to strike deals with the. last week italy became the first member state to become an official partner in the new silk road project when it signed deals worth over seven billion dollars including partnerships between china and the ports of tree este and gain. all right and here with me on the set is ben physical and from a business desk but good to have you with us here it's a very tricky balancing act that the european leaders have to strike is on the one hand they want to welcome those lucrative deals but on the other they're not really sure about the intentions of beijing how are they squaring that circle exactly it's a really tricky one because basically what europe needs to do in this circumstance
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is work together not only that but toughen up when it comes to china policy and also shape up a lot of these economies like italy is struggling at a bit of stuttering and they need that investment so they're really enticed by china but the question is what does china want in return of course at the same time who's doing the tough work at the moment it's president trump he's the one who's really tough on china at the most but why isn't europe at least backing him up to to some extent they might not agree with the way he works what he's getting at is that china needs to open up and it's not so i mean do you feel that these countries european countries dealing one one on one with beijing are undermining the e.u. as a bloc which could have leverage over beijing exactly they're not working together striking these super deals as a whole the e.u. is the world's biggest economic blocking could live for it so much more out of china but china acting one hundred one china is world's second biggest economy and
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it is flush with cash it can do a heap with that money and make lots of promises whether or not they deliver is the big question or what is china expecting in return well as far as italy goes in that deal that was mentioned in laos as peace it expects italy to go to brussels and basically play both for it it expects the french to soften its stance the french one of the most vocal of the moment along with the germans of great britain as far as china are opening up its economy in a level playing field. at the same time there is. something that china wants china needs all those planes from air bus for example it's opening an airport almost every week and it's a growing economy and still growing with you know by what five and a half six percent. we're not sure of the numbers but they hear well talk about the the level playing field is not cool or are the europeans making any headway in
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opening up the chinese market and ensuring access the way the chinese have access to the european market good question there are at least agreeing that there needs to be a level playing field that didn't need to be global rules in place we heard that today from schieffer americal from a call but whether or not they carry through on that is the big question i talked to a chinese journalist recently who told me yeah they can't do it all at once it can't happen overnight because the system would fall apart in china but at the most of what i'm seeing is the opposite going backwards she jim pings china is becoming more repressive and less open had been physically on on the story for you thank you . and there we want to shift our attention now to the u.s. and the controversy surrounding a minnesota congresswoman in hand omar she is one of the country's first female muslim congress women and has courted controversy with recent comments that have
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been interpreted by some as anti semitic but in her home district her constituents are firmly on her side as you know we use our eyes on a phenomenon of doubt. a busy morning at the bullets market with the barber shops and could see the mall is highly popular among the member of. the american community they tell me they're proud to be represented by. an immigrant like them despise the recent controversy we will support a hundred percent like she she should she should talk about the truth she shouldn't fear anybody just didn't feel like any group and that's exactly what she's doing we don't believe it's on to so my take on our fellow jews in the most names and everybody else we just did that in washington however you handle more of drew an intense backlash for a tweet suggesting american support for israel was all of all the benjamins baby
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a reference two hundred dollar bills and for remarks she made about apec a prominent the israel lobby group. that says it isn't here. were allegiance to a point country. i want. why is it ok. for me to answer the influence of the n.r.a. fossil fuel industry pharma and not talk about our poll lobby. group that is doing all of your comments steve cohen and things play dangerously on anti jewish stereotypes the director of the jewish community relations council in minnesota met with omar three times. when we met on february nineteenth i brought along this picture. this site is a picture of my maternal grandfather barney and this gentleman gerald sunny
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cohen he would have been my cousin had he lived. nov sixteenth nine hundred forty four sunny's killed in action in france ne france laid to rest in the military cemetery lorraine france so i brought the picture with to make the point to represent of omar to understand american jews you have to understand their profound patriotism. walmart's critics here in minneapolis their comments are especially problematic amid a recent spike in anti-semitic incidents in the us which rights to talk to one omar about her controversial statements but the congresswoman declined our request for an interview stating that she wants to focus on her constituents and not the media . law school after the islamic center
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in august twenty seventh the center was the target of a. man mohammad omar thinks the controversy over the congresswoman is a distraction from growing aggression against all kinds of minorities the problem is we are always getting caught up in the corner of not paying attention to what's going on what's going on. what's going to white supremacy wide mission is and this is the threat that's emerging to this world that's where he says that is targeting both jews and muslims and this country right through them and some sports news now for you in football england one five warned against montenegro in their year or two thousand and twenty qualifier last night but the game was spoiled by racist chanting from home fans aimed at england's black players european football's governing body away from has launched disciplinary proceedings against montenegro and one of the abused players was raheem sterling who happened to score
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a standout goal in tweeted that it was the best way to silence the haters and yes i mean racist has a goal. celebration was a the montenegro crowd while besides sterling england players a danny rose and callum hudson are dorio were on the field for england and within within easy hearing distance of the so-called monkey chants meant to be racially abusive towards black players you know the thing discrimination should be the new way you know offering as it will equal you have the game and enjoy the moment but when you hear it's often from the funds it's not right so they set to go and hopefully you wait for the appropriate because it was the one over there with me and rosie heard it there was a monkey stuff so i was enjoying the game as well and to his off lead us in the right but as i said to go have a show mentally it was through the life with a win so we stay that way to go back home. meanwhile in motor sport to michelle
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schumacher son mick who will testify one car for the first time next week for ferrari the twenty year old is are currently european a formula three champion and hopes one day to emulate his illustrious father and race in the world's top a motor sports series well the test will take place following this weekend's beheading. mixed martial arts star conor mcgregor has announced his retirement from the sport on twitter the second time in three years he said he'll quit while the thirty year old irishman is one of the sport's most of bankable personalities but hasn't fought since october last year his previous retirement in april two thousand and sixteen last night just three months mcgregor is a former altar met fighting championship for a light and feather wheat title holder. now a quick reminder of the top story that we are tracking for you this hour the
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algerian army has called for the country's ailing president to be declared unfit for office on grounds of ill health while i've been. but to pick on i was a face to weeks of protests demanding he step down well now the military is intervening saying it wants to trigger a constitutional process that will put a caretaker leader in place. and a spine big protests here in europe the european parliament has approved a controversial reform of copyright whirls the measures aimed to protect intellectual property but critics say it will hamper a free exchange of information on the internet. cognex says kick off with an in-depth look at this leader club but dortmund said that's after a short break for first it's all for what's said to april showers bring may flowers but what about march rain storms well if you're in california.
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because. there are some contend that the japanese for the time time they can return to. the mercy of don't begin to play dead british fast top of the campaign that have not been convincing the second time. some of the sponsors tell playing. to the next d w. what secrets lie behind the small. find out in an immersive experience
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and explores fascinating world cultural heritage sites. w world heritage three sixty get the. africa. paul kagame a president of rwanda. head of the rwandan patriotic front to include tiny the rebel army and in the one nine hundred ninety four genocide wasn't when i noticed i wasn't doing to the un thought i would need to reinforce it close if i knew this but does that mean he was not fighting in a group. but controversial meter to success is beyond question. time. wanted tragedy starts people fish on t w.
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