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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  May 12, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> tracking every movement, donald trump's caravan has left the building. he is at capitol hill. have a great day. john: donald trump wrapping up his first meeting on capitol hill with the speaker of the house paul ryan and republican national committee chairman called it a positive step. we are awaiting paul ryan's comments. we should have those moments from now and we will have them live. heather: i am in for generally. the republican primary race may just about be over but party
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infighting is not. a major effort to change that is donald trump meets with republicans on the hill including paul ryan. john: after the surprise announcement that the speaker was not ready to endorse the presumptive gop nominee trump meeting with the gop house leadership today and getting ready to sit down with senate republican leaders 45 minutes from now. john roberts is live at national committee headquarters in washington. >> reporter: good morning. we expect some members of the house leadership on the republican side will come out to the microphone soon, that meeting with donald trump just wrapped up. it went about an hour after the meeting with paul right and reince priebus went for about an hour. things are looking positive this morning. you don't want to spend a lot of time, sources inside the meeting describe the tone, very positive and a good step toward party
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unity. sources didn't want to talk too much about what was said between mister trump and paul ryan, they want to leave that for half an hour's time to talk about that and donald trump may talk a little later today, a broad discussion in republican principles, paul ryan laid out his agenda, donald trump talk to paul ryan about what was important to him. they didn't get too deep, the meeting was described to me by sources close to paul ryan as beginning of the conversation, the two of them don't know each other. this is something they hope to continue doing in the future, and lay down markers as much as explain their positions to each other and get deeper into the issues as time goes on. as you mention from here, to talk to people on the senatorial committee. this is all designed of a way
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for donald trump as he charges toward the nomination at the republican convention and on to the general election. capitol hill more comfortable with him. one of the big issues that separated donald trump from paul ryan is this idea of a ban on muslims entering the united states. donald trump went to some lengths to ameliorate speaker ryan's fears to greater van susteren that this wasn't in stone. he only ever intended to be temporary and there would be exceptions. and all indications at this point the two of them are off to a good start which was what people were hoping for on the republican side. jon: we would hear from the speaker 25 minutes from now. john roberts live in dc, thank you. for more on this trump gop summit, david hawkins, rollcall, chief congressional correspondent at the washington examiner. we don't have time for what is going on in the meeting, we had
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the tweet from reince priebus, head of the republican national committee, that everything went well. we had real problems in their. >> reporter: to unify everybody around the nominee he said so yesterday that the goal is to win in november, and keep the senate's under republican control and move republican agenda and he wants to get there with donald trump but he also said i don't know the guy, only talk to him a couple times and we don't know each other so this was the first step as john roberts said for the two to introduce each other and talk about their ideas. ryan talked about his agenda, and to the american voters, paul ryan told me you have to make sure whoever the nominee is, donald trump, get that person on board to move forward together. the remaining question is how close together they will be able
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to work because trump is his own guy with his own ideas. that is likely to clash with what paul ryan has in mind. jon: there might be voters who are mystified by this, they say paul right as a republican, donald trump is running as a republican, what differences might they have? >> they have plenty of differences and they range from basic disagreement over the robust posture of the united states and foreign policy, foreign trade where paul ryan is a free trader and donald trump is not. paul ryan was hoping to be part of the solution to help negotiate a solution to the immigration bill last year, we know where donald trump is on that. they have been different in recent days, donald trump altered his position to talk
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about being in favor of raising taxes on the richest americans, paul ryan opposed to raising taxes on anybody. donald trump talked about raising the minimum wage, paul ryan has been opposed to that. donald trump talked about doing nothing to slow the growth of medicare, social security and other entitlements, paul ryan's budget in the years when he was chairman of the budget committee were all about reining in those entitlement spendings that are the main drivers of the budget deficit. the list is long and not about small stuff, very big stuff. i think to say what susan said a second ago a different way, this is a power struggle here. i don't think we will see paul ryan come out and say i give up, i endorse the guy, everything is fine. this is paul ryan's moment to show that should donald trump win the presidency, paul ryan is still wanting to be seen as the intellectual policy driver in
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the republican party. he wants to be seen as the leader of a coequal branch of government and put his marker down that may congress a big player. jon: two issued a joint statement, let me read a bit of it for you, from house speaker paul ryan and donald j trump, the united states cannot afford another four years of the obama white house which is what hillary clinton represents. that is white is critical republicans unite around our share principles, advance a conservative agenda and do all we can to win this fall. they go on to say they had a great meeting and will be having additional meetings. it is said that paul ryan may have his own presidential ambitions down the road. walking a fine line, he wants to advance trump's candidacy and his own possibilities obviously but he has to be careful how much he jumps on board the trump train. >> that is right. he needs to protect house republicans. they are not all on board with
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trump either. they told me yesterday they are very concerned trump waivers a lot on important conservative principles. they want to hear from trump and they think paul ryan is doing the right thing by taking this very cautiously, very slowly and making sure he outlines to donald trump what republicans in the house want to see in terms of the agenda. everyone questions what paul ryan's ambitions are. he will deny to the end that he has any ambitions beyond the house of representatives but that is part of the talking point here. he needs to protect his own reputation, his own turf. it did not surprise me when he said i am not ready to endorse him yet. he needs to bring his own party along and also protect his own reputation as head of the conservative movement. jon: as i understand it one of the fears house members have is that they might potentially getting donald trump the same kind of leader that they see in
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barack obama, somebody who enforces the will of the white house and not necessarily consult with congress on a lot of major issues. >> exactly right. they do feel the way donald trump has spoken during the campaign, he has spoken in an authoritarian manner that leaves many of them worried that he either doesn't quite understand the balance of power and how it is supposed to work or plans on being robust in his exercise of executive power as president obama has been if not more so. that is their long-term worry but their short-term worry especially for those republicans in competitive races and only a relatively small group of republicans are in danger of losing, maybe 10% of the house, at most 35 republicans and democrats in range of losing, those 35 are worried donald trump is not going to be a help, he will be a hindrance and part
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of this whole thing we haven't really spoken about his i hope they are hoping paul ryan said to donald trump your promise about acting more presidential and less combustible needs to start right now. jon: what about the senate side? we had the video donald trump's suv pulling into the driveway of the building meeting with senators, mitch mcconnell and the other republicans right now. do they share the same concerns or are they somewhat different from those on the house side? >> they are even more concerned, senate majority in republicans hands is truly at risk and there is a strong concern among republican senators in tough reelection races that trump at the top of the ballot will cost them their seat and cost the majority. although mitch mcconnell came out more quickly than paul ryan with an endorsement, he has been less friendly toward trump. he talked about behind closed
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doors told members he would drop trump like a hot rock if he became the nominee because they are so fearful of the consequences so i have a feeling in the meeting coming up, mcconnell will be talking to trump about tone and i can almost guarantee that will be part of the conversation. the question is whether trump will adhere to any of this advice. jon: so far it is all sweetness and light according to the news release they just issued. >> it always is. jon: this was our first meeting but it was a very positive step toward unification. >> they are not there yet. jon: we will continue watching and we will hear what paul ryan has to say. thank you both. paul watford sweetness and light or unicorns and rainbows. the democrats switching to their own unity issues, some diehard bernie sanders supporters vowing that they will not vote for
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hillary clinton. that divide could have serious implications for trump and clinton. richardson is live from the dc bureau with more on what is going on there. they have their own unity issue. >> good morning. bernie sanders promises a political revolution. that movement's leader has a substantial deficit in delegates to front runner hillary clinton. she has 240 delegates, sanders has 1473. can there be 2383 to clinch the nomination? barring a delegate revolution clinton will likely win the nomination forcing sanders supporters to potentially vote for the women they charged, cozy with special interests, too aggressive on foreign-policy. sanders voters in the bernie robust movement promising to vote for clinton. >> someone like hillary clinton, not saying it is okay for voters, okay to have big corporations fund you and not
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have to provide whatever they are trying to push through. it is not okay anymore. >> also an online pledge, don', she carries too much baggage and has too many enemies to win the general election. 63,000 online signatures. questions for democrats, how many bernie or bust supporters are there and will they change their minds? a mcclatchy marist poll from last month is a quarter refuse to back clinton in a general election. fewer than 70% say they will. clinton supporters say after the party has settled on a nominee more bernie voters will come around to clinton especially in a general election. heather: she needs those young voters. only 39% of them would either not go and vote at all or support her. that is her problem.
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thank you. jon: an urgent manhunt for missing 9-year-old girl and her uncle. investigators believe carly may be in imminent danger. exclusive information on the response to the benghazi attack, military members saying the us could have done more. live reports. do you think donald trump can unify the gop after the meeting today with republican leaders on capitol hill? our live chat is up and running,
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jon: crime stories, even couch sentenced to two years in jail, a judge upholding is order for the affluenza teen who killed four people when driving drunk when he was only 16. he is 19 now. he will be on bars after being extradited from esco -- mexico where he fled with his mother. a manhunt underway for a man who killed a woman and shot four of
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her children. the shooting taking place at a home in birmingham, the children are in the hospital, one of them in critical condition. investigators believe the shooting stem from a domestic disturbance. the father of a missing 9-year-old from tennessee says her alleged abductor was obsessed with his daughter. investigators believe carly trent is in imminent danger. authorities are searching for the 9-year-old and her 57-year-old uncle, they have been since last wednesday when they find her out of school on false pretenses. investigators say girls clothing and other items on may 4th, a $15,000 reward for a safe return. heather: new information on the benghazi attack. one of them saying as the attacks were unfolding his squadron was ready to launch from italy but never got the go-ahead from washington. the 2012 attack on the consulate
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that four americans dead. adam housley has more. >> reporter: the two men we spoke with never told a congressional committee or investigator what they saw and experienced, they say they were ready, willing and able to help that night, they were on target to respond but politics got in the way. >> anybody else, facts are facts. >> reporter: despite the claim by former secretary of state hillary clinton at the state department that nothing more could have been done a freedom of information act lawsuit recently revealed department of defense chief jeremy batch immediately offered assistance to the state department on the night of september 11th saying forces could move to benghazi and spinning up as we speak. >> for some reason they all shutdown. i think it leads back to policymaker somewhere, no one in
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the military is going to shut down an operation, they want to get involved. >> reporter: the murders of ambassador chris even then foreign service officer sean smith happened early on that fateful night, the death of cia contractors glenn doherty and tyrone woods, tween 9 hours later, still hunt many within the military community. >> they got killed in a mortar attack at the end of the battle when the sun was coming up when they shouldn't have been killed because we had plenty of time at that point, hours and hours to do something which we did nothing. >> reporter: shortly after returned to libya saying us special forces had multiple chances to kill or capture the terrorists responsible but were repeatedly denied by the state department. >> at our level we were doing everything we were supposed to be doing. and everybody else's level above us it was political. i read the emails saying we can't do this now. politically we can't do it. >> reporter: democrats call the
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investigation a waste of time and money. republican congressman and ben gandhi -- benghazi committee chairman trey gaudi said they unveiled new facts but they are having major issues spotting some witnesses and witness lists provided to them like the two men we spoke with. jon: deadly bombings to tell you about across baghdad as twin bombings leave five police officers dead. what is this wave of terror attacks in the iraqi capital mean for the battle to defeat isis? our next guest says the us is losing that battle. the playground up in flames and neighbors wonder if it was the work of an arsonist. >> who would do something like that? (politely) wait, wait, wait! you can't put it in like...
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jon: of fire in a playground could land someone in the hot seat with investigators. check this video. you can see the raging fire consuming playground apartment at a park in lakeland. they contained the blaze at one location. investigators say the fire might have been intentionally set. >> they don't know when the stock is growing property. they need to be taught a lesson. jon: official are trying to determine the cause of the fire. anyone with information is advised to contact investigators. heather: officials say one bomber. himself up at the gate to the police station when a second bomber detonated explosives.
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and this year, 93 people were killed in a way of car bombings claimed by isis. here is the white house's response to terror attacks. >> the united states condemns the multiple attacks in and around baghdad. a lot of innocent people have been killed and injured. it is consistent with isil's strategy of wreaking havoc and sewing chaos, and in many cases they do that by killing innocent people by targeting them specifically. those tactics are abhorrent. heather: joining me is kt mcfarland, former deputy assistant secretary of defense in the reagan administration. you heard josh earnest, laying out what isil's strategy is saying we strongly condemn it. what is our strategy and is it not working? clearly it is not.
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>> our strategy is to degrade, defeat and destroy isis and we are not doing it. when i watched josh earnest at the podium it reminds me of baghdad bob. during the iraq war saddam hussein would give daily press conferences and say the iraqi army is notorious for defeating the americans and the american tanks in the background, he was lying. no relation to reality. that is what he is starting to sound like. we are not defeating them or destroying them. isis is in more places in greater strength than ever before. heather: the amount of area they now control is the size of great britain in the heart of the arab world. >> it is a functioning state, the islamic state, that is where isis is and the islamic state, franchises around the world, in north africa, libya, the sinai peninsula, throughout the middle east all the way to south asia
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and the isis sponsored attacks were carried out in pay us -- paris and brussels and san bernardino. to say we are succeeding in the strategy we have against isis -- heather: more than 4000 americans died and since then in the past year we have had three american servicemembers killed including the latest navy seal last week. >> the thing that is so frustrating is the bush administration doesn't have clean hands in this. donald trump has been right to call out the elephant in the room. for 15 years, republicans couldn't figure out how to do it democrats couldn't figure out how to do it, the obama administration, try for a new plan. heather: what do we need to do? >> the iraq government which we try to prop up all the time, it is corrupt, incompetent, not fighting for all the people and three tribes in iraq, sunnis, kurds, they are not unified
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behind that government. maybe a year left in it. and descendents of tribal warfare that wracked that region. heather: everyone who is fighting for us, back to the government which is led by iraqi shiites. >> the interesting thing about that is isis suicide bomber, who did they attack, who died, shiites, the other main drive, this is tribal warfare and the plans, a war in the middle east or obama ignoring it, neither have worked. it is time for a new president of the united states to do it, to lead a coalition, has an ideological component, take away their money, religious component as well as military. we are losing the social media,
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we invented social media. heather: we are allegedly arming the kurds. what is happening? >> allegedly arming the kurds, but when i talk to people in the region who travel frequently to the region including general jay garner, and saying you pass them along to the kurds, they are not going to do that so the kurds are the only people in the middle east to stand up and fight isis, they are doing it with insufficient -- they are the only ones fighting, the only ones not arming. >> we have an election going on and the military, they are pooled and most recently are overwhelmingly in favor of trump. why is that? in terms of his foreign-policy? >> what is interesting is it is similar to 1980 when the population was the same. and economically in bad shape getting pushed all over the world and lost our sense of
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confidence in ourselves. reagan came in and reversed, he was seen as a strong leader and one of the reasons the military may be looking for a new direction, they want a strong leader and trump has been good about saying i'm going to take care of it, other people say it, didn't do it. heather: he says he will give more money to the military. >> they have the strongest it's just a defense, american first policy. >> thank you for joining us. john? jon: something of a lifeline for mitsubishi after. line information about fuel efficiency. we tell you which company is stepping up to help that automaker plus, bernie sanders fighting on until the end. will that help or hurt
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democrats come november? our political panel weighs in. >> jon: a fox news alert. speaker paul ryan on his meeting with donald trump. let's listen in. >> today, the house continues to work on legislation to address the heroine and opioid epidemic across this country. for those of you who are in our press conference yesterday, we heard from
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susan and bob dole, authors of two of these initiatives. all told, by the end of this week we are acting on 18 bills to deal with this. i will be signing one of them today. it is s32, the transnational drug trafficking. this allows prosecutors to go after drug traffickers in foreign countries if we believe their drugs will make it to our shores. that is going to the president's desk today. one reason we call this an epidemic is because it cuts across all lines. it affects families everywhere in america. at least get injured and they are prescribed medication. before they know what they are on the path to addiction. yesterday we introduced a bill introduced by pat meehan of pennsylvania to help families deal with these dangers. they can also be born with a dependency. this is the fastest story of them all. that happens every 25 minutes in this country. these babies struggle to eat or even breathe. we introduced a bill introduced by evan jenkins of west virginia to protect infants and make sure they
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get a healthy start. the next here is that we will take all of these bills we are passing out of the house and go to a conference convening with the senate then we intend to send the bill to the president's desk and i hope each and every one of you will be back here when we sign this bill. this opioid epidemic is something we have to get on top of. i'm very proud of the republicans and democrats who have come together to address the situation because this is about people's lives . it is about holding them apart and i believe in this fight. thank you. >> reading the joint statement a few minutes ago and this is the first meeting but all i can design out of that statement is that you want to beat hillary clinton. that can't be the only point of unity here. you are having trouble passing a budget in the house. what makes you think you can get on board with some of the things that will trump is
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talking about when it comes to policy? let me say this. i think we are very encouraging. donald trump and i have had our differences. we talked aboutthose differences today. that's common knowledge . the question is, what is it we can do to unify the republican party and help not strain the party. we had a productive conversation on just how to do that but it's important we discussed the differences we have but it also important that we discussed the core principles that tie us all together. the principles of the constitution, the separation of powers and the fact we have a president that's gone way beyond the bounds of the constitution. the principle of self-governance. we talked about life and how strong we areóprinciple, the supreme court and things like this. i was encouraged by what i heard from donald trump today. i do believe that we are now planting the seeds to get ourselves unified .
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to bridge the gaps and differences so from here we are going to go deeper into the policy areas to see where that common ground is and how we can make sure we are operating off the same core principles so yes, this is our first meeting. i was very encouraged with the meeting but this is a process. it takes a little time. you'll put it together in 45 minutes so that is why we had like i said a very good start to a process on how we unify. jonathan. [inaudible question] the process of unifying the republican party which just finished a primary about a week ago, perhaps one of the most divisive primaries in memory, takes some time. look, there are people who are or donald trump, for ted
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cruz or john casey or marco rubio and everybody else and it's very important that we don't fake unify and we don't pretend unification. that we truly and actually unify so that we are full strength in the fall. i don't want us to have a faith unification process here. i want to make sure we really truly understand each other and we are committed to the conservative principles that make the republican party, that built this country and again, i'm very encouraged area i heard a lot of good things from our presumptive nominee and we exchanged differences of opinion on a number of things that everybody knows we have. there are policy disputes we will have. there's no two ways about it. plenty of republicans disagree with one another on policy disputes but on core principles, those are the kind of things we discussed. and i'm very encouraged. i think this is going in a positive direction and i
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think this is a first very encouraging meeting but again, in 45 minutes you don't mitigate all the processes and issues and principles that we are talking about. i didn't catch that. [inaudible question] it's important the kind of conversation we had is between the two of us and no offense, but i don't want to litigate our conversation through the media because i think when you are beginning to get to know someone you have a good conversation of trust between each other i want to keep the things we discussed between the two of us because they are very important and personal in some senses and that means we talked about what takes unify. where our differences were and how we can bridge these gaps going forward so that we are strong as a party going into the fall. long? [inaudible question] he did. i am the speaker of the house. i am happy to serve in this capacity at the chair of our convention if the presumptive nominee wants me to do so. if the delegates are tight
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enough to make that decision, but i would honor the decision of our nominee and he did express that interest. [inaudible question] yes, so first of all, i thought he had a very good personality. he's a very warm and genuine person. i met him or like 30 seconds in 2012 so we really don't know each other and we started to get to know each other so i actually had a very pleasant exchange with him. that point number one. point number two, there are
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things we really believe in as conservatives. we believe in limited government. we believe in the constitution. we believe in the proper role of the differences in the separation of powers and we believe in things like life. i know not everyone is pro-choice in our party and we accept all comers but we are a majority pro-life party and these are things important to us so we had a good exchange of views on these issues. he's having the same conversation with the senate right now. our leaders met with him and everybody expects opinions and exchanged ideas and the point of this is i think we are off to an encouraging start. it is important that we get ourselves to full strength so we can win in the hall because the stakes cannot be higher but it takes more than 45 minutes. we discussed those issues at great detail. [inaudible question] [inaudible question] right, so i represent a wing of the conservative party, you could say.
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he's bringing a whole new wing to it. he's bringing voters we've never had for decades. that's a positive thing. the point, though, is can we agree on the common core principles that unite all of us? we will have policy disputes, there's no two ways about that. all republicans do. mitt romney and i didn't agree on everything in 2012 so we will have policy disputes. i'm not interested in litigating the past, i'm interested in going forward and see where that common ground is so we can have a unified republican party that yes, there will be different republicans that have different views on various policy ideas. the question is, can we unify on common core principles that make our party and by the way, the principles that wrote this country and i'm very encouraged that the answer is yes. [inaudible question] one more over here. sorry, the lady first. [inaudible question] it's
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really kind of unparalleled right now. he has gotten more votes than any republican primary nominee in the history of our country. and this is even over yet. he has gone to california yet so it's really a remarkable achievement. so the question is, and this is what we think we can be a party to helping , how do we unify at all question mark this is a big and growing movement. how do we keep adding and adding voters while not subtracting any voters? and me, that means a positive vision basedon core principles , taking those principles, applying them to the problems facing our country today and offering people solutions. speaking to people where they are in life and show that we have a better plan. here's what we agree on.
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hillary clinton presidency would be a disaster for this country. it's effectively a third obama term and the other thing we all know is, most americans do not like where this country is headed. seven out of 10 americans think america is on the long wrong track. we agree with that so the question is, can we unify around are common principles to offer the country a compelling and clear choice in the agenda going forward so the men and women of this nation get a real and honest choice about how to fix this country and get it on a better track and i am very encouraged that we can put that together. i'll go on more in the back. [inaudible question] you got here late. we talked about all these issues and our policy teams are meeting to just walk
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through details so again, this is a process. we just began the process. i'm very encouraged at the first meeting of this process and going forward we are going to go a little deeper into the policy we to make sure we have a better understanding of one another. thank you very much everybody, i appreciate it. jon: every thursday morning the speaker of the house has a news conference in washington. this one drew a little more attention than normal. that's what you heard speaker paul ryan start out with efforts the house is making to try to pass opioid addiction and treatment bills . that kind of thing. he wanted to emphasize the work the house has been doing before addressing the elephant in the room which was his meeting this morning with presumptive gop nominee donald trump. the two have not really met before andthey have expressed their differences of opinion . you heard paul ryan there saying it was a good meeting.
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things seem to go pretty well. let's talk about it with our political panel, julia epstein, former house judiciary committee. brad blakely, former assistant to george w. bush. in speaking about donald trump's run to the apparent nomination of brad, he used words like a remarkable achievement. he said he's very encouraged that this was a very positive step, as the republican on , what do you think about what the speaker had to say? his words were carefully chosen and i think the meeting should have went more than 45 minutes. i would've hopedthey would spend a few hours together because it's that important. i would like to see both of
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them come outtogether after their meeting and not make separate statements because our party has to be unified in order to win. donald trump is certainly presumptive nominee. there's no way anybody else is going to step into his shoes . so i would have liked to see more of a by our moment . i miss that that did not happen and i am hoping that will happen sooner rather than later. jon: julia, i'm sure you'd like to see the same thing well, i agree with brad. ithink the fact that they did not do a joint appearance is very telling. the fact that paul ryan did not say he endorses donald trump is important . it's similar to the fact that you got republican elected officials who are saying they won't vote or donald trump, they thinkit will hurt the downstream tickets . that you've got 40 to 50 percent according to some polls of republican women that say they find donald trump offensive, that his negatives are in the 70 percent range, his overall disapproval or unfavorable. so i think paul ryan put a very good face on this as he does. he's a brilliant public
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speaker and a brilliant leader but i think you can't get away from the fact that the republican party is fundamentally a house divided compared to the democratic party which is fundamentally unified. hillary clinton has her problems, lots of them but party division isn't really one of her major problems right now. jon: let's talk about that because bernie sanders says he's going to stay in this rice despite the fact that he doesn't have any real path to the democratic nomination. he's replacing his campaign manager in california less than a month before the primary that offers more delegates than any others sort of in his promised land out there. but he says he will remain focused on the issues as he continues to criticize hillary clinton. listen. as you well know there are many areas that i could have attacked hillary clinton on that i have chosen not to attack her on. what i have done is run an issue oriented campaign. that is what the american people want. jon: that was bernie sanders talking with msnbc's andrea mitchell . so first of all, julian, to
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you first. you see the democrats are united but you got two candidates. he's on 19 states, seems to be on something of a role and just as there are some republicans who say they could never vote for donald trump, there are some democrats who say they could never vote for hillary clinton. it's not to say the clinton camp doesn't have problems. my point is if you look at the bernie sanders supporters and even those that say they wouldn't vote for hillary and you look at the numbers, that opposition is very soft. i think the likelihood that the democratic party becomes united at the convention is extremely high , not so much a public inside the problem with bernie in the race and this is just me speaking about the campaign of the hillary clinton campaign is that by staying in the race he's bleeding resources that democrats could be using for the general election and he's criticizing her affair about.
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negatives are probably in the 50s, donald trump course in the 70s but this is problematic for hillary the longer he stays in. the clinton camp doesn't want to offend bernie sanders supporters by asking him to get out. it's a problem the longer he stays in and there is no path for him to get the nomination. this is about moving the party to the political left right now, it's his longer strategy on the election. jon: when he says there are lots of other things i could have criticized hillary for that i didn't use, that doesn't exactly sound like he's gearing up to unite the party. >> know it does not and bernie, nice guys finish last. if you don't use all the ammo and you have bullets left over after the campaign, you lose. you should use all the ammunition you have against hillary clinton, that the
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object of the way, bernie was never going to win. the superdelegates were the hedge against the rank-and-file. they were elected to anything, the superdelegates and that was hillary's ace in the hole and bernie knows that but bernie has a following that hillary never thought would be possible. they never thought bernie would be more than token opposition so bernie has every right to go to the convention and i wouldsuspect , julian, you are going to have an awful time was the superdelegates come over to hillary taking it away from bernie because if you didn't have them, maybe you guys would have a contested convention and by the way, the most important caucus is yet to be had and that the fbi caucus. if she wins that, she's gone. >> she will win on pledged delegates, he's way ahead on the actual vote. she's gotover more than 2.5 million more votes than bernie sanders. there's no question she would be the presumptive nominee without the superdelegates . no chance anybody on the inside and as president
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president bush's former attorney says the legal case on the emails is extremely weak. there's no chance there will be any legal action against her. that's not to say the republicans won't use it politically, they will and i also agree with brad! that bernie sanders could have gone negative a lot earlier and a lot more strongly and could have been much more effective if you wanted to but it wouldn't have been the authentic bernie if he had taken on the campaign. jon: computer is about to cut us off. julian epstein, brad blake, thank you. >>
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jon: what they had on outnumbered, top of the hour. kennedy and harris, what you have with mark even our political coverage, donald trump on capitol hill. can you bring the gop together? speaker ryan giving a statement moments ago and we are getting more from this series of meetings. all listed latest ahead. >> police apologizing after an outcry after using a muslim phrase in a terrorist training drill.
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is this pc run amok? >> to federal agencies invested in claims of gender bias against female directors in hollywood. the beds looking into hollywood. is this a real problem? we will ask our hashtag one lucky guy, a super hollywood star here for the very first time it will be happy days on outnumbered. that's all i'm going to say. jon: looking forward to that, thank you both. our foxbusiness alerts, nissan motors throws a lifeline to mitsubishi. nissan says it will take a significant stake in its arrival in the scandal over falsifying fuel efficiency numbers. two german companies exploring potential bids for us company monsanto. if either one goes through it would create the world's largest supplier of seeds and chemicals. lauren simonetti live with more on these stories . reporter: great to see you guys. two great business style for you. nissan extending a more than
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$2 billion lifeline to mitsubishi to become its largest shareholder and getting pretty cheap because mitsubishi's share price roughly half since those allegations of cheating fuel efficiency standards last month areas so my production between nissan and mitsubishi would be 9 million cars a year, similar to toyota and general motors so there is size and also savings. the company has/development costs, they can invest in green technology to fend off silicon valley. the other deal is in the chemical stage. byron gaf exploring bids for monsanto, the biggest seed maker in the world. putting the bid at $40 million, the report saying yes is also interested. monsanto shares are starting nine percent. there's pressure to consolidate for two big reasons. low commodity prices and farmers looking to buy seed
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and pesticides in one place. there's been a lot of deals lately, companies looking to stay competitive by teaming up. last year alone we saw $5 trillion in an and eight dollars p1 somebody is making money at least. thank you very much. reporter: nice to see you again. heather: we will be right back. olay total effects a skin transformation that rivals the leading department store moisturizer. revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless. olay. ageless. hi...i'm pamela yellen. you may have read my bestselling book "the bank on yourself revolution". over the last 25 years, i've researched more than 450 financial products. i found that one of the best-kept secrets to help you plan for your retirement is the home equity conversion mortgage. it's a line of credit for homeowners age 62 or older. and it's offered by a company you can trust-
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9:00 am
jon: we will be back with more in an hour. outnumbered starts now. >> fox news a, donald the presumptive gop nominee goes face-to-face with speaker of the house paul ryan. sitting down with other key republican leaders. the unity of the republican party possibly at stake as we have reaction from the major players. this is outnumbered, i'm harris talking her. here today, kos kimberly gilchrist, host of kennedy on foxbusiness, kennedy herself. democraticstrategist julie regency and happy days are here, today's hashtag one lucky guy, veteran actor scott mayo you are not in charge today, you are outnumbered . >> iam certainly outnumbered


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