Kennedy FOX Business September 13, 2016 8:01pm-8:16pm EDT
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right now our politicians have locked their country and to endless fights about smallnd petty things. i am asking the nation to lift our sights and to imagine what we can accomplish if we work together, trust each other and put the needs of our citizens first for a change. [applause] we must break their ties with the failed and bitter politics and policies of the past and pursue a future where every american is honored and i mean really honored and respected. [applause] we have to reject the arrogance of washington d.c. that looks down on everyday hard-working people and that is what is happening. [applause] too often those who have power
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have disdain for the abuse beliefs and attitudes of those who don't have any political power. those in the leadership must put themselves in the shoes of the laid-off factory worker, the family worried about security or the mom struggling to afford childcare. childcare is such a big problem. [applause] we are going to solve that problem. that means we need working mothers to be fairly compensated for their work and have access to affordable quality childcare for their kids. that's what we are doing. [applause] we want higher pay and better wages and a growing economy for everyone. these solutions must update laws passed more than half a century ago when most women were still not in the labor force. most of them weren't even close.
today, nearly two of three mothers with young children have jobs. for many families in our country childcare is now the single largest expense. who would think that? even more so than housing. yet very little meaning we -- meaningful policy work has been done in this area and my opponent has no childcare plan. she never will and if it ever evolves and the planet will never get done anyway. all talk, no action. [applause] many americans are just one crisis away from disaster. the sick kid, a lost job, damaged home. there is no financial security in our country especially anymore. but that will change under our pro family plan.
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about that. they will be able to deduct the average cost of childcare for their state, from birth to the age of 13. because of the way the benefit is capped and structured our plan will bring relief to working and middle-class families. the deduction also applies to older care, capped at $5000 deduction per year. 5000-dollar deduction. importantly our policy also supports mothers who choose to stay at home and honors and recognizes their incredible contributions to their families and to our society. [applause] families with a stay-at-home parent will be able to fully deduct the average cost of childcare from their taxes. [applause] well back.
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wow. i like to hear wow. the congresswomen like to hear wow. it makes your life a lot easier, right? for low-income individuals who have no net income tax liability we will offer an expanded earned income tax credit, that eitc in the form of a childcare rebate. [applause] working parents can get an expanded eitc benefit that equals up to half of their total payroll tax, a major relief for low income parents. low income parents have a tougher than anybody. this translates to is much as an extra $1200 in eitc benefits for working families. [applause] next, our plan allows every
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parent in america to open up a dependent care savings account. families can contribute up to $2000 a year to these accounts completely tax-free. [applause] she is very happy about it. crucially unlike the flexible spending that exist today these accounts will be available to all americans. you won't have to depend on your employer to provide them. immediate family and employers, and this is like right away, can also contribute to a dependent account each of which is designed in designated for a specific child including an unborn child. the money that has put into these accounts can also be. >> not only on childcare but also to child enrichment
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activities. [applause] we will start with that child. that will be our first child. [applause] that's cute. additionally the funds in these accounts do not expire at the end of the year. they don't referred to employers or two the treasury. instead, the funds roll over so that while only $2000 can be contributed each year on. >> sums can accumulate and create substantial savings, tremendous savings actually. [applause] these savings can be used by parents to get help get their kids school choice and will thus contribute to the school choice reforms i outlined last week. a lot of good outlines last week on schools and really popular i will tell you. the funds will remain in the account until the age of 18.
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whatever still remains at that time can be used to help offset the cost of higher education for your child. [applause] for low income individuals, the federal government will provide matching funds if parents contribute $1000 the federal government will provide a 500-dollar match. to help low income families save money we will put a box on federal income tax forms of r&b's parents to have their earned income tax credit funds directly deposited into their dependent care savings accounts. simple. these dependent care saving accounts can also be set up to provide care for elderly dependence of which we have many. [applause] many, many, many. our plan also includes
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much-needed regulatory reform to incentivize her solutions. the new funds are offered by our plan will create a new market for innovative childcare solutions. but to make sure these solutions are available especially in low income and rural communities we must reduce regulations that favor large institutional care facilities. you know what i'm talking about. [applause] it's called special interest. we will allow the states to make the decisions that are right for them. in this era of sharing economy we want parents to be able to access lower cost competitive and innovative solutions at the click of a button including services like nanny sharing. our plan would also cover care provided by relatives and grandparents. our plan includes incentives for
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more employers to offer on-site childcare as well. we want the employers to get involved. now they will start getting involved, right? [applause] and you will start liking your employer a lot more. that's one of the benefits. this can often be a good solution for many working parents and can save them up to 30 minutes in commute time. currently only 7% of employers provide these services. not very much. our plan will expand tax attractions for employers, allow companies to pool resources to provide -- and i think this is so important, provide shared childcare services and remove needless requirements that have prevented employers from using the credit. their requirements are so onerous that they never get to
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use it even though in many cases they would like to. finally, our plan offers a crucial safety net for working mothers whose employers do not provide paid maternity leave. this solution will receive strong bipartisan support. do you agree with that? when you go to the other side they will be up to a? i'm hearing they won't he. we will get them to be okay, right? will be completely self financing. i think you will have bipartisan support. by recapturing fraud and improper payments in the unemployment insurance program we can provide six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit. [applause] this maternity leave will be paid straight out of the
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employment insurance fund and again the safety net will be completely paid for through savings within the program. there are more reforms and solutions in our childcare plan and you can review them all on the web site. on thursday i will outline my full economic plan which is completely paid for through economic growth and proposed federal budget savings. it's going to something specia, like this country hasn't seen in many many decades. [applause] together our tax, trade regulatory and energy policies will add trillions and trillions of dollars in new deficit lowering growth. these are the kinds of solutions i want to bring to the white
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house as your president. it's time to free ourselves from the baskets that politicians try to put this into and always have put us into and instead to work together. and i think you know what i mean. that includes democrats, republicans and all americans. [applause] i think you know. [applause] thank you very much. thank you. i think you know what i'm talking about. while my opponent slanders u.s. deplorable and irredeemable, i call you hard-working american patriots who love your country, love your family and want a better future for all americans.
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[applause] [chanting] >> thank you, thank you. it's time to end the rule of special interest and to begin the rule of the american people. it's what it's all about. it's going to be a big change. [applause] it's time to stop fighting over the smallest words and dreaming about the grated ventures that lie ahead for our incredible country. [applause] it's time to start believing in america again. together i promise you, together, we will make our country strong again. we will make our country
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