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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  September 26, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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cubs shortstop addison russell was taking a fly ball, he doesn't get the ball but he did get covered in cheese when he spilled a cardinals fan's nachos. russell made things right by a new plate of nachos. that's it for a special report fair, balanced. >> martha: from the nation's capital on martha maccallum and tonight the story begins with the president being challenged from within his own party as four senators take down repeal and replace, leaving his supporters wondering if the g.o.p. can get anything done. >> we were very disappointed by a couple of republican senators, we were very disappointed that they would take the attitude that they did. we don't know why they did it but we are disappointed in certain so-called republicans. >> martha: can the president banded together though so-called republicans, which included two who fought him for the nomination, ted cruz and
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rand paul. and get everybody marching in step towards tax reform? kellyanne conway joins us in a moment on that. there is still the cultural battle that has gripped the nation, one that is playing out on the field of the nfl, but what is it rooted in and what does it reveal about where our country is today? the president doubled down. >> i think it's a very important thing for the nfl to not allow people to kneel during the playing of our national anthem to respect our country and to respect our flag. >> martha: fat as his critics cry racism. >> i don't know if trump is racist but i do know he definitely prefers white people to black people. >> if he is not recessed light of so many americans believe that he is? >> that is racism, you cannot tonight, you cannot run for it and i kneel in honor of them. >> martha: that's where we are, a big lineup for tonight, david bossi takes us inside some of the president's thought process perhaps on this. but first we are from richard
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fowler, national syndicated radio host and mollie hemingway, both are fox news contributor's, welcome to both of you. another day of the new cycle, the president brought it up again today and made the comments that you saw. molly, what you think about it? >> it will be in the new cycle because it represented a bigger issue we are having. does it mean to be american, do you believe in the founding principles, to think that we are a flawed country that can be improved or do you think we are irredeemably corrupt, many people want to weigh in on this issue and it's no surprise that is going to be causing such a big star. also, we got to see some of the first polls showing that people are largely dissatisfied with this protest movement, they are not big fans of disrespecting the flag or the anthem. >> martha: we have that poll, 64% said that they do not believe players in the nfl should be kneeling when the national anthem is said. i think it touches on really something important here because you get caught up in the moment and who is kneeling into is not going, richer, in your mind what are they kneeling about?
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>> i think that's a very interesting question and i think a lot of times, many of these protests, you look at the polls from the 1960s, people would argue that martin luther king was very unpopular then. >> martha: we have segregation in the country, real civil rights issues. >> absolutely. but if you want look at polls in the 60s, martin african was absolutely unpopular back then. here's the thing, i think the president is a master marketer, marketing genius and i think what he did was framing. what the nfl players -- they aren't against troops, they aren't against the fly, the national anthem. >> martha: what are they against? >> they are against racial industrialists. >> martha: in a broad sense. and you believe there's a lot of that in the country? >> i think there is racial injustice in the country. we can debate that all we want to come up there people who believe there isn't racial injustice but these players and a lot of americans, african-americans and white americans believe that there is racial injustice in the country.
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>> martha: he did say he was protesting the flag itself, he said that when he began this protest year ago that he believes the flag stands for a country that violates black people's freedom. that's one thing, but also, martin luther king rooted his protests and the ideas of the american founding, he said that the founders had issued a promissory note with that declaration of independence, this is why that was such an ultimately successful movement, he had clear goals, he rooted it and what it means to be an american which is very different from when you're actually just rejecting the idea of america. >> collin also gave a press conference a couple months back where he said i'm not against the fly, i'm not against being american, i just want americans to be justice for everybody. >> martha: he wear socks that have policemen depicted as pegs on them. is that okay? >> this is larger -- >> martha: that is where they started, something that was against the police. at the st. louis team running out of the tunnel hands up, don't shoot, which we know never
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happened. i think we do need to think about the facts. >> i think you are referring to -- that's one case, the michael brown case, there are more cases of it but there's a larger problem of injustices in police department's across the country. people have reported about this, tamir rice, eric garner, we can go on and on and on and the list of names goes on and on but once again i think if you talk to these players and many of these players, donte stallworth has been on this air talking over and over again and many players are saying this is not about the flag, this is not about our veterans, not about the anthem, it's about using our platform to protest racial injustice. what donald trump has done -- one second. what donald trump has done is framed this as it's being about against the flag. >> martha: let molly talk. >> if you do care about criminal justice reform and police brutality you have to have everything rooted in the facts. it is true that there are several dozen people who are unarmed to have been shot by police officers and that is a concern.
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it's not just a concern for black people even if it's true that black people and white people have different experiences with the police. it is true that so much of this movement started based on something we know is not true, the hands up, don't shoot idea. it's important how we frame these things if we want to actually make changes with police brutality. >> the next one i want to say is if you don't want them to protest by kneeling, industry, where you want them to protest? every time they protest the right is saying you can't protest here. >> martha: i think the most important thing is you work on persuading everybody. to be very clear on what you're protesting out because i think a lot of people watching nfl games are a little bit unclear on it. thank you guys. thank you both for being here. president trump is reportedly very pleased that his feud with the nfl is dominating the headlines. last night in a private dinner with grassroots leaders at the white house he apparently said that he is glad the remarks "caught on" and has no plans to let up, words he echoed in the rose garden today. watch this. >> many people have died, many,
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many people, many people are so horribly injured. i was at walter reed hospital recently and i saw so many great young people and their missing legs and they are missing arms and they have been so badly injured. they were fighting for our country, fighting for our flag, fighting for our national anthem and for people to disrespect that by kneeling during the playing of our national anthem i think is disgraceful. >> martha: david bossi was president trump's deputy campaign manager, also president of citizens united and a fox news contributor and we do it like magic, swap people in and out. >> it's a lot of fun. what a beautiful night. >> martha: it is a beautiful night. you are the conversation i just had with richard fowler and mollie hemingway, what do you think? >> it's just fundamentally a communication problem that isn't going to get fixed anytime soon. the nfl players are saying one
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thing and doing one thing but the american people don't understand it. it's because they are wrong. offending 80%, 75% of the american people by kneeling during the national anthem, which is an attack, people take it as an attack on the flag, on our anthem and on -- i'm good. and our country. that's the problem. the american people don't see or care what's going on, they just see what's going on on the field in front of them. >> martha: i believe the baltimore ravens. the team in london. >> there is a thing in this country, and politics where you can say and do things here in this country but you don't do them overseas. the baltimore ravens, which i have been a 21 year season ticket holder of baltimore ravens, it was so offensive to
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me as a season-ticket holder that the baltimore ravens knelt in london overseas on foreign soil. it's an outrage and it's an offensive thing to do to all baltimore ravens fans. and to everybody in the united states while you are overseas. >> martha: one of the other points that you made is that the nfl has not done a great job of the standards that it keeps among its own players. if we all know there's a lot of really great players. i love to watch football, i'm a big fan. but it's a question of looking inward for a moment as well. >> the president is 100% right on this issue. he is 100% right and i stand with him, not the men who are kneeling, where and what i call costumes. they are not uniforms, the men and women in uniform for serving overseas who have given their lives, who have fled for this country defend their rights to holder protest. he will do protest, colin, all of them can go and rent a hall and fill it with her people. it's hard to get people.
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the whole 60,000 innocent americans hostage, to hold them hostage to your political views on any given sunday no matter what the issue is because once you do it now you can do that on any issue on any given sunday for any reason. it's an offensive thing. >> martha: financially a problem here. jerry jones kneeling with the rest of the cowboys last night and that's his prerogative. but they have this sort of cultural idea that they are supporting amongst themselves that doesn't line up with a lot of what's going on with their fans and the people who pay for their tickets and their jerseys and everything else. >> football, like a lot of things, is a marketplace. the marketplace is going to correct this issue. it's going to be when they have to negotiate with fox sports, with the other networks to negotiate deals and ratings are down, instead of billions of dollars they will be losing those billions of dollars. merchandise is down. you see little boys, families burning their uniforms, their shirts, their bedspreads.
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they buy merchandise. people spend their hard earned dollars, their hard earned dollars on their paychecks for the plumber and electrician to go to the football game on sunday for the parking, the tickets, the concessions on the merchandise and that is all going to go down. worship is going down. after tell you, nfl has a serious problem here. >> martha: thank you, good to see you. if you got to the chair in time, you are a trooper. thank you very much. coming up, breaking tonight we are keeping a close eye on alabama this evening, that's where the holes are about to close. highly anticipated rates with a lot of symbolism and some real numbers behind it. plus this. >> we will be releasing a very comprehensive detail before tomorrow. and it will be a very, very powerful thing. >> martha: are your taxes going up or down? what's it all going to mean for you and your wallet? the details are coming out tomorrow morning. kellyanne conway with the previous tonight and betsy devos just got rid of a
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controversial and problematic obama era regulation on college campuses. this is a story that every parent and every student needs to know and understand, my exclusive interview with betsy devos coming up next. >> the schools that this isn't legalistic, this is our private investigation and as a private investigation you are not entitled to any of these rights. ♪ liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain,
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>> martha: breaking tonight, president trump is in new york city this evening to help the rnc raise money. he is speaking behind closed doors with supporters there in the big apple and it comes after a busy and a frustrating day for him here in washington is the final nail in the coffin was put in repealing and replacing obamacare, a promise for seven years, the dash they announced they would vote next week but now it's not going to vote this week and they will miss that september 30th deadline. it also today, president trump met in the white house with bipartisan members of the house ways and means committee. they are the folks that are hammering out the tax reform plan which is going to be announced tomorrow morning in indiana. >> it's time for both parties to come together and do what is right for the american people and the nation that we all love.
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>> martha: joined me no counselor to the president kellyanne conway. thanks for being here. always good to see you. how frustrated is the president about what happened with health care? >> we are very disappointed that the senators who made a promise to their constituents to repeal and replace obamacare, in fact in many cases voted to repeal them a place obamacare, have failed to make it on as promised. this would've been the beginning of the end of obamacare and it really would have the millions of americans who don't have health insurance, they were lied to her that they can keep their plan, keep their doctor, they've seen a premium spiral out of control. if the state of alaska premiums have gone up by more than 200%, arizona by more than 120%. the data are there and there are millions of americans who are relying upon this congress to make good on their own premises. over seven or eight years we've been there seven or eight month months. this president remains optimistic that obamacare can be repealed and replaced with something better and more fair to the consumer and to a free
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market system but as senator graham of south carolina said today, there are 50 votes that agree with the substance but not the process. >> martha: what about ted cruz and rand paul and the president referred today to "hold called republicans." does he want collins for example to be replaced in maine? are the republicans i guess becomes a real question and what do you make of ted cruz and rand paul's defection? >> we see that the senators all ran successfully. if they are right there behind us. they ran successfully on repealing and replacing obamacare. they will have to go home and explained to their constituents why this wasn't good enough. that's going to be difficult for many of the people who just can't get health care -- health insurance. some people have the worst possible outcomes, they got the insurance card, there hold you are now fully covered and they couldn't access it because the premiums were so prohibitively expensive. what graham cassidy would have done is block grant the medicaid money to the state so that the governors and those closest to
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the people in need can get that money closer to the patients in need. it also would have allowed you to use health savings account, a tremendous free-market tool. >> martha: been around for a very long time. >> they will need to explain to their constituents why they are there but this president remains ready. he's not giving up on repealing and replacing obamacare. 2018 is a very serious here, people focus on the elections, something else was happening, obamacare gets worse. there's a whole new tax, the premiums are set to skyrocket even more and so there will be much more explaining to do for those who are not here for this boat. >> martha: let's talk about tax reform. it is mitch mcconnell the person to get tax reform through? does the president still have confidence in him? >> we hope that the leader of the republican party, the majority leader of the senate, who i just saw an hour ago over at the white house is able to do this, to pull those members together. we feel very optimistic about tax reform -- excuse me tax relief, tax cuts. >> martha: are you not calling attacks from?
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>> i think it's more than that. it reform is a washington work. the first thing you see in 36 years. probably historically ever that if you can repatriate the $2.8 trillion that is parked overseas by american companies have been punished by having jobs here, having factories and plants here, if you can get that -- welcome those jobs back here, if you can give the middle-class a break in the marginal rates, get them the child care tax credit that has survived this whole process, double that exemption. if so different areas of relief in the trump tax decision but this also has to go through congress. we feel optimistic that the majority leader can bring together republicans but we also want this to be bipartisan. we welcome those senators -- the three democratic senators who refused to sign chuck schumer's letter from a month or two ago and the president will be in one of that presidents states, his art event to north carolina with heidi heitkamp.
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>> martha: work across the island meet with the senators and see if he can get a bipartisan deal since it didn't work with health care? >> it should have worked with health care if the democrats have come over. i think the question of why wasn't health care reform bipartisan is not a question for republicans, it's a question for democrats. why couldn't a single one of them come over and say the people of my state deserve better than to have so many people still uninsured through obamacare. on tax reform, what we know that so many of them have business owners and small businesses and individual tax payers and property in their states. >> martha: end of the president still wants. before i let you go, very quickly, the issue of private emails in the white house, why was this white house not told absolutely not, and no to private emails because of the huge issues it was with her a hillary clinton? >> if they have all been briefed on the rules, if you use your official accounts and if you receive an email on a private email that you make a copy or you send it to your official
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email. >> martha: are you confident that those roles have been followed by the people who have been mentioned? >> with all been told what the rules are and we've been briefed in that regard and that is what we all understand to be the protocol. >> martha: thank you very much. it's good to you as always. new details of this about the brutality in north korea. >> kidnapped him, tortured him, intentionally injured him, they are not victims, they are terrorists. >> martha: for parents of otto warmbier fighting back. claiming that kim jong un is somehow being spoken of in an ill fitting way, we will talk about that with mark and marie, coming up next. plus, an exclusive interview with the secretary of education, betsy devos and her fight to change obama era guidelines on campus sexual assault cases when
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we come back. >> the notion that a school must diminish due process rights to better serve the victim only creates more victims. ♪ hi. so i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight... four weeks without the car. okay, yep. good night. with accident forgiveness, your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. your rates won't go up just because of an accident. and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms.
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preferred option but if we take that option it will be devastating, i can tell you that, devastating for north korea. that's called the military option. if we have to take it we will. >> martha: that was president trump earlier today at the white house making it clear that he is not backing down from the north korea flight and in a moving interview this morning with his parents, they revealed what they could really not talk about before, the condition that he came home in. take a look at their words, which show the other brutality of kim jong un's regime. in contrast with the concern by some of the president is talking to top about the dictator he calls rocket man. watch this. >> president trump at the u.n. this week threatening to "totally destroy the look who don't like." escalating tension so dramatically. >> now we see north korea, claiming to be a victim and that
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the world is picking on them we are here to tell you i'm in is not a victim. >> the rhetoric has been, shall we say, not high, it's been a little low. he fed the president tweeting kim jong un of north korea, who was obviously a madman. >> he had a shaved head, a feeding tube coming out of his nose. he was staring blankly into space. he was blind, he was deaf. >> he's called him rocket man, a madman. it is the smart approach? >> as we looked at him and try to comfort him it looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth. north korea is not a victim, they are terrorists. they purposely and intentionally injured him. >> president trump called kim jong un rocket man in front of the whole world. it doesn't on purpose, it doesn't him the respect of even
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using his real name. >> no parent should ever have gone through what we went through. why would you do this? i rode in the ambulance for him because i did not want him to be alone anymore. he's been alone for way too long. we stayed with him and left him as best as we could. >> martha: what an incredible interview that was this morning by otto warmbier's loving parents, who have been through hell. it's unbelievable to listen to them talk about their son, saying the only reason they are going forward and doing this is because they want north korea to be put back on the state sponsors of terror list. if this is something they feel they can do at this point. if you look at all of the rhetoric in the press about north korea and how we need to be concerned about having enough respect to use his proper name, american enterprise institute scholar, marie hart, both are fox news contributor's, welcome
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to both of you from d.c. this evening. mark, lemme get your thoughts on this first based on that video and that back and forth. >> i think -- first of all, your heart goes out to the warmbier family. i can imagine what it would feel like to go into an ambulance and see your son in that condition. it's absolutely heartbreaking. they are absolutely right. at this as a terrorist regime. they were on the terrorist list for 20 years, taken off in 2008 by the bush administration as part of a deal, not because they gave up their support for terror but because they agreed to give up their nuclear weapons which they clearly have not done. there's no reason why they shouldn't be put on the terrorist list as part of an effort to resolve this peacefully by increasing the pressure on the regime. >> martha: what would putting them back on that list do to the current escalation? would it have any impact? >> i think it would send a message but it's interesting what mark said. the state-sponsored terrorism list is really a list for countries that sponsor international terrorism. i'm not by any means arguing
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that the north korean regime is an incredibly brutal. i think we should use every tool we have two squeeze them, to tighten the pressure. if i'm not sure putting them on that list would impose new sanctions for example. i'm not sure what it would do beyond being a symbol and that may be a good symbol but i think we need to be very careful about using that list and how we can use. >> they qualify. >> do they qualify? are they supporting international terrorist organizations? >> they built a nuclear reactor for syria, ballistic missile technology for iran. initials two has below and to hamas. they built a total network for hezbollah to launch rockets into israel. they are a terrorist organization. >> if they are that you are absolutely right, they should be on that list. when the bush administration undertook the process of taking them off of that list i know they looked at a lot of these different issues and i agree it was also because of the nuclear issue that they got taken off. i think that going forward we need to look at every tool we
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have and that could possibly include this list to put more pressure on north korea but at the end of the day this regime has shown that it doesn't care about international pressure, it doesn't care about getting scolded at the u.n., it's brutality has continued despite all of that. >> martha: so the current escalation of rhetoric, isn't it perhaps the last best weapon? you listen to so many people talking about how appalled they are that the president is using the language he's using but in the past all the best good efforts of the bush administration, mark, as you point out and administrations prior to that going back to the carter administration, lots of different forms of what some might call appeasement in order to get a bit of a deal for north korea and it hasn't worked. >> you are absolutely right. the reagan administration, the reason we didn't have a hot war with the soviet union is because the soviet union historians went in and looked at the archives after the soviet union collapse
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collapsed. the minutes are there and they thought ronald reagan was willing to launch a nuclear first strike and so that fear is what prevented them from taking a lot of action that precipitated that kind of crisis. i don't think that kim jong un believes that donald trump is actually going to carry out a military strike on this country. he seems to think he's pretty safe. one of the reasons trump is doing this is to get the notion through his head because the best way to get a peaceful solution is if the north koreans understand that he is deadly serious about taking military action if they don't do something. >> martha: we have to leave it there but today the president did say if they were to take the action of shooting down nmr jets that would be something we would have to respond to it with a military option. marie and mark, good to see you always. >> thank you very much. >> martha: the obama department of education said that colleges had to prove that they were cracking down on sexual assault or risk losing their federal funds. in the rush to comply some of the accused say they lost their sense of justice and some students paid a very high price. >> i got a phone call from the
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school's title ix department telling me in uncertain terms that i had to pack up my stuff and leave my dorm immediately. >> you have studied authors making the determination whether something was sexual assault, whereas the person responding to the study might not even say that themselves. there is definitely a campus sexual assault hysteria. >> martha: betsy devos is changing the rules and she is your life next. ♪ " is here. the new app will go live monday? yeah. with hewlett-packard enterprise, we're transforming the way we work. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes.
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to get the offenders off campus those who were innocent had no fair forum to launch their defense. panels of professors were delegated in many cases to carry out justice and if they didn't the school risked losing federal funds under the obama rules. the stakes were high and lady justice was blindfolded in a way that left some of the innocent shunned, kicked out of their classes in their dorms, their reputation, their education and their dreams in tatters. >> i don't have any recollection of this but once you walked in initially to return to my room she asked if i had any gum and i said yes and gave her one. i got a phone call from the school's title ix department telling me in no uncertain terms that i had to pack up my stuff and leave my dorm immediately and there were officers there to escort me off campus.
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>> this 18-year-old can't have a lawyer in any of the hearings, doesn't have a fifth amendment right to self-incrimination. it doesn't have the right to see the evidence, cross-examine his stomach accuser or confront his accuser and you think that this is america, we have those rights. if you don't have any of those rights on the college campus. >> martha: pretty stunning, red? under the direction of the new secretary of education is an effort to bring due process back for college students. if betsy devos joins me now for this exclusive interview. good to have you with us today. this is a courageous thing to take on because everybody has heard that number that president obama spoke about, one in five college students was assaulted during college. first of all, do you agree, is that number true? >> let me just say that one sexual assault on campus is one too many but one person denied
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due process is one too many and that's really what this is all about. we really need to get to a point where it's fair for all students and where it is clear with the process is for all students. there've been too many students wronged in a well-intentioned attempt to ensure that this issue is not swept under the rug and not hidden in back rooms of schools any longer. we have no intention of doing that, we have every intention of continuing to make sure that students feel safe and that they all have a fair and equal forum in which to work through such issues as this. >> martha: tell me, under the new rules that you are working on, what would that form be? if a student is accused of sexual harassment, assault he's brought before a forum under the new situation, how would it change? what would be different? >> as you know we've become a rule making process and this is a process, not an event.
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it will be a number of months before we have any final guidance. but in the interim we have released a set of questions and answers to help schools in this interim time. we want to be a partner with them. they have a very important role to play in this. we want to ensure that students know that they are going to be treated fairly and that we are going to put a process in place that's going to be fair for all of them. >> martha: how will the department of education judge whether or not those schools are implementing those rules correctly, whether or not they are being fair to the students in terms of a young man who walks into one of these hearings, will he be able to have an attorney present? will he be assumed guilty before he walks in the room? >> under the previous administration it really became an adversary to colleges and universities. in fact i had several college administrators tell me they were terrified to even contact the department for fear it would launch an investigation.
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that is not going to be the case in a longer period of want to be a partner with schools to help them hold up their duty and their end of the deal, which is to protect students and ensure they have a safe environment. >> martha: as a woman, is this a difficult thing for you to take on? when i did the documentary about this i got a lot of negative response because there is the feeling that for so long on college campuses these kinds of assaults were swept under the rug and no campus, no university wanted to be the place or something like this happened so they just didn't want anyone to know about it. but the pendulum, as you said, swung too far in the other direction. >> this is a serious issue, want to be taken very seriously. i'm a mom of both boys and girls and i'm a grandmother of girls and boys and this is an important issue for us to get right for everyone. >> martha: what would you say to parents like yourself who,
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you are sending sounds off to college, daughters off to college, they need to understand what their rights are under the system. how would you advise them? >> i think first of all instead of being in a reactionary mode i hope that we will be able to move to a point where we are in a mode of helping educate and prevent these things from happening in the first place and there is a real role for schools to play in that regard and a real important part of this process will be having conversations about how we can better do that. i think about one of the students that i met in one of the forms we had. she had herself been a victim of assault and now she was being falsely accused of assault and she said in neither case had they gotten it right. she was coming to me, the very epitome of what we are talking about here, ensuring that we are doing right for all students. >> martha: when you look at this issue and you think about the way that college campuses
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are evolving today. we see all of the free speech issues and you in some of these cases, kids that we talk to, the young women were sort of convinced by a crisis center on campus that they should rethink what happened to them and that maybe they were actually assaulted. how do you fight that? >> again, i think this is not an issue to ever be swept under the rug again but we need to help provide tools for colleges to work through these things in a way that's going to be equitable and fair for all students and to again get to a point of prevention and education instead of after the fact reacting to. >> martha: i asked her in the beginning if you believe the one in five number because it's a scary number and i think it was mollie hemingway, she said nobody would send their child to college at that number were true. >> i don't know the numbers for sure. all i know is that one is too many and one student that is denied due process is one too many so we need to make sure that whatever we do, we are ultimately going to get it right
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on behalf of all students. >> martha: how do you feel in general settling into your job as secretary of education? i know in the beginning there was a bit of a rocky situation where having protests when people thought that you weren't qualified because he didn't have enough background in education. how is it feeling now? >> it's feeling good. i know that i represent change and change is difficult but we've been doing the same thing for decades and expecting different results and it's not going to change without some significant change in readjustment. >> martha: thank you very much. good to see you tonight, thanks for coming up to the rooftop with us. >> pleasure. >> martha: 's this evening, as you know, big vote going on in alabama. quiet stages at the moment but in the little wild there will be quite active. two republicans running against each other in the primary. steve bannon against the white the white house essentially on the side chair. he says he represents the true term voter and at the house is
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selling out the base. so who wins tonight a very big point of pride in this whole thing. former congressman jason joins us next when we come back on "the story." ♪ when you have a cold stuff happens. shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. only new tena intimates has ♪ it'pro-skin technologyiend designed to quickly wick away moisture to help maintain your skin's natural balance. for a free sample, call 1-877-get-tena.
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go long. >> martha: we are just moments away from the post closing in a hotly contested alabama primaries run off tonight. if sitting president trump backed candidate luther strange against steve bannon-backed candidate roy moore. tonight we are waiting for those results to start coming in. i look in their camping headquarters, one side will be happy at the end of the evening, one side not so happy. let's talk about tonight's outlook in the current state of the republican party and president trump's agenda. former utah congressman jason chaffetz, now a fox news contributor. good to see you tonight jason. >> thanks. >> martha: what you think about the fact that president trump decided to get involved in this race and to back luther strange, was that a mistake? >> we are about to find out. i think ultimately the president wants to support the winner in this. yes, the president, the
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vice president down there campaigning for somebody who is really only been there for months. he really hasn't been there that long. there's still this rampant anti-washington sentiment and there are a lot of people that just don't like what's happening in washington, d.c., even if you've only been there for a short amount of time. >> martha: you know, for republicans, if roy moore wins this, what do you think the outcome is in the senate? we've already seen that it's impossible to get repeal and replace through and although everyone sounds pretty optimistic about his tax cuts or tax reform bill, whatever it ends up being called, which is significant, as you well know. are they going to be enough republicans to put either one of them through? >> this echoes the theme that has been a problem for the last ten months, we can't get a unified republican party. i would much rather have more independent thinking like we do on the side of the aisle as opposed to the lemmings of the democratic party such as follow nancy pelosi and chuck schumer.
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>> martha: i think the president would like a few lemmings at this point, don't you think? >> yeah! but as soon as he goes out and tries to show some leadership on the one hand you have people saying we have to give the president everything he wants because he was elected to get something done and at the same time they are down there campaigning against the person that the president actually supports. there's an inconsistency there but they have to get united, no matter who wins tonight i hope the other side with just minutes to go in the polls will say i'm going to support the other one because this democrat is still so unpalatable and for the democrats, they are still not part of the discussion, they still don't have candidates that can win because they don't have a winning message. >> martha: what's your message tonight to ted cruz and rand paul and republicans who voted against the repeal and replace, which was not perfect obviously. legislation really never is. what do you think it would have started to move the ball forward and what would you tell them tonight? >> i guess my first concern is with leader mcconnell, with all due respect, a very nice
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gentleman, he's always been kind and respectful to me, but what's not palatable is not voting. to put people the record, let them show their colors and where they are. the very first boat that was going to come up with a procedural vote, whether or not to have the debate. we don't even have the debate. let there be a method, let people go to the floor and make their case but we don't even get to that point. that's what america -- look, i'm an ardent conservative, i was there in the house for eight and a half years and i can't stand when you don't vote. you didn't even have the discussion! >> martha: it's remarkable. and that something the president would be leaning on the senate majority leader to say have a vote, get them on the record. >> look, if you want to ultimately vote no on the final package, yes, but as a republican if you're going to put the bar next to your name on the ballot with the procedural, it's a procedural vote. should we move forward and have the debate, come on.
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>> martha: thank you, jason! quick break and we will be right back. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief... ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,... including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,... ...and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb,... ...hepatitis b, are prone to infections, ...or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible.
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>> martha: final thought tonight at the nfl works through its issues there are often comparisons made between the gladiators of the roman empire and the men of the gridiron. seneca, a roman governor, once chided his friends for being interested in the gladiator games, he said there were too brutal and to base. he encouraged all his friends to stop watching the game but they did not, they kept going. the gladiators were the celebrities of their day in the masses just couldn't stay away. will it be the same for the nfl? will leave you with this tonight from gladiator. >> my name is maximus desilets for radius. commander of the armies of the north, loyal servant to the true emperor. father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife and i will have my vengeance.
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in this life or the next. >> martha: that is a quote of the night, right? any excuse to see that. tucker carlson is coming up next. tonight at 9:00 bill o'reilly joins sean hannity for an exclusive interview. see you back here tomorrow night, back in new york for "the story." ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the battle over nfl players in the national anthem continues. over the past couple of days and array of media figures and political elites have demonstrated why they are often called talking heads rather than thinking heads as they repeatedly argued that the president's attacks on those millionaire athlete protesters were both scary and bigoted. watch. >> he came proverbially as close as you could possibly come to shouting at a rally the n-word. >> you tell me which of those children's mothers are a son of a b, that is racism.


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