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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 5, 2016 12:00am-1:01am PST

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don't forget to vote on twitter every night. if you don't have twitter, sign up, it's free. make sure to follow me at greta. thank you for being with us. i will see you m welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. let's see what exciting stories we will be discussing. >> people are dealing with their donald trump-enduced anxiety. you won't be shocked to learn they live in los angeles, brooklyn and manhattan's upper west side. and a live report from cpac. live for us and not for you. you get it. and finally, a mini scandal erupts after college kids wear mini sombreros at a mini gathering. i hope their punishment is being mini water boarded. back to you. >> thank you, andy. let's welcome our guests. she is a pink lady looking for
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her t-bird. joanne nosuchunsky. with that stash he is a new york cop or a 70s porn star, nick mullen. she swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. unless you are guilty and then she'll lie to cop you out of jail. criminal defense attorney remi spencer. and i know his phone is turned off, but i hear the bottle calling him. michael money gnaw han. let's start the show. >> here is a new excuse to call in sick. trump anxiety syndrome. therapists are dealing with patients who are freaked out over the idea of a trump presidency. a psychologist from manhattan says that she has noticed an up tick in trump references. but she seems most bothered by the fact that trump himself would not seek out services. part of the reason he makes people so anxious is that he
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has no anxiety himself, she says. it is frightening. i am starting to feel anxious just talking about him. another therapist interviewed said she hadn't heard about trump anxiety from patients, but says it helps me to talk about it. i'm terrified that he could win, his impulsive tee and incomplete sentences and strange, squinty eyes. to my mind he is a loosely held together person. thank you, doctor. should she be frightened? no. i had to talk down several conservative friends after the 2012 election. they couldn't believe obama was re-elected. relax, i told them. leaders change and bad policies can be undone. but, you know what's worse than people's fear of trump? it is what they think of people who support him. who are these people? are they at the grocery store? are they next to him at gouge dodger stadium? if you can't sit by someone
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who disagrees with your politics, you really do need therapy. do politics keep you up at night or are you a normal person like me? >> those are two different answers. no, i don't stand for politics. i take lots of xanax and go to sleep early, and i'm nothing like you. i am not like these people either. one of the things that bothers me is i love the fact that i hate donald trump so much. but then you go and present his other opponents to me. and then i hate them more. that's an amazing thing. this idea that people have anxiety over a presidential candidate, it makes donald trump's point for him. like he says everyone's gone crazy and everyone is too pc. the response is i have to go to therapy because this guy is doing well in the new hampshire primary. he is literally making his point for everybody. >> politics makes you passionate about people who
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you probably wouldn't care about. you know what i'm talking about? >> absolutely. it is a topic that gets everybody passionate whether you are a supporter of trump or you are not. the issue i had with this article is they interviewed an art teacher, god bless her. she is a teacher and that's great. but she likened the trump presidency to nazi germany, and how americans are going to flee from this country if trump was elected. i think the melodrama and the outrage is manufactured, and if it is not it is a sad representative of what today's people are saying and thinking. it is stupid. >> isn't it a great way for students to learn their teacher is crazy? >> she is teaching art so at least it is not modern history. >> yes. nick, welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> you look thrilled and happy over there. >> i'm sorry. i am not aware of my face. >> look, you remember when the
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beatles sang you can't always get what you want? shouldn't people take that to heart? >> if you have the time and resources to go to therapy over donald trump, then you are done with therapy. you are finished and you solved all of your problems. quit. go do something else. going to therapy for donald trump is pretty crazy, but going to a massage therapist for it is psychotic. >> that was part of the article i didn't mention. they had people -- the massage therapists said people were talking about donald trump, joanne, on the massage table. >> they were probably imagining his very large hands working out the kinks. >> that may have been it. what do you think? do you think it is something -- if people feel anxiety they should talk about it, shouldn't they? >> that's the thing. you hit that point in your monologue. they are just bringing more upon themselves. it is these people on facebook who are instigating the conversations and thisy are
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not listening and being respect and they are spewing more of the anxiety and they are forgetting that the real anxiety and the real fear is global warming. they need to remember that. >> nick is one of those guys -- i feel like your on-line presence, you put things on there to get people angry. do you do that? >> no, people just don't like me. trying to be friendly and personable and people dis-- despise who i am. >> we here on "red eye" we always try to better the show. we brought in a focus group for feedback. they were asked to describe what they saw. i haven't seen this yet, but, guys, do we have the tape? i am eager to hear what they had to say. >> sophomoric. >> embarrassment. >> disappointing. >> shameful. >> despicable. >> angering. >> low on substance. >> disgusting. >> wow. >> that's a first reaction. >> they warm to you later. >> they will warm to us as
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they watch the show. moving on. who won thawrs' do -- thursday's debate? a focus group said john kasich. that view was shared by the pundits. >> it was in favor of rubio and cruz. it had strong nights. >> i thought john kasich had his best debate. >> donald trump crushed it. >> i thought ted cruz had a good night. >> nobody had a disqualifying night. >> according to every poll i won by a lot. >> last night was embarrassing for the country. >> victory for hillary. >> wow. everyone agrees. on friday trump tweeted some of the polls showing he won. he also tweeted a google trends traffic revealing the most searched candidate during the debate and it was close. you see the area in red? that is donald trump. it is not even close.
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do we need a key for that? purple is rubio and i don't see him anywhere. trump won by a landslide. i think most googled means most presidential, don't you? >> obviously. just call it now. let's just walk away from this and give it to him. everyone is googling him. he just walked off stage and he said all of the polls said i won. i saw you like two minutes ago on stage and now you say these polls were conducted and you won. >> don't tell me seeing the future is not an attractive quality in a presidential candidate. >> i think steve hayes is right that ted cruz won, but the key point is america lost. that's what we can agree on. >> a lot of people said, remi, that it was ridiculous and the debate was shallow. aren't debates subjective? sbt that the whole -- isn't that the whole thing? isn't that the way debates have been since we were kids?
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i remember gerald ford and the spin room and everyone is saying oh he won the debate. they make it up. >> yes and no. yes and no. the debate should let them get offensive and who the candidate is and how they react in high pressure situations and what do they stand for and what do we hear about small hands and name calling. we didn't get the benefit of any of that. i like to think our politicians, our elected officials who are charged with protecting us and improving the country are going to elevate the conversation, they will educate the public. >> don't you think, look -- >> no, it is a disgrace. i am embarrassed for our country for what the gop has turned into , this circus, this reality show, sound byte, headline grabbing bs. >> during the attack the candidates relentlessly went at each other. here is trump describing cruz. >> great guy. everybody respects him.
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>> here is trump slamming the other candidates on the stage. >> i have a lot of respect for him. i generally speaking agree with what he said. he is not that much of a light weight. >> trump seems like a nice guy to me, nick. i don't know what everyone is talking about. do debates matter? does anything matter? i am not talking politics. is there meaning to the universe? >> me personally, no this is my last week and then i'm checking out. >> remi is saying, she finds it ridiculous and it is an embarrassment. ifif you want to go to policy -- >> regardless of the tone of the debate trump won because whether you like it or not it is a competition in ridiculousness. and if kasich was the only one who treated it seriously, yeah he looks professional, but that's not what it is. you don't bring policy to a pissing contest.
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trump is the only guy who made an affirmative statement. no one else did. and that kind of is the most important issue. >> they all could. they had ample time. he did it at the beginning of the debate. and none of them ever went there. >> it is amazing when he said that it is like, i have a being penis too. would would you let -- why would you let an opportunity like that slide by? >> mystery -- little mystery. mystery meat. >> that was my nickname, little mystery. >> trump was bragging about a part of his body. >> i have a very strong core. >> it is the center of everything. i learned that in combat classes. you move through the center. >> that's true. what is your take away from last night? everyone had a different opinion.
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not all were -- it wasn't just people cheering for their camp. >> we need a point system. like gymnastics. you know who the winner is based off the points. talent and all of that. we need someone who is a tabulator off stage who you get a point if you do a good job or describe a policy plan and you get more points. >> we should bring in slime from nickelodeon and slime candidates. when they answer something wrong they are slimed. >> i was mystified by the audience. earlier in the day, five people, 10 people. real americans get tickets. are those really the donors? people were shouting and screaming. >> they were mugging the camera. >> the stage is boring. >> i thought it was evenly matched for people. the last debate i felt like
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there were cheering sections. rubio had the woman screaming in the front row. i thought it was fair and balanced with the crowd. >> i thought there were enough crazy loud people. >> it was a wwe match minus the spandex. it seemed just as fake. there were as many punches thrown. it was pomp and circumstance. >> but were the moderators excellent? >> on friday trump announced he is cancelling his annual speech at cpac, the american conservative union who hosts the conference tweeted very disappointed donald trump decided to drop out of cpac. it sends a clear message to conservatives. the other four candidates are planning to attend. joining us from cpac is the special forces officer ben collins. ben, can you hear me? >> i certainly can hear you. >> with all that's happened with romney and the other
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establishment figures uniting against the front runner, is there a sense that things are divided at cpac? >> i think there is a sense of things divided. it goes to tell you things are divided among the republican party and they have been divided in the republican party for a longtime. we have part of the party that lives and breathes in washington, d.c. and you have everyday america, the disappearing middle class. tell the town in colorado who lost a coal mine they are angry voters. people are scared. there is a real sense of the finally coming to the fore here and a lot of the establishment candidates are having a hard time. there is a pretty large support for ted cruz here. we also heard a lot of support for rubio and kasich during the day. to be honest, i think this crowd expressed there is not a lot of trump support here and
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they were vocal about it. look, if you're mr. trump, what is the upside and the downside? do you gain anything by being here? to be honest you lose more by being here that has been ruckus and booing. i think that's why he decided not to speak here. >> trump is starting to move toward the general election. does he not need the movement conservatives anymore? >> he has been booed during debates before. it has nothing -- nothing has an affect on this man. not going will not have an affect. he will go to kansas and campaign and it is the smarter decision. those people -- i mean the sort of -- the trump april rat fuss fuss -- apparatus calls them the elite conservatives and they all hate him and are rallying around candidates that can't win. and he's right. i wish he wasn't, but he is.
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>> sbt this a -- isn't this a time to be unified? the convention is a long way away. why not have the fights now and then worry about unifying in the summer? >> i think if there was a general consensus we were dealing with a level playing field of equally matched candidates for the nomination, then maybe. there is no unification here. they want trump out. i don't think we will see anybody from the establishment getting behind donald trump. he is not looking for that and he is not gonna get it. >> some want him out. a lot of conservatives say whoa, right, joanne? they are like enough of this never trump. don't put all of your eggs in whatever basket it is in now. >> cpac is like a wolfpack. we have to keep to the pack. we can't have trump. really
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if you want the pack to thrive you need a herder. they will herd your pack to safer pastures. >> ben, i want to ask you about the downtime at cpac. is there a nightlife and do the conservatives party? >> yes, they party. this is a very young crowd. it is a young crowd. it is like any fraternity party, but everybody is in suits and ties and flag pins. that's how they rock it here. >> have a good time. what's your drink down there? are you a scotch man? >> no, miller lite. is that all right? >> very class see. see why whole foods oranges are stirring up a lot of controversy.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. dr. ben carson officially ending his bid for the presidency during a conservative convention yesterday. the retired neurosurgeon isn't planning on endorsing any of the other candidates just yet. he does believe there is a clear checklist of requirements for being the next president of the united states. >> you need somebody who has demonstrated significant accomplishment in their life. you also need somebody whose ideas and policies are clear. >> you need to look at how they treat others and how they treat their family because that's how they are going to treat the american people. somebody who can check the box
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on all of those is going to make an incredible leader. >> the republican ballot has now dwindled down to four as the next round of presidential primaries is set to begin later today. meantime prosecutors believe the hotly contested iphone used by san bernadino shooter faruk could identify a third attacker. san bernadino's police chief says all of the evidence points to two attackers, but a third assailant isn't being ruled out. apple was ordered to open the pass word protected phone, but they refused citing a security risk for customers. and an autopsy report said bobbi kristina brown had a variety of drugs in her system. despite the findings the medical examiner could not determine if it was a homicide, suicide or merely an accident. 234* january of last year the 22-year-old daughter of whitney houston and bobby brown was found face down in her bathtub. she spent six months in a coma before dying last july.
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i'm patricia stark. now back to "red eye." you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox newschannel. okay, and now it is time for -- >> organic food market whole foods is getting hammered on social media for selling pre peeled oranges in plastic containers. the fuss over fruit started on thursday after they tweeted this picture and snarked, if only nature could find a way to cover these oranges so we didn't feed to waste so much plastic on them. her tweet went viral and 70,000 retweets. and the angry on-line hoard slammed whole foods for being irresponsible. the supermarket c apologized. definitely our mistake. these have been pulled.
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we hear you and we will leave them in their natural packaging. they acted swiftly and the problem was solved. the response, i'm sorry you decided to do that. i have raw -- riew -- rule mad to and i can't peel the orange. >> we hear you able bodied person and will no longer make accommodations for the disabled because of your feelings. this is like real white people problems. >> the woman who tweeted it i went and found her tweet. a second tweet after it she had like a hundred followers and was not ready for this. she said that she had been accused of having white person problems and making fun of the disabled. she was getting the full social justice storm. she made a joke about oranges. apparently this is a huge problem of disabled people and oranges.
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my recommendation is clementines. they are easy to peel. i don't know if that is anti-ableist. >> and the ones without the seeds. you can peel them -- >> it just falls off. >> nick, look, it will save two minutes, but it will save the earth. which is more important? >> that's obvious. you can buy any packaged fruit. apples are sliced and in a plastic cup at wallgreens. that's just the first time they saw that. >> i think the distinction is whole foods has held itself up to a higher standard. we are environmentally sensitive. >> everybody knows that is a lie. >> maybe not everybody does. >> what do you think the reason is for this? why would whole foods do this? >> it is because they have too many people employed there. they needed to give an employee something to do
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because they are being paid. so they said here is a project. we have some extra oranges that we want to sell. we bought too many. let's peel them. let's try selling them in a different way. >> why would they do that? does anyone know the answer? i'll tell you. moms. moms are busy. their husbands are off working at an investment bank and they don't have time to peel oranges. they have all of these children running around so they take the orange and give it to the kid and off to school. >> that's the most sexist thing i have heard on television. >> it could be a father at home who doesn't have time to peel. >> that too. we are talking about whole foods . it is upscale people. >> that orange is $22. >> it is $6 a pound. >> they slice up the oranges. i think if they took the oranges and then arranged them in a staircase --
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>> why don't we buy blueberries like we buy grapes. >> grapes come on a thing. unless you are buying picked grapes already which you are in cahoots with the whole foots people. >> a lot of people won't eat an orange -- it does take time to peel. your kid will not take -- >> oh laziness. >> if you have a cut cuticle it hurts and the smell lingers. >> the smell lingers and it turns your hand yellow and it is a disaster. you can put that in your backpack and take it to school. don't you see? don't you want children to get vitamin c or have them get scurvy. >> you can do things with the peel it is like half of the orange we should be paying less for. you know what i think? somebody's second cousin once we moved became a vice president that didn't have any
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responsibility within the company and this was his idea. nobody was checking him. nobody thought he did any work and it was that person's idea who under minded the philosophy. >> you are -- you should be glad they don't underestimate it. >> and i am playing the lounge on march 12th. go to tom for tickets.
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welcome back. it is that time again. tv's andy levy at the "red eye" news deck. >> people go to therapy because of trump. the country survived president nixon and it will survive president trump. >> maybe, i think. where is the xanax? jay it is in the green room. >> you'll be okay. >> okay. you love the fact that you hate trump so much, but then you hate the people who hate him even more. so you hate me more than you hate trump. >> you just turned me around. i think that's unrelated to the whole thing. i just generically don't like you. >> i was going to say, there is an obvious reason for that. >> i didn't want to admit it on tv. >> i'm sure you have before.
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>> i do a show. it is in german so nobody knows what we say. >> the issue you had with the article about the trump therapy is the person who likened the trump presidency to gnaw swrea swrea -- nazi germany. i believe this is a handful of losers. >> i think we will see more of this nonsense. >> you are probably right about that too. >> nicky said going to therapy is crazy, but going to massage therapy because trump is psychotic. what if it is insurance purposes? you want a massage, and your insurance will pay for it if it is for mental health reasons. >> that's the smartest thing i have ever heard. >> and did you claim to be friendly and personable on twitter? >> yes. >> have you read your tweets? >> no, i haven't. i speak them to sear re-- siri
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and she handles them. >> debate result stuff. you said trump just stepped off stage when he said he wants the on-line polls. >> i think he said polls. >> he was right. >> he is always right because on-line polls are on-line polls. people who vote in them are psychotic. it is like the drudge poll. that doesn't mean anything. >> yeah, i just don't think he was lying. i also agree with you and steve hayes. i thought cruz had a good night. >> he is crazy too, but chafer. but whatever. >> you didn't like the tone of the debate. they will elevate the conversation and educate people. how long have you been in your coma? >> why does everybody think that is so crazy? >> because we live in this world. >> it is so bad. it is getting worse with each
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election cycle. >> they should bring in slime like on nickelodeon and slime the candidates. how would you be able to tell? >> you got me. >> you said you thought the crowd was out of control. may i suggest booze played a small role in that? >> there was an on-line report which i can't confirm nor deny. 10 to 15 people were thrown out of debate because they were drunk. >> can i just say one thing? people need to stop being fooled by kasich's above the fray act. he is trying to convince people he is an adult in the room and he is not. >> why would you say that? >> people have got to remember, kasich is the guy who went to fargo from a blockbuster video store. you can look it up.
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he hated it so much instead of doing what a normal person should do -- >> that was kasich? i remember this. >> can i? instead of just saying oh the movie is not for me he called blockbuster and demanded they remove it from the shelves. this is not an adult. >> that was not kasich. >> it was kasich. it absolute looy was -- absolutely was kasich. unless rick perly wrote the auto-biography. >> that's in libya. >> the debates are rating so well there were 16 million viewers on thursday night. they just got picked up for a second season. >> you brought up trump was a smart move for him and they call him the elitist.
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wasn't it cpac who got trump started down this path? >> i was at the cpac and everyone was starstruck and didn't take them seriously which is what everyone was thinking eight months ago. i have really evolved. >> you said it is like a wolfpack and a wolfpack needs a herder. >> has anyone tried? >> a lot of dead people have tried. >> whole foods gets rid of citrus fruit. the sumo mandarin are hybrid. it inning chas them. >> we can call them oranges. >> will anybody freak out about the gmo aspect? what kind oforld do we live
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in. >> i just want more people on the internet to be mad at that. i'm glad people are talking about how getting rid of the peeled fruit is bad for disabled people and people are arthritis. let's not over look the point it is bad for lazy people. >> so for americans then. >> or more to the point, me. >> shouldn't they have labeled it fruit for the disabled. >> if that was their response to that tweet that went viral it would have shut it downright then. >> this was a new thing. you are rooting for the disabled. these didn't exist before. >> how long was it in the store, do we know? >> just this week. i guess the disabled were not
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eating -- >> citrus? >> yes, citrus. >> you have never had an orange in your life? >> nobody would care if it wasn't twitter. if that was that lady in the store and she said can you believe this? people would be like what are you talking about? finish shopping. >> as you pointed out you can buy other fruit pre sliced. this woman got 70,000 retweets and isn't that what happens? they got mad at that and they just ran with it. >> recommend knee, you said the difference is whole foods holds itself up to the higher standards. they themselves have the pre-sliced food. >> if you ever gone shopping
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at a whole foods? >> you could have stopped after shopping and i would say no. >> everybody is so fancy and they have so much better. >> those oranges were for the moms, andy. >> my last point before i go, i enjoy your 1950s explanation for everything. they did it with the moms. this is an upscale place, people with money. >> people with money don't feed their kids. they have nannies to do it. >> i am done. >> it is time to take a break. mini so many brair -- sombreros when we come back.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. gop presidential hopeful ben carson officially ending his white house bid. carson saying, quote, there are a lot of people who love me. they just won't vote for me. the retired neurosurgeon is planing to focus on a project to encourage religious voters to participate. he did not endorse any other candidates, but says the country needs someone who is accomplished and treats others well. ?oi president obama praising the current state of america's
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economy saying, quote, america is pretty darn great right now. his comments after a labor department report claiming they added 242,000 jobs. it is holding steady and obama says the numberses don't lie and he is looking forward to refuting republican doomsday claims about the economy. more than two deck -- decades after the trial of the century they are testing a knife found by a construction worker at o.j. simpson's old house. it is believed the worker gave it to an off duty police officer who kept it for years. investigators are working to confirm the authenticity. no one ever found the weapon to kill nicole brown and her frond ronald goldman. simpson was acquitted in 1995. convicted murderer james whitey bulger will stay behind bars. they denied a request for a new trial. he said his right was violated
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because he wasn't allowed to receive immune knees for -- immunities for his crimes. i'm patricia stark. now back to" red eye." are you watching the most powerful name in news. fox newschannel. students are in hot water for wearing mini sombreros to a birthday party. yes, mini so many brair res, or as trump calls them, little marco size. the theme is tequilla so do with it what you may. jeer not saying it is a fee -- fiesta, but we are not not saying that. the school announced an investigation into a possible act of ethnic stereo typing
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and the government issued a statement of solidarity to all students to stand by all students who were injured and affected by the tequilla party. the party organizers were not expelled as i would recommend, but they were publicly shamed. i think it is the first time tequilla has lead to regret. what do you think? are you a tequilla gal, joanne? >> i didn't used to be. i am now. it is really nice if you just do it on the rocks though. don't put all of the stuff in it. >> that's what gives you the hang over. >> actually because it is from the agave plant it is one of the best liquors for you. it is not messed with. gee that's -- >> that's what i will be thinking the next time i have a tequilla. >> what's more appropriate than mini sombreros?
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>> unless i get a cactus. >> why didn't they do that? >> come on. it is a good school. >> i want to live in that world. >> look, remi, the school, everything is getting out of hand. what students were injured by the idea of a tequilla party? >> i think they were the ones in the photograph. they were missing their faces. >> that's what tequilla does, people. >> the regrettable things i have done have all happened while i was drinking tequilla. i'm sure there were injuries, but i don't think it was from the sombreros. >> were you drinking -- what are the drinks with the salt? margaritas. were you drinking margaritas. >> no, just drinking tequilla. >> you were drinking the wrong kind maybe? i don't know. >> did you go where the womens
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have the shots on their belt? >> also probably racist. >> have you ever seen where the girls from the holsters? >> i am classier than that. >> unfortunately i have. >> these are real? >> they are shot girls. >> they wear them on their midsection? >> how do they do that. >> they have the tequilla on the hip. >> i am one of the coastal elitists. >> i am a different kind of guy. >> do you realize every time they come through there is a sombrero? >> when you go to the subway have you ever seen the marriachi band? >> it is disrespectful.
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>> i think the whole plan is genius. you make your frat party racist. >> that's the way to hide it. >> we'll close things out with a bedtime story.
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eye" charles cook, kennedy and sam morrell. >> this case you were wondering, homemade cardboard license plates are not legal. the erie county sheriff's office had to issue the reminder to the public after pulling over a 28-year-old woman using this cardboard license plate. looks real to me, come on. she was driving with a suspended license and without insurance and provided police this copy of her driver's license. she looks different from her photo. she is charged with possession of a forged instrument and driving with a suspended registration and given a d plus in art class. remi, would you take her case
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dism? >> she needs a lawyer. if she is looking for representation and she can afford private council, of course. the question is what is her defense? it may be insanity and diminished capacity? i am not sure. these are serious offenses. i know it is a joke because it looks silly, but a forged identification or a fake driver's license, those are felony crimes in the post 9 lsh slen -- post 9/11 era. she is in big trouble. >> she might have just gotten fake plates. >> i think it is the perfect crime. what do they make you do in jail? make license plates. there is no punishment for her. >> it is true she just wants to make herself a plate. >> my mother did this, actually. >> she got her plates damaged
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and she got a wood out and she painted on the plate. >> is that real? >> we were never caught. >> i love that it shows the printers. i love the kind of hand lettering and it reminded me of we made a big board id. and you stood in front of it and took a pick truer -- picture. the painting was a lot better. >> you could go to a local bodega. this woman is not too bright. let's give her a break. >> she is bright. she didn't do it. she is not the one who painted that. that's her defense. she is not the one who made it. she has a younger sibling or there is craft time. she is killing a few birds.
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>> she is helping the youth. a special thanks to joanne nosuchunsky and remi spencer and michael moynihan. i'm tom shillue and i'll see you next time. need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over one hundred of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. and now you can use zip recruiter for free. go to
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