tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 5, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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>> there will be no 2020, if hillary wins, in trust me. >> thank you very much at moment, thank you for watching, we've been doing well in ratings because of you. the man has been doing well, lou dobbs, going to 8:30, he has donald trump in wisconsin. lou: i am lou dobbs, hillary clinton today appeared at association of black and hispanic journalist convention, taking questions from a few reporters after 245 days of avoiding the political press core, that covers her day in and day out. today she made big news, acknowledging, she may have as she put it, short circuited while answering chris wallace's questions about her e-mail scandal. she said, she had been utterly truthful. she received washington post 4
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pinnochios for lying, but then yesterday she lied about her lies, where she claimed that fbi said she had been truthful. then more incredibly after saying she may have short circuited in answering chris wallace, she then said she was truthful, tripling down if you will. >> i was pointing out in both of those instances, that the director comey said that my answers in my fbi interview were truthful that is the bottom line here. and i have said, during the interview, in many other occasions over the past month that what i told the fbi, which he said was truthful, is consistent with what i said publicly. i may have short circuited it, for that, i you know the try too clarify, because i think chris wallace and i were probably talking past each
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other. because, of course, he could only talk to what i had told the fbi. i appreciated that. lou: what director comey did say, is he is not qualified to answer whether or not clinton lead to the public. but thing director made it clear in this exchange with congressman trey goudie that clinton did lie. >> secretary clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails, was that true. >> not true. >> secretary clinton said i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified april i-- material is that true. >> there was classified. secretary clinton said she just use one device, is that true. >> he used multiple devices. >> she said wall work related e-mails were returned to state department. >> we found work related
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e-mails thousands not returned. >> we take up hillary clinton's problems with the truth. i'll talk with former presidential candidate herman cane and steve forko forbes -- forbes, also, former navy commander of seal team 6. >> and discussing donald trump campaigning in greenspan bay, wisconsin, later with running mate mike pence at his side. sources say she to endorse paul ryan after saying this week he was not then quite ready to do so. we'll bring you the even when trump goes to the podium, positive news to tell you about on the economy. --200 why don't americans
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feel good about the recovery? >> our top story tonight, donald trump today responding to president obama's latest denial that $400 million payment to iran was not ran shransom money. after iranian state television broadcast that claimed those pellets of cash from the obama administration were ransom. >> iran is leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world. right in in the world. you know what i say, we talk about $400 million in cash. does anyone have any idea what that is? i say, who approves it? how does it get done? how did they get the money in how did they do this, $400 million in cash. who has the right to do this? the cash to e ran iran, 400
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million that money will be spent to attack our friends and allie allies. >> joining us congressman ryan zen key member of house armed services committee, he also spent 23 years u.s. navy seal, commander seal team 6, and commander joint special forces in iraq. gate great to you have you with us. and hear donald trump bore in on essential fact, $400 million, from where did it come? why in the world white house president of united states say exchange of captives, hostages and the payment of $400 million in currency, in this case swiss franks, euros, and others, how could that not be
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ransom, he said it is your thoughts. >> it is ransom. that is the irony this a town payment, $400 million and mr. trump is correct. iran still is number one threat, as bad as isis and al qaeda. they are number one sponsor of terror since deal signed they launched 7 icbn's, one destroying israel, they finish to fund hamas, they continue to fund hezbollah, and navigate military maneuver forces in the territory of iraq. it is outrageous we would give them a nickel, let alone $400 million, this is just a down payment of a larger sum this president, will do, hillary is once again silent. lou: an additional $1. three
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billion to be paid that, outside if you will the total estimated amount of $150 billion, for which we have no guarantees of performance or conduct by the iranians, this is -- donald trump calls it worse deal in history of united states, he may not be far from absolutely correct. >> i think this this case is accurate, this set in moga motion. motion, a legal path work to obtain 113 missiles in 13 short years that is less time than 9/11, in 5 years conventional weapon sanctions gets release, 8 years, icbms, releases, 10 years, centrifuge get released, they could have has many as 500 ho 500,000
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sent feunls icentrifuges. 100 nuclear tips and our allies know it, this is why we're not trusted and our enemies do not fear us. lou: and trump, tonight is expected to endorse your house speaker paul ryan. why is it in your judgment so difficult for ryan speaker of the house, third most powerful man arguably in government, the koch brothers, whoever, who endorse trump and close ranks behind the nominee in. >> well, clearly, annuity w. unite we win, divided we lose, it is that simple, we face a candidate that is incapable of telling the truth. i was commander. at seal team 6, truth mats matters, and it matters in america today. do we accept a candidate where
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truth does not matter. the heart of issue is a pattern of cronyism, and bernie sanders folks guy it in nevada, the dnc is with with her, it is untruthful and american does not stand for that at least transparency, accountability, still should remain as a priority to american people, and quite frankly last 9 of defens line of defense is american people. lou: thank you congressman zinke . >> always a pliz oar lou. lou: we're coming right back, much more ahead. stay with us. donald trump and mike fenc pence standing strang, strong, taking the battle to clinton and tim kaine. >> it seemed like he was fighting on his own but now we're united. >> we're going to make donald trump the next president of the united states of america.
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>> her man cable join me next. >> and just in time for olympics this base jumper about on soar high above rio for a breath taking view. you will lover moment of it, we'll show you the stunning video and more right after these messages, we're coming right back, stay with us. you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right.
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lou: hillary clinton has a a 4. lead over donald trump in atlanta. georgia has voted for republican presidential nominee, in every election over past 20 years. >> nationally real clear politic average has clinton leading trump by 7. joining me. 2012 presidential candidate, radio talk show host, herman cain. thank you for joining us, that is a strong hole what is going on? >> remember a poll is just a trend. and many time one poll does
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not a victory make. i live in georgia, i listen to voters all of the time, i do not believe that poll. the best indicator would be real clear politics average. i don't know how many people were in it, we don't know what the distribution was be they don't tell you that. i tell many of my listeners. don't pay attention to poll at-this-point, between now and labor day there is going to be a lot of political noise, things set will down after labor day, when a lot of people wake up to who hillary clinton really is, liar, liar, liar. lou: and today acknowledging she short circuited, whether answers chris wallace's questions on fox news sunday, that played into the republican narrative of her, and her campaign must be terribly upset tonight because she has acknowledged what she
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has been accused of that is not being healthy enough to hold position of president. >> i can't imagine damage control they are trying to do. but you know, if you look at fact that hillary clinton has denied, denied, denied, deglekdeflect, deflect, deflect, and her overarching strategy is attack attack, attack donald trump that is not working for many. independents and some conservatives who thought they were going to sit on the bench, they are waking up, i believe that will help donald trump down the road 92 you know, for second time in a week, hillary clinton, again, today, saying she was truthful when talking with the fbi.
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she tripled down after lying, she then lied about the lies, then now back to lying about the same thing she began. this is -- this may be is a short circuit but it is a -- seems to be to be a difficult way in which to get to the white house. >> short circuit usually burns up on wires, and plows out light bulbs, okay. but in their case, they are convinced that two things about american people, number one. they have short memories, number two, they are gullible. go back to jonathan gruber, one of architects of obamacare. who said, that lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. and it is based upon the stupidity of the american people. she and her people the democrats are playing upon stupidity of at least half of the american people, that is
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why these polls do not mean a thing right now, people are not stupid they are waking up to lies and deception and deflection. lou: herman cain thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. dobbs. lou: thank you. appreciate it. vote in our poll, does speaker paul ryan deserve donald trump's endorsement in we would like to hear from you on, that cast your vote on twitter, like he on facebook, follow me. lynches to everything at lou dobbs to the comment. >> --, watch this moment, a moment a winged-suit pilot leaps out of a brain over brazil -- out of a plane over brazil. soaring past the christ the redeemer statue.
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>> some athletes have shunned the olympics because they are afraid of attracting zika virus, at home, florida officials announce that 16 people have contracted the virus, all they say locally in a one mile area. north of downtown miami. there is in some good news to share, food and drug administration today approved a field trial that will release genetically modified zika-killing mosquito over the florida keys. projec however cannot begin until this fall. >> up next, mystery surrounding death this week of another person. connected to the democratic national committee scandal.
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and donald trump said hillary clinton will be obama 2.0 with disastrous consequences. >> she is a dangerous liar, you saw that with fbi director who has disall disregarded the lives of americans and put all of us at very great risk, while supporting economic policies that have destroyeded our economy and believe me, our economy is in bad, bad shape. >> we'll talk about this country's very political economy. subject of my commentary coming up next, much more ahead. stay with us.
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thoughts about donald trump. refocusing the campaign. >> mike pence yesterday said they now stand shoulder to shoulder in this campaign for presidentty, in a show of force, republican ticket out campaigning it their in des moines -- they are in des moines and green bay. trump getting back to the core issue. rebuilding this economy, restoring prosperity to middle class, and to all who aspire to it. he announced his economic advisory team today, a group of 13 people made up of real estate developers, and executives, announcement comes as trump prepares to deliver a major speech on the economy next week set for monday in detroit, one of the cities hit hardest by the great recession. the economy has shown some
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improvement, the middle class is still shrinking and wages have been declining for two decade, nearly all americans, all have lost ground over the past decade. household income down under this president. labor force participation rate, near historic lows, 94 million americans are no longer in the workforce. the economy grew a disappointing 1 to 1. 2% in second quarter, and trade deficit hitting a 10 month high in june, driven by rise of import of crude oil, and chinese-made technology. our trade deficit with china on track to hit a record high this year. latest fox news poll shows more americans trust donald trump to do a better job on the economy. i believe trump is back on the right path in the white house,
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he will get this economy moving. and country as well. this quotation from one of my favorite folks to quote. mark twain. talking about importance of making america great again. saying, prosperity is the best protector of principle. we're coming right back stay with us. >> syrian refugees surging into u.s., 10,000 so far says the administration, and mr. obama and hillary want tens of thousands more. donald trump says straight forwardly, this is a national security threat, refugees are unvetted, government has nothing to say whether they come to our shore or not. >> we need strong borders, we can't have people coming in from syria, that have bad intentions, we don't know who they are. lou: allen west is my next
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bay, wisconsin. he is expected to endorse house speaker paul ryan. that is due to begin shortly. as soon as he takes stage we'll go there. the obama administration is set to reach its target of admitting 10,000 syrian refugees before the end of nexnext month, officials saying that number is a floor, not a ceiling, it could go as high as 12,000 before the end of the year. that despite considerable talk and rumors -- that the administration wants 100 thousand more refugees here by united nations. there are concerns about security screenings, inad adequate radical islamic terrorists.
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and fbi director, james comey saying that fbi cannot adequately screen these refugees. we'll have more on that tonight. joining me, former congressman, lute rout lieutenant colonel allen west. let's talk about this refugee situation, this administration floating ough all sorts of numbers. we're hearing numbers 100,000 or more. we -- there is one constant there is no adequate vetting of the people that the president wants to spring in without either discussion, debate or explanation. your reaction? >> well, it shows the ideology
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and agenda of barack obama and his administration. look across the atlantic you can see what happened as a result of angela merkel open borders and allowing these individuals to come into eu, you had so many instances of isis or islammist that infiltrated and increase of rapes and sexual assault as you have seen in col -- cologne and sweden. this is dire when luke at this, 255,000 number look at season abbeseasonaly ajumped job number. you have to consider, why do we establish safe zones there. and enable these people to be there in their own homes and repatriot them to their countries.
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lou: as donald trump has recommended and proposed. and others. let's go to the iranian issue, trump is focusing on. really, taking on the president over that is obvious in my judgment, obvious ra ransom payment to iranians, they believe to be ransom. 400 million dollars in currency delivered to them. with release of american hostages. how can this president say this is not ransom. >> he has gotten away with so much this is offensive that president the united states of america. would have us believe that an
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unmarked cargo islanding in middle of night with pellet loads $400 million, u.s. dollars converted to euros and swiss francs be has nothing to to with the hostages? nothing has changed with the iranian behavior. we have an administration that continues to show weakness, appeasement. and then it against shows the intransigence of obama with his quote, unquote foreign policy masterpiece 9. >> leading his foreign policy for 4 years, democratic party presidential nominee hillary clinton. today, i almost a breatht she se short circuited talking with our chris wallace on fox news sunday.
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short circuited and she against repeated the same lies . as if nothing happened in the course of 5 days, this is bizarre, she is actually raising concerns that this is evidence of what she has been accused of by mostly republicans that is unhealthy and not to be fit to be president. >> you are right, this is why it is important that donald trump stays on message, then we can focus on hillary clinton, i was in military 22 years, i had a top-secret level clearance. if i had done just a small fraction of what hillary clinton had done with the private e-mail server and mishandling as comey said, careless handling, i would have lost that clearance, i probably would have been put out of military, but evening gone to jail.
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she wants to be commander in chief, what does that say to sailors, soldiers, airmen and marines out there who have to properly handle classified information. lou: lieutenant colonel allen west thank you. >> my pleasure. lou: vote in our poll. question is, does speaker paul ryan deserve donald trump's endorsement? does he? cast your vote on twitter. how is this for political correctness run amuck. naacp is upset because a local marin marina is selling white lives matter and blue lives matter t-shirt, they are not making any political statement, they are trying to just raise awareness of
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marlins. >> and a family of bear has fun in the sun. look at this. coexisting here. taking a dip at the beach in lake tahoe, california by the way, that is very expensive weigh by th ray really by the way. taking a snack that some folks left there, now their dining pleasure, two cubs, wow. lou: up next, another death tied to the democratic national committee scandal, a second one. and donald trump unveiling a new team of i -- economic advisors today, we'll come right back with steve forbes.
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the economy stupid" moment. labor force did expand by 400 more than 400,000 and hourly wages rose 2.6 percent from a year ago, but the share of americans working are active let's looking for a job near 40 years lows, on wall street stocks climbed after tha jobs report. dow industrials surged 191, s&p up 19, closing at a record high, nasdaq gaining 55. volume on the big board, 3.6 billion shares. not bad. for week dow and s&p posting fractional gains.
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nasdaq up more than 1% on the week. a reminder to listen to my reports 3 time a day, coast-to-coast on salem radio netwk. joining me now, steve forbes, good to see you. >> good to be with you. lou: a barrage of bad news, the economy growth is slow. and this report, how encouragerred are you in. >> not very. looking over last couple years, labor force gains have been below par, and growth of the economy, growth of business investment not there. ipos not there the future are not there. so this is still an economy going 40 miles an hour, we're up to 40, it will go to 30. go but we're still stuck in second gear. looking at the world, they are in bad shape. >> how much pressure on donald trump? monday, major address on the economy. what does he have to do?
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when are you expecting him to do in the speech. >> this is where we can turn his bear market to a bull market. hillary clinton has done in terms of new taxes propose a soda tax 25 percent gun tax, stoc transaction tax, higher payroll tax, you name it she wants to raise your taxes, he could say i want to cut them, that is powerful, he could talk about bank regulation and how that hurts small businesses, he will take it in a new direct, i think, if he does people will focus on my goodness he is putting something good stuff on the table. >> and for a while it looked like we had a trump rally, but that was suspended this week. are you expecting market to respond? if he lays you on a clear and doable economic program.
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i am encouraged by the committee, steve moore, very pro growth, and died of tha david that understands fed the way nobody eselse -- she is so will play right into his hands. lou: saying she acknowledging she short circuitd. >> that is going to enter th en lex -- lexicon. >> it appeared she did. talking with chris wallace then to repeat same lies today that is defending her tame sh statement she was truth full.
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>> she is digging a hole. why she did that, though one is understand. what is she doing on e-mails, that should be banned from her vo va vo -- >> every time she opens her mouth what comes out what is coming you on tonight, steve? donald trump to expected to endorse speaker ryan while in green bay, wisconsin, we're near we're told going to green bay to see what he is going to do. does it make sense? >> it does, it shows he is party leader, he will give that big speech monday, getting momentum back, getting last horrible two weeks behind
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. moves forward, good stuff. lou: are you expecting to see handful of so-called elites, ryan, and romney, you know koch brothers for crying out loud, they say something, is ridiculous. as they can. not helping trump is not a vote for clinton that is absurd that is what it is, it is support of clinton to detriment of parties nominee. >> trump starts to do monday, this is his opportunity, create a bandwagon, they will come along. you build a field. lou: that is the best we can expect, party's leadership. >> he is the leader, he brings like reagan did, you bring them along. lou: we'll talk about this through the next hour as well. there are even some rumors
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guidance if you will, that he may endorse senator john mccain as well, we'll talk about that tonight. >> he is taking the high ride. >> all right. >> high road is, not often traveled, but it gives you a better view. >> that no one doubts donald trump is donald trump. whatever he does tonight. so that -- >> there you go. donald trump leader of the party, and's well the of people having trouble getting used to that. >> i think, at least among the elite. >> mystery sounding create of a bernie sanders supporter could that is right. another death in connection with the democratic national committee scandal. back in july, shawn lucas and a filmmaker served dnc with papers and a fraud class acttion lawsuit for working against sanders campaign, mine you this was before the democratic national convention and before the wikileaks
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release of those e-mails, that proved their charge. but this past tuesday, lucas of found dead in his home on his bathroom floor, cause of death is unknown. it is still under investigation. his death, follows the death o twern 27-year-old, staffer rich who was killed in washington dcon july 10, he was shot twice in the back of the head, his wallet and cell fen were nophone were not taken. >> trump was in des moines, iowa today, saying that clinton is not fit to be president. >> hillary clinton, lacks the judgment attempterment, and temperament and moral
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character to lead the country. i believe that so strongly. lou: stay with us, we'll be right back. uffer from a dry mou, then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. >> than your old one.
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poll from last night's broadcast. 97% of you say the less attacks on identification for voting, that indd there is an evident to rig elections. a federal court found the internal revenue service has not yet demonstrated that irs officials have ended their targeting of conservative groups. a three-june panel excoriated the interm revenue service for what it called its discriminatory treatment of conservative organizations. the court reviving two other lawsuits from the tea party. this is remarkable. the irs, its leadership and its management and this administration are in crisis over their ethics and their
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the trump campaign release a new ad that hits hillary clinton hard. >> extremely careless. >> the email is. he was breached by hostile actors. >> hillary clinton put our national security at risk and she is still lying. >> director comey said my answers were truthful. >> even "the washington post" said hillary clinton lied, comparing her to to noakio. >> i may have short circuited. >> reckless, ruthless, putting her interests above national security. lou will be joining us republican pollster kristen an der and and nationally syndicated radio talk show host steve sanchez. let's go to the matter ofuiting.
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that seems to be like a huge gift to the trump campaign and his candidates i. >> already voter have said they think hillary clinton is not honest and trustworthy, and continuing to hammer that home in this ad by the trump campaign is wise. but the smarter part about this ad is itlings it to national security. when you look at the polls and ask who do you trust more on the issue of terrorism. the last fox follow had the two of them tide. if done there are wants to make the case he deserves to be commander-in-chief and president, he needs to widen that this is a huge weakness on her part. lou: steve, your thoughts? >> i agree with kristen. the ad is entertaining, but it's truth new. just manage, hillary is packman.
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her whole life she chopped up everything around her. the lies and the scandallen she gets away -- the lies and at scandal and she gets away with it. the expression short-circuited play to the narrative of the trump campaign throughout that she is not healthy enough to be the president. she is unfit for the job. i just have been informed that donald trump has taken the stable in -- excuse me, michael pence has taken the stable in green bay. and we are going to go there as soon as donald trump is -- comes to the microphone to be introduced by the vice presidential nominee. kristen, what do you make of this? what's going on with the democratic nominee? how much trouble is she in now?
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>> i think the big trouble she is in by continuing not to come clean on this issue and not make an apology. everything sound so political when she is on this topic, it continues to prolong it instead of putting it to bed. certainly hillary clinton would rather move on to other topic. she would rather move on to making this race about donald trump and trying to drive down his negatives. every time she gives an answer on this that isn't quite clear, it gives it legs and keeps it going for another week. lou: it's clear to me that this has moved to hillary clinton. this race right now, if donald trump chooses to take advantage of the opportunity that's been handed him, this race just became about hillary clinton her record, her character and her capability to serve as president. >> i agree, there is no doubt
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