tv Media Buzz FOX News July 20, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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>> drill, drill, drill. >> thanks, everybody. steve moore, judy miller, ed rollins, good to see you all. that will do it for sunday morning futures. i'll see you next week at 9:00 a.m. eastern on the fox business network. have a great rest of your sunday. on the buzz meter this sunday from the crisis along the texas border to the fighting in iraq and gaza and the plane shot down in ukraine, are the media providing a fair picture or a distorted one? well, ask john mccain. >> i think the media in many respects, particularly when i read some of the commentators columns, they continue to apologize and justify what is clearly a failed national security policy on this administration. >> the arizona senator on the coverage on the chaos, whether the press is soft on president obama and why he's sometimes portrayed as a grumpy old man. but what he really thinks of jon
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stewart. the horrifying shootdown of that malaysian jet. have the media been too quick to speculate about russia's role before the facts are in? 1k3 are some pundits rush to go blame obama? a new jersey reporters is pushed out of his job after speaking out about a cop killer case in the community. >> we decided to air it because it's airing a light. unfortunately, no one in the news media has the courage to such that subject. >> was sean bergin punished for telling an uncomfortable truth? plus, rupert murdoch and 21st century fox make a blockbuster bid to buy time warner? what's behind the takeover, what would happen to cnn and how would this transform the media landscape? i'm howard kurtz, and this is media buzz.
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from the moment malaysia flight 17 was shot down over ukraine, the media were in wall to wall mode with some journalists speculating about russia's possible role, others urging caution and one just being duped. >> i would say, as a war corespondent and weighing all of the facts as they've been coming in, admittedly, this is my opinion. i believe that vladimir putin has the blood of these airline passengers on his hands. >> we should point out that a number of news networks have been airing some footage of what appears to be smoke rising on a horizon, apparently reportedly from a plane crash. we cannot independently confirm that that is actually a plane crash from the malaysian jet that we are referring to. it's possible it's something that occurred earlier in the day. >> well, i was looking out the window and i saw a projectile flying through the sky. it would appear that the plane was shot down by a blast of wind
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from howard [ bleep ]. >> so it would appear that the plane was shot down. can you tell us anything more from your military training? >> plenty of news outlook lets, including the wire service reporting americans on board. >> there are reports that 23 americans were on board. that's according to the manifest. >> we believe 23 americans, according to what we're hearing. >> there may have been as many as 23 u.s. citizens on board. >> that was false, just one american it turns out was on the plane and some conservative commentators soon turned to president obama's schedule when he appeared to be publicly engaged with the downing on the plane and on the same day as the israeli invasion of gaza. >> here we have a closest ally involved in a ground invasion, a plane shot out of the sky and the president is raising money. >> instead of running around lower manhattan, the president should get on national
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television and call vladimir putin a killer, isolate him dim lot mattockly. >> joining us now to examine the coverage of this tragedy, lauren ashburn, jim pinkerton, and juan williams. everyone scrambles when there's a major international tragedy. what has struck you about the coverage? you have her raldo accusing putin of being a murderer -- >> getting clunked by howard stern. person, whoever that was. in the beginning, i think the network coverage was very appropriate. they expanded to one-hour specials. you had wall to wall coverage on cable news. but the problem comes when they don't know more information and everybody is dancing and that's when the mistakes are made, as we saw. >> jim pinkerton says the u.s. believes russia supplies this missile launcher to these pro
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russian separatists. obviously, the russians bear some responsibility here, but all this finger pointing in the media, what happened to waiting for the facts? >> well, i think in this case, people -- the facts are so obvious and clear that people look for opinion and i think rivera was right. i think the russians are responsibility. president obama has basically said so. i think in the this case, the circumstantial evidence is so overwhelming that the russians were involved either pushing the button or helping separatists push the button that the media is simply catching up with reality. there were mistakes made about the number of americans killed, but on the whole, i think the media got this one right. >> don't we live in a culture where there's demand for immediate answers, even when the answer, as with the case of how many americans were on board, are simply not clear? >> i agree with jim, that heraldo was right. now i can say that based on the circumstance. but, you know, in the immediate moments when this thing is
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breaking, when he said that -- >> it wasn't even legitimate. >> that's what troubles me. it's the speculation. it's the 23 americans. we know now there are not 23, but that became gospel -- within that day, it was gospel, 23 americans on board and then that led to questions about the foreign policy implications and what the united states should be doing in the name of protecting our citizens. >> heraldo is on an opinion show and he said, this is my opinion. >> he certainly did. >> it wasn't like he said it was fact. he said it's my opinion. >> some aspects of this remain sh rouded in ambiguity. there is video of some people carrying off a black box. but at the same time, while this was clearly terrorism, it's reminiscent of the malaysian plane of four months ago which disappeared and then there were weeks and weeks of speculation about did we find the debris and what caused it. >> and how many times do we have to hear from the same aviation experts that black boxes are important to finding out exactly
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what happened? i feel like we just get into this mind-set where we have to fill the time and over and over again, we turn to the same people to tell us the same thing about all of these airline tragedies. >> but since it's such a big story, 298 people dead, international repercussions, what is the problem with going very heavy on this and do you feel like other things are being -- >> i do, of course. do we still have an immigration problem in this country? >> last time i checked. >> because you wouldn't know it based on the coverage. the coverage from the very beginning is appropriate. people are saddened, want to know what happened. but when you don't have information, why don't we cover other things that are still important to americans, like immigration? one story that could get covered, the shootdown on the president's travel schedule, i can remember very well when president reagan or president bush 43 was seeming to be on vacation or doing something small at the time and the media pounded on him. i think it's taken a few days
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for the media to catch up on president obama, but the media today, at risk of looking bad, obama maintains schedule despite the world crisis. this is as the media finally recognizes the president doing fund-raising. >> but that criticism kind of won. you see a lot of that from conservatives, no matter what the xrie sis is, the president is playing golf, the president is shooting pool. and the same thing was said about george w. bush spending too much time at his crawford ranch. but do you think the media is too obsessed to what is actually being doing other than to resolve the international crisis? >> do i believe that this president is paying attention to foreign policy issues? i think he's issued the actionses on russia just the day before. he was in consultation with his top aides, including 2 cia director at the time he was going at the new york fund easy
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raer. if you look back, historically something like george w. bush, right after the madrid bombing, 200 people dead, he went to a fund-raiser in l.a. but we are in such polarized times now -- >> and you're saying it's part of this? >> right. there is an issue and julie pace said this earlier on fox. she said there is an issue the other way with the optics. and she said if you have the president and you don't continue your schedule as normal, then it looks like these things are blown out of proportions. i'm not saying i agree with that strategy, but that's how the white house is looking at it. >> mean stream media outlets like politico, so, for example, what we see in the front page of "the washington post" today, aids were warned of border crisis. you've got to ask, where was the president over the last year or two as this issue in el salvador and central america were bubbling up? >> but i think that's perfectly
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legitimate to ask why the president didn't anticipate the veterans crisis, why the president didn't anticipate these e-mails with the irs crisis, but why he shouldn't play golf? ghee, he is president 24/7. >> he made a choice. he said i accept the judgment of the american people to the optics of me playing golf while americans are getting killed, and he didn't do it. >> whenever that president takes a moment to go with his family or play golf or do something normal, as opposed to somehow being obsessed and looking like, as lauren was saying, the world is ending, the world is ending. >> let me switch now to the immigration crisis. this week, jose vargas, a guy who found an organization and being an advocate for the illegal immigrants b went to the texas border, got detained and later ended up being released.
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let me play a little sound from vargas unseen a few weeks ago. >> america is not a country that turns its back on children. that's not who we are as a country. you know, i don't want to bring race into this, but if these were white kids, would we be doing this to the kids? right? >> this guy has an ulterior motive for doing this. it's on television. he will most likely write a book about this. he is selfish to go down to that border and pull off a stunt like that when the border patrol people have enough to worry about. he's thumbing his nose at american law. this guy broke the law. >> well, he was brought here at the age of 12 from the philippin philippines. he has sort of come out of the closet and he certainly is very good at get attention. do you think the mainstream media treat jose vargas as a hero? >> of course. and he's milking a movie contract and book deal and god
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knows what else he'll have. jan winter in fox has a headline this morning, cartels shooting heavy caliber machine guns across the border into america aiming at american officials. that story will get one scintilla of the coverage. >> if the military decided to detain him and deport him, do you care that would have been an outrage? would the media have denounced the administration for that, they made a decision that it was too politically explosive at the moment. we have the larger argument about comprehensive immigration reform. vargas now i think is the stand-in for the 12 million illegal immigrants in the country. i muft say i interviewed him on stage when he made his documentary and that documentary is going to be aired on hbs. he is no doubt a hero to the
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american public. >> i've interviewed him and he is a nice guy and a good reporter. but he is such an advocate now, he is the safest illegal immigrant in america. send me a tweet about our show. we always read the best ones at the end of the program. ahead, john mccain makes his media buzz debut. but first, the new jersey tv reporter who spoke out about black crime and the hatred of police, should he have lost his job? thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members
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he was describing the intense reaction to his interview with the wife of a cop killer. then he denounced what he called the anti-cup mentality in urban america. >> this same sick per verse line of thinking is evident from jersey city to newark and trenton. it has made the police officer's job impossible and it has got to stop the. the underlying cause for all of this, young, black men growing up without fathers. unfortunately no one in the news media has the courage to touch that subject. >> the station suspended bergin and demoted him to a $300 job by giving him one assignment. bergin quickly resigned and he explained what he did with megan kelly. >> i was trying to add some context and balance and -- and yes, look, there's no doubt that i went off the reservation, i made a couple of rogue remarks at the end. i knew what i was doing. >> i say what sean bergin did
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was courageous. and you think? >> let's have more context here. let's remind people that the woman he interviewed, late husband, had killed a policemen and then the woman said herself, i wish he shot more cops. that's so offensive and heinous. look, he spoke to something that juan williams addressed five or six years ago in his book enough about the pathological black culture. too bad that book -- he should have cited that book on the air and said as expert juan williams said. he might still have his job. >> thank you. >> but the way sean bergin put it, when he talked about fatherless black men committing crimes, do you find that in any way offensive? >> offensive, no, it's true. but it would be great if he had the statistics, the research to back it up on the air. because then i think it would have been seemed like he was doing reporting at the moment. >> the fact that it was off-the-cuff and the --
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>> and the fact that it was in the moment. in other words, he's reporting oh a crime story and suddenly he's expressing this opinion. that's where he, sean himself who i think is a hero to me now for having dared to say this, he himself says he went rogue by doing it. about let me just say what he tried to do is right. there's so many times when you see stories reported and people don't get to the root cause and the truth of the heart of the matter and sean bergin did that. >> he had no business doing what he did. his job is as a reporter. i've been on the streets of washington, d.c. i've covered stories exactly like this. and i know that if i had uttered an opinion about this, i would have been fired. that is his job. if he wants to editorialize, then he needs to go to his bosses and say, i want to do a piece on x. he's not being courageous. he's breaking the rules, howie. >> you think he should have been fired? >> i do, i do. he brought up an issue that is very important to society and to this country. but he is not the person to do.
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>> if you go to, say, the media research center or news busters, you see all the time reporters expressing opinions on issues. >> mostly -- >> and they don't get fired. a lot of times, nothing happens to him at all. in this case, i think the hysterical reaction of news 12 to fire him or push him out was overkill. >> might have been. but let me just say also this week in the news, you had two reporters working in the middle east who expressed opinions and got sanctioned for it, one diana magnate who wrote in a tweet something about the israelis watching her over gaza and saying if she fired the wrong word, she was in trouble. she called them a terrible name. and then you had simon moihan of nbc taken off because his coverage, in their opinion, was favorable to the palestinians. but again, you can't express an opinion in a tweet or in terms of your coverage. but neither of them were fired. >> but how is it different from this case, juan?
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you can't express opinions, period. >> because this guy got fired. >> he didn't get fired quite. >> he got demoted in a way he didn't have much 06 a job left. we always talk reporters should give you straight news. i agree with you to this extent. i think the punishment was too harsh. what if he had been suspended for a couple of days. the station said you're going to do a three-part series on urban crime, the role of families, the attitudes towards police. >> but we also don't know his history there. and on megan' shows, he took a pot shot at the news director saying he's made other bad calls. so we don't know the whole history here. has he done it before? we just don't know. >> but what we do know is that real issues, what howie said about the three-part series, we think the issue is too many guns or fatherless children, either way, it's a great discussion and there's a larger context here in which in this case that triggered all this, an innocent policemen who is hispanic who
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gets murderered and ambushed -- >> but give me the sta.ic pes.don't just make it your opinion. >> this week in chicago, alone, 22 people shot in 12 hours. >> you get the last final word. >> i think it's important the black journalists organization says there's no correlation between fatherlessness and shooting cops. i would agree with that. but the root cause is dysfunction in that xunt, a black community that's poor and very much anti-authority and sean bergin was right about it. >> juan williams, jim pinkerton, thank you. coming up, could rupert murdoch end up owning hbo, time warner and others? whether that $80 billion bid could succeed. starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief.
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rupert murdoch already controls a mighty media empire. now he's made an $80 billion bid to buy time warner, which includes tbs, tnt, hbo, the warner brothers studio and cnn which under the plan would be sold off. joining us now is charlie gasparino. time warner has durnd down this bid. is that because it does not want to be sold to the founder of the fox news channel? it's always wonderful reporting on your own boss here. i would say this. my contribution to this thing before i got thrown out of sun valley last week was i reported that there was broad based interest in time warner, that once time warner and jeff began selling off parts of it, it was down to a certain core of content, like hbo, the cnn. there is a lot of interest in
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this particular stock. we didn't know mr. murdoch put his bid in. i think that time warner's end game is to get this bid, whether it's mr. murdoch, google's, amazon, as high as possible. i think mr. murdoch went into this, based on my sources, that he knew they would reject the initial one. >> that's pretty common. and, in fact -- >> this guy plays his game, mr. murdoch, he knows what's going on 15 steps ahead. culturally speaking, do you think there's an aversion to mr. murdoch in the elite halls of the time warner board room? maybe. there's no aversion to money, though. that's the only thing that matters here. and i will tell you this. i can't tell you who is going to ultimately win. when i talked to my sources out there, they tell you that one thing you don't bet against, you don't bet against mr. murdoch. he's one of the best in the business at this.
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however, i can't guarantee that he's going to win this. >> no, he may lose. there's a myth here because he tried to get "the wall street journal" family that owned it and said no, no, no. finally they said yes. >> this is a different ball game. this is a company that's done well. its stock has done well and it could do even better and it could get another bid. i mean, i really think, based on my source, i'm scared to say opinion here, but based on my sources, that mr. bukes end game is to get somebody else involved, get a google involved, get an amazon involved and let the bidding begin. this company is not going to go for $80 a share. the only thing i can tell you and, again, what i reported last week is that this company has been for sale since they started jetsonning various parts of it. it's not knot going to be owned by the current owner. >> there's been a lot of talk about murdoch wants to get bigger. >> everybody wants to get bigger. >> the sports franchise of time
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warner would be useful. but federal regulators could object to this on anti-trust grounds. anticipating that, murdoch said he would sell off cnn. if that were to happen, would abc, cbs? >> cbs already said that he's the ceo of cbs is basically saying that he's interested in it. yes, cnn is -- listen, cnn may not have great ratings, but it does pretty well. it makes money and it has a brand. so it's definitely going to be sold. but, you know, here is the thing. the bottom line is this. this company, no matter who buys it, is gone. this company has been takeover bait literally since they sold off the magazine part. it's a matter of who. >> i predict this story is not over. you've made that clear. charlie gasparino, we'll probably have you back to talk more about it. >> love to. up next, john mccain takes on the media crisis over the border and iraq. and later, a media crusader
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gets slapped down by a reporter from cnbc. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse?
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm eric shawn. israeli troops are stepping up their ground offensive against hamas, taking the fight to gaza city. there are reports of dozens killed including two israeli soldiers. secretary of state john kerry, meanwhile, says he expects to visit the middle east this week to try and arrange a cease-fire. a legendary film and television actor james garner has died. police say he was found dead of natural causes in his l.a. home last night. garner, considered one of hollywood's most handsome leading men was perhaps best known as the star of "the rockford files." james garner was 86 years old.
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i'm eric shawn. i'll see you at the top of the hour for america's news headquarters. now back to media buzz and howard kurtz. >> whether the issue with illegal immigration or foreign policy or plain politics, john mccain remains one of the most visible members of congress with a fixture on television, sometimes at odds with his own party and with the press. today we're turning the tables and giving him a chance to critique the mainstream media. john mccain, welcome. >> thank you, howie. >> let's start with immigration. you supported the senate compromise that passed last year. you campaigned in 2008 on immigration reform and yet you've been highly critical of president obama over these 60,000 illegal immigrant kids who have come across our border. any inconsistency there? >> i think you would argue that from one respect. but on the other respect, you
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can view one reason why i'm so critical is it's such a polarizing event thit hurts our ability, in fact, some observers say it's dead, ability to sell immigration, comprehensive immigration reform because now the opponents are saying, you see, we've got broken borders and we have to secure our borders first, which by the way i agree with. >> have the press created any sympathy for the civilians and is that muddied the waters of the immigration debate? >> my problem with the press coverage is not that they're sympathetic to these young children. we are all sympathetic. but what i believe where i'm critical of the press is legitimately critical is their emphasis or lack of emphasis on what happens to these children on the way up. the train of death, the rapes, the total abuse of children. so many on the left and in the
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media are saying, ghee, it's so terrible that there are conditions on which they're now -- once they get here, well, it's just a -- it's a total abuse of human rights on the way here. >> a lot of people say, as you know, the press has been sympathetic. has that been true in this second term where there have been all these scandales and controversies? >> i think the press in some ways would have been harder on george w. bush when you look around the world and see the turmoil in the world today. literally, everyone else you look is in some kind of turmoil. and so i think the media, in many respects, particularly when i read some of the, quote, commentator columns, they continue to apologize and justify what is clearly a failed national security policy on this
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administration. >> is that true with the current chaos in iraq? in fairness, you were very critical of george w. bush and donald rumsfeld. you also say the u.s. had the war won after the surge. but a lot of people say those of you who supported the invasion in 2003 are discredited because you never apologize for your misjudgment. >> the reason why i think some of us don't apologize for our misjudgment is because the secretary of states, one of the most respected individuals in the world went before the united nations security council -- >> collin powell. >> and made an argument that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. >> which turned out to be wrong. >> which turned out to be wrong. but i would have made the same judgment and cast the same vote. now, also the fact is we did
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have that -- what i find totally lacking in the media is they accept this idea that it was all the iraqs fault that we didn't leave a reis siddal force behind. >> jon stewart took a sarcastic shot you a. >> it's only fitting that in this current crisis he was on so many shows you would think he had just won "dancing with the stars." >> is jon stewart fair to republicans? >> no. but he, you know, doesn't matter really. he's a comedian and he's -- >> he's also a social critical who has a sizable following among young people. >> oh, yeah. he's a very entertaining and funny guy. but when he says things -- which he's entitled to, after all. he's a late night comic. things that are absolutely wrong and he gets away with it, it is what it is. i frankly have no beef with late night comedians who make fun of politicians. that's the nature -- >> you're a big talker.
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>> you and your colleagues. >> respected commentators who are columnists particularly say things that are absolutely contradicted by the facts like, oh, well, we wanted to leave a force behind in iraq, but iraqis wouldn't take it. that's just wrong. >> when you ran for president in 2000 and i spent a time of hours on the bus with you, you spent hours and hours .hours talking to reporters and you were kind of a media darling. in 008, eventually you different offer that access. what changed? >> everybody has their own vergz of events, but unfortunately at least in my view and those around me, it became a rather adversarial relationship and it's very unfortunate. >> more of a gotcha relationship? >> yeah. i mean, you know, i guess kind of a classic example was i was being interviewed and the guy said how many houses do you own? you know, i don't own any houses. that's not mine.
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but -- >> you were saying it's your wife's? >> yeah. but the point is, it was not a -- many of the comments that i made in the context of the long conversation, if you took a sentence out, you could have it be critical. well, that was happening to us more and more and, frankly, one of the real disappointments to me, and i'll take the blame for it, is the deterioration of a relationship that wasn't that we were so much friends. that's -- you know, but that we had kind of an open relationship. and the more time i was able to spend with the meeting, the more i was able to make them understand exactly where i was coming from. well, we lost that during the 2008 campaign. >> during the bush years, you were so frequently described as a match rick, i think it was attached to your name on the computer. but then after president obama won, you were a grumpy on old man, you were a sore loser. what did you make of that tonal shift?
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>> i found it fascinating. because when i came out and said that donald rumsfeld has to resign, that the iraq war is failing, he's a grumpy old man. when i say the president has to replace his national security team, excuse me, when i said donald rumsfeld has to be -- here is the brave match rick standing up against his own party. when i say the national security team is not serving this president well, he's the grumpy old man. >> and then everybody is on twitter media a few minutes later saying mccain said this and taking shots at you. >> but at the same time, that's the nature of the business we were in. i will freely admit to you years ago i used to get more angryan . i'm still not happy. john mccain admitting that he got angry? there's a headlines. but you're suggesting you've mellowed a bit in that regard? >> i think so. but i vice president lost my fire, i hope. but at the same time, i've tried harder and harder to understand
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that these things are going to happen. but am i completely immune to being unhappy about it? hell no. >> a post script in a moment. the arizona senator says the press botched the tale of his -- to fellow republican wacko bird. and later, matt lauer and savannah guthrie wind up shooting the breeze with howard stern?
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i was reading from a "wall street journal" editorial. that was what was in the editorial on the floor of the senate. and i apologized to both rand paul and ted cruz. are you ever going to see a rendition of john mccain calling them wacko birds reading from an editorial and having to apologize? no, nine times out of ten in addition not. >> your daughter, megan, was on "the view" and talking about your wife's butt. she might end up on "the view" an a permanent panelist. how do you feel about her career eclipsing yourself? >> i'm very proud of megan. but our discussions, she's a little fiery, too. we have very vigorous discussions. but i think it's good for me, particularly, more so than for her because i learn what people of her generation are thinking, what their priorities are, and i
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win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. time for our video verdict. rick san telly who's rant on cnbc ran into a very loud critic this week. >> the cnbc economics reporter basically told san tilly that he didn't know what he was talking about and the footage of their
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fisticuffs. >> it's a strategy. >> there is no piece of advice you've given that's worked. not a single one. >> oh, yeah, there is. >> not a single one. the inability of the u.s. to sell bonds never happened, the dollar never crashed, rick, there isn't a single one that's worked for you. >> could you even understand a word of what they were saying? this is obviously some sort of stuff or deploy for the economics reporter to bait him. >> i don't think it was a stunt that all these two guys passionately and vigorously agreed got. i thought rick san tetelli was
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going to fall off of the floor. >> i'm giving it a 9. >> all right the "today" show is being time mull cast on -- >> what could go wrong. >> we could be talking about all kinds of things. >> sexual things? >> anything related to bathroom humor. >> what happened to morning television. i am friends with matt, we love to discuss politics.
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for crash -- it sounds horrible. we cover the news of the day. >> highwoward -- >> anderson cooper and dan rather. >> he did a good interview, but he also talks about really gross things. this is the trend of morning television. >> he talks about getting drunk with matt lauer. >> i give it a 5. i think savannah handled it. john stewart and hillary
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>> bubble into cable-sew. >> it will be just as big for the next week at least. there were plechblt of light moments, in fact it was almost all light moments when hillary clinton stopped by to talk with john stewart. >> if you were not, i think, running for president, all of this criticism, i truly believe this. the family and all that. there is constant cause for testimony, there are con -- if you say tomorrow, i'm not running for president, it all stops. >> i think a lot of people would lose their jobs if it all stopped. >> sitting around picks heads and making fun of it. it's just not right. >> could i say that i agree with you completely?
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>> and lauren and i argued about this on the o'reilly factor. >> was it instructive? was it informative? what was it. >> i think he asked her a lot of softball questions, i think he got away with a lot of stuff. >> he manages to skewer him with humor. >> he's a comedian, i get it. he says he's a comedian, so i don't think he needs to be held to that standard. >> if you call him on imbalance. >> he goes off -- >> do you think he went after hillary clinton in any way, shape or form. >> i'm not saying he went after hillary clinton, i'm saying he has the capability of doing it. but he let her get lot of stuff. >> that's it for this edition of
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media buzz. send me an e-mail. we respond to your questions. we're back here next sunday morning, 11:00 to 5:00 eastern with the latest buzz. a fox news alert, there are major new developments out of the middle east, the israeli military saying 13 soldiers have been killed in the fighting on the ground in gaza. hello everyone, welcome to america's news headquarters. >> hello, everyone, i'm eric shaun. >> many thousands are trying to flee the fighting as those hamas rockets continue to target israel. let's go straight to john huti who now has the latest in gaza city. >> reporter: eric, today was the
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