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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 14, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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supply tonight on "red eye." it is a very special "red eye" in two parts. part one, the democratic debate analysis from our own expert. and then part two, a super fun nondebate back half of the show to wash that democrat taste out of your mind. pam one provides analysis and insight and panel two provides comfort. watch it for yourself and watch it for your country. first, a news break. >> live from america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright. good morning. democratic candidates facing off if their first presidential debate last night. during the debate hillary clinton downplayed investigations into the 2012
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terror attack in benghazi, libya and her use of a private e-mail server when secretary of state of the the democratic front runner is calling the investigation politically charged. >> it is a partisan vehicle as admitted by the house republican majority leader, mr. mccarthy, to drive down my poll numbers, big surprise. >> hillary clinton will testify in front of the committee later this month. meantime, on the republican side dr. ben carson is giving donald trump a run for his money. it shows him still leading the pack at 24%, but carson is quickly moving up in the polls. now trailing by 1%. that's well within the margin of error. the latest numbers come two weeks before to third republican debate. a fiery scene in southeastern florida after a small plane crashes into a trailer park. the crash setting two mobile homes on fire. the flames were put out, but
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the plumes of smoke could be seen hours later. one fire official says the number of people hurt is unknown and right now it is not clear what caused the plane to crash. and a former nba star is spending the night in a hospital outside las vegas. lamar odom was found unconscious where he was staying. they say he was drinking and taking herbal supplements for male enhancements. he won back to back titles with the lakers. i'm kelly wright. log on to fox the most powerful name in news. welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's welcome our expert post debate debaters. here to provide us insta
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analysis, jedediah bila. providing post debate psychoanalysis a man who looks like a shrink, the editor-in-chief, matt welch. he is here for amoral support. it is the editor-in-chief, john devore. and the manager is calling in the switch hitter to the panel. he sees both sides. the right and the wrong. sitting right next to me, tv's andy levy. let's rebate the debate. >> well done. >> before getting to our expert analysis we want to get post debate reaction from the man leading the gop field, none other than donald trump himself. you are live in las vegas. >> yes. >> you predicted, mr. trump, that the debate would be boring. was it? >> absolutely. there was probably the single most boring debate i have seen in my life.
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it wasn't even a debate. i like you. i like you. i respect you. that's not a debate, you know what i mean? >> i see, you wanted more battling. let me get your quick impression . lincoln chaffey? >> never heard of him. go on. >> hillary clinton. >> hillary i have to say out of everyone she did the best job, but it is meaning less. it is like being the world's tallest midget. >> how about better thee sanders san -- bernie sanders? >> he is like an uncle, angry, but he can't do anything. he is ineffective. >> jim webb. >> he looks like his head was about to explode. that shirt was much too tight. >> o'malley? >> martin o'malley seems like a model for like jc penney or something like that. >> we will come back with you, mr. trump.
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you can stand by? >> i can stand by, but i want you to know i won the debate. i was trending on twitter more than the actual debate. i'm huge. >> slept. we'll be back after the break. now let's hear some of what happened after the debate. it started as a bang when anderson cooper said this to hillary clinton. >> plenty of politicians evolve on issues and even democrats believe you changed your position based on political expeaked yen see. you were against same-sex marriage and now you are for it. you supported the trade deal dozens of times and even called it the gold standard. now suddenly you are against it. will you say anything to get elected? >> i have been very consistent over the course of my life. i have always fought for the same values and principals, but like most human beings including those who run for office, i do absorb new information. i do look at what is happening in the world. >> andy, welcome to the panel. >> thank you. >> i want to get your expert
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analysis. shooy says as most human beings, isn't that something a robot would say? >> it actually isn't. what she meant was from studying human beings i have earn led this. i have to say i do agree with her. she has been consistent throughout her professional life. she consistently lies and is unethical. good for her for standing up for her principal. >> i think we need another good one for her from devore. devore -- >> wasn't she great? wasn't she spectacular? president hillary clinton. >> i suspect you to defend hillary, but do you think she pulled out the first woman president card too often in the debate? >> she will be the first woman president? i did not know that. what i will vote for are her [stances|instances] and her record -- her stancess and she is the best person to run in the united states of america. >> will she say anything to
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get elected? >> she even said libya was a success. think about that for a second. libya is a success. we went in there and had to do what we had to do and it turned out gl. turned out great. libya. >> where is benghazi? >> she pointed out the obama administration did something ronald reagan couldn't. >> in another question hillary was asked about her fondest memory serving in the obama administration. >> when we met in copenhagen in 2009 and literally president obama and i were hunting for the chinese. >> did that surprise you that is her fondest memory? >> i was a little surprised. i had to watch this debate side by side with john. i will be expecting a bonus. he was in ecstasy. i have never seen a man sweat like that in my entire existence.
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>> it is a glandule thing. >> something is wrong with you. really, something is wrong. get it checked out. seriously i was surprised and i think she did a good job for hillary clinton. it was a good debate. joe biden was probably at home watching and if she bombed he would make the phone calls to jump in. she did what she had to do. everybody knows she is a liar. she lied her whole career. that's her brand. >> looks like she admitted about lying about the e-mails. >> i can't believe i am defending hillary. as a jew i go hunting every christmas eve. i imagine it is hard to find the chinese in copenhagen, and if you are in the mood i can see that being a fond memory jie. we taped that answer and i still don't know what she was talking about. >> i heard as devore as salivating over hillary you
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were salivating over o'malley, is that what i heard? >> he is a night looking man, i am not going to lie. and anderson cooper is a fine looking specimen. >> you liked the back and forth. >> we conservative ladies can't listen to what they are saying because we have too much common sense, but a little high candy never hurt anyone. >> i hear it all the time when they are tweeting about "red eye." the topic of hillary clinton's e-mails came up. >> secretary clinton you will be testifying before congress next week about your e-mails. for the last eight months you have not been able to put the issue behind you. you dismissed it and joked about it and called it a mistake. what does it say about your ability to handle crisis in the future? >> i have taken responsibility. i said it was a mistake. it was allowed by the state department, but it wasn't the best choice. let's point out that this committee is basically an arm of the republican national
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committee as admitted by the house republican majority leader, mr. mccarthy to drive down my poll numbers, big surprise. >> bernie sanders saw his opening and went in for the kill. >> the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your dam e-mails. >> thank you. me too! me too! >> oh bernie. >> and hillary had a lot to say about lincoln chaffey's insin you weighingses. >> i think we need somebody who has the best in ethical standards as our next president. >> secretary clinton do you want to respond? >> no. >> and finally jim webb's thoughts. >> i wouldn't have a problem with that. >> matt, she said i have taken responsibility and then said i blame the republicans. is that taking responsibility? >> she has done that for 25 years. does anyone remember what that
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meant? on normal disclosure of government accountability she says i take full responsibility and then doesn't and lies about it. it is what she has been doing forever. she said there were no classified e-mails. that just wasn't true. it is thought true at the time. it was knowledgeably untrue and it got bigger. she is incapable of normally speaking truly when it comes to accountability. >> is this blame going to work? it is like her third strategy. it will work in a primary. i don't know if it will fly if she gets to the general election. bernie won the room by saying he is tired of her damn e-mailses. he earned trust and that good stuff. if it gets down to just the two of them i think he may regret not wanting to make an issue on this. >> why did he whif on that
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one? >> because he said for a longtime he wouldn't make it personal. it is not a personal attack though to say you lied to the american people. i think you are right. i think it was a stupid move on his part. y lives in a utopian world. he thinks he can come out and offer a pot of gold and unicorn and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies every night. high said i don't need to bring hillary's imperfections to the stage. i will just talk about how wonderful i can give people. that's not politics. part of your job is to say this is what she is doing wrong and this is why she is not a good candidate for leadership. that's why he is a funny, likable guy. >> defend hillary before i move on and attack hillary once again. >> did she e--ail the codes for the chinese? >> we don't know! >> did she send nude photos to
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putin? >> until something like that is proof it is insin you weighings. there is no proof in the pudding. >> hillary's yoga class was called nuclear code tots chai -- chinese. >> i can't believe i am defending her again, but when chaffey says the president has to be ethical and she responds no. what else can she say? she can't say i agree because that removes her so she has to not answer. >> i thought this was a softball question for bernie sanders. he was asked if he considers himself as part of the casino process. so many have so much and by which wall street's greed and recklessness wrecked the economy. >> do i consider myself as part of the capitalist process
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by which so few have so much. wall street's greed and recklessness wrecked the economy. no, i don't. >> let's see what jim webb thinks. >> i wouldn't have a problem with that. >> john devore, hillary went to attack wall street herself. >> okay. >> moving on. >> she is a bit of a corporatist, but she is my corporatist. i guess that's as good a slogan as any. >> she went there in -- she said she went there in 2007 and gave a stern talking. said you should cut it out. >> and it works. >> there are talks about casino banks and shadow banks.
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>> it is a republican thing. >> i love that there is a debate about capitalism. i don't think in our lifetime there has been a debate about are you a capitalist at a presidential debate? that was fun i thought. >> and hillary had a pretty good answer. >> i agree. >> she avoided the issue when she talked about the small business people. there is enough of an anti-capitalist thing going on. >> why do you think bernie is so popular? >> he is popular with academia. there is a large segment on the left who can't stand capitalism. they can't feel it is the bottom percent and with that being said i thought she gave a great answer. she found a way to say i am not a socialist. i am a capitalist, but i want limitations on capitalism. and that's what moderate
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democrats agree with. >> where are the moderates. she answered the p-word. so yes she is a progressive. >> the beating heart of the democratic party is to -- it is way to the economic left of bill clinton. >> we saw bill clinton die on the stage. the only person -- the only moment hillary even defended was well we are not denmark. she didn't get into it. everyone there wants to make the wealthy pay for everything. it is all paid for and going to solve their problems. everyone is talking about wall street fat cats. there wasn't disagreement on that stuff. that's totally a different tune than what bill clinton talked about in the 1990s. we have seen the depth of that type of democratic -- dash. >> john are we putting you to sleep? >> i guess we are not the
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party of robert baron. we are the party of main street and entrepreneurs and dreams. >> so if you make any money someone else gets to take it away from you? >> so sue me i believe in fairness. >> also known as theft by the way. >> we haven't heard a lot from senator jim webb tonight. i think he agrees with me. >> secretary clinton, you can respond. >> can i get in this discussion at some point? >> you will be coming in next. >> thank you. i have been standing over here for 10 minutes trying. it has gone back and forth over there. i have been trying to get into the conversation for 10 minutes. >> i will say this -- >> you are over your time. >> you let a lot of people go over their time. >> you agreed to the debate rules. >> senator webb i hope i get that kind of time. >> with respect to the financial sector i know the time has run out, but if speaking of changing positions on the position of how the debate occurred.
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unless somebody mentions my name i can't get into the discussion. >> you are wasting time. if you would finish your answer. >> i am trying to set a mark here so we can get into more later on. it hasn't been equal time. >> i think at the next debate we should have more time for jim webb. let's see what he thinks. >> i wouldn't have a problem with that. >> jedediah, why is jim webb obsessed with 10 minutes? >> listen, his anger is very sexy. i like a sexy debater. we need someone on the stage who is always demanding stuff. this guy had it hard. at some point he under sounded like he was in the wrong debate. people said stick him in our debate and get kasich out of here and put this guy in. it was rough for him. he is a gut dash -- dash gutsy guy. >> that's were republicans like him.
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he seems like a tough guy. >> i like to say jim webb killed a man. i will not make jokes at jim webb's expense. >> and then bragged about it. >> and i thought he did a great job running ctu. >> set politics aside and jim webb was a decent guy and there is a time we elected people to the presidency. he went and served his country and did that. he really got into government because he believes in public service. two things, one those people are not electable and two it is not an accident the two people i named was republican because he is too. >> we will be right back with more debate action.
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to nobody's surprise donald trump's name came up at the debate. >> a lot of the xenophobes like some of those we heard like donald trump, the barker of the republican party. >> joining us live from las vegas is donald trump. mr. trump how do you feel about being called a carnival barker? >> i don't know who is on two beauty pageants. that's a ridiculous thing to say. >> have you ever been to a carnival? >> i don't like carnivals and i don't like things like that. i don't even really like people. >> would you have said something back to him when you are on the debate stage? >> i would have torn him apart. i would have felt bad for
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him. >> i hear mr. trump you will be hosting saturday night live on november 7th. are you excited? >> i did it back in april of 2004. i am excited to be back and working with dana carvey and mike meyers. >> we wish you luck. will they get equal time if they go on a big show like that? >> no. >> i want to bring the panel in and talk about biden. one of the biggest stories was who wasn't at the debate. jedediah, after watching the do beat, does all of this biden hype matter? >> i feel like joe biden would have been inclined to run into this race if hillary struggled. she held her own. now he has to think about it. what it comes down to is her poll numbers. her e-mails don't matter, but
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her e-mails do matter. if you look at independent voters she is having a hard time with the female voters. i think he is still waiting on the line. i wanted to shake it up to her. this is the second time she feels entitled to the job. >> if you are not a socialist and you don't want to vote for a pathological liar there were three other candidates on the stage. >> he meant sanders. >> i know what he is talking about. >> there is a part of me that rided him to ride in on a stalion. the only reason he should enter is to disrupt the coronation narrative. we just love her and she is going to sweep on in. she needs to cut her teeth on other candidates within the party. the conversation that is happening is should she be
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given a free ticket? >> biden won't make up his mind and my theory is, he is waiting until every person in america has made a he's bidin his time fund. until that happens he won't make a decision. >> who would you prefer to run against? >> if i can run against bernie i would cream that guy. it would be over. >> are you the ultimate capitalist and you would say he is the ultimate socialist or anti-capitalist? >> it would be apparent who would win that. it would be me. >> because we have a lot of libertarian energy on the panel do i think enough time was given to nsa and phone surveillance? >> there wasn't much time and legalized marijuana to which hillary clinton had another great answer. hillary is like -- the
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so-called whistleblower. she was tough on him. it reminds you of the arguments from 2006 and 2007 and 2008. are you not hearing that and it is about the patriot act. bernie sanders young was representing more of the civil libertarian energy. jim webb has a great record. he had a hard time talking about it. he really wanted to choke anderson cooper to death. >> i want to choke anderson cooper to death. >> have you debated with anderson cooper as a moderator? >> no, not yet. how did the democrats lose the civil libertarian angle? >> i would say the obama
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administration has maintained some policies that maybe -- >> maintained and extended and in some ways improved. >> tell me if you agree. to my eye, lincoln chaffey is the most pro candidate. >> maybe he just saw the martian. >> we have to go. thank you so much mr. trump. >> enough of the democrats. playboy bunnies coming up after the break. stick around.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright. candidates square off and the debate taking place in las vegas. this was the first chance for the front runner to face other hopefuls and including bernie sanders. take a listen as clinton responds to a question about shifting positions on key issues. >> i'm a progressive, but i'm a progressive that likes to get things done. and i know how to find common ground. i have done that in every decision i have had. >> memphis police say there is
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not enough evidence to charge a man with murder in the deadly shooting of an off duty police officer. police say 36-year-old lorenzo clark will not be charged directly in the death of 31-year-old officer terrence you ulrich but they will keep investigating. the officer was shot several times while exchanging gunfire with clark. it is not being treated as a death of an officer in the line of duty. the union representing air traffic controllers say a chronic shortage of controllers is reaching a crisis. union reps say it will lead to widespread flight delays if left unchecked. the national air traffic controllers association says the faa is failing to meet hiring goals for the fifth consecutive year. done knolled trump -- done knolled trump will be dishing out jokes. he will be hosting "saturday night live." this is the second time and the last time was in april of
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2004. i'm kelly wright. now back to "red eye." for all of your headlines go to tokes you are watching the most powerful name in news. fox newschannel. >> well, we said goodbye to john devore and andy levy is headed back. joining jedediah and matt, that's not a face forayed yow. that's not a face for radio. >> i am not supposed to put on airs, but one won't hurt and now it is time for -- >> playboy's circulation was once more than five million. and the reader ship was way bigger than that. if you grew up in the suburbs you can go to any patch of woods and find a dead tree and
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reach inside. i thought they literally grew on trees. now, the magazine has announced no more pictures of naked women. at last your chance to stand up and be counted. they say the changes are needed to attract the young men who live in the cities. you know, the professionals that find girls icky. playboy's circulation has dropped from those millions in the effort ises to about 800,000 now. but with these changes it could reach 1100 or 1200. who knows? this could be a great move for playboy. it may turn out to be a good read for gentlemen like myself. >> what was that? >> i think they can learn a little from my editorial direction. jedediah, who needs playboy? we have insta dwram accounts
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dedicated to yoga pants. >> you can go see nude pictures of women everywhere. there are porn sites and instagram, twitter and facebook. if you look at some of the profile pictures on twitter it is stunning. you are like, how am i ever going to excite a man if they can go on twitter and see all of that? what kind of costumes do i need to buy and what can i make happen? kitchen utensils? >> just spit bawling here, but i like all of those ideas. >> playboy is trying to be different and now the difference is to not show nudity. they are trying to cater to another type of guy. they said if everyone is showing nudity, we'll put some clothes on them. >> where is this different guy. i will marry him. >> it is a big win for the victoria secret cat tau log. >> why don't they ad a -- you know how they used to have in
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the center fold they would have the likes and dislikes. that's what they need in the victoria secret. then you have a whole magazine. >> put one article in it and throw in a price and they are careening to the top of the charts. and i don't want to get race yes, sir than victoria's -- racier than victoria's secret. >> i peg tom as the guy who says well it is the sears thanksgiving catalog. >> those were great days. the whole catalog had -- all of the different departments. >> when i was a young man i would look in the juniors. look, i actually think "playboy" was pour classy in the 60s and 70s. they said they will still
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feature women, but will not be totally nude. maybe they will be back in the old days like with marilyn draped in a sheet. >> the nude women is what "playboy" -- it is not about the articles. imagine you went to a party at the playboy mansion and the bay boy bunnies were freelance journalists. that's not what they are about. >> or in full bunny costumes. >> that can be kind of exciting. >> now we found out what you are into. >> in "christmas story" the full fur outfit. welch, what do you think? were you a "playboy" reader? >> it is not that it was in every tree in the suburban park, but in every divorced dad's hiding place. i have hundreds of "playboys" from grand parents dying on me. thisy were everywhere and now
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no where. it is not just a matter of nude women, but it was this viep of we are gonna tell you how to be a man. this is how many rocks you need in your cocktail. i'm like who needs a magazine to tell them what to do anymore. >> well, they have the website and they say they have taken the new women off the website and it is working for them. who buys paper magazines anymore? >> it is the smart, discerning people. >> now guys can read it on the subway. there are up things. you can have it at the bagber shop and in the waiting room at the doctor's. >> yes. i can buy my husband a subscription. >> you can put it in a respectable place. >> when you remove the nudity
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though the younger deem demographic of men was more likely to look at the site. this is true. if you look at a lot of young men they like history. something is happening where everything is right at their fingertips. the girls that are clothed, that's what is starting to appeal to them. i think there will be more in the future jie. now, "say -- say my name, kennedy. >> on the next "kennedy" the captain of your ship, tom shillue. we will see you at 8:00 p.m. 5:00 pacific.
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last week we showed you the amazing video of the 19-year-old college student who was arrested after going on a drunken tirade because he wanted mac and cheese. here is a little memory jogger for you. >> well now, luke gatty, aka, the pride of yukon released another video apologizing for his behavior. he is sitting next to his attorney who is disguised as a
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decorative lamp. >> >> i will start by apologizing to all of the staff involved in my incident and especially the manager who is really just -- he was just doing his job. he gave me so many chances to walk away. i didn't listen to him. no one deserves to be treated that way ever. >> he was beyond intoxicated and when he watched the video he couldn't even believe it was him. and then he admitted he has a problem. >> i have some problems that i am addressing. this is seriously a wake up call. >> he has been charged with second-degree breech of peace and first degree criminal trespass and loving hole law teen yow -- jalapeno mac and cheese too much.
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>> i am just wondering if the wake up call could have happened prior to the arrest the umass. >> i guess he hit the snooze. >> i think the apology should have been nine minutes. but three minutes? the team should have worked harder the at that. when he has the handcuffs on and he says they are too tight, too tight. >> they are usually not this tight. he titled the video drunk yukon student. he knows his trms. >> first of all i apologize for the managers. do you think he actually apologized to the manager? he said you go where they are. and saying i am apologizing. >> it is true.
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although he put in a call for the homeless. people have been sending him mac and cheese. send it to your local food pantry. >> you know what he needed? he needed my parents. there would have been such humiliation. i would not have been able to go home to my house. this kid's parents has lenient. he is repeatedly doing this. i don't know if it is the dad. somebody needs to step up here. gentleman i who is taking -- >> who is taking the video? >> in his defense he has been getting as much hate or more as he dished out. he said they are hating on him. how is it he is getting worse threats than he gave up: >> look what he did though. >> people can cause -- it is all good.
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we are all friends here. we are among friends. you have to be able to call a jerk a jerk. this dad is thinking we will see he made a mistake, no. this kid was a jerk. he needs to be held accountable and needs public humiliation so he doesn't do it in another five months or thrown out of this school and winds up at another school. wake up, parents, these are a pattern. >> brendan, what do you thupg? what do you think? >> i would love for him to do community service at the 3:00 a.m. shift at ihop. i have seen stuff go down there that makes his tirade look like constructive criticism. get him in there working and. >> you have seen a lot of night shifts.
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>> a lot. >> have you dished it out there? >> no, no, no. i have taken it there and i don't work there. >> employees are coming back at you? >> customers and employees. it is the wild west at 3:00 a.m. in the ihop. >> ihop you owe brendan an apology. we'll close thens out with a bedtime story.
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when i was a kid no one got behind the wheel after drinking. i suppose that's not true. but certainly no one live streamed their criminal activity from their phone. but the kids today are different. as whitney beale, a 23-year-old from florida, go figure, proves she broadcasts her drunk driving on the website periscope. how drunk was she? >> i am driving home drunk. we'll see if i get a dui of the i don't think i will. i am drunk beyond belief people. i can't read your snaps. driving drunk is not cool. >> i'm [bleep] and this is
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horrible. >> thankfully no one was injured and citizens watching the stream alerted police. she was arrested for dui. >> it is not as if she admitted to driving drunk. >> these people vote in presidential elections what keeps me up at night is that people are getting dumber and dumber and dumber. i understand people did this back in the day and i don't care how drunk i was, and i have been pretty drunk, i know this that state you will not live stream the event. i have never driven drunk, but if i were sitting in my apartment doing dumb stuff drunk i am not going to broadcast it so people like matt can enjoy that stuff. >> maybe she thinks it is smarts. >> this was smart? >> i see a theory. >> it is happening in realtime. if you are a dumb 19-year-old or 21-year-old and maybe by doing this you get caught.
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so 25 years ago you don't get caught. you drive around in your car and run someone over. your life goes to hell, but here you will get caught. it is a cry for help. it is dangerous. it is a vehicular manslaughtery cry for help. >> you give her a lot of credit. >> i think it may be a good thing for completely trent reasons in that if she is live streaming it, we know where not to be. whitney is on 491. stay away. >> i like your positive theories. the police president couldn't -- the police couldn't figure it out for 25 minutes. this person is free wheeling and why is she live streaming? you can take a drunken snap shot. you need more. >> you do a text. >> instant gratification, live streaming.
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we need evolution, people. >> i don't know how she did it. if i have a couple drinks i have trouble finding uber to get me home. which page is it on? >> she navigated that so well and it makes me think it wasn't her first time. >> she is responding to users. >> she was verien gained for a drunk -- very engaged. >> she said i can't respond. i'm driving. >> i'm glad you descry -- you drew the line. >> she has seen the ad. it can wait. no teching. >> periscope is like, people will figure out what we are. so excited. >> instagram says darn it why wasn't it us? >> you said it was live and so if we can see all of the drunk drivers on a map that would be great. >> that would lead to them tapping -- >> we need privacy.
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that's all knee need. special thanks to jedediah bila. that does it for me. i'm tom shillue.
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breaking tonight, the first democratic debate wrapped up with new fire works, sort of in the 2016 race for the white house. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. it's the first time all democratic candidates are appearing together and tonight in las vegas, former secretary of state hillary clinton, vermont senator bernie sanders, former virginia senator jim webb, former rhode island governor lincoln chafee and mrs. clinton took on a grilling on everything from support to the iraq war. >> it was like a gentle saute. senator s


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