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tv   The Real Story  FOX News  November 3, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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north carolina, they're all over the map. >> do you think someone has to whisper to them where they are right before they go up there? it would be tough to keep track of. "america's election headquarters" starting now. you're looking live at berwin, pennsylvania just outside of philadelphia, melania trump is about to give her first solo campaign speech. she has introduced her husband a few times but not been on the trail too much since the controversial speech at the rnc in cleveland. i'm martha back here at 2:00 p.m. eastern. it is five days to go, count them, as we head to november 28th. both of the candidates qualitying on surrogates to get out there.
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the clinton campaign dispatched president obama, bernie sanders and chelsea clinton are out today. sometimes you see both planes next to each other on the tarmac in some of these places. melania is in a keystone state that is hugely important to both of these candidates. she is looking to shore up some support. rick levin is there for us live this afternoon. >> a crowd of several under passionate supporters in this soccer felt waiting to cheer on donald's wife, but there is a lot of room inside. they were thinking there would be a much bigger crowd, but they're targeting a very significant group here, suburban win. traditionally republicans do
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well in central and western pennsylvania. president obama won 13 of the 67 counties, but he still won because he got 600,000 more in philadelphia. that is the challenge for donald trump, narrowing the gap, and that is why melania is still here today. . >> i think it is terrifically important. it is, you know, a big prize. it is one of the closest places. one of the places they could make a difference by moving one or two electorates. >> we're told that melania will speak from the heart about her husband's leadership qualities. she will touch on family, marriage, campaign experience, and her goals as first lady. in a preview of the premared
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remar -- prepared remarks she says we need to children our young generation. and he hopes his wife can spark more people to the polls. thank you, as president obama and a slew of top democrats hit the trail for hillary clinton, the trump campaign is turning this into a bigger affair. no one is a more powerful spokesperson for him perhaps than his family. his durs, his wife, karen pence, the wife of mike pence will be out this afternoon. they're all talking about the people they love and support. . so, a lot of people wonder why
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given the gap in the women polling that we have seen, and we will show that number in just a moment, that we have not seen more from melania trump on the campaign trail. it is a smart move for them in the closing days with the polls tightening and donald trump needing to improve. getting his wife and daughter out there as much as possible. i think it makes sense, tries to soften his image, showing he will be voubded by strong-level headed women. and they're pushing back against the star power that hillary clinton has in the closing days including her his, the president, the current first la lady, and so forth. the republicans sort of answer to that the best they can.
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>> to have all of these grown children who are articulate for hillary clinton and chelsea clinton. >> this is the first generation that we know of that we're handing our kids a lesser america. less hope, and it's because of politicia politicians. let's shake up that system, let's drain the swamp. >> prehen sieve tax reform is critical. dramatically decreases taxes on business. always continuing to invest and improve and show we are stronger together. >> your thoughts on how effective these young people have been. >> i go back to the second debate, a famous final question after a very personal debate. the final question from one of
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the town hall attendees can you please try to say something nice about the other person. mr. trump said that hillary clinton is a fighter who never quits and hillary clinton said i admire donald trump's children who are high quality people and that reflects on donald. that spoke to a sentiment of what many americans feel. donald trump is a piece of work, but he managed to help some parents, well adjusted and successful kids. putting those kids out front and center on this front stretch probably makes a good deal of sense. >> they're very powerful speakers and good on policy as well. i would not be at all surprised if some of these individuals pursuing biblicpolitical career
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their own, that was like their father clinching the nomination. this comes in from cbs "new york times." you see an enormous gap, hillary clinton 50%, donald trump 36%, and you have to woundier melania and ivanka, she has done a ton of traveling but not really high profile speaking engagements. >> there have be a derth of female surrogates -- we have to point out that kellyanne kaconw, a woman to manage it campaign and that is striking. >> you named three of them that are v been mia and taking a lower profile. he was trying to stiff arm
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agencies about sexual misconduct in the past. and that is when melania trump finally sat down and did a series of interviews. i thought her answers and the way she presented that situation was vastly better than some of the service that he would have received in that other camp. the humanizing, the family connection in these final few days, the candidate and the surrogates and the people in the media talking about the other major element of this race and that is the fbi dual investigation into hillary clinton that brett bayer reported last night, a real bomb shell. >> yeah, new developments on that as well. guy, thank you very much. >> so there are revelations that
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raise a question about the release of her work related e-mails. ed henry, live in washington, was hillary clinton being truthful when she explained she originally turned over all of her work related e-mails? >> based on the new release of e-mails, even some of her aides did not believe the e-mails were all turns over. it is the same day that the republican that was investigates hillary clinton at the time was asks to reserve all of the e-mails. are there others thar are
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not being released. joel says definitely. he is the chief strategist of the campaign. there are others not being released. we knew there was personal ones not being released and hillary clinton said she deleted about yoga and what not. after the exchange she made this promise. >> i responded right away and provided all of my e-mails that could possibly be work related which told roughly 5500 pages -- >> she said that many, many more times, all of the work related e-mails were turned over at the beginning and it has sense been proven and they have come out, drip drip. >> when that summons comes down,
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and they say that want all, and they see the e-mails for the picking and choosing process. maybe we should hold back this and that. it's stunning. i don't think he would respond to a summons this way. it is behind the scenes and it has been tough for her. bernie sanders are racing around the country for her right now and there was rough things said about poor bernie and some of these e-mails, too. >> any democrat or republican, you will say things you regreat later. p even though now he is ought there trying to help them in the coming days, you remember a previous e-mail from john podesta, joel johnson wrote in february that as sanders was doing well, marked friendly advice. bernie needs to be ground to a
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pulp. we can't start believing our own primary bull -- hope all is well, but let's crush him to a pulp, right? >> that's politics, right? that's the way it looks, thank you very much. >> so thousands of iraqans have their lives as government forces were entering what was isis held mosul. we're hearing from a few of those that are coming back from war. and records ta could be broken in a state that could decide this election. live in the sunshine state. melania coming up as well. okay, we're ready? we're going to pretend we're down, right? we'll pretend we're down.
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we have to win big, we have to beat her.
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it's good to be in, good hands. we are back with with a fox news alert, we're waiting for melania trump to take the stage. a crowd continues to move in. it is a soccer hall in pennsylvania, and area where they ned too bring in sum -- democrats are out paces republicans in the sunshine state. still a due days good afternoon.
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>> good afternoon to you, martha, that's right, we're in essentially st. petersburg as most people know. it's part of the i-4 corridor. it shows votes right now being counted. the vote by mail ballots are first verified by the county canvassing board. they're looking for signatures and addresses. twuns is completed, the secret ballot is removed from the envelo envelope. they're counting the election right now. they don't report those numbers. tuesday we find out for o everyone is voting. this is key to who has the me men tum to florida.
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republicans already have a slight advantage of democrats. statewide, about 4.8 million people have cast a ballot. by mail, republicans are winning this one. democrats, 874,500. for early polling locations, they have done to vote. democrats 1,061,740. the reason that republicans say that is adulthood is the democratic turnout in early voting doesn't appear to be holding up to the revels we saw in 2012 and 2008. republicans see that as a good sign. thank you. some counties in florida are seeing as much as 150% jumps in early voting from 2012 that including in person and mail in ballots. the chairman of the florida
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republican party, welcome good to have you here today. take a look at those numbers. you heard what adam shapiro was just reporting. give us an idea how those look. >> those numbers are promising for our party. we're out performing 2012 numbers. we're up overall about 20,000 votes. compare that to 2012 when we were down 60,000 votes and that is an 80,000 vote swing. barack obama carried the state in 2012 by 74,000 votes. we feel very good going into this election. >> how do you see it evolving over the past four years, do you have a higher hispanic vote. a lot of different groups of the last few days. >> we are a transient stant.
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they have regulatory schemes. there is a large cuban population. around orlando there is more. puerto rican decent voters. >> in terms of the hispanic vote and how you see it breaking down. is there has been discussion about donald trump, the early comments me made about mexicans, that breaks down group by group. how do you sort of -- what's your end analysis of that? >> two things, hillary clinton and her presence here is not getting her base stirred up.
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they're not enthusiastic. that number was 13%. that number is very low. when it comes to hispanic population that has voted, that is up, but those voters are switching the way they vote. it was early and on election day. they are low propensity democrats. >> still a toss up state because of the electoral maps. good to see you today. on the other side of the screen, you see karen pence. we're going to take a quick break here and we will bring you back with melania trump after this. that's why at cancer treatment centers of america, every patient gets their own care manager,
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we're back and we have melania trump speaking outside of philadelphia. >> i remember that day in june 2015 vividly. surrounded by our family and speaking to an audience of millions. donald trump is to campaign on behalf of those that feel the system is broken and does not work for them. those that just want a fair shake. an opportunity for a better education. a better paying job, a better future. this is not an ordinary campaign. it is a movement.
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a movement that keeps us included, inspired, and involved. i have seen it firsthand. millions believe in my husband because they know he believes in you. he believes in america and he will make a fantastic president of this united states. i am to talk about my husband, donald, and his deep love and respect for this country and all of it's people. i have come here to talk about this man that i have known for 18 years. and i have come here today to talk about our partnership, our family, and what i know for sure in my heart about this man who
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will make america great again. i grew up in a small town in slovenia near a small river and forrest. back then it was under communist rule. if was a wonderful childhood, by parents were wonderful. we knew about a beautiful placed called america. america meant if you could dream it, you could become it. we learned that a name ronald reagan was elected president of the united states of america.
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it was not just something in the united states, but it began too feel like mourning around the world, 9/11 my small country. later i lived in milan and paris working hard as a fashion model. i worked with people from all over the world. fashion is a business of glamour but it is also hard work. there are ups and downs, high highs, ridicule, and rejection, too. i loved my work. as a young entrepreneur i wanted to follow my dreams to a place where freedom and opportunity were in abundance. so, of course, i came here.
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i wanted something more, i wanted to be an american. after a ten year process, i had visas and green cards, and i studied to take the test to become a u.s. citizen. it is the greatest privilege in the world. . i'm an immigrant, and let me tell you, no one values the freedom and opportunity of america more than me. both as an independent woman and as someone who immigrated to america. donald loves this country and he knows how to get things done, not just talk. he certainly knows how to shake
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things up, doesn't he? he knows how to make real change and make america green is not just a slogan, it has been in his heart. over the years of our marriage i have watched him grow more and more concerned as he sees american workers suffer. i have watched him get frustrated as he sees parentso while working outside of the home. i have watched him as he sees over and over again policies that make our country less strong, less secure, and less safe. every time he heard of a factor
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closing in ohio or north carolina, he was very upset. he saw the problem the -- the most important thing in our family is health, love, and loyalty. donald has built a very successful company. the privilege to go to work each day to do a job that he loves. alongside of his adult children. this is a great blessing for any parent. he had a great and fulfilling life. he could not sit by any more and watch what was happening to our
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country. and that's when this movement began. he has asked something so simple, but a very important question. what kind of country do we want? a country with safe and secure borders? do we want a country where everyone get as fair shot? a country that honors our constitution? do we want a country that honors life, liberty, and the pure suit of happiness. do we want a country where we are provided with equal
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opportunity? where every child has access to a good education. do we want children to be safe and secure and dream big dreams? do we want presidents who are be holden to no one but to you, the american people? yes. do we want a president who will never give up? yes. then we want donald trump to be our president. [ crowd chanting "trump" ] >> people have asked me if donald trump is president, what kind of first lady will you be? it would be my honor and
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privilege to serve this country. i will be an advocate for women and children. let me tell you a little bit more about what that means to me. i'm a full-time mother to our son, baron, an incredible boy. his father travels around the country running for president, i'm with our son. we talk a little bit about politics, and a lot about life, homework, and sports. baron has many privileges and advantages. we know how fortunate we are, but i still have the same conversation with my son that many of you have with your sons and daughters. and nieces and nephews. grand children and god children. i want my little boy to know that he is blessed to have been born in a country that values
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individual freedom, and a constitutional democracy. i want our children in this country and all around the world to live a beautiful life, to be safe and secure. to dream freely of love and a family of their own some day. we need to teach our youth american values. kindness, honesty, respect, compassion, charity, understanding, and cooperation. i do worry about all of our children. as we know, now social media is a centerpiece of our lives. it can be a useful tool for connection and communication. it can convey what so many people feel in the modern world,
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and it has changed our universe. like anything that is powerful, it can have a bad side. we have seen this already. as adults, many of us are able to handle mean words and even lies. children and teenagers can be fragile. they're hurt when they're made fun of it this makes their life hard, and it can force them to hide and retreat. our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. it is never okay when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied, or attacked on the playground.
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and it is slupabsolutely unacceptable when it is done by someone with no name hiding on the internet. we have a find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other. we must find a better way to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media. it will be one of the main focuses of my work, if i'm privileged enough to become your first lady. i will also work hard to improve every day life for pim. the women in america are incredible. they're strong, intelligent, generous, committed, determined. with opportunities, women will advance and achieve. but some women have been left
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behind. i see that. we cannot call ourselves a fully developed or advanced nation when 50% of our women live in poverty. when 60 million are without health insurance. when too many are choosing between basic needs like rent, food, and health care, this cannot be. we cannot afford to have more of the same. we must break with the past and embrace a future that is worthy of this great nation and her beautiful people. we must win on november 8th, and we must come together as americans. we must find respect and kindness even when we disagree. i will be there to support my
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husband's efforts to help all americans when he is president. donald trump will make america fair. he will make america safe. prosperous. he will make america proud, and yes, this man i know so well. donald trump, with your help and governments grate, will make america great again. thank you. god bless you, and god bless this beautiful country. >> there you it, melania trump talking about what kind of first lady she would be. she says she would put a lot of focus on social media and the
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damaging language bantered about on social media. that may raise some questions about her husband's activity on social media from time to time, but she said she was primarily talking about kids and how personally they take it, as adults we have a thicker skin and we are able to face these sorts of things. she remembers growing up that when she was growing up ronald reagan elected president. she also talked about her own process to becoming an american citizen, the pride she took, and the studying she did to pass the exam. she says i wanted very much to come to america, but when i got here i wanted more than that. i wanted to be an american. i think it is a widely sere
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received successful speech by melania trump. her first outing at the con vens got a lot of positive feed back that night, but there was controversy because she had several lines that were similar to what michelle obama had said. and i think today, the suburban voters, the crowd was pick, they also had tv screens outside and perhaps the crowd didn't overflow to the point where they needed those, but clearly her husband is the biggest draw in these events, we don't usually see huge crowds for the spouses, bill clinton may be a exception to that.
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and a whistle-blower speaking out, and brand new details about the two investigations that the fbi is currently pursuing and how they are haunting the campaign right now.
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i think it's over there. that way? yeah, a little further up. what year was that quarter? what year is that one? '98 that's the one. you got it! nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. ally. do it right. let's get out of that water. so the fbi is revving up their investigation of the clinton foundation and it could be getting a boost from the investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail as well. jane longstandiangford. a lot of this crossing over, good to have you with us today, sir, welcome. >> when we got the word that the foundation was definitely also under investigation and that there was a large number of agents that were on this for some time, my mind went back to the television that the fbi
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director gave before congress, and he said he didn't have anything to report on that at that time. what do you make of the fact they have been into this for some time. >> it's four different field offices all with independent investigations. four different field offices that all have information separately, and there is another investigation that, i mean of course that investigation starts bringing up issues of government corruption, dealing with the clinton foundation as well. it looks like washington dc and the justice department are saying move on, and the field offices are saying if this was anyone else we would have already opened an investigation here. we're starting to get a glimpse is of what is happening in the offices. >> what do you make of that?
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we heard a lot about the dissension, and the frustration on the part of the field officers that have a job to do, and investigating the cases is what they're assigned to, and they go up the chain of command, it seems, and they're getting push back from the department of justice like move along, as you said, there is nothing there. >> this is one of the great long term damages of the country. we need to know if there is corruption. but there is an effect of what this does to the fbi. they have been seen as an a-political organization. they go after corruption, white collar crime, and when they see the evidence, they allow them to take them that direction. james cartwright, that is a four
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year investigation, pushing down saying no, don't look at that diminishes the roll of the men and women. they should not care what political party or the bank account is for any individual. if we hurt that reputation, there is a long term effect on the nation. >> there is specific instances they're looking into, including wraps some overlap, and payments that were made to the clinton foundation. there is specific parts of the case they're looking into. back in july you called for the securitylaernss investigations. and is that something that you're pursuing that you think should be more seriously pursued in light of all of this.
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>> i'm not asking for anything different than we would do for any other american. this could lose their laerns in that investigation, and say you don't have access to it right now, maybe it will be restored again. for whatever reason that has not happened in this case. if hillary clinton is elected she would have security clearance. but you should have your laerns -- clearance revoked. i'm just asking for them be treating the same regardless of their last name and regardless of their title. >> great, thank you. >> so we just watched a moment ago as melania trump wrapped up her first solo campaign speech. we will debate it. we're getting some already, and
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the pesky poll that's are always changing. momentum swings back and forest in this race, right? we'll show you where the whole thing stands now when we come back. ♪ turn the trips you have to take, into one you'll never forget. expedia plus rewards. earn points on over one million hotels, flights, and packages.
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in our family is health and love and loyalty. donald has built a very successful company. the privilege to go to work each day to do a job that he loves, alongside of his adult children. >> that was melania trump wrapping up a speech in pennsylvania. there's been plenty of movement in the polls over the last week.
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really amazing. after the news broke last friday that they fbi was re-opening the clinton e-mail prone that was a big more. health care and obamacare has been a major factor. most of them remain within the margin of errors. the latest abc news washington poll has hillary clinton up two points, 47 to 45, and that's inside the margin of error. as far as the states, we'll take a look and look at the cook map in just a minute. we have a political consultant and texas -- fox news contributor, and -- as i said in the break, who better to talk about suburban women in philadelphia that tony and bernard. you understand -- >> we live if it every day. >> they should have done this at
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10:00 a.m. 2:00 they all want to pick up their kids at school. but anyway, i'm getting quite a good response here on twitter to the speech. what did you think. >> the most extraordinary thing is what she is going to work on as first lady is battling bullying on social immediate. ya. ju schuss has to go up to the residence of presume donald trump for being the bullier in chief. he has dispagerred every group of the planet. >> this is a message her husband has heard from her recently as well but a lot of people understand that the larger picture of what kids go through is pretty torturous and that is something that would be a greating in for a first lady to address. >> a new issue, because it's emerging every day. you have kids of age, who are right in that sweet spot of not really understanding the negative ramifications of bad social media habits. ivanka -- this is montgomery
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county, pennsylvania. ivanka has been there melania okay. my suggestion would have been sending her earlier. she is clearly an effective spokeswoman and this shows the trump campaign is now on a positive offensive. the hillary campaign is in a nasty defensive as indicated by some of the bernard's own remarks and that's because of the huge trajectory that we have seen change in the last two weeks -- >> oh -- >> have to take a break. >> i would say the fast is the one thing that has been true in the polls is hillary clinton has always been ahead, whether it's a referendum on donald trump, she has been ahead. i would go sew far as to say it's going to be a tight lace, undecideds break for the challengers and break for donald trump but at the end of the day, hillary clinton wins 287 electoral votes at a minimum. >> thank you, experts on
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suburban women. thank you very much for being with us today, shepard is up in a few minutes. we'll take a break.
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it's noon on the west coast, 3:00 in the state of pennsylvania where melania trump, who is working to help her husband take back the battleground state, making an appeal to women and families, explain what she would do as first lady. hillary clinton about to speak in minutes in north carolina. the polls show she is facing a fight in two states her campaign might have counted on winning. here we go, first from the fox news deck this afternoon. big picture time. where are we? subtract all the distractions and countercharges and mud


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