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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  December 17, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PST

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fine. karma for this woman in china. she slips under a gate but she revs the engine too hard and crashes the scooter. she almost got hit by a car. luckily she wasn't. >> good job by the beir family. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> make it a good day, everybody. good morning to you, thursday, december 17th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. protesters chanting no justice no peace. after a judge declared a mistrial for an officer charged in freddie gray's death. what happens next week? we'll tell you. a judge ruled he was too rich to know better when he killed four people in a drunk driving accident. this morning his probation officer has no idea where the affluenza teenager is. this morning his mother is missing, too. details straight ahead. >> wow. let's see if you can tell what this has to do with christmas. ♪ 4
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> okay. you stumped? that just replaced one of a school's performance of "silent night." >> of course. >> we'll explain quietly because mornings are better with friends. hi, everybody. welcome to the show. it is thursday. it is one week till christmas eve. >> right. >> official countdown. >> right. >> we'd bring it up but the nae nae replacing silent night. >> your shopping should start this weekend. >> you're going to wait until christmas eve? >> i historically go out christmas eve. >> do you have a list? >> right up here. >> macy's gift certificate. >> macy's is a little bit fancy. have you ever been to pep boys?
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christmas eve they have a lot of useful gifts. >> get your oil changed, filter's on me. >> little gift cards. your countdown is on. we feel you. we're thankful that you're here with us this morning. get right to i fox news alert for you. a mistrial in maryland. >> protests broke out in baltimore after the jury could not reach a verdict in the trial of the first police officer involved in freddie gray's death down in baltimore. >> so what does that mean? what's the reaction? peter dousy is live where a new court hearing is scheduled for today, peter. >> reporter: that's right, brian. this hung trial -- this hung jury and mistrial may have a huge impact on the other five baltimore police officers who are waiting for their days in court because the state had reportedly been hoping to get officer william porter to testify against some of the others. now though they can't compel him to do that as charges against him are still pending. but, an attorney for freddie
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gray's family says he thinks this result, this mistrial favors prosecutors. >> i think the prosecution is somewhat encouraged by the fact that there were evidently a substantial number of jurors who think he should have been convicted. someone will start talking sooner or later. >> last night law enforcement let protestors briefly block traffic. crowds broke up and only two arrests were made. the officers were ready for big trouble with equipment and manpower staged in hot spots and extra space cleared out for rioters at central booking. later this morning the judge will meet with prosecutors and porter's defense attorneys to figure out if a retrial should happen and when it would be and that is another decision that everyone in this tense town will
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be watching very closely. back to you in new york. >> peter, thank you very much. the key word is if they will have a retrial. >> they will have a retrial. >> right. by the way, so the officer can't have a role in the next trial and the next trial and the next trial because his status is obviously up in the air with with a hung jury. >> they're trying them all separately. there are a lot of people given the fact that the prosecution took their best shot with this and they didn't get a conviction, a lot of people are saying they shouldn't have brought this case. >> a lot of people were hoping for answers moving into this. >> arthur gellis said last night he thought the first one was the easiest. >> it's usually the lay-up. >> they put their best case forward first. didn't work out. we've got reporters in baltimore. they'll tell us what will happen later. in the meantime, we have heather noward with a fox news alert. >> good morning. three of the largest school districts in the united states are on edge this morning
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following new threats of attacks. houston, dallas, and miami all receiving e-mails that were similar to the ones that were sent two days ago to los angeles and new york authorities. the threats have been deemed uncredible we are told so far. classes will not be disrupted. that's the information we have in. we will bring you more as soon as we get it. while you were sleeping two san bernardino terrorists were quietly buried in california. a funeral for sayed farook and tashfeen were held. washington, negotiations coming to an end for the federal omnibus bill. kind of like obama care, they may need to pass it to see what's inside. look at the size of this thing. it looks like it's about a foot tall right there. senator jeff sessions tweeting out with a 1.1 trillion dollar
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bill looks like. it repeals a 40 year ban on crude oil exports and gives an $8.1 billion extension of the september 11th first responder benefits. the zadroga act. we told you about that yesterday. the rock and roll hall of fame has selected its class of 2016. take a look. ♪ i'm a joker, i'm a smoker, i'm a midnight toeker ♪ ♪ i got my loving on the run >> we can sing that one later on. steve miller band famous for that song made the list. he's joined by cheap trick, chicago, deep purple and nwa. brian, i've got a question for you. do you know where cheap trick is from? rockford, illinois. >> i just remember they played in buddacon. it was their live album. the hottest album. i lived a couple of blocks from
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the brother of denied de schnei. >> iron maiden. >> i remember this. steve miller, the most under appreciated legendary band around. >> nobody appreciates them. >> let's bring him on the show. >> i think we should book him. >> he's got a good voice, heather. meanwhile, remember this story about the kid who has been nick named the affluenza teenager. there he is right there, at age 16, ethan couch killed four people while he was drunk driving. there was a woman with an suv had broken down and three people had stopped to help her. he wound up with probation. >> ten years probation at 16. >> that was two years ago. now he is missing. keep in mind he went through the
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juvenile system and now he's facing the music in the big boy jail they refer to it down in texas. >> he failed to check in with his probation officer which they thought was a lenient dealing with him anyway. he failed to check in. he's missing, his mom who he's staying with is missing. he's 18 at this time. he was three times over the legal amount of alcohol in his system barreled into someone, there was a car pulled over on the side. someone was trying to help out this motorist. four people dead, two people in his car. two of them were seriously wounded in that accident. now he's gone afly. we don't know where he is. >> it coins a brand new word i've never heard of called affluenza. >> his lawyer. >> his irresponsiveness -- their excuse. his irresponsible response is due to his upbringing. if you have too much money you have a burden on you. >> remember the quote that was used, instead of the golden rule
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couch was taught that we have the gold, we make the rules. >> that's right. and the way they explained it, the attorneys, and the judge bought it and gave him the -- >> gave him probation. >> that's right. said because he's so rich and comes from a rich family he's got a dysfunctional relationship with his parents, he does not understand what happened. well, now because he is 18, they would like him to be turned over to the adult justice system. here is the attorney for two of the victims regarding this guy, this kid who's now missing. >> there were an awful lot of folks after this trial that felt like the justice was not served. it wasn't just necessarily the victims and those of us that were close to the case, it was america. if the facts that we see now are proven as true, that the criminal justice system will
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finally work and that ethan will be punished for his actions and as a parent i know that that will be very hard for the couches but, indeed, i don't think that can be avoided any longer. >> so well said there. you have this affluenza excuse. this video right here, this is a violation, it seems, of what could be his probation rules where ethan here is at a beer pong party. he's there cheering alongside. they're investigating this. >> he was given probation. they said no drinking, no drugs, no driving. that video emerges. now he is gone. so the scam -- this kid is a bad kid. he's violating his probation and now there's a warrant out for his arrest because he and his mom are missing. outrageous. >> that's what happens when the consequences don't fit what happens. it's worse and worse. we don't know where he is. warrant out for his arrest.
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speaking of outrageous. okay. so one parent out in the johnson county kentucky unified school district complained, hey, there's too much religion stuff in the christmas show and so the superintendent put out a note, remove all religious references from the upcoming christmas productions. so what do they do? they've decided to replace "silent night" with whipping nae nae. you know what that's like, don't you? it goes something like this. ♪ ♪ >> catchy tune. >> yeah. so instead of saying "silent night" they're going to substitute this. guess what, no one's happy about it. the school district attorneys told the principal, you've got to do this. he goes, i can go to church. i'm a religious guy. i'd love to keep "silent night" in there. i haven't seen "peanuts."
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he holds his blanket and reads out of the book of isaiah. he drops his security blanket. he feels secure enough reading this passage that he drops his blanket. >> it's out. it's out! >> it's gone from the play. >> it is. because one person complained. they do have some folks who are with the organization alliance defending freedom. they said this is just not good but nonetheless, right now the plan is to drop everything. no linus, no "silent night," "whipping nae nae." >> they could do both. >> don't put it in. it doesn't belong there. >> you know what charlie brown would say about this? good grief. >> goodlohello. >> the gospel according to charlie brown. that's probably all we're allowed to say. you don't want to waste tax dollars and defend yourself
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against angry people. >> 12 minutes after the hour. coming up on this thursday, it was one of the most heated exchanges of the last presidential debate. >> this is a tough business to run for president. >> oh, you're a tough guy, jeb. >> we need to have a leader that's -- >> you're real tough. you're real tough, jeb. >> you're never going to be president by -- >> he's 43 and jeb's at 3. now what do you, the viewers, think? lee carter has some surprising results. she land the dials on those sound bites. good morning, lee. a police officer slamming into a drunk driver on purpose? >> [ bleep ]. >> oh, boy. >> wait until you hear what happened next. but first, more from the most under appreciated legendary rock band. ♪ ♪ i have asthma...
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hey, glad you're up. let's talk a little politics. from former governor jeb bush attacking donald trump to governor chris christie returning to the main stage, there were plenty of memorable moments with the republican candidates when they took the
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cnn debate on -- the other night. who really came out on top? joining us, lee put it to the dials as she gave us all a test on some of the bigger moments of the debate. welcome back. >> thanks so much. >> the first byte is trump versus bush. they sparred a little bit. who came out on top from independents, republicans and democrats. >> you're a tough guy, jeb. >> we need to have a leader. >> you're real tough. you're real tough. >> i'm at 42, you're at 3 so so far i'm doing better. >> doesn't matter. >> so far i'm doing better. if you started off over here, jeb, you're moving over further and further. >> jeb bush did initiate the battle. >> he absolutely did. one of the participants that we talked to said i think bush must be the sacrificial lamb right now. he must be going out there saying the only thing i can do is take trump down.
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it did not work. it made him seem weak. >> the gop looked at bush and said, if you're a republican, what do you think? gave him a d. democrats gave him an f. independents gave him a passing grade. a little bit higher. >> yeah. it was a little bit surprising. independents aren't so sure about trump. we saw across the board trump's response was to see across the board. >> the gop, dems and independents. let's go to governor chris christie. this time he's on the main stage with eight others. here he is talking about his philosophy of making decisions. >> if your eyes are glazed over like mine, this is what it's like to be on the floor of the senate. how many angels on the head of a pin. the fact is for seven years i have been making these decisions after 9/11, making decisions how to proceed forward with an investigation or how to pull back, whether to use certain
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actionable intelligence or whether not to. >> give us the grades? >> the grades, the republicans gave him a b, independents c, democrats gave him a d. what we saw overall, you saw that clip, but one of the things, christie had to have a big night. he did. what we heard from democrats is they like christie and rubio the best of all of the republican candidates. he had to have a big night. he did. >> now you look for democratic pundants to say how bad they're doing because they want to eliminate him. >> ted cruz had more time than anybody else. here he talks about america and his vision including fighting terror. >> america can win again and we will win again. ronald regan re-ignited the american economy, rebuilt the economy, bankrupt the soviets and i will do the same thing cutting taxes, cutting regulation, unleashing small businesses and rebuilding the military to defeat radical islamic terrorism.
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>> all right. the grades? >> the grades. you saw republicans absolutely the highest it could go. highest of the night, gave him an a. democrats an f. independents a b. >> lee carter, thank you so much. always fantastic. when we come back, fascinating things about a food chain you know very little about. anncr: when the attacks come here... ...the person behind this desk will have to protect your family. will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump? will he have voted to dramatically weaken counter-terrorism surveillance, like ted cruz? will he have skipped crucial national security hearings and votes just to campaign, like marco rubio? 27 generals and admirals support jeb bush. because jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message.
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after a dvt blood clot.mind when i got out of the hospital what about my family? my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures.
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eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. tand that's what we're doings to chat xfinity.rself,
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we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. some quick headlines now. someone needs to call the pc police on new york state prisons. they just agreed to move 1100 prisoners from solitary confinement to other units so they aren't so isolated. that's the problem with solitary confinement. those cells will be converted to group counseling and exercise. outrage after a new york judge takes her oath of office being sworn in on a koran. she is a practicing muslim.
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brooklyn civil court's facebook page lighting up with how she should be arrested for that. the constitution says she's perfectly within her right. you make the call. steve? elizabeth? >> thank you very much, brian. they're known for sending a very important message. >> hey, what do you think that sign says? >> eat more ch. >> something like eat more cheese. >> chili. >> chocolate. >> no, it's chow. >> cheesecake. >> chewing gum. >> it could be chewing gum. >> not how you spell chicken. >> no, it's not. the spelling of chicken may be wrong, but customers don't seem to mind. chick-fil-a was recently ranked number one in the united states for satisfaction among fast food customers. >> but it's more than their famous chicken sandwich that's spewing the success. in her book, "it's my pleasure"
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dean turner shares the secret sauce. she joins us now. okay, deanne. it is a love place. what is the secret truly? >> i think the secret is clearly the service, and chick-fil-a operators have done a fantastic job behind great team members in teaching this principle that came from our founder. >> let's go through some of the principles. by the way, full disclosure, i have been to two chick-fil-as in the last week. i love the chicken. >> thank you. >> first up, he taught recruit for culture. what does that mean? >> well, that really means the fact that finding people that have a heart for service because that's the key of everything that we do. and for the person that's coming and being a part of chick-fil-a, they want to make sure that that's what they bought into and that they're ready to serve guests with an it's my pleasure attitude. >> and also encouraging environment, truth telling. what does that mean? >> i had a former mentor that taught it's kind of truth reveal
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immediately what you intend to deny. if you set up great expectations and you're clear about what the expectations are, it's a kinder thing to tell somebody about how they're doing up front. when we're nice, we're concerned about how somebody feels about us. when we're kind, we care about them. >> and the survey, 97% of the people who went into your restaurants had 'sieve things to say. i went to the one down in florida over the weekend and three people during the course of the meal came up to talk to me and it wasn't just can i take that tray. they actually wanted -- you say one of the tips is engage the customers and that's what you did for me. >> truett said we're not in the chicken business, we're in the people business. that's one of the ways that that's played out in the chick-fil-a restaurants, team members do engage every customer is not just a customer but they have a story. >> yes. >> there's something special about them. >> we love it as a family as well impact life, another key
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ingredient. >> that was the secret behind all the successes. he wanted to do a great job selling chicken so that he could use that to steward those resources to be generous and impact lives. i love the story, one of the things that we do is provide operators and staff members an opportunity to teach leadership skills to other leaders all over the world. in doing so at the same time we're building wells for clean drinking water in schools, in orphanages, starting feeding programs, giving people an opportunity to impact and stretch the importance of chick-fil-a all over the world. >> sure. one of the things, the influence though, does it end on sunday? isn't the store closed on sunday? >> our chick-fil-a stores are closed on sunday, but we hope that you'll enjoy us six days a week. truett used to say by being closed on sunday, it tastes even better on monday. >> are you hiring? a lot of people are saying, wow, that's a place that i'd want to work at, be at, contribute. are you hiring there? >> people have those -- people who have that interest should
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contact their local chick-fil-a franchisee for an opportunity. >> a brand new one open for ten months ten blocks from where we're sitting now. despite whatever hour it is on the calendar, the clock, there's always a line out the door and around the corner. >> it's been amazing. we're so grateful for the way new york has embraced chick-fil-a. >> i'll tell ya, because it's so good. >> the chicken is good. >> the special sauce, the bun and the pickle. delicious. >> somebody's hungry. i know what i'm getting you for lunch today. >> thank you. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> great to see you. >> thank you. it's been my pleasure to be with you. all right. coming up, talk about dirty politics. a prime minister gets punched in the face. who let that guy get so close to a head of state certainly has some splainin'to do. >> a bank robber runs through a reporter's live shot. >> i have to go and call 911. i'll talk to you later. >> this morning, we have an update on that story.
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it keeps going. first, we want to wish happy birthday to pope francis. the pontiff turns 79 years old today. a blessed birthday. ♪ ♪
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tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you're not getting the relief you need... ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities. excuse me miss, have you seen our truck? you just missed it. ahhh! aw man are you kiddin' me?
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during the debate donald trump was interrupted by a heckler. the moderator said you'll have more than enough time to speak at your next debate, hillary. let him -- let him -- let him speak. >> hysterical. >> it was funny. well, donald trump sat down with bill o'reilly via satellite from a remote location where he had
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thousands of trump fans behind him. >> yes. >> at one point mr. trump was talking to mr. o'reilly about the coverage he gets from the various channels. watch this. >> i think i get better press from cnn than i do fox, bill, if you want to know the truth. >> that's the toughest network. >> no, i don't know why. i don't know why. >> our job is to give you coverage better. >> power. >> coverage better. >> you want power. >> coverage better on cnn than i do on fox. >> but you want power and it's our job to get you in the best way we can. >> but, look, you are -- you are too thin skinned. >> you know what -- >> those are two guys that get along. they go to yankee games together, they go to knicks games together and they talk very bluntly. i would challenge donald trump on that. they kept him on. they blew off commercials but all the coverage on him was negative. >> i say this. just wait.
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wait beyond primary season. we're more than fair and give a ton of time to him and enjoy having him here to hear what he has and his plan, offer the country. secondly, wait until the general election. if he does, indeed, get the nomination and go forward, let's see what he says about the cnn coverage about him then. >> he's historically gotten coverage on "fox & friends." he was on at 7:00. we really are fair and balanced. >> right. >> it's not just a slogan. what we do is try to balance everything out. try to get all the viewpoints in so you can make an informed decision. >> how genius of our producers to understand that donald trump's opinions were so important and so interesting. for four or five years we had him on every monday. we had no idea what he was going to say. we took the top three topics and said here's what donald trump will talk about on monday. every single time it was intriguing. now everyone's realizing that was four years ago whether you agree with him or not. >> yeah. >> anyway, that's his opinion. let us know what you think.
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e-mail us. 25 minutes before the top of the hour on this thursday, heather has some news. >> good morning. a couple of other things going on i want to tell you about. this story is very funny happening down in texas. sitting in a hospital bed literally begging to stay alive. listen to this. >> do you want to stay alive? praying. oh, look at those hands right there. so here is what's happening. doctors at houston methodist hospital are set to remove life saving care from chris dunn who is very much alive and conscious. he has been severely ill for months but with a mass on his pancreas. his condition is not worsening but doctors say it would kill him to try to save him. well, family members from the online community are now coming to his aid by challenging a court that has now weighed in. the texas law allows the hospital to end his life even though he's begging to stay
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alive. what do you think of that story? weigh in. then caught on camera, a teenager punches spain's priemt minister in the head. as you can see, he was almost knocked to the ground. so how did that kid get so close to him? he told security that he wanted a selfie. he is now under arrest. as for rahoy, here's what his face looks like now. a little red there. uncomfortable. back here at home, a texas cop puts his life on the line in order to stop an alleged drunk driver. watch this. okay. so here's what is happening. that is deputy jason mosley. he turned his car in the direction of a wrong-way driver to prevent that person from injuring anyone else. this happened on a toll road near houston. that crash then stopped an 18-year-old woman's wild ride.
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she was arrested for drunk driving. deputy mosley is recovering from a sore neck and back. what a hero there in texas. you remember this reporter who had his live shot interrupted by a bank robber. we showed you this. >> this bank -- what? oh, that's the robber. >> i love that guy. adam from kimt in rochester, minnesota, stopped his reporting and then called 911. the robber was arrested by police a short time later. this morning we have an awesome update. he was awarded an honorary badge from the police department for his work. he joined us yesterday to talk about that incident. listen. >> there's a bank robbery actually the day before. i was giving the audience some new information when i saw a suspicious person walk into the bank and then all of a sudden the bank employee comes out and tells me, they've been robbed again. >> the bank employee was pointing at the bad guy. adam gave us a shout out after
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this interview tweeting, just had a great chat with fox news. thanks for having me on. thanks for taking the time to come in. >> bank robber going to the same bank two days in a row to knock it off. with a reporter out in front. >> small town. not many banks. >> that's the problem, the lines are too long in other places. >> have a nice day. well, the time has finally come. look. >> all right. let's line it up! we need cover. >> get ready! >> "star wars", "the force awakens" now playing in some cities. it opens everywhere tomorrow. >> senior vice president of marking michael tamara had a chance to sit down with the stars actors and directors. >> huge. over $1 million of presale tickets sold. "star wars" "the force awakens" are set to break records. i had a chance to sit down with the director and stars. let's take a look.
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♪ ♪ >> how was your approach in terms of the direction and where this story picks up? >> generational tale, "star wars." very much about the new characters. the original characters are critical and the history is very important, this is a story about characters that you haven't met before. >> a good thing that j.j. did in these movies is carrying a lot of the vocabulary of the original "star wars" that everyone is very familiar with. >> it is a continuation of the "star wars" saga and i think the fan base is going to be very, very used to it. >> chewie, we're home.
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>> life is about to change. are you prepared for what's going to happen? >> changing, sitting here fox news talking about the "star wars" world. >> that logo behind you. >> i'm not an extra! i'm not an extra, okay? i'm lead, dammit. >> for the younger members of the cast, that's going to be a significant change in their lives. >> so excited. that is wonderful. am i ready? i'm ready for the film to come out. it's been a long time coming. >> for me being a part of this one, i just noticed how much joy and enthusiasm went into making it. >> every single person's work shines through that film and i'm confident that people will love it. >> and love it they will. this is the movie fans have been waiting for for over 30 years.
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"star wars" t"the force awakens opens tomorrow. follow me @foxlightmichael. >> quick question, if someone had never seen a "star wars" before, would they know what the heck is going on if they waltzed in there? >> they could. >> theoretically. >> theoretically. they structured this movie so it appeals to a whole new jenner zblags ultimately is it a good movie? you said -- >> it lives up to the hype. the expectations. they really did a great job. >> bringing generations together to watch it. >> see it again tomorrow. >> why not? >> oh, boy. get a life. you have a lot of time on your hands. thanks, michael. protestors in baltimore said they wanted justice but they don't like the outcome so nar in the first freddie gray trial. a mistrial declared yesterday. will they try it again? the judge is next. a big problem in the
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national football league. >> repetitive head trauma. >> that doctor portrayed by will smith here live in 15 minutes. ♪ ♪ innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. the first gummy multivitamin... ...from centrum. a complete, and tasty way to support... ...your energy... ...immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light.
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napolitano. good morning. >> good morning. >> how did we get to a mistrial? >> we got here because the jurors were unable to agree unanimously on any of the charges. so there's four charges and they were deadlocked, meaning there was no 12-0 vote for conviction or acquittal on any of the four. after the judge is satisfied that that deadlock is permanent, that no further deliberations will serve any purpose, he then declares a mistrial which basically says, it's as if this trial never took place and it's up to the state as to whether or not they want to start all over again. if the state says, yes, we want to start all over again, then certainly after the holidays, maybe in january or february, which affects the trial dates of the other cases, they'll pick another jury and retry this case. same witnesses, same judge, same lawyers, different jury. >> new jury starting fresh. yesterday they cited a gag order. >> the judge -- this is very unusual for a judge to do this. the judge issued a gag order
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which basically means no one in the case can speak publicly about it. prosecutors can't, the defense council can't and the jurors can't. this is of some questionable constitutionality to silence a juror, but apparently they're going to follow the gag order, meaning they can't give us their opinions on why there was -- there was no agreement. >> what does this mean for the other officers that are facing similar charges? and what kind of -- is this a setback for the prosecution? >> yes. yeah. no one really likes a mistrial. no one's happy with an ending that doesn't clarify who wins or who loses, but the real loser, the person who likes this the least is the state. the state loses the element of surprise. they have to try this again. often things come out in a trial the defense first learn about as it comes out of the mouth of the witness. they lose the element of surprise. they sort of have the aura of having failed. they have to row this boat.
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they have to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. they failed to get the boat to shore, so to speak. so they are the least happy with it, but their unique situation is because they have five more trials, they now have to decide if they want to try this one again and delay all the five. >> or? >> or try it after the five, but they picked the order in which to try these so my guess is they're probably going to try this one in january and delay all the others down the line. >> certainly not where we thought we'd be with this case at this point? >> no. no. i'm very happy that we didn't see the type of riots that we saw last time. a mistrial doesn't give you finality. >> of course. >> people need to know the system works, it's slow, it takes time. these things are unusual but not unprecedented and the court is prepared, has the tools with which to deal with it. >> thanks for explaining all of that. >> you're welcome. >> great, judge. thank you. >> all the best. coming up, remember this
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marine in this iconic image here shooting at the taliban with a helmet. why the va is not helping him. the story, we'll bring it to you in the next hour. the new movie "concussion" shining a big light on one of the problems in the nfl right now. >> i found a disease that no one has ever seen. repetitive head trauma. >> well, the real doctor played by will smith joins us live next. ♪ ♪
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no one has ever seen. >> repetitive head trauma. >> the nfl does not want to talk
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to you. >> i turn on the lights, and gave their biggest boogeyman a name. >> you're going to war with a corporation that -- >> owns a day of the week. >> that is will smith, telling the true-life story of a doctor who discovered a brain disease plaguing america's athletes, but instead of being celebrated for the breakthrough, he says he was silenced. joining us right now is the author of "concussion" gene marie lasset and the dr. behind the discovery. good morning. so doctor tell me how you discovered it. this really happened. and will smith portrays you. tell me how you discovered that football was giving trauma to the brain causing possibly premature death and maybe dementia? >> yes, thank you so much. i grew up in nigeria. i came to america when i was 26 years old. i became a physician. and by serendipity, i was doing an autopsy on september 28th, 2002. i did not know who mike webster was. i did not know anything about --
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>> the center for the pittsburgh steelers. >> yes. i did not know about football. i didn't know what it was. but reviewing his case, his life after football, the symptoms ignited some intellectual curiosity in my head that his life after football was -- >> was a mess. he lost all his money, he was homeless. >> was destitute. so i took his brain home with me. i saw the abnormalities in his brain. then, about one year later, terry long commit suicide, then andrew waters, and -- >> all successful nfl players. >> yes, all of them. and i began to see the trend. and they have this unique symptoms when they were alive. when they were dead -- >> jeanne marie you would think that given the information that he discovered the nfl would be happy to hear that, you know,
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the concussions from regular play causing a big problem. >> well, that's what he thought. and that's why he published his work in 2005, in journal of neurosurgery. first thing that happened is the nfl demanded a retraction of that work. they said it was false, basically they called him a fraud. >> how do we get back -- football provides at minimum 82 opportunities on the field for young individuals at a secondary education and hope to go to the nfl. how do we bridge this gap and get players playing safely? because we're also denying opportunity when we say oh, you shouldn't play but we do want it to be safe for our kids. >> yes. you should buy the book "concussion" and on christmas they should go see the movie. let's begin to have this national discourse. because my discovery, the moment it broke pro football how do we begin to make football safer, to evolve. >> right, sure. >> we want that just not for only the nfl but our kids, as
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well. doctor, thank you very much. >> looks like a great movie. very important. >> jeanne marie, thank you. >> you've already changed the game. >> thanks so much for writing it and coming in and talking about it. >> all right. thank you. remember the marine in this iconic image shooting at the taliban without a helmet? why the v.a. is not -- today people are coming out to the nation's capital to support an important cause
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good morning to you. it is thursday, december 17th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck and this is a fox news alert for you. brand-new threat to attack in two major american school districts in wake of earlier scares in los angeles and new york. the breaking details coming in overnight. and, it's an iconic image of a marine shooting at the taliban without his helmet. so why is the v.a. not even helping him? and where is the accountability? we're going to discuss his story. and you never know where the christmas spirit is going to show up. ♪ silent night holy night ♪ >> we stumbled upon this amazing
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choir group just outside our building yesterday. had to go say hey, who are you? so they told us their awesome story and we are going to share it with you live from new york city. mornings are better with friends. you are going to just love the story -- >> that's our veranda. >> right outside. >> the producers were there, sitting there, just minding their own business, preparing today's show. they heard the voices of angels, went down and talked to them. they're on the show today. >> incredible. >> and tomorrow, as well. >> they sound good over there. >> not knowing for sure, is that why you think they chose it? because how good it sounds? the echoing, and the reverb effect? >> they were going -- >> well, the whole story in about 20 minutes. >> or it was raining. >> you'll find out. >> they're high school students. speaking of high school, and students in general, students in houston and dallas and miami
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school district just received threats of violence similar to the ones that closed down the schools out in los angeles a couple of days ago. those schools with the latest threats will stay open. but ktoa out in los angeles actually got a copy of the international e-mail that closed down the schools that said, in part, listen to this, this is why they closed down the schools. the e-mailer wrote, me and my 30 -- okay. >> and my 32 comrades will die tomorrow in the name of allah. every school in the l.a. unified district is being targeted. we have bombs in lockers in several schools. they are strategically placed and are meant to damage the buildingsthey are pressure cooker bombs. >> hidden in back packs around the school. they will be detonated via cell phone, they are nerve gas agents set to go off at a specific time during lunch hour. >> the students at every school
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in the l.a. unified district will be massacred, mercilessly, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. >> that was just part of the letter. >> yeah. essentially what they wanted to do was they wanted somebody to cancel the classes which ultimately they got -- they got them to do. but then they went on the bombings will take place regardless of whether or not they close them. and we will bring our guns to the streets, and offices of los angeles, san bernardino, bakersfield, and san diego. so when you see how specific it was, and the way that this person wrote the letter, they were posing as a muslim high school student who had been bullied, and it was time for payback, and they have enlisted over two dozen comrades to go and kill as many people in school as they could. >> -- taking place at schools in houston and miami are open today. >> they're going to look into it. and remember two days ago rudy giuliani looked at this and said it seemed like a probe, possibly seemed like a probe to see our
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reaction to what happened. l.a. canceled, you saw new york not and yesterday the threats went to two of the unified school districts and they're going to school. >> just thought we'd let you know what was in it. it's very powerful. >> you understand why now in los angeles they were saying listen, i've got to cancel school. a lot of people were ridiculing them. if you're the person in charge, and you have that letter, and things do explode, how do you explain yourself the next day? >> we have the police commissioner here on the east coast in new york ridiculing that move, but when you're miles from san bernardino you're going to do what you need to do on the front end to make sure you're not dealing with carnage on the back end. i think most parents would feel good about the move los angeles took in wake of the recent attacks and threats. >> we have another breaking news, including an iconic case out of texas. right, heather? >> and so many folks will remember that kid who claimed affluenza after he killed people in a drunk driving accident back in 2013. he got off with just probation. well now authorities are searching for him. remember his name is ethan
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couch. the affluenza teen. but they're also looking for his mother, as well this morning. couch's defense became famous after his lawyers argued that he didn't know the difference between right and wrong because his wealthy parents never taught him. well now the 18-year-old, and his mother, are suddenly missing after this video was posted on twitter allegedly showing him playing beer pong. that would be a possible violation of his probation. it could come with a ten-year prison sentence if he's found to have broken the probation. a fox news alert protests breaking out in baltimore after a mistrial is declared for william porter the first officer charged in freddie gray's death. at least two arrests made overnight, as protesters blocked the traffic in baltimore. overall the protests remain calm, an attorney for gray's family says he likes their chances for a new trial. listen? >> i don't think either side won or lost. i think given that this case is going to be retried it's going
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to be on a clean slate. there are going to be 12 different jurors. and you don't know any more than i do how they're going to react to this case. >> well, a judge will meet with both sides this morning to talk about a potential retrial date. the deadly chattanooga shooting that killed four marines and a sailor is now being called a terror attack. putting the back and forth over what to label that july 16th rampage finally to rest. just hours after the fbi declared it an act of terror, the navy announcing that it will honor those victims with purple hearts. thomas sullivan, david wyatt, carson holmqvist, skip wells and randall smith will all be honored. a fifth injured in that attack will also receive that recognition. and check out this picture of a west virginia police officer caring for a baby girl that he rescued from a locked grocery store bathroom. locked in the bathroom with that child, a woman, not the child's mother, feeding the 14-month-old doctor pepper from a bottle.
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that woman was arrested on drug charges. the officer cared for the child for more than four hours before child protective services arrived. another example of great police work our officers are doing across the country. >> absolutely. they are. and hopefully getting some appreciation. >> yeah. >> all right, heather, thank you. seven minutes after the hour. time to tell you a story that i think you're going to find quite disturbing about one marine who's been asked to fight in a war and go in to battle. he's a marine infantryman, five separate times, four times in afghanistan, the other time had the hard and mentally taxing battle assignment of going to gitmo and working there. >> five times serving. he's saying since his return, this is staff sergeant william b., he suffered a string of violent outbursts, experienced a desire to commit suicide but he's not getting help from the v.a. >> that's right. and the reason the staff sergeant is iconic is because he -- you know, they were having a brief moment, and then without putting a helmet on, he grabbed his rifle, and this image was
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taken, and it was flashed around the world. unfortunately, seconds after that, there was an ied went off that essentially changed his life forever. >> it kind of blew him away. thought for a second he was hit. he wasn't. he was just stunned. he went into action, when he started getting shot at. didn't have time to grab his helmet, grabbed his rifle. >> and in that blast he lost his brother, as well. >> right. so he's had flashbacks and violent outbursts he's tried to kill himself apparently. and for instance, in one of the stories i read this morning, he was so frustrated he was punching holes in the walls of his house for some inexplicable reason he would put full pack of cigarettes in a milk carton. >> yes. >> and he can't explain it but for some reason he stacked all of his sweaters in the refrigerator. he's got some serious problems. and unfortunately he needs regular treatment, psychiatric treatment, and yet, he can only get an appointment at the v.a.
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once every nine months. >> that's right. >> how is that possible? >> well, and he dot make it clear, he praises the doctors and nurses at the v.a. who are trying to do their job so well. but he said the bureaucratic system there leaves him unable to get the appointments that he needs and all the paperwork. how many stories have we told here right here on this program about the bureaucracy there and how it's trying to run through a cement wall, trying to get the care that these veterans so deserve. five times for this nation, lost his brothers in war, comes back is experiencing post traumatic stress, and he's saying look the doctors and nurses want to help me. the system isn't letting them. >> i think this is the best quote that tells you how desperate he is. he said i need to talk to someone outside of my wife because i cannot expect her to take more upon herself than she already has. so, this is unbelievable. and i'm wondering how many other army family members, whether you're -- whether it's extended or direct, that have a similar
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story that are still dealing with this. >> they earn good service. and good treatment. and unfortunately they're not getting it. we'll keep you posted on that. meanwhile, one hour ago we told you about this. you know how in charlie brown christmas where linus shares the true meaning of christmas. by reading the gospel of luke. and this is right here, it's been playing since the '60s or '70s. it is so touching. well the johnson county kentucky school district is not going to allow any interpretation of the charlie brown christmas. they won't allow silent night. instead, instead of silent night they will allow a performance of whoop a nae nae right? ♪ >> the superintendent of the school said look, i go to church. we're -- it disappoints me that this is happening but he didn't want to go outside of what the school district attorneys were advising him to do. so he said we've got to make some changes.
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>> because if someone person complains, one person. if that person brings a lawsuit it will end up in court, all the taxpayer dollars end up going to these attorneys. what the guy in charge has to do is say listen we've got to change the play. they rip out that scene, put in this song, no more silent night and everybody is upset except that one person. >> the alliance defending freedom said look we don't know why they've caved because the school is not doing anything wrong. we asked you what you thought? kathy went up on facebook, she wrote oh, my gosh, the district is threatened by a 50-year-old cartoon! >> well put. sharon on facebook saying that shame on any school in america who deprives children of the wonder of christmas and all the wonderful stories and music. >> and marie wrote this, parents need to speak out, and not tolerate this insanity. they are speaking out. but they feel legally, they're bound because they'll bring them to court, and it's going to cost a ton of money. some secularists say religion should not play a role in the public schools. >> look at the trap they're in.
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spending all the money on court fees. who did that affect? the kids and services in the school. >> ultimately what it comes down to and the letter the superintendents sent out was that they didn't want to appear to be endorsing a religion. >> does that really endorse a religion? according to this religious group, absolutely not. >> i'm unabashedly pro-linus and i always have been. >> pro-linus. >> you give me my blanket and i'll give you peace and serenity. >> he had a strong showing at the latest republican debate a couple nights ago. will it be enough to bump him up in the polls ahead of iowa? governor mike huckabee who won once iowa joins us live next. >> and have you seen the shirtless runner? >> too w shirt you know. i love running in the rain. and i'm also single. so. >> all right. how he is handling the tidal wave of attention he's gotten since. he's going to join us ahead. will he have a shirt on? >> good question.
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we just told you the heartbreaking story about this marine, seen in this iconic image from the war on terror
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fighting the taliban with no helmet on. just before an ied went off and changed his life. well he's back home now and he needs help from the v.a. but he can't get it. >> well yeah, he can't get it. that's the problem. joining us now governor mike huckabee is here, republican candidate for president, a big debate week. governor i know you heard this story right here about this incredible man, staff sergeant william bee who served five times for his nation, lost his brothers in that explosion, said the doctors and nurses want to do their job. the system isn't letting them. you say? >> it's just amazing that in america we don't take care of the ones who have taken care of us. i breathe free air today because of veterans. it's guys like this that give us our liberty. and we owe them the first fruits of the treasury. i'll tell you how to fix the v.a. >> okay. >> make it so that every member of congress and their families get their health care from the v.a. >> yeah. >> and i promise you congress will get that fixed in about a month. >> yeah. >> and that ought to be job number one. veterans first, and everybody else stand in line until they
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get what they absolutely deserve. >> all right. i also think congress could do their job and start holding the feet to the fire and make it a bigger deal, and they're still going back on vacation so this problem remains. let's talk about something else, governor. let's talk about last night -- at the debate in particular. donald trump went on jimmy kimmel last night and your name came up. tell me if you agree with the spirit in which he wants the campaign from here on in. >> really, i would like to see the republican party come together and i've been a little bit divisive in the sense that i've been hitting people pretty hard. >> a little bit. >> and ultimately, you know, we have to come together and get this thing done. and i'm having a great time. >> he went on to say he likes you, you guys always got along. would you like to see more civility on that amongst republicans? >> well, of course. because ultimately, if we're divided, and divisive, then it's going to hurt us in the general election.
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and it happens every four years. republicans say they want to be united, and then the nasty stuff starts. and i'm not talking about the contrast of issues, or things that really matter. but just the nitpicking. and, you know, the negative ads. and the distortion of records. when that happens, and then the reactions come, the party gets divided. and the eventual nominee has a very, very hard time getting the supporters of those other candidates to want to come and help them. >> sure. >> so you know, it hands the job to the democrats. >> yeah. >> mike, before you got in, i'm sure you were thinking, you know, my best shot is in iowa. because i won iowa. i won the caucuses in 2008. now fast forward to today, you're struggling there. what's going on? >> well, this is an unusual election in that the more experience you have the better qualified you are, it seems like that's a detriment rather than an asset. if you look at all the people who are leading, most of them have never been elected to anything, have never served.
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they have -- they've not had a record of accomplishment. have never been in an executive seat. for example in the first stage of the debate the other night, the four of us combined had more experience actually governing and leading twice as much as the nine combined on the second stage. but it's almost like we're being penalized. i've got to tell people i've never been to washington and gotten a paycheck, i've never worked there, so you can't blame me for the ridiculous nonsense that goes on there. but i do have some experience in fighting the corruption of a political machine. >> yeah. >> i have the experience of getting some things done. but look, nobody's voted in iowa yet so let's wait till after the caucuses before we decide how that's going. >> well it's a different kind of year indeed. mike huckabee joining us today from little rock, arkansas, where he still keeps a house. mike, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. great to be you with all. >> great to see you. now coming up, he was executed in cold blood. nypd officer rafael ramos lost
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his life nearly one year ago. this morning his wife is speaking out and her story will move you. and you never know where the christmas spirit will show up. we saw this amazing choir outside our building yesterday. wait till you hear their story. frequent heartburn brand in america. i hope you like it spicy! get complete protection with the purple pill. the new leader in frequent heartburn. that's nexium level protection. ♪ the lexus december to remember sales event is here. lease the 2015 gs350 with complimentary navigation system for these terms. see your lexus dealer.
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and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. some quick headlines for you right now. a scary warning from the feds. there's a bogus batch of syrian passports floating around. this comes as it's revealed isis can print the passports, and they look real. officials now warning law enforcement around the country that passports dating back to june 2014 for places under control of isis are most probably fake. so be warned. another top official in the obama administration possibly shutting down national security online. the pentagon admitting defense
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secretary ash carter used the personal e-mail account for governor -- government business. that is a though-no. carter's camp, like hillary clinton, says none of the information sent or received was classified. of course it turned out to be incorrect regarding her. elisabeth? >> thank you, steve. you're going to remember the heartbreaking story of two nypd officers gunned down in cold blood almost a year ago. their killer on a sick mission to avenge the death of michael brown and eric garner. now officer ramos' widow hopes to find purpose in their family's painful tragedy. she's created a foundation with the goal of bridging the gap between police officers and their communities. marissa ramos the wife of murdered nypd officer rafael ramos joins us now. we had the blessing of being able to talk to you a little while ago, you visited our program about a couple months ago. what has this past year been like for your family? >> it's been a really difficult year. just trying to get back, you
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know. it's never going to be normal again. but, just trying to move forward. >> you have two sons. >> yes, justin and jaden. >> one is in college. >> the other one is 14. >> how are they doing today? >> they're hanging in there, you know. one day at a time. >> you're so strong. one thing that struck me, but one ufrs resilience and your strength during this time to turn something to painful and tragic and wrong into something so good. and we're going to ask about the foundation in a moment. but how do you do that? >> i think it's my faith in, you know, god knowing that he's never going to leave me. i have to believe that. >> you don't feel alone? >> i do sometimes. but i know -- i know i'm not alone. >> and you're strong for your boys. >> yes. >> tell us about the foundation right now because what maritza is doing with her family is something so powerful and good. >> she's actually strong for all of us. she came into my office not that
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long ago and said look, it's going to be a year, i've got to buck up and i want to do something to honor my husband's memory. so the other lawyers in my law firm, we sat around and put together a foundation called the detective rafael ramos foundation. it's >> what's the goal? >> the goal is what she said to me, her and her husband had discussions about prior to his death, was how police officers aren't appreciated. they don't go into this for the money. they do this for the passion of it. so she wants to get police officers to interact with younger people so that they have positive interactions, so they're not afraid of the police, they don't look at the police as bad people and she came up with the idea of, we want to raise money and she wants to buy book bags. give them to the police officers. give them to the students at the beginning of the school year and have the police officers continue to interact with the students throughout the course of the school year. >> what a wholehearted mission to really get to the cause of some of the deepest issues that
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the communities are facing right now. maritza when you look at yourself a year ago, right before christmas this happened to your family. >> five days. >> your husband taken from you. where are you now, and what would he say about what you've turned this into and what you're doing today? >> i believe he'd be really proud of, you know, what it is i'm trying to do in his name. and because i've always been very quiet i think he'd be very surprised. >> shocked. >> shocked. >> you got that right. >> i'm shocked. >> telling me what to do. >> what do your boys think about it? >> they're excited. they're excited. i think they want to see their father's memory live on through the foundation. >> she's set up a fund-raiser on january 28th. >> i heard america's mayor rudy giuliani may be there, as well. >> yep.
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>> what a good man. it's been a blessing to get to know you over this time. >> thank you. thank you for your time. >> you're in our prayers and your resilience is more than admirable. want everyone to go to that website. >> his name detective r-a-f-e-a-l, ram rose >> thank you elisabeth. >> looks like screech is not getting saved by the bell this time. why dustin diamond is back in the headlines next. and have you seen a shirtless runner? >> too wet to wear a shirt. i love running in the rain and i'm also single. so -- >> all right. >> he's going to join us. will he have a shirt on? will he be running? we'll find out next. hi i'm heather cox
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on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it's touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let's go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities. excuse me miss, have you seen our truck? you just missed it. ahhh! aw man are you kiddin' me? could protect you from diabetes?
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what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13® may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13® today.
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♪ all is bright ♪ round yon virgin >> well it's your shot of the morning. yesterday at "fox & friends" we thought from our offices we heard the voices of angels. so, we ran to the window and this is what we found, an amazing group of high school carollers from new jersey. they were on a field trip, singing christmas songs around the city before going to see a broadway play. >> we thought they were so great we asked them to come back tomorrow so that you could enjoy their music, too, and you will not want to miss it. >> how great is that? >> how great. >> i love it. >> it's awesome so they're going to get some international -- they're going to get some international -- >> air play. >> exposure. yeah. >> and the thing they, you know, where they were, they had no idea that there was a fox news office just on the other side of the glass. >> incredible. >> so anyway, you're going to wind up on tv, you're going to love them.
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they are great kids. >> normally when it's loud outside we call the cops. but they were so good we said, let's ask them on the show. >> what a sweet sound this time of year. i love that. >> what an audition. >> all right heather nauert. have you come up with anything? >> no, i'm still working on it. >> all right good morning, everyone. hope you're off to a good day. got some news to bring you. disturbing news out of california, anion date on the two san bernardino terrorists. they were quietly buried in california earlier this week. a funeral for syed farook and tashfeen malik was held at a muslim cemetery hours away from the shooting site with a proper muslim burial we are told. a handful of family and friends attended that. fbi agents stood watch. well the life of former hollywood actor screeching to a halt. remember him? >> i couldn't kill him, you love the little guy! >> well that is dustin diamond. he played screech on the nineties show "saved by the bell." he's now headed to jail for four
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months after a bar fight in wisconsin last christmas. where he pulled out a pocket knife. you can see some of that surveillance video. the soccer star abby wambach says she wants you to forget her? >> forget me. forget my number. forget my name. forget i ever did this. >> pretty clear right there. she is retiring after 255 games for the national team. she sends that farewell message for her fans in a new ad. she says she wants the next generation to do things that are so great that she won't even be remembered. she's already deleted her social media account. what do you think of that? and a minnesota mom's old school shot wins her a big prize for her daughter. watch this.
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>> what? >> look at how surprised the mom is, and the daughter is just so happy for her. that is angela rainy. she wins half off her daughter's private school tuition next year. that's worth $4,000. she says she closed her eyes off the shot, and then said a quick prayer. the lord sure answered that one. nice job. >> amen. >> how great is that? >> isn't that great? >> went through so quick i thought she missed. >> well, after it bounced then it went in the basket. >> terrific job. >> incredible. >> how to go, good for her. >> thanks hepter. >> a hunky shirtless jogger is running through the dreams of all women in america today after making a local weather report hot and heavy. >> really? >> dude, where is your shirt,
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man? >> it's a great day for a run, so too wet to wear a shirt you know. i love running in the rain. and i'm also single. so, there's that. >> you heard that right. he is looking for love. ethan joins us from denver right now. and we say good morning to you with a shirt today. what happened? >> yeah. yeah. it's a little too cold to go shirtless today. so i had to put something on. >> tell me what happened. how did you end up in that shot? what made you jog at the time you did? >> you know, it was like late afternoon, it was just dark because of winter, i guess, and i just went out for my run, and it was warm enough to not wear a shirt and i love running in the rain, like i said. i just went out running, i saw the news crew, i said hey what are you guys shooting on? they looked at me and said hey, you would be perfect for this. >> 900 new friend requests since. let me ask you this, since you were shirtless a lot of people are asking what the tattoos are
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about on your body. what do they mean? >> yeah. i have eight tattoos in total. >> okay. >> the few that are visible in the video on my shoulder i have what's called a kiro, they look like the "p" and the "x." that's a first century christian symbol for christ's victory over death and over the grave and sin and all, what have you. and then over my chest, over my heart it says your kingdom come from the lord's prayer. >> beautiful >> very nice. >> ethan, of course, at the end you talk about how you're still single. well there are a lot of people watching. tell us a little bit about yourself, son. >> about myself? >> yes. >> i do a bunch of different things. i'm a writer, blogger, photographer, personal trainer -- >> that's why you're in good shape. >> play guitar. yeah. a bunch of different things. all over the board. >> and you find yourself single now. has that status changed since you were on live television? >> it has not.
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nope. still single as the day i was born. >> have people reached out to you in their own special way? >> oh, yeah. gotten probably thousands of requests -- or messages. >> oh. >> a couple proposals. a lot of just hey i want to get to know you. >> anything real crazy, ethan? >> probably just a marriage proposal is the craziest i've gotten. >> are you going to take anybody up on any of these offers? >> are you looking for a christian girl? >> yeah, i'm looking for a christian girl. i don't know, i mean there's a couple that have stood out but honestly i still have hundreds of friend requests to go through. the number has risen to several thousand friend requests since -- >> what a burden. >> millions of people have seen it online, and so online there's a lot of chatter. patricia wrote this on facebook, all i want for christmas is ethan. i'm moving to chicago. >> wow. >> elizabeth wrote this on facebook, is that ryan gosling
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under that beard? >> uh-huh. >> and this one appears to be from a guy, well done, my friend. well done. that's how i use my guy voice on that. so ethan the big picture, you run through a live shot and you, in the rain, you take your shirt off, your life has changed but you don't seem to tb embracing at the level we thought you would this new chapter that could be coming your direction. >> i'm really excited about it. it's just been so much fun. honestly the collest thing that's happened is my blog has blown up. check that out. the feedback i've gotten from that has been just incredible. people telling me that they're crying as they're reading the words i wrote. some people have told me things they've never told anyone else. people saying that this morning i read an e-mail that said i didn't have a purpose for life and then your words have given me hope or something like that. >> oh. >> that's really nice. >> those are the things that have really blown me away.
4:41 am >> it's a faith-based blog, is that correct? >> a little bit, yeah, you could say that. there's a wide range of things i talked about in there. >> all right. >> feel free to check it out. >> very nice. >> and have you started describing yourself for people who don't know the story, haven't seen the videos? yeah, i'm the shirtless jogger? >> a couple times. a couple times. and they say what? that describes hundreds of people. and then have to explain it. kind of awkward. >> yeah. >> well have fun with this. what a gift leading in to christmas. all those requests to get to know you better and the gift that you're giving of hope. great to get to know you today, ethan. have fun, on the run, with or without a shirt. >> thanks for having me on. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas, guys. >> all right. go get them ethan. >> coming up straight ahead in the rest of the show. do you have a new job on your list for santa? we'll deliver the top companies hiring this winter all next on
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our plaza. >> and the only movie in the galaxy right now. there's others but "star wars," how was it? any good? kevin mccarthy shares it all. he joins us live with his review next. >> he either likes the movie or he sat on something. fact you won't find the brand pharmacists recommend most for cold and flu relief at the shelf. advil cold & sinus is only behind the pharmacy counter. ask your pharmacist for fast, powerful advil cold & sinus. relief doesn't get any better than this.
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breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at welcome back at 50 minutes to the top of the hour. we have some quick consumer headlines for you now as we hit the height of the holiday travel season you'll want to know which airport will give you the best flying experience. it's the tiny field in utah
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according to it has the fewest delays and the cheapest fares. the worst newark liberty international in new jersey. it has the most tsa complaints and the longest taxiing time. ever fall asleep while binge watching netflix? the company created smart socks with built-in sensors that pause the show when you doze off. but you have to make them yourself. directions are on the netflix website if you want to give it a try. and now you can buy girl scout cookies online. the best part those orders will be at your door in less than five days. how cool is that? >> thin mints by sunday. all right. >> well from a galaxy far away, straight to our curvy couch. ♪ >> we're home.
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>> the newest edition to the sci-fi saga hits theaters tomorrow. so what did kevin mccarthy think about it? just look at his face that he posted online. he joins us right now with his review. you loved it, right? >> steve, i loved it. and there are early showing tonight starting at 7:00 p.m. this review is 100% spoiler free. there are no spoilers here. this is the best "star wars" film since "the empire strikes back." over 30 years we haven't seen a "star wars" film that has been this incredible. j.j. abrams balanced out a nostalgia film but also a movie that works for nonfans. if you've never seen the franchise it still works. they built in plot lines and back stories of the characters, the action, the comedy, the drama, the shocking moments. as a kid growing up i didn't get to experience the original show in theaters when it first came out. to be able to experience this again in a movie theater and see it with a crowd was absolutely mind blowing. the special effects are insane.
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the practical sets, john williams' music, it is one of the best films of the year. and my fifth, five out of five of 2015. and i've seen over 150 movies this year. and this absolutely blew my mind. it does have flaws like every movie does. but really does work on an emotional level and delivers a movie that fans deserve. it blows the sequels -- the prequels out of the water. >> now did you talk to harrison ford? >> i did. and the cool thing about harrison ford was i spoke to him about the first day that he walked on in the millennium falcon back in 1977 and george lucas had no idea how to direct that or fly that. the chewy we're home line you saw in the beginning of the segment. listen to his story about the different versions he had for that. >> i asked george, well, okay, now how -- how do you drive this thing? and he said, i don't know. make stuff up.
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>> the chewy we're home line. >> chewy, we're home. >> take me to the 340e789 where you said that in this film and how it felt to say that line. >> the original scripted line was chewy, we're home. but, i wanted to try with home, we're home, chewy. we're home, chewy. chewy, we're home. >> so he gets a writer's credit. >> i designed that question, i designed that question just to have him say it in front of me. i just wanted to hear him say it, chewy, we're home right in front of me. it's really worth seeing if you're a fan of the franchise. go see it if you love that movie. but stay away from all social media. people are trying to spoil it. go see it on your own. enjoy it in a movie theater. it reminded me why i love going to the movies to see movie theaters. it's incredible. >> for adults and kids, right kevin? >> it's pg-13. a little bit of violence.
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not too young. not too young. >> all right. kevin mccarthy joining us from tinseltown with his five-star review of "star wars." >> thank you very much. >> kevin, great to see you. >> bye, guys. >> love you. >> coming up, do you have a new job on your list for santa? michelle cassini is here to deliver the top companies hiring this winter. >> first on this day in history 1843 a christmas carol by charles dicken was published. and in 1777 our friend and ally france officially recognized the united states as an independent nation. whatever happened to us? and in 2001, how you remind me by nickelback was the number one on the charts. can we make this louder? ♪ i've been wrong i've been down near the bottom ♪ when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet
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approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan for the latest information.
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have you spent way too much on christmas this year and you're looking for some extra cash? or are you just hoping santa's going to leave you a new job under the tree this year? fox business network's cheryl casoni is here for the top companies hiring for this winter season. >> steve i tell you what. i love christmas decorations. i hate cleaning them up. but i can hire somebody to do that or you can work for a company, christmas decor the first company today. 350 markets, 48 states. what kind of folks are you looking for? >> primarily installers. in 2015 we created about 3500 jobs, seasonal jobs that are contract or franchises, wouldn't have been able to provide that would have to lay those people off. >> these are people that like sell tools and do landscaping in the summer come to work for you in the winter. >> that's correct. in 2015 we fell a little bit short of customer demand so in 2016 we're going to try to
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create an additional 2,000 positions. >> you also have a great -- you're also decorate veterans' families homes for free and you do that every year. >> that's correct. >> i love christmas. i really do. i just don't want to do anything around christmas that causes me to actually work. she's having a good day today. i want to bring in, this is big frog, the president and ceo and of course this is mascot. you've got 60 locations and you make t-shirts, tank tops, jackets and even costumes for pets. and you put everything is custom made. >> exactly. big frog is a high technology garment decorating franchise. and we've got, as you said, 65 locations nationwide. >> okay. >> and i made some presents for you. >> all right. well grab them really quick. i think -- oh, look at that. oh, this is great. look. "fox & friends." i'm keeping that merry christmas to me. all right. we should say that he is hiring across the country as well. if you've been eating a lot, yeah you have been, right? you can go to retro fitness, you can work it off and get paid.
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this is matt schultz from retro fitness. how many jobs do you have right now? >> well, in this coming year, especially in january and february where the fitness industry is hiring personal trainers and front desk personnel and managers and everything, we are hiring at least 1200 people over the next few months across the country. >> salaries are good, $60,000 to $80,000 a year. that is retro fitness. and katherine monsoon, from fast signs. you might know from undercover boss season three but you're hiring for your company right now. what does fast signs need as far as jobs go? >> we have over 300 positions today. we're looking for franchisees to phone fast signs, graphic designers, installers, production managers, inside sales people and outside sales people. >> 600 locations around the country. a lot of these job guys are going to be available throughout the year. but remember, try not to eat too much. have a little fun and you can hire these guys to fix your house up.
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i love that. >> there you go. >> cheryl thank you very much. >> thank you guys. >> coming up, they were made famous in the movie panic room. but now safe rooms are a growing trend around --
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(dramatic music) centrum brings us the biggest news in multivitamin history. ( ♪ ) a moment when something so familiar becomes something so new. (impact on metal) introducing new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains a full spectrum of essential nutrients
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you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints. go to for a $4 coupon. good morning to you. it is thursday, december 17th, i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a city on edge again. protester chanting no justice, no peace, after a judge declares a mistrial for an officer charged in freddie gray's death. so what happens next? we're going to tell you. we are live in baltimore. >> and remember this kid. a judge ruled he was just too rich to know any better when he killed four people in a drunk driving accident in texas. this morning the affluenza teenag teenager's probation officer has no idea where the kid is. and donald trump enters the no spin zone. >> i think i get better press from cnn than i do fox, if you want to know -- >> wow. o'reilly's response is
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fantastic. some would say epic. in fact i should have said epic but i said fantastic. mornings are better with friends. we have a lot to go over this hour. we have the aftermath of the final debate and we have some great interviews coming your way, and a great group, a cappella group who is going to be singing for you. first things first we have a fox news alert. baltimore on edge once again. >> to say the least. a new wave of protests break out after a mistrial is declared. the first officer charged in freddie gray's death. >> peter doocy is live in baltimore where a new court hearing is scheduled today to figure out what happens next. right, peter? >> that's right. and the hung jury has gone home for good. so what's next is today a big meeting with the judge, officer william porter's defenders, and the prosecutors, where a retrial will be discussed.
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and the timing of a possible retrial is really important. it may affect the other five officers still waiting for their days in court. because, the state wants to use porter as a witness against the officer who was driving the van where freddie gray was injured. but they can't compel porter to testify in that case while his own trial is unresolved. the mistrial announcement was met last night with mild protests. there was a march downtown that blocked some traffic. but broke up before too long. and only two people were arrested. they demonstrated after the mayor reminded all the protesters that they are a big part of the reason these trials are laid out the way they are. >> the protesters were very clear that this supported this trial being held in baltimore city. that means that they put the case in the hands of baltimore city residents. twelve baltimore city residents answered that very solemn call to serve, to hear this case, and
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to make a decision. they did that. and you have to respect that. >> officer william porter spoke very briefly to a writer from the "baltimore sun-times" who wants to know what porter thinks about the mistrial. and porter said, it's not over yet. and he's right. back to you in new york. >> all right, peter, thank you very much. so the big question is will the prosecutor retry it? most probably yes. last night if you were watching megyn kelly's program she spoke to a former baltimore police officer who has since left the force because he says it's just a bad cop atmosphere there and says the prosecutor is out to get the cops. >> she's on a witch-hunt or a cop hunt, whatever you want to call it, and i think there's going to be no question that she's going to, you know, try again and again the case was here just a real big example ultimately why i left. because you can't go in to work in baltimore and be the
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aggressive officer when you're going out there and stopping these violent offenders and do anything, because if a pure accident happened, you know, something that's out of your control like what happened with these officers, you could see exactly where the city's going and whose side they're taking. >> i mean, you're looking at the cops don't want to be cops anymore. the ones that have to stay on the job need a job. a lot just leading in droves according to reports, and overall the legal minds here are saying that if you look at all these trials that are am coulding your way, this was supposed to be the easiest one. this is where you go, if you're a defense, you kind of surprise the prosecution putting to the. now you're not going to be surprised anymore. and the goal was to be able to use this case, and this officer, against the other officers to a degree. now you can't because there's legal status is up in the air. >> judge neapolitapolitano saidr the element of surprise on everything will pretty much be the same. the jurors obviously setting the table clear moving forward. you can do that. >> you already have the money,
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though. they already have the civil suit. the freddie gray family. >> got $6 million. and when the judge was seating the jury, she -- asked specifically, now, how many of you in the jury pool have heard that the city of baltimore gave freddie gray's family $6.something million dollars. every hand up. of course. >> unless you're in the biosphere. >> now this. do you remember that rich teen the affluenza teen who got in a car, he was 16 years old, he had three times the amount of legal amount of alcohol allowed in his system of an adult, ended up killing people that he ran into on the side of the road. they were fixing a car. okay. he killed the motorist and three bystanders at that time. his defense said look it's because his parents never taught him because he was just so rich. you have the gold, you make the rules, that kind of deal when it came to defending him. he was put on probation which some people felt was lenient. now that he's on probation he's gone missing.
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he's supposed to check in with his probation officer. he hasn't done that. they can't find his mom, they can't find this guy and he could face up to 25 years when they do find him. there's a warrant out for his arrest. >> so he has violated his parole by not checking in with the parole officer. they can't find him. there's some suggestion in the morning news that they left the country. this also is apparently a violation of the probation. a six second clip has emerged online where it appears that he's part of a beer pong situation, and of course, he's not allowed to drink at his age. and the reason his age came into play was because at his defense attorney had suggested look, this is a rich kid, who simply grew up in such a affluent, affluenza situation, where he could not tell the difference between wrong or right because he had such a dysfunctional relationship with his family, and now they're suggesting that
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when they find this kid they're going to put him in the adult situation, and a spokesman for the tarrant county sheriff's office said he's going to see what the big boy jail is like. the big boy jail. >> well the victims' families, i'm sure are hoping that should he be found, that the appropriate consequence will be given. >> right.k to the affluenza defense. if you're really poor and you have a single parent family would you have gotten the same deference? probably now. heather nauert is poised to tell us something else. >> we've got a couple pieces of breaking news. a fox news alert. remember that ceo who hiked the price of a life saving drug by more than 5,000%? well we are hearing this morning that he's been arrested by the fbi in man thatten. reuters reports that martin sh cellie faces security fraud charges. he's accused of illegally taking a stock from a biotech firm that he started back in 2011 to pay off his debt. he's expected to be areasoned later today.
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there you can see him on mornings with maria. breaking news coming in from san bernardino this morning. charges are expected to be filed today against syed farook's pal enrique marquez. investigators say that marquez legally bought two automatic weapons three years ago, and then gave them to farook. those are the same guns that were used in the attacks that killed 14 people in san bernardino. investigators are looking into whether or not marquez knew that those weapons would be used in a terror attack. three of the largest school districts in the united states on edge this morning following new threats of attacks. houston, dallas, and miami all getting e-mails that were similar to the ones that were sent to los angeles and new york a few days ago. well those threats have been deemed uncredible. classes we are told will not be disrupted. however, just getting this information in, indianapolis, two school districts closing today, after an online threat that was made last night, not sure if all those are connected or not. the rock 'n' roll hall of
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fame has selected its class of 2016. take a look. ♪ ♪ i want to reach out and grab you ♪ >> that's the steve miller band famous for hits including abracadabra. they're joined by cheap trick, chicago, deep purple, and nwa. those are your headlines. pretty cool, huh? >> love chicago. >> yeah, chicago is great. aren't they? >> yep. >> it's -- >> pause. sorry. >> okay, brian. >> one thing, steve miller as everyone agrees, most underappreciated band successful band in the history of music. >> until now. >> we're going to give it -- every day we're going to do something for steve miller. >> let's see what happens. >> speaking of it's hard to say you're sorry one thing donald trump is unapologetic. he does not say he's sorry. well last night he actually got in to a tussle, let's say, with bill o'reilly, and he had this
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media observation about how the various networks are treating mr. trump. >> i think i get better press from cnn than i do fox, bill, if you want to know the truth. >> well that's because we're the toughest network. >> i don't know why. i don't know why. >> our job is to be tough. >> -- covered better. you want -- >> you want power. >> i get coverage better. i think i get covered better on cnn than i do on fox. >> but you want power and it's our job to vet you in the best way we can. but look you are too thin skinned. >> there was a live audience there who could actually hear the interplay so you could hear when mr. trump made a point, according -- >> but who is he referring to? is he referring to sean, to bill, to us? >> well, he was referring, we know to cnn. but what i'm seeing him discuss on cnn for the most part, it is just a nonstop bash-a-thon. i will say, mr. trump certainly is entitled to his opinion.
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and he gives it freely. but i'll tell you what, we really are fair and balanced. because you hear everything, we get all sorts of pundits in here. everybody with a point of view. we try to provide all the sides so you can make an informed decision. >> right. so bill o'reilly was taken on by donald trump and he fought back. now i think that i'm taking on bill o'reilly, too. this just in. this just breaking news. "the new york times" list is now out. and number one is bill o'reilly with "killing reagan" and number two is "thomas jefferson and the tripoli pirates: the forgotten war that changed american history." what about our audience who is passionate about history. >> a recent amazon order by the way. >> thank you very much. >> it's big present time. >> it's got to kill and owe riley kind of touched on this yesterday. must kill "the new york times" to have the number one book be about reagan and number two about jefferson. >> who would bill o'reilly take it if just one week out of all
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these weeks thomas jefferson went ahead of ronald reagan? >> let's find out. >> i'm getting a little steamed. >> you at home right now you can make this happen and let this social experiment play right here on fox news. >> would want that to happen. >> this is awful. >> and if you guys want to order for christmas you still have a shot. >> all right. coming up on this thursday they were made famous in the movie panic room. now safe rooms are a growing trend around america. property man bob massi takes us inside one to talk about it next. >> yeah. that will be next. and have you seen this video? [ bleep ] le. >> oh, boy. >> yeah, a deputy -- a deputy parked his cruiser in front of a drunk driver on purpose. wait until you hear what happened next. when cigarette cravings hit,
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all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini.
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oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. ♪ you make me feel so young... it's what you do. ♪ you make me feel ♪ so spring has sprung. all right. a home security system meant to protect people from break-ins was thrown into the spotlight when the movie "panic room" hit the big screen. remember?
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wow. even in slow motion it's terrifying. now with terror fears on the rise, safe rooms just like that one are becoming a new trend. >> this room is a place that could withstand that tree falling on the house. in >> fact, they can withstand a lot more than that. >> wow. here to bring us inside of that panic room, and maybe yours, the host of the property man, bob massi. bob, this is kind of a sad state of affairs, people feel especially after san bernardino and things like that that they need this. is this a growing trend? >> it is, brian. and it's interesting. because safe rooms initially really were some of the things protecting from hurricanes and tornadoes and other kind of catastrophic things. now unfortunately with the way things are, people are in a panic. there's probably more break-ins than ever before. domestic people -- people coming into your home.
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so safe rooms are real. they're used more than ever before. and that's one of the issues we cover and will be covering this week on "the property man" is how to do it. where to get them. and what you need to know. >> for example where should you build them in your house to actually be a safe room? >> well, usually sometimes they actually put them in places that we -- that are not going to be easily discoverable. places where there's no windows. and one of the things is, it's very important to understand what you should and should not put in to safe rooms. and also know exactly what you should do if, in fact, something does happen when people break into your home, god forbid, in order to keep yourself safe. so you hire professionals, brian, to come in and look at the overall house and say, look, this is the best place to put your safe room so that you know if something happens you will, in fact, be safe. >> so you're talking about a room that is solid steel, that is bulletproof, i mean, kevlar? >> well, listen. it's going to depend upon if you're in a position financially to pay for it. they want to make sure that it's
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secured in such a way, god forbid if somebody comes in, assuming we're talking about a break-in concept, which now we have to think that way unfortunately that, in fact, it is bulletproof, that people cannot discover it, that, in fact, it's going to protect against hurricanes, tornadoes, trees falling down, things of that nature, all of which we cover in the show. but also, if somebody would start shooting that, in fact, you are protected in this safe room. >> right. so the only thing i worry about, because i can't get good phone reception in my house, and it's not safe, if i'm in a safe room, can i get word out that i'm in trouble? >> yeah, i talked to one of the people that was involved and they said actually the way they build them now, the cell phones can, in fact, work in a safe room. they take all that in to consideration, brian. so you can communicate and call 911 and things of this nature. and interesting enough, they told us, preparation, preparation. you actually should go through a process, if something would happen, whether it catastrophic,
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weather conditions or somebody break in your house, who's going to get in there, what you keep in there. in other words people keep certain things to get into the safe room and be secure. >> bob massi, we're going to watch it over the weekend. that will be saturdays at 12:00, sundays at 3:00. congratulations bob on another season. thanks for joining us. we'll see you. >> all right, buddy, merry christmas. straight ahead, this photo sparking controversy this morning. it's a judge swearing in -- getting sworn in on a koran. did you know it's completely legal? that story next. and we showed you the video yesterday a bank robber runs right through a reporter's live shot. >> i gotta go here and call 911. i'll talk to you later. >> this morning an awesome update on that story. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever?
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time for some headlines on this thursday. somebody needs to call the p.c. police on new york state prison. the state just agreed to move 1100 prisoners from solitary to other units so they aren't so isolated. that's the problem with solitary confinement. and some of those cells will be converted for group counseling, and exercise. that's great. and some are outraged after a new york judge took her oath of office by swearing in on a koran. but carolyn walker diallo is perfectly within her rights to do so. judges only need to swear an oath. they will uphold the law. there are no requirements to use a certain religious text. you can be sworn in on a comic book, if that's what you want.
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♪ >> well, as christmastime approaches 'tis the season for giving and no one understands that more than leon mclaughlin. by day he runs his own shoe shine stand but in his office hours he helps invent a machine that's bringing clean water to the world. i want to introduce you to this modern-day superman. home for m. they get them world class shines that we give out so you know, it's a fun, fun block. >> leon mclaughlin practices what many in his craft call a dying art running the corner shoe shine stand inside columbia tower. >> when you brush across the shoe there's a certain rhythm, a certain click to it. not only would you see the reflection if you come here and get a shine, you'll see your
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future. >> the best shine on this side of the mississippi. >> half a world away, this shoe shine man is also changing the future of these young children in bolivia. >> i was in mexico traveling, and i was noticing they had these barrels on these roofs. so i asked a lady, i said what are these barrels on the roofs for? and she said they catch water. they're water barrels. >> the woman went on to tell leon about a tourist visiting the area who had recently asked to use her bathroom and found her bathtub filled with water thinking that he was doing her a favor the man reached down and grabbed the plug, draining her tub of water. >> she immediately started crying saying you didn't do me a favor, that was my water for a month. and that really stunned me. >> leon learned that almost 4,000 children around the world die every day from water borne illnesses. a sobering statistic that launched him into action. >> so i said i was going to dedicate my life to try to help these children. and if i had the knowledge that could produce something to help
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them, then i wanted to be a part of it. >> that day he formed what would become the clean water foundation whose sole mission was to bring water purification machines to communities most at risk. >> it's really straightforward as far as most water treatment systems go. we're just going to flip on the pump to start pumping the dirty water, contaminated water through a set of filters. essentially their purpose is just to remove particulates. >> leon also partnered with dr. philip thompson who helped him design a machine that was cost efficient yet practical enough to be assembled by someone with a sixth grade education. >> you do a 30 year value on the system and replacement parts it's about $10,000. so for $10,000, right now, today, i could provide safe drinking water for 1,000 people for 30 years. that's a pretty good deal. >> as of today, leon has delivered eight of these machines throughout bolivia, and most recently, with the help of
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starbucks, to a community in managua, nicaragua, saving thousands of lives. >> it takes a lot of heart and a lot of courage when you look at a child's life. it's priceless. they say you're our only ticket out so step dad don't let us down. i'm like wow if i'm the only ticket out we really got to get this. >> that's great. >> i'm sure you all just fell in love with him like i did. he recently delivered two of his water machines to the bahamas after hurricane joaquin left 1500 children and their families without clean water. if you want to learn more about this and see where leon is heading next go to his website and these are the statistics. 2 million kids each year die by the end of the day, 4,000 children will die from water being contaminated. and you see what he's doing with that extra eight. you sleep eight hours, you work eight hours and what do you do with the rest? what he's doing with the rest of his team is just mere miracles. >> the story is unbelievable.
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i've never seen somebody who everyone says well if i had the money i'd help these people out. >> he doesn't have the money. >> he just had the will. >> he did. and he did it. he actually did something about it. please check out that website. we'll put it on ours as well and you can save one step at a time. well done, leon. a blessing, great thanks to my america team who's been doing a great job. i'll miss doing that. >> america thanks you. >> well gosh, thank you for all that you've been doing. >> coming up on this thursday. the question sounds ridiculous. banning the first amendment? >> what we're calling for is a petition to appeal the first amendment, to get rid of it. blow it up. get rid of it. >> but the answer these students at yale are going to shock you, and we're going to play some of them straight ahead. >> oh, boy. and our green room is being taken over by some new friends. how you can make sure that these adorable puppies have home for the howl-idays. next.
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cancer treatment centers of america. we danced in a german dance group. i wore when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn't finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we're not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at fox news alert right now. a breaking the tale on a really crazy story. and heather nauert has been following it and she joins us right now. >> i didn't think it was a true story. >> this is a true story. it's very bizarre. happened in canada earlier this week. a beautiful financial adviser from that country allegedly
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stabbed and kills another woman because, as she now says, she wanted to feel extreme. you're looking at a picture of rohani who is under arrest days after she plunged a knife into a woman's chest completely unprovoked. we have learned this morning that her victim has died. surveillance video reportedly shows her walking through a toronto pharmacy and then suddenly attacking. she is due back in court tomorrow. some are calling this a display of stupidity by some of our nation's brightest students. in theory they're supposed to be the brightest students. here's what students at yale university had to say about a petition to get rid of the first amendment to our constitution. listen to this. >> what we're calling for is a petition to appeal the first amendment. get rid of it. blow it up. get rid of it. [ inaudible ] >> thank you. >> excellent. thank you.
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>> love it. >> excellent. love it. did you hear that? well the questions were asked by the filmmaker ami horowitz, he's been on our show before. he collected more than 50 signatures in less than an hour at yale. ironically the first amendment protects a whole lot of freedoms. including the freedom of speech, and the freedom of petition. what do you think of that, yale? nice job. well talk about putting your life on the line, a cop in texas drives his car right into a drunk driver intentionally? take a look at this. [ bleep ] so here's what happened. deputy jason moseley intentionally turned his car in the wrong direction to prevent a wrong-way driver near houston from hurting anyone or crashing into anything. well the crash with his car stopped an 18-year-old driver. she was arrested for drunk driving. deputy moseley is now recovering from a bruised neck and back. what a hero. well he is the reporter who
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had his live shot interrupted by a bank robber. >> this bank -- what? >> that's the robber. >> oh, that's the robber. i gotta go here and call nooin one one. i'll talk to you later. >> he's such a good guy. love him from rochester, minnesota. his name is adam from kimt and he did just that. the robber was arrested a short time later. this morning we have an awesome update to bring you. he was awarded an honorary badge from the police department for his work. way to go. i know, this is like -- this is like the aworld of a lifetime. okay. he told us his story on our show yesterday. take a listen to this. >> there's a bank robbery actually the day before. i was giving the audience some new information when i saw a suspicious person walk into the bank and suddenly the bank employee comes out and tells me they've been robbed again. >> i like the bank employee, too, that was great. adam gave us a shout-out
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tweeting just had a great chat with fox news. thanks for having me on. adam come on back any time. those are your headlines. >> i don't even recognize him without his hat. he's a crime fighter. >> he is. >> he did a great job. >> hey, it's the fourth day of our special series home for the howl-idays. howl means something dogs do. it's a series and we are featuring four legged friends that need homes and they are in need generally. >> today we welcome back deborah ulrich founder of forgotten friends and board member simone. and with them are dickens and lucy looking for a home, correct? >> yes. >> tell us a little bit about them. >> go to lucy first. lucy was found wandering around in the neighborhood and they tried to find the owner through craigslist. no microchip so we're looking for a home. she's a little shy. she's about a year and a half. and we're calling her a pug chihuahua. >> okay. i agree. i agree. i'll second that. >> tell us about dickens. >> dickens came in with probably a sibling, a younger sibling
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into a rural shelter. been there a month. and they -- so we took him because they're so cute. and then we found out that dickens has really rotten teeth. and very high level of heart worms. up here you don't have to worry about it but in the south they're very prolific. so we have to treat the heart worms in a long step program. >> about $700, right? >> yeah. >> if they were to donate, keep him alive that would help. >> he needs his teeth cleaned, and he needs the treatment. at his high level it can be really dangerous. >> we've got about 30 dogs now. what's your message? >> my message is to not buy. and not breed. because if you breed a litter of puppies and you've got ten that's going to kill ten dogs in a shelter. >> that's interesting. we should point out that you only adopt in the state of texas. so for people across the balance of the country go ahead and check out your local shelter. >> yeah. >> you also have a great message, a lot of families go into a shelter and they're looking for the little, young cute dogs whereas there are a
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lot of senior dogs and dogs with special needs. >> mm-hmm. >> need homes, too. >> yeah. it's -- it's just people. you know, doesn't matter what they're doing they want to get the best or the cutest or that's why black dogs are kind of doomed in shelters. because you don't see their features as well. a lot of people want a flashy little dog with all kinds of colors. >> never thought about that. >> people want to make a difference go to forgottenfriendstx own organize. >> you love doing this, don't you? >> i do. i really do. and you will surprised what you find in the shelter. you find pure breed dogs. they make good dogs. and they're perfect pets. >> labradoodle, anything you can get, they're in a shelter, too. >> go for more information or as in texas. >> yes. >> coming up on this thursday. homeland security rolls out a brand-new terror alert system and wastes no time in using it.
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warning this morning of americans of self-radicalized actors. peter johnson jr. breaks it all down. what it all means. >> and he's so popular he's known as america's tenor. this morning he's back with his incredible voice. that great sound just ahead.
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quick headlines now. it's called caught on camera team. a cop on to an out-of-control semi truck, his leap of faith ended up saving the driver and others on the road. turns out that driver passed out after having a diabetic reaction. a driver loses control in an icy road in russia, crashes into a barrier and flips over a bridge. the suv fell at least 25 feet. amazingly the driver survived and he's again, speaking
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russian. and spain's prime minister gets punched in the face by a teenager during a campaign stop. how did he get so close? he told the security he wanted a selfie. nice line. here's the prime minister's face looked like afterwards. >> thank you, brian. meanwhile the department of homeland security officially has made changes to their national terrorism advisory system creating a new terror bulletin to inform the public dhs wasted no time in issuing its first bulletin about self-radicalized actors. peter johnson jr. is here to take a closer look at the bulletin and the changes to the system and you broke this story. you broke this story. >> we did break that story. thank god they're doing something. i think it's probably closer next to nothing when you look at this bulletin. let's take a look at the text of the current bulletin. we're in a new phase in the global threat environment. we knew that. which has implications on the homeland. we knew that. particularly with the rise in
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use by terrorist groups of the internet, we knew that. to inspire and recruit. we knew that. we are concerned about the self-radicalized actors who could strike with little or no notice recent attacks and attempted attacks we know that internationally and in the homeland warrant increased security where is it as well as increased vigilance we have it. and awareness yes. so in terms of usefulness of the actual advisory i think it's pretty close to a joke if not an embarrassment. jeh johnson talked about, well, we're going to be telling people what we're doing. there's not a lot of telling people what we're doing in that actual advisory. >> it's full of old news. so they came up with a new system and then they immediately came out with a bulletin of stuff we already knew. >> a bulletin of breaux immediates and the fact that most americans know they do not describe islamic radical extremism or terror it describes current development or general trends regarding threat to
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terrorism. so they say this is a bulletin. elevated alert. that means credible terrorism threat. well, there is one, so they haven't gotten an elevated alert or an imminent alert. that's a credible specific and impending terrorism threat against the united states. so what's going on with these schools across the country and these threats. what are we hearing from dhs? on that we know that they will ban facebook posts -- reviews of people trying to enter the united states. because they have a civil liberties office in the department of homeland security. but what are they telling us about those particular threats? not a lot. >> sure. >> well we do know -- while the scariest of those is the imminent, and we're -- in the wake of paris, some of the european cities actually came out with this imminent threat. that was useful. >> they say if it's a specific credible threat they know something specifically they're going to tell us. will they really tell us? that's the great question.
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. how do you paralyze a country if you know specifically about a specific threat. are they really going to be telling -- other thing that's kind of really bothered me about this, with that, they wrote in the current environment, dhs is also concerned about threats and violence directed at particular communities, and individuals across the country based on, quote, perceived religion -- >> what does that mean. >> ethnicity or nationality. is that terrorism or are we getting back in to this issue that somehow this is a biased discriminatory country, and that americans are going to be striking back at islamic communities, or people of middle eastern descent. does that belong in the terrorism advisory bulletin? does that rise to the issue and level of terrorism? we need to respect everyone in this country. but at the same time, let's respect americans' right to live. they've got to do better than this. this is a bad first start. and no one even knows where to
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find it. they didn't tweet, printing on facebook before and now they say well we've got a bulletin. bulletin is, you know, pray for yourselves. here in america. and there will be more security. you'll see it but let's see it really ramp up. >> all right. peter johnson jr. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> okay. >> scary stuff. >> it is scary. >> meanwhile straight ahead you know him as america's tenor, steve amrson is here with something special just for all of us. good morning, steve. but first let's check in with bill hemmer. he takes the helm here in twelve minutes. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> in a moment are we changing fast enough for the changing tactics of islamic terrorism? there's a hearing about to begin on that. we'll watch it. do you know how many syrian refugees already have come to the u.s.? the number is stunning. we'll tell you why. donald trump says his campaign is a movement. we'll talk to his son eric to explain that today. peter king is here. general michael flynn. and so many more. martha and i will see you in eleven minutes top of the hour.
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christmas is just around the corner and america's tenor steve amrson has been traveling the country performing for fans of all ages. this morning he is here with us. i know you had a great weekend. welcome today. >> i was just in dallas. >> for the snowball express. >> it's an event that american airlines helps do every year. this was the tenth year. they brought in 1600 military widows and orphans and they give them four days -- >> look at that. >> just fun. >> and it's these kids that have lost a parent, a mother or a father and they're with other kids that have -- >> and you were singing christmas songs and everything else there and you ran into sab to. >> a ran into santa and i told him i was going to be with you.
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but i told him i was going to be with brian and he was ticked. he's got a word for you, brian, but i can't give you the word. >> santa's using curse words? >> you're on the naughty list. >> is it time to get on the nice list? >> we'll find out. >> but it was a great experience to be with these kids. >> well it is great to have you. what are you going to perform for us? >> i'm going to sing a song i co-wrote called where else would a lamb be born. >> ladies and gentlemen, america's tenor steve amerson. ♪ ♪ ♪ to receive a royal birth god's gift of love wrapped in a blanket would be his way to reach the
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earth ♪ ♪ a bed of straw became a cradle embracing god ♪ one would expect ♪ more than a stable but where else would a lamb be born ♪ but where else would a lamb be born ♪ ♪ he's the great i am the sacrificial lamb ♪ ♪ who takes away the sins of the world ♪
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♪ ♪ a bed of straw became a creditle ♪ ♪ embracing god in human form ♪ ♪ one would expect more than a stable ♪ ♪ but where else would a lamb be born ♪ ♪ but where else would a lamb be born ♪
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♪ ♪ (vo) some call it giving back. we call it share the love. during our share the love event, get a new subaru, and we'll donate $250 to those in need. bringing our total donations to over sixty-five million dollars. and bringing love where it's needed most.
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love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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the first gummy multivitamin... ...from centrum. a complete, and tasty way to support... ...your energy... ...immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. hey, that's a look at the dog that we're going to be picking up in the middle of january. he's only two weeks old. >> so cute. >> he's a great pyrenees, and he is picked out by my girls, decided to pick even though it's all white in the litter we decided to pick out the one with the badger mask. we have a problem. we need a name. >> okay. >> male or female? >> it's a male. >> then name him -- >> he's going to be 140 pounds. >> name him brian just like you named your son.
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that way you'd have three brians. >> brian. >> he recommended bernie. >> that's cute. >> what do you think? >> write us, and if we choose your name, i'll send you a book. >> there you go. >> good idea. bill: the fears of isis in america growing. on capitol hill a hearing about to get under way look at beefing up the vetting process for the millions coming into our country. we have reports that 100,000 refugees out of syria are already here. martha: good morning. here's the story. the f.b.i. is investigating hundreds of potential terror suspects in all 50 states. now you have homeland security secretary jeh johnson saying we have to be carul


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