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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 27, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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by the way, i did not say biden was in favor of only plant -based food i f was citing a michigan survey. so come get new glasses mr. schumer and folks it is plant -based. it is brussels sprouts on the we'll see you tomorrow evening, have a good night. ♪ ♪. kennedy: vice president kamala harris is a superhero. she even wrote a book on it. and she is so good as it unscathed crusader she can fly across the country from california to new hampshire and all the blue in between talk about everything but immigration. so what is your superpower? seeming competent and compassionate by being secretive-useless. you think 33 days into her immigrations artem would be met with the urgency it deserves. why go visit those poor abandoned kids have been wrapped up in tinfoil like rotting leftovers? sure they are cramped of 100
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to a room but i'm sure our vice queen has a super good reason for ignoring these poor ponds. >> yes we are working on a plan to get there, we have to give covid issues. i cannot get there soon enough in terms of personally getting there. kennedy: covid, for course man if she only had a private dish plane designated solely for the vice president so she could jet right down there. the scared kids are being forced to read her dumb book, superheroes are everywhere which is loaded with empty promises and false hopes like this stinky nugget, whenever there is trouble, superheroes show up just in time. just not soon enough, vice president harris' critical issue telling softball, san i know, she's working on the root causes of immigration, while that is great will she is chin stroking with guatemala committee -based
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organizations and not seriously tackling the real root cause, the drug war those kids are being trafficked underfed sexually assaulted and utterly forgotten can malingering in cages until she is ready to tackle those root causes, which she won't. she has to tackle the surge which she cannot >>. maybe someone should tell her there's a bunch of german chocolate cake in the junior jails at the border. i'm sure should make a run for it then. until she can virtue signal from ivory tower cackling at the laughable misery benevolently instructing the forgotten migrant children that is the memo. >> related to their own peter doocy pushed white house press secretary jen psaki for answers on what ever it is the vice president is doing, watch. >> first vice president harris says she's not gone to the board yet because we have to deal with covid issues. what is she referring to? >> well i would certainly have
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to ask your team about that specifically. i would say also her focus is not on the border it is on addressing the root causes that is why the majority effort time has been spent on working with diplomatic level. >> it is those root causes us on a talking point. they do not think the border is the most important part of the border crisis? got it. let's make tonight's party panels are great when you got washington examiner senior editor, he is a political columnist american enterprise institute resident fellow, tim carney's back another senior editor this one from reason author of panic attack young radicals in the agent trump, rob a sauve cedar democrat posterior fox news contrary to the one and only jessica tarr laughed, welcome everyone that solve this mess, shall we? >> yes. i'll come to you first. the mexican president who has four names has is very
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frustrated. they almost had the mexican/american part of it dial, almost not completely. everyone here screwed up immigration in their own way. now he's really frustrated because he said what is driving all this immigration exhausting not only americans but mexican resources as well, are these expectations. that is the word he used in regards to joe biden's policy here. so, even mexico is completely overtaxed. >> that is exactly right pretty talk about diplomacy. donald trump hashed out a policy which was remain in mexico. this did not end up hurting mexico's guatemalans coming up here knew that if they are claiming asylum, if you're seeking asylum to guatemala that does not mean you have to come to the u.s. presumably you could land in mexico. knowing they would be turned back to mexico, guess what candy that was a disincentive for them to make their way all
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across mexico. both mexican were better off. increasing the capacity and the covid crammed border facilities, the cages we used to call them. no one's benefiting by joe biden's bad diplomacy and bad signaling at the border bird kamala harris says she's work on the root issue but sometimes stuck in root issue of a problem like this that is multigenerational and certainly multi- administrative, that could take years, i could take a long time. that is something that requires research and time that these poor kids do not have. so, can she really only one thing at once question when the multipronged problem
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here. >> i think one of the issues is kamala harris is a chameleon. i do not even note her views are on the >>. liking of the talking points uses but i do not know she truly thanks really actually cares. the ideas are getting the book, her book is one of the more insane things to happen so far during the biden presidency i think. like imagine if they were giving part of the deal to adult migrants during the last administration think that media would have had something to say about that. let's just bizarre. i do not understand how she can use covid as an excuse of not being the print getting really sick of that excuse. she's been backs and i assume her entire staff is vaccinate no more i can't do things normal the business cannot consume postvaccination, it's obvious in excuse to cover for the fact she has no idea what to do about this. kennedy: she doesn't but she is not even listing the root
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causes. if you're being honest like i said in my monologue, she would talk about the failed war on drugs. she talked of the hot lit up countries the heavens pretty basic. but jessica, covid, she's got air force two. natalie air force two but to robbie's point she's got to vaccines, she is good to go. >> i was on a plane just yesterday ivan had that attitude it was packed, sold out from los angeles to new york living smart about wearing a mask with her and other people. i would like to point out secretary purview kamala harris is fulfilling the exact
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same world joe biden did when present obama was president terms of dealing with the root cause problems. both big fans of the show. that is what she is talk about with the presence of those northern tribal countries and mexico. talk about how they can stamp at the huge violence problems the poverty issues those of the primary motivating factors when people do head. >> those things may be the driver. but you have to also at least have the basic compassion for the people who are caught up in the smuggling operations. i will talk about the kids over, and over, and over again. tim that's part of it administration's platform. regressions up there with climate change it's more important to democrats when they are polled. more important than climate rate is just under the economy.
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it's just like say that treasury secretary is the only person who deals on the economic sphere. yes it is a dhs and hhs issue. this won't really come from the top down, doesn't tim? >> it was biden's decision to get rid of terms diplomatic victories that made it to these migrants did not have incentives to come up. i need to ask, why did they declare kamala the immigration crisis is our she was not going to take any actions on it. they thought she was going to give up the whole compassionate thing. that's the problem here. democrats think if you ask compassionate that is doing the trick. you cannot act compassionate that ruins people's lives and think they're making their lives better. almost doing nothing but presumably expressing concern about it. as subways solve problems based becky's politicking in new hampshire talk button for
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search that's great. while little kids are suffering the job. the u.s. has enough vaccines for a shot in the arm for every american wants one. that is great news. now were sitting on so many at a time to help the world. the problem is our own redtape and regulation slowing things down and people are needlessly suffering and dying pre-divided administration announced today the u.s. will shape when shared entire pipeline of astrazeneca vaccine supplies of countries in need, especially india. but only after clearing federal safety reviews. that could take months for this the same vaccine being used on dozens of countries. so is it wrong to let her own bureaucracy get in the way of the rest of the world's health? robert you've got a vaccine is being employed by billions of people throughout the world. yet somehow the united states is going to stand in the way? i'm sure there are plenty of older indian citizens would love to get their hands on the stalled johnson & johnson
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vaccine and the pilot astrazeneca were sitting on. >> absolutely and finally were belatedly moving in that direction. let the astrazeneca vaccine in a warehouse for weeks because we pause the johnson & johnson vaccine bird by we do specific group of people paid the federal health bureaucrats of the cdc and the fda, this is a moral scandal. with lots, and lots, and lots of death. that's what will have occurred. but the graveyard of the unseen. less than purchase the medicine obtain the medicine that they would have get on federal regulators not said no. >> what other individuals make that choice because jessica, when it is a life or death decision should people be able to choose life, so many
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faceless bureaucrats. so many layers of bureaucracy sand of the way. robbie's absolute right this is incredibly immoral and heartless. >> absolutely my dad is been suffering with cancer bird there's not access to experimental trials there be millions more dead people for a disease that is the number one killer. people take risks with their health with their life is on the line that's exactly is going on here. i think that once there was the j and j pause and the bureaucrats came out and said we are fine, we have enough pfizer emma moderna. every single astrazeneca vial should have been out the doors, out the u.s. border doors going to candidate which is completely bungled their covid response but it's going to mexico as well but as robby said it should have been in india about eight or ten days ago we started to see this tremendous spike but it's not just that need it, the essential worker sunny healthcare workers overall, not all of them are fully vaccinated at this point.
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they are in grave danger like we were at the beginning of the pandemic. here in new york is frighting for those treating covid with no end in sight for this. absolutely they should have been gone like i said well over a week ago. certainly once we knew we had enough without j&j we should've been sharing. >> tim that's a great point of this of the trump administration sitting on a stock pelt like this, it would be a third of the impeachment, it's not receiving the urgency and attention that it deserves. i share robbie's skepticism and outrage that you are sitting on all of the stuff they can help people. you are worried about a lawsuit when you should be helping people not die. >> the editorial was just vaccinate india. we argued some sort of glad make america great again perspective present in these vaccines out the door is good
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good help india which is bulwark against china even if we set aside the altruistic understanding, this is the right thing for the u.s. before start back sitting 16 and under who are not really at risk let's get out the door to indian help vaccinate them. kennedy: this is specific for the biden administration if you want to get them onboard with the paris climate accord, you're going to need a major gesture of goodwill like this. if you're going to tell them they are going to have to sacrifice their economic growth in order to comply, this would certainly be a nice way to start. you make a great point about china. if you want the second biggest ally in the world, it might be a nice thing to help out your friends in india pre-people there are dying.
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they really spiked their and we can help them out. because we are better than that. this is the best party pale in all of the world. they will return a little later in the show for it after a of riots the mayor of portland has finally had enough. but what has taken the netlist wonder so long to realize there is a problem in pdx? lawrence jones joins me. he is live in studio, look at that. after the break when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go t♪ na na na na .org. ♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye.
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helps control stress and emotional eating and losing weight. go to and see how golo can change your life. that's ♪ before welcome back we've got a good and sometimes deadly rights in portland democrat mayor ted wheeler is out of patience. he wants the residence to do the heavy lifting for the anti- police protests were started in the wake of george floyd's of murder last may. that term parts of downtown portland into a hellhole. it is not stopped, nine months later. having to kill with kindness will anything stop the anarchist customer jodi may ensue tight boxes political analyst and fox session host lawrence jones is here. >> live in studio. kennedy: back in the battleship.
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i like it, we are properly distance, the deutsche kamala harris on cnn there like 700t unipart. >> offered tv. kennedy: there using walkie-talkies. [laughter] this is the vice president what your view on the root causes over copy that? she was just like joe really sad. so, numberless wonder ted really set an awful job. the bill like this is what freedom looks like. this is not freedom. people aren't limiting your ability to move up the city, run your business, none had to spend thousands of dollars cleaning up vandalism, they tagged the concert hall tagged with anti- cop graffiti. i understand they are fed up but what is god wrong here? >> what's gone wrong or what's gone right? i know there's a tendency to federalize this response to what's happening in
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communities. but you have got to let them fail at their bad ideas. you saw in minneapolis they defunded the police than they realize that was a bad idea how they're trying to figure how to refund the police. and we allow lawlessness to happen which we've seen right here in portland, oregon. eventually the people will get fed up in the town. that is exactly what is happening in portland, oregon. but if we would've had the feds commit and have a response of this, the people would not have learned their bad lesson in that town. so again, there needs to be unity, the need to be police reform, there needs to be conversations to protect the good police. with those conversations have happened locally. nationalizing this conversation. [inaudible] sue for growth you completely. that's what he fears of minneapolis the attorney general's going to play such a heavy hand here that the reform does have to come within. they are doing it wrong. and now the mayor is saying i would citizens to go out and
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track these people let us know. see you at citizens to go out and put themselves in harms way and do the job of police officers. you are doing. for a while they were free disturbing money for the police were going to give it to community organizations. because i what you people to like me. strictly disable that money already. look, when it comes to these federal agencies coming into review, sub back in ferguson during the mike brown case but the fed stated they came in there and said mike brown went for the cop's gun. we talk to witnesses in the town we know it to be true. even though the d.a. took it to a grand jury he probably never should've brought it to the grand jury there is no evidence to present the grand jury. but they also found something else that does not get enough coverage. the city was policing for a profit. you saw e-mails back and forth. they did not to properly fund the police departments they use small petty crimes,
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traffic tickets to fund their police department. that caused a lot of animus in the police department. it did build something that was going bad. what i fear is that when they do bring this report that the feds are going to be a lot more involved. what you will discover his there's any bad doing going on within the police department. that was not racial that was big government at play. people with tax dollars they did not use that money to fund police departments. they said let's use the traffic tickets to make up for a budget. kennedy: once they got people in the system they couldn't afford the higher and higher up they got then all the sudden they are in jail and that got a criminal record. >> but kennedy that is the conversation. maybe a lot of this violence and animus between the police and community as you have that in communities enforcing bad laws. getting involved even the cops don't want to be the most the time. they want to get violent
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offenders off the street, so how do we have that conversation? >> absolutely we also have to have the conversation about the government to incentivize people to take local properties to have forfeiture that is a federal problem. so why don't you fix your own problems before you come in and tell everyone else how to run their police department. but what is going to happen, mark my words but get so bad in the cities are going have no police reform. they're going to have workups come in. going to more in oppressive police states or communities. that is what happens when you call for too much. you go over the line the pendulum swings right back to where you want it. >> over to the window that's over going to see. local communities are going to pay for this. the people pay for this at the end of the days bad leadership. kennedy: absolute especially portland by goodness. lawrence jones thank you so much so good to talk to. coming up a gruesome new set. his new challenger from
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governor. can her olympian vein have can her olympian vein have upset in california? did you know that geico's whole 15 minutes thing... that came from me. really. my first idea was “in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower... over you. figuratively speaking." but that's not catchy, is it? that's not going to swim about in your brain. so i thought, what about... 15 minutes. 15 percent. serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. ♪ when i was young ♪ no-no-no-no-no please please no. ♪ i never needed anyone. ♪ front desk. yes, hello... i'm so... please hold. ♪ those days are done. ♪ i got you. ♪ all by yourself. ♪
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♪ ♪. kennedy: cal port has signatures to trigger recall election. governor gavin newsom is sweating. caitlyn jenner said she's running to replace him. she will run as a republican against the state's high taxes in oppressive lockdown for smart platform. they will not back or she turned to another famous family running as a trump surrogate can she win? here at me to it discuss 9:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel steve hilton is back, welcome back steve. >> hello kennedy how you doing? >> i really like the idea this candidacy. caitlyn said she's been a california resident for 50 years.
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what do you like about her chances and her platform? what could resonate with voters here? >> first of all the mechanics of the recall election really favor someone like her in general and specifically her. the way it is set up there are two questions we are now going to get on the recall election whenever it happens. looks like going to be a few months now perhaps in november. two questions a first when do you want to recall gavin newsom yes or no? if there are enough answers on the yes side he is out you go to the second question who you want to replace him? for that question whoever gets the most votes wins. you do not need 50% stuffer republican to get a majority in this very, very blue state as you pointed out earlier. you just have to get the highest number you could win with 10% it's a really divided field. the candidate with the most name recognition has a huge
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advantage she starts way ahead some of the official candidates you seen. you've probably never heard of had you heard of kevin felt their ex- mayor of california? >> yes is been on the show twice. so you are doing your bit to get them the name recognition they need. but frankly, caitlyn jenner a few steps ahead. >> absolutely. this is white's interesting because in 2003 we saw on the sports and anger he run the election when gray davis was recalled. talked about politics throughout his career people might've had enough of celebrity candidates jesse ventura, arnold sorts of vigor, president trump it she will appear to business owners she's running as a fiscal conservative most of those things attractive to californians especially right
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now. >> that is exactly right. the message seems exactly right from what we are hearing so far. it goes way beyond the republican base. you can see the republican base in california is pretty small. but remember, more people voted for donald trump in california in the election last year than every other state apart from to. there are a lot of republicans here. it's not just republicans fed up with the way the one party rule has destroyed the climate for business the teachers unions running everything. democrats are sick of it. i've heard people vote democrat for years are really going to consider this. sit of the way being it run. you are right arm's worsening or had more of a track record he had health fitness also afterschool clubs had more of a track record of public
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service. i need to demonstrate a commitment to the state as well as have the right message was so sexy had. >> it's more interesting message than we have seen, they have not satisfactorily answered what they would've done differently with the lockdown. and how they are specifically going to tackle the homeless crisis. as caitlyn is serious about this some solid proposals how she's going to do that and still be a constitutionalist. the most difficult political issue outside the pandemic these mayors and governors have to tackle. no one has done it right so far. if she can figure out the homeless stuff, get kids back in school open up the state that's a real campaign. would you vote for her? >> yes. here's the breaking news,
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kitty, my citizenship application and move forward to the bureaucracy. any week now i hope to be able to claim and announce my u.s. citizenship. i may be able to vote in this election my first vote in america. before that is awesome congratulations to that the really big deal that is nice to hear, steve. if there's hope for you we can all be dreamers. steve hilton thank you so much. >> you can see them 9:00 p.m. sunday night on the fox news channel thank you. the first results in the 2020 census are out now. there are major political ramifications for the entire nation the census bureau laid out the apportionment of congressional seats southern and western seats gaining. texas going to pick up two house exploded north carolina organ they each pick up one of the same time listen to these losers. new york, california, illinois, michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, west virginia all losing one seat. people are fleeing high-tech states, what?
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join me now to break it without hedge fund manager fox news contributor jonathan hoenig is here. is any of this a surprise to you jonathan? >> the map is being redrawn candy right beat front of a ours. or a free country we are little less every day people vote with their feet more than anything. we are seeing almost an exodus as you alluded to, and axis makes high tax high regulation low growth states. many are dominate by democratic positions. the southwestern terms are growing a population of two times as fast as the northeast and midwest. all the west is growing, everything is going except for what? california. california's population growth is going back 120 years. it is had not such a slow population growth is 1900. that's why they lost a seat. when you talk to them who lead
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california they basically cite three reasons all of which are government related. one is the fires we talked about the port for street management. for others the high cost of living and high taxes. added all up using this exodus. california, illinois, michigan, new york, pennsylvania always sinks ethan population. kennedy: california's never lost a congressional seat. so this is really something. they always try to downplay that when there is a net loss in terms of migration and people leaving the state. we were absolutely rightly talked about on the show so many times, one of the biggest issues not only with the homeless crisis was people to buy a home, move into the state there is no availability because of the bureaucracy and zoning. the way the laws are set up you cannot have multifamily dwellings on most of these large counties you get walloped in taxes to get high
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income tax few do not live in california work there you get tax it's crazy. >> that is the great point. it's not the water is different in texas and montana or colorado or florida than it is in illinois or california. it's all of this policy issue alluded to. it's kind of a warning signal if you will to a lot of democrats because the states that voted for joe biden whilst on average a net three congressional seats. so this is a big repudiation many are saying for joe biden's message that on congressional level so many people are leaving the states were those policies dominate. kennedy: you surprised illinois up there? now you cannot run you lastly see you cannot run, sorry jonathan. [laughter] 's make a lot of people are running. if you talk to a lot of texans live love clients in texas their concern, candy, people leaving from illinois, leaving from california will turn texas blue.
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we are seeing in that sense then moving to read states that the fear, more democrats move into the red states ultimately turn the states blue. that's the competition we sing, along political parties ideology right now. kennedy: by next year everything's going to be purple like my hair jonathan hoenig thank you so much. tsubaki well. kennedy: you to thank you. coming up a colossal covid contradiction. high school canceling prom because of the pandemic. but wait till you hear about there bye-bye bash for a retiring superintendent. the party panel parties with that comment
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. kennedy: welcome back. one arizona school district is getting kicked to the curb. i the administration. chandler school district facing back lots of the school
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board announced plans to have a huge retirement party for their superintend after canceling prom and limiting graduation because of the pandemic. parents say they are infuriated with the double standard, watch. >> would want to celebrate our retiring superintendent, it also as parents do not understand the double standard by the district has certain things that are okay for the adults in the district. and then the kids interest in the districts getting entirely overlooked for the seniors. we have god come especially through the last year looked at a lot of the decision-making that has come down. none of it has been with reference to what is best for the kids, for their growth, for their development, for their emotional, physical well-being. >> they do not care. when will schools do what's best for kids? the party panels back tim carney, robby soave, just
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guitar left. demo start with you you were kids in any of us put together. [laughter] tim, why did they hate children so much? >> it is client is in their real clients are frankly teachers unions. that's the greasy will. and the squeaky wheel. and it is because it's so squeaky they're the ones getting what they want the teachers union. who just won a bargaining chip ironically they can demand more wages. it is not based on science. still might local public school district is closing on wednesdays thing wipe everything down quark swipes. which is not a limit culvert at all. kennedy: you gotten trinket, tim. everyone knows that. go ahead sorry. >> it really is based on serving their special interest. especially these large public school districts are so diverse for they are supposedly democratic but the
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people who they are supposed to be serving do not have any say. kennedy: no. and prom for a lot of these kids once at a lifetime event. the juniors got nothing last year. now there seniors in shutting the whole thing down. but for doctor camille who is the superintendent retiring, robby, every single person invited to the party were told they're going to bring ten guests are going to party muscles, shuttles, shelling their fat old asses were there all going to get drunk and breathe on each other. that is what prom should be. [laughter] >> i know this is hypocrisy we have seen over, and over, and over get on culvert pandemic restrictions. teenagers most severely affected by the restrictions. their lives put on hold for more than a year now. it is beyond ridiculous and frankly traumatizing but we've expected them to put up with. this is just horrible. office of the prom should been allowed to go on. let me just add i was not surprised to hear about a
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superintendent retiring. this is happening all over the country because superintendents broadly realize they have no power. in all of the school restrictions were made without their input at all. they found out the real people in charge of schools randi weingarten the teachers union. they said screw it, i am retiring. that's happening everywhere. >> same with police officer chiefs of police all over the country, jessica. i don't have a problem going have the retirement party that's fine have the party. go do your dumb stuff in your speeches and make everyone donate. but don't cancel prom for the kids. you can never get that back. if i did not have my prom nights, do you know how many pipefitters, longshoremen, busboys, jugglers, the spoke taylors would have been unemployed and underserved that night? >> i do not know. there's a gas attendant on the lia who help me out after i
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had my first pineapple malibu so thanks to him for keeping me sort of together on my way to after prom. [laughter] i think prom should go on. i think it leads her earlier conversation about people's own agency. say the prom can go onto parents with a teller because they can't go that they don't think it's safe that is fine. and that is their prerogative. you have to file the science here and we have known for very long time that kids are not the spreader of that that they have been made out to be. that being at home -- sorry. kennedy: no go ahead. you have ten seconds. >> is just going said never understood before the pandemic white psa's always say it's going to get better. it's because kids have not lived long enough to know it is going to get better. and when he take away these really important seminole event in their lives that graduation, like prom, like athletic events is been incredibly hard for athletes to get scholarships to go to
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college. before your robbing their future is going to manifest in some sort of negative way. we've got to keep it positive. tim, robby, jessica, more tim, robby, jessica, more freedom thank you so ♪♪ [sfx: revving trucks] pilot over radio: here we go, let's do this. ♪♪ pilot over radio: right there, right there. [sfx: revving trucks] pilot over radio: g complete.
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kennedy: a south florida couple is caught trying to sneakily hold a wedding in the backyard of a stranger's manchin without permission. they guess they should've nobody dress dress code was lifted as camouflage. that's the role wedding crasher and this is a topical storm. topic number one 4/20 was leslie but snow virtually to burn one down. a snowman i mean, doug come on you guys. today is the festival in switzerland were locals burn a snowman at the stake to symbolize the coming of spring. gee i can't imagine why i've never heard about swiss cultural appropriations. dictated the snowman birds quickly and it head explodes than a good summers on the way. think of it as a burning man meets groundhog day its world war ii neutrality. traditionally thousands of citizens gathered 19th century costumes to watch the event. fisher people are saying home
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because the coronavirus for this year's burning was relatively speedy, 12 minutes 57 seconds prompting spectators a great summers coming. the roaring 20s. is a sad day for the snowman though, having its chestnuts roasting on an open fire when all he wanted was a warm hug you heartless pastor. pocketknives, topic number two. look at 30-year-old sir michael welch of north carolina per his arrested for cocaine possession. he has powder on his face. he tried to pretend it was a hitler milk mustache. police initially kill the mother of his brother's child is not good he's later charged with resisting arrest after fleeing on foot the additional drug charge was left under his nose. and now, i know people do a lot of cocaine i know why if
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only he had licked his luscious lips before he left the house. i hope you've learned your lesson. the only safe place to put your cocaine is right in your bloodstream and we know that. that's when to grow on. topic number three. hundreds of people named josh gathered on a field to fight each other with pool noodles person most exciting day in lincoln since they open up the cracker barrel. this is the josh fight. organized over social major to pandemic boredom. hundreds of people named josh gathered for an all out brawl. costumed characters like luke skywalker chewbacca and spider-man. the rest just came as urchins. in the future this is how 45 supreme court justices will make their decision. is also the current training regimen for the military. fighting with pool noodles some people watching the oscars left side that is a true fact.
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the winner of the josh i was affordable cranking of the josh's. he was chosen because he was the only one here who made the entire fight without crying first mommy to kisses boo-boo. oh little buddy. topic number four. lululemon planning to resell used yoga pants. if you thought their pants revealing before going to live actual hull in them. the luxury athletic bread fully buying back used clothing and reselling it at discount prices. double if they are japanese businessmen, stinky. the offer does not begin until maine so keep your pants on people. the company will only buy back clothing that is in mint condition or gently used. in other words, nothing you were after eating chipolte coming got it? personally with my old navy sweatpants they've not been dressed in summons but pants. reduce the carbon footprint which appeals to young people
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more than older generations which is why they spend all day inside staring at computer screens. none allowed. we'll be right back with when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to this past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. but eventually, with spring comes rebirth. everything begins anew. and many of us realize a fundamental human need to connect with other like-minded people. welcome back to the world. viking. exploring the world in comfort... once again.
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caregiver: sorry about that... no, no. i've been staying at my dad's place because of everything. grandpa: where are we going? caregiver: he's good. yeah, i know, we keep missing each other. i've been working out of my dad's house. doing some reading. i should be working out more. i just feel like i'm drowning.
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