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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 18, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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impressions. after that be yourself. you can't mask personality. thanks to everyone who responded. we appreciate it. have a great good friday. ainsley has popped down to "fox & friends" which starts right now. bye. good morning to you. it is friday, april 18. i'm ainsley earhardt filling in for elisabeth this morning. do you stand with cliven bundy? then senator harry reid thinks you are a domestic terrorist. really? we report, you decide. >> okay. and he's warned the world over and over again -- >> there will be consequences and you will be held accountable. >> there shall be no doubt, they too will face growing consequences. >> yeah, there are going to be consequences he says, but still no actions. are the president's blurredç red lines making america weak around the world? >> lee harvey oswald, why
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the secret service threatened a mascot with a kill shot. >> oh man. >> "fox & friends" begins right now. >> this is william shatner and guess what? you're watching "fox & friends." >> beam on up. >> welcome folks to "fox & friends." you're looking live at jerusalem. it is 1:00 in the afternoon there. it is good friday. this is something that goesç on, christians in the holy land are commemorating the crucifixion of jesus today, processions through the full city. this is something they do every year on good friday. thousands of christian pilgrims fill the cobblestone alleyways in the old city along the way. >> walking the very steps that christ walked as he went to the cross. today. >> very festive in your easter outfit. >> i had to do it. it is still cold outside but i had to do it. >> brian is off today.
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elisabeth is not feeling so well. clay top and ainsley in this morning and steve. he always holds down the curvy couch. >> we're following your lead. >> harry reid went on his easter vacation back to las vegas and he talked to the local paper out there, "the review journal." they have this event called hashç tags and headlines. when asked about the cliven bundy thing, he doesn't like cliven bundy. but the extraordinary thing was how he depicted the people who went out last week to support him. members of the militia, members of the public there to stand with the bundy family. he says those people are terrorists. >> these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. they're nothing more than domestic terrorists, and i think that we are a country, that people should follow theç law and what went on is not very good.
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i repeat what went on up there is domestic terrorism. cliven bundy does not recognize the united states. he says the united states is a foreign government. he doesn't pay his taxes. he doesn't pay his fees, unlike the rest of nevada ranchers. then he doesn't follow the law. he continues to thumb his nose at authority. >> the idea that -- of course there's outrage as a result of those comments. the idea you would compare people who have lived on this land since the late 1800's, have farmed this land, ranched on this land since that time period, you would compare those people who killed other americans, whether it is the boston bombings or whether the twin towers were brought down, how could you make that comparison? >> the question this morning, the government's reaction to all of this,ç they're pulling guns on these individuals, on harry reid's community. these are folks that live in nevada. these are good, hard-working americans. so they disagree and the
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government goes out there and pulls guns. now harry reid is calling them terrorists? that is a very sensitive word. the terrorists are the ones that blew up the world trade center on 9/11 and killed 3,000 individuals. >> dennis michael lynch is a documentary film maker who was out there. he saw the guns pointed at the people. he also saw the militia members as well who now harry reid callsç domestic terrorists extraordinarily. here are his observations. listen to this. >> i want to know why it is that i had m-16's pointed at my face, why those m-16's were pointed at women and children and hard-working ranchers. i want an explanation because the more i keep on looking at my footage, that looked like afghanistan. and if there was anything that was domestic terrorism, it was perpetuated by the government, not by the people. >> like a police state, when you have these soldiers marching in
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basically commandeering part of a town and telling you not to protest. >> buny spoke out last night on fox and said our citizens are riled out, they are a loving people. we're upset with the government that is pulling out guns on us. >>ç you know what is interesting, to some cliven bundy is a free loader who owes millions of dollars in back fees. to others he is a hero standing up to the federal government. for harry reid to say people who support this guy who he feels is doing the right thing is extraordinary. one other thing, he said cliven bundy has not paid his taxes which is exactly the same thing he said about mitt romney who did pay his taxes. some radio station called cliven bundy and said have you paid yourç taxes? he said i have paid my taxes. i haven't paid my grazing fees. >> the president spoke on
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foreign policy yesterday and the u.c. and tensions there -- in the ukraine as tensions there rise and russian forces continue to move into that area. the president has made repeated, i don't know, threats against vladimir putin basically saying we're not going to put military presence in that region, but we will have something that we might do which might be monetarily related and i'm not really sure. but we want you to know there is no military action on the table. >> are you saying rather than any military action, all we've got is an arsenal of words? and these are the scary words the president is using to try to get iran and syria and russia to knock it off.ç watch. >> as iran's leader continues to ignore their obligation, there shall be no doubt they too shall face growing consequences. that is a promise. i want to make it absolutely clear to assad and those under his
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command, the world is watching. the use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. and if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences, and you will be held accountable. what i've said consistently is that eachç time russia takes these kinds of steps that are designed to destabilize the ukraine and violate their sovereignty there are going to be consequences. >> he keeps saying there are going to be consequences, they've broken the law. the world is laughing at us. speak softly and carry a big nothing burger is essentially our foreign policy. >> teddy roosevelt would not be happy about the nothing burger. he says consequences in that same interview and then turns right around at the podium and says this. i think i've been very clear that military options are not on the table in ukraine because this is not a situation that would be
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amenable to a clear military solution. those are the president's words. bliley took this to -- bill o'reilly took this to task last night. >> there is no will in america to fight evil unless we're directly attacked. the result is danger and aç weakening of presidential power. mr. obama is seen around the world as a man who will accommodate, not right wrongs. therefore, the power of america has declined. we cannot stop aggression. our allies are not even confident we'll help them if they get into trouble. the situation we have now is almost exactly the same as what president jimmy carter experienced in the late 1970's. the question is will the next president be able to restore american power as ronald reagan did? >> basically this is why bad people get to do bad things. there are no consequences and we're not doing anything about it and losing respect around the world. let us know what youç think. e-mail us at or tweet us or go to facebook. >> is it a big nothing burger? those countries are going to wind up on probation.
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facebook, us twitter us or e-mail us at friends at >> the deadliest disaster on the world's highest peak, an avalanche on mount everest left 12 people dead, three others are missing. it hit just below one of the camps at 21,000 feet. among those dead, guides trying to fix ropes for hundreds of those along the route. they were preparing to scale the mountain next month. >> new videoç inside that sunken ship. passengers cling to go whatever they could as that boat is shifting. 28 people are confirmed dead and 270 others are missing. investigators say the captain handed the wheel to the third mate when all those problems started. divers are pumping air into the boat in case there are any survivors under there
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trapped, with the hopes and with the help of the air pockets. it's happened before. a tugboat cook survives three days in an air pocket after his boat went down. unbelievable. while you were sleeping, police in texas arrested that$p' -- remember this -- caught on camera breaking into his family's house and creeping around the baby's room and watching the baby while he or she was sleeping. 18-year-old christopher gomez accused of stealing a laptop and cash. investigators think he also broke into two other homes. finally meet the threat. we'll bring up this picture. the former mets mascot revealing a secret service agent for president bill clinton told him that if he approached the president they would shoot him dead. he's the threat. this was back in 2007. the agent reportedly said, like i said, do whatever it is you normally do, but approach the president and we will go for the kill
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shot. are we clear? that's right. he was tryingç to get a picture with president clinton at the time and now he's writing a book about it. i guess they could hide someone. maybe i've seen too many movies. >> mr. met, what a threat. it is 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up chilling reports reminiscent of nazi germany. is russia handing out fliers telling jews to register in eastern ukraine? we're going to talk about that. >> in the south football is religion. but you better not bring your faith to the field. a former coach responds to the latest atheist assault ofç his alma mater. that's next. ♪ ♪ [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh
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in the south, football is religion but you better not bring your faith to the field. clemson's football program under attack now by atheists. >> wisconsin based -- wisconsin, not even in south carolina -- based freedom from religion foundation lodging a complaint writing christian worship seems interwoven in the clemson football program. religion andned that this athletics resultsç not from student initiative but rather from the attitudes and unconstitutional behaviors of the coaching staff. >> but nobody else aside from this outfit from wisconsin has complained, not even the players. why has the freedom from religion foundation made this an issue? >> for that we're going to turn to the former head football coach for clemson who hired davo. now davo is the head coach at clemson.
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coach, what is your reaction to this? >> it doesn't surprise me. why would you not want to commingle with a resource that helpsç you make good decisions, whether it be a church where they learn how to make good decisions or a book, the bible, that teaches you how to make good decisions or associate yourself in a bible study where you learn how to make good decisions. it seems to be the mode of operation where you attack christianity in america now. >> this outfit from wisconsin says the team participates in bible studies, prayer services. and because they wind up getting some state money there is that whole separation of church and state thing. but the university has come out and said wait a minute, this is all voluntary. if somebody doesn't get involved, there are no repercussions. >> you know, the one thing they are, davo, when i was there, we were transparent. what you saw is what you got. they're not hiding anything. the other thing you mentioned is voluntary. i think we make it voluntary. when you coach in the bible belt in the south, most ofç
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your athletes are going to have someone in their family that is a strong christian. the homes i went in, they wanted you to have these kind of resources. >> i grew up in south carolina. you went to church every sunday and most people on the clemson field grew up in families just like that. you even had wide receiver aaron kelly, jehovah's witnesses said he never felt pressured to do anything against his beliefs. i know you experienced this kind of thing. what happened to you in the past? >> i had the aclu come in twice. once they$ guy, then a national guy. the biggest thing was buses paid for by the university to send your team to church. when they brought the national guy in i said i won't use buses. he left pretty happy until two days later we loaded up in cars and went to church any way. we took cars instead of buses. head coaches, if he is smart he can do what he feels is best for his team
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even if it involves an aspect of christianity. >> coach, as a coach, how important is it to you, do you inject christianity into the program or is it just there and people can partake if they want to? how do you juggle it? >> steve, most christian head coaches, they feel like they're called into the profession and called into a certain place. they feel it is important to be a walkingç billboard. they yawned state university, you have -- they understand state university, you have to be careful. you walk that fine line. the bible says as christians we're going to be held accountable for the opportunities we have and most coaches feel like they have an opportunity. when you're vocal you know you're going to be under attack. you just better have a plan. like i said, being successful is about making good decision. the bible is a book about making good decisions. church is a place where you encourage your team to go, not perfect people but people making good
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decision. bible studies, i want my players to goç to bible study where other players are trying to make wise decisions. it is a perfect marriage. when you look at christ he has a lot of attributes you'd like your team to have. >> my husband played football for you. >> he was a quarterback at clemson. >> you made a big impression on his life. he said not once did he walk into his dorm room and he had a bible on his bed, it was never forced on him. there was a chaplain, you could go into the chaplain's office. you could ask for a bible if you wanted one but it was never forced on him. he said the coaches get in hot water by the community, by the fans if a player makes a mistake, if he's in trouble at a party or does something wrong. this is a good way to influence them on the positive side. it'sç derned if you do, derned if you don't. he looked at the list of
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the teams you're playing next year and the majority of them have chaplains. that includes up north and down south as well. >> ainsley, you're from south carolina. you know how serious thousands cows were, those cowboys, christianity in south carolina is important, in the middle of the bible belt. if you don't have a president that supports you, you're going to be looking for a new president. presidents in the south, they understand that. you're going to see very littleç resistance from the university in a matter like this. your husband, bill proctor, by the way, kept me employed for a few years by winning a good bit of games. >> coach, thank you very much. we should point out clemson says they're not breaking any rules, they're not going to change anything. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. >> what was president obama's toughest interview? was it bill o'reilly's?
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no. the answer ahead. >> a survey says voters trust hillary clinton over chris christie. really? we're going to talk about we're going to talk about trust next. [ male announcer ] when fixed income experts... ♪ with equity experts... who work with regional experts... that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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now time for some good friday headlines. vice president joe biden's oldest son looking to take over an executive job. bow biden says he will run for governor of delaware in 2016. he will not seek reelection as delaware's state attorney general. more secrets being revealed from inside bill clinton's administration. the national archives releasing 7,500 pagesç of documents covering hillary clinton's role in health care reform. they could have an impact
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on her 2016 potential run for president. millions more documents still to be released. >> she hasn't thrown her hat in the ring yet for the white house but a brand-new fox news poll found 54% of voters found hillary clinton trustworthy. have voters forgotten about the scandals like benghazi? >> the fact is we have four dead americans. was it because of a protester was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they would go kill some americans. what difference at this point does it make? >> how many times will we see that clip during the campaign season? joining us now is fox news contributor dennis kucinich. what do you make of theseç trustworthy polls, hillary clinton ahead of chris christie and jeb bush. >> any polls that come out right now are a weather report. the sun is shining today but they can't predict what is going to happen in november of 2016.
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that is the first thing. the second thing is with respect to the clip you've shown on benghazi, as much as has been said about benghazi, there is always the chance that more information could come out. it's not like the book is closed on these things. the third thing is that the american people aren't focused on every scintilla of information, and sometimes they're not going to make a decisionç based on one matter. they look at a general picture. and frankly, secretary clinton pab around for -- has been around for almost three decades. she is an established figure in public life and is going to be judged on a whole range of factors not just the scandals out there. >> here's a look back at some of the thing clinton has had to deal with. travelgate in 1993, the clinton administration firing the white house travel staff. remember that? you go to whitewater in 1994 and the failed real estate dealings there. 1997 scandal against the
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clinton task force. most recently to benghazi. is it that americans have already vetted her? is that the argument here, that we already know her and that, therefore, we are giving her a pass? >> americans know her. that's true. secretary clinton gets a pass. but it does mean that a lot of that is old news and people are not as enamored with mulling over old news as they are about what's happening now and about their own personal interests. and for the american people in 2016, they're going to be concerned about jobs, about their standard of living, about whether the middle class is going to survive, about whether people are going to be able to get back into the economy. i think that there's a lot there for any candidate who gets in the race. but theç fact that secretary clinton has a level of trust that is more than let's say some other candidates who are in that poll, that's interesting but it is not necessarily
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predictive. there is a larger issue here and that is the breakdown on trust in government and the breakdown on trust in our society. that is something that whoever runs in 2016 is going to have to work to repair. spaeup that might be part -- >> that may be part and parcel of a poll that says americans response to who was blamed in benghazi, 57% of those poll blamed her. dennis kucinich, good to see you, congressman. >> thank you. happy easter. >> happy easter to you as well. comingç up, chilling reports reminiscent of nazi germany. is russia handing out fliers telling people to register in eastern ukraine. first, happy birthday to
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melissa joan hart. she is 38 today. ♪ ♪ co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone. anyone need a coupon? i don't. they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in ve,
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a new report just came out and it claims that posing with a dog -- listen to this. posing with a dog in your on-line dating profile makes you more desirable. and posing with a cat means you're going to die alone. >> nothing the matter with cat lovers, believe me. but does he have a point about that? >> that would be creepy. >> are dogs chick magnets? >> yes they are. >> if you're a 25-year-old dude sitting there with a cat in your dating profile, that would be creepy. change yourrofile. >> when i was 26, i actually had a cat. a family member gave me a cat. it was an orphaned cat. i was living in washington. i named him g. gordon kitty. >> you had a cat? were you single? >> i was single until my
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wife -- >> how long were you dating before you told her you had a cat? >> it was a wildcat -- >> it was before on-line dating. >> send us your pictures posing with your pet this morning. go to >> we do love our cats. drivers in kansas city breathing a sigh of relief this morning. the suspect that was wanted in that string of sniper attacks is finally in custody. police believe the man might be responsible for at least 12 of the 20 shootings. three people were hurt. we expect to learn more about the suspect in justç a few hours when police are holding a press conference about that. a chilling report reminiscent of nazi germany. listen to this. fliers reportedly being handed out to jews in the ukraine telling them that they have to register with the government. the leaflets say jews must also pay a $50 fee if they refuse they will be kicked out of the country. it's not clear from where these leaflets came. the russian government
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denies any involvement in this. what was president obama's toughest interview? was it bill o'reilly? believe it or not,ç no. >> we'll start to go a little fast and the questions will get a little tougher. how many times a week does biden show up in a wet bathing suit to a meeting? just ballpark figure. >> i had to put out a presidential directive on that. we had to stop it. >> it was the daily show. the white house press secretary revealing his team spent hours trying to decide if the president should even give that interview to jon stewart. >> comedy show? the hardest one? >> yeah. left-wing lap dog media matters loves bashing fox news for pushing back on labor issues but it turns out it's doing much worse behind the scenes. the organization headed up by hillary clinton cheerleader david brock is lawyering up over an effort by its workers to unionize, the official statement fromç
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them, we're working through the process. those are your headlines. >> how great is that? 25 minutes before the top of the hour on this good friday. let's go outside to the streets of new york city where in a couple of days we're going to have the easter parade down fifth avenue. >> and temperatures are going to be warming so that's great news. before i give you the weather forecast across the country, i want to take you to outer space because scientists made a new discovery and they discovered something like earth's husband. this planet is very similar to planet earth but everything is on a smaller scale. takes 135 days or so to make an orbit around its sun and its sun is much dimmer and smaller. but again, possible earth cousin? they're going to be investigating if it does have water on it. they believe it does and they will be investigating if it has an atmosphere like our planet. in our atmosphere i mentioned a warmup coming up. that warmup will start as
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early as today. look at temperatures across parts of texas, parts of the plains in the 70's and 80's. still on the cool side across the northeast and southeast. atlanta your temperatures will be in the 50's but come easter sunday, 70's in atlanta. minneapolis will be in the 70's. in the southeast a lot of heavy rain and out there we have concerns for flooding, watches are in effect. let's headç back inside. >> maria, thank you very much. you know what? as is always the case, on the last day of a kid's internship with "fox & friends," we always let them do the sports or the weather. maria just did the weather, so today justin marx. what do you want to be when you grow up? you want to try the sports? >> absolutely. >> here he is.
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>> tyson still got it. he threwç out the first pitch last night. the form not perfect but he got it over the plate for a strike. he then pretended to bite off the catcher's ear. in greece one fan threw out anchovies on the opposing team's bench. it caused an hour long delay. why anchovies the nickname of the team that got pranked. >> very nicely done. your plan is to go back to hofstra and finish up? >> yes. i have another two years of school. >> then take jimmy fallon's job? >> yes. >> just getting started. as your intern you have one final assignment. >> what would that be? >> i think you're supposed to get people coffee, aren't you? >> i guess i could do it. >> thank you very much. >> thanks a lot. >> clayton over toç you. >> excellent job, justin. >> great to have him on the
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weekends on "fox & friends." >> and letterman is leaving, justin. >> the new york city mayor has been the punching bag of comedians recently. it turns out the reason he's not worried about raising taxes is because he's not paying very much of them at all. >> the mayor's office just released mr. de blasio's taxes and they show he paid 8.3%. that's all. >> here with his take is the host of "varney and company" stuart varney.k3 >> hypocrisy, not sure i can spell it but that is the headlines -- >> they raked mitt romney over the coals and he paid a lot more in taxes. >> here is the mayor of new york city elected on the slogan tax the rich, give it over there, they can afford it. take it off them. turns out he is absolutely not practicing what he preaches. his total income, $217,000. total taxes, $25,600 for a tax rate of about 8%.
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>> how in the world does that happen? most americans do not have the accountant, the tools in their back pocket to be able to pull something like this off. how did he do this? >> bill de blasio is a fairly wealthy man, stepb stiff investments in real estate. he gets $1,000 a week in rent from his real estate investments and isç able to write off those investments against his taxable income. he takes a $28,000 write off for the mortgage interest and 21,000 in depreciation. that cuts his tax rate. at 8% his tax rate is below that of mitt romney. 8.3%, that is his effective tax rate, below mitt romney at 14%. melissa viverett, a democrat on the city council makes less t@ao de
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blasio but pays more. >> people say we've got to fix the system. de blasio is brilliant at tax avoidance. >> it is tax avoidance. there is nothing illegal about this. you may say it is politically unethical. >> considering the platform he ran on. >> look what the man is trying to do. shut down successful charter schools. that's incredible. trying to shut down horses and carriage rides in central park. this is what he's trying to do. and he's saying tax the rich but he doesn't pay taxes like everybody else does. >> is he paying his fair share? this is what it comes down to. >> that is debatable. what is your fair share? 8%. >> we all want de blasio's accountant. stuart varney, what time does your show start? eastern time. >> have a great easter. straight ahead, congress gets a special delivery every single month in a
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plain manila envelope. it is their dirty little secret. it's going to shock you. we're going to reveal it next. >> take a look at this. he wasn't even supposed to be there, but it's a good thing that he was because he took down an armed robber. that good samaritan joins us to share his story. ♪ ♪
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[bagpipes playing]
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>> toronto's mayor rob ford launched his reelection campaign. his brother called it history in the making. congress has a dirty little secret. every month sinceç 1983. the founder of hustler magazine has been sending a copy to each member of congress. they are delivered in a plain little manila envelope with the rest of their mail. >> that's great. every member. >> meanwhile, it's that time again, time for a friday flashback. let's rewind and see what happened this week on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> the latest blunder that will have you seeing red. i didn't get the red memo, >> would you wear a red necktie? >> today is tax day. beware of the ides of april. >> the i.r.s. doesn't have
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enough i.r.s. agents so there is less chance of being audited. >> pay your taxes. >> he says he promises free cologne because you like the way you smell. >> friends or enemy? >> i call you frenemy. ♪ ♪ >> what about those robots that host morning shows? how do they work? >> he's been trying to get back on our show for years. >> i can't get in. >> mr. big shot, you're not even coming in to the studio, just via satellite from los angeles? >> i'd rather get upç at 3:00 in the morning and greet the blood red moon with blood red eyes. >> ted had a bet with maria molina that it would not snow. >> it is not fair for ted to be betting maria. maria went to college for this. ted goes outside.
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>> watch this, steve. >> you were out on the streets of new york city. you were in a car. nobody could drive the car? >> it was a stick shift. >> as we made the left, a human air bag against my chest to save my life. that is what elisabeth does. if she feels like an accident is coming, boom. it'sç unbelievable. i'd rather get hid by joel. >> i think that is my sternum. i think we'll see some of that in our weekly wrap-up. ♪ ♪ >> way back. >> we do go way back. >> it was tough times. >> throwback thursday, steve is trading in his ipad for a type writer looking like a young earnest hemmingway. >> that's throwback, baby. >> we're out of time. >> we've had a lot of hosts on the couch this week. >> one takeaway i learned is joel, our floor
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director, hits like a girl. >> do you mind that? >> don't mind that. >> he's going to hitç me. >> listen to this story. coming up, a documented racist shoots up synagogues across the midwest. so why did the "new york times" try to connect that story with our military veterans? we'll investigate. >> retired lieutenant colonel oliver north is fired up, and he is here live. >> take a look at this. he wasn't even supposed to be there, but it was a good thing that he was because he took down a robber, supposedly armed. that good samaritan joins us live to share his story coming up from new york city and down in sarasota,ç florida. snowe ♪ ♪
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[announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks.
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he stopped in to a cvs drugstore to buy water some and got a whole lot more than he bar beganned for. a masked man is trying to rob prescription pills and threatening store employees, he's going to shoot them all up. but a good samaritan puts him if a head lock and tackles him to the ground. the police were there in no time. that man joins us now from sarasota, florida. good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> what a story here. so you're at cvs. you see this guy. you notice, wait a minute. it's 82. he's wearing way too many clothes. he looks suspicious. you go into the store and what's
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he doing? >> well, he's threatening the clerk in the front to stay put or he'll shoot. when i walk in, i'm like, what's going on here? he's threatening to shoot me and takes off toward the pharmacy. the clerk quite didn't believe what's happening. she's like, is he for real? i'm like sure, he's for real. call the police. >> so she did call the police. he told you, don't move or i'm going to shoot you. but he was going to the back of the store where the pharmacist was and what did you do then? >> i just followed him down. i was sneak behind the counters, the shelves and i saw he's not look around for a moment. he's too busy getting his pills. so i had a chance to sneak behind him and i took that chance. i was waiting for a moment when he was not pointing that gun towards anybody, so i got his hand in control, his neck as well and took him down. >> what you did, you believe that there was a gun there.
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as it turns out, he just had his finger in there. he had no gun. but you didn't know it at the time. they say in a situation like that, just let him take the money and the pills or whatever. i know you've got a background in self-defense. but why do you think it's okay for me to do this? >> well, i guess because, first of all, he didn't act like a very smart robber. he did not look around himself. so i knew the element of surprise is on my side. what can you really do if i'm about to break your elbow, you know? >> sure. so the police were summoned by the pharmacist. they did call the person at the front. cops were there within two minutes. i know they said good job. what else did they tell you? >> they said next time i should probably leave it for them. yeah. i tend to agree. >> that's probably good advice. that's fantastic. it's a great story with a happy ending. that guy is now in a lot of trouble. we should point out that you're down in the sarasota area.
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you professionally tint car windows. anybody look in, what's the name of your company if people would like to give you a little did she did did she. >> sarasota tint pros. we do buildings, cars, everything. >> thank you very much for joining us and i'm glad it all worked out okay. >> thanks for having me. have a good day. >> indeed. he was in the right place at the right time. coming up on this good friday, check your bank account and credit card statement. another store is exposing millions of accounts to potential problems. what you need to know coming up. plus, have you ever wondered what heaven would be like? what will do you there? and who will you see? we have a man to answer those questions on this good friday live from new york. you're watching "fox & friends." ♪
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these could be sig of rare but seris side effects. crestor! yes! [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about crestor. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca y be able toelp. good morning on this good friday. it is april 18. i'm ainsley earhart. do you stand with the nevada ranchers fighting the feds? then senator harry reid says you are a domestic terrorist. hear both sides so you can decide. >> in the south, football is religion, but you better not bring your faith to the field. former clemson responds to the latest atheist assault. >> what landed this massive orangutan in the e.r. for an emergency surgery? >> he's just chilling, isn't he? >> somebody call clint eastwood because mornings, especially
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friday mornings, are better with friends. >> hi, everyone. this is olivia newton john and you're watching "fox & friends". ♪ ♪ >> sonic is out on the plaza. their wait staff, even maria molina, i saw her in the hallway and she almost fell five times. >> as a kid, i only in-line skated. roller bladed. i did not do this. >> watch out. >> how are those milk shakes? >> here, let me try one. >> can you drink a milk shake and skate at the same time? >> let's see. >> 25 new flavors of milk shakes for the summer. they look delicious. abc delicious. >> very delicious. >> maria, don't fall down and make that noise.
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you heard of the sonic boom? >> you know what's good about these, i'm taller. i can see people at eye level. >> i'm sure you can tell at home, she's as big as a minute. >> we should get out west and update what's happening on the boppedy ranch because a lot of questions from harry reid. a lot of people wondering about his thoughts. he sat down for a little round table discussion with a las vegas review journal to give his thoughts on the people that converged on this ranch. take a listen to what he had to say about them. >> these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. they're nothing more than domestic terrorists and i think that we are a country that people should follow the law. what went up there is not very good. i repeat, what went on threw is domestic terrorism.
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bundy does not recognize the united states. he says that the united states is a foreign government. he doesn't pay his tax. he doesn't pay his fees. unlike the rest of nevada ranchers. and he doesn't follow the law. he continues to thumb his nose at authority. >> so let's just review what harry reid just said there. he thinks bundy is breaking the law and he's been feeling like that for the last week or ten days. the extraordinary part was he was saying that the people who simply went out it support bundy, that the bureau of land management made stand in the first amendment zones, that they were the domestic terrorists, the people who were there exercising their first and second amendment given rights, those are the domestic terrorists. byron york from the washington examiner is a chief political correspondent said mr. reid, be careful about how you dole out the terrorist word.
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>> really outrageous. why don't reid reserve the use of the word terrorist for people who have knocked down the world trade center or blown up the boston marathon? this is a completely inappropriate use of the word terrorist. if these people were occupying a small park in lower manhattan, would harry reid be calling them terrorists? my guess is no. >> when we picture terrorist, we don't picture bundy. it's very sensitive word and do you have to be careful when you tuesday. bundy said last night, these are just citizens that are riled up. we are most loving people here and we're upset with the government that's pulling guns on us. these are harry reid's individuals. this is his state. this is nevada. these are his people. >> yeah, whether or not it was a police state, suddenly people were there protesting peacefully, arguing against government intervention here, coming out to save a tortoise overt cattle rights of these folks who have been there since the late 1800s and all of these police and folks roll in with guns and sniper rifles. >> like the ok corral. turn your back to me and ten
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second, we're going to fire our weapon. >> all about the desert tortoise, supposedly initially. but then as you start peeling back the layers and you hear about the story and turns out the federal government wound up euthanizing a whole bunch of those turtles because they got in the way. harry reid also told the newspaper that he has spoken to the attorney general, talked to the f.b.i., he's talked to the sheriff and there apparently israeli a task force set up to deal with mr. bundy. >> they need a whole task force? >> yeah. >> meanwhile, if you look at that particular story in the las vegas newspaper and you start reading the commenters, a lot of the people who live out there think an investigation needs to be launched into harry reid's family's involvement, bureau of land management, what's the deal with the chinese solar project. >> let us know your thoughts on this and these latest developments. >> first we're going to tell but breaking news. an avalanche on mount everest
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leaving at least 12 people dead this morning. three more are now missing. it hit just below one of the camps at 21,000 feet. among these are dead, guides who were trying to fix some ropes for hundreds of climbers along that route. the climbers were prepping to attempt to scale the mountain next month when the weather was better. brand-new video taking us inside that sunken ship in south korea. the moment that it start going down, look at this. passengers clinging to whatever they could as the boat starts shifting. 28 people are confirmed dead. 270 are missing. investigators now say the captain hand the wheel over to the third mate when the problems started. divers are pumping air into the boat in case there are survivors in the air pockets. it has happened before. a tug boat cook -- remember this -- he survived three days in an air pocket after his boat went down. while you were sleeping, police in texas arrested the man that was caught on camera breaking into that family's house and then creeping around
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the a little baby's room while the baby was asleep in the crib. 18-year-old christopher gomez, he's accused of stealing a laptop and cash. investigators think he also broke into two other homes. and talk about customer service. dhl making a special delivery to chester the pup in pennsylvania. so why the company do this? the dog's owner tweeted, my dog hates every deliveryman, except the dhl guy for some reason. the company took notice of this and thought that the dog would enjoy some treats. so they waited until the owner got back from college and they made the delivery. isn't that cute? toys and some treats. >> how great is that. let's talk about what's going down at clemson. we should point out, we've got a clemson expert here, clayton, because ainsley's husband was once upon a time a starting quarterback for clemson. this whole thing for freedom
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from religion foundation from wisconsin, they've injected themselves into clemson. >> you've got this atheist group condemning what's happening at clemson. most of the players on the team are from south carolina. full disclosure, i went to carolina, the rival, but i love this story because i no sweeney very well. he's the head coach. he's known to be a very strong christian, but he's not forcing this on any of the players. >> what some have alleged he's forcing is he appointed a chaplain, one of the coaches. >> which most teams have chaplains. >> right. >> house of representatives has one. >> exactly. >> he appointed this chaplain, james travis, and he schedules team devotionals where the folks can come in and led lessons on being baptized. this complaint didn't come from within the school or any of the players. it came from wisconsin. we had tommy bowden on the show, the former clemson head coach and he weighed in on this. >> you have to be careful.
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you walk that fine line, but again, the bible tells us as christians, we're going to be held accountable for the opportunities that we have. most coaches feel like they have an opportunity and when you're vocal, you know you're going to be under attack. you just better have a plan. but like i said, being successful is about making good decisions. the bible is a book about making good decisions. church is a place where you encourage your team to go. not perfect people, but people trying to make good decisions. i want my players to go to bible studies. that's where other players are trying to make good and wise decisions. so to me, christianity in athletics is a perfect marriage when you combine the two. >> meanwhile, the freedom from religion foundation from wisconsin, their complaint says that the christian worship seems interwoven into clemson's football program. we are concerned that this commingling of religion and athletics results not from student initiative but rather from the attitudes and unconstitutional behaviors of the coaching staff.
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they have responded, clemson has, and said that the supreme court said it's okay for public bodies to have chaplains and prayers not in conflict with the principles of disestablishment of religious freedom. a simple story, some very long words involved in it. >> commingling, disestablishment. use shorter words, people. >> they were not forced to go to any of the events. >> right. it was up to them. what do you think about it? go to facebook, use short words so we can read them, please. also coming up, is it just another sign of the times? the gray lady is linking our nation's veterans to the kkk. retired lieutenant colonel oliver north is fired up over this from the pages of the "new york times." he joins us live next. then lee harvey oswald, john wilkes booth and mr. met? why the secret service threatened to shoot the mascot dead. ♪
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tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. read all about it. the "new york times" trying to link our nation's heros to the ku klux klan. in an op ed entitled veterans and white supremacy, katherine ballou notes the background of the man who killed three people last week in a shooting rampage in kansas city, writing he, quote, formed a clan affiliated organization in north carolina that eventually was known as the white patriot party. he outfitted members in camouflage fatigues and paraded neonazis in uniforms and bearing arms up and down the streets and
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the writer then goes on to link the shooter with veterans, saying, quote, the return of veterans from combat appears to correlate more closely with clan membership than any other historical factor. is that really accurate? is that fit to print? retired lieutenant colonel oliver north is fox news military analyst. he took a look at it. what do you think? according to the "new york times," people go off to war and come back and join the klan. >> a typical "new york times" unconscionable strike back at those who served in the military. all of that obama caring narrative about those who fought in the war. those who fought in it and protect our land today. remember, john kerry said we were pot headed marauders, that we raped, pillaged, burned in vietnam. it was a lie then. it's lie today. it's being furthered by another left wing academic and published in one of the big media outlets
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for the far left. here are some facts that they didn't get right. 8.7 million americans served the united states military during the war. more than 2.6 million of us served honorably in vietnam, on the battlefield. 58,000-plus were killed in action. 303,000 or more were wounded in action. 2300 still missing in action. 760 known pows, of which 114 died and others are still in the missing. it's unconclusionable that the "new york times" would publish this kind of a column. where, i ask this question -- where is the outrage from the secretary of veterans affairs? where is the outrage from the department of defense, the secretary of defense? why isn't he demanding a retraction? how about the commander in chief who ought to be standing up for the troops? instead it was his department of homeland security that published an inconsciencable piece publish to do warn everybody about those
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of us who served in combat. >> i was going to back up what you're saying. but if you are a regular reader of the "new york times," you realize that the "new york times" is not a newspaper that supports america's military. >> no. and broadly across the board with the media. think about what they've done to the soldiers, sailor, airmen, guardsmen i've covered for 15 years. 57 am vets. they made abu ghraib look like it was a regular thing and beat it like a mule for four years. senator dick durbin who likened those of white house served in this war to those who served hitler, polpot and stalin. a "new york times" correspondent described those who served as, quote, nothing but poor people from mississippi, texas and alabama who couldn't get a decent job so they joined the military.
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i got news for mr. hedges and the rest of the people from the "new york times." dead wrong. those who serve in our military today, steve, are the best and bravest of their generation. they are just like their parents who were part of that greatest generation who went off and did their duty and never got the thanks they deserve. what happened to our vietnam vets should never have happened. it shouldn't be happening now. we ought to get down on our knees over easter week and thank god that we had people willing to serve our country in a time of great divisiveness and yet stood up and did their duty. >> well put. it's just part of the narrative. we heard this narrative start in the last couple weeks where there are racist elements in the right wing of america's political system. and now to have the "new york times" inject into the mainstream media the suggestion that guys who come back from combat are joining the klan is flat out crazy. >> well, it's again, part of
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that same narrative. when we had that terrible event here at the navy yard, literally a few hundred yards from where i'm sitting here, what was that line? navy vet kills 12. the fact this this guy went out and killed people had nothing to do with the fact that he had been in the navy. same thing with fort hood a few weeks ago. that guy never saw combat. he doesn't have posttraumatic stress from being in the army. the reality of it is, the united states military today has extraordinary skill sets. on top of that, there is great screening to prevent those kinds of people from coming in the military and the one that she writes about in this column was accuse of killing people, the fact is, he was dismissed from the army because he had those kinds of activities in his background. >> all right. ollie north, great talk to you on this good friday. thank you for putting the word out. >> thank you. happy easter. >> thank you, you, too. what do you think about that? e-mail us. up next, chilling reports reminiscent of nazi germany. is russia handing out flyers telling jews to register in
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eastern ukraine? that sounds familiar. plus, have you ever wondered what heaven will be like? what will you do there and see? that man right there has some answers to those questions. he joins us live on this good friday. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. 23 minutes past the hour. time for news by the numbers. first, 3 million. that's how many credit card accounts could be at risk from a new retail hacking attack. arts and crafts chain michael's the victim. only card numbers and expiration dates were stolen. no pin numbers. next, $325. that's the price of the dress that kate middleton wore in australia that ignited a fashion
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frenzy. it sold out on the web site in eight minutes. finally, $525. that's how much a guy has to pay for getting a soda refill at a texas hospital. christopher lewis says he didn't see the no free refills sign. >> we've all done it. >> and didn't pay the 89 cents. so cops gave him $525 shoplifting ticket. >> see, if you don't want them to refill, don't put it out in public. put it behind the counter. >> this is a great story, especially for good friday as we roll into the easter weekend. have you ever wondered what heaven will really be like? what will you do there and who will you see? >> brand-new book between heaven and earth, looks to answer those questions and show you how to live with more purpose and more joy. >> joining us is the author of that book and senior pastor at grace chapel in tennessee, steve burg. nice to be here. >> thank you for letting me be here. >> this is a difficult subject for you. you're very close to the story
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in the beginning and personal tragedy really led you on this journey. take us through that, why you decided to write this book. >> august 11, 2009, we got the phone call on my wife that no parent wants to get and that was that our soon to be 19-year-old son was in a fatal car accident. so then three days later, literally on his 19th birthday, we honored his wishes to be an organ donor and released his body. >> so you wanted -- you believe that your son went to heaven and you wanted to figure out what heaven was like. >> it really was something to remotivate us again to dive into god's word and see what the scriptures say about our eternal habitation. >> knowing what you're about to tell the viewers gives us all hope. 'cause we all have a bad day. we think is temporary. tell us what heaven is like. >> heaven is beyond our wildest imagination.
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the apostle, peter, gives us three kind of really important things just to start our thinking. number one, he says heaven is incorruptible. means there is no decay, there is no death of any kind in any way, shape or form. secondly, he says it's undefiled. think about this. there is no sin or stain of sin. when you think of all the things that sin produces, there is none of that. it's nonexistent. then the third thing he says about it is that it's unfading. it means that it is perpetually fresh and new and invigorating and life giving continually. see, that's a level that we can't even totally comprehend here on earth, but it's something we long for. >> given that, because i think of things like regret or guilt or things which are totally useless emotions. we hear that all the time. how can we live now knowing what heaven will be like? how can we live the rest of our days with that feeling inside? >> here is what we have to do.
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we have to have an eternal mindset. of two have a heavenly mindset. paul in colossians chapter 3, verses 1 and 2 said, we need to set our mind on things above where christ is at the right hand of god. not on the things of this earth. in other words, the apostle paul is calling us to be heavenly minded. we've heard people say so often, oh, people are so heavenly minded, they're no earthly good. my fear in the days in which we live is that people are so earthly minded, we're not enough heavenly good. >> and they realize it on their death bed, right? >> yep. >> they finally see it in those last few moments and they realize oh, i've lived my whole life with regret or guilt when you could have gone 30 years back and felt that same peace. >> right. we want heaven to capture people's heads and hearts so much that they start living a productive, fruit-filled, joy-filled life here on earth today. >> pastor. since today is good friday and easter is just a couple days away, what's your message? >> this sunday, a living hope.
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really look forward to it. we're going to be talking about heaven. so jesus rose from the grave to prove beyond question, number one, that he was the unique son of god and that number two, eternal life in heaven is wide open for anybody who will follow him. >> great. the name of the bookheaven and o pick that up for your family members. put it in the easter basket for the kids this year. read them some clips from that book. you say you will be reunited with your family and animals. >> absolutely. >> thank you so much. coming up, new york city is the biggest terror target in america. so why are we stopping the surveillance of muslim extremists? are we becoming too pc? >> and chilling reports reminiscent of nazi german. is russia handing out flyers telling jews to register in eastern ukraine? we'll be back with more on that
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which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. ♪ ♪ we asked earlier to send some of your pictures with your pets and we got a whole mess of them on the e-mail machine. >> this little guy is sticking his tongue out at you, clayton.
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>> jim mcbride tweeted this with his family and their dog, otis. >> here is an e-mail from a viewer, robert abramsson. the dog is as big as the person. >> earlier i was mobbing the cat people. look at that. >> hey clayton, smell my feet. >> that's rude. >> look at kevin mccarthy, our fox news contributor. he tweeted this one out. hanging out with my buddy, oscar. #tgif. of course he named him oscar. >> he's going to join news a little bit to give us the low down about the new movie "transcendent." >> and the movie "bears." >> and you'll find out why sonic is rolling out 25 new flavors of shakes for summer. but we'll start with the news. >> all right. a fox news alert to tell you about. moments ago, prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for the captain of that sunken ferry in south korea. he left the helm of the ship just before it started sinking,
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leaving the controls to a man with just one year experience. 28 people confirmed dead. 270 people are still missing. many of them are high school students. a chilling report that is reminiscent of nazi germany. listen to this. flyers reportedly being handed out to jews in the ukraine telling them that they have to register with the government. the leaflets say jews must also pay a $50 fee and if they refuse, they will be kicked out of the country. it's still not clear from where the leaflets came. the russian government denies any involvement. it is the largest terror-related seizure ever. prosecutors just unveiled plans to sell an iran-owned manhattan sky scraper and give the money to families affected by the attack linked to tehran. prosecutors say the building's owner, a nonprofit corporation promoting islamic culture, transferred rental income and other funds to iran's
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state-owned banks. and finally, meet the threat. former mets mascot, reveal ago secret service agent for president clinton, told him if he approached the president, they would shoot him dead. that was back in 1997. the agent reportedly said, quote, like i said, do whatever it is you normally do, but approach the president and we go for the kill shot. are we clear? >> wait, on mr. met? >> on mr. met. he's now writing a book. mr. mets response to that was -- >> there is no mr. met. >> all right. meanwhile, we're going outside because maria has got our shot of the morning. >> that's right. good morning. happy good friday. sonic is bringing back their summer of shakes with 25 clinch flavors. early this morning joining us is
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mckenzie gibson, thank you for coming. >> hi. >> you are sonic's director of culinary innovation. so you come up with all these different things. >> absolutely. me and my team create all the things you see at sonic. today we're going to talk about our shakes that come in the stores next week, april 21, on monday, you'll be able to get all 25 shake flavors. we got really exciting ones. >> sounds good. right here we have three featured flavors. what's the first one? >> first we have our oreo peanut butter. it has real oreo peanut butter, thick, rich. really, really tasty. >> very good. >> next is salted carmel. it's been around for a little while. we made it really approachable where consumers will be able to tell that -- just a really nice all around shake. >> this is really good. >> excellent. >> so last year we had the peanut butter bacon. this year we have the jalapeno
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chocolate. >> is this very spicy? >> it is not very spicy. we really strive to have balance in the creation of these shakes. so it has a base of our real vanilla ice cream. it's rich. it has a nice hint of chocolate. and then at the end you should get this really nice sort of pickled jalapeno. >> yeah. i do taste a kick at the end of it. what do you think inside in the studio? >> we're tasting them. >> i'm trying the jalapeno one also. as a miami girl, you should be able to handle that. >> the reason the waitresses and waiters for sonic are on roller skates is so they can go out to the cars. shouldn't you be delivering these to the taxis on new york city streets? >> absolutely. i will be able to keep up with them because i'm going backwards right now. >> what flavor do you have? >> i have the jalapeno one. >> watch out for the curb.
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>> so we will be handing them out. but i think we want to do weather now. let's go to the map because everybody is wondering what's coming up for easter weekend. good friday already looks a little warmer out here. we do have temperatures warming, especially across parts of the east where it's been so cool. temperatures have been well below average. your highs today will make it into warmer territory. so across parts of northeast, you'll be in the 50s. across parts of the southeast, you will be climbing as well. cool in atlanta with your highs only in the 50s. by easter sunday, temperatures will be warming into the 70s. that goes for chicago as well. minneapolis, you'll be in the 70s on easter sunday. and the only concern is the southeast. we do have an area of low pressure there that is producing several inches of rain today and also tomorrow. we have a flood threat. let's head back inside and i'm going to now grab a tray and start delivering them. we'll see how it goes. i need to stay upright.
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>> what she will do for tip money. >> sure de blasio will stop her. >> you want a shake? good morning. >> good job. >> thanks, maria. >> thank you very much. very cute. coming up, new york city is the biggest terror threat in america, biggest target that is. so why are we stopping the muslim surveillance program in new york city of extremists? are we becoming too pc? we're going to talk about that. >> here is something you don't see every day. we'll tell what you landed this massive orangutan on the operating table. >> he's smiling, just hanging out. >> but he doesn't feel good. >> first time for today's trivia question. born on this day in 1962, this comedian is best known for being a ventriloquist. who is he? be the first person to e-mail us with the correct answer. >> listen to the music. ♪
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it's been almost 13 years since terrorists attacked america on 9-11. these pictures, the painful memories, the american people, we will never forget. but it appears that some of our elected leaders have already forgotten. not only did new york city's mayor shut down a program to hunt down muslim extremists, now new reports claim the obama administration might be tampering with trials, delaying justice for the terrorists who planned those attacks. joe conner lost his cousin in the north tower of the world trade center that day. joe, also lost his father in 1975 in a terrorist attack here in new york city. joe, this really hits home for
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you. >> yeah. it absolutely does. i work here in new york. we're connected to new york. we've been through now twice as a family. and to think that we're now shutting down these surveillance programs and announcing it. i think that's an important part, too. not only are we saying that there has been surveillance, but now we're shutting it down. that weeks of politic. >> bill de blasio has said this is fair, that he's glad that the program has been shut down. these were investigators that were going through e-mails watching muslims where they pray, extreme muslims to find out where they're praying and get information just to prevent another 9-11. >> yeah. we all struggle with the first amendment and fighting terrorism. but quite honestly, if we're focusing on those people who are preaching hate and i think we have to surveil them and i think we have to be on top of this and know what they're saying. >> are we becoming too pc?
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>> we're past that, i think. pc used to be a nuisance. now it's a noose. pc almost gives it not a strong enough term. i think it's worse than that. i think we are capitulating and if we think that by giving in to terrorists that they're going to like us, we haven't learned the lessons of history. >> as a result, we don't feel as safe. i remember -- i watched one of the movies -- i can't remember the name of it. the one that recently was leased and we walked out of the heater and said thank goodness this is not -- in our country, we can walk out of a heater and don't have to worry about being shot. this was a movie about afghanistan and what's what's going on in afghanistan. and. >> "zero dark thirty." >> yeah, exactly. >> we said, we don't have to deal with that. should we now as americans, we're not surveilling our extreme muslims. we're delaying these trial down in gitmo right now. should we feel we're not as safe? >> i think we should.
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i think what happens is for the politicians, 13 years is a long time. for them, my father's death almost 40 years sag a very long time. but for the families and people who went through it, it is as if it's happening again to them now. >> all these families went down to gitmo for these trials and now they're delayed. why are these trials delayed? >> i think it's on both sides. i think you have a prosecution that is happy to have them delayed because i think the obama administration wanted to shut down gitmo from the beginning and i think you have a defense that is also on the -- would like these delayed, too. so the only one who is suffering ri the families. so we have families going down there saying should i trust our government? the fact is no, they shoot, because we've seen it beforement eric holder is now the attorney general of the united states. in 1999 when he was deputy attorney general, he orchestrated the release of the terrorist that killed my father. so now we know that this justice department is capable of using terrorism for politics.
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so after releasing terrorists in '99 to gain traction for hillary clinton's 2000 senate run, delaying these trial, it's nothing to them. at the same time, i think the defense is also looking to delay these things, push them out, push them out in the hopes of eventually getting them on trial in civilian court in new york. >> the administration needs to think about your family this holy weekend because two chairs at your dining room table are empty. >> you're right. and i wanted to say my cousin, steve, who was killed on 9-11, yesterday would have been his birthday. he was born on easter sunday, 1960. and we suffer, his parents suffer action his sisters suffer every day. my father was his godfather. it's the families. i feel for those people who went to guantanamo bay. they are seek justice as we have for so long. it seems the politics of the
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situation eventually takes over from the people affected and that's a sin. >> wow. we need to prevent more people from going through what you've gone through. >> we do. we need to get more people talk being it and understanding it. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, it's crawling its way to the big screen. but is "bears" worth your cash? first, on this day in 1775, paul revere warned of the british attack. in 1968, london bridge was sold to an american and rebuilt in arizona. in 1962, elvis presley had the number one song in america with "good luck charm." ♪ ♪ good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day?
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jeff dunham is the answer to today's trivia question. the ventriloquist. congratulations to r.j. woodward from winter, georgia. he will get a copy of brian's book "george washington's secret six." congratulations. >> we got quick headlines for you. it's a prescription for danger. a study finds 12 million adults who visit u.s. doctors' offices are misdiagnosed every year. holy cow. that's about one in every 20. half of those mistakes could cause serious harm. researchers say get a second opinion. and make no mistake. that's giant orangutan on an operating table. doctors in indonesia are removing metal pellets from his backside after he was fired by -- fired upon by a poacher.
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he'ller just fine as they pull the buck shot out of his back. a sci-fi thriller starring johnny depp now in theaters. take a look. >> you surprised to see me, justin? >> that depends. >> on what? >> can you prove you're self-aware? >> that's a difficult question, doctor. can you prove that you are? >> so the futuristic film live you want to hype? joining us with his review of "transcendence" is kevin mccarthy. >> good morning to you guys. oscar is the best dog of all time. he really is. he has that underbite. he's so cute. that scene you just saw, one of the things i wanted to bring up is every time the actor was acting with johnny depp while he was on the computer screen,
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johnny depp was in a separate room looking into a camera and they projected his face onto the wall. that way they could do the die recall in live time, which is kind of cool. you have a great potential here, a great story about a scientist whose brain is uploaded to -- unconscious is upload to do a computer. and the director, who is a visual cinematography. the pacing is off. it never realizes its full potential as a film. i wanted more of an emotional impact from this movie. i will say the cast something great. the performances are great. visually it's stunning. it's a bit of a disappointment and a step down. i gave it three out of five. i didn't love it. i didn't hate it. i thought it was very mediocre. i wanted a lot more from it. three out of five, a c on my scale. a matinee. see it as three out of five.
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>> and you sat down with johnny depp for an interview. what did he say? >> this was insane 'cause his first movie was 30 years ago. "nightmare on elm street." i wanted to ask him what is the difference between film making back then and now. he gave me a surprising answer. >> oh, man. fascinating. i'm really glad that i got into it then by accident. >> how was that by accident? >> i was a musician, you know. i just read for a part 'cause i needed dough. then wes craven cast me in "nightmare on elm street." i didn't know what i was doing, you know. basically still don't. but back then you had the director right up there by the camera. there was no video village. there was no video assist, you know, back then. in the early days of television,
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"jump street" and whatnot, platoon, as savagely as we shot it, it was all very basic. it was old school film making. you were all in the trenches together basically. >> there you go. >> three out of five for that movie. "bears" is phenomenal. i love it. it's educational and very entertaining at the same time. i highly recommend it for the whole family. over 400 hours of footage shot down to 76 minutes. see it i gave it four out of five. highly recommend it for the family. >> stuff to see on this easter weekend. thank you very much. >> thanks. >> happy easter. >> happy easter to you. he's warned the world over and over and over again. >> there will be consequences and you will be held accountable. there should be no doubt, they too will face growing consequence. there is going to be consequences. >> still no action. are the president's blurred red lines making america weaker.
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are you tired of the cold weather? plant yourself here. you can own this house for less than $300,000 and there is plenty of deals just like it in a warm place. find out where as we roll on live from new york city on this good friday. ♪ ♪
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good morning. today is good friday. it is april 18. i'm ainsley earhart and i'm filling in for elisabeth hasselbeck this morning. do you stand with the nevada ranchers fighting the feds? senator harry reid says you are a terrorist. hear both sides of this so you can decide. meanwhile, the gray lady, "new york times," is linking our nation's veterans to the klan. >> is the outrage from the secretary of veterans affairs? where is the outrage from the department of defense? how about the commander in chief? >> is this just another sign of the times? retired lieutenant colonel ollie
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north all fired up as you just saw. hear are from him this half hour. >> at first i thought this story was about a whoopie cushion. whoopie goldberg has a big announcement to make. she's in love with smoking weed. that's why i get out of bed and why you should too. "fox & friends" hour three starts now. >> it's jeff dunham. you're watching "fox & friends." keep watching or i kill you! >> that's a threat from the ventriloquist dummy. >> it's his birthday. >> it's good friday, guys. we're entering into the holiest weekend of the year. >> we hope elisabeth is recovering. she's would you tell a little sick and the throat thing yesterday. a speedy recovery to her. i'm sitting in for brian this morning. >> thank you for being with us. you're making it a great friday. let's begin with a fox news alert. moments ago, prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for the captain of that sunken ferry in south korea.
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he left the helm of the ship just before it started going town, leaving the controls to a man with just a year of experience. 28 weep are confirmed dead now. 270 are still missing. many of them are high school students. an avalanche on mount everest leaving at least 12 people dead and three more missing. it hit just below one of the camp there is at 21,000 feet. among those dead, guides trying to fix the ropes for hundreds of climbers along the route. the climbers were prepping to attempt to scale the mountain next month when the weather was going to be better. and while you were sleeping, police in texas did arrest this guy. remember the one caught on camera break into a family's house, creeping around the baby's room? very creepy. 18-year-old christopher gomez, here is his mug shot. accused of stealing a laptop and cash. investigators think he broke into two other homes. here is the whoopie cushion, whoopie goldberg story.
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being very blunt in her first story for the cannabis, a marijuana web site. i wouldn't know. >> pretend like you don't know. >> the 58-year-old is writing about her own personal experience to smoking marijuana. in her first piece, she professes her love for her vaporized named sipe saying, quote, the high is different, too. it feels like a gentle, warm breeze at the beach. apparently sipe was a gift from her daughter. happy mother's day. >> mother's day is coming up. >> i'm going to do a whole mother's day gift gadget segment. maybe i'll include that one. >> you need buy a weed whacker. >> i was going to say, my dad, if i gave that to my mom, my dad calls it whacky weed. i'm like dad, get with it. that's not what it's called. >> let's head out west where the story that keeps getting more bizarre by the day is unfolding at the bundy ranch in nevada. senator harry reid, he's on easter break, so he went back
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home there. he was asked at a forum there by the las vegas review journal, they kind of set up a press review to talk to him about it. they asked his thoughts on all of those protesters who showed up in support of the cliveen bundy ranch. >> these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. they're nothing more than domestic terrorists. i think that we are a country that people should follow the law. what went on there is not very good. i repeat, what went on threw is domestic terrorist. bundy does not recognize the united states. he says the united states is a foreign government. he doesn't pay his taxes. he doesn't pay his fees. unlike the of nevada ranchers. he doesn't follow the law. he continues to thumb his nose at authority. >> so harry reid there was not talking about the bundy family.
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he was talking about the people who were going there to support the bundy family. members of those militia, members of the public. >> these people. >> the people holding the signs. >> with the american flag on top of it. >> right. the people in the first amendment zone. those are the people harry reid says are domestic terrorists. it's crazy. we had a sound bite on early from byron new york, journalist in washington, d.c. said of two reserve the terrorist word for actual terrorists. people who bring down buildings and people who blow up people at finish lines. dennis michael lynch, documentary film maker, who was actually out there in nevada when this was all going down, he had this observation about the very muscular federal government response. >> i want to know why it is that i had m-16s pointed at my face, why those m-16s were pointed at women and children and hard-working ranchers. i want an explanation because the more i keep on looking at my
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footage, that looked like afghanistan. if there was anything that was domestic terrorism, it was perpetuated by the government. not by the people. >> bundy spoke to fox and said this is getting the citizens riled up. we are a loving people here in nevada. he says we're upset with the government who is pulling their guns on us. >> right. and the right to protest and the bureau of land management. >> right. >> they backed down because of fear of violence, which was good on them for doing it and focus on the legal aspects of it rather than standing out with guns pointed at the peaceful protesters. >> how does that benefit america? meanwhile, what about america's standing in the world? you look over the last year or so, this administration's reaction to what's going on in iran and syria and now ukraine. you know what? we know that military intervention is probably not the best thing. yet what does the president do? he just talks about things. he hasn't really done anything. he's threatened if you cross
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that red line, there is going to be consequences. people who crossed those red lines, nothing happened. he said many things, still nothing. you need a primer? you want to be reminded. here is the president. >> as iran's leaders continue to ignore their obligations, there should be no doubt, they, too, will face growing consequences. that is a promise. i want to make it absolutely clear to assad and those under his command, the world is watching. the use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. and if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable. what i've said consistently is that each time russia takes these kinds of steps that are designed to destabilize ukraine and violate their sovereignty, that there are going to be consequences. >> you got to figure that after he says that, putin is really
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shaking in his boots. >> right. >> laughing at us. we have lost respect in the world. >> we made all these threats. the consequences prior to going into crimea now annexed by russia. now it's part of the russian government. they're going to do the same thing in eastern ukraine. what are we going to do? there will be consequences now. let us know what you think about this. you're weighing in on this as well. "new york times" opinion piece this week is causing quite a bit of outrage as it has really slimed veterans who are coming back from war, who fought bravely on the front lines, coming back and in this opinion piece, miller formed a klan affiliated group known as the white patriot party, he outfitted members in camouflage, parade his neonazis in uniform and bearing arms up and down the streets talking about veterans who are then turning into klanaman. >> frazier glenn miller went to these jewish centers and shot
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people. >> that's the guy right there. the guy is a racist and he's been charged with a hate crime. what the "new york times" did was told his story through the prism of returning military members. essentially what the writer said was, you know, people come back from war and they join the klan. that's really kind -- >> a stupid statement. >> you think? ollie north was with us about an hour ago. this frustrates him greatly. >> it's unconscionable that the "new york times" would publish this kind of a column. where i ask this question, where is the outrage from the secretary of veterans affairs? where is the outrage from the department of defense, the secretary of defense? why isn't he demanded a retraction? how about the commander in chief who ought to be up standing for the troops. >> but it's the "new york times." >> it's all based on one man. >> we expect stuff like that
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from the "new york times." >> out of all the thousands of veterans that have come back that are dealing with ptsd and other issues and now trying to learn how to live in civilian life, one man, one man does this and the "new york times" writes an article based on what he did. just not fair. it's not fair to the thousands of vets that have actually served our country, which we thank so much for doing that. >> you can't slime everybody. >> absolutely. >> for the actions of one racist. >> absolutely not. this morning, the graduation rate for public schools 78%. catholic schools, 99%. now the government wants a say in their curriculum. is that fair? >> a dad hands the controls of his motorcycle to his six-year-old. ♪ ♪
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the government's new common core curriculum 'cause add huge fire storm when it was implemented in public schools for being too difficult and out of touch. now it's being implemented in certain private catholic schools as well. maureen ferguson is a senior policy advisor at the catholic association. she joins us from beautiful bitten beach, florida this morning of the good morning to you. >> good morning. it's great to be with you. >> it's great to have you as well. so there are a number of catholic schools that have decided we're going to go ahead, we're going to try out the common core in our schools. do you think that's a good idea? >> well, there was already a pretty robust debate about whether the common core was a good idea for the public
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schools. you have people of goodwill, very well-respected, educational reformers on both sides of the question. so the question of whether the catholic schools ought to be adopting it is a very different one and a lot of catholic educators are raising a lot of questions and concerns pointing out that catholic schools are actually already doing a great job of educating kids. they have higher sat score, higher graduation rates. 99% graduation rates. a lot of these catholic schools are located in the inner cities where schools tend to be struggling. higher college attendance rates. so the story of catholic schools in america is really the education success story. so a lot of people are questioning, well, should we really adopt this new program that is pretty untested and people aren't quite sure how it's going to -- what the outcome will be. >> could we put up that graphic again as maureen was talking about the graduation rate? we showed catholic schools is
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99%. at public schools, it's 78%. maureen, i think they got it backwards. i think the public schools should be doing what they're doing in the catholic schools because they're obviously doing a better job. >> well, as i've said, chief have a record of success and the common core is a very pragmatic approach, the idea is to have kids, college and career ready. the catholic schools are already doing that, of course. but they do so much more because they're seeking to educate the whole person. they're seeking to educate hearts and minds. it comes from a faith perspective, of course, which the common core doesn't. and catholic schools are trying to teach students to live a life of service to god and their family and their community. so there is a question of there being a different mission between the common core and the catholic schools. and not that it necessarily wouldn't work in the catholic schools, but catholic schools aren't just -- if you just had the common core plus a religion
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class, that doesn't really equal what catholic schools are doing now. >> that's well put. i know that there are a lot of people who feel that some of the questions in the common core curriculum are completely inappropriate for children of that age. one of the things that bothers you about the common core is the fact that they don't really impress upon the students that they should be reading the literature. instead, they should be reading from informational texts. that's crazy. >> it's a combination of literature and informational texts. but it's a shift away from the emphasis on literature. of course, in classical education in a catholic school, the reading of great books is something that helps us form our views about humanity and learn about the struggle of good and evil and the nature of authentic true love. these are things that do make you successful in college and in a career. but they also can help make you more successful in life. >> yeah. well put. why read that great novel when
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you can instead just read little app from your smart phone that summarizes what the book is all about. >> there are a lot of questions and catholic schools maybe want to pause and see what the outcomes are before rushing in with this stampede. it is a very tricky question for catholic schools because they don't exist in a vacuum. with the entire education universe shifting towards the common core, you have the sat now changing the test to align with the common core, the whole textbook market is changing. many catholic schools do participate in the state testing and it's required for some sports programs, which can be a big deal in a catholic high school. so this is a very, very tricky question for catholic schools and as i said, a loft catholic scholars and educations are raising a lot of questions about it. >> we'll see thousand goes going forward. maureen ferguson, thank you very
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much. >> thanks for having me. >> have a good easter. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. don't be a wise guy in this judge's court. >> i agree with the family, i hope you die in prison as well! >> well, wait until you hear what she did to get that reaction. then sick and tired of the cold weather? move. we'll show you some dream houses in warmer weather and they're going to cost you a lot less than you think. how would you like to have that house? are those palm trees? find out where. co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone.
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welcome back. toronto's crack-smoking mayor, rob ford, officially launching his reelection campaign. his brother called the party, quote, history in the making. attorney general eric holder was held in contempt of congress for not releasing documents in the fast and furious scandal. now a texas republican wants to cut off his paycheck. representative introduced a bill that cuts pay to any federal official found in contempt. congress has a dirty little secret. every month since 1983, the founder of hustler magazine, larry flynt, has been sending copies to each member of congress. they are delivered in a plain manila envelope. clayton? >> thank you. the housing market finally gets some good news overnight. according to a new gallop poll, americans are more able to think real estate is the best long-term investment for their money. ranking it higher than gold and
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stocks. so with that in mind, we have hot housing options for you now. joining me now is real estate author and expert, michael corbett. welcome back. >> good morning. with the temperatures the way they are, we had this cold snap, what i think is very interesting in addition to that is that when the temperature drops 20 degrees and it's cold and rainy, according to trulia's trends report, home searches in warm, sunny cities jumps 10%. so i picked some cities that are some of the sunniest in america and some beautiful house deals there. >> let's start with augusta, georgia. it snowed here the other day. might be a great place to move. what's up in augusta, georgia with this house? >> first of all, augusta, georgia has an average number of sunny days of 218 a year. putting that in perspective, buffalo, new york, 54 sunny days a year. this house in this beautiful city is about 229,000.
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it's four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 2400 square feet. got a two story gorgeous ranch style. front porch overlooking a big front yard. it's completely renovated. hardwood floors, fireplace. great eat-in kitchen. granite counter tops starks stainless steel appliances, fenced in big backyard. this property will cost, with 20% down, with taxes issues insurance and mortgage, about $1,100 a month. >> nice. down to florida where everyone was getting this winter. sarasota, florida. >> this one in sarasota. it's thank is a city where we have almost 251 sunny days a year. this is a beautiful home at 264,900. it's four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. it's about 2300 square feet. it's got high beam ceilings, total renovation. brazilian granite in the kitchen. it's beautiful kitchen. top of the line. breakfast island, formal dining
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room. got a covered linai and it has a solar heated pool. so the maintenance will be low. going to come in around $1,340 a month for you. >> not to mention the tax breaks by just moving to florida to begin with. one more up in phoenix, georgia. once again back to georgia. >> this is phoenix, arizona. so this is -- phoenix happens to be the most number of sunny days, 296. 2,000 square feet, amazing property. granite counter tops. pool, waterfall, it's got a beautiful covered patio and this is the best place to spend all those sunny days. it's a great deal. >> that real estate market there has really bounced back in phoenix. michael corbett. where can people learn more about the properties and you? >> you can go at this time rite to our web site for "fox & friends" and it links right to my blog with all the information on these properties. >> wonderful.
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thank you so much. enjoy the sun. >> you got it. coming up, new york city is the biggest terror target in america. so why are we stopping the surveillance of muslim extremists? are we becoming too pc? is this awesome or plain stupid? the dad hands the controls of his motorcycle over to his six-year-old son ♪ check out bass pro shops for great deals on great gear. like redhead rock bridge cargo shorts for under $20. this ascend d-10 sit-in kayak for under $400. and bring the kids for a free picture with the easter bunny. man: yeah, scott. i was just about to use the uh... scott: that's a bunch of ground-up paper, lad! scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer, and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere! seed your lawn. seed it!
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salesgets up to 795 highwayal is the passamiles per tank.sel salesperson #2: actually, we're throwing in a $1,000 fuel reward card. we've never done that. that's why there's never been a better time to buy a passat tdi clean diesel. husband: so it's like two deals in one? salesperson #2: exactly. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a passat tdi, that gets up to 795 highway miles per tank. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models.
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natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. need a lift? could've had a v8. it says here that a woman's sex drive. increases the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heartisease. it seems that 80 is the new 18. grannies, bless your heart, you are bringing sexy back! eat up. keep heart-healthy. live long. for a healthy heart,
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eat the 100% natural whole grain goodness opost shredded wheat. doctors recommend it. [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk.
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am ♪ ♪ >> we asked you to send some of your pet photos, you posing with your pet. mary ramirez sent us this photo of her holding her puppy. >> julie woods from prosperity, south carolina, my neck of the woods, she tweeted this photo of her going for an afternoon ride with her dog. she's like my dogs, they love to stick make heads out the window. >> i like to stick my head out the window, too, if i was a dog, i'd do that all the time. trudy gardner sent this of her grandson, braden, and his best friend, rusty. >> bigger than that little boy. >> kelly devery tweeted this picture of her puppy. she's missing her while away in
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college. >> ho is cuter? they're both adorable. >> they are. our dog, when the kids would come home from college, right at the door. >> really? >> the dog would remember. >> dogs never forget. >> they're so cute. >> send us your photos there on twitter as well. >> now headlines, a judge in michigan exploding at a convicted killer for showing complete disregard for her victim's family as they were speaking, the woman was rolling her eyes and interrupted saying, is that it? well, that set the judge off. >> you stabbed, you stabbed! you stabbed! you stabbed! you stabbed until he was dead! i agree with the family. i hope you die in prison as well! >> the people in the courtroom clapping after the judge sentenced the 31-year-old to life behind bars for killing her boyfriend. left wing lap dog media matters love to bash fox news for pushing back on labor issues
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but it turns out it's doing much worse behind the scenes. the organization headed up by hillary clinton cheerleader, david brock, is lawyering up over an effort by its workers to unionize. the official statement from them, we're working through the process. an emotional reunion between three kids and their parents, twin boys and their one-year-old brother were inside a car in the driveway of their home in san antonio. their mom forgot something and she went back inside the house. that's when a man jumped in and ove off with the kids. the twins were not going to let him get away with it. >> i was kicking him. >> i was hitting him. >> mom, your training paid off because it worked. about a mile away from the house, the man ditched the car and the kids ran away. police are still looking for that guy. this video reing up a heated debate. a father letting his six-year-old boy ride with him on the motorcycle.
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at one point the father takes his hands off the handlebars, letting the son take control. some parents are saying he's putting his child in danger. many motorcycle fans say it's not only awesome, it's safe because they say motorcycles steer by weight transfer at this speed. >> but if he turns the wheel one way, i guess he would still be fine? >> i've sat in my dad's lap and he would let me hold the steering wheel of the car. >> when my wife mocks my driving next time, i'll say it wasn't me. it was my weight transfer. >> maria is learning how to roller skate this morning. >> she's on eight wheels this guy. >> have you fallen? >> not yet. at this have a little incident in the hallway, though. thankfully it wasn't outside. i did run into a wall in the hallway. we're still out here. sonic is here because they're relaunching, coming up next week, their summer of shakes. they have 25 different flavors. so we're here and handing them out to everyone that walks by in new york city.
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we do want to do some weather news. i want to show you actually -- take you to outer space. scientists discovered something that would be earth's cousin. this is called kepler 186-f. it's smaller than earth and also got a smaller orbit around the sun and its star is also a little smaller. it's just a smaller scale. but it's believed it could have an atmosphere and believe it could have water. so they will be investigating that. otherwise temperature wise today, we are still on the cool side, especially across parts of the east. look at some of the temperatures in places like atlanta. you're only going to be in the 50s. new york city, that's the same for you. below average. but over the next several days, you are going to notice a warming trend. temperatures are going to be climbing, especially for easter sunday. you'll be in the upper 50s. in new york city, you'll make it into the 70s in chicago and atlanta. we are going to have to deal
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with heavy rain across parts of the southeast. watch out for that. flooding is a concern. let's head back inside. >> can do you us a favor? can you get a tray full of milk shakes and skate them into the studio? >> yeah. >> let's hope that goes well. >> do we have a carpet cleaner on hand? >> let's see how this goes. >> it's granite outside. we can hose it down. >> they are delicious. >> you work on that as we talk a little bit about this. this week we've been talking about how the new york city police department discontinued the so-called muslim surveillance program here in new york city. even though a judge, i think it was in february said they're not breaking any rules given the way that the new york city police department under ray kelly had run it. now there is news this morning about how a number of families who have been watching the trial for khalid shaikh mohammed at gitmo feel the f.b.i. is doing their boast derail the hearings because they feel, the relatives do, that what the department of
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justice wants is not for the trials to go on at gitmo. instead to go on here on united states soil, criminal court system. >> right in new york city. joe conner we spoke to, friend of the show and he lost a family member on 9-11. he was weighing in on this very issue and bringing these trials back here in the disbandment of this unit looking at muslim extremist. >> to me, tariq of politics. these all struggle with the first amendment and fighting terrorism. but quite honestly, if we're focusing on those people when are preaching hate, then i think we have to surveil them. i think we have to be on top of them and know what they're saying. i think that we've really capitulating and if we think that by giving in to terrorists that they're going to like us, we haven't learned the lessons of history. >> it's been eight years for those families. they've been dealing with
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>> i'd like to know how much this is costing taxpayers. >> millions. >> millions and millions of dollars. >> let us know how you feel with this. you can weigh in on our facebook page. "fox & friends" on facebook. stay tuned because we want to see if maria makes it into the studio. >> i got a feeling we'll see her in the next 20 seconds. coming up, an atheist group putting up this sign saying, in reason we trust. is this freedom of speech or unholy war on easter? a debate coming up with ainsley next. plus, from isn't -- prom is
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not just for teen-agers. the mom prom, that is. >> look at that! >> the reason they're dusting off their old dresses. >> don't drop it. >> don't spill that on the dresses. >> she made it! >> good job! [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks.
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their first child this fall. jenna bush hager, president george w. bush daughter, sent her well wishers on twitter. congratulations. mamahood is wonderful. xx. congratulations. >> thank you, steve. the unholy war on easter finding a new battle ground in the windy city. the freedom from religion foundation, an atheist group that already posted an anti-easter sign in the wisconsin state capitol, is now erecting a massive display in chicago's daley plaza. two eight foot banners featuring thomas jefferson and president john adams promoting the secular views of our founding fathers. one banner reads, in reason we trust. the other will say, keep state and religion separate. the exhibit aimed at countering the jesus in daley plaza, a display that is going on today, or going up today. it's been going on for eight
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years in chicago. it will feature a 19-foot tall cross and a ten foot tall image of the resurrected jesus. has easter evolved into an occasion to demean religious beliefs and christianity? joining us from the freedom from religion foundation, co-president, anne gay lohr, and virginia gallowway. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. good morning. >> annie, i want to ask you if you don't believe that there is life after earth, if you don't believe in all this stuff happening this weekend for those who are christian, why do you care? why do this? >> well, we believe in the separation of church and state and we believe if our public square is going to be taken over by religion, that we should be there, too. of course, i do believe in leaving our planet, our world a better place. i don't think we should worry about an after life.
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we should worry about the life that we are leaving. and today is a good friday for us here at the freedom from religion foundation because this marks the 18th anniversary of our federal court victory overturning good friday as a state holiday here in wisconsin, which was a major entanglement of religion and government of which we were told we had to worship between particular hours and public buildings were closed. we work for separation of church and state. >> virginia, as a christian, what's your reaction? >> well, i just think it's kind of sad that on the week that christians are celebrating the most significant part of their religion, the resurrection of jesus christ, and jewish people are celebrating passover, that we are attacked and denigrated. it doesn't feel right. now, they certainly have a right, a constitutional right to express their opinions and many good people have fought and died for that right for them as well
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as us. and i appreciate that. but at the same time, it just seems kind of without class. kind of like the westborough crowd and the things that they did. sure, they had maybe a right to do it, but it just seems very wrong. >> virginia, you're saying -- questioning your class, annie. what about manners here? it's a holy weekend for christians and you're putting up signs that say in reason we trust and that nobody died for our sins. it is legal and the first amendment allows to you do what you want, freedom of speech and religion. but what about bad manners here? >> there is no bad manners in celebrating our secular constitution. we have a patriotic red, excite blue display with john adams and jefferson in daley la plaza. everybody should be proud of our secular constitution. but we would not be there with our name and our message if there was not a catholic group
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there with 12-foot jesus taking over a plaza for nine days for prayer rallies. we would not be in the wisconsin state capitol with our sign there if it were not for the cross and the other religious displays. we did not start this. >> you're in wisconsin and also the same group that's condemning what's happening at clemson university calling that coach too christian. >> no, no. we're not calling them too christian. we're saying that they have to keep religion out of their coaching at a public university. it is out of control. >> well, they do. they give the players a choice to visit with the chaplain if they want to. >> they have a paid chaplain and they have led more than 90 prayers in a year. they have baptisms in their athletic department. they have bible study between drills at clemson university. public university. this is totally unacceptable. >> okay. you have a right to your opinion. virginia, you want to respond?
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>> sure do. i would like to say that as far as the secular roots of our country, the first purchase that the congress made was to print bibles, to be used in the schools. so we've gone way off the ditch in the other side of the road trying to avoid the ditch of having a state religion that's established. to say christians cannot say anything in the public square. you can't lock news a building and say that we can't speak anywhere else. it's totally all right for us to do that. and as far as our heritage, we would agree we're proud of our heritage, but we may see it a little differently. if go back and read every -- >> thank you. we got to leave it there. thank you. we love you both. god bless you both. coming up, prom isn't just fraternals. get ready for the mom prom. why moms are dusting off their dresses. you're going to want to do it, too. first, let's check in with
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hemmer to find out what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> it's a great cause, those moms with the mom prom. good stuff. good morning. breaking news near the world's highest summit. mount everest. a deadly day there. will it be another deadly day in ukraine? who do americans blame for the irs scandal? our polling tells a revealing story about how you feel. and the holy grail of muscle cars. they found it. we've got the pictures. both of them. see you in ten minutes, top of the hour. 6
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here is a new trend for you. proms aren't just for high school students anymore. they're making comeback for parents. >> we're talking about the mom prom.
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mothers from all across our country are dusting off those old dresses and dancing the night away all for a great cause. joining us now, the founder of mom prom, betsy craft, alongside four lovely mothers. so let's start with you. how did you get this idea? >> my mom was cleaning out the family home and came for a visit and brought my prom dress, which i had forgotten i had. so i decided to wear it to a friend's oscars party first, to shake it up a little bit. it was such fun. we had such fun talking about our gowns and prom night that we decided to have a mom prom. 12 of us went out to dinner and dancing and then it took off from there. >> now it's a charity. >> it is. every prom across the country, they choose their own charity and they have a prom night for their charity, what's close to their heart. >> what's yours? >> next year we'll raise children for a hospital. we choose a different one every year. but some choose breast cancer. every prom choose has charity. for our program, we call it mom prom, but it's for all women.
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we want every woman who has a dress in the closet, it's sitting there. >> who is everyone with you today? >> my sister-in-law, my friend, my sister and that's the brides maid dress from my wedding 20 years ago. and my mom. >> beautiful. >> so when you guys all get together, are -- or you gals, is there some liquor involved? >> a little bit. that's why it's for 21 and older. we don't have any men at the prom. but we have life size cardboard cutouts of celebrities. so women are able to pick a date. fabio. >> did any of you not go to prom and in is a chance for you to fulfill that dream? did you all go? >> i did go. >> tell me about your dress. >> this is a brides maid dress from a friend's wedding. >> and the camo dress. >> this is from a consignment shop. it was actually a prom dress.
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>> and it's really interesting is the ornamentation around your neck. >> this is a duck call. you can't wear this without the duck call. >> where did you find the dress? >> new hampshire. >> really? cool. >> go ahead. give us a duck call. >> this i wore 20 years ago to my sister's wedding. >> you look great. you can still fit in it. >> barely. >> this is cath yerkes the mother. >> why this was in my closet, i have no idea. it's the tackiest one here. >> you look beautiful! >> thank you. >> is there a prom queen? >> we do. we have a random game to pick a prom queen. it's all random. it's a lot of fun. the biggest prize of the night is the tackiest dress. i figure if you have -- if you wear this in public, you should wear a prize. >> let's find out whether or not ainsley earhart in the day wore a tacky dress to prom. >> how did you find this picture? oh, my gosh. look at that. >> that guy played soccer in my husband. he was my boyfriend for two
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years. james monty ford was his name. my mom told me pick a dress that's conservative, 'cause these pictures will be in your life forever. my sister did the ruffles and all that. >> this is such a good idea, i bet there are other women looking in right now who are probably going to start their own mom prom. >> i hope so. april 26 is national mom prom night. even if you can't go to a prom, find that old dress, go out fortuner and dancing. >> ladies, thank you very much. >> thank you so much. >> more "fox & friends" moments away ♪
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with our base auto policy. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? >> we were talking about how little tax the new mayor of new york city pays. just to be clear, he made last year 165,000 in adjusted gross income. he paid 13,715 in federal taxes, which means his effective federal tax rate, 8.3%.
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>> not bad if you can get it. >> that's right. coming up tomorrow on the show, we got governor mike huckabee, plus irs tax refund 101. how to travel on your refund with courtney scott from travelocity. >> you hate that interview, don't you? you love courtney. bill: good morning. a fox news alert. a new roadblock in the ukraine crisis. pro-russian separatists refuse to honor an agreement that was hammered out in geneva. i'm bill hemmer. >> the deal calling for the militants to disarm where they have set up camp. bill: the protesters show no sign of leaving. they say the on way they leave is if the government in kiev leaves first.


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