tv Hannity FOX News October 31, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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thank you sean. hannity is here. >> save that for charity. >> really? does somebody want this? all right. highest bidder, it could be yours. love, hearts and understanding. now here's sean. i was just doodling hillary and donald trump but i won't show you that one. thanks megyn. welcome to "hannity." tonight, eight days left to stop the trump machine. and hillary is trying to distract you. according to "the wall street journal" the fbi is searching through, get this, 650,000 e-mail found on what you is thought to be a shared laptop belonging to the clinton's top aide, huma abedin and huma's estranged husband, anthony weiner. according to the report, the fbi thinks that some of those thousands of e-mail could have
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been sent to or two clinton's private server. clinton can downplay all of this that she wants. but everything that's going to happen want this is hillary's fault. it's nobody else's fault here. she's involved and gone full ken star on poor james comey. she is blame him or huma abedin or wern or the vast right wing con spearty of congressional republicans but hillary can only blame herself and her own poor judgment and clinton is the one who decided to use the private server to conduct official government business. she's the one that could have exposed american national security secrets to those that wish ill to america and the american people. she's the one who didn't know that a c marking meant that something is classified. she thought it was alphabetical except they were messing an a, b, d, x, y, z.
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she's the one that didn't complete the necessary state department training on how to handle the classified information. she's the one that told if fbi during a three and a half hour interview that she couldn't recall or remember 39 times. and she even appeared to blame her concussion at one point. and she's the person who decided to lie after it was discovered that she has done. hillary clinton has had plenty of opportunities to tell you the truth, the american people, she's refused to do so. this is something the mainstream media is not playing for you. watch. >> the laws and regulations in effect when i was secretary of state allowed me to use my e-mail for work. that is undisputed. it clearly wasn't the best choice and i take responsibility for that decision. i thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal e-mails
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instead of two. >> iphone or android? >> iphone. okay. in full disclosure -- >> blackberry. >> and blackberry. i have an ipad, a mini ipad, an iphone and a blackberry. i believe i've met all of my responsibilities and the server will remain private. in order to be as cooperative as possib possible, we've turned over the server. i'm confident that i never sent or received any information that was classified at the time that it was sent and received. so that leaves the 100 out of 30,000 e-mails that director comey testified contain classified information. i did not receive anything that was marked as classified. >> director comey said that only three out of 30,000 had anything
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resembling classified markers. >> did you wipe the server? >> what, like with a cloth or something? no. we turned over everything that was work related. every single thing. >> no, she didn't. and it wasn't a cloth. it was bleach bit. it was acid washed. all of the examples i'm showing you are exactly why, according to the latest pool, 67% of likely voters say that hillary clinton is not honest and not trustworthy and part of the reasons that the voters feel this way is because anyone who has followed the facts in this case knows that clinton has avoided telling the truth at all costs. shep's claimed time and time again that she did nothing wrong with when it comes to handling classified information. but back in july, remember fbi director jam comey. she said that simply was not the case. >> from the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the state department in 2014, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been
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determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. eight of those chains contained information that was top secret at the time they were sent. 36 of those chains contained secret information at the time and eight contained confidential information at the time. that's the lowest level of classification. although we did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive highly classified information. >> very powerful. now days later, comey had this exchange with congressman trey gowdy that offered more evidence that clinton has not been honest but comey is admitting that she broke laws. watch this. >> secretary clinton said there was nothing marked classified on
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her e-mail sent or received. was that true? >> that's not true. there were a small nurm before of portion markings on three of the documents. >> secretary clinton said i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone. there is no classified material. was that true? >> there was classified e-mail. >> secretary clinton said she used just one device. was that true? >> she used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state. >> secretary clinton said all work related e-mails were returned to the state department. was that true? >> no we found work related e-mails within thuss that were not returned. >> secretary clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails. did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually? >> no. >> lie after lie, law after law broken. there's also the question of did clinton's -- if this is her own doing and that doesn't sink her
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campaign, and she god forbid wins the white house, what happens on the day after, november 9th. the fbi says the reviewing of the e-mail will not be done before you head to the polls. and the fbi agents wanted to investigate the pay to play allegations at the clinton foundation but that was shut down by justice, the same department of justice that was colluding with the clinicalton campaign. think about the magnitude of all of this for a second. hillary clinton could be sworn into office while still being under investigation from the fbi which would then put this country into a major constitutional crisis. now clinton says donald trump, he's not fit to serve in the oval office but she and she alone has created a situation that could do severe damage to this country.
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and the office of the presidency and prevent this country from solving problems. that means getting americans back to work, fixing our broken educational system, fixing a broken health care system, vetting refugees. all of this needs to be done. balancing a budget, stop robbing our kids. here with reaction, kellyanne conway. kelly anne, the reason i thought it was necessary to take the time to lay this out, i'm watching the media and they are not telling the american people the story as it needs to be told in her own words, the facts related to this case. what's your reaction? >> there's no question. thank you for laying it out. you took all of my talking point but i appreciate it. this story is about one woman and a pattern of conduct her entire career which leads us to two words, hillary first. donald trump's message is america first. hers has always been hillary
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first whether it was representing a rapist in the 1970s of a 12-year-old victim and laughing about the technique she used to get the plea g bargain, whether it's her deciding against everybody's better judgment and the law to have her home brewed private server, then to hide e-mails op it, to delete the e-mail, bleach bit the e-mail, lie about lying about the e-mail and now we have here hillary clinton does what she always does. she attacks the messenger. they're going right after jim comey. this story exists because of hillary clinton and i'll add on because of anthony weiner. two very selfish people who put their peevish political personal interests before the safety and security of the nation and have us in this conversation and this mess. i have the message for all of the never trumpers, all of the undecided and independents tonight. if you truly want to break with the past and more specifically
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the cloud of corruption that is hillary clinton, you can't vote for her. i respect your ability to vote how you want but please don't pretend you want to make change and move the country in a real and different direction and actually vote for hillary clinton. the other thing that's going on, i would imagine every focus group facility from would are, colorado to harrisburg, pennsylvania has been booked solid. just last week the mainstream media was telling the clintons, you won. it's over. he has no path. his path is narrow. his path is nonexistent. trump is finished. landslide victory for clinton. this week the clinton campaign is in the worst communication crisis probably of the last few months. >> kellyanne, let me put up on the screen, because a big part of this also, we have learned so much from wikileaks, i'm putting up on the screen now how the
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wikileaks revelations are very specific to the clinton server. after the discovery of the private server the campaign suggested creating a decoy. the campaign press secretary said state did a nice job of this after the release of the benghazi e-mails. the co-chair of the transition team, the private e-mail server was blankin' insane. an aide wrote there's no good answer to the server scandal. podesta called clinton's e-mail scandal a hot mess. podesta's daughter thought the wipe it with a cloth comment was scary. of course it was. the president knew about this and he lied to the american people. i'm only giving a small part of it. then we've got to look at -- we'll keep these up on the side of the screen. then we've got to look at, all right, look at the uranium one deal now and look at how a list was separated, clinton supporters and friends of bill's and foundation donors so they
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could benefit from the rebuild of haiti, make money and funnel it back to the clintons or the uranium deal that handed our uranium over to vladimir putin because of the involvement of the clintons and the $31 million that they got for the clinton foundation. >> $28 million. >> do you think they stand up for their own money? >> perhaps. but look, people need to care about it for two reasons. people may say that sounds great and convoluted. why should i care as a voter. number one, you would be electing a serial liar and who used your tax dollars and your state department as a con concierge for a private donor.
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she puts her personal interests before your own. we've been asking the right questions about the wrong candidate for months. i think when people are talking about unfit, unqualified, bad temperament, poor judgment, they've been talking about hillary clinton because all signs point to that. i don't think she's fit to be president. the polls were already closing last week. they were tightening last week. we've gone from negative 12 to negative 1 open yun eve go 35% of likely voters saying they'll be less likely to vote for hillary clinton. you have hillary clinton and donald trump tied on the attribute who cares for about you. we like the trend lines and i think this really hurts her among the independent and undecided voters who are quite decisive about how little they trust her. >> how do you get to 270. let's assume for a moment -- i've seen early voting numbers,
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i've seen absentee ballots in florida, north carolina, ohio, they look good for donald trump. rep because the republicans tend to vote day of. he'll win iowa. i think he takes arizona. it was tough du he seems to have recovered very nicely there. but then he also has to win nevada and if he gets all of those states and the states that romney won, she's still five electoral votes short. is it new hampshire, is it new mexico, pennsylvania, wisconsin, minnesota, michigan. which other state can he win, if your opinion? >> well, you can tell where we're going by where he's going. in other words he was in new mexico yesterday, he's in michigan today. he'll be in wisconsin tomorrow. governor pence will be in michigan, back in new mexico and colorado. also pennsylvania has always looked promising for us and i know it's always been a dream for republicans. but the trump message of renegotiating bad trade deals and creating 25 million jobs
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over 10 years, unleashing energy in pennsylvania and certainly repealing and replace l obamacare in a state like pennsylvania where the average premium increases are 53%. he was in arizona two days ago, 116% increases. you can't argue with the facts. by the way, i didn't say james comey's name once. these are the issues that donald trump has been talking about all along. this has nothing to do with the fbi investigation. our path, four in new hampshire, one in maine where they split them up or wisconsin or michigan or pennsylvania or colorado. >> i have got to go. >> we have a lot of insurance policies in there. >> by the way, i got to give you a lot of credit because you deal with the ignorance -- unlike seven sunday shows yesterday, my heart went out to you as you had to suffer through many of the networks we know now colluding with the clinton campaign. i'll deal with that on november
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the 9th. >> it's a pleasure to do it for donald j. trump and mike pence. coming up next on this busy news night right here on "hannity." >> there was an extensive, as you know, investigation by the fbi under the direction of a wonderful and tough career public servant. >> there's a very clear and extremely troubling double standard in director comey's action. >> democrats are really fickle. back in july they were praising james comey, now attacking him going full ken star on him. newt gingrich is here with reaction and more tonight on "hannity."
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want a great way to help our children thrive? then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive. it's time to vote yes on proposition 55. welcome back to "hannity." so liberal hypocrisy might have hit an all-time high in july.
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remember fbi director james comey announced that the bureau decided not to recommend charges against hillary clinton. democrats were singing praises. watch this. >> the fbi under the leadership of comey carried out a thorough investigation of this case. no one can question the integrity, the competence of director comey. >> this is a great man. we have very privileged in our country to have him be a director of the fbi. >> there was an extensive, as you know, brad, investigation by the fbi under the direction of a wonderful and tough career public servant, jim comey. somebody with the highest standards of integrity. >> look. i'm grateful for the professionalism of the fbi and the department of justice. >> all right. now those same libs, democrats are all trashes director comey going full out ken star on him
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because he's reopening the case, the investigation into clinton's private e-mail server. here's hillary clinton and her runner mate tim kaine. watch the 180 they do. >> there's a clear and extremely troubling double standard in director comey's action. >> it's pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election. in fact it's not just strange, it's unprecedented and deeply troubling. >> wow. what a shift. here with reaction, author of the best selling book "treason" foxx news contributor with a big smirk on his face because i've known him since 1990. newt gingrich how are you. i know that smirk. you've got something fun to say. say it. >> what struck me was what comey said back in july was she's guilty of this, she's guilty of this, she's guilty of this, she's guilty of this but i'm not sure that she's indictable and could be convicted in a court. and then he goes in front of
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congress and says she lied about this, she lied about this. this is the person they were praising. he was already painting a picture of a person who's totally dishonest and who had done things that were clearly illegal. now he comes back under enormous pressure from the agents, many who threatened to resign and he comes back saying we're reopening it. i have to tell you, when i first heard this i thought, well, what is this -- what does it mean. and then people began to say -- and then john podesta fell right for the trap and said release everything, put it all out there. fine. then it turns out by sunday oh, there are 650,000 e-mails that he's looking at? john podesta wants him to release -- i don't think so --
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650,000 e-mails you may have known this pu i didn't realize until yesterday that there with five fbi field offices that are investigating the clinton foundation. even when comey said we're not going forward on the e-mails, he didn't say anything about over here they dei'ded they were going all out with five different field offices investing the foundation for fraud and corruption. >> you know what's interesting? josh earnest -- the president was one of those praising comey back in july. interesting the white house -- the president has been implic e implicated in this because we learned through wikileaks that he was e-mailing on the private server and lied to the american people saying i learned about this in the media. now we know he knew. i suspect barack obama is angry and barack obama doesn't want to be drag into this mess but he could very well be dragged into it if he knew about it. look, even the mishandling of classified material is a violation of law. i'll put up the other laws that
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are applicable here on the side of the screen. mishandling, removal. huma abedin signed a form called an of109, a separation agreement that people under when they leave government that they are maintaining no classified information. if there's one classified bit of material, huma is going to jail unless she cuts a deal and maybe throws her former boss or her boss down the stairs. this is much deeper. how do we get to the bottom of this in eight days? >> you're not going to. but there are two pieces that are very clear. one is, i suspect -- maybe i'm wrong, but i have the sense that the term 650,000, the minute the president and his staff heard that's how many e-mails there were that they were looking at, they were like i'm not touching this baby. and all of the sudden earnest decides comey is doing a good
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job, we're proud of him. they're throwing hillary under the bus the way that's struct e structur structured. >> 18 usc 2071, concealment, removal, mutation, government records. an attempt to evade. even just the mishandling is a crime, removal is a crime. placing it on an unsecured server, that's a crime. 39 times she can't recall, i don't remember being briefed because i had a concussion. what else did you forget? i'd like to know if you're having mental issues of some kind and memory issues of some kind within i think the public would need to know that. >> i think it's ironic in the three presidential debates she never failed to seem to remember anything. one of the moderators may have said to her, how come you didn't get into. the whole debate and forget
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anything. here's my deeper point. it's not just the e-mails. you're right. you have to have a second set over here of all of the laws that she and bill have probably broken. if you simply take the memo that was written for them that in 12 pages outlines in essence -- the criminal organization, i think it was rudy giuliani who compared it to the gambino family. saying this is why we have rico as a statute for organized crime. andy mccarthy who prosecuted the world trade center bombing said the same thing. this is a standard rico organized crime case. here's my point to the american people. you don't need to know anything more. what you now know is that if hillary clinton is elected, like richard nixon who carried 49 votes and lasted one and a half years, because no matter how good the election result, if you are a criminal, if you run afoul of the system, if you have
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obstructed justice, the system grinds you down. and hillary will spend -- if she ever became president, she would spend the brief period of her temporary presidency totally entaked in this stuff. >> the country will suffer and it will be a constitutional crisis. this is the gambino crime organization. and because all of the money -- uranium one deal, haiti deal, moroccan deal, all of the money resulted in big speaking fees, big donations, big donors got connections, they made more money and more money was funneled back into their foundation. it's so obvious what happened here. you don't need to be an fbi agent to put these dots together, mr. speaker. it's clear >> maybe the clinton exam pain slogan ought to be vote hillary and get tim kaine for president. i really think it is that -- i
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really think it's that big of a problem and i don't think that they'll survive it. >> stay right there. we'll have more with newt gingrich. and then later, doug schoen, peter schweizer and mike huckabee here to react. and doug schoen may not now be voting for hillary because he doesn't want the country to have a constitutional crisis. he'll explain as a democrat.
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hillary is the one who lied to congress under oath. hillary is the one who lied on so many different occasion to the fbi and they know, they know. they know hillary is the one who made 13 phones disappear, some with a hammer. hillary is the one who destroyed 33,000 e-mails. >> donald trump earlier today in michigan. back with us former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. that is a funny one. i only wanted to use one device. she used a blackberry, ipad, iphone. and they used a hammer, a hammer to bust -- i think it was 14.
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maybe it was 15. maybe trump found another one. they had somebody bust it up. just like they used the bleach bit to acid wash, you know the server that was in the bathroom of a mom and pop shop. you cannot write up -- look, you have a best selling novel. your imagination is not this great. it doesn't isn't. nobody's is. >> how would you ever write a novel in which the fbi director says well we're done and then about three months later his agents go after a sexting problem involving interstate commerce with a 15-year-old in north carolina, involving the husband former congressman of the closest friend of the democratic presidential nominee and they walk back in saying, we have this problem. you know, we were looking for these sexting things about this 15-year-old and we just found 650,000 e-mail. what do you think we ought to do, boss. you can't make this up. it's crazy. >> let me ask you specifically.
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this is important. because the uranium one deal, they've got tens and tens of millions donated to the foundation, then hillary intervened to personally assist and approve the rights of russia to get our uranium, which of course is used to create nuclear bombs, and then they got more money because they made money, or the guy that made the foresting rights in whatever country in south america. then the story of haiti and they had the list of people that donated that were going to be given favorable treatment for contracts, then it's the moroccan deal, a direct quid pro quo thanks to wikileaks. isn't that a conspiracy? isn't that the pay to play? wait a minute. you said there were five investigative offices? because comey wouldn't say if they were investigating the foundation if he was asked by
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congress. >> the last two days they've. clear about it, having five different offices coordinating with the new york office, four other offices looking into the foundation. you take doug ban's 12-page memo who was a response to a challenge by chelsea. band is writing a private memo saying here are all of the ways i'm making your parents money and. you should like me. it's the rosetta stone of clinton corruption. the half million dollar speech that bill got from a moscow bank. these guys put together a machine that created over $100 million of net worth. >> let me ask you this question. and they personally enriched themselves with exorbitant fees, obscene amounts of money they got for spechs. 55% of the people she saw as secretary of state, the
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individuals were all donors or committed money. here's the last question. how does donald trump turn this into victory? that she is unacceptable. one week from tomorrow, mr. speaker, is election day. nearly 30 million votes have already been cast. how does he win this election? >> look, kellyanne conway began to outline it perfectly in the last segment. one, you stay positive. contract with the american vote e, a new deal for after dan americans, he announced today a bland-new approach to urban renewel. part b, you calmly methodically outline the facts. you don't have to exaggerate. i would say every trump speech should have him pull the contract with the american voter out of his pocket, remind people there's a positive agreement to do positive things. and then the second half of the speech ought to describe the kale of corruption we're facing which is a threat to the entire
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integrity of the rule of law in the united states. those two pieces i think carry to a ronald reagan size victory tuesday a week. >> if he wins florida, ohio, north carolina, they're must win states, he wins arizona, takes nevada, takes iowa, wins all of the other states that mitt romney won she's still short. tell me what blue states are the best states to play in. >> i've been through enough presidential candidates i don't believe in this bologna. i don't believe you think state to state. larry sabato said if you get a rising tide, all of the ideas about the electoral college collapse. if you have a rising tide of the women who decide they care about the country's future and they can't stand the idea of the clintons being there.
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you get a rising tide of african-americans who have sick of being neglected, all of the sudden minnesota comes into play, wisconsin comes in play, michigan comes in play, new mexico comes in play. all of these things are -- >> i got to run. remember, new hampshire and pennsylvania are all day of, there's no early voting. hopefully that plays out the way you say. >> going to be a great week. >> i know a lot of people are scared to death. this country will literally to in its tracks, no progress will be made if she's elected. this is not going away. i can say like rudy giuliani, the 16 laws and felonies she is going to have to start explaining away. it will be a disaster. >> make america great again or make america venezuela n. that's the choice. >> did you spend all day thinking about that? >> it just came to me. >> kind of like trump said
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you're using a lincoln lie ? another damning report is out about the pay to play practices at the clinton foundation. plus tonight -- >> a top democratic pollster, good guy, sharp guy, doug schoen is now totally with drawing his support. >> donald trump talking about our own doug schoen at a rally earlier today. this comes after doug announced he can no longer vote for hillary clinton. he's join us next along with peter schweizer and mike huckabee straight ahead. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours.
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cash, peter schweitzer. what is this, a pen? >> i will be the greatest president that god ever created. >> hang on. >> look, i'm really rich. i will build a great great ball on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that wall. hang on, pone more. i don't wear a toupee. it's my hair. i swear. i love china. i just sold an apartment for $15 million to somebody from china. >> who gave you this? >> a trump supporter. pretty cool. all right. you've worked for the clintons. >> i have. >> tell us why you said what you said and what did you think about donald trump talking about you today? >> first i made it clear i couldn't and will not support secretary clinton. i didn't say i had become a trump supporter.
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i said i cannot vote for the secretary of state. and the reason why is we are going to be mired in multiple investigations -- >> forever. >> -- forever and i don't see how she can govern if we're facing criminal investigations of her, congress investigating her, huma being investigated. we can't have that gridlock and dysfunction at this point. and i said, you know what? i have to be intel le honest. i cannot defend the indefensible. >> and that leaves you trump in. >> no. it leaves me on the fence because i am out of sync with donald trump's world view. i disagree with him. i appreciate what he said about me. but i hope he respect pts that i did it out of integrity, not a desire to support him. >> i will be the greatest president that god ever created chblt i hope that's true.
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>> peter schweitzer, five field offices investigating the clinton foundation. we now also learned that the attorney general apparently had stopped this. that, to me, is very disturbing in light of bill clinton meeting with her on a plane on a tarmac in a plane for 40 minutes. what's your reaction and what do people need to know about pay to play, that they may not understand? >> well the key thing about pay to play that everybody has to realize, look, we've heard the stories about politicians who get campaign contributions from wall street and they introduce legislation beneficial to wall street. pay to play with the clintons is totally different. you're not dealing with american companies or american businessmen. you're dealing with foreign governments and foreign businessmen. it is essentially creating a way around the law that allows
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foreigners to buy influence and curry favor with the leaders at the highest levels. you've got five field offices investigating the clinton foundation. this cries out for an independent council. i know we don't really like them. we would prefer to have the justice department do its job. but it's clearly not going to happen. loretta lynch obviously has her ties -- >> five field offices are investigating and the fbi, you know, pressured comey in a lot of ways -- i talked to fbi special agents and they told me they're tired of answering the question why did they let her off the hook. governor huckabee, you see this pay to play. it's not new to you. >> no, it's not. and if you've dealt with the clinton machine you know it's always been about self preservation. what doug and peter have bout o both outlined are the best reasons not to vote hillary clinton. she can't be president because she won't have the ability to
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devote her total attention to the job. it's hard enough under the best of circumstances but she's going to be constantly distracted by the investigations and the cloud that hangs over her head for criminal enterprise. taking peter's point, what all do they have to do to convince people that they just simply have enriched themselves by selling off america to buy -- >> hundreds of millions of dollars. governor stay right there. i want to ask all three of you what i asked kellyanne and newt gingrich. how did donald trump get to 270. this is doug's pen by the way. >> happy to give it to you. >> i will be the greatest president that god ever created. >> there you have it. more with the panel right after the break. jusdoes that mean they have toer grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do? with right at home, it doesn't. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care,
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all right, as we continue, governor huckabee, walk donald trump to 270 electoral votes because that's what matters. >> the number one thing he's got to do, there is an old saying in politics, if you're in any self-destructing, don't interfere. let hillary just continue to have to wallow in the juices of what is causing people like doug shown to say, i just can't do it. that's the first thing. stay positive. stay focused on those key swing states, but don't allow himself to be defensive.
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by the way, he's done a phenomenal job over the past ten days. he's really stayed on message. he's been focused. he's talked about the positive things. he's reminded people that this is a big contrast, if you're for abortion, even partial-birth abortion, vote for hillary. but if you believe in the sanctity of life, your only choice is donald trump. if you think rule of law ought to pervade in america, you got to vote for donald trump. if you think it is okay to have two sets of laws, one for hillary and her pals and another for you, you that serve food to tables and lift heavy things, then vote for hillary, because that's what you're going to get. i could go through a litany, but -- >> you believe, newt, rising tide will pull in states that we're not thinking about today, eight days out? >> absolutely. i was saying at his lowest he was going to win. i believe it. i'm going to go out there and tell you that and i'll believe it and -- >> no, i think this is a close enough election, he has to pick
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new hampshire, pennsylvania, potentially wisconsin, maine -- >> michigan. >> he needs to focus from thursday on only on those states and he's got to be running the local campaign to get the vote out. and needs to be aspirational, positive. what is going to be done to bring this country together, provide leadership. >> all right. peter, i'm sorry we couldn't get your last comment in. donald trump gets the last word this segment. >> i will be the greatest president that god ever created. >> we need your help, question of the day straight ahead. doug shone just gave me this pen. i should auction it off. everybody wants it. s. i've never been #1 in anything until i put these babies on. now we're on a winning streak and i'm never taking them off. do i know where i'm going? absolutely. we're going to the playoff. allstate guarantees your rates won't go up just because of an accident. starting the day you sign up.
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hold on. >> i will be the greatest president that god ever created. >> there you go. i'll get some, we'll give them away on air. thank you for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow. >> "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight -- >> i'm sure a lot of you may be asking what this new e-mail story is about and why in the world the fbi would decide to jump in to an election with no evidence of any wrongdoing. >> the clinton campaign hammered by new e-mail suspicions. is the fbi doing the right thing? talking points will address it tonight. >> hillary clinton's corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. >> donald trump taking full advantage of the latest fbi e-mail controversy, even as poll numbers show he is gaining on secretary clinton. we will have the facts. >> are you following the election closely.
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