tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 5, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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store in the bronx -- furniture store in the bronx that was looted last week, so we'll see you from there on monday. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. this is a hallelujah day. it is, in fact, the day that changes everything. the greatest economic comeback in american history may have begun. how do i know that? well, just take a look at the faces of the radical dems, so glum and passive when the rest of america was cheering the great news about jobs, about an economy in recovery expect market soared. listen to so-called economic experts who were so knowledgeably predicting today's unemployment report would show a tremendous loss of jobs, some even saying we would lose 9
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million jobs in may and that the report would show us the abyss. they forecast the unemployment rate to rise to a depression era level of 20%. they couldn't have been more wrong. and god help them, many of them seemed shaken to learn that once again the president who has withstood plots to troy his candidacy -- destroy his candidacy, to then overthrow his presidency and then impeachment and a deadly contagion of the chinese virus that has staggered this incredible economy and the world's greatest nation. the labor department today reporting that employment, stunningly, rose by 25 million in may -- 2.5 million in may. the jobless rate instead of 20% declined to 13.3%. and those incredible, positive numbers serving as a testament to the resiliency of the american worker. as well as the president's push to safely reopen the economy and
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the nation that had been virtually shut because of the china virus. president trump understandably ecstatic, ebullient about today's news. he held a news conference in the white house rose garden. he called the report an important reminder of just how strong america really is. >> this was an important day because this shows that what we've been doing is right. and the reason it's been and is so good is because the body was strong. our body was so powerful that we could actually close our country, save millions of lives, stop people very early on from china from coming in. we did a lot of things, and then we really ended up with empty cupboards. we went into a ventilator period the likes of which nobody's seen since the second world war. we mobilized.
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nobody's ever seen anything like it. but this is outstanding, what's happened today. now, they thought the number would be a loss of 9 million jobs, and it was a gape of almost 3 million -- a gain of almost 3 million jobs. lou: employment gains across all key industries, almost all, including 1.2 million jobs in the leisure and hospitality industry, hard hit, an industry that had lost 7.5 million jobs because of the china virus. significant increases also seen in construction, education and health services, rethat tail and manufacturing. president trump -- retail and manufacturing. president trump hailing the rebound of those industries as part of the greatest economic comeback in american history. >> the job surge that we're seeing right now is widespread. leisure and hospitality added 1.2 million jobs. construction jobs are up, listen
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to this, 464,000. education and health services rose 424,000. retail trade is up 368,000. finish and here's the one i like the best, remember? previous administration that you need a magic wand for manufacturing. finish manufacturing, which we had up to 600,000 jobs prior to the plague, manufacturing rose to 225,000 jobs, up by. so we picked up 225,000 manufacturing jobs. that's very unexpected. everything, everything that you've seen this morning is unexpected. even the pros sitting here would understand that, everything. we also smashed expectations on the unemployment rate. the prediction was that the unemployment rate would rise to over 20%, and instead it dropped to around a little more than 13%. slight difference. and this time the greatest
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comeback in american history -- today is probably, if you think of it, the greatest comeback in american history. but it's not going to stop here. of it's going to keep going. lou: it's going the keep going. you haven't seen anything yet. the may jobs report serves as a direct reminder of the president's knowledge of this economy, his understanding of this nation's markets and the record he has in bringing prosperity e to all americans, an unprecedented record. president trump has built the greatest american economy once, and he now appears to be doing it once again. this early triumph comes despite the country being effectively shut down because of the china virus contagion. the pandemic that radical dem leaders across the nation saw and still see as a political opportunity, an opportunity to taint the markets, to implement the radical agendas, to fund
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their dearest hopes. the party of hate preying and planning on an economic -- praying and planning on an economic recession that would, perhaps some hoped, doom the trump presidency. but today that has all changed. we were told last month that a return to the booming trump economy days would be the general election scenario that democrats dread most. their day has arrived. the top obama economists even predicting that, quote, we are about to see the best economic data we've seen in the history of this country. it seems that prediction is holding up. and joe biden's worst nightmare is coming true. the former vice president today delivered a speech about the economy. it was supposed to start at 12:15, but the speech was delayed somewhat. i wonder why? delayed 45 minutes. the former vice president likely waiting for his staff to come up
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with some way to say something that was at least spill jill about the -- intelligible about the economy that is in rebound, to rewrite his speech. after seeing the president's economic rocket take off this morning with the trump economy obviously on the rebound, biden says he is still working on his economic plan. >> in the coming weeks, i'll lay the plan i've developed, my comprehensive plan not just to build back the economy the way it was before covid-19, but to build it back better. i look forward to introducing -- i would have already done it had not, had we not had -- george had not been held up against that curb. we planned on releasing it earlier, but i'll be introducing it really quickly. lou: biden seems to be drowning politically and economically.
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even his friends in the left-wing national media seem unable to save him. "the washington post" did try, preemptively writing a doom and gloom story about the economy. one that, as usual, turned out to be, well, well off the mark. perhaps a lie. in a now-deleted tweet, the post ran with the headline that read this: grim milestone to be reach as may unemployment rate nears 20%. oh, no. not again. fake news at "the washington post." after being swiftly mocked throughout the twitter verse, "the washington post" changed the headline. it now reads: unemployment rate drops to 13% as the economy picked up jobs as states reopened. rather blase, don't you think,
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about an employment rate that was 50% better than what the experts were expecting? a swing of some 12 million jobses in that report for the month of may? a little, a little bland, i thought. but certainly better than going with the headline still a 20% unemployment rate. favored view of the economy. well, the radical left was fully prepared to run a victory lap of their own, obviously, this morning had the unemployment rate hit that 20% mark. but once the incredible positive news broke, even the heft-wing national -- left-wing national media, well, they were having a lot of trouble trying to spin it. >> we have some good news this morning, thank god. on the economy -- >> this is unequivocally good news. >> a stunning jobs report but not for the reason we thought. >> the job market stopped crashing in may, and that's really, really important here. >> this is a huge gain.
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>> this is great news -- >> this is really encouraging. >> i could say it pretty much in three words. do you have any idea what they are? jobs, jobs, jobs! lou: indeed, jobs, jobs, jobs. and don't you love the way they wanted to try to put a positive pin on that? i thought they were going to choke on it. well, millions of americans may still be at home because of the constraining regulations put in place by radical dem governors, mayors, corporate groups. the signs of an american recovery are beginning to show up almost everywhere. and according to president trump, many, the best is is yet to come. >> i think we're going to have a very good upcoming few months. next year's going to be one of the best years we've ever had economically. now we're opening, and we're opening with a bang. we've been talking about the v. this is better than a v, this is a rocket ship. one of the reasons we're in this position is because we had such
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a strong foundation. so we were able to close our country, save millions of lives, open and now the traject. ory is great. new york is barely included, california barely included because they're not open -- and they should open, by the way -- and it's going to get better fast because a lot of the numbers you see, they're not even from this last month. they're early numbers. and by the way, speaking of that, you had the greatest 50-day rally in the history of our exchanges. the greats 50-day rally -- great 50 day rally. and we have a lot of protesters, and we have something else, right? we have something else. we have a pandemic. we've made tremendous progress really on both if you look at where we've come on both. we've made tremendous progress on both. tremendous progress. but you're looking, and the people are now starting to
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return to work. so it's been an incredible thing to see. we're a positive force. we're the key to the world, in a sense, and the fact that we're doing well i see already they're starting to do much better in other parts of the world. that's a great thing. ♪ ♪ lou: a great thing, indeed. a great day on wall street, a great day for investors. we'll take a look at all the great things on wall street. the dow today rallying above 27,000 for the first time since march 4th, finishing up 829 points on the day. the rally carried the s&p 500 up 82 points, the nasdaq up 198 points. and volume on the big board almost 9 billion shares. for the week the dow up nearly 7% the up about 5% -- the s&p up about 5%, the nasdaq gained more than 3%. crude oil rising more than 4%, above $39 a barrel. for a reminder, listen to my
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reports three times a today coast to coast on the salem radio network. former and current high profile military leaders lining up to undercut president trump, lying about the so-called peaceful protests. we take up the truth here next. i'll be talking with former u.s. army special forces operator jim hanson. stay with us, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. they're going to be paying for this for a long time. they will, but with accident forgiveness allstate won't raise your rates just because of an accident, even if it's your fault. cut! sonny. was that good? line! the desert never lies. isn't that what i said? no you were talking about allstate and insurance. i just... when i... let's try again. everybody back to one. accident forgiveness from allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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lou: over the past week, leaders of e american military have actually lied about the violent protests in washington and other cities around the country, referring to them as peaceful demonstrations, peaceful protests as they objected to the president's threat to invoke the insurrection act and to use the military to help control those streets. the protests have been anything but peaceful. more than 300 police officers have been injured in these peaceful protests, as you see on the screen now. that's these generals' idea of something called peaceful assembly.
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at least two police officers have been killed. still, this didn't stop former defense secretary james mattis calling the president that he once served a threat to the constitution. imagine. and president trump's former homeland security and chief of staff former a marine general john kelly agreed with mattis and is now saying we need to look harder at who we elect. kelly refused to acknowledge that those demonstrations were filled with violence, that arsonists a had the run of the at at streets, that so many businesses were destroyed, ruined in those peaceful protests. and which the mayors have handcuffed in some cases law enforcement, forcing them to stand down which allowed looters and thieves and arsonists and in some cases, yes, killers to go -- to run rampant.
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both mattis and kelly served under president trump, the law and order president, and they have chosen this moment to try to undercut the president of the united states. including, by the way, the defense secretary who decided that he knows better than the president about whether or not it's necessary to invoke the insurrection -- the act. it's just amazing to me what we have witnessed over this week. our adversaries around the world are surely cheering their subversion and undercutting the president of the united states, breaking with the chain of command, and their insubordination doesn't end with these former cabinet members. it includes as well the current administration, defense secretary mark esper's publicly disagreed with the president on the possible use of troops, as i said, joint chiefs of staff chair general mark milley wrote to the heads of military
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branches that the u.s. military should protect the american right to peaceful protests. nowhere in milley's memorandum does he note that much of those protests have been hijacked by radical leftists, antifa, hell bent on destruction and, yes, against this president. it's incredible. he didn't even read or listen to the report of the attorney general, william barr. obama era holdovers also doing their part trying to undercut the president. take james miller, for example, at the pentagon. until tuesday he served on the defense science board. he'd been there since 2014, an obama holdover. miller resigned his position on the board because he said the constitution was violated when president trump -- listen to this -- walked from the white house to st. john's episcopal church. miller alleged the protesters
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who were dispersed at the order of the attorney general, not the president, by the way, were, quote: law-abiding and tear gassed. in both instances he was wrong. not permitting facts to get in the way of his faux outrage, the u.s. parks police denied the use of these tear gas. it's amazing. police chief gregory e monaghan stated protesters were throwing bricks at his officers, frozen water bottles, caustic liquid all being thrown at those trying to preserve peaceful assembly. intelligence reveals there were calls for violence against those officers, and the park police warned the protesters three times to rack wait before they removed them from the area. only after the protesters had continued their violence were they dispersed by smoke canisters and pepper balls. again, not tear gas.
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such stuff are these defense daffodils made, apparently, as in the case of miller. well, breaking news, washington, d.c. mayor muriel bowser wants all of the national guard troops from other states out of her city. in fact, the utah national guard says 200 of its service members were kicked out of their hotel. mayor bowser says it's because of a budget issue, and she said d.c. residents just couldn't can cover the expense. president trump tweeted about the mayor saying, quote: if she doesn't treat these men and women well, we'll bring in a different group of men if women. joining me now jim hanson, president of the security studies group, national security and foreign policy think tank. jim, good to have you here. first, i want to take up these generals because, in point of fact, they distorted and in several instances outright lied
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talking about the constitution, the president violating it should he invoke the insurrection act and describing -- [laughter] and as you walk through washington, you may have noticed a few boarded-up businesses and the results of arson and vandalism throughout the path of that so-called peaceful assembly. what in hell is going on with these generals? >> rue, you hit it right -- lou, you hit it right on the head with the idea that the assemble by that is happening is far from peaceful. it is closer to insurrection than it is to a peaceful protest. and that's what all of these generals did that is so egregious, is claiming that president trump was aiming any consideration of military force at peaceful protests. he was aiming it at the possibility that they were unable, police and other agencies were unable to control these riots, and they might need
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the assistance that the u.s. military could provide. that's what the insurrection act is for. it is 100% constitutional to use it that way, and president trump never once considered it as a way to go ahead and shut down the right to peaceable assembly for the people who were using it properly. lou: and he's made it clear, as you know, clear time and time again that he is for peaceful protests. it is an american right. but what, as you look at the video of the damage that has been done, the list of more than 300 police officers injured, there is nothing peaceful about the antifa group and the other groups referred to by the attorney general. this is, obviously, an orchestrated reaction to the death of george floyd in min yapless at the hands of one -- minneapolis at the hands of one police officer in minneapolis and three others who are now charged with aiding and abetting
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in the charged murder of george by -- george floyd by a police officer. it is that straightforward. and suddenly we have this nonsense about peaceful assembly from generals who are align aring themselves with whom? with antifa? i mean, what in the hell? could you -- would you have ever imagined you would see a chairman of the joint chiefs of staff say a what milley said to the branch leaders of the united states military? >> not in a million years. insub order neigh of -- insubordination of one form or another. whether it should be punished is up to president trump. i think what struck me is the craziest, senator tom cotton -- a military veteran -- who an op-ed for "the new york times"es talking about the proper use of the insurrection act if it became necessary. and now "the new york times" is trying to whitewash that op-ed
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as if it never happened. they had, essentially, a revolution in their newsroom because the people who work there decided that it was improper to even discuss that constitutional possibility. so, i mean, "the new york times" used to be the organ of limousine liberals. apparently now it is the paper of mercedes marxists, and they are going ahead and acting more like pravda than any u.s. news ever should have. it's disgraceful, lou. lou: when you talk about the division in "the new york times" newsroom, it's stunning because their reporting is decidedly, well, uniform and monolithic despite the rupture in the newsroom. jim hanson, as always, good to have you with us. thank you very much. elon musk has had it with amazon for silencing those critical of the china violence,
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economic shutdowns led by the radical dem mayors in many parts of the country. musk tweeting: time to break up amazon. monopolies are wrong. this after amazon blocked author alex berenson's new book blocked because it didn't meet its guidelines. the book is called "unreported truths about covid-19 in lockdowns." and it undercuts some of the perceived popular con seven discuss -- consensus on the wuhan, china, vice. "the new york times" apologizing after its staff loses its mind, as jim happen szob just mentioned -- hanson just mentioned. investigative journalist john solomon of just the with us next. stay with us.
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lou: well, we referenced the civil war expect new times newsroom over senator tom cotton's op-ed. opinion editor barry wise says a -- barry weiss says a civil war has erupted in which the senator backed the use of the military to help end violence in the riots and protests that have turned violent. the times apologized last night for ever even considering publishing cotton's speech, let alone publishing it. yet the times is the very same paper that posted this op-ed in 2014. quote: pedophilia, a disorder not a crime. in february of this year they ran an op-ed written by a leader of the taliban, for crying out loud. the times defended its decision then saying its mission is to, quote, tackle big ideas from a range of newsworthy viewpoints. apparently just not american
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senators' viewpoints. joining us tonight john solomon, award-winning investigative reporter, editor-in-chief of just the good to have you with us. let's start with "the new york times" journalistically. i'd just like to get your reaction as one of the country's if not the very best, among the very best investigative journalists. your thoughts about watching the times descend to these divisive depths in its newsroom. >> well, listen, under dean mccabe's leadership "the new york times" has gone from being the newspaper of record for all americans to a newspaper of record for limousine liberals. and if it wants to apologize for something, it should go back first and apologize for all the stories they got wrong on russia. we could lay the evidence out and show time and again the number of stories that "the new york times" published during the russian collusion scandal that were false. but instead, they celebrate intolerance by trying to apologize for allowing a u.s.
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senator to pose an idea slightly different than maybe its readership had. i don't know where we're going, but they feel like an institution that has moved towards yellow journalism, intolerance and a bias toward limousine liberals. i think that's the only way to look at this. lou: well, and the pulitzer committee has a lot to explain as well handing out pulitzers for false reportings on obamagate. it's outrageous, what they have done and what they continue to do. rod rosenstein finally going before the senate judiciary committee this week. he -- >> yeah. lou: the performance was, i think, somewhat predictable. i do think the idea that he would blame the fbi for keeping him in the dark in so many areas was perhaps a surprise, a novel defense, if you will. your thoughts. enter yeah. listen, he's no harry truman because the buck didn't stop with him at all on this
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investigation even though he was the top-line supervisor. but i think in his testimony you're beginning to see a body of evidence. remember, the i.g. said the same thing. horowitz said last december there was significant ed that the fbi withheld from the national security division of the justice department. and i'm beginning to talk to a lot of senators who two years ago would never have said this now saying, you know what? we see a plot, a conspiracy. the fbi was intentionally keeping people in the dark so they could sustain a false investigation. that's a real movement for a lot of these senators who were course, waiting for the evidence to come out. i think rod rosenstein moved that forward a little bit by convince aring people that, if he had been given the real evidence, he wouldn't have done the things like sign the fisa warrant. now we need to figure out who are the culprits that allowed and sustained this false narrative and bring them to justice. lou: and i do have to credit lindsey graham with at least asking some close questioning on a number of occasions.
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so good on him. a rare compliment from me, i know, to the -- [laughter] but there it is. john, as always, good to see you. it was, it was. and your work is always important, and you can catch john's work on up next -- and here, of course, as well. president trump celebrating a standout jobs report and taking on the radical dems and rinos who would just love to see him fail. corey lewandowski and david bossie e led the campaign for president in 2016. did a pretty good with job, didn't they? they're with us next, stay with us. i wanted more from my copd medicine, that's why i've got the power
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an herbal stress reliever ashwagandha, we know times are hard and we're here for you. that helps you turn the stressed life... into your best life. stress less and live more. with stressballs. lou: well, breaking news, former fbi lawyer lisa page, you remember her, is now apparently the national security and legal analyst for nbc news and msnbc. page made her first appearance this afternoon with none other than special counsel mueller witch hunt prosecutor andrew weissman. joe biden may have had his deplorables moment, biden thinks there are anywhere from 33-50 million americans who just aren't good people. listen to this. >> do we really think this is as good as we can be as a nation? i don't think the vast majority of people think that. there are probably anywhere from
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10-15% of the people out there who are just not very good people. but that's not who we are. lou: yes. well, joining us now is david bossie, president of citizens united, former 2016 trump deputy campaign manager, sur gate for the 2020 trump campaign. corey lewandowski, former trump campaign manager, senior adviser to the 2020 trump campaign. gentlemen, great to have you with us. and you, i just want to know what was your reaction when you saw the unemployment rate was 13.3% and that the economy had added 2.5 million jobs instead of losing 9 million? corey? >> well, lou, i'll tell you what, the american people reacted today when the stock market took off like a rocket ship. once again, the pundits is have underestimated donald trump. they told us it was going to be almost 9 million more unemployed, the rate would be
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somewhere around 20%. clearly, the work that the president did with the ppp program and others to help those small businesses stay afloat has paid off, and those numbers reflected it today. lou: what was your reaction, david? >> lou, that's exactly right. the strength of the trump economy is just, it's incredible. 2.5 million new jobs, an historic number. we've never seen anything like this. the president has built an economy that is ready to go. that's why we must reopen, that's why these blue state governors, they have of to see the light for their citizens. they have to put politics ace side because that's what this is about. this is about trying to destroy the economy so that donald trump is not reelected. they're using everything, they're throwing everything -- lou: what do you think, what do you think -- >> [inaudible] lou: and nobody wants -- well, i better not say nobody -- [laughter] america's depending on him to keep going. and to work his magic.
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this, the number of people are trying to stop him and some of them work for him. and i'm thinking of mark esper, the defense secretary, publicly challenging the president. the chairman of the joint chief of staff, are you kidding me? corey, i mean, to actually, you know, undercut the president like this publicly, i understand about mattis, you know? as the president pointed out, he and president obama both fired him. then you've got john kelly who he dismissed. but, i mean, this is nasty stuff to watch former generals and a defense secretary make fools of themselves and trying to undercut the commander in chief. >> well, lou, we have seen the military industrial complex since the day donald trump won fight him every step of the way. they have made a lot of money having endless wars in afghanistan and iraq. this president said let's bring our troops home. we know that a mattis and kelly,
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if they had their way, they would keep trooped there in perpetuity. this president said let's bring our men and women home, they don't need to be there anymore and, look, the generals love war. this president loves peace. we've, by and large, seen peace over the last four years overseas. he wants to bring our men and women home, and they make a lot of money keeping them cover seas. lou: dave, should the president fire esper, fire milley? >> well, i think the president's probably had some very tough conversations with them, that you're onboard or you don't need to be part of the team. i don't -- i'm not a fan of just firing them over one comment. they have done a very good job in those positions. undercutting the president in a crisis is unacceptable, so i think they're on the team at this point, and five months before an election you have to go to -- you really have to go to war with the team that you have, and that's the team we have. and they're doing, they have done a very good job up until that crisis. this president is about law and
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order. he wants to bring law and order. i see joe biden as the exact opposite. that's the problem where we are in america today. lou: how is the president doing? this, today has got to be he's talking about the economy coming back, the country coming back, it looks to me like he has new energy, and this is, this economy is really a strong wind at his back going into november 3rd. corey, you get the sec to last word. >> lou, this economy is a rocket ship waiting to take off just like we saw last week down at nasa. this economy ready to go, right? this is something that's been pent up, it's been bridled. now let's unleash it. the fundamentals have always beened good, and what many knew chin was said was this was not an economic problem, this was a public health crisis. let the economy -- let people get back to work, open up our businesses and see what donald
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trump has built. lou: david, last word. >> lou, we are looking forward to getting our economy back running. we're going to have huge gdp in the next quarter. this is going to be a down quarter, we all know it, but you just -- your question about november 3rd and what the economy's going to look like, the american people are going to have very, very clear differentiations between donald trump's economy and joe biden's economy. and they're starkly different. and we're going to see incredible growth between now and election day. the american people are going to be able to make a very serious, easy decision as to what is best for them and their families, how to pay their bills, how to find jobs, how to create wealth for their families and for future generations. lou: david bossie, corey lewandowski, gentlemen, great to see you. glad the team's still together. up next, pastor robert jeffress joins us with just how this country comes back together after another week of civil
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unrest, violence in our streets. stay with us, we'll be back with the pastor in just moments. ♪ ♪ introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel, the first and only full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel available over-the-counter. new voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement.
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robert jeffress, pastor of the first baptist church of dallas, author of the new book, "praying for america," which we recommend highly, and i would like to thank you, pastor. a terrific, another terrific bestseller. good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. lou: let's start with the, watching these protesters turn violent in some instances, the antifa any hi lists and anarchists and to see then police and even national guardsmen actually kneel. eric garre is setty, the mayor -- garcetti, the mayor of los angeles, i mean, he made -- it was a television production watching him kneel in front of those folks. and absolutely, to me, a just -- i just can't tell you how
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disappointing and disgusting the act was. >> yeah. look, lou, we all want healing in our country, and as i said last week, yes, we need to push back against racism. that's completely antithetical to the ways and teachingses of jesus christ. been teachings of jesus christ. but we also have to push back against lawlessness and anarchy e which the bible also condemns. and last sunday night, just think what we saw. we saw a group of these so-called peaceful protesters in washington, d.c. nearly burn down the most historic church in america, the st. john's church, the church of presidents, the church where i preached the inauguration sermon for president trump. and thank god we've got a president like donald trump who 24 hours later marched over, stood in front of that church, held up a bible and showed his solidarity not only with that congregation, but with houses of worship all over america saying we're not going to put up with this kind of you know what in
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america any longer. and i really believe, lou, every american needs to thank god daily for a president like donald trump. we need to pray for this president daily, and we need to support him as he fulfilling his god given and constitutional responsibility to keep america safe. lou: well, as usual, well said, pastor. and i know that your church was vandalized as well over this past week. what happened? and i believe we've got some pictures. enter yeah. lou: as well. >> well, we're in downtown dallas, six blocks of downtown dallas and in the riots in town town dallas our church was vandalized for several nights. thankfully, our wonderful police and the national guard have kept order in our city. our church is actually providing meals for our police department and for the national guard. but you know what these -- lou: good for you.
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>> -- these people are doing is absolutely despicable. it is despicable what these lawless people are going to do. and, by the way, to call for law and order is not racist. when you say that's racist, that's an insult to minorities thinking they're the ones responsible for this. in our church's situation, it was a group of white people who broke the windows and did whatever a they did. lawlessness is not a partisan issue. we ought to all as americans be pushing back against anarchy and lawlessness. lou: what was your reaction when you, when you heard that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff was actually saying to the leaders of our military your job is to uphold the constitution and not to stop a peaceful assembly? apparently, he didn't see the same i have owe that we have -- video that we have shown here for, what is it now, ten days. i mean, rioting, arson, it was
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extraordinary. >> oh, it was despicable, what he said x. thankfully, the commander in chief nose better. lou, i agree with my friends, your last two guests. i'm sure the president's biding his time right now. we've got to coalesce together having reelected -- which i think he's going to be. i think the cloud of this pan them dick, the cloud of this lawlessness, the cloud of the economy is lifting, and i still predict he's going to be reelected in a huge majority in november. lou: and i think you're exactly right, pastor, as always. of course, you're supposed to always be right. [laughter] pastor robert jeffress, thanks so much for being with us. stay with us, we'll be right back. miles to the job site. the campsite. and anything else we set our sights on. miles that take us back to the places we want to go.
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we've been creating moments like these for 35 years, and we're here to help you get started. book your free virtual or in-home design consultation today. lou: president trump justmomento half million jobs created last month. >> this is a historic time. this is a very important time for a country. you see what is going on, but a lot of good things are going on. a lot of things are going on. very big thing happened today we saw numbers in the likes of which we've never seen in the history of our country. good timing because people look at that and say hey this country is great, we've done things that nobody else has ever done. lou: this country is great, again that is that press
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tonight. tom fenton congress and matt gaetz, among our guests monday, please join us, have a great weekend, please follow me on twitter at lou dobbs and like me on facebook, and instagram. have a great weekend. good night from new york. liz: a summer stunner today, stocks across the board soaring on the massive surprise may jobs report, just about every economic forecast called for more deep losses but instead the american economy added two and half million jobs, the unemployment rate falling from 14.7% to 13.3%. still historically high but a whole lot better than expected, with this tonight former republican party chairman, can president trump once again ever rebounding economy. and whether biden can p
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