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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  January 3, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PST

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to -- tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" is double skateboarding 2015's newest sport? problem blow not. our panel gives it a shot live in studio. plus, what does the president think of the guys who keep all of the cocaine for themselves instead of sharing it with friends? >> what? that is not the right way to do it. everybody knows it. and finally, what is an easy way to make your toddler hate you forever? we will talk to one dad about his new winter weather shortcut. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight.
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>> i am in trouble. >> let's welcome our guests. he has got more criminals off. i am here with criminal defense attorney remi spencer. he is still hung over from last year which explains the stench. it is joanne mow saw chin ski. and it may be a new year, but he is wearing the same old ugly sweater. what color is that? there is not even a crayola that describes that. and he is so old-fashioned that he doesn't let his wife vote on "american idol." sitting next to me, tom shillue. good for you, tom. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> was his aid a charade? youtube prankster aren't we
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all, josh palor lynn posted a video of himself giving $100 to a em ho less man to see what he would dash cash a homeless man to see what he would spend it on food or booze. take a gander gander takers. >> here is $100. >> oh no way. >> keep it. it is your money. >> he bought liquor. or did he? >> he is giving him food. >> i feel i owe you an apology. you went to a liquor store earlier. >> you thought i was going to get smacked up drunk? >> i thought you were going to buy alcohol or something. >> here is another hundred bucks. i want you -- i want you to keep this.
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>> i am stunned. >> the video has received $25 million hits. 25 million hits. that's what they call them. there has been $130,000 in donations for this homeless man. but it appears to be all a hoax. of course it is. it always is. an eyewitness says the entire thing was staged. he drove him to the store and the homeless guy's brother has come forward claiming that thomas whose real name is kenny is not broke and is due $150,000 from his parents' estate. joanne that's dating material. >> yeah. >> the brother claims it is a scam and the money needs to go to people who really need. it speaking of helping others --
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>> all right. tom, you often pretend to be homeless. were you surprised this turned out to be hoax? it doesn't look like bad acting in that video at all. >> i am suspicious of the whistleblower brother. we don't know enough about this guy. why isn't he doing what every red blooded american would do? use that information to black mail their brother. >> maybe he is disgusted by his brother so much he doesn't want anything to do with him. >> there is too much money on the line. he should get half of the money. i will keep my mouth quiet. he has $130,000 on the website and he has the money from the parents. somebody should be making cash off of this. >> you are us inking the point of this the entire point which is they all go to jail remi. you prosecute people.
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>> you are a defense attorney. can't these people go to jail where they belong? >> i'm sure we can find another reason to put them in jail. i haven't talked about this with them, but i don't believe the brother who is coming forward and claiming that this is all a big hoax. the homeless man talks about how he ended up homeless. unfor the fatly a lot of people end up that way. he never said he welcomed him into his home and helped him out. i think the brother wants some of the money now. he wants some of the fame now. this was the first hoax of 2015. they seem to be saying it won't be. should we edit this part out?
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>> no. i think the hoax may be a hoax, but now i think the hoax that it is a hoax might be a hoax. it started out as real and then it was a hoax but now it is real again. >> did he drive him to the liquor store or not? >> some said he did and some said he didn't. he has made 52,000 from this video. he gets paid for the youtube hits. he has motive to stage this. he insists it is not a hoax. i looked at some of the names on his videos andsex in the bathroom prank, mofia murder prank, bloody tooth prank. are you sensing a theme here? >> have i done all of those pranks. >> with homeless people. >> you live by the prank and you die by prank. >> you have said that.
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>> and so i am now -- i think this probably is a hoax. >> joanne? >> it doesn't matter if this is a hoax or not. we all learned a available lesson. that said this was not seem less. who goes to a liquor store to buy food? it is not believable. and the fact when he said after getting the hundred dollars can i give you a hug? any normal person would flinch because you are wondering how badly they smell. you flinch before eventually hugging. and he didn't do that. >> no, he didn't. >> he has been through this before. he loves the homeless. he didn't flinch. >> i guess the lesson was we often make snap judgements about homeless people. even if it is false, we are the guilty party. we made the snap judge meant. -- judgment. the hoster is the smarter
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person because he taught us this lesson. it is a teachable moment. the tragedy is not that it might be fake, but it might be real. this guy exhibited ridiculous behavior. he bought a bunch of useless pies for a bunch of people. >> exactly. you know who really wins? big pie. >> and diabetes. >> diabetes. yes he is spreading diabetes. he is like santa but instead of presents it is diabetes. should laws hide their flaws? teens in california can now ask on-line services like facebook and twitter to remove their posts thanks to a law that went into affect january 1st. i love saying that. the law passed in 2013 gives minors an on-line erase button for their youth of the indiscretions.
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one person said kids and teens self-reveal before they self-reflect. in today's digital age mistakes can stay with kids for their entire life. this bill is a big step toward privacy rights. well, that sucks. how else can i blackmail them? teens need guidance and the teens would like to take a moment to speak directly to them in our segment. >> welcome to teen corner. i am your host, imreg gutfeld -- greg gut -- gutfeld. before i start raping to -- rapping to teens you promised me a modelling contract but the address you gave me is the port authority bus terminal in time square. i feel like you tricked me. regards, ryan.
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ryan you can only trick yourself. i didn't make you believe it you believed it. that's a lesson for both of us. at least it is a bus station and you can get home with what i left in your pockets. should teens -- is that fair? you didn't have that. >> anything i did was there for the public to see. this law is ridiculous. obviously iing looed it up and it was -- i looked it up and it was a democrat. they are coming up with the goofy laws. anything you think of from you no on anything you think of has already been thought of and it is a dumb idea. >> it is a law matorium. that would be my pledge. i will only repeal no actual laws. >> that's an interesting fact. you work in the law. we don't need more laws. >> we have a statutory and common law system in this country. that means our legislators
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write the statute outs and our courts interpret the law. whatever the case we are making new laws. >> stop using such big words. i don't even know what they are talking about. >> it is just like tom says ridiculous. you cannot reconcile our first amendment guarantees with something like this. you simply can't. i understand why a politician would say this is a good idea. i'm sure the voting public would love the idea of their kids being protected by their immature and thoughtless actions on the internet, but you can't do it. it is a slippery slope. all of comments. >> waiting for that. >> when is the government going to say yes we can remove your speech from the public? we know we can't. >> it is by choice. >> i think what we are going to see as the laws grow is more restrictions on a private level. each website will have the the greatest restrictions. it shouldn't be happening in the government.
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>> each website will have the terms and the conditions and no one reads those. you say i agree and you send it in. >> the only people who read that are people without jobs. >> or lawyers. >> nobody ever reads that. they scroll right past them, and it is time we ban those. since you are talking i'm sure there are many things you would like removed from the internet forever. are you for this? >> i don't know the difference between requesting something and if somebody else posts a photo of you it doesn't apply to that. this is going to be a crutch for teens who regret doing a drunken selfie. >> a crutch for teens. >> here we go. >> i can work on that. >> in your case it is t >> it is crutch for teens who are in an extreme really cool
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color. color with some decals. >> you know what it is? it is extra light and you can hold it up at rock concerts. how about you make it something good and say that's crutch. >> thoughts on this? >> i don't get this at all. everybody has an on-line erase button. if i wanted to delete a tweet i delete a tweet. if i want to delete a post from instagram, i delete a post from instagram. this law is worthless. >> i thought you could erase it like you couldy -- you know erase it for good like what we did to your uncle. >> you can erase it for good the same way you can erase it for good now unless somebody else snags a copy of it. or -- once it is on the web it is never erased for good. >> the thing about face -- facebook, when you sign the terms or the agreement they have the right to your content. they can do with it what they like. >> most of the people like
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facebook or twitter is regulating it. but if we allow our government to reeling late it that's where the line needs to be drawn. >> i am tired of this. they are under attack for ignoring facts. they are being criticized for not being accurate. they show opposing martin luther king's efforts for showing rights to black people. some say it is inaccurate or as one puts it not only is this not true, it is the opposite of the truth. meanwhile wrestler mark schulz slammed the director of the fox catcher. it culminates with millions killing schulz's brother dave. the film implies a possibility of a gay relationship between him and dupont and he tweeted this at bennett miller. you crossed the line. we are done. you think i can't do it?
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watch me. let's take a look at the scene. >> that was some of steve corell's best work. >> i have a feeling you can be historically inaccurate, but you hospital get an award for it. if you are going to make up the truth it should be called fiction. >> what are we talking about here? the nobel peace prize? who cares if an oscar or an emmy goes to a good movie that
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is false. there is always the disclaimer at the beginning -- >> are you a lawyer. >> i don't expect and i don't think anybody should expect to educate themselves going to the movies to see somebody else's creation. you want to learn? go and read history books. >> that's an awful, awful thing. what do you say? >> bennett miller, i will call him out. you are directing 9 golden globe artsy films. you once directed commercials. they were commercials i was in. >> with hidden camera footage of the other driving school. >> do you like the way i have been teaching you how to drive? >> can you pop the trunk? i want to help you with something. >> i appreciate it. i consider you a friend, you hear? >> you won't find that at top
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driver. top driver we teach people to drive. >> i don't care about the story anymore. i am more intrigued about the fact there are commercials for driver's ed. >> it is the driver superstore top driver. >> there is no such thing. >> that was a way for you to get rid of a dead body while making it look like it was just a commercial and it is not real. that's what that is. >> that's exactly what it was. that what is a real murder. joanne, i want to get you in on this you are sort of an actress. >> i am okay as long as you cast me to play a woman. then i can make anything believable. so long it is it is not philander, artistic interpretations are permissible and we should allow that to happen. when the person is still alive
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that's when you get to problems. you have to deal with the family. you don't have to deal with the actual person coming after you and tweeting in all caps. >> that's terrible. >> make sure everybody is dead first. >> i used to hate the fact they changed facts in movies. now it is happening in real life with rolling stone. now it is said that her attacker that has come out. . >> who cares? >> nobody complains when they are portrayed better than they are. mark schulz is not complaining that channing tatum is playing him. >> i thought the movie is not really good, but the acting was good. >> nobody caught anything except a case of dead. here is my take. there are legitimate, artistic reasons for embellishing.
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the movie is two hours. you gotta do what you gotta do. some things have to be changed. the imitation game does this. still not a great film though. >> then there is stuff that is made up. it is dishonest like the stuff you play on this network. it is a shame that they took that route. it was a really good movie and unnecessary. you had plenty of bad guys. whatever. i agree with remi. the problem is moviegoers. you shouldn't walk in saying everything is inaccurate. you can go ohm and look on wikipedia and find out what they changed in the movie. >> a trigger warning. is. >> you know what i don't like? i don't like the composite character. i hate that. >> i get that. >> a composite character? what did i just see that had a composite character. it confused me. eon, wolf of wall street. that guy didn't even exist.
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his best friend was a composite of three people, right? >> there are too many people in the movie. >> that angers me. well, not really. see you in a little bit. swree another story. we have another story.
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is a bust no longer a must? since the murders of two nypd officers arrest rates across new york city have dropped dramatically. drug arrests as well as for ticket violations and the low-level crimes are all way down over this time last year. some blame the nypd for organizing the deliberate showdown to protest mayor de blasio's -- whatever. union leaders point to low morale. a spokesman told the "new york times," quote, cops have feelings too. now they are targets of
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execution. that's enough to make anyone hesitate regardless of your profession. the police commissioner suggested that other factors lead to the drop in arrests like officers working over time to monitor the eric garner and mike brown protest. as the defender of murderers is this bad for your business? >> i defend all of the accused so your viewers know that. look this -- this is an unfortunate thing. there is a theory called broken window. it started with mayor guiliani and the small crimes lead to bigger crimes and lead to murderous crimes. i am not sure the evidence supports that here re. >> i happen to disagree and i don't even need to back it out. >> that's fine. we have it in the dramatic drop of crime in new york. >> the fear is that it has to be true because new yorkers are going to be worried if nypd are not making the small arrests.
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>> let's face it. >> they are going to spiral into the bigger criminals and new york will be less safe. >> this is the problem with the argument against the broken window. they always talk about spiting or pot. i think they were talking graffiti. >> are you listening? they were talking about broken windows. that's the worst crime of all. that's the worst thing. i don't like broken windows. >> that's true. >> i represent people who are charged with everything as minor as public your nation to -- >> thank you for that by the way. >> you are welcome. >> that's the one free case. >> the next time i will charge you. >> could have held it in. >> i can tell you the person who was getting arrested for urinating outside of a bar is not the same person who is going to be necessarily committing the violent crimes. >> i don't care. i want that guy arrested. i don't care if it leads to worse crimes.
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get the guy who is breaking windows. get the guy who is urinating in the street and get them off the street. >> if they are peaking through a broken window, get double time. >> i think if the police are not arresting as many people for small crimes right now that means as a matter of fact there will be fewer people in jail and that means fewer minorities will be in jails and it might actually help race relations in new york. i think it is a good thing. >> joanne? i was just saying your name. >> the thing is -- bratton was right. the other cap made a bad point that it will hurt they's feelings. he said what you should say. of course other arrests are down. the cops are out policing all of these disturbances. that's a good answer. >> that was a smart answer. >> when you put all -- lots of people in one place, you know you don't have to patrol as much because everyone is right there.
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>> you know the number theory? the theory of majority -- anyways, i agree though that morale is down. i am going to talk about me for a second. when i was working behind bars and i would have a manager who wouldn't like me i know it and i don't perform as well. i am walking on egg shells and i am nervous i will do a wrong move and be judged for it or fired because of it. >> and it is self-perpetuating. when i was a boss and i don't like somebody there is no way that person can perform for me and they know that. it is something that -- you wish, oh i wish i could get better. that person is saying i wish i could get better, but it can't. you keep going like this. i'm sorry to bring this up if front of you. >> enough about me. >> still hasn't taken the hint. >> never will. that's me being me. i will just keep showing up and doing my crappy job. this is a libertarian dream. as long as the crimes are
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victimless keep it up. >> this could be an unintentional experiment that turns out some unusual results. it also could be a lot of things have changed since the broken window -- like the broken window theory helped. it helped. >> there are a lot of studies that say it didn't. >> the world's biggest study is experience. >> but the experience that crime dropped -- started taking a huge drop in the 1990s -- >> is it the chicken and the egg? >> it might be. >> the studies they have done show it is a bigger police presence. >> that's the point. >> no. it is the arrest and not the pros sense. you had a huge drop in the unemployment rate and you actually had an increase in the number of arrests for actual felonies which means that violent criminals -- more violent criminals were off the streets. >> and you left out abortion. >> that's the economics theory. all of this is moot? it is really abortion and
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people are -- that was proven. do yourself a google search. it is ridiculous. >> what is this theory it is moot because why? >> because of people having abortions they are less likely to have kids that are troubled because they didn't have the -- they didn't have the kids at an age where they couldn't take care of them. that is the freak-anomics theory. >> we can talk about it at the next block. >> i am not that smart. i need someone else's information. >> i know what i know, but i don't know why. >> the one thing that the city is losing is money. the money is lost. >> the coppers are hitting the coffers. you waited 25 minutes for that kind of wit. all right. it is true. coming up, a map that tells you where homeless people poop. or as tomb shillue calls it, a treasure map. now a word from our sponsor. >> this an droj nuss humanoid
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will make you fall in love. the current price tag is a quarter of a million dollars. thanks for the debt, new year's baby.
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just figuring out when i should get remi on my speed dial in case something happens. >> you mean in case you were a victim. >> yes. that's exactly it.
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it is a map to find crap. jennifer wong created waste land. it is an app that uses city records to map where the homeless are deaf pho indicating in san francisco. the city received 5,000 complaints receiving public enemy number two. clever. from june to november 14th, the complaints piled up in the tenderloin district. the former hippie haven. they hope the app raises concern for the homeless problem. there is not much choice other than the street when a homeless person needs a bathroom. it is pretty clear where the need is. no glass tables, i guess right? i am going to you. isn't it avoiding the real issue? there are lots of homeless people and they don't know how to get them off the street? >> she may be -- she has bt
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said -- you assume she may be an ago activist or something like that and she obviously thinks there is a problem. there aren't enough bathrooms. i think what she is doing is fine. she is doing the crap map here and if her activism results in more toilets on the streets -- we don't have them in new york. >> we do. they are called starbucks. >> exactly. >> have you ever waited for a bathroom in a starbucks in manhattan? it is an hour long wait. >> you time it perfectly. first you get a big cup of fof fee and then -- coffee and wait for the line. >> i just take pie sister's kid and cut the line. >> that's sickening. >> i have never actually done it. >> that's where the robots will come in. i am going to have a robot child. >> we can have the pup toilets in new york. except busy bodies come in and they will sue the city. >> there was in time square. >> everybody sues everyone because they were not accessible. the moment you put a portable
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bathroom or a port-a-poppy -- port-a-poppy? it is ruined by homeless people. how many phone booths have been deaf pho indicated on -- deficated on. >> there is nothing more degrading than having to go and not having anywhere to go. this is actually really sad. >> it is sad, but i don't think it is addressed -- i don't think it is addressing the problem. san francisco has a large homeless population because they welcome it. >> they have to address the philosophy more than the poppery. >> this is poop shaming. >> i say shame not on the poopers, but those who would shame the poopers. >> there is an assumption that pooping in the poopers is
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better than a toilet. i believe man in the state of nature does not have a toilet. the state of nature is a fine bar in chelsea and i enjoyed my visits there and i can't believe how san francisco can't be like that. san francisco is one of the most beautiful cities on earth, but they have to deal with this. i don't know if it was two years ago, but towel street was broken because it was filled with human fillet. filth. >> is a dirty mind the best kind? according to experts having filthy thoughts could boost your memory. the thoughts evoke emotion and could be linked with other information to help you remember it. vivid, meaningful experiences are obviously more meaningful
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than boring nakedness sph extremely attractive people. they are things we are intrigued by. these will grab your attention and the memories will also stick out. i will never forget new year's eve on doosey's house. this is some kind of theory. i do not buy it. stereo typically men have more dirty sexy thoughts and i have yet to meet a man with a good memory. they have selective memory. they reinvent things from the past. 9 out of 10 times a woman will remember things more accurately. >> we do remember things. we remember anything we picture having sex with something else. when ever you are asking a guy do you remember -- if we
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haven't pictured it having sex with something we don't remember it. this study is correct. >> i want to get remi in on this. what do you think? >> i think that you probably have a lot of dirty thoughts. >> no, no, no. i am clean as a baby's bottom. >> your idea of a dirty thought is getting a spec of mud on your ug -- ugg boots. >> it happened the other day. >> i am so glad i instagramed it. >> you know what, one thing i would like to be better at being able to remember are the names. i don't want to associate a dirty app with the mail man or with my barista. i disagree with this. two of the things that are tied to memory the most is sense, which they have done studies on and music.
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you remember lyrics and if you are trying to memorize something in a sing songy way or you just smell things, then -- >> that's interesting. you smell something when you hear somebody's name. tom i think is right. the idea is that in order to remember somebody just imagine them doing something so filthy with their shirt with their name on it. >> that's not what tom said. >> i use it across everything. you can picture them having sex with the queen. >> the name of your pets you sick twisted freak. >> last word to you before i vomit. >> the study sounds true to me. i don't have much more to say about it. >> are you disgusted? >> yeah. >> i think it is important to have an imagination. >> do you remember the names of the people you had sex with? >> i am not answering. >> the problem is she was
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picturing nons -- non-sex. people in jail have terrible imagination. they couldn't imagine the consequences of the crime. i can imagine robbing a bank and the excitement. >> apparently you haven't seen the case of the spider woman. >> terrible pouf vee by the way. >> it was a great imagination in jail. >> i don't remember it. >> back to square one. around one. >> okay got to take a break. when we come back "not cool." it is 300 some odd days until christmas. if you get it now an autographed copy g amazon it too. that works.
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can i'm imperfections lead to connections? a new dating site encourages users to list their flaws. singles post unflattering photos along with the cons of dating them such as laziness, chubbiness and murdered a family of five. founder seeking something on kickstarter, it will bring fun
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and honesty to dating. more like not dating. is honesty the best policy here? >> nobody is honest on the internet when it comes to dating. i have at times been on the internet. have i talked about it, on-line dating. nobody reads the profile. they look at the pictures. tinder is proof positive. if you are going to buy into this let's reveal all of the negative things you know it will be ten times worse in reality. >> i got a woman to marry me because she thought i was rosy greer. had that going for six months. she was in a coma. >> kept playing free to be you and me over and over again. >> does it help or hurt? >> it helps with other losers. they say misery loves company. people may post-it on their
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page and then another person will be attracted to them. if you want to be with a loser or someone full of flaws then you go on this site. >> i am not so sure that a loser has flaws. everybody has flaws. >> i don't have flaws and i am a loser. >> i am a little nervous. >> this isn't how this works. you are supposed to put your best foot forward. you always want to appear better than it is. the people who meet on here, the only dates are coming over to hang out on the couch like i'm average. >> you obviously never dated on-line. you never, ever have the person at your home. >> you shouldn't. they said i am out on my dirty laundry. >> there is something to be said about the mystery. don't you want it to be something like you discover all of the good and the bad at the same time. >> i like to wear scarves.
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>> it is a guy-gal thing. the guys will careless. >> that's true. >> i made a list of my flaws. i listen too much. i am way too em pathetic. i forgive way too quickly. i will say i am wrong even when i am not. and i am really interested in hearing how your day was. ladies, that's the baggage you will get with me. you have to deal with it. that's exact plea what this site will be. it is like the job interview. >> nobody is going to say they are real flaws. >> i am a perfectionist. >> i tend to have explosive diarrhea. it happens so quickly i never make it to the bathroom. you hit 50 and that's all you think about. thinking about it now.
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a kid's toy that is fun for adults? maybe. if you have videos of animals go to "red eye."
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a brand-new "red eye" returns on monday. we have joleen kent, jed jedediah bila and john bolton and sherrod small, not all at once. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> is it fun or is it falick? has bro is replacing a toy found in the sweet mountain cake sunshine set because it happens to look like this. the two-piece extruder, a terrible name when you think about it is for making and decorating cakes, and it is marketed to kids ages three and up. some parents complained prompting play-doh to post on facebook, we have heard some consumer feedback about the extruder tool and they are in the process of updating all future play-doh products with a different tool.
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thank god. i ordered 20 in advance. remi, do you see anything wrong with this tool? >> it covers the market place. i don't have kids but a married woman with kids would like to have a toy for the daughter and then like go play herself. >> that's disgusting. >> come on, they had to know when they were doing this that it would be maybe like a spoof gift or something funny. >> i don't see it. >> i don't either. i think girls have a sick mind. there was a woman on facebook who posted this. >> because women are playing with their kids. that's why they see this. dads get a -- dads, get a little more involved. >> i don't see it. i am very straight. >> are you kidding? you don't see it? >> i see women, but i don't seen see guys. when i see greg i see an outline. that's how straight i am. >> you are drawing that image in everything, the snow, car windows. >> you know what, we were drawing a play-doh extractor.
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you saw that. >> it is an extruder and not an extractor. the er is where it is extracted. >> the two-piece extruder was my nickname in college for reasons we don't need to go into here. >> i was thinking at first that i should stock up on these because they might be collector's items and then i realized they would have to stay in good condition. >> take them out of the packaging. >> no point in that. >> there is a point. >> if we all thought like this and we had dirty, dirty minds nothing would happen. we would not have piping bags -- remember piping bags when you make frosting? what does that look like? >> a funnel. >> it does president look -- it doesn't look like a funnel. it looks like something that looks like a funnel. do you see my point? why do they cave? >> even if they are kids it is not appropriate but even if they realize you get an anatomy lesson and a play time tool.
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>> maybe. >> it is two in one. >> how do little kids even know? >> they don't. hasbro should have issued a statement saying it should be used for the intended purpose. stop the nonsense. >> shame on you mrs. whatever. you and your dirty, filthy disgusting arousing mind. >> it is hasbro and not asbro. you make me sick. >> i blame "6 and the city" --" sex and the city." >> that's it. it is our culture making people see this. nobody 20 years ago would see this. sarah jessica parker has poisoned our minds. she is the real culprit, her and all of those other ladies of the night. >> you are awful. you are awful. >> am i? >> who brought up the whole vibrator thing on this show? blame her. not sjp. >> i am disgusted by the whole
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thing. let's take -- we're done. >> i think so. >> "special report" is up next. remi, andy levey joanne nosuchunsky, tom shillue. i will see you monday. happy, whatever this is.
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hello everyone, i'm greg along with dana eric and kimberly. this is "the five." this is "the five." okay. okay. well, that was long. wow. kwab kwab everybody. so so as anti-cop protests continue. al al beit smaller, here's a picture from one of them. does this cob deserve all this. does she even know him? does she even see him? who is she realing yelling a


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