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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 15, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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lou: i'm running out of time. brad, thanks so much. in our online poll, 93% of you said you don't believe we can win the war on terror by respecting the civil liberties of terrorists which we learned was the secret policiesth of administration all along. good night from new york. kennedy: i'm glad you land in my trolley. i'm watching donald trump level blood pressure while he has recently tested new attacks against hillary clinton calling her out on her stamina and strength. her doctor announced a glowing putinesque.
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he writes, over the past 39 years i'm pleased to report in trump has had no significant medical problems. he had a recent complete examination that on showed positive results. i can unequivocally state will be the healthiest individual ever elected president. the report was so impressive. kim jong-un is thinking of flying the doctoring to pyongyang. donald was called out by the press for eating fatty food and never work out. >> she doesn't have the strength and she doesn't have the stamina. she has no no strength. she has no stamina. >> she doesn't have the strength or the stamina to be president. kennedy: these insults can work.
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the more offensive receipt like the higher the poll numbers go. but there has to be a kernel of truth to solidify his attacks. rubio is weak like a baby. cruz is a maniac. but these slights are difficult to disprove. how do you dispel the notion you are path long cal. where does the debate go tonight? cruz has to figure out how to dismantle the bomb without coming off like a condescending disingenuous weirdo. watch him flinch like trump did with that bald eagle.
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kennedy: on the show tonight after being traded by the president for gitmo prisoners, bowe bergdahl will face desertion charges. los angeles schools shut down after a bomb threat. new york reacted very differently. but which school district was right. i'll hit the streets to ask which "star wars" character would make the best president. i'm kennedy. the donald has been lobbing trump go mas at ted cruz. how will the showdown play out tonight? let's ask our party panel. former miss america is joined by
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comedian joe divito. welcome. so, joe, let's talk about this. we know what trump will do. i think he's going to draw ted cruz out as much as he can. but what should cruz do? >> he has to be careful. i think the doctor's report upgrade trump's health. >> i think what cruz need to do is show's the serious candidate. even though he he trus tend to fly off the handle. kennedy: cruz has benefited from
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trump's bombbassity. >> it's easy to look reasonable next to trump. kennedy: he said i want to bear hug these outsiders and smother them with love. >> ted cruz's reaction was very brilliant. he's smart like manipulative in this campaign. his tweet response was brilliant. the main whack on the dance floor, "flash dance." it's great because donald trump need to laugh at himself. cruz has reacted the totally different than anybody else criticized by donald trump. kennedy: you said his reaction is very millennial. >> he was funny. he showed that he's not taking
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himself too seriously. that's what millennials love. kennedy: but will they vote? cruz i think need to be a little bit more aggressive without offending donald's natural fomented audience. >> cruz is by far the most talented politician leap and bounds. he threw out a jab with the supposed leaked tape. every one knows you are talking to everybody. he knows exactly what he's doing. everyone who trup sent t -- whot to the bottom of the polls came swinging at him and it gives him license to swing back. cruz isn't doing that. kennedy: i don't know how this will play out. ted cruz has the money, he's going into the debate tonight and more eyes will be on him than they have been in the past.
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the louisiana few debates he has been neck and neck with rubio. everyone is talking about ted cruz. let's talk about some of the other contenders. jeb bush, i think he's done. i think he sucks at debates and i don't think there is anything he can do tonight to turn it around. >> he hasn't even shown he's interested in being president. i like fiorina. she lead in the category of wanting to be president but not saying insane thing. carson is disqualifying --'s someone who is only book smart. kennedy: carly's no-it-all act doesn't work anymore. it worked the fir type in the second stage and a second time on the maintain. but season then it has fallen on
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deaf ears. >> there is a certain amount of charisma and personality that comes with being a top tier presidential candidate. part of it has to do with being the on the woman on that stage. she knows she has to be brilliant and factual. but she hasn't had the chance to show that other side of her. i think that would help her. kennedy: i don't think that's what the debate are for. and i think that's why she has seen a decrease in the polls. i think this is the worst climate for jeb bush. what can he say tonight to be authentic and speak to a broader audience and get some support. >> it is a bad climate for rand paul. the silver lining is he can differentiate himself from everybody else. there are a lot of anti-war people out there, meant republican party.
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he raised a ton of money from active duty military people. he needs to play to those people. it's his last shot. so just be real, the real libertarian he is inside. this could be a big night for paul. kennedy: he did well in the last debate. we'll see how it happens tonight. we are all counting on you dr. paul. a programming note. fox business network will be hosting our own republican presidential debate from charleston, south carolina january 14. the question of how to destroy isis that's on everyone's mind. which candidate does it help the most. after being hailed as a hero by the president, bowe bergdahl is face life in prison.
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kennedy: republicans are going to square off to debate each other in hopes of securing the nomination. 43% of americans think national security and terrorism should be the government's top priority. so who does that help? the party panel is back to discussion. dave, i'm going to start with
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you. who wins when national security is the priority? >> i think the country loses. this is a real problem for our country. when national security becomes the number one issue it becomes a competition from the people on the left who want to take away second amendment rights and the people on the right who want to take away fourth amendment rights. no person's rights should be violated. that's why they are called rights it's scary on both side. kennedy: i don't accept that piecemeal abstraction of the constitution that benefit one side other other. you have to take the entire document and wait easily. but isn't it easier to control scared people? >> sure. i think that's one of the things government can do.
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a government that can't protect its people is useless. the president has got it backwards. you can't worry about global warming when people want to blow it up. it's hard to focus on should i get curly lightbulbs in someone is trying to shoot you. >> the people take the attack in france or california to mean we should ramp up surveillance when france had the most invasive surveillance program you can imagine, that's the point on both sides. reporter: they are together same thing. that's one form his area and using these fears to control people about national security. the problem is when you are running on emotionalism the truth is caught in the middle and it's never properly presented on either side and that makes people less safe.
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but all this plays into donald trump's hands. >> the difficult thing is, fear sometimes can be a good emotion to motivate action. but hates to be the right one. his response has been so weak. but he hasn't inspired people. and he hasn't given them hope. at this time in the world people need hope. you can be a ronald reagan and still provide people with hope. kennedy: they also need to show consistency with past staimentds and an unwillingness to trample on civil liberties. i hope people never forget that part of the discussion. it's critical. tim stanford lost his brother in the san bernardino shooting.
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tim wrote the most beautiful treatise on liberty on why we should embrace it. i hope people never forget that. i'm so glad there was a voice out there reminding people that's our goal and guiding light. we yoda or luke. who would make the best commander-in-chief. bowe bergdahl could face life in prison. but what if you could see more of what you wanted to know? with fidelity's new active trader pro investing platform, the information that's important to you is all in one place, so finding more insight is easier.
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kennedy: the obama administration swapped sergeant bowe bergdahl for five prisoners held at guantanamo bay. many at the time considered it a political movant administration hailed bergdahl as a hero. but monday the army announced bergdahl is charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. if convicted he could face life in prison. judge napolitano is here. obviously it was a political move release those prisoners, swapping them for bergdahl. is increasing the charges against bergdahl, is that a political move on the army's part? judge napolitano: i think it is. and also i think it's contrary to the law and facts in the case. when you are charged in the it in, you have the right to a mini
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trial before a judge in which the judge adjusts the charges on the basis of the evidence before him. sort of after he mal --ing sorte malanalagoustop an american tri. three of the witness hospital testified on behalf of bergdahl, two generals who investigated him and one of the lower-ranking officers all testified in his behalf. for the defense. he's seriously impaired mentally. he cannot be held accountable for what he did. he's not even sure what he did. no good purpose would be served by putting him in jail. kennedy: but a lot of these people do this stuff and they act crazy at convenient times. judge napolitano: but i have never heard of the defense being
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able to call one of the investigators. the military judge downgrades the charges so the maximum penalty is six months in jail most which is already served. military general says no, i don't care what this article 32 hearing said. i don't care what the investigators con cleud. i want this kid charged for the max. kennedy: where was the disconnect? judge napolitano: unfortunately for us we won't know that answer because the general who made this decision does not have to give a reason for the decision. to civilians in the law enforcement and judicious community it's unheard of for a judge to be overruled without reasons being given. it's even worse for a judge to
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be overruled by his commanding officer. he's going to be tried for desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. that means he's facing two life sentences. kennedy: aren't those things difficult to prove in light of bergdahl's testimony and in light of the pints of these lesser generals? judge napolitano: i think the government will have a hard time proving them. it has no eyewitnesses. it has emails he sent. and lengthy infair gaitions. but here's the kinky part of this. i don't think this case will ever be tried because if it is tried, the defense's first witness will not be the two generals and the one investigator, it will be the present president of the united states. didn't you praise him to the skies? yes. did your records show he was a
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model soldier? yes. you have thought this was a good guy. yes. you thought this while you were commander-in-chief. yes. kennedy: there is a whole lot of evidence that points to the contrary to that. judge napolitano: if barack obama doesn't want that to happen to him, the way he will avoid that is cut a deal. kennedy: he will bring in tom cruise. thank you so much. and merry christmas. we don't see you for the celebrity chef annee burrell. supported them topical storm is next. in return. ♪
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a. kennedy: meet me under the muscle toe. this is the topical storm. topic number 1. howard is staying. howard stern fans have been gripped with their icon and life blood would be no more on sirius fm. the nation's lonely eyes filled with inconsolable tears. stern spoke about a new video streaming component that will let fans fawn. >> this development of the video aspect of our careers and the complete ash kiefs of our careers and everything that will be presented we'll do in conjunction with sirius. so i'm very very excited about it. >> so there is going to be a video component.
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>> that's the future. kennedy: as you know i -- i weaseled my way into television. i owe hip my career and my life. i'm renaming my two daughters howardina and turn -- and sternelle. >> drone registration rules -- watch him ma niewfort rooftops of the canary islands. that's impressive. by the would have been even more impressive if he wore a cape. i guess i'm old school.
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those wacky brits. they used humor to craft a truly memorable commercial. watch this. >> my name is marcus. i am gay. i like going out and playing volleyball. >> i'm straight and i work at robert dyas. >> i'm bisexual and i always find something i love at robert dyas. kennedy: that's funny and so weird. good advertising. but america beat to you that concept six years ago. watch this. >> i'm richard. i work pat the red house and i'm black. i like pumping furniture into people home. >> i work bat the red house and i'm white. i like bass fishing and extending credit to everyone.
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>> i'm a black woman and i love the red house. kennedy: i'm biting my tongue so as not to get a stern letter from my exteriors. i can't wait to see what france does when it borrows the red house commercials. topic number 4. dogs aren't just man best friends. of they are also excellent dancers like this little fella. i like how he's doing the wiggle worm. that dog sure can groove better and than a lot of human beings i know. watch this poor senior citizen try to find the beat. and she didn't even have ring
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worm to use as an excuse. so sad. unlike this dog who is both an excellent dancer and a cultural ambassador. so happy. let's get to. >> the how trying and failing to dance. it's the socialist shuffle. but there is one thing humans can do that dogs can never do, that rap like there is no tomorrow. >> i'm martin o'malley please vote for me. not clinton or sanders or huckabee. the nra hates me base don't like guns. kennedy: i wish he were mauled
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by a pack of rottweilers. up in 5. there is a new album of christmas carols their rated in swedish and it's all sung by goats. and it is life changing. [♪] if you love goats. if you really, really love goats. do yourself a fave and pick up what is being called the most important christmas album of the year. if you are lonely, don't get even, get a goat. that's right. if you have weird stories would you like to see in the topical storm, boy do i have a place for you. tweet me at kennedynation.
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coming up the party panel. kirk russell comes out swinging against gun control. the new "star wars" is nearly here. i'm going to hit the streets anv ask you which character would make the best character. the inse company, you like "star wars"? >> yeah. e was done? the only thing they don't ask is, are you okay? at liberty mutual, we never forget that policies are about people. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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kennedy: the new "star wars" is coming out this week. to get in the mood i hit the streets to ask which "star wars" character would make the best president. watch. "star wars" fever is gripping america as is presidential fever. so it's time to hit the streets and combine the two to see if i have the cure. which character from "star wars" would make the best president. >> yoda of course.
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he will kick your can. yoda for president. kennedy: which "star wars" character would make the best president. >> luke skywalker. he's a jedi knight. kennedy: what about yoda. he's wise with you too cautious. kennedy: which "star wars" character would make the best president. >> chewbacca. kennedy: why is that? >> he's big and he knows what he's doing. >> oh, my god, the wookie. >> chewbacca. he's hairy. >> that would be the only one. >> princess leia. kennedy: which star wars character would make the best
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president. >> i think han. kennedy: which star wars character is most like trump? >> jabba the hut. kennedy: which "star wars" character would make the best president. >> darth vader maybe. in this day and age we need someone whose evil, i guess. kennedy: that's the one thing missing from this presidential race. kennedy: the panel is back. so now it's time to go around the horn. kirstin. >> han solo. he's a man web's strong web, smart, he's not afraid to take action. but he's also smart and intelligence. harrison ford. we are not talking about the
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real harrisonford. we are talking about who he would cast in a movie. han solo hands down. >> i don't get the chewbacca love. if people want a president who's hairy and not wearing pants they can vote for me. i would go for darth vader. he gets things done. he's running an empire. you know where he stands. he's got the voice much james earl jones. or the christmas special which should only be watched after many, many drugs and drinks. kennedy: don't pretend like you haven't seen "star wars." >> i have seen the original. i have been informed that it's a racist franchise sow i don't want to take part in this. i wouldn't pick yoda.
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george w. bush talked about yoda. evil-doers they are. kennedy: i think yoda is the best choice. he's old and wise and he can open a can of whoop ass. when he goes nuts and starts with the jedi gymnastics and ruins people's lives by killing them, pretty impressive. >> han solo. kennedy: good job. in many movies, actor kurt russell would make a great president. he's the star of a quentin tarantino movie and a report asked him about violence and gun control. >> if you think gun control is going to change a terrorist point of view, i think you are like out of your minds. i think it's absolutely insane.
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kennedy: that's absolutely right. isn't he obviously correct? the point is if you start controlling guns and looking at things that kill people you ends up controlling everything like cars and pipes. >> that's the point. you can pass more gun laws but you are looking across the world and you see in europeth the number of stabbing attacks. in israel and jerusalem, they use their vehicles to run and hit people and kill people. it's about the mindset and the ideology we have to think about. it's not just weapons. kennedy: russell is also right to talk about the malarkey man sense that's the no-fly list. >> you could be on these month-fly lists and never even if moist because no one knows how you have get on there. so to me it's like if this person is worthy of being suspected as a terrorist. you have got to wait until they
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buy a gun. if they are that much of a threat, pursue them. kennedy: do you think someone on these lists are goat into a bureaucratic government system and put themselves on another list by legally buying guns? >> we have seen that doesn't work. you have see a lot of people who are nra fans are bumper stickers. you don't see nra fans say i'm not carrying a gun. kennedy: how much does russell's talk upset the interviewer. >> if you are just talking about the overall crime and murder rate, i think we are still close to a 30-year low. what's up are the mass shootings.
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one of the things that's common is no criminal background history. the idea we are going to get guns out of these people's hands is i am prk cal. we'll take away the rights of law-abiding gun owners who are statistically prove on commit fewer crimes than anyone else. kennedy: party panel, thank you so much. lovely and amazing. just like you. coming up next. los angeles shut down all of its schools after receiving a threat to students. new york didn't. which reaction was the right one. chef anne burrell looked high and low for america's worst chef.
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kennedy: los angeles public schools shut down today and sent half a million students home after officials received a bomb threat. new york stiff officials said they received a similar threat but determined it was a hoax. is new york playing it fast and loose or is los angeles paranoid. i had kids in lurks sd for five years until this last spring. now we are in new york city public schools. did l.a. overreact? >> no one is going to complain and say you are being too cautious with my kids. and a 17-year-old was killed in a crosswalk leaving his school today in highland park.
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but i do want to know what the bar is. there is such a thing as an overabundance of caution. but keep in mind -- supreme to consume this in new york, l.a. and everywhere in between. there is still a dynamic between bill bratton and los angeles. he dislikes l.a. for not falling in love with his rough east coast rough cop way and that entire persona. there was not one tear when he left lapd. so he will always take every opportunity to rub it in. he had a choice today to say nothing or throw lapd and ls under the bus. he said we got the same threat and we didn't do anything about it. diehard 3 was a movie. jeremy irons was not holding the new york school district hostage. but i'm curious, what would his bar be? do you have a detachment that
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can make that call the night before in can a school board member forward and email and one of your guys are going to say that's a hoax. kennedy: i would like to know as someone who consumes and talks about this information professionally and someone who happens to have public city school kids, i want to know what the bar is. i want to make sure the kids in l.a. and new york and all across the country are safe. i understand l.a. may have a different reaction because of the san bernardino shootings. that was awfully close to home. >> every parent knows that the closer you get to finals, the bigger the grain of salt you take these threats. the bomb threat to get out of the geology 101 fine was invented at my alma matre and has been replicated across the country.
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there was just a high school yesterday that had a threat and they shut down finals. it's finals week. you have to weigh -- kennedy: can i interject something? that was my first thought. i hoped to god someone wasn't calling, an exchange student in germany getting them to email in some sort of innocuous threat that shut down the whole place. i hope that's the case and there is not really a terror neck us - ne exurks s targeting public school children. >> you just use the tour broirs on the onion dark web browser. my daughter is out for 8 weeks in l.a. i take it immediately with a grain of salt. that's not to say isis targets things that create the most
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horror and schools, malls, things like that are in their wheel house. they would love to have a repeat of the berks slan school massacre in russia. the timing smelled. i think they may feel silly about this. kennedy: i love you so much i want to squeeze you. thanks so much for being here. there it i. there it i. celebrity chef anne burrell is here with a preview of her show. worst cooks in america. approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include
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culinary boot camp in the country. answering the call to lead these recruits is worst cooking champion anne burrell. kennedy: that's a clip from "worst cooks in america." it transformed cooks. joining me is chef anne burrell. she is also the author of "own your kitchen." i like your higher. how important is your hair to your cooking vibe. >> my hair is my spirit animal. it allows me to have chef super powers. kennedy: you have tyler florence's number. >> he's fun to pick at. kennedy: is he going down this
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season? >> i hope so. kennedy: you have a group of cooks. explain to people who haven't seen the show. are these hobos and naredowells you block off the street? >> they are regular home cooks that have never gotten into cook or learned it. usually it's their family or husbands or kids or something, sometimes themselves mom name themselves to go into kitchen boot camp it many a super intense culinary school. my opponent is tyler florence. and we get a group of what i like to call loveable losers. i say that with the most amount of tough love possible. we put them through a series of challenges. one person from each team gets
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booted off he week. kennedy: if people get booted off early you have might as well stop eating. you are no good to the human race. >> you are a little tougher than i am. people usually say i'm the toughest. kennedy: your toughness molds people into being acceptable chefs. >> it's tough love. we start off laughing because they are so hopeless. we call them kitchen zeros. but they then dig deep and turn around and make a transformation and get so much better. it's like at the end. kennedy: it's very satisfying. it gives hope to all of us, to anyone who hope to the create in the kitchen and nuture people through food. >> there i so much wrapped up in all that. and people come and they get very emotional about it.
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they say like i'm a grandma now, and i used to go to my grandmother's house and she would cook and i can't do that tore my grand children. so she will even -- anybody who cops, even if they are on the show for just a little bit of time, it does change them. it changes the way they view cook and food. a lot of types it get people on a path to becoming pretty decent home cooks. kennedy: do you believe anyone can cook? >> i do. if they want to. what do you cook? >> i do mostly italian food. i'll cook you anything. kennedy: now i can like you by reading the cookbook and watching the show. a legend who knows how to use our power animal.
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you can catch all the episodes of "kennedy." good night. go cook in your kitchen. good-bye. rvived the holocaust. >> he had to live so that he could show the scenes that he witnessed. >> his words become her quest. >> i made a promise to my father that i would show his artwork to the world. >> these pages, her road map. >> here is a man who went through so much horror. >> but can she recover what the nazis stole from him? >> what do you think went on in that room? ♪ i'm jamie colby, and, today, i'm in rockland county, new york, an hour north of new york city. i am meeting a viewer who wrote me about her strange inheran


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