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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  March 2, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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we're on the way to charlotte we'll see you there tomorrow. melissa: biggest point gain on the dow ever, a lot of news, that it is for us, "bulls and bears" starts right now. >> welcome to "bulls and bears," i am capri ca -- caforio in for david asman. major indices all notching their best one-day point gain on a record at the close. president is just meeting with pharmaceutical k4u67s and compad coronavirus task force to discuss timelines for vaccines to combat the deadly virus. >> president trump is now on his way to a rally in charlotte, north carolina, as vice president pence gets set to brief public on where things
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stand with the deadly outbreak. but first our panel, gary kaltbaum, robert wolf, liz peek and steve moore. let's get straight on it with blake berman at white house for more on administration's responses effort, what have we learned? reporter: just left the cabinet room, there was an hourlong meeting between president trump and top leaders of pharmaceutical industry, the whose who of companies. diswrons anjohnson & johnson, p, glaxosmithkline. the message was a couple fold, he wanted to listen to see where they stood in the process of delivering a vaccine or maybe a cure down the line, but president also want toed to make sure they could do so, preliminarily in up -- potentially in upcoming months. >> we're working hard to expedite the process of developing a vaccine, and moving
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with maximum speed too develop therapy so that we can help people recover as quickly as poke. we have a lot of recovery going on. we want to see if we can advance that. likely tooer that -- therapy will be available before vaccines. reporter: at the very end of the meeting i told the president that dow finished up 1293, and asked for his reaction, he thought it should something to to with headlines out of the meeting, president looked to me at one point, said is that really it, i said yes. 1293. 5%, and president sort of wanted validation that was the number at the corner of wall and broad, he walked out to southland and gave these comments. >> the stock market went up i am not sure if maybe a record.
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but the stock market, i think had a record day up -- is it a record? thank you, we're excited about that. reporter: back to the pharmaceutical companies, president was asked whether or not they might need a government money to develop this vaccine down the line, president did not seem open to that. he was also asked whether or not there need the to be some economic stimulus as elizabeth warren suggested, and president suggested that is not necessarily the case. >> all right. thank you, blake. market stages a big come back today. liz do you think this shows a confidence in the administration's handling of the coronavirus. >> i think this shows a lot, number one that market got oversold based on a lot of rumors and speculations and trashing of the administration's approach, they have barely begun to fight it, last week are in democrats is a say they are
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incompetent, that was pretty poor. i'm going to 6 wit stick with if joe bidejoe biden winning big ih carolina helped as did the fact that amy klobuchar and pete buttigieg got out of the race. >> i agree with a lot of, that i would add i think most important factor is the announcement by feds this morning. >> true. >> a huge sell-off. that in future market happened turn say -- sunday, i wondered a little bit about that after biden won with that big win, the market sold you of. it since resting to see where people are on that. i would say that, the reason that this fed cut is important, is that i believe -- i have been saying this for days, this should have been announcement by the fed a week ago, they could have prevented this -- this is a
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serious virus, but the feds making the right decision. >> steve, steve. the answer to every problem is not central bank easing money every time the market gets in a a -- tiff . i think that president handled this well, inspite of what the left says and they would jumping all over him bev it start happening. but also, you have to fed doing their thing, you have your pan 500 billion yen, a g7 meeting in morning and mnuchin and no powel running it. let's hope it continues, i have news for you last week was very, very depressing, but on friday, i thought a low of put in, i think there is a chance it was
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the low, i need a few more cards out of the deck. >> your read? >> i believe it is u all about central bank involvement, i think i understand when the g7 gets involved, central banks continue to ease, dollar weakening with easing, going on. this is absolutely -- there is a fed backstop, nothing to to with anything else, if the fed did not say anything the market would be tanked. >> it was not only monetary, also fiscal stimulus, with actual stimulus, not justin rates. >> i was just using central banks. david: steve. >> i want people to understand, fed does not stimulate the economy by printing money. just like government spending does not stimulate the economy, but the reason i think tha thatu are wrong gary what happened, in
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last month or 2 we had steep decline in prices, copper, oil, wheat, that is a sign of deflation. i would like fed to lower rate on ex -- excess reserve. >> we have a fox business alert here president speaking taking questions. >> fda, tony have to help you get through the process as quickly as possible. the bureaucratic stuff, we don't have bureaucrats here, we have people who really know how to get it done between tony, bob and steven, they will get you through quickly. >> speaking of the fed, do you think the emergency meeting -- >> i think they should have had a meeting already. central banks will talk about various things tomorrow, but we'll see what happens. i think they had have already
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had a meeting, i don't know what takes them so long. >> let's see what happens tomorrow. >> americans buying all hand sanitizers? [inaudible] concerned about long-term. >> if the president said and we said we'll see more cases here in united states, we need to be prepared, for the worse of case. we hope for th the best. part of preparing is normal preparedness activity by individuals, go to cdc. gov to get information about sound preparedness at home like for a hurricane or flu season, having hand sanitizer, but soap and water are -- a good soap and water hand washing for an appropriate amount of time, that
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is as effective as the sanitize ir, people should not be panicked, they may feel a sense of unease, and uncertainty, we're trying to reveal all information we have. but there steps that people can take like that, just good of day preparedness, nothing different today from what i would havavis -- i would have advised 6 months ago. >> to certain countries, where they have more of a break out. we are. yes, you know what they are. we're doing that. we have done it, with three countries, in addition to china. we will do that [inaudible] -- considering a national emergency declaration? >> i don't think if you need that, i really think we're in you know good shape. we're prepared for anything, we
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could always do that at a later date if we need it i don't think we need it at this stage, interestingly we were discussing, the question that i get asked i lot, average you lose 26,000 to 70 thousand or show some cases more from the flu. we have deaths of that per year, worldwide it is0 hit-and-run -- hundreds of thousands of death from common flu, they ask what is the difference? i guess things are similar and thing are different, it might not be a bad question to ask, i get that all of the time. so, so far we have 6 here. you have another countries very -- china, got hit hardest. i notice that south korea hit hard. italy hit hard, i would like to maybe -- i am often times asked. we average i suspect tony, you said 26 to 27,000 to up to 70 thousand deaths per year, that
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is a lot. and here we're talking about a much smaller range. hopefully it stays that smaller range, we're prepared for anything. can i can you or any of you if you would like to answer that question, what would public think if you have so many and that is taken routinely, i was shocked to hear it. 3 or 4 weeks ago, how many people die a year from the flu, here, i think last year was 36 or 37,000 people. i am saying wow. nobody knew that. worldwide, you just multiply is times the world, what is the difference then? >> the people at table are more qualified. what represent here is the ability to prevent you know a endemic of sorts and ability to street, they are important to go together.
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>> we may have to up our reserve on common flu. >> and we need to continue to improve on that. >> doctor? >> we actually taken on challenge that you just mentioned, we're investing in what you could used on and think about how you can from first case. and how you can manufacturing fast. i think you are right on the point, that numbers i in flu are so large we're not at that level, i think it is most of the fear that we've not experienced yet with this virus, we don't have a feeling of going to get a vaccine. yet, but i think, year by year. >> including tony, they have to
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maybe step up our work on the flu. you lose that many people, that is something. >> what we're doing is we have a major effort to develop a universal flu vaccine, a vaccine you can give that would cover all different strains, you don't have to worry about it mutate from year-to-year. that is a major effort. >> of year they say a different vaccine, a little different, then i hear numbers that are not great. 60%. 70% coverage success. and yet i hear numbers that are better than that with respect to corona. you think you could really anythinknockit out, i think becu specifically know what it and i suspect, what do you think lenny? >> one thing to be sure we'll be surprised about what happens over next couple of months, and be prepared, for every surprise,
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remember, maybe a hundred million people get vaccinated foreveforever -- for the flu, we nobody in this country vaccinated for the coronavirus right now. that -- >> the same vaccine could not work? you take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that would. >> no. probably not. >> so, that is why you have a difference with a population that is totaly naked to this virus, that is why a vaccine approach getting out as quickly as we can is paramount. we have a group of people here at this table, myself includes, we're in a industry where optimism is an essential part of tool kit, but realism, 95% of what we work on does not go too far, that is why it is important to have so many different approaches. >> it seems to me on what you
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said and other folks said from great companies, that i know well. it would seem that you already know pretty much where you are going and where you are headed and the answer. does that seem -- you seem to know what the answer is to this you have t to get is done or is that too optimistic. >> i think some of the new technology that has come. toward -- use new tools. they give us an opportunity to move fast, that is why some companies that are working can quickly change forward. but i think we should take on as a team to do something with the seasonal flu. >> that would be a great thing. aside from this meeting, to do
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that, that would be a great them, does anyone elses have anything to say? i want to thank you all very much, for being here, it is a very op optimistic meeting, i dd not realize you are that far advanced, you will get together if you have, to deal with tony, bob and steven. get it done. we need it we want to fast. okay? thank you very much. >> probably than you would like? >> i don't know what time will be, i don't know they know. i heard very quick numbers, a matter of months and i heard a year would be an outside number, that not a bad range, but if you talk about 3 on 4 months in a couple cases and a year in others. is that about right. >> realistic to think that a vac reason -- vaccine. >> with greatest companies in world sitting here, johnson & johnson and pfizer and their
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companies gilead, the great companies, that is what they say. i think that -- >> would you make sure you get president's -- a vaccine that you make and start testing in a year is not a vaccine that is deployable, he is asking, when will it will deployable, that earliest a year to a year and a half no matter how fast you go. >> before that -- >> [inaudible] >> i think that in many ways might be more exciting. >> that and i think -- ambassador berkes laid out a nice framework as we think about managing expectations which is be thinking antiviral therapeutics, transisessin trano monocone antibodies.
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>> that is interesting. you have people that are looking for treatment, they have got vac -- beyond vaccine stage that would be exciting. it goes faster than vaccine. safety issues will be different. you will know your results almost immediately. with vaccines it -- so then, what would be your timing for treatment? therapeutics. your number. >> we can think about producing 20 thousand doses by end of summer of a course of treatment. and as fauci said, you will find out quickly, it is not a mystery whether they look, we're pretty confident that our approach has a high pro probability in near-m of delivery. >> so treatment, element goes
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faster than vaccine element, in my opinion, in this case would be better. >> stagily trials right now -- 3 trials right now, they are connected 30 days. you recruit them, you know in 30 days, you know once you recruit whether it works or not, so far it has been safe. we have to determine is the level of affect o effectiveness. >> it could be used as a treatment. when do you think? >> if the trial that daniel was talking about, proves efficacy, you might know in a few months. if you know by june, that it is effective, you just scale up and manufacture it and you are god o go. >> how good is that? >> that is good. >> let me give you an example
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with the -- ebola. tony fauci and his team and world health organization ran a historic clinical trial in war zone in eastern congo, two products, proved so effective that the ethical board said stop on other two. i am sorry dan. -- start treating when i went to congo, i got to see people that even before fda approval are being treated still in the extension of chemical trial and cured of ebola, walking out where they would have this a death sentence before. that is what we would try to do. >> he just got back from the congo. that is dedication. not an easy trip. >> it was not easy.
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>> i want to thank everyone in the room. >> i was about to pledge our whole task force, whole team, hhs and cds, president and i will be tomorrow, look performance to working with you all, i want to commend you all for responding to the president's call for action. this is all hands on deck. and news out of this meeting you have already formed a con-- we know they will be working together to create therapeutics, and a new vaccine to deal with the coronavirus thank you all. >> anyone delays you, you call me. call tony and bob. >> today? >> 1300. >> 1293. >> they must have heard about the meeting, who is talking outside? this is a very optimistic -- i know, optimism and not optimism,
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is worse pessimism. , i tell you the whole thing with therapeutics is very exciting and vaccine, but therapeutics is very exciting what you so far advanced that is great thank you very much, say hello to everyone, thank you. >> there you have it trump taking questions after a meeting with question members of his administration, coronavirus task force, and heads of american top pharmaceutical companies. well they covered a lot there, liz, what did you take from that? >> i think that administration is doing all they can to encourage the pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine and therapies, a lot of this was about how quickly can to be done. guess what, nobody knows, but it a full court press, and i don't know that the white house saying that to the companies made a difference, my guess is they are already doing all they can. to come up with a drug that can
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treat sick people. but -- the next step would be president or some agency offers money to help speed delivery of memedication, to make sure it is available. >> you mentioned -- liz mentioned potential of an emergency package or additional funding what do you think next steps would be. >> i think two thin, one approving funding, whether there a crisis, number two, is how we speak about it. more we make it like this thing is spreading more than we know, or more people are dying than we know, then we're adding to the fear. my view and i think that dr. fowcher whafauci what he said ta lot of sense. he says, it is spreading it can hit your community, but we're working on it. we're testing for it. and i think he kind of within both ways, he said yes something
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real, but, let's slowdown and make sure we understand. >> one thing about the whole thing though, i find, last new months, all of the democrats, and many republicans have been bashing pharmaceutical companies, maybe we have to a appreciation for how important they are in terms of in an emergency saving lives. >> hold that thought, we have someone joining us from capitol hill. congressman buddy carter of georgia. congressman thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> well, you are only pharmacist that serves in congress in u.s. house. you bring a very interesting perspective to the table on here. as health care provider, do you think that the proposed merge emergency funding bill is sufficient to address the coronavirus outbreak as it stands? >> let's don't get caught up in numbers, what is sufficient we be prepared, people think the higher the number the more we'll
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be prepared, that is not the case. if they need more money, they just have to ask for more, we will make sure it gets there make sure they have all of resources they need. but let me say, listen in my years of as -- practice of a pharmacist, i have seen nothing short of miracles come about through research and development, i thought that meeting just finished was a great meeting everyone singing from same song sheet now, privacy and public sectors working together, we as citizens need to our part, wash our hands and keep healthy, and make sure if you have a cold don't go spreading it stay away from places. that is the thing that we need to do. now is not the time to panic, now is the time to be prepared. >> good comments -- common sense. >> gary. >> good news that i keep reads about on john ho -- web site, pe
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have recovered from the virus is that matter of it runs its worse, a type of medicine that maybe not cure but help through it. >> well, certainly, hard to say at-this-point, what is causing this, i suspect as numbers increase, and they will, that the percentage of people who are severely impacted we this who die by this will decrease, because, what we have now is a finite group in china. that is not the best test group for us to have. you will have a high percentage of people who don't have access to healthcare like we do in america. they will have a hire -- high ae rathigherrate, as results of ths illness, as it spreads we'll be able to treat it better, we are
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better prepared, we have a better health care system. >> congressman thank you for joining us, there has been a lot of concern about amount of medications that pharmaceutical, generics from china and india, is reliance on chinese medications going to be a problem in treating the coronavirus do you? >> >> that is 7ly a concern -- certainly a concern that i have expressed during our members meeting, i expressed this to dr. hahn with fda, he assured us they will do what they can t too make sure that we stock up on equivlen medication similar medication, and making sure that no one goes without. and this is -- does bring to light a serious problem that is, our reliance on china in particular for our generic drugs. >> congressman, sounds like you are optimistic right now, what else would you tell the american
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public to try to make sure that everyone is calming and doing their part, you mentioned hand washing. but we heard about people you know making a rush on masks, is there anything else you could give american public to calm concerns. and make sure we're doing our parts. >> particularly those who have a cold, those are the ones who should beware a -- wearing a mask, if you have a cold, wear a mask. this is spread through droplets. if you have a cold, please stay home, stay out of nursing homes. common sense things, wash your hands they are important. >> thank you so much congressman. we appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> countdown to super tuesday, president trump holding a rally
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capri: less than 24 hours.
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president trump headed to north carolina to drum up support from republicans and independents. >> amy klobuchar announcing today she will drop out, along with pete buttigieg and tome tom steyer over the weekend. >> president suggesting these are all moves about giving biden a boost after his big south carolina win. and getting bernie out of the way. >> robert, have you been in touch with some presidential campaigns, what do you think is really going on? what do you think? >> i don't think it is wheeling and dealing, i think that always happens field gets winnowed usually after iowa and new hampshire. this just happens this is normal, i was hoping it would about that way weeks ago. not surprising after biden out
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performed saturday there would be more of a coalescing around him. we have two lanes, in will be interesting to see what bloomberg and warren do next. and tomorrow saturday. have you 34% of the delegates up for grabs, i think joe will outperform, i think he will sweep southern districts. my guess that bernie will get most delegates though. >> i agree it is normal, you end up with less and less people, but to be clear about something here, in the last week, bernie sanders lost florida. i can promise you that, i know what happens in dead an dade and county. and the rest belt states, getting rid of energy and fracking, yeah that will work. and we heard maybe dems can get
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texas, i don't think so. you see a coalescing behind biden for a darn good reason they want to see pelosi stay speaker in november. >> good point, i would add of democrats wants to end fracking. >> not every. >> they said they would like to you know end fossil fuel development here. but, real issue, i think is whether democrats can pull it together, they are really split in two wings, trump did that at end of the day,. but robert, i wonder whether the differences are so deep. >> i think i have a reply, i know what i would do, everyone knows i am a staunch dem, i am close to biden and others. if bernie were candidate, i am a capitalist, and i ran a bank, i am pro trade, i would support bernie and work for him. i -- really?
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>> i would like to think that the bernie or populist left would do the same could i don't think that this a same as hillary versus berny this is very different. bernie is not getting more than 25% of the vote for the most part. he outperformed nevada but under performed in south carolina and new hampshire, there is more to it. not a two person race yet. .i think that party would unify. >> bernie has been at this since 2015, really. his army has grown. in they say how they steal nomination from bernie. i think that sanders supporters, you are unusual in you would be so flexible in who you support,
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i think that bernie supporters if he gets plurality of delegates and he does not get the nomination, civil war in the democratic party. capri: nobody has brought up bloomberg. quick, do you think that bloomberg under performs is he out? >> that is where he put all his money. >> you have to ask robert, as a republican i would be most afraid of running against is bloomberg. capri: interesting. >> i think he will try to stay in, i think it system -- embarrassing to spend a half billion, but tomorrow -- >> the pressure for bloomberg to get behind biden on wednesday, will be huge. if he under performs, by the way bloomberg does have wallet, he does count his money, he may
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give up. >> having delegates make you a power broker, i think that bloomberg wants to see if he can get to the convention. capri: fate of obamacare in hands of supreme court again, we could get oral arguments just before the election, impact and implications next. hi guys. this is the chevy silverado with the world's first invisible trailer.
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capri: fight over obamacare headed back to supreme court again, agreeing to take up an appeal from several democratic states, from a lower court rules, forces americans to buy insurance or pay a penalty is unconstitutional, they will start in october, so could we see the supreme court deal a blow to obama's signature law.
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>> well let me say surprisingly so they would bring this up right before the election shin, i would think they would wait until after, good on them, i hope they do something about, you know nancy pelosi out talking about we go the to keep this to have cost stay lower, all i know is my premiums are up 150% since obamacare came out. and the other part o of the equation, one of head architects, on video stating the whole administration lied about obamacare too get it passed. we're talking about taxes, the chattedo -- shadowy taxes in obamacare, the mandates, why do you want to mandate people to do something they don't want to, i hope they take it up and do the right thing, and move forward to something better. >> we love when the republicans in this administration bring up health care, they have been a disaster with healthcare, we have 3 million more people uninsured, cost of health care is up, inflation in healthcare is up.
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prescription drugs up. these people, president trump is the president, not president obama. he owns healthcare today, and he got nothing done. thank god we still have obamacare, otherwise we i will have to so many more people. >> wait a minute. >> go ahead. >> health care costs have declined since trump came into was. >> not true. >> political point, i will agree this not a good time, right -- eve of an election for republicans to debate obamacare again. you everyone republicans top talk about ises -- want to talk about is the economy and jobs this not great timing for g.o.p. >> i agree, my reading not an asset rated basis, -- accelerated basis, not soon maybe in the fall, they may wait. but what they are talking about here is that, individual mandate, i would argue to you robert this is not a popular part of the program, people like
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the fact that obamacare covers a lot of people but they do not like being told they have to do this. >> absolutely agree that we -- different i iteration we could agree, to we should be able to cross state lines, these are things that republican party can do. actually amy klobuchar, and i forget republican senator have a bipartisan plan on this, they could pass. the president could bridge this. >> you who know hates that idea insurance company. >> maybe they need have to another summit. >> i would like to tell president obama not president, we still like to blame him. >> let me say. >> gary, gary. >> >> to robert, thank you, i have been yelling about competition forever, you know competition it makes companies do better, provide better service, and lower costs they compete on price, we never have that you open the state lines it will all
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change but government does not do, that they love running things. >> a million annoying commercials like car insurance. with geckos running around. >> we have that already. solving all world problems here on "bulls and bears," next up, trump administration signing an historic peace treaty with taliban. but there are concerns that parts of the deal have already started to fall apart. >> walid phares will join us next to weigh in on this and much more, stay tuned. meet jim. for jim, comfort is king. which is why when it comes to his dentures only new poligrip cushion and comfort will do.
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with the taliban. and we are going to be leaving. we're going to be bringing our soldiers back home, we've been there almost between years, that is a a long time. we've done a great job, now it is up to other to get rid of the terrorists, we have discussions to go but we have made progress. capri: president trump touting historic peace deal between u.s. and taliban. seeing full withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan within 14 months but new reports show fighting between taliban and afghan security forces have resumed. we bring ma -- walid phares, how big of a sit back is this. >> the president had two options, one to continue. with strategies and policies. and that did not really end the war, it did progress in terms of tactical victory -- against the
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taliban, but not create transformation that was needed, ththe other option is let's withdraw, and let other regional forces take over in that one, quickly have you option a or b, a deal with tal bega taliban ore government. >> it seemed inevitable there would be fighting post truce and agreement signed. what do we do now? are we going to give it more time, we don't have to leave, we don't have to take our troops out, if they break the deal we're where we were before, right? >> yeah and thinks have changed -- things have changed. president made a strategic decision he would most likely withdraw the troops from where the taliban are that is south of afghanistan. south of region where they are controlled, i north would remain
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in hands of go the. government, what it started in 2001 there was a northern alliance. we'll have to make choices should we support the north or withdraw and leave it to region to addressing it. >> 20 years now, in to to war in afghanistan. a lot of americans, i will ask a question a lot would ask. what have we really accomplished in afghanistan? has it been worth the loss of life and you know trillion dollars we spent? >> that is most difficult question the historian have to answer because it is not over, skeptics the tell you we have not done that much, taliban is back, but others say, had we not done that, they would be in other places in region, my view there would have been different options with what we have done
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aflied to civil society, we were not successful in doing over past 19 years. >> thank you for coming up. i have to say, i feel like i'm watching homeland the day after. this is what it was. i don't know. but, i am listening to lindsey graham, i am not hawkish but i listen to him talk about this a mistake. it seems that once again this a time where i feel like with coronavirus. like, politics aside, we're talking about making sure our military and our young soldiers are not in harm's way. at some point we have to say enough is enough circumstance this that point -- is this that point, imhearing we'retation them out but we -- i am hearing we can take them out but we put them back in that seems ill longal. illinois ill logical. >> i don't like the idea of telling other side what we doing
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to go, i like the idea of keeping our strategies to ourselves, i am not of idea of quitting hold afghanistan at end of the day jihadists would takeover. somewhere between partial withdrawal and recreating a different strategy, is what administration should go. >> switching gears, south korea official say that north korea conducted first weapons test of the year firing two unidentified project files, presumed to be short range ballistic missile, how concerned should we be about that move? >> they have been doing this every once in a while every time they want something from us be they fire a missile. but what concerns me is environment in which this is happening. the coronavirus. if you look at map, you see a red in china, a lot of cases, orange in south korea. what is happening in north korea is a issue of concern knowing
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that tens of thousands of workers north korea workers go to china work and come back. this could be also part of him telling the world, i would need your help soon, because this is north korea you don't know about. is catastrophic. >> or deflecting attention from the fact they do have that decidediseasebreaking out in noa here, is doing that nationalistic thing they are plowed oplowedare --proud of one people. >> that would be hand, but he is telling south korea expu and us. it will explode in our country i need your help and money some thank you. >> thank you. capri: take a look at this a huge rally on wall street today -- woohoo. capri: is it safe to say it's time to go back in the water?
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thanks for joining us, on a . liz: i'm elizabeth macdonald. welcome to the evening edit. we'll take you there. all of this on the eve of super tuesday. now we have a big shakeup in the democrat race. president today, pushing for a coronavirus vaccine, earlier today, with the world's biggest drugmakers. the vice president just announced new airport screening for flights in italy and south korea. the markets. did you see what happened? the markets roared back today. the dow, nasdaq and s&p. their biggest gains in history today. more on that in just a


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