tv The Kelly File FOX News November 16, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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factor tip of the day. check out fox news factor website, also please spout off about the factor. name the town if you wish. the word of today, miscreant. please remember the spin stops here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, media versus donald trump has become the media versus the president-elect. and it's on. after more than a dozen news groups join forces to challenge our next president on the issue of working with the press. good evening and welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. the fight between the media and new administration as it's being assembled, ramped up sharply today with trump and his team pushing back on reports that his transition is veering off course. with just 64 dntil he becomes president. then the media fired back with a warning from journalists after mr. trump ditched the reporters and slipped away for a trip to
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dinner in new york at the 21 club with his family. and he did not want the reporters tagging along. more than a dozen media outlets, fired off a letter saying quote, we expect that you as the new heard of the free world -- how many letters begin like that, will preserve long standing traditions that will ensure coverage of the trump presidency. we call on you to protect a -- commit to one, from now until the final day of your president spip we will speak with jason miller, a man who has been mentioned as possible press secretary and then we will speak to media reporter for "politico" who has been covering all of this. we begin with trace gag ger with the latest on this back and forth. trace? >> megyn, if donald trump were to announce any cabinet nominations by this friday oor next friday he would be the fastest president to do so in 30 years, yet "politico" says it was told the transition was quote an absolute knife fight. new york times categorized it as
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improvising saying quote american allies were blindly dialling into trump tower to reach the soon to be leader of the free world. president-elect trump is pushing back saying, this transition is going smoothly and today, quote, i have received and taken calls from many foreign leaders despite what the failing new york times said. russia, china, saudi arabia, japan, australia, new zealand and more. but it does appears trump is having con ver tags with leaders without traditional state department briefing because the state department says it hasn't been contacted by trump team. but mike pence reportedly counselled mr. trump to go slow. and make the right decisions. a short time ago trump spokeperson says trump is doing just that. >> i know since i talk to him regularly, he is very happy with how transition is going. from his perspective, he has been presented with any number of choices within each of the
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agency answers department answers he is making those tough decisions. >> the trump camp is also knocking down reports that his son-in-law is ridding the transition team of anyone allied with governor chris christie who is was taken off the team last week. instead we're told mike pence has said the transition team should not include lobbyists making good on a trump campaign promise. and just so you know, in 2008, president obama didn't make a single cabinet announcement until week three. nixon, reagan, clinton and bush 43 waited until week six. if trump waits five more weeks, the media might have to put reporters at all the restaurants near trump tower in case the president-elect sneaks out again. >> all right, trace, thank you. >> joining me now, jason miller, transition team director for the president-elect. good to see you. good evening. >> just getting this in my ear, "good morning america," is reporting that the lieutenant
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general michael flynn has been selected as national security adviser. is that true? >> no formal announcement yet for that position. general flynn met with the president-elect today. he has been a companion on the campaign trail quite a bit as we've seen. over the past few months. >> are you denying it? will you deny it here? >> i'm saying he would be a fantastic addition to somewhere in the administration. i will let the president-elect make the decision. i'm a huge fan of general flynn. >> when will we get that decision? tomorrow? >> i'll leave that to president-elect. >> it is exciting. possible news. all right. knife fight allies blindly dialling in to the trump tower. is that true? >> not at all. i'm not sure if folks or certain people are bitter that the election is over and their candidate didn't win. but if you look inside a trump tower you would see a calm methodical plan to get our administration put together and the president-elect is bring something absolute a-listers in to meet with him. senator jeff sessions in there
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today. flynn. mo moscowitz. tom price. nic nikki haley coming in. ken blackwell. governor scott. just some absolute a-listers coming in. some folks coming in to give council on what an administration should look like and how to form things. others might be under kraks f consideration for a certain post. >> i know you were talking, with a is that about? >> we went through meetings that mr. trump had today. >> what did they say? where is he? did he go back out to dinner? this is a big deal for the media. i don't know that american people care that much about it. but in the media world, we get to follow the president and president-elect pretty much for every waking minute of his entire life. is donald trump going to allow that? >> well of course we're going to form a protective pool and there will be the press covering him
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during his time as president. we will start moving toward that even before he is sworn in on january -- >> so you will do the traditional protective pool we have seen with other presidents, including barack obama? >> the construct will be ironed out -- >> they might not have the same access? >> our goal is to make sure that president-elect is -- that press knows what is going on within the white house and have an open line of communication. now the one thing i would say just to push back a little bit is there are some in the press corps that quite frankly never will be happy, as i said earlier today, unless they know if he is having chicken or fish and are sitting next to him at the dinner table. >> plus you can't get into the 21 club without a dinner jacket. with the press club, what would they say about that? cover up for the love of -- you're looking good for the next one. i really want to ask you, because you were the one who tell us, you had a special role on election night. >> well i had a lucky role. i think that might be -- i had
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the opportunity to inform the president-elect that he had been -- that ap called the race and he would be the next president. it was kind of a, at the moment i didn't quite realize it. then afterwards, i realize that is a special thing. very cool. we were waiting, some folks had called wisconsin and some had called pennsylvania but then ap was the first one to -- >> did you look at him and say, mr. president-elect -- did you use that language? >> i'm not sure exactly. i think something along the lines of -- >> holy -- >> something like that. you're going to be the next president. i think a shock for a moment. pretty exciting moment. just all of the energy and excitement of last week's win and all of the people that worked so hard to put this together. it was pretty cool. >> you know, we heard from brad last night who explained he is the data guy and he knew. he is like, i've been telling them all along, for weeks, that he would win. but to the outside world, it was like, what? stand by, i'm bringing you back in a second. but i want to get hadass, she is
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a media reporter. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> explain to the people at home why they should give a fig why donald trump should let reporters follow him to the 21 club while he goes to dinner with the family. >> reporters don't expect to sit at the dinner table while ivanka enjoyes enjoys a steak. we are eyes that are not part of the government. should god for bid anything happen it president-elect trump it is so important to have independent media there who can verify what happened. on 9/11 there were reporters with george w. bush on air force 1. we knew he was safe and what was going on. they weren't going to say where he was, they know how to keep secrets. but it is vitally important. this is the new leader of the free world as that letter said and we need to know where he is and what he's doing. >> you know, when jason was suggesting, he will have, you know, press pool that we're going to have the press, but there may be some differencees. maybe changes. donald trump has never been an elected politician. 70 years old. used to having his privacy.
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what changes do you think we will see mr. president trump? >> i don't think we will see as much of that full on press access as we have had before. president obama and hillary clinton both ditched their protective press pools at different times. this is not that unusual. however we need that access and we need it sooner rather than later. we don't know when it is going to come. a week before inauguration day? tomorrow? hopefully it'll be tomorrow. >> you raise good point about the 9/11. that was supposed to be any other day. george w. bush was reading a book to an elementary class. no one knew this would turn into 9/11. it's good we were there. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> jason, you know, you understand the importance, right? think about that. it is not that the press are nosey, they are trying to dot people's business. >> absolutely. and they have a job to do. that's to keep the american people informed. and also i think there has to be that degree of privacy. one thing to keep in mind with
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mr. trump is that he has one of the most public, one of the most visible lives probably in the world. there is a microscope on every single movement. there are folks watching every single thing. i do think when it comes to maybe family dinner, that there can be that little bit of privacy. >> let me ask you this. i want to get to this other thing. lobbyists, big move in team trump in fulfilling a campaign promise. why don't you tell them what it was. >> one of the campaign promises was it make sure there weren't lobbyists involved with the transition team. so under the guidance of the leadership of the vice president elect and executive director of trance ings team we are making sure that no federal or state lobbyists are involved with the transition team. folks have a choice. be part of the transition team or lobbyist but you can't do both. this goes to the broader package of some of the ethics reforms. >> drain the swamp sn. >> drain the swamp. the president said if you serve in the executive branch then you won't be a lobbyist for five years.
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and anyone signing up to go into the white house is going to have to live by that. >> that will come as a delightful piece of news to many of our viewers. >> drain the swamp. >> thank you. all the best to you. new developments on the controversy surrounding keith ellison. possible next chairman of the democratic committee. plus 24 hours after the department of homeland security warns we're at risk of a new attack on our homeland, we will look at who might get tapped for the job of keeping american safe. chris stirewalt, alan ders wits and look tlat panel. never had them together. then the administration is looking at the idea of a muslim registry. bill de blasio is vowing to battle that idea. he met with president-elect trump, he is here on the kelly file. next. >> de blasio has been a terrible mayor. the police have no respect for him. dislike him tremendously. for a long period of time, and
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according to kansas secretary of state chris co-buck trump's policy advisors are creating a registry not for american muslims but for immigrants coming into america from muslim countries with the idea of better tracking people from places where there may be a lot of terror activity. our next guest, he has been critical of some of mr. trump's policy answers met with trump earlier today. he said this is one of the things he is willing to battle over. mr. mayor, good to see you. >> my pleasure. why is it a problem if we create some sort of record of immigrants coming over from muslim countries? >> it is a problem because it doesn't conform with our american constitutional values and respect for all religions. if you say we are looking at people with a specific issue in their background, specific indicators that might be an issue or concern, you know, that's an individual matter, fine. if you say there are certain countries where there is such, a
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propensity to an issue we will look at those countries with extra care, okay. but to say we will treat people of a certain faith across the board as if there is something wrong with them, then are we going to have a christian registry and jewish registry and where does this end? >> you can't just say, for reinstated registry from immigrants from muslim countries, that's too brad. but from syria, iraq, now we're getting there? >> i think a specific condition we are looking at. for example if someone comes from a region. >> yemen. >> more specific. if there so particular hometown where there has been an issue or people -- >> you have to really thread the needle? >> i think you have to know the facts, not you personally, but one needs to know the facts of how we do this. this is our security personnel determining what causes them to want to look for extra information. but i'll tell you from nypd perspective, we don't profile people. we don't assume. in fact one thing i talk about
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the nypd, there are 900 muslims protecting us. think about the kun terrorists world. i indonesia and morocco are different -- >> did you say this to president-elect trump. you went to trump tower and had a meeting. at the meeting you say you raised concerns about the rhetoric and messages that for so many people have been hurtful and made so many new yorkers fe fearful. >> i expressed to the president-elect that last people in his hometown were worried about what would happen to them and their family answers people felt there weren't a place for him in his vision. i say it respectfully. i will say it was a constructive meeting in the sense after real give and take. >> you think he heard you? >> i don't want it speak for him. i think we had an hour-long dialogue and it was a candid dialogue and it was a very substantive dialogue. >> what do you want him to do to
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aswaj those fears? >> come out and clarify that american muslims will be treated with t respect as all other americans. and the people that want it come here will be looked at for who they are individually not because of their faith and we won't classify a whole -- there is 1.6 billion muslims in the world. every one of them individually and different. if we have a concern about someone it has to be an individual and specific concern. >> let's talk about illegal immigration. because several mayors throughout the country are saying they will not comply if donald trump tries to crack down on sanctuary cities or type policies. today you were asked about some local reports that suggest you said you will delete any city records for people who have applied for new york state id that would be given to some people who have -- who are undocumented or limited documentation. what's the truth on that? will you delete those cities records? are you going to try to protect them like that? >> we are looking at situation. here is the truth. when we set up our own municipal id card --
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>> for undocumented -- >> for everyone. many undocumented people wanted it because they had no id to visit someone in the hospital, get into their children's school, see a teacher, get lease, a bank account. we thought with a city with half a million folks that are undocumented, they needed an opportunity -- >> if the trump administration and comes in and says i want the records -- >> we will make that decision well in advance of the administration coming up. we never ask people for their documentation status when we gave them id. they had to prove who they were. >> so you don't have the information. >> we have information about who they are as individuals but not documentation status. but to the bigger point, to the dialogue today, here is an example where one of the things i said to president-elect is talk to law enforcement around this country. talk to commissioner jimmy owe meel at nypd about how our police is the first to tell you they need to be able to have a good and honest and open relationship with people in the city including those who are undocumented. if an undocumented person
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witnesses a crime, if a documented person is a witness of a crime, you don't want them to not go to the police because of fear of deportation. law enforcement all over the country will tell you we will create a whole new problem if we do mass deportation. that's very different than if someone committed a heinous crime. >> i got it. have to run but i have to ask a quick question before we go. you're mayor of new york city. rudy giuliani used to be mayor of new york city. what do you think of his possible asection of working under trump. >> i have my differences. i don't want to tell the president-elect of who to choose for his cabinet. in this city there are were times when rudy was not a force of unity. if he is involved in the federal government i hope he will learn the lesson of some of the things that happened here in new york city. >> you had some moments of not being a force for unity yourself. you backed governor cuomo when he made remarks about conservatives not working in new york city. >> i will say differently. i think the point here in a city
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that is the greate kocosmopolit city in the country, the issue is do we find a way to bring people together across the different demographics across the city. i think if rudy is involved domestically or internationally one thing he has to focus on is not go down the road we saw too often in new york city. >> thank you for being here. the idea of better screening certain muslims immigrants came up. you haefrd teard the mayor's op. we don't cree registries based on religion. >> we have in the past. we have done it based on religion, race and destination. the people aren't protected as we are in america. >> so you don't think this is a slippery slope where muslims are put in a registry and some you know, some aggressive law
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enforcement actor in the future might eye buz th might abuse that list. >> there is always a case for abuse in this case. look, being part of the muslim faith is an bad thing. there is plenty, 1.6 billion muslims out there. most of them are perfectly good people. there is a small amount of people that have agreed to extreme with an ideology within the faith. we would like it keep tabs on it until we can figure out what is going on p tp is a regional base. we need to know who they are -- >> he is trying to stop immigration into the country from countries where there are major terrorist issues until we can figure out what is going on. this seems like something else which is, if you're coming over, this is just what i'm reading. that again, secretary of state, chris who helped write the tough immigration laws in arizona say today that trump's policies advisers are discussing drafting a proposal to reinstate a
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registry for immigrants from muslim countries. for immigrants from muslim countries. >> and to be perfectly honest, it is legal. it will hold constitutional muster. i know the aclu will test it. i think it will pass. we did it with iran. we did it in world war ii with japanese. call it what you will -- >> come on, you're not proposing we go back to the days of internment camps i hope. >> no, i'm not proposing that at all. >> you know better than to suggest that. that's the kind of stuff that gets people scared, carl. >> i'm not saying i agree with that. >> you can't be citing japanese internment camps as precedent for anything the president-elect will do. >> the president needs to protect america first. if that means having people not protected under our con stugs have some sort of registry to understand, until we can identify the true threat and where they are coming from, i support it. >> you get protections once you come here. carl, good to see you. >> thank you, megyn. >> still ahead, president obama
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delivering toughest remarks yet on trump. james rosen has all the fall-out. plus, lots of questions over who will be the next dnc chair and why the clans it could be this congressman is cause something major controversy. next. the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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i know many of you are deeply disappointed about the results of the election. i am too. more than i can ever express. but as i said last week, our campaign was never about one person or even one election. >> that was hillary clinton speaking in just the last hour with her first remarks since her concession speech. speaking to a democratic party now being described as being in crisis after watching gop retain control of the house, he is not rate a senate and win the white house. with donna brazile in hot water after multiple wickileaks revelations, it looks like this man is under serious consideration. trace gallagher has more on how his past is raising questions. >> in his bid to become the next democratic chair, keith ellison said his focus will be to champion the challenge of
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working families and give them a reason to show up at the polls in 2018. elson the first muslim elected to congress has support from the party's left including senators bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and by the party establishment like the outgoing and incoming senate minority leaders. all of whom believe keith ellison is the man who can reach out to working class white voters who went for trump. but the congressman's past associations and comments may prove more concerning for moderate voters. elson once identified with the nation of islam referring to himself as keith ex ellison and e ellison and mohamed. he later apologized for defending farakahn. he compared george w. bush to hitler and.
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ellison was implying that 9/11 did the same for bush. ellison moved to impeach dick cheney for intel failure dealing with weapons of mass destruction. ellison appears to be the early favorite though he is facing competition from howard dean and former maryland governor martin o'malley. megyn? >> wow. trace, trahank you. joining us with more, author of "warfare the war against free speech" brooke goldstein. and former bernie sanders campaign staffer, teslan figure row. let me start with you brooke on why democrats would be considering someone that controversial. >> especially amid all the hoopla where they are alosing bannon of being racist and anti-semitic. what do they use as proof? an ex-wife and divorce documents and they fail to look at the very clear connections of keith
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ellison to radical islamic groups and anti-simmes emitism. it is boggling why they would want it move to the hard left. the intro only touched the surface of it. we are talking about man who sponsored a panel when he was in law school calling zionism the same as white supremecy. jewish students asked him to cancel that. he refused. he has spoken at numerous council own islamic relation conferences. this group has ties to hamas, designated terrorist group. he has spoken three times for the islamic society of north america. at the conference of 2008 will, they were handing out materials, calling america a terrorist organization and calling for the destruction of israel and the united states. >> and he was speaking there? >> he was speaking that conference. that was the third time he spoke at that conference. >> keslan? is this not a problem? >> well, you know, i appreciate her insight but what i would say is that the ties are not as
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clear as she would suggest. you know, let's not forget that senator bernie sanders and in case counsel forgot, is in fact jewish is the one that nominated the congressman to be the possible dnc chair. secondly, dnc will decide if this is someone they want to have represent them. yes they are going to the far left just as republican party is going to the far right of what we call alt-right. what i think everyone needs to do is calm down, go in the corner, get a time-out, take a glass of water like rubio and basically just take a step back and understand that bannon is going to the white house regardless if people agree with it or not and congressman ellison will serve the dnc if they clooz hoose to elect him. >> you're at the meeting and they are handing out terrorist literature and you say, i'm just going to -- i don't know. should he be elevated to the party. >> like the kkk endorsed donald trump. it doesn't mean that donald trump supports the kkk.
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>> donald trump didn't show up at kkk with literature. >> more than connections. >> let brooke talk. >> keith ellison has been very vocal in support for the nation of islam for over a decade. it only was when he ran for office in 1998 that he came out against the nation of islam claiming he didn't realize their anti-semitic. he was a supporter of a woman who said that jews are the most r racist people we know. he has gone on record supporting council on islamic relations and fund-raising for a founder of council on american islam -- >> so a lot of controversial things. >> the nation of islam supports the millian man marks. >> he did a lot more. >> let her talk. >> he spoke against the anti-semitic comments and people still believe that are not anti-semitic. and again, i say again, is senator bernie sanders not jewish?
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is he not the one that said he would be the best to represent the party? the dnc is in complete disarray. they need to come back to the bernie sanders supporters and surrogates to get them involved in the party. they need to fix it because they clearly got whooped all across the country. they are going what they need to do to get it together and it won't come with someone who has essential attitude. >> interesting. fascinate pg. nicely done. good to see you both. thank you, tezlyn. thank you, brooke. president obama with his toughest remarks yesterday on president-elect trump. we will show you what he said and what happened. and reports that lieutenant michael flynn could be the next national security adviser. >> a lot of what george w. bush tried to do was too ambitious, too transformational, and barack obama will be judged harshly by history most often for what he didn't do. this is spacier for this new administration i think to get it right.
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so breaking tonight, word at the top of the hour that lieutenant general michael flynn former head of the defense intelligence agency and frequent guest on the kelly file is a strong contender to the national security adviser to president-elect trump. that comes just a day after the homeland of homeland security put out warning that quote we remain concerned about homegrown violent extremists who could strike the homeland with little or no notice. we turn to catherine herridge. catherine? >> thank one megyn. also late today, parent front-runner for secretary of state, did not tip his hand to waiting reporters outside trump tower. >> haven't got any highlights today. >> we discussed transition. >> how did it go? >> went really well. >> while supporters say
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giuliani's integrity and steadfast leadership during 9/11 terrorist attacks, critics say giuliani lacks foreign policy experience and he may have conflicts with his business. the other leading candidate for secretary of state is john bolton, deep diplomatic ties, having spent four years of u.n. ambassador under george w. bush. when the senate refused to confirm bolton and got the job through a recessed appointment and rand paul former presidential candidate himself is speaking out tonight against both quote i'll do whatever it take to stop someone like john bolton being secretary of state, paul said. i don't know how a president trump could appoint someone who's diametrically opposed to everything donald trump ran on. some of that goes for giuliani as well. and a seven-term republican congressman mike rogers is also out having criticism his intelligence committee report on the 2012 benghazi terrorist attack was incomplete. congressman faced allegations of conflict between his senior staffer and clinton's closest
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aides. a charge he denied. and john mccain seems to be sending a strong signal to trump tonight that any effort to reset relations with russian president putin, former kgb agent, would be quote an unacceptable price for a nation that has stood against tier anying wiyranny, n. >> are we still teasing that, now that election is over, and mo founding director of georgetown university institute of public service. great to see you all. so we have so many things in the mix right now. is it going to be rudy giuliani for secretary of state? general michael flynn for national security adviser? who is going to be attorney general? stirewalt, your view, which of these is the most potentially controversial that we're looking at? >> well, flynn is nsa. whether that pans out is a good
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twist. flynn is a bit of a share shiha when it comes to the military. >> hair shirt? >> he makes them itchy. thou they don't get along well. and flynn has been con tankrous at the wlous. he can advise trump but doesn't have to run day-to-day. he is not at the pentagon. there's that. with giuliani, there is a concern about the amount of business he has done overseas and all the work deas international lawyer and dealing in influence. so there is that. that would stand to be potentially very controversial. but we would also remember that the president basically gets to make his picks if giuliani has conflicts. they have a majority in the senate they could probably push one or two controversial picks through. and as for the rest of it -- >> got to pick ones they want it fight. professor, your thoughts on judy giuliani, who you know, as secretary of state. >> well i've known rudy for 4 years.
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no one tougher, no one smarter. whether he would be diplomatic is anybody's guess. but would he trump's guy. i think he is very much like donald trump. now i think the what is against him is inconsistent. he doesn't have enough foreign experience yet too much foreign business. you can't have it both ways. when he was deputy attorney general and u.s. attorney he had plenty of relations with foreign countries. and in his business he has plenty of relations with foreign countries. so you know, the president gets his man. president doesn't get supreme court justice but he gets his cabinet. a strong prezujsumption. i think if rudy is nominated, democrats will have something to say. >> there is one guy who bailed from the -- he was a leading voice of opposition to trump during the campaign. and this guy has said, look,
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they view these jobs as lollipops. he came out and said, especially when it comes to national security, you need to have people that know what they are doing and not just people who received a lollipop. your thoughts? >> i think that's right. i agree with the professor that president traditionally gets the person they want that every now and then there's a person that there is a big fight over. we will see who that person is in this transition. but the president is entitled to get who they want. what worries me -- >> can you stand ambassador john bolton as secretary of state if he didn't choose rudy? >> this is what worries me is i had no idea what donald trump wants to do. i have no idea how he is going to govern. when you listen to the names he is talking about, it highlights a significant amount of inconsistencies between some of the things he said he wanted to do during the campaign and some of the positions he held. and these people. i'm old enough to remember when republicans were attacking the clintons for clinton foundation
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alleged ties to foreign governments. both michael flynn and rudy giuliani have ties to foreign governments in their businesses. i'm old enough to remember when donald trump ran against everything that the bush administration did in foreign policy and ran against the iraq war. john bolton is one of the architects of the bush administration's foreign policies. >> maybe more of neocon, and trump does not sound like that. let me talk about the national security apointsments. those are the ones we should be paying attention to. >> yeah, my gosh. if you regular the president-elect has about 4,000 appointments that he's got to make but there are fewer than a hundred, about 80 national security appointments that are absolutely crucial. we remember this. during the transition and especially in the opening weeks and months of a new administration our enemies will test us. this is proven throughout time. they will take a sounding of the new leader to see what his response is. that is why this team and this hurry up restart on the trump
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transition, this is so crucial. because if they can't get the people in these jobs especially since trump has add prickly relationship with the foreign policy establishment in the united states, this is crucial. >> he also is wearing a hair shirt. good ahead, professor. >> on the top job in the cabinet. in administration like this the key roles are going to be the deputies and assistants. career people. people with vast experience. people who have been in other governments and other administrations. and they have an enormous impact in driving the policy. i think we should be focussing also if giuliani gets the number one place at steak p. who gets two, three and four. same thing with attorney general. >> since i have you here and you are are a famous well known successful lawyer, any thoughts on who should be the attorney general? >> so many able people out there. i think he should probably reach across gender lines. reach across party lines. joe leiberman would be a terrific choice. >> someone whose name rhymes
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with mderschowitz. >> no, i'm too old. >> nikki haley was there and that would be an interesting choice. great to sigh. just a question, stirewalt, if i move to west virginia, how long do i have to live there before i pick up terms like that. >> we will get you a passport and you can have them for free counsellor. >> thank you. i'll be there. thank you all. up next, president obama and what he said today about president-elect donald trump.
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instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where americans have shown arrogance and been dismissive. even derisive. >> you remember that. doesn't he look so much younger there? president obama in 200 the 9 in overseas. sometimes showing harsh language of america's treatment of our allies. on his last overseas speech there were new criticism.
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these were about president-elect. james joins us with details. james? >> good evening. until today president obama spent post election period urging divided america to give donald trump and his team a chance. but after he toured the acropolis in athens greece, birthplace of democracy, the outgoing president delivered his toughest remarks yet about the president-elect and meaning of his victory. >> as you may have noticed, the next american president and i could not be more different. f faced with this new reality where cultures clash, it is inevitable that some will seek a comfort in nationalism or tribe or ethnicity or sect. >> with the democratic party he has led for the last eight years now having lost the white house, remaining in the minority in both houses of congress and suffering deeper loss eaes at t state level.
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mr. obama find himself yielding on the successor, dismantling the obama legacy. this is creating tension. mr. obama expresses couldn't knew it to reassure allies. he seeks to avoid blame for his party's defeat and project confidence that his legacy will endure. >> he has talked about that his cooperation will be historic. similar to what president george w. bush did for him. and he will go overseas and he will stick his finger in the eye of the incoming president and talk about his hope that this nationalist spirit won't be divisive for our country. >> president obama is now in germany where the foreign minister of that country said after donald trump's election that rest of the world will just have to get used to the idea that u.s. foreign policy going forward will be less predictable. megyn? >> james, thank you. up next, we are taking "the kelly file" on the o road. we will tell you where we are
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