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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX News  February 18, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PST

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we had a spirited discussion. real quick you like the rally to continu >> i do. i think the economy is in a decent shape. >> i will take decent right now and also take dave asman with forbes on fox. here's dave. >> 100 billion dollars added to the deficit and federal workers dodge a bullet. congress passing a pay roll tax cut in part by making federal workers kick in more with their pension. and private workers contributing more than public workers. someone one here said it is time to even the score. let's go in focus with steve forbes and elizabeth and kim and mike. rich, start wu. time for public worker to pay more in the pensions?
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>> yeah, the republican bill was hardly asking for anything. they asked for federal workers to increase the contribution from 1.2 to 1.5. not a big increase . lat's put it in context. there is an annual deficit running over a trillion dollars and the government spends a quarter of the gdp. >> if you are just comparing calories it is not that much of a divide but it is those benefits that are killing taxpayers. >> it's interesting upon. if you look at the report. you can make a case for asking them to do this. as usual. the devil is in the details. when we are talking about federal employees with only a high school degree, it is a weet deal. they are getting 70 percent more in benefits and a better
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salary. they are making less and even on the benefits . we have to not desspade them. phd's they move in and out of public and private service quickly. they are making advances in sell salary. and a doctor and community organizers doesn't count either . in terms of pay, each dollar they put in the government puts n there is a lot of room to kick in more. >> kim, the benefits were extraordinary. not only the pensions but the health benefit paid vacation and a whole slew of benefits
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and that we don't get equal amount of. >> i have no doubt in my mind that it is good and we pay more in our retirement. and i don't think they should be forced to do it. i don't think they should be forced and why are we targeting working class men and women. congress already froze their wages. and so it is a wonder that these union leaders are in a uproar. yes, i normally don't agree. but forcing federal workers to pay more. they can't afford that. >> taxpayers are ponies up 60 billion. >> and the over all numbers are astounding.
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and federal employees are getting more. benefits are 43 percent more and ph.d are a tiny fraction of the government employees. emac is a numbers person. spell it out. >> my dear friend rick unger is cherry picking the data. federal worker gets two percent higher benefits and master districts 36 higher and the real issue is benefits are driving 48 percent versus the private worker. why? federal worker gets pension and 401 and private workers only get 401 k's. that is driving the difference. what are you getting for your buck. 401 k money and that's why the numbers are much higher. >> i don't want to get too
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much in numbers. they get higher wages. >> rick go ahead. except they don't. if it is higher level educational. >> they are geting more in benefits. >> let me add something else. they robbery on a wage freeze. >> no, they are not on they are getting increase in their pay. >> get out of weeds for the moment. one thing that could end is the supplemental pay that goes to employees. if they retire before the age of 62 they get the pay outs. it is for the government worker level and added fact that they have job security. it is hard to fire them. and that happens all of the
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time. what do you get for the federal worker. or the good crew at the f.b.i. getting the bang for the buck that we pay them. and what are we getting? what is the taxpayer getting. >> the obama administration had no problem tearing up the private contracts when it came to general motors. he totally screwed over the bond holders. he needs to do the same with the public employee. >> rich, hold on. the fact that we are all paying for this in terms of high deficits and they are passed on the tax return. even if anyway -- if we haven't seen it go up. we'll pay the price. >> we are paying it with the substandard growth. it average would over two percent. it should be four percent or greater. that is tipecal in the
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american economy and the deficit is a big over hang. they agree we need to be more nuanced. people working in the f.b.i. and nsa that are going to prevent iran from tacking. >> wait a minute. but the federal work force grew under the wight white by more than 100,000 and deprow more with obama care. >> more growth to come. >> who creates the wealth in the society. it is the private secretarior. not the public. the private sector should get the benefit and not government workers. >> why the president's new budget could hit you in the drug store. that's next.
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i live from america's new's headquarters at this hour private funeral services for whitney houston is about to begin. kelly wright is outside of the home town church with more on what we can expect, kelly? >> uma, today is described by the members of new hope baptist church as a home going for whitney houston. one of the greatest musical talents of all time. ♪ and i will always love you. >> the hearse carrying the body of >> imus: and followed by a procession of golden limb zeen arrived here at new hope where the service will begin at noon. entertainment attorney recalls a memorable moment after
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houston finished on the set of sparkle. >> she called us and prayed with us . and it was so powerful. she trayed for our travel and the success . move yethanked god just being able to do a movie. she hadn't done a movie in 15 years. it was going to be the come back movie. >> unfortunately it is a come back that we will not see. we understand that pastor marvin winans will describe her as a friend and close confidentant and family member and daughter and child of god. >> so many people are gathering to pay theirr last respects. thank you very much. stay tuned for the live coverage for whitney houston. we'll be here for that beginning at len:30. i am uma, back to forbes on fox. have a good morning .
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sphoor forbes gain tucked deep inside. four and half billion in new millionaire fees covering things like reinspiring generic drug and devices. you say it will pump up the price for prescriptions. it might have been good in 1950 or 18cent 0. but this perpet alls and the the private sector is subsidizing the old way of testing. they are not fast in approving drugs and devices. >> victoria, will this cost us down the line? >> the fda is trying to modernize and the goal here, yes, they are. but the generics to the market is the goal. that will save us a lot of
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money. they are much cheaper and account for a large chunk of prescriptions that we take every day. that is the hope. the fda has to get the funding somehow. and the answer is not to get rid of the fda. >> every time i hear that bureaucracy is going to modernize. i am skeptical. >> i am nervous about it, too. they get 80 percent of the budget from fees. they tend to be passed along to customers. i hear what victoria is saying. what creepy about conflict of interest where you are paying a fee to peed up the approval process. is that a feor bribe. >> i wouldn't go that far. they want to speed it up under health reform. >> dennis, bottom line are they going to affect us when we buy our drugs.
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>> they won't. we spend 300 billion a year on prescription drugs and the fda said one dollar on a thousand. worry about a bigger issue . this is a sign of the imperical bureaucracy. we have found a new way to solve the deficit. we'll pass a passle of brand new laws on business and charge business for abiding by the law. it is a fantastic plann. go to congress for taxpayer dollars for your budget. and the issue they brought up is looking for way it is to increase cost of the government. indirect ways of sticking, us right. >> it assuming that the government bureaucracy and agencies can never go back are wards and shrink. vicki said of course we shouldn't get rid of the fda.
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long ago theyed and that was insure safety . now it is making sure that drugs work. that added years and cost . people don't realize, they should realize the drug market is a global market. all we do is driving the drug and biotechnology companies off shore. >> rick? >> everybody is a little bit of right and wrong. emac is right when she points out how drug companies are paying for the salaries of people who approve them. and dennis is right. it is used to speed up. one complaint however i will note, i don't like the fees tacked on to generic drug makers when first use get the best use. >> steve, in the beginning, does the fda deserve more
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money? some say it creates more arm than good. >> once upon a time it was eight years and some cases 15 years and inted of few hundred patient trials is over 4000. and cancer cure is delayed and you need to modernize what they do and bring them in the modernize instead of subsidicizing the old bad ways. >> that speaks to the innovation we are in favor of. our drugs are more complex and the fda does need to catch up. that is not a sign that the fda is broken. it is that we are in the amazing place. >> we are finding out some drugs do well for some people and recollects not. the fda has a monolithic way. they are scrubed up on so many
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different levels. >> last word. >> government fees are up cent percent or so since 1999 and 2007. that is something to be looked at. >> are the last word from elizabeth. a life lost too soon and a fortune lost sooner. ♪ because the greatest. love of all is happening to me. hey, did you ever finish last month's invoices? sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get bk to these invoices... whh i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process
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so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar?
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you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. whitney houston's voice captivated millions. now new light is shed
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superstar whitney houston is being laid to rest. she reportedly spent all of her hundred million dollar fortune. steve, you do a lot of stories why does it happen so awn. >> they focus on their own artistry and leaf it back to others. going back to joe lewis. money went away and died broke. one good thing that comes from our list of top celebrities. making them conscious. when you make it how do you preserve it and create capitol instead of money going out. >> when i learnned that she spent 100 million, i was not surprised. >> no, and our heart goes out to the houston family. she was a national treasure. and to the issue. michael jackson and gary can cole man and debby reynold and
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tony brax ton. they think short term and not long term. and aerosmith. with whitney houston she doesn't have the rights to the music. she gets royalty fees. thatnies to be renegotiated on part of the artist. >> mike, what do you think? >> when you see a celebrity like this. she thinks it just happen to them. sad as this is, addiction and falling prey to inept financial planners is replete. go to a alcohol anonymous. you will see people there. they don't make the news. maybe if more people came out and spoke about this. it is a great point. there is something about that business and seeking out fortune and adrenalin rush. it is a terrific point.
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you say drive and cravings for fame and adrenalin are the opposite attributes needed. keep the emotions out of your business decision. but emotions are a part of her business. >> when you look at the list of celebrities and singers for some reason who died before their time, it is very tragedy. mike raises the point about addiction. that is true. a hollywood film director said when celebrities get in trouble. the dark side of the force. it is emotional energy and dark side is that other parts of their life are neglected and compound with addiction, tragedy almost always results. >> i agree. it is stronger with that. when you are very successful in any field, you have a huge ego that goes hand in hand. and you think you can conquer all of the issues and that's
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not the case. >> you always have compounded by the fact, who can you trust? people who want to be your financial advisors and claim to know more than you do, but are they trustworthy? it is a lot for one person to take on especially like whitney. she was signed at 19 years old and it happened so early. you have to take on a lot of responsibility that most of us wouldn't be ready for. >> steve, you covered this for decade . is this more of it or less of it. are they better informed and avoid what she was not able to avoid? >> i think more are aware of how do you have real capital and money come in and then huge expenses. in the private sector people are embezzled by the book keepers and th like. sitting next to a couple who got 200 million in a lottery.
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