tv The Kelly File FOX News September 29, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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do not be a booboisie when writing to the factor. thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember that the spin we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, a big story out of campaign 2016 as a new look at battleground polls shows donald trump closing the gap in states that matter most, even winning states that repeatedly voted for president obama. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. today we found some dramatic numbers in the seven key states that together represent a third of all of the electoral votes needed to win. according to the average of polls, donald trump is now leading in five of the seven top battleground states. he's up by five points in iowa, more than two points in nevada, two in ohio, almost a point in
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north carolina and is just edging out mrs. clinton in colorado. meantime it is a dead heat in florida. while she is still leading in pennsylvania, trump has narrowed the gap to les than two points. what's more, all of these states went for president obama in the last two election cycles with the exception of north carolina. we have a great lineup to is does this tonight, including karl rove who is here with a warning. plus lieutenant jean michael flynn helping mr. trump shape his message, and tom beven is here to tis cuss the poll numbers. we're going to start with him. tom, good to see you. the numbers are good for trump. and florida, let's start there. you say is the most important state for both of them. >> it is. particular for donald trump. if you look at the map, he can't get there unless he wins the 29 electoral votes. it would take something of a miracle.
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that's critical for donald trump. that's a state that obama won by less than one a point. it's around point in our real quick politics average. it's been close for the entire month of september. and so you know, trump is going to try and run up his numbers in the north, clinton will run up her numbers in southern florida and the battle will be fought around tampa is where the state will be decided. >> north carolina, that's, you know, you tell me -- typically tradition naturally would have gone republican. >> right. obama won in 2008 but didn't in 2012. he lost it by two points to myth romney. this is a state that trump has to keep in the republican column. we have seven polls there, three of them favor trump, two of them favor clinton and two of them are tied. it's that close in north carolina. again that's one that trump really needs to keep in the republican column. if he loses that state it's going to complicate his paths to 270. >> ohio.
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>> no republican has ever won the white house without it. it will be the same this year. trump has a small but stable lead there. in all of the polls that we have in the month of september he's leading by a little bit. >> but that was the same thing with obama last time. he was ahead of myth roitt romn that was how it turned out. >> obama won nine out of the ten battleground states. he was ahead with small leads and they held up for him. >> let's talk about colorado. she was ahead of trump by 11 points a month ago. >> this is clinton's fire wall state. it's a state that obama won handily in '08. she had a double digit lead just a few weeks ago and now trump is leading by less than a point. the nine electoral votes, it's not a ton but it's key. if she can hold on to colorado she's going to force trump to win another state that might be a little tougher for him. that is a state to keep on eye
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on for hillary clinton. >> and the be all end all pennsylvania. i mean if trump could win that it would be huge. but the odds of him winning it, even though it's tightened, you tell me. >> the odds of it -- look. this is the lucy with the football state for republicans. every four years they go in there and say we've got a chance, we've got a chance and then lucy pulls the football away and it's never really that close. this year, however, given the makeup of the states, given clinton, it's a state where she's lost a lot of altitude, down two points now in the average of polls, has democrats really worried. and republicans are again licking their chops at that state. but it is a state that has not gone well for republicans in the final analysis. we'll have to wait and see. >> tom, thank you. >> you bet, megyn. karl rove has some thoughts on the polls and how to win from here. he's a fox news contributor. karl good to see you.
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pennsylvania, david plouffe who got barack obama elected twice was on the show saying it doesn't exist for the republicans. don't kid yourself. do you agree? >> no. i think it's very much up in the air. trump has an ability to attract blue collar working democrats -- >> he knows that. plouffe said too many democrats are going to come out of philadelphia to overwhelm them. >> look. that will be true if she gets the same kind of turnout that barack obama got. think about this. obama carried the city of philadelphia by 550,000 votes and loses the rest of the state. but romney wins it by about 150,000 votes, the rest of the state. but loses the state by 300-some-odd votes. it depends on the level of turnout in the african-american community in philadelphia and it also depends on how well trump does with white college educated voters. that is where his weak point is.
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he's overperform in the western part of the state, blue collar, democrats, looks like he's under performing with democrats and we don't know about the city of philadelphia. >> we've heard this time after time that trump and clinton are fighting over white college educated women and the debate was supposed to be aimed at white college educated women. that was some of the criticism that trump received after. what did you do to appeal to white college educated women. on the list is not calling miss universe fat. a controversy that continues to dog him. go ahead. >> look. if he makes this about change versus the status quo, not about his personal scandals or her personal scandals. if he takes the bait and gets drawn in on these things, he's in trouble. and particularly if he not only gets drawn into them in the debate. look we're at the point where the most valuable thing that a
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presidential campaign has is time and he chewed up a valuable day arguing over something has is completely on the edges of this debate and certainly not central to his ability to make a winning case. >> so now we're, you know, a week or so away from the next presidential debate and it will be a town hall format. i want to play this clip because trump has had limited town hall experience but he's had some town hall experience and here was a testy moment that happened february 18th with cnn. tell me whether he should repeat this. >> when you said that george w. bush, which was our last republican president, a man i respect greatly, a person that we really fought for when he was up against a lot of pressure, that he lied to get us in the war in iraq. that stung me very deeply. >> okay. >> i don't believe that. i'm just wondering given some time passing, perhaps you've rethought that. would you be willing to rethink
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that in. >> well a lot of people agree with what i said. >> you think the president of the united states, george w. bush, lied -- >> i'm not going to get your vote but that's okay. >> karl? >> town hall meetings are tough because there's a tendency when you get into a debate to think that you're speaking to the camera or that you're engaged with your opponent. but a town hall meeting is a conversation, a one-on-one conversation with somebody looking you in the face, not too many feet away and the ability of a candidate to display empathy and to sound like they're listening, to somehow make a connection with that person and then to take the conversation the direction that they want to go. i mean there was no need to get in an argument or insult that voter. and he cannot do that in the coming week. he's got to also be careful about being too harsh on his attack on hillary clinton. it's one thing when you're standing there just to two of you on a stage. but if you're in the room, the dynamic of the personal attacks
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changes dramatically. >> great to see you. last night we spoke to kellyanne conway who suggested in the next debate she wants to see the same candidate that showed up. >> he'll see some real highlights, his ability to sort of joust and jab with hillary clinton. >> lieutenant general michael flynn, the former director of the agency. thanks for being here. so the "the new york times" is reporting that trump's struggles in the debate are attributable to his inadequate debate prep and they state these two military generals who are screwing the whole thing up. is that you? >> that's obviously me who is one of them and a good friend of mine is the other. i saw that and i find that pretty laughable. i think kellyanne was right on
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the money. the first 40 minutes was about the economy prosperity, you know, tax reform and i think donald trump nailed it. what i really saw at the second half of the debate really was frankly the poor judgment on some of the issues that were picked up on by hillary clinton where she brought in, you know, the miss universe pageant winner. i thought that was something -- you look at some of the things that have come out about this young lady -- >> even though this woman had some trouble, his comments about her weight are on camera. not those specific ones but many others. >> it just shows bad judgment. i've been in lester holt's seat. i would have asked much tougher questions and i would have focused on three things, the direction of the country, prosperity and i think american security. none of that was talked about for almost an hour.
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>> as the candidate you've got to be able to get in the stuff you want to get in. >> that's right. >> so are you still on the debate team? what's going to happen differently? what is happening differently? >> i think donald trump -- we were up in new hampshire today okay actu actually. the momentum that the entire trump team has, feeling very good and the pitch that he gave up in new hampshire was superb today. i think a lot of this is continuing to show, you know, in the opponent of hillary clinton, the bad judgment she has displayed in both foreign policy and even here as a senator of the state of new york. i don't know what accomplishments she has here. really none. in fact the loss of i understand a couple hundred thousand jobs out of new york. she has really no good things to sort of sink her teeth into for accomplishments. some of the things he's been
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involved in with her judgment of using a private server at her home -- >> he knew these things before the first debate. what will change? >> one of the things that i think he came across -- i actually thought that he won the debate. i mean hands down won the debate. i think we didn't do a good enough job spinning it after, all of the spin stuff that happens. and i think the mainstream media they did sort of their job of making sure that for the last couple of days talking about how hillary clinton did and how donald trump didn't do. so you know, i really look at this thing and i say hey, look, i think that donald trump won that debate the other night and i believe, and you can do all of the scientific polling -- and i'm not a pollster. but what i saw and the people that i've been talking to -- and i paid very close attention to sort of the information domain. and there with a lot of people looking at donald trump in a much different way say this is a guy i can see as the commander
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in chief. the judgment and the e tdeaddits that hillary clinton has made have been absolutely poor. there are also new theories circulating tonight about the last debate including the real meaning of this mysterious bump in the back of hillary clinton's jacket and whether she was using some sort of hand signals. ♪ bum bum bum donald trump started talking about how bill and hillary clinton treated the women who came forward to accuse the former president. robert zimmerman is next on whether or not this is fair game. the clintons are the sordid past. we will be the very bright and clean future.
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washington post published a report questioning whether hillary clinton was an enabler for her womanizing husband or someone defending their family. katrina pearson and robert zimmerman are here in a moment. but first trace gallagher on why the story is blowing up. >> megyn, trump has argued that what's important in the campaign is not trump's infidelities but the way hillary clinton responded to her husband's accusers. like gennifer flowers who sold star magazine the story of her affair with bill clint. at the time hillary clinton described flowers this way during an interview with abc's primetime live. watch. >> you get your 15 minutes of fame and you get your picture on the front page of every newspaper and you're some failed cabaret singer who doesn't even have much of a resume to fall back on.
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>> clinton went on to say if she had the chance to cross-examine flowers, she would crucify her. six years later bill clintoned a -- admitted to the affair. hillary clinton said we have to destroy her story. and in 1994, arkansas state employee paula jones alleged in a lawsuit that bill clinton propositioned her in a hotel room three years earlier. bill clinton dismissed the allegation as untrue and jones was painted as promiscuous trailer park trash. bill clinton settled if lawsuit for $850,000. during this investigation they found out about an intern named monica lewinsky. >> the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is the vast right wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against
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my husband since the day he announced for president. >> hillary also portrayed lewinsky as being unstable. and last year she tweeted assault victims deserve to be believed. when asked if that applied to her husband's accusers, clinton said this. >> i would say everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence. >> and the clinton campaign now says trump is mistaken if he thinks going after her for defending her husband will throw her off our game. at the same time mr. trump appears ready to start bringing up bill clinton and the past, the women in his past. some republicans today quoted warning trump to keep lewinsky and the others out of it. this came up in new hampshire. watch how donald trump handled it. >> you didn't mention bill clinton and his past affairs. you may do this in the second
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debate? >> she was very nasty to me. and i was going to do it and i saw chelsea sitting out in the audience and i just didn't want to go there. i thought it would be too disrespectful. i didn't want to do it. we'll see what happens. i didn't want to put it there. it's a hard thing to say in front of somebody's daughter. >> if it does come up in the next debate, do you think your past marital history is fair game? >> i guess. but it's a lot different than his. that i can tell you. we have a situation where we have a president who was a disaster and he was ultimately impoached over it in a sense for lying. and so we'll see whether or not we discuss it. >> you're not worried abyour past history at all? >> no not at all. >> joining me katrina pearson and robert zimmerman. good to see you both. let me start with you, robert, because you saw the trace report. a lot of the young people don't know about bill clinton's history. he cheated on hillary clinton
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more than once and that's documented and he was accused of more than just having consensual affairs but actually sexual assault especially by paula jones in a lawsuit that was settled for almost seven figures. why is that not fair game? >> let's cut through all of the type of star magazine type of gossip and let's deal with some reality. the reality is that that week donald trump lost two debates, monday night against hillary clinton and then tuesday and wednesday alicia machado cleaned his clock when . >> why is that -- >> in today's news it was reported that he settled a lawsuit in 2012 where he was asking employees to fire what he described as unattractive women. >> we're going to get to that a little later in the show. answer my question, robert >> i am answering your question. >> even if that's true, a defensive move by trump, why is
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the not fair to ask how hillary treated the women who came forward? >> very frankly whenever republicans try to attack her for that, they have gone down in flames. that's why you have the leading republican senators, including senator wicker who is in charge of the republican senate campaigns pleading with trump not to go there. it's a failed strategy because hillary clinton stood up for her marriage and her husband. >> katrina? >> this is not about bill clin on t on the. she accused bernie sanders of sexism and now they're expecting donald trump to be accused of being a sexist and not defend himself. this is about hillary clinton's trustworthiness and accountability. she knew her husband was cheating on her and she blamed it on the vast right wing conspiracy. >> she said she didn't know. >> she knew and shifted the
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blame on to the women she's right. if she had the right to cross-examine the witnesses, she would have crucified them just like she did a 12-year-old little girl who was brutally raped by a grown man. >> a lot of women out there with see hillary clinton with her husband cheating on her and say of course she wanted to tear down the story, of course she wanted to say it's not true and dismiss the woman and say i don't believe, they're liars. a lot of women will forgive it and not see it as a cardinal sin. why are they not wrong? >> of course she would want to fix that. but then you can't go around and call yourself the champion of women. it's the hypocrisy at issue here. >> women are calling her -- >> you can't blame other people poor what you and your husband have done. >> in addition to the ones that we highlighted, kathleen. here he is september 22nd, 2000
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alleging the behavior she had received. watch. >> today i am suing the president, the first lady and the white house aides because of their efforts to intimidate and harass me. before i testified in the paula jones case a stranger approached me, mentioned my 13 dwreerld cat which disappeared, my tires that had been vandalized and asked me children by name saying you're not getting the message. after my testimony on grand jury and my appearance on 60 minutes, sidney blumenthal boasted that my reputation would be ruined in a matter of days. >> here's the bottom line, megyn. donald trump can run his campaign with rush limbaugh and the national enquirer any way they want. women are standing up in record numbers for hillary clinton. women are recognizing her by 51
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to 3 the i believe the most recent "wall street journal" nbc news poll. here's the point. donald trump's strategy has lowered his number that not only is he running behind mitt romney, he's at the same numbers with hispanic and african-american voters. >> if you've got women on the record like kathleen, you've got the clinton camp, not hillary herself so far as we can see, but team clinton during his women coming forward, dismissing the women from floocys, bim bos, stalkers, narcicisstic looney tunes and on and on, whether that is fair game for donald trump who has said many of the same things. >> no it's not fair gauge. it's a losing context. >> no. this is fair game because some of the allegations being made against donald trump are just that. allegations. and you cross-examined the most
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recent miss -- the recent accusation we heard, miss universe and she couldn't corroborate what he said mr. trump called her. the reason why this is important, these are actual actions taken against hillary clinton. she is calling herself the champion of women and she's -- >> so are women, katrina. why is donald trump running so poorly in the polls. right now his numbers are dropping to the same level with hispanics and african-americans. >> ana navarro, he came out today and she said hell hath no furry like a latino woman called fat. i want to clear one thing up for the record. the allegations that miss universe said against mr. trump, they have not been substantiated by third party witnesses, that's true. but him calling her overweight, saying she would eat the whole gymnasium, saying she would love
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to eat and criticizing her weight has been well documented. he even did it this week on fox and friends. the stuff about hillary clinton, she didn't call anybody a bimbo but the team clinton was referring to women in those terms i just described. those were allegations about team clinton, not about her directly. and we're not done with the women talk yet because apparently that's taken over 2016. there are a half dozen conspiracy theories -- this is a different story. did she have a hidden earpiece? was she using some sort of hand signals. how do they do it, the catcher and the pitcher? they don't do this. brian kilmeade investigated. he's here with what he found. you heard about the new controversial that blew up today at one of donald trump's golf courses. we'll show you what mom, i have to tell you something.
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fire women employees who weren't pretty enough. trace gallagher is in our west coast newsroom. >> megyn when donald trump visited his golf course along the ocean here in southern california, his managers claim they went on alert to schedule young, thin pretty women to staff the restaurant. they saw when trump saw unattractive women he wanted them fired. in a sworn declaration for a lawsuit on labor relations filed in 2012, a former message said one time he took me aside and said i want you to get some good-looking hostesses here. people like to see good-looking people when they come in. the former club catering directing said i witnessed donald trump tell managers many time when we was visiting the club that the restaurant hostesses were not pretty enough and they should be fired and replaced with prettier women. she went on to say her boss once told her, quote, mr. trump doesn't like fat people and he would not like seeing an unnamed employee when he was on the
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premises. some of the good-looking hostesses complained that trump's behavior toward them was inappropriate. these type of accusations were raised again during this week's debate when hillary clinton told the story of donald trump fat shaming alicia machado. but now newt gingrich is defending trump. listen. >> you're not supposed to gain 60 pounds in the year you win miss universe. >> he said you're not supposed to gain 60 pounds during your year that you're miss universe. the clinton campaign spokeswoman responded tweeting, i'm sorry i can't get past this. newt gingrich is criticizing someone for their weight. >> i'm sure all of the beauty contestants will be looking to him for further advice and counsel on how to bring home the title. joining me, krystal ball and
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navy s.e.a.l. veteran carl huff. let's start with you. >> oh boy. >> why don't they just shut up about the women and how big they're supposed to be? >> you know, megyn, this is a little ridiculous. i see us in the middle of a presidential campaign, the most turmoiled one we've seen in recent years and we're talking about whether donald trump called someone fat 20 years ago. i don't know why the media is focusing on this when you have hillary with benghazi, e-mails, any other thing and we're talking about this. >> the reason is many find that object fie occasion objectable and you really shouldn't alienate half of the country, women and you shouldn't alienate 70% of the country who are overweight. >> unfortunately, yes. >> it is a good way to lose votes. >> but the fact of the matter is donald trump has employed -- his
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campaign spokeswoman, his communication spokesperson is a woman. i know all of these people. they love donald trump. they don't have any of these problems with him. >> karl not to put a point on it but they're all beautiful and none of them are overweight. the question that these stories are raising, krystal is whether the allegation suggested, quote mr. trump does not like fat people and wants to make sure he has pretty people working as the face of his organizations. >> here's the big problem for him. do you think anyone out there read that story and was shocked and said oh no, mr. trump would never treat women that way. of course not. because his comments over the years and continuing into this presidential campaign have reflected a man who puts a lot of priority, perhaps first priority on a way that a woman looks. he told a female reporter in this campaign that she had a job
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because shez was beautiful. this comes as a shock to absolutely no one that donald trump is a sexist pig. why are we talking about it? a, because he keeps talking about it and keeps insisting that mrs. machado gained a massive amount of weight. >> he put her on a luxury exercise program. >> it's relevant to people whether their future president happens to be a sexist pig. that's an important piece of information that a lot of voters may care about. >> legally you can make the argument for certain looks requirements. there was a big case about whether vegas hostesses could be forced to wear makeup and the answer was they could. if it's port of a uniform, a company image, it's actually not illegal necessarily. but that's different from disqualifying all heavy people. that's a different thing all together. and even trump -- this woman who ran trump's construction company and it with us a great role. he gave her an a amazing
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promotion. even she told the "the new york times" that he looked at her, a larger size woman and said, you like your candy. i mean, you know, this is alienating to a lot of people who struggle with eating. >> you know what? the fact of the matter is 50% of our country is drastically overweight. >> including trump. >> trump did say he could shed a few pounds. but who cares. we're talking about a little bit of weight and this machado woman, he gave her a luxury exercise program, he was so happy to accept that that he was willing to let her keep her title. >> she only posted the pictures because he ambushed her at the exercise facility with 80 reporters who took pictures of her while donald trump looked at her from the sidelines. i mean that is what happened there. >> he didn't ambush her. he was on his paid you know luxury fitness program. >> she says he did. >> she also says a lot of other things. he was on his luxury exercise program and he allowed her to keep her title and he worked with her and he wanted -- he
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defended her job because she was overweight and helps her get back down to weight. come on, megyn. >> if i could help you with this. there's a very simple response to what we have seen on camera in terms of mr. trump's treatment of ms. machado and it's called an apology. it's not continuing to smear her. it's called i'm sorry for the way you were treated and the way you felt. >> maybe you should talk to your candidate. >> who cares about this? take a look at the polls and you'll find out. >> i come from a long line of people who also love food, right? >> i love food. >> and the last thing that an overweight person needs to be told is that they're overweight. that's the last thing, trust me i know. >> doesn't help. >> i was a fat kid in middle school, i get it. >> now you're a navy s.e.a.l. so nobody feels sorry for you.
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2016 involved debates of beauty queens, where the hostesses at the trump golf course need to be hot and now it involves celebrities taking their clothes off for hillary clinton. brian kilmeade volunteered to investigate that. a closer look at the campaign messages scoring the biggest points. frank lanentz is here with a go segment coming up. >> i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material. your car insurance policy is 22 pages long. did you read every word? no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you to look at page five on your policy. did it say "great news. you're covered!" on page five? no. it said, "blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah..." the liberty mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance.
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candidate by using their own words, the trump campaign came up with a message of their own. frank, let's watch the commercial with the focus group and then you can tell us more about the reaction. here it goes. >> there is no classified material. i did not send classified material and i did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified. i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material. >> rebuilding america now is responsible for the content of this message. >> frank lentz is the ceo of lentz global. what does it mean when it dipped. did that mean they didn't like what she wu saying or they didn't like the ad? >> they started zero and then
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they move second by second. what happened is they repeated the same line and that line became more and more powerful as it really sunk in. the fact that the hillary clinton line was at 50 tells me that ad cuts across partisan line. >> the democrats were as high or low as the republicans and the independents on s an issue of c. and the fact is if he ear talking about donald trump, hillary clinton is winning. if we're talking about hillary clinton, donald trump is winning. and i don't think the trump campaign fully understand if this is a referendum on her, he'll be the next president. and yet all of the conversation seems to be about him. you've got another couple ads to show. i mean, she is in real trouble if people see these ads. >> frank, what do you make of karl hig by's point in the last section we're at war with islamic terrorists who want to kill us and decapitate us. syria is a hot mess.
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the country is having -- the black lives moment underscoring serious issues and police feel under siege as well. we're spending a lot of time on whether trump is a sixist, whether hillary has berated women. is this going to matter to voters? >> it's going to matter if only the independent undecided voters decide based on persona. they're trying to decide which candidate they can trust and which candidate they want to let in their homes every day for four years. you are correct, the public would rather decide based on policy and record. and when donald trump talks about the more than a quarter century that hillary clinton spent in washington, d.c. and what was accomplish, did we make the country stronger, the american people say no. but if it gets sidetracked by the side circus shows, trump will lose.
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it's up to him to control the debate. >> he's hitting her for deplorables. um su i'm sure we're going to hear hear it in the next debate. he's got this ad. do we have it? let's a watch. coming. >> speaking to wealthy donors hillary clinton calls tens of millions of americans deplorable. >> you can put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. they're racists, sexists, homophobic, zen phobic, islamophobic, you name it. >> effective? >> that ad is going to add an extra 1% turnout to donald trump's vote. if you're insulted by your opponent, you're absolutely positive without any doubt whatsoever going to make it to the polls. that was a dumb comment she's made and she's going pay for it.
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>> good to see you, frank. >> pleasure. thank you. conspiracy theorists set off a new round of controversy this week claiming there's visual proof that hillary clinton used secret devices during monday's secret devices during monday's presidential everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. everyone said it's so hard to be a musician, but i can't imagine doing anything else. now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. i'm always hopping on the train, running all over portland. test. test. test test. test. test test. test. test test. test. test test. test. test test eighborhoods and businesses can prosper. i can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. i'm booked solid for weeks. it takes ingenuity to make it in the big city. i wanna see if it score? i'm booked solid for weeks. credit scores don't change that much, do they? really? i'll take it. sir, your credit... -is great right?
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. well, there were no near collapse episodes for hillary clinton at the first presidential debate, but it did not stop a new round of conspiracies from going viral. brian kilmeade is here to separate fact from fiction. >> here is the thing, megyn. a lot of people say she didn't need help, but what is the miss tear you thing on her back? you see the line through her back, the arrows that weren't there in the actual picture put there by john madden. that little wire, the question, is it a $655 device that would allow people to talk to her in another room. >> awe! >> that's what the question is. it is something, or could it be some type of cough suppress ant? could it be a compressor machine kit which is a nebulizer that goes for 39.95 that can stop and
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clear up bronchial tubes for a short period of time. >> like secret little nose piece sns. >> right, somehow it clears up your head before and maintains that clear nasal passage. >> i've got to get it, whether she used it or not. >> there's another question. both of these things might not have happened. >> you think? >> this actually might have been just hillary clinton out there, but that is kind of strange. i have never dressed a woman, but i don't know why -- >> it is amazing. what does the campaign say? >> the campaign says it is nothing, that's just the way it is. >> can we see the picture one more time? i don't know about that thing at the bottom, but she said it is her spine. looks like a spine. could be something in her pocket. >> it could be that. >> it does look a lot like a mike pack, in case the mike died or feedback -- we have to move on because gary johnson said another silly thing and that's being kind. here he is with chris matthews. >> who is your favorite foreign
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leader? >> who is my favorite -- >> just any one of the continents, any country, name one foreign leader you respect and look up to. anybody. >> i guess i'm having an aleppo moment in the former president of mexico. >> i'm giving you the whole world. >> i know. >> anybody in the world you like, anybody. pick any leader. >> the former president of mexico. >> which one? >> i'm having a brain freeze. >> name anyone. >> he said he smoked pot for four years and he stopped in 2008. he said in june he'll stop smoking pot because he's running for president. i am not convinced he has. also, they did a study, pot is out of your system in seven days. so it does cause short-term memory loss, but if he's not smoking it, it shouldn't be a problem. >> he should have said any name like no like --
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10:00 pm
. in an effort to get young people to vote, katy perry is taking off her clothes. she believes if people can go naked and vote naked, everybody will do the same. >> vote for who? >> i believe hillary if i'm correct. get dressed. >> bye. dressed. >> welcome to "hannity." tonight the general election is only 40 days away and donald trump is campaigning harder than ever. newt gingrich will join us in a minute, but first tonight while the gop nominee tries to explain to voters how he will make their lives better, the clinton campaign is sinking to a new low. they're trying to falsely paint donald trump as a sexist, dragging out 20-year-old claims which have proven to be misleading from former ms. universe winner, ms. machado. they have failed to
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