tv Fox and Friends Sunday FOX News May 26, 2019 3:00am-7:00am PDT
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have these men and women in uniform here on fox square with us. even hearing this music, i feel like when i listen to patriotic music every time i cry. it does something to you. >> we've got so soldiers here al weekend long. sends your photos of the service members, particularly the ones that we can honor if they have paid the ultimate sacrifice. >> my heart goes out to gold star families. we're so grateful for you. we learn so much from your courage and strength. those who go on to pay tribute to their legacy. we're grateful for you. >> we're going to have a couple of gold star folks on the program later today. no better show when it comes to memorial day than "fox &
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friends." let's remember those that you know. president trump and the first lady are out for dinner with the japanese prime minister. >> the president is in tokyo to discuss trade and security with our two countries. >> garrett tinny is live with the information. >> trade is the leading topic of this trip, particularly with japan trying to avoid any u.s. tariffs particularly on its auto industry. the president and first lady just sat down for dinner with the prime minister and his wife. president trump spoke with the press at the beginning of that. let's take a listen. >> the prime minister and i talked a lot today about trade and mail tear and various other things. i think we had a very productive day. tomorrow likewise will be a productive day. >> that productive day started
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out with a little golf course, president trump and president abe hitting the links. then attending the sumo championship and then presenting the president's cup or trump cup to the winner. this is part of a charm offensive to get on president trump's good side ahead of trade negotiations. overnight the president tweeted great progress being made in our trade negotiation negotiations h gentlemajapan. much will wait fll after their july elections. the five course menu includes japanese pate to, salad, broccoli and carrots.
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>> there is a big president's trophy. >> i do. it's called the president's cup. trump awarded the giant eagle topped president cup. he read a certificate to the sinnewinner for his achievementd hoisted the white house cup which is 54-inch, weighs 60 to 70 pounds. the president hoisting 60 to 70 pounds. he then with the help of the official placed it in the winner's hands. the first time an american president has really participated in this tournament which is obviously tremendously significant there. >> what is going on here? >> there's 54 inches. so if i was presenting you with an eagle top, it would be.
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>> it's almost as tall as i am. >> and that doesn't weigh 60 or 70 pounds. >> and they're hoping it will live on and become part of the tradition. >> i feel like that would be a lot of fun. >> you see the president's name there inscribed on it. on a serious note, while we're fascinated with the girg girth f this trophy, it is a visual thing to see, it is this president's style to fully engage, fully immerse into trade talks by having this moment which everyone in japan i imagine -- i'm sure we'll get some color reports from the ground -- loved seeing this acknowledgment by the most powerful man on the planet. >> first biggest economy, third largest economy, what's the second? the chinese. and both share an interest in
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checking chinese aggression and progression in the region. >> and seeing him paying tribute to the culture. i like to see that camaraderie. >> look at it. >> you can't talk about anything else. >> the sumo guy lifted that up like it was a feather. >> how happy is he to show that off. >> pretty awesome accomplishment. >> as we monitor events in japan, which we will all morning long, we turn back to our stores that the presidenting with while there still tweeting, yet another district court judge this time in california is trying to block the actions of the trump administration when it comes to securing the border. they were going to transfer dod funds to build the border wall and this judge said not going to happen. the president responded over twit frer japan saying, another activist obama-appointed judge
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just ruled against us on the southern border wall already under construction. we're asking for an expedited appeal. >> yep. >> we learn how much money this judge has given to barac baracka in the past. 20,000 dollars. >> we predicted this long ago, you're going to have to face the courts. we have a crisis on the border and he has sought to do this in a way that would allow democrats and republicans to come together on this issue and solve the problem. he's faced resistance and now he knows he's going to face resistance in the courts. the primary goal of the president of the united states is to guarantee national security and protect this country. it's his job to make that happen. >> he's getting the resistance in the courts but really his biggest battle are the democrats who refuse to engage. we've had every single border official that can get in front
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of a camera and microphone to say they need congress to act. the president is getting help from one republican member, dan crenshaw, congressman from texas is a member of the house homeland security, you've had kirstjen nielsen making the case we need to change the laws. he went on a twitter storm yesterday. here's the first tweet of many. i'll read it here. want to understand why we can't fix the border crisis, let's break down the congressional dems strategy, ridicule concern aan conflate illegal immigration with legal immigration. >> refuse compromise with gop on border security asylum, law reform and daca fix.
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ignore potus's request for high man tairhumanitarian aid at the. >> step five, patient the gop as anti-immigrant. i mean they've conflated drn it keeps going? okay. the truth is this cycle hurts legal immigrants, legal asylum seekers and americans who think we should have a say in our sovereignty. well said. proposing daca because they want amnesty, ru fusing a compromise and ignoring the president. they think this is a winner in 2020 but they're doing such a disservice to those who serve our nation and maintain our sovereignty. >> good for him for putting this out there. a lot of republicans have disappointed us along the way for not taking a stand on
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illegal immigration anno and not taking border security seriously. this is what you've done to obstruct every single step of the way, not only obstruct but distort the conversation. in are so many legal immigrants in this country who came here and contributed vastly to the society who are completely disgusted by if fact that the democrats are ignoring this. listen wib had to follow a process, it took me a long here to get here. i'm extremely grateful. why does somebody else get to skirt the law. they're going to answer to those people as well. >> we're going to have the border chief from arizona wherebonthis morning. there's one other thing that people may not have missed, as we honor men and women this week, that is vice president
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pence going to west point. >> the commencement addresses did not end here at "fox & friends." at west point the vice president gave a strong speech to a graduating class there. here's a large passion of what he had to say. >> your command ner chief will always have your back. president donald trump is the best friend the men and women of our armed services will ever have. america will always seek peace but peace comes through strength. and you are now that strength. [applause] you will lead soldiers in combat. when that day comes i know you will move with the sound of the guns. do your duty and you will fight and you will win. the american people expect nothing more. >> he went on to say it is a
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virtual certainty that you will fight on a battlefield for america at some point in your life. you will lead soldiers in combat. that is always what's struck me about this latest generation. when you sign up and raise your right hand you're going into a wartime military that faces threats from all around the globe. i continue to be in owe of those. >> there may be some who will criticize this saying vice president pence predicts certain war. but if you're graduating in that audience, that's what you want to hear. you want to be handed the charge of carrying america's freedom on your back. >> and i really appreciate the role that vice president pence has been paying in late. he's gone to a lot of universities and colleges to deliver a message of safe. now he's delivering an inspiring message to west point graduates. he's an inspiring guy in terms
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of how he leads his own life and i appreciate what he's doing. >> and those cadets are happy. four years at west point are not easy. you're happy to be from but not always happy to be at. >> we want to know what you think about it and how you memorial day weekend is going. ms13 strikes again, now blamed for another victi murderr a victim is found buried in a shallow grave. >> next.
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here now pba president, james mcdermott. thanks for being here. >> quite welcome. >> talk to me about this particular case. they found the body because it was near another one. is this indicative of ms13's continued presence? >> absolutely. a problem we've been facing now for three or four years. it's getting worse and worse. >> it's getting worse and worse. >> in nassau county. >> the president has made this a priority. there's manufacture visibility on it. more visibility. why sit not getting better? >> it's not getting better because suffolk county. >> the other county on long island. >> to the east of us, it was a terrible problem there. they took a proactive approach and they pushed them out of suffolks and they had to go somewhere, they went west and they're with us. >> the county next to you cracks
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down on ms13, the gang says we're going to take the path of least resistance. but the problem still exists in gnaexists innassau. thaare they still importing oth? >> they're always going after others. join the gang or die. >> why would someone who is in charge of a county say we're going to end this rating now? >> our county executive just recently, she was looking to get rid of i.c.e. out of our jails. they work. >> there you have it. you're not attacking anybody. you're just laying out the truth. so instead of drabbin cracking n ms13, you're saying i don't know if we want to work with i.c.e.
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you're handcuffing the law enforcement in your county. >> exactly. >> where does this mind-set come from. >?>> in this case she was worrid about the inmates who are ms13, the family members coming to visit and seeing an i.c.e. presence in the jails. it would intimidate them from visiting their relatives. where did that mind-set come from, i don't know. it doesn't make a bit of sense to me. >> what if they're illegal or supportive of the gang -- gang members don't exist in a vacuum. they need support systems as well. if the family is supporting them, wouldn't we want to know that. >> i believe so. >> hopefully nassau will catch up with suffolk county a bit. appreciate you. thank for your service. hillary clinton lost texas by nearly 10 points in 2016 but she has a bold prediction for r
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2020. >> turn the state blue once and for all. democrats win in texas, wow. we will sweep the nation. >> wow. our next guest has worked on campaigns in texas for 20 years and says that blue wave will never happen. at carvana, we have only one standard when it comes to the quality of our cars: the highest.
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a get your questions answered by awesome experts store. it's a now there's one store that connects your life like never before store. the xfinity store is here. and it's simple, easy, awesome. welcome back. a couple f quick headlines for you, starting with a fox news alert. two people are dead after a tornado ripped through oklahoma overnight. a massive search and rescue mission is under way right now just outside oklahoma city. the home destroying a mobile home park and hotel. several people are in the hospital and an unknown people are missing. a live report from oklahoma
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later this hour. and today, thousands of biker wills take their last ride to our nation's capitol for the annual rolling thunder rally. honoring fallen soldiers and missing in action for more than three deck kaisdz. there will be the event's last year citing high costs. there are some questions about that. president trump has offered to support the ride in any way he can. we'll speak to the president of the ride at 7:00. griff, jed, down to you guys. >> i hope you're wrong on that. hillary clinton is back in the spotlight speaking to a crowd in texas and making this fre dictiomaking thisprediction. >> when i look at texas, i see the future. i see a path to drive record turnout in 2020. we can elect leaders who share our values up and down the ballot and turn this state blue once and for all. because if testimonies win in texas, wow, we will sweep the
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nation in 2020. let's win texas! >> so could texas really see a blue wave? >> let's ask jason johnson, a chief strategist for ted cruz's 2016 presidential campaign, adviser for cruz's past senate races. jason, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> those are strong words from hillary clinton. do you think that is in any way possible that we could see a blue texas? >> well, with this group of 23 running for president on the democrat side, i guess in order believe that, a majority of texans have if get on with the new green deal to be the gnaw blue deal. i don't see that happening with this group. this is just like chapter 11 of her tour of excuses. she can't accept that the reason
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she lost the election is staring her in the mirror. she's got to come up with a new excuse every week. she compares texas to california. there's no doubt in 2016 more eligible voters in the state of california turned out, i think it was 75% within than did eligible voters in texas, right arrangement 60%. but let's assume for a moment in 2020 75% of eligible texans turn out. think about what she's saying, the arrogance of what she's saying. she's assuming that all of the texans who didn't vote last time, suddenly a majority of them are going to be the 23 and whoever the nominee on the democratic side is selling. that's foolish. texans are not for these things. no doubt about it. >> if you look at the 2018 senate race, 434-point went to
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beto o'rourke. i do sense there is some concern about a potential shift, maybe not today but in the future, especially if younger generations rise up and these voices of alexandria ocasio-cortez and bernie sanders do appeal to them in schools and what not. i want to ask you, what are the issues that are the core focus of texans, people around the state of texas that would prevent them from voting for a democrat, driving them still to support a republican. what are their chief concerns? >> to your point about 2018. i do want to be clear. there's no doubt texas is more competitive today than it was in 2016. and to be sure more competitive than it was in 2012. but to answer your question, let's start with the environment and energy. it's still true that a majority of texasin's, the texans get thk connected to the quote unquote
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fossil fuel industry and agriculture. in order for these folk to come out and vote for a candidate who essentially says you know what, what you're doing is evil and we only have ten years or bhafer nair latest number is to turn it around or the world is going to end, it's because of the things that you do that puts food on your table. in order for a majority of texans to vote for whoever their ultimate nominee is, you got to step back and believe that a majority of texans somehow are going to believe that whatever it is that we need government to do in this case, that somehow we can trust that democrat nominee or speaker nancy pelosi more than we trust or great governor here in the great state of texas and that's not going to happen. texans believe in limit to government. they're not necessarily extremely partisan but it's real simple common sense view of the
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government. do the basic things you need to do and get the heck out of our way. we do pretty well on our own. >> jason johnson thank you for taking time. have a great and wonderful memorial weekend. hillary clinton is right, if texas did go blue that would be something to see. >> that would be something. >> thanks, jason. coming up, a powerful moment at the tomb of the unknown soldier. >> what we know about the old guard member who paid tribute coming up next. this is the couple who wanted to get away who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars,
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♪ ♪ that is your shot of the morning, powerful photos capturing the moment a soldier places an american flag at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the midst of torrential downpours in washington, d.c. >> members of the old guard carrying out the annual memorial day operation called flags in. they planted more than 245,000
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u.s. flag at graves in arlington national cemetery. >> posting on facebook, humans have their limit but the old guard has yet to meet theirs. strong words. because when it is not memorial, in february when it's cold, in kawg wheaugust when it's hot, td guard is doing it 24/7 around the clock. anytime i have relatives and friends come to d.c., they are like i want to go hear and there, let me take you to the tomb of the unknown soldier. >> i also want to say we devote a weekend to this every year where we honor the heroes but that's something we should do all year long. they fight so hard for the freedom that we don't always
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appreciate so much. i have to check in with myself. you get caught up in the day to day life and you for get to check in with who makes it all possiblpossible. >> they don't get the choose when they will stand up. you had an opportunity to meet with a lot of war fighters. >> i had a great opportunity for the second time to host "ho modern warriors" where we sit down with vets and it airs tonight on the channel at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m., a candid conversation around basically on the grounds of marcus luttrell's ranch in texas. you get these guys in a comfortable complex, they're going to speak a lot of truth. take a listen. watch a clip. >> did you ever think about the fact that, i don't know, i mean, in both of your cases -- in anyone's case, one explosion,
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one more round, the rpg explodes and it's not veterans day anymore, it's memorial day for you. >> i got a constant reminder. >> dude, every single -- it's getting dangerous. never quit. >> i'll talk about it. i was one of the first amp tee to go back over. why? because it's in here. it's that teammate, that camaraderie, it's missing the person to my right and my left. >> chad fleming lost his left leg in combat and wept on to deploy five more times. think about that. you've given that and yet the e ethos of serving your nation is so strong you keep going back. >> you have to fight to get sent back. >> it's not easy you can go back. >> i love that you did it in that setting, made it a real conversation, sitting outside in a ranch, it changes the dynamic
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and lets people talk about the experiences in a personal way. >> no suits, no nothing. >> i love it. >> hanging out and chatting. >> you look like you're in your element, pete hegseth. >> we talked about the border were isis, the va, presidential pardons of war fighters, obviously all of the topics of the day. and then the director's cut, bloopers and extended version. >> the best part. >> describe to fox nation, check it out if you want more on fox nation. >> sounds great. we're going to turn to head lines for you. a hiker missing and alone for 17 days in a forest in hawaii gets emotional describing how she survive. >> it did come down to life or death and i had to choose. and i chose life. >> amanda eller got lost and
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fell into a ravine. he said she ate berries and drank from waterfalls into a rescue helicopter found her. doctors say she'll e are main in the hospital for the next few days. the mexican drug lord is asking for two hours of outdoor exercise a week and permission to get water bottles and earplugs. government officials think he's planning an escape. his sentencing is next month. incredible video you have to stop and watch. a toddler falls out of a fifth story window and this man runs to the rescue cushioning the blow. you can see the force knocking him down on the the ground. he was parking his car when he saw the 2-year-old falling from the apartment. the hero suffering cuts and bruises, the child not seriously hurt. the washington post has a
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new title for the speaker of the house. while she might not acknowledge it, nancy pelosi is a fashion icon. created a lot of buzz when she wore this red koi coat back in december. those 0 your head lines. good look. i like that jacket. dogs are a veteran's best friend thanks to an organization that pairs canines with vet veterans free of charge. thank you all for joining us this morning. we appreciat really appreciate . >> in 2012 i had a pistol in my mouth while i was squeezing the trigger my pit bull saved my life. took the pistol out of my house and laid on it.
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i said divine prove lens. god spelled backwards. >> where have you seen similar progress. >> a lot. griff, many of them back here behind us, these men and women, similar story. we've saved 3500. plus nationwide since 2009. we're literally saving two dogs, two veterans, gold star family members, military caregivers every day. >> you're saying the presence of a companion, adding a sense of purpose that is so often missed from your service is a key to that. >> that's exactly right. there's only two constants in our life, god and a dog. unconditional love never judges you ever. that's what this is about. >> i've made no bones about the connection i have with my dog. but as we've been talking, this guy is snuggling up to your leg,
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he's like, i got you buddy. are we watching something here? >> she knows there's a little anxiety being on national news but she puts me in my place to drive this purpose home to reach somebody out there who is watching. not only do we need their support foonlly but more importantly there could be a veteran, a gold star member that has a gun in their hand. put down the pistol, pick up the phone and call us. >> often these animals are sent into hospitals, nursing homes, into places where people are sick and suffering, you really can't underestimate the power of an animal like this to impact your life. i'm so grateful for you to calling attention to this. these are rescue animals that would have suffered a fate of their own. you're regulars keiin rescuing .
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>> when we have the military veterans and first responders and those we support adopt or twhai have a dog and come to us, we provide the training at no cost, provide a gift card to get pet supplies, what's unique is we have the trainer come to them, they don't leave their support network, they stay in their area, their community. and the trainer trains the veteran to train the dog. >> i love it. >> that improves our self esteem. >> thank you for your service, thank you for what you're doing and most importantly to save someone with a pistol in their hand right now, the website thank you for being here. >> i speak dog. >> thank you. well breaking overnight, a deadly tornado ripping through
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(romantic music) that's gross priceline. every trip is a big deal. we are back with a fox news alert. two people are dead after a tornado leveled a motel and mobile home park near oklahoma city. >> we have team coverage as a fran tis search for survivors is now under way. >> kicking off the team coverage is ken live in reno el reno whee people are waking up to the devastation. reporter: gentlemanyeah, the den is everywhere. hardest hit is this trailer park and motel. this is sky view trailer park hit hard by a tornado late last night at 10:30. it has been confirmed that this is a deadly tornado. two people have been killed. several others injured, according to the mayor. we spoke to a man who was in the
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american budget inn when this tornado hit. here's what he had to say. >> big heavy rain and then all of the sudden a bunch of wind and all of the glass in the room started breaking at the motel. i crawled in the bathtub and when i got up everything was pretty much gone. reporter: now everyone has been asked to go and stay away from the area for a while while first responders continue their search efforts. they're assessing the damage as well. residents to have sky view trailer mark have been moved to the vfw and they're asking folks to stay clear of this area. right now search crews are looking for any survivors. they have dogs out there and they're looking frantically for anyone who might have been overlooked. this is what's going on right now. it is still very early, still very dark. the sun hasn't quite risen. it's going to take time before the damage can be assessed and
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things can start going down the path of going back to normal here in el reno, oklahoma. >> thank you very much. now to chief meteorologist rick rye meut. >> i we've had over 200 threatsf tornado. right now the threat along the high plains, western. kennedy: , eastern colorado down through the panhandles or oklahoma and texas. a bigger threat today than we saw yesterday. part of the ohio valley toward the mid atlantic, a threat of severe weather also. that threat not as conducive of tornadoes. this is the storm system that move through el reno. six years ago it was hid by the widest tornado ever recorded. so six years later hit again in
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that same town. part of the system. i will say there's one last part of energy that develops across. kennedy: , strong winds across central kansas right now. along with the storm, incredible amounts of rain. the flooding pictures are extreme. we're going to see more of that as this area for the next week continue to see more rain. >> not out of it yet. that's unbelievable. did you know that marines use marsha martial arts for com? >> they're teaching us some moves. >> look at that. oh boy, it's coming. "what do we want for dinner?" "burger! i want a sugar cookie! i want a bucket of chicken! i want....." "it's the easiest, because it's the cheesiest"
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well, no matter the enemy, the united states marines will always answer the call to fight. semifer fie is certainly is way of life. >> the marine corals developed a martial arts training program designed to teach hand-to-hand combat. here to teach us the moves, good morning. we're going to try some of this. but before we do, what is this about? >> the marine corps martial arts program was designed, we took it from jiu-jitsu, wrestling and throws and combined it all together to effectively make our martial arts and hand-to-hand combat work. >> on the battlefield, this is a
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technique, if you're close to combat in iraq, afghanistan, you may need to depend on this. >> and this technique out of our weapons of opportunity syllabus, the weapon of opportunity on the battlefield, the rock, the stick. >> whatever you got. >> whatever i got. can you walk us through some moves? these guys, i got to see them go at it a little bit. >> i'm going to have them demonstrate a block with forward strike and then you gentlemen can get in there and do it. >> all right. >> whoa. >> now i'll have them do it a little slower. >> okay. good. i think i have got it down. >> you almost got a spectator. that was aggressive. that was good. now slow motion. >> he's going to come in, black that strike, he's sweeping the deck and delivering the
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following strikes. >> got it. >> the fa target areas with to e torso -- we'll remain away from the face right now for you two gentlemen. >> am i going to play the role of letting him block to demonstrate it or trying to take him down. >> which one wants to be the aggressor. >> i'll be the aggressor. you're going to come in with the forward strike. >> you're supposed to hit me here. >> go underneath my leg. >> grab his arm. >> control. >> take him down. >> take me down. >> then can i just beat him? >> finish and get rid of this, get rid of your weapon. >> that looks slightly different than when they did it. >> it was close, though. >> a little bit, but, you know disbl.>> what's something else e can do. >> wu want t you want to try sos
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retention? >> i've got two pistols and pete has none. >> i think it's a bad day for him. >> i made that move up. it was a good one. we could add that to our book. >> we're having fun here but what you do is such an amazing and important thing. thank you very much for being here and thank you to the marines. >> we did a jiu-jitsu in the army. >> absolutely. >> don't mess with the marines. still ahead, i have a big secret i'm ready to share but you'll only here it here. >hear it here.>> what? >> stay with us. you won't want to miss it. ♪ ♪ ou're thinking. ou're thinking. i don't want to hear about insurance.
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♪ ♪ good morning. that is navy band northeast rhode island sound performing "i want to dance with somebody." >> that's "hit me with your best shot." >> i love it. memorial day weekend, we're honoring the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. send us photos of the service members you're honoring this weekend. >> it is a celebration of honoring. talk to guys who have been there
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and they say those who we have lost would want those here to celebrate in remembrance. so we do it in a somer sense, with a heavy heart. but do it because we love what they've done. >> send us your pics. >> anthony sent us this photo of his son, fallen green beret, joey chavez saying his memory lives on. >> tammy sent this photo of her uncle private first class william lewis. he is honored in honolulu. brenna shares this of her grandfather ben mitchell who fought on the front lines of world war i. it is every generation. we think more recently of the recent guys. but from the revolutionary war on, it was people paying the full price. >> it's amazing when you think of the history of this country
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and so many people who put their lives on the line so we can sit heerp and have these conversations and debate the politics that we do and talk about freedom. it's easy to forget that we have to take that moment always and be grateful for those people. >> those people weren't forced to do it by a king or an emperor, they volunteered to do it as a free citizen in a free country thamplet's a thread that runs through country that rises far above any political discourse, far above any politician that may have affected the nation. these are men and women fighting literally for an ideal. something that this country is based on. there is no stronger testament to that than going to arlington cemetery and seeing it. >> our former foes often become or friends and one of those is japan. after being a vicious enemy in
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world war ii, now they're one of our closest allies in the world. >> president trump and the first lady wrapped up din we dinner wh japan's prime minister. >> garrick tinny is live in washington with th. >> president trump has been threaten to hit japan with new tariffs on its auto industry. this morning prime minister abe and president trump played a bit of golf, a sport that they both love and they took time to discuss issues privately, both trade and national security issues before heading to lurch. on the menu, double cheeseburgers made with u.s. beef, another love of the president. from there it was a bit of sumo diplomacy. president trump and the first lady attended the annual sumo tournament where the president presented the winner with a huge 4 1/2 foot call named the
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president's cup or trump cup adds japanese media is calling it. then they headed to dinner where the president summed up his day in brief remark to the press. >> the presiden prime minister i talked a lot today about trade and various other things. i think we had a very productive day. and tomorrow likewise will be a productive day. >> he's speaking to manage expect taigs saying don't expect a trade deal this trip. overnight he tweeted great progress being made in our trade negotiations with japan. much will wait until after their july elections where i anticipate big numbers. tomorrow president trump will become the first world leader to meet with japan's new emperor and there will be a huge banquet we're told at the imperial palace in tokyo. >> yeah, they're talking trade. >> double cheeseburgers made with u.s. beef. i think you could get behind
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that, beef. >> that's part of the thing, beef, cars, agriculture. they're trying to get an eve playing field for the american growers. >> i can't get over the trophy. the president's cup to hav trop. 54 inches. this is if first time a president has immersed himself in the sumo tournament. >> we need to get you one of those. >> ge greg and i should put on e sumo outfits. >> i would watch that. >> 60-pound, 4 and a half foot trophy. >> for a trophy like this you put up a good fight. >> the president tweeted overseas many japanese leaders have brought up the fact that democrats want to undermine him. if only they would work with him
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we'd have a more functioning political system here in the united states. the democrats are back at it while the president is overseas, which you're not supposed to do, going after him talking about impeachment and attacking. listen to this representative. >> well, first of all, if impeachment means anything, it deserves to stay in the constitution, this president has commanded an impeachment process. he's done what and more than president nixon did, far more serious offenses that president clinton committed. so i think we owe it to the constitution to begin the process. >> they want to begin the process. >> never seems to end. and the media jumping on that bandwagon, a head line from the washington post, impeach or not to impeach. but for democrats there is no guarantee of victory in the 2020
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election. for all of his vulnerabilities trump sur ha has a strong econo. and signs of continueds energy by the same kinds of voters who helped deliver the election outcome. the democrats remain scarred by what happened in 2016. >> same kinds of voters. even that is condescending. they're scarred from 2016 because they were out of touch with the electorate. it's not clear they're understanding. >> speaker pelosi started this by saying listen, if you push impeachment it will get zero bipartisan support, will not succeed. when a trial goes to the senate even if it got through the house, that is going to create
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sympathy for president trump just like it did for bill clinton. so we're going to reelect donald trump. yet still there's more than two dozen or upwards of two dozen democrats with this band bag gonbandwagonwhere more and moreg on board and the signs show that she's pretty much capitulating to their demands. >> they're tone deaf. no no. the voters really like our policy. something odd happed. they can't fathom that people rejected the policies from the obama years and wanted something different. the second that registers, maybe they'll wake up and try to talk about the issues instead of talking about investigations and impeachmented a nauseam. >> going to be all trump through 2020. we had senator lindsey graham on the program yesterday. this is what he hads to say. >> there's three things barr is going to look at whether or not somebody broke the law. there's going to be a
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mueller-like figure looking at what they did to the president. horowitz, the inspector general for the department of justice is going to look at how internal policy was taken and thrown over and turn upside down. what i will be doing is putting the puzzle together to make sure it never happens again, to make sure that fisa courts are given better information and if you don't you pay a heavier price. to have rules about how you open up a counter intelligence investigation against a presidential ca candidate. >> part of the reasons that the democrats can't stop, we've talked about it, there's so invested in what happened in 2016. but if they don't learn that lesson, then they will lose. i don't think they can get outside of it. they didn't want to do impeachment, now forced into it by a base that wants it. if you're a biden type, what is joe biden going to say when he's asked for you for impeachment or not. she's the lead dog. can he resist the impulses of
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the base that wants him to say that. that's why nancy is doing it. the base kants it. >> they learned in 2016 you cannot run against the character and the personality of donald trump. it's a losing bargain. now they're doing that. setting impeachment aside, their lead issue is getting an attack on the personality and character of president trump. so democrats who want a candidate that is going to be involved in the climate change, involved in health care, this is distracting greatly from it. >> they have a huge challenge because the party shifted left. and if you go out there talking about a green new deal and massive government overtake of the health care system, it's not going to be palatable to a general electorate. headlines coming in now. at least two people are dead after a tornado ripped through oklahoma overnight. a massive search and rescue mission is under way right now, just outside oklahoma city. the storm destroying a mobile
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home park and a hotel. local officials say several people are in the hospital and an unknown number of people are missing. tensions with iran continue to rise. overnight the country vowing to defend itself against military or economic aggression. the foreign minister made the comments during a press conference in iraq. yesterday iranian officials say they could use missiles to sink u.s. warships. and new information in the ransom ware attack that's crippled baltimore more three weeks. the "the new york times" reports the hackers are using a stolen tool developed by nsa to carry out the attacks. the same tool has been used in cyberattacks across the globe. the nsa has not commented on the report. and the toronto raptors punched their first ever ticket to the nba final.
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i admit, i stayed up to watch this one, super fan drake celebrating his team's win other the milwaukee bucks. the reward for the raptors, they have to play the world champs, the golden state warriors in the finals. the series kicks off june 3rd. i will be losing sleep. well president trump promising action after an obama-appointed judge blocks construction of the border wall. >> retired acting i.c.e. director todd homan says the president will win this legal battle. he joins us next. ♪
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. president trump firing off after a federal judge blocked his border wall construction plans. he tweeted this, another activist obama-appointed judge just ruled against us on a section of the southern wall ard under construction. this is against border security. we're asking for an expedited appeal. joining me now to react is fox news contributor and retired acting i.c.e. director todd homan. thank yr joininthanks for joinis morning. the judge is stand in the way of solving this crisis. >> yeah, i don't think you and i are surprised. i mean it's another disgusting ruling of the ninth circuit.
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the president called it right when he argued with the chief justice john roberts saying that the ninth circuit is politicized. it's obvious why the left and the dems always going to the ninety circuit, they turn the rule to the far left. i think the president will win this. i think it's a foolish warning, for political than judicial. i explained the last nine years i've been with i.c.e., we preprogrammed money eight years from other agencies in an outside department to fund detention beds. money is mofdz all of the time. look at dod, we've got thousands of dod troops on the southern border. you're going to tell me that we can move dod assets to help with the border crisis but can't use the budget? that doesn't make sense. personnel is money. i think the president will overcome this in a higher court. >> you say ultimately the president will win but is the
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fact that this is tied up -- it's not just this case, there are others. this is exacerbating the problem on the border, the courts taking too long to get a decision. >> absolutely. look, i think we can all agree when he first declared a national emergency, the left went crazy, but you've been down there many times. i think we can agree as a maition. i think most people understand that we have a national crisis on the border. congress has not done anything. the president has declared a national emergency. i mean he's done everything he can to address this and he will not stop. this lawsuit is not going to stop him. congress hasn't offered up one thing to solve this border crisis. you know what, he ought to start
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an investigation in his own back yard. investigate why congress is ignoring this border. i said months ago that more children will die, more women will be sexually assaulted, more caravans and crossings because congress has closed the loopholes. congress' failure has caused this. >> any death of a migrant child, a tragic thing and and investigation is appropriate. but the langerre larger issue ie does this conversation go next. what can i.c.e. do now, what can congress do to help i.c.e. in the interior to make space to put these people. >> well, look at this point i say forget congress. congress hasn't done anything. i don't think they're going to do anything. i think we need to do what we can operationally to address the crisis. look for the family groups and
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single adults who are had their due process, been to court and ordered removed by a federal judge. we need to find those people, execute the orders and show there's a consequence and defensor. i dideterrence. i kid thi did this and it worke. i would do what they're doing right now, build more dod facilities and if you can only hold them 20 tayes, hold them 20 days an rush the judge to the border. see if we can get it done quickly. we have to do what we can operationally because congress has failed us and the courts have failed us. >> thank you for joining us. hope you have a great memorial day weekend. >> you too. hours from now the rolling thunder will roll through the nation's capital for the last time but can the president save the ride for the veterans? one of the group ears leaders
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. time now for your news by the numbers. first 17, that's how many laws congress has passed and we're almost halfway through 2019. laws pass include reopening the government open making changes to medicaid. lawmakers have done worse paying only 1 is laws in the 2013. 8. 8.5 million pounds has shut down a colorado highway indefinitely after coming down in a rockslide. it needs to be blasted before it can be removed. 600 that's how many scouts
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honored or fallen heroes this weekend. similar events are taking place all across the country. jed. >> thanks, chris. well this morning rolling thunder motorcyclists will make their final ride through our country, they're veterans, gold star families and a whole lot of proud americans with a mission to raise awareness of the soldiers who never came home. >> president trump showing support for the ride following reports that the group encountered trouble obtaining permits tweeting, i can't believe they would be given a hard time. they love our country and love our flag. if i can help, i will. >> joining us now, rolling thunder d.c. chapter president master sergeant robert wilkins. thank you for joining this show today. >> thank you for having me. appreciate it. >> what's going on with the permits. this is concerning to a lot of the americans who value rolgd vg
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thunder. what is the issue? >> the cost f th of the run is astronomical. it costs 200,000 dollars to put on annually. many of our members and supporters of the rolling thunder have full-time jobs. to raise 200,000 dollars takes a lot of time. so with a cost that much, we're trying to see how we can continue the run possibly but bring down the cost and with compromise, conversation and common sense i think we can do that. >> so master sergeant, it as not necessarily over. you're saying hopefully it will continue. but right now the high cost of permits, washington, d.c. is throwing barrier barriers in yo. where are the barrier costs coming from? >> most of us have to do with security. when the ride started it was prior to 9/11. after 9/11 there's astronomical
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costs. there's port port potties. there's real hardships. maybe with some partnerships with the government and d.c. and virginia maybe we can bring the costs down to where they're manageable. >> we have a statement from the pentagon spokesperson saying the pentagon has not wavered in their support. resupport their first amendment rights and remain focused on ensuring the safety and security of the pentagon, reservation and event participants. what do you make of the statement? >> from my personal experience they have been very supportive. many of the officers at the pentagon are veterans themselves. they're all in for rolling thunder but they also have a job to do and that's the security and safety of 500,000 bikes with about a million people. so i r stheyso they have a toug. but with compromise and conversation we ma may be able o
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come to a solution. >> the head line has been this is the last one by your message to the viewers is we don't want it to be the last one, we want to hold it in washington, d.c. we just have to bring these costs down and create partnership to do so. >> i've spoken to so many families over the weekend. it's the most emotional, the most diverse. it brings americans together. it's the perfect unity. i have seen parents who have said they have come here with their fathers who have passed away or their moms who have passed away and they're bringing their children. it's a family tradition to come to rolling thunder and i hope we can continue our amazing run. >> thank you very much for you time. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. i have a big secret that i'm ready to share. you'll only hear it here. >> the big reveal. don't miss it. coming up next. ♪
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>> wow. >> drill team performs on fox square. when you watch that it's so amazing, the displi discipline f coordinating. how many times a day do you think you to do that to get it perfect like that. >> the u.s. coast guard silent drill team thank you for what you do. human remains found buried in long island are believed those to be the victim of a ms13 gang. the nassau county police union president joined us earlier to discuss the dangers of ms13. >> nay are always looking for more and more. they go after their own community. they ask these young children to join the gang or die. >> officials are waiting for tests to publicly confirm the victim's identity.
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a tenth climber dies 0en the world's highest mountain in two months. a british climber passed away in what is known as mt. everest's death zone. just days before he posted a video shares fears of fatal overcrowding. the local government coming under fire for letting so many people climb at once. the deadliest year on everest in seven years. police catch a vandal who defaced a vietnam memorial and threw american flags into a swamp. the unidentified man taken into custody and sent to a hospital for a mental health check in boston. volunteervolunteers cleaning upa holiday weekend meant to honor our soldiers. a soldier flies halfway around the globe to surprise his family this weekend. >> i one other time in my life i
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saw my dad cry. he's definitely crying disbli jumped right on it. my life is back. i have him. nice to see him safe in the u.s. usa.>> the family completing a 22-mile walk for veterans before the emotional surprise. wow. i love reunions like that. >> that's cool. >> make my heart smile. >> got to walk 22 miles to get it though. >> it's worth it. we've got rick reichmuth talking about the weather. >> finally some nice weather, summer-like weather across the east. great news for memorial day. not the case across the central part of the country. take a look at the weather map. no precipitation at all in the southeast. for the first time since 2001 the drought monitor, there is nobody in any kind of a significant drought anywhere in the country. i think that will change across the southeast as is heat is in
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and there's no precipitation in sight. had the tornado last night with two fatalities in el reno. a new line of storms is headed toward wichita this morning and later on today another batch of that as the pattern that we're in continues to be stuck. right across the high plains is the worst threat for severe weather, likely a tornado or two from that. also because of the severe weather happening in the same spot over and over, that means more rain falling. we've got 12 to 18 inches of rain that's fallen in the last week and we're going to have more rain in the next week or so. because of that, a lot of areas in flooding, including the arkansas river that is going to crest at the highest levels ever across a number of cities that is going to cause major problems. same exact spots getting a lot of rain president not good news. >> thank you very much, rick.
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well we just mentioned something. there is something. >> something going to be revealed to us. >> yes. so i have to share something with you guys and we have a photo that will display it better than i could. can we show that photo? do we have it? >> oh! >> that's right. i have a little bun in the afn. little peanut, little munchkin in the oven. this has been a pretty easy pregnancy so far. kept it a secret. although i did wear a dress one week, i think two weeks ago that i guess showed a little bit of pop and i got some -- the audience is like, is something going on? >> our viewer can tell. >> that's so funny if you look at this. when you go through this you learn so much. but that's like a ten-week sonogram. you can see it looks like a munchkin in there and the next
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one was 12 and a half weeks. i'm about 15 weeks now. >> there it is. look at that. >> that looks like a baby. >> that's your baby. >> the miracle of life. pete and i have a small surprise for you. >> you do? >> we do. >> uh-oh. >> jeremy come on out. >> proud poppa. >> hi. the daddy. hi. >> congratulations. >> thank you. i love you. ah, thank you. these are beautiful. come sit. >> you were just here with us. you've been busy since. >> exactly. >> so we got to know, when did you find out, walk us through it. >> oh my gosh. we were very surprised. it's funny because i thought -- you know, i'm not super duper young and i thought it would take a while. it was literally the first time. the doctor was like, just have some fun.
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you don't have to try to not get pregnant anymore. be open minded. it's going to take you a while. i think it took about 15 minutes. it's a really funny story. i'm so excited. i never knew -- i never really wanted kids. i never thought -- you know what, if i have one, whatever. i met this guy. this is like a born dad. a soccer dad. so i was like, he's going to be the best. >> so what was your reaction? >> i was very excited. this is something a i've wanted to do forever. i never imagined this is how it's going to happen but i am extremely excited. >> ready to be a daddy? >> i don't know. i'll figure it out. >> it gets better, trust me. >> we have two people here we can ask for a lot of advice. >> ask griff. >> no. just do everything pete and i did, do the opposite. >> okay. i've watched a lot of friends do it. we'll figure it out. i have a long list of amazing
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ladies at fox news that have had babies that are like, i can go ask them for help. i'm going to be calling. >> plus, we just got the puppy. >> we just got if puppy. >> we're already warming up. >> practicing. >> you got married. that was a change. the puppy was a change. and also there will be some changes. so the best advice i can give you in the next several months, right, up to nine months, she's always right. you just go, don't fight it. like 3 ch 3:00 no the morning ye going to be tasked to drive in the rain to get a watermelon or kiwi fruit. just go i would love to do that and go with it. >> just feed her. okay. whatever she wants whenever she wants. >> you guys can imagine. you see what she eats. if we want pizza, there's one pizza place in all of manhattan that will provide the right
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combination. >> can i get the vegan pizza? >> and we does. we're happy to share with the audience. it's nice to let it out and breathe so you guys don't have to go, what's going on with you belly. you know. >> and we get the work with her through the whole process. >> you guys have her for a few hours every week. >> they take the load off. well, tough to move on from that one but we're going to try. now you know. well have you heard about this teenager? not only is he graduated from high school, he's also getting a degree from harvard at the same time. >> what? how did he do that? that whiz kid is joining us live coming up next.
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welcome back for quick headlines. the highly overrated filmmaker michael moore take as shot at president trump during a film festival in france. >> picasso famously said that art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth. or as we say in america, trump is the lie that enables us, well, more lying. >> yeah. in france. well done. moore, as you know, a frequent critic of the president. and a muslim advocacy group says the release of the new "aladdin" movie during the trump presidency will fuel racism. they say that disney's film with normalize stereotyping and marginalize communities. don't listen to them.
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the new movie hits theaters on friday. a high school student from kansas will be the first ever to get his da pl diploma and a dege from harvard. joining us is 17-year-old braxton moral. braxton, congratulations mghts thank you. i appreciate it that. >> last sunday you got your high school diploma but you're about to get this degree from mar vard and you're only 17. how is that possible? >> well i had a bunch of people around me that helped contribute to my success. i wouldn't have been able to do anything that i have accomplished so far without family, friends, you know, the high school allowed me to pursue this. got them to thank. >> you're getting a remarkable head start in life and we applaud you and commend you for your hard work. when did you start? was it age 11 that you began the program with harvard that will now come to completion? >> well, i took my first class
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at harvard at 11 and then the program, i actually entered it a couple years later. and let'.>> and let's talk t you'll do now. you'll get this degree and do what? >> hopefully law school. i mean, knock on wood. that's what i'm trying to do. i don't know if i'll succeed but, wu yo you know, hope for t. >> reading the comments and the press about what your teachers have said, one in particular said intellectually he's extraordinary but more than that it's his discipline in endeavor. it's not just that you were just born with a gift but also the discipline and endeavor. where does that come from? >> you know, i think it is a very, you know, nurture versus nature thing. your environment contributes a lot to who you are as a person. i'm grateful to have grown up
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where i grew up and grateful to be around who i've been around. >> who did you grow up around? who are they and what did they do? >> parents, siblings. i have three older siblings. and just the environment in general, southwest kansas. it's an area built around farming, oil, two very, i guess, very manual industries that require a lot of hard work and that's the culture i've been raised in. >> lastly, what you want to cowitdowith a law degree? >> i would like to go into law for a little bit and then get into politics. >> do you see a president braxton moral in the future in. >> we'll see. >> congratulations. we appreciate what you've done and commend you greatly. good luck. we'll continue to follow your story and you a home here to
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come tell us what the latest is anytime you like. thank you. sounds good. thank you. this pastor is about to take his message from the pulpit to the paift biking across america to talk about his fate. first he's stopping on fox square, there he is, you will meet him. an ha amazing story. ♪ ♪ th comfortable. save $1,000 on the new queen sleep number 360 special edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday. whip out the spf 'cause it's memorial day weekend and bookers are out here skipping and gliding and steaming and...
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eating dip. memorial day is coming. so book a place to stay and be a booker at so book a place to stay when crabe stronger...strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. layered with flavor... it's the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. for an amazing taste... ...that outlasts your craving. new nicorette ice mint.
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but first he's making a stop here on fox square. join us. neil i've where i hadden a lot of bike rides, even so 0 miles one time but you're going across the country talking about faith. why are you doing this? >> i had a dream about going across the country, being curious about people's stories, letting people talk and engage them in conversations about faith, christ and things that really matter to people. >> i love your approach, sit a conversation. you don't come from a place that you're going to come out and preach. you want to hear from people. share your story and hear theirs. that's how you hope people's minds. >> i get to preach every sunday. they pay me to preach. this i get to go have fun and be curious about people's stories. >> pastors say you want to meet people where they're at. you're literally going to get on a bike and meet people.
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how are you going to facilitate the conversations? >> i just ride up to people and say hey, tell me about your bike, tell me about your life. and people just start talking. i was with a guy recently, he started telling me about his life, i go, can i just pray for you. he's telling me some hard stuff. at the end of the time he says, thank you for your kindness. >> how long is this going to take? >> 33 days. 31 days of riding, two days off. >> two days off? that's it? >> that's it. >> you're going to be tired. >> 100-plus miles a day. >> that's a lot. yoyou're a probiker to top it o. >> this will be the subject of a book, you think, maybe a documentary? >> we're bringing a professional filmmaker with us, his assistance. we hope to have a film and book out of it. >> if pastor want to ride out and see, can they follow you?
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>> if they go to our website, every day is mapped out. they can join us. we have some friends who are going to cycle with us. they just got to be able to keep up. >> keep up. you're not waiting around. i like that. >> what are you hoping that people get out of this from the message you ea ear you're sendi. >> people from both ends of the conversation, people interested and not, in a country that we have a hard time talking about things that matter without fighting each other. people will say, we can come together and listen to each other and have meanful conversations. >> if you want to pedal with the pastor. >> good luck. >> thank you so much. thank you for having us on here. still ahead, congressman chip roy live on his vote to block disaster relief. plus mark levin in the studio. plus, jedidiah is still pregnant.
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pete: navy band northeast rhode island sound performs "can't stop the feeling" right here on fox . jedediah: one of my favorite songs. i've been boogieing. griff is getting down too. an amazing couple of days, too, music, food, we're celebrating memorial day weekend honoring the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom and we've asked you guys to send you photos of the service members you are honoring this weekend, and he have some to share. griff: troy greenwood sent us this photo of the world war ii veteran he was named after, navy radio man troy barden was killed in a a kamikaze attack when was 18-year-olds. greenwood said "without his sacrifice i would not exist today." pete: kelly sent us this photo of her son army staff sergeant christopher swanson who was killed in ramadi, iraq. he will not be forgotten. jedediah: todd brighten, the
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west point graduate was killed in iraq in 2013 by an ied while on patrol near fallu.ah pete: those are the faces, those are the names, those are the stories, those are the reasons. when you bust out your grill today and tomorrow, say a prayer look up at the blue sky or whatever you've got above you and thank the lord that we live in a country that produces such men and women. griff: as you mentioned, when we've done the photos each time you said we will remember you, you will not be forgotten. and that is the message of memorial day that we will never forget that you answered the call. you weren't afraid to stand in the bridge and make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. jedediah: our hearts go out to the families. we would love to see more photos from viewers at home of we'd love to honor as many people as we can who have made the ultimate sacrifice. it really warms our hearts and reminds us what this memorial day weekend is all about. pete: we will do our best to
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make it right all weekend long, today and tomorrow. political news going on. yesterday we covered the story of the ninth circuit judge in california blocking president trump's attempt through emergency powers to use defense funds to build over 50 to 60 miles of border wall on the southern border. the administration wants it, there's a crisis on the border, but the judge blocked it and the president now weighing in. griff: judge heywood gilliam, two cases of wall going through the yuma area, more than 50 miles. this is why the president was tweeting this, quote. maria: another activist obama appointed judge has just ruled against us on a section of the southern wall that is already under construction. this is a ruling against border security and in favor of prime drugs and human trafficking. we are asking for an expedited appeal. jedediah: that has been a challenge for the president. he has been struggling with how to get this done.
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he made this a campaign promise the first time around. he is continuing to say that national security is a priority of his, that the humanitarian crisis needs to be addressed. he has gotten no help from democrats, and now he is facing some challenges in the court which he anticipated. earlier we spoke with tom homan on fox & friends who talked about how trump will ultimately win. take a listen. >> it's obvious why the left and the dems always go to ninth circuit, 'cause they tend to rule to the far left. i think the president will win this case ultimately in higher court. i think this is a foolish ruling ruling. i think most people understand we have a national crisis on that border, and congress has not done anything. the president wanted to declare executive actions, he sent numerous resources from other agencies. he declared a national emergency emergency. he's done everything he can to address this and he will not stop. this lawsuit's not going to stop him. but congress hasn't offered up one thing to solve this border crisis. pete: you know, it's recently revealed that this judge has given up to $20,000 directly to
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the obama campaign before he was appointed a judge. now effectively a part of the administrative state that as you said, jedediah, at every level tried to obstruct this presiden. griff: tom homan there is really echoing the sentiment of the men and women in the green border patrol uraniums that are working around the clock, doing things they never had to do, overwhelmed, feeling defeated, with broken morale, and i'll say it, broken morale, and they are upset with congress. they understand these things are playing out in the courts. tom believes that the president will win, but it is congress in their view has got to get off their duffs and do something to try and start finding soluti.ns jedediah: in the meantime, we have democrats gearing up for 2020. they are out there. they are making a case. bernie sanders out there talking about president trump, saying trump is turning the u.s. into an authoritarian form of government. take a listen. >> you know that we have a
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president who has no understanding or respect for the constitution of the united states. and the separation of powers and is attempting to move every single day this country into an authoritarian form of government government. pete: sometimes you speak words and they mean nothing. so respect for the constitution, is that when a certain political party spied on another in order to help a certain candidate? or how about separation of powers, how about all those executive orders from the obama administration. i don't know; they took some legislative prerogative. attempting to move toward an authoritarian form of government government? if you're cutting taxes and reducing regulations and protecting the second amendment, what does that have to do with authoritarian -- i don't get it. they just throw it out, "dictator" jedediah: he's also a socialist who advocates for massive government overtake of
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everything, pretty much. so that is not a path to freedom freedom. and he knows that. but this, to me, reeks, griff, of desperation. a drop in the polls so badly and he's like "you know? what am i going to say?" what, is he going to go out there and talk about how people in jail should have voting rights? that didn't go so well with him. he's coming out with one-liners. griff: jed, put the polls up for us. this is the monmouth university poll, most recent support for democrat nomination. 33% joe biden, 15% sanders, 11% kamala harris, but 15%, it was just a month ago and certainly before that that it was all about sanders, it was his time. the fact that it was stolen from them by the d.n.c. and hillary in 2016. it's going to be rectified. now you are at a 15% to 33%, you need to start saying authoritarian government and everything else -- pete: going after trump. the base loves that. the question is when is joe biden going to get a single
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tough question. no, really. so far he's gotten mostly a free pass by the media. you're going to have debates coming up in you will june, july and august. jedediah: he should get tough questions about all these investigations that are going, investigating the investigators because he was the guy that was vice president when all this was going on. the question remains will the media do its job. doubtful. headlines for you now. we begin with a fox news alert. rescue crews desperately searching survivors after a tornado killed two people near oklahoma city. the storm destroyed a mobile home, park, and hotel. local officials say several people are in the hospital and an unknown number of people are missing. a second tornado ripped through the tulsa area. it's unclear if anyone was hurt there. overnight president trump and the first lady have dinner with the japanese prime minister after a day of golf. the president called had a productive day tweeting, quote, "great progress being made in our trade negotiations with japan. agriculture and beef heavily in
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play. must wait 'til after their july elections where i anticipate big numbers." president trump will be the first world leader to meet japan japan's new emperor before bilateral talks tomorrow. and vice president mike pence celebrating the newest class of west point graduates. pete: you are, as the president likes to say, you're joining an army that's better equipped, better trained, and better supplied than any united states army in the history of this country. jedediah: this year's class is the most diverse with the highest number of african-american women and most women overall. nearly 1,000 cadets graduated. those are your headlines. griff: that's fantastic. speaking of service members, pete's out talking to fleet week service nebuchadnezzar for the navy, army, air force, marines, who you got out there? pete: this is the coolest time. what a fun week it's been, fleet week, and didn't go into memorial day it's a tradition here on fox & friends.
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we don't want to have you guys as a beautiful backdrop for us. we want to talk to about your service. start with you, liz. tell us your full name and where you're from. >> elizabeth restricts, first class petty officer in the u.s. coast guard, detroit, michigan. >> how long have you been in the coast guard? >> 16 pete: why did you put the uniform on in the first place? >> i joined in the first place actually to get money to pay for college, and then i decided i loved it so much, i loved to serve my country, i love what i do. the coast guard is very small, we're like a family so i decided to stay in and 16 years later here i am. pete: here you are, memorial day is tomorrow. when you think about all those who have given so much, how much more pride does that bring you you? >> oh, my gosh. i'm honored to be a part of it. i'm honored to serve with every branch branch of service, even the coast gu.rd pete: even the marines? they cause a lot of trouble. >> they do, but -- pete: what's your name and where are you from?
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>> william coats and i'm from denver, colorado. pete: how has your time been so far? >> i love new york city. it's treated us well so .ar pete: have you treated new york city well? >> oh, yes, definitely. pete: see some smiles from the back. guy looks like a troublemaker. what do you do in the marine corps? >> i'm a receiver and defense specialist. we specialize in chemical and biologically threats, also nuclear as well. we train marines to protect themselves against those said thre.ts pete: and why did you join marines in the first place? >> well, after high school i wasn't sure what to do, and honestly, what better way to serve your country than serving in the armed forces and i also wanted to improve myself as a person, and the marine corps offered that. pete: it sure does. >> yes, .ir, pete: and all those marines that have given so much, do you reflect on that? >> yes, sir, every day. i try my best. every day, sir. pete: well said. don't cause any more trouble. if i hear of any bar fights i know where to find.
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>> i'm nicholas wagley, in the u.s. navy and tyler, texas. pete: greatest state ever? >> yes. pete: i kind of agree with you, a pretty great state, no offense to the other states. what do you do in the navy? >> i'm a p.a.c. seaman, we do pretty much anything in the water. pete: i have no idea what you just said. pop the ribs, what does that mean? >> put the smaller boats on the bigger boats, put 'em out and pick people up and stuff like that for man on everybodied i'm ta.d. with the way city. pete: why did you first come in the navy. >> i'm a military brat. his dad was in the army, his dad was in the army, my stepdad was in the navy, seeing all this growing up, i was appreciative of memorial day and thinking the people that gave their lives, i wanted to be one of those people to be able to serve my country. pete: you touched on it memorial day very important for you? >> absolutely the first thing we did after we got off the body
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and i went over to freedom tower and paid my respects. pete: thank you so much all of you for your service, appreciate you being on fox & friends, we love you guys, be sure and get up early, earlier than you do and watch fox & friends. woe got agreement on that. they'll probably be doing push-ups instead. griff: thank those service members for us. jedediah: texas congressman chip roy facing backlash after blocking a disaster relief bill that didn't include funding for the disaster at the border. griff: the congressman is here to defend the move coming up next. stay tuned. ♪ only in america hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens.
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♪ griff: welcome back. the left lashing out at a lone g.o.p. congressman for blocking a $189 billion disaster relief package. but what they're not mentioning is that the bill isn't addressing the disaster at the border. here to defend his move is that congressman chip roy of texas. congressman, thanks for joining us. before everyone headed off to the weekend you drew a lot of attention when you voted against the bill. why did you do it? >> good morning, griff. thanks for having me on. and i really want to thank all the families out there who's suffering because they lost loved ones and those who've given the ultimate sacrifice, and thanks to all of those men and women who are serving our country this memorial day weekend. you know, we headed out for recess on friday, everybody was heading home. in fact, thursday night i was at the airport and i was supposed to come to texas. speaker pelosi had closed the house of representatives for the recess. but what she didn't tell us was
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that we were going to have a bill coming to the floor of the house of representatives on friday that she was going to pass by consent with no one in the room. and that bill was going to have $19 billion in it unpaid for and was not going to address the crisis that our country is dealing with at the border that we've talked about many times over. and i don't know about you, but in the schoolhouse rocks video when they talk about a bill becoming law, it's supposed to pass both sides of the congress, the house and the senate, and then go to the president to be signed. it's not supposed to come through and just be offered by consent with no one there to voice their discontent. and many of my colleagues were reaching out to me saying, i'm glad you were there and thanks for being there to stop this and my constituents in texas agree, because we cannot continue to spend billions of dollars we don't have and be there without the people's house voting. and that's why i was there. griff: and some of your colleagues also calling you a political arsonist for your move move. this now will day a vote at
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least until into june at the earliest, i believe. what is your reaction to those in your own party who are accusing you of being this disrupter, this arsonist? >> well, it's no surprise that when you challenge the way of the swamp that a few that are swamp creatures are going to attack and bite back. the reality is the people in texas 21, the people and texans throughout the country who are tired of washington's business as usual continuing to mortgage our children's future, they want representatives to stand up and change the status quo; so challenge the way people do things there. is anybody truly happy with the way washington is working? no. and we've got to change that. and that's what this is about, having a vote. the people should have a vote in the house of representatives. we should have a debate about securing our border with literally a hundred thousand people be apprehended per month coming across our border, and we should have a debate about waste wasteful spending. when we are racking up a hundred million of debt per hour, while we are on break, we are going to
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rack up another $24 billion of debt, not even counting the 19 billion that was just passed through. griff: this is true, congressman and no one -- i've covered the border quite a lot. but in terms of this disaster relief bill, is this precluding much needed relief because of hurricanes, natural disasters that you're standing in the way of giving them what they need to force this debate? >> the only one that's been standing in the way of getting that accomplished is speaker pelosi over the last five months who, through her political cynicism, has refused to do the work of the american people. we could have passed this months ago. we should have passed something months ago for the federally responsible areas to help florida, georgia, per week, nebraska, parts of texas, even. she refuses to do her job to get that through, offset it, make sure it's paid for, and secure or border where we've got millions coming across harming americans or harming the migrants who do come here. griff: chip roy, thanks for joining us.
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have a great rest of the memorialized weekend. a child falls from a balcony five stories up. you won't believe what saved him him. the incredible story coming up. when you shop for your home at wayfair, you get more than free shipping. you get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, i'll take that. wait honey, no. when you want it. you get a delivery experience you can always count on. you get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. you get fast and free shipping on the things that
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members who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms. pete: and one of those heroes is navy pilot lieutenants ken stee killed in the line of duty in 1992. his wife now encouraging other gold star families in her new book "we regret to inform you: a survival guide to gold star parents and those who support them." and she says we need memorial day more than ev.ry jedediah: gold star wife joanne stee joins us. >> thank you for having me here. jedediah: first of all, tell us a little bit more about your story and your husband. you had a military wedding in 1991 and your husband died a year later. >> a year later, right. and it's really not about my story per se. my husband's death was the catalyst, essentially, to launch me in this direction and to realize that military loss is so different and so unique that there are issues that you're going to really need others to help you sort through. pete: what did you struggle with when that happened that -- what did you learn and how did you translate that? >> excellent question pssst one
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of the things you struggle with is the fact that there are so many complications to it and so many factors that you're just not aware of. and all of these things that are complications have a tendency to prolong your grief. i'd like to say that military grief has a long shelf l.fe jedediah: i'm fascinated by this book. i actually think it's a phenomenal message. what is the message that you or the advice that you hope people take from this book, not only from your experience, but you have this amazing background now in counseling as well. >> that's right. yes. here's the simple message, is that, first of all, grief doesn't have to be the end of the journey. okay. strictly for gold star parents, there's so much -- and other gold star families, there's so much you have to deal with. the issue is, it's about the service member died basically an honorable death in serving our country. your job is to make sure that grief doesn't win. you can't let grief win, and you need to find ways to move forward healthfully, remembering your loved one as you do, making them a part of your life but
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also realizing that you can go forward and live healthfully in this world. pete: in spending a lot of time with gold star wives, you mentioned process a couple times times. we don't often handle the process of the family members after someone is killed. has that improved at all? >> it sure has and part of it i help to teach them after the iraq and afghanistan war. my first book was "military widows survival guide" and after that time it was natural for me to go back and be an instructor again, and i had the honor of pleasure to work with casualty providers, teaching them what to know, what to expect, most importantly what to say, what to not say and best practices in order to be help.ul jedediah: what has been the response from gold star families who either have read your books or heard you speak about this? my impression is that they would feel really grateful that there's something like this out there because it's easy to -- everybody recognizes the hardship that is involved, but it's really hard to speak from a
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place like you are, where you have experienced something like this yourself, and you can speak to it in a different way. >> here's what a book like this does for families. and i can tell you with certainty both from personal and professional experience, there's a lot of good books on grief out there. but most of them are geared towards civilian losses. and families that read them always say there's a piece of the puzzle that's missing. there's questions that aren't answered. so when you write specifically about military loss and the process of grief afterwards, this book and the other book helps to fill in those missing pieces, and it helps them to realize that their loss is validated, okay, the service of their loved one is appreciated, and they can -- they have within them the resilience and they can tap into that resilience and learn to move forward. pete: absolutely. the book not just for gold star families as you mentioned those who support them so for memorial day it makes a lot of sense to pick this up. the book is called "we regret to
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inform you." we appreciate it. the video you have to see this morning. president trump at a sumo wrestling match. and the big surprise. we mean big, he had, for the winner. ♪ i really didn't expect to learn so many interesting details. ancestrydna was able to tell me where my father's family came from in columbia. they pinpointed the columbian and ecuador region and then there's a whole new andean region. that was incredibly exciting because i really didn't know that. we never spoke about that in my family. it just brings it home how deep my roots are and it connects me to them, and to their spirit, and to their history. 20 million members have connected to a deeper family story. order your kit at
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♪ ♪ then i saw her face ♪ now i'm a believer ♪ her grace ♪ in my mind ♪ i'm in love ♪ i'm a believer ♪ i couldn't leave her if i tried jedediah: that was navy band northeast rhode island sound performing "i'm a believer." amazing stuff. pete: awesome. jedediah: love it. pete: they are throwing a party for us this morning.
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well done, guys. you guys can't clap yet. taking the oath to serve our country is something few are able and willing to do, but today we have the honor of witnessing dozens of young lady and women step up and join the bravest fighting force in the world. here now to swear in these men and women is commanding general of marine corps recruit depot parris island, brigadier general james f. flynn. one of the coolest things you probably get to do is administer the oath of office. >> it absolutely is. these are, what do we got, 26 young men and women, america's sons and daughters that are getting ready to affirm their oath and support and defend the constitution of the united states. it's one of the funnest things i get to do. pete: does it renew your faith in our country every time? >> absolutely does. the fact that we have men and women that will step forward and serve and sacrifice so that the rest of us can experience our freedoms. pete: would you mind doing it
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for our audience? the ultimate enlistment. >> ladies and gentlemen, come to attention. raise your right hand and repeat after me. i -- state your full name -- do solemnly swear to support and defend the constitution of united states against all enemies foreign and domestic, show true faith and allegiance to the same. and i'll obey the orders of the president of the united states and the officers appointed over me according to regulations and the uniform code of military justice. so help me god. congratulations. [applause] griff: what's your name? wendy? why did you just enlist? >> i enlisted because i wanted to be the first in my family to
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join marine corps. griff: congratulations. what's your name? >> molly about our, .ir, griff: why did you enlist? >> to keep up a strong military tradition in my family. griff: hurrah. great job. jedediah: we are turning to some headlines for you now. a hiker missing and alone for 17 days in a forest in hawaii gets emotional describing how she survived. >> life and death, and i had to choose. and i chose life. jedediah: amanda eller got lost and fell into a ravine. she says she ate berries and drank from waterfalls until a rescue helicopter found her. eller has a broken leg and skin infection. doctors say she will remain in the hospital for the next few days. jedediah: and a judge is benched accused of making anti-trump comments in court and online. at one time the judge said on social media "trump signs the
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ministry of propaganda." the utah supreme court suspended him without pay for six months. an incredible video you have to stop and watch. a toddler falls out of a fifth story window and this man runs to the rescue cushion be the blow. you can see the force knocking him down to the ground in china. the man was parking his car when he was the 2-year-old falling from the apartment. the hero suffering minor cuts and bruises. the child was luckily not seriously hurt. and overnight president trump and the first lady enjoy a sumo wrestling match in japan. >> that was something to see these great athletes, who really are athletes. we gave that beautiful trophy which they'll have for hundreds of years. jedediah: the president giving the first ever president's cup to the winner. it's four and a half feet tall and ways nearly 70 pounds. heading over to rick. >> we got a nice day across the northeast, in fact a pretty nice
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day memorial day weekend. take a look at the map, show you what's going. the southeast cannot buy any rain. unfortunately the high tempts continue there, already 79 degrees in atlanta, and this is after days and days in a row of temps into the nineties. no precipitation at all. obviously up a the precipitation has been right across the center central area of the country and back across areas of the great lakes. we're going to see those storms fire again later today. all part of kind of this colder air energy that is out across the west. if you want some cool temperatures, go to arizona where the temps have only been into the seventies. here's your severe threat today. could be watching some pretty big storms. the next real big threat for tornadoes, get ready for tuesday tuesday. guys, over to you. >> we're making fresh. griff: it's burger time as americans across the country fire up their grills, we've got expert tips to taking your burger to the next level. pete: here to do the honors is corporate executive chef for burger fi, chef paul griffin. we appreciate you being here.
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if you're going backyard and you want to do it right, what are we doing? >> first thing, before you even start grilling, it's what are you going to grill; right? what we do is really special is a -- our beef is no hormones, ever; so for the beef that's produced in the united states, only 1% is truly never, ever any antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. start with the greatly quality. that goes long. griff: let's cook some burgers. >> doing some traditional grilling. going to flatten one, put some great attributes of very tender. so these will be ready. we're going to make some breakfast all day burgers since it's early in the morning here. want to feed the troops and get everybody some breakfast. griff: it looks like, paul, we got some eggs over here. >> that's right. we're going to do the traditional breakfast at a diner diner. hash browns, bacon, eggs.
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pete: all on a burger. >> even with a touch of maple service. griff: i see you use some love in the technique here. >> when you use a cast iron skillet, you'll get the caramel caramelization, which is a great crust. so wanted to show a few different techniques that you can use on a barbecue grill, not just the grill. griff: and since your name is griffin and my name is griffin, that's for me; right? >> you got it, griff. so, first of all, -- >> which one is edible? >> oh! rookie move. >> i love listening to jed get excited about the meet carmel carmelized. what is that? >> the ketch we use is a non- non-high fructosose corn syrup ketchup, natural bacon, carmel carmelized onions and we'll start bringing these over.
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griff: cheese is going on. pete: look at that. what's that? >> that's the hash browns. jedediah: oh, yeah. pete: you got the burger, the cheese, the egg, the hash browns browns. the maple syrup -- >> going right over here. jedediah: oh, yeah. griff: oh, boy. jedediah: so what goes on top? some ketch? >> drinks i will a little maple syrup on top of the bacon and it's that syrup that really gives you -- jedediah: that's some good stuff right there. griff: chef, i can take it from here. i think i know what to do. pete: i got the cold one. i'm going to take a bite after you do, griff. how about these sides over here? jedediah: what's going on over here? >> onion rings, onion rings are kind of a staple in america, obviously the fries as well, but we have some onion rings coming over. griff: look at this thing, it is dripping. got some onion rings? here we go. >> the perfect condiment. jedediah: that's quite a bite,
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griff. oh! pete: he's messed for the whole show. griff: it's going to the dogs. pete: you're going to have a burger, that's how you do it. jedediah: thank you very much. this all looks so amazing. pete: the name of the corporation again? >> burger fi. pete: where did k we find you? >> 82nd and 2nd. griff: next time teach me how to eat the cheeseburger. jedediah: chaos seems to be the new normal on college campuses. >> you are supporting nazis. >> don't pour your coffee on me. >> [bleep] jedediah: but one college is reversing that trend. a professor tells us how they're doing it. coming next. griff: how's that burger, pete? pete: hm-hm.
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you know those butterflies aren't actually in the room? hey, that baker lady's on tv again. she's not a baker. she wears that apron to sell insurance. nobody knows why. she's the progressive insurance lady. they cover pets if your owner gets into a car accident. covers us with what? you got me. [ scoffs ] she's an insurance lady. and i suppose this baker sells insurance, too? progressive protects your pets like you do. you can see "the secret life of pets 2" only in theaters.
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♪ griff: time now for some quick headlines. a judge has ordered anheuser-busch to revise some of its ad targeting competitors. >> this corn syrup was just delivered. >> that's not ours. he don't use corn syrup. >> miller lite does. griff: coors sued anheuser-busch for saying miller contains corn syrup. they say it helps the ferment fermentation process. wine lovers preferring red or white can apparently tell a lot about your personality. >> do not sabotage me. >> oh, aye-aye, captain, go out it. >> if we're drinking merlot. griff: a study of 2,000 people reveals wine drinkers are early birds, dog lovers, listen to jazz, adventurous. those who like white with night
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owls, cat lovers, extroverts, and perfectionists. pete, what are you? pete: red usually but i don't know those are hard-and-fast rules. from shouting down speeches to straight up violence, chaos seems to be the new normal on college camps. >> i don't get out. >> you're supporting nazis. >> don't pour your coffee on me. >> [bleep] >> i believe that gentleman just threw paint on me. i didn't think i was just intimidated. >> jesus christ. what -- what? oh, [bleep] pete: but one college is bucking this trend. in a new wall street journal op-ed entitled, "the reopening of the liberal mind," bard college is highlighted for its civility amongst students. here with more is a professor of literature and history at bard college, richard altous. what sets bard apart? >> i think one of the things
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that bard tried to do is encourage pluralism that different viewpoints are welcomed, that classes cover a wide range of different viewpoints. and students actively are encouraged to think about things that maybe conflict with what they actually believe. these are really important parts of education today, and bard believes that very pete: actually living it out. here's part of op-ed from bard college president leon basti. " "the thing i fear most is the absence of civility. i don't fear the argument. you have to transmit to the students that you are fundamentally on their side with their advocates, but advocacy doesn't mean agreeing with them. it means you take them seriously seriously. another word that comes to mind is tolerance. tolerance is not telling someone something and then demanding that they agree with you. it's tolerating differences of views." >> yeah. that's exactly right. and one of the things that all students at bard have to do is to take a class called first year seminar that allows them to
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read authors going right back to aristotle and plato all the way through, top villain reduce oy, major authors like began eye so right from the beginning their experience at bard they are encouraged to think about this wide diversity of views, and that means when controversial speakers come on to campus they have the equipment to think about what's being said and to think about what's being said, to argue back, push back. nobody is asked to believe something which goes against their own views, but they get to interrogate those views. that's the important thing. griff: so bard appears to be, profe, the exception to the rule rule. briefly, do you have any hope that the rest of academia will ever realize this? >> i think that other colleges are trying to do this too. what bard really does model is the idea of diversity. diversity is an essential part of our opinion and after all, this is memorial weekend -- free speech. these are the kind of things
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that people have given their lives for over generations. pete: amen. diversity of thought, richard aldous, professor of history and literature at bard college. thanks for joining us. memorial day weekend is the unofficial start of summer, and that means on clay, of course, we've got some of top things for kids to do coming up next.
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>> we are ready to play. are you ready? pete: i'm ready. >> we will start with the sports center because we want the kids to be outside and active. here's our sports center. it's for little kid. pete: want to go first? jedediah: let's see how you do. >> you were so close. pete: no! jedediah: close! >> the kids can keep score, they learn shapes, numbers, tons of fun. kids a little bit older, this is or play date ks-360. you can catch the ball, bounce it right back; so that's skill and speed. griff: lori, that's not a trampoline? >> not a trampoline. you bounce the balls on. bubbles, go ahead, go. come here. i want you to try these. we have our bubble that are really great. the kids are playing with them. what i love, 20 ounces of bubbles inside. it's a no-spill bucket. for this look what you do. you put your fingers in here. this is called big-a-bubble because we like our bubbles to be nice and .ig
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jedediah: you try, griff. see if you can do it. >> you know what, it's summertime, and that means we want to have a party. this is called bust a balloon party. i'm going to blow up 40 balloons in 40 seconds. what's going on? no more blowing sealing them, you can put a helium tank on this. jedediah: oh, wow. >> isn't that amazing? jedediah: it's amazing. >> helium tank on jedediah: for a party? that would be amazing. >> so you never have to tie it, never have to seal it, it's all fun. are kids instead of playing on computers, we have our -- this is from wi-volutiho. it's our deluxe series for little kids to get on a scooter and this is our morph board, for kids a little bit order. i want to show you what the morph board looks like. we have this board. it's a scooter and it's a
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skateboard. it's got this cool locking system, and you simply put the wheels in, turn it, lock it, either one. so nice and easy to play with. there's even other accessories. you can turn it into a bounce bored -- or balance board, and these are ice hoops. griff: ice hoops. >> it's got a different grip. so kids can do tricks and all that fun stuff. go ahead and try it. griff: i want to try it, lori shack, thanks for being here so here's the tease. nancy pelosi is facing calls -to-impeachment president trump and washington post says that the resistance may be futile. that's coming up next. i'm never going to get this. ♪ hold my pouch. trust us. us kids are ready to take things into our own hands. don't think so? hold my pouch.
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♪ of those who have given so ♪ much. ♪ we've had goldstar families, ♪ service members, all ♪ reflecting on the people ♪ that cannot hear. ♪ people that will not be with ♪ their families tomorrow. but they did it because they want everyone to get country to live free. and we thank god for that. >> we ask you to wait and to share photos with us. here is a synthesis picture of her along her brother, private first class gregory butler before he was deployed to vietnam. he died three months after this photo was taken. >> donna shows this photo of her son, corporal nicholas he was killed in afghanistan 2009. thank you for your service. greg norman and robin anderson sent the sin of their son lance corporal anderson the third you seem saying goodbye to his nephew before dean deployed to iraq. he was killed in 2005 while leading patrol. a lot of guys in uniform think that very well could have been anyone of us. there is only one bullet one explosion that separates veteran's day for memorial day.
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everyone that puts uniform on you understand that. it writes the check. in that case, they will, but what a powerful weekend. >> a big thank you to all of you who they share these photos and invite us into your home to see your family members and your stories so we can properly honor them.>> keep them coming! friends @fox news. the president and the first lady. >> there in tokyo to discuss trade and security. >> garrett tenney is live with the latest on the trip. reporter: good morning. a busy day in japan with all sorts of diplomacy from the golf course to sumo wrestling. the two friendsnation to work o. they had a round of golf this morning. japan has roughly $70 billion trade surplus with the u.s. and president trump starting to
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enact new tariffs on their auto industry. tokyo is trying to avoid the tariffs which would significantly hurt the economy. after a lunch of double cheeseburgers made with u.s. beef, president trump and the first lady during the prime minister and his wife at the annual sumo wrestling tournament. where the commander to present to the winner with the presidents cup or the trump cup as their calling it the huge 4 and a half foot trophy weighing over 60 pounds. later on a dinner, president trump son of the day in brief remarks to the press. >> the prime minister and i talked a lot today about trade and military and various other things. i think we have very progressive day. so far like lies it will be very successful day. reporter: don't expect any
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trade deals made in this trip. overnight the president tweeted great progress being made in trade negotiations with japan, agriculture. much will wait until after the july elections where they anticipate big numbers. tomorrow is the main event of this trip. president trump will become the first world leader to move japan's new emperor since he took the throne this month. tomorrow night he and the first lady will be guests of honor at a banquet hosted by the emperor at the imperial palace. should be something to see. >> wow! >> ever been to a dinner with the emperor at the imperial palace. >> thank you very much! you saw some of the footage, a video was tweeted out by the president of the sumo wrestling match. when the victor got up almost 5 feet tall, 60 to 70 pounds trophy. >> 54 inches, an eagle on top of it. >> i suggested that in your next battle with pete on the show i think that if you win you should get a trophy of that nature. only fitting! >> i couldn't agree more!
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i'm captivated by this trophy. not only because it is something to see but also it is so contrary to the drab for medics of state business. it is a trade deal. he is really using the trumpian former diplomacy to really come in and embrace. i cannot confirm but i positive that the people in japan are just amazed by this display of his and bracing their culture and some were wrestling.and there it and bracing trump. the main power over there lit up in red white and blue, stars and stripes. the reason it's so important because the u.s. and japan, that is a critical relationship. john is being very ambitious and aggressive in the neighborhood and forging this alliance even deeper with trade allows us to cut china out, level the playing ground and maybe even try to back them into corner a little bit. it is a real rivalry with china. >> will have new tweet from the
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present related to rolling thunder. the present saying this, great patriots of rolling thunder will be coming back to washington d.c. next year. hopefully, for many years to come. is where they want to be and should be. have a wonderful time today, the guitar great men and women of the pentagon for working it out. so without controversy because it was a challenge with the money and the cost of the permits. talking about rolling thunder this morning, so many were worried, would this be the last year? the president say no, it won't be. we will make it happen. >> it is great news! of all the things that happen year long and i've been in washington d.c. for 26 or 27 years. i have taken my children to see rolling thunder. the display we will see across the memorial bridge going down to the wall, this began as a small campaign of veterans to say we will continue to do this until everyone comes home.
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that was the original message. now it's turned into a symbolic way to honor the great sacrifice. and it's great news. >> you're right. because washington was ignoring prisoners of war and it the patriotic support of your country. they want to keep it going. hopefully that can fight through some of the red tape. trump is good at red tape. >> that is true! wesley had a master sergeant on the show talking about why rolling thunder means so much to so many veterans. take a listen. >> run cost about $200,000. to put on annually. we are trying to see how we can continue the run, possibly. i spoke to so many families of the weekend it is the most emotional. the most diverse, it brings americans together. it is the perfect unity. i've seen parents have said they've come here with their fathers who have passed away or mobs are passed away. now they are bringing their children so it's a family tradition to rolling thunder. i hope we can continue the
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amazing run. >> looks like they will!>> sounds great. we have headlines for you now. starting with a fox news alert. this is new video just in from el reno, oklahoma showing devastation left by an overnight tornado. the storm killing two people after tearing through a mobile home park and hotel. near oklahoma city. local officials say several people are in the hospital and an unknown number of people are missing. a second tornado ripped through the tulsa area. it is unclear if anyone was hurt there. we have a live report later this hour. two and a woman airlifted to a hospital with serious injuries from a gator attack in florida. a dozen people were swimming when the reported eight foot alligator at her. a trapper eventually lowered the gator to shore into the animal was missing most of his teeth. boy!
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and lashing out at a lone gop congressman for walking in 19 billion-dollar disaster relief package. this after the measure failed to address the crisis of the southern border. harassment chip roy joined us to explain the decision. >> is no surprise when you challenge the way of the swamp, some swamp creatures will attack and bite back. we cannot continue to spend billions of dollars we don't have. and be there with other peoples house voting. >> house will vote on the billiken as early as next week. powerful photos capture the moment a soldier places an american flag at the tomb of the unknown soldier. in the midst of torrential downpour is. members of the old car carrying at the annual memorial day operation with flags, they planted more than 245,000 u.s.
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flags at graves and arlington national cemetery. the regiment posting humans have their limits but the old guard has yet to. >> to honor our service murmurs. you are talking to some of the navy, air force, army, marines. >> i can't get over the old guard shot. they are never stopped. you'll see if you're ever in washington d.c.. i'm here with the best. the must america has to offer wearing the uniforms. i presume you had a great week. >> i had a great week. >> not causing too many problems. >> not at all. >> what is your name and where you from? >> -- i'm from texas. >> what is join the marine corps? >> it was in my family. i have two uncles i looked up to my collectors pretty much follow in their footsteps. every since i can remember it's all i wanted to do. >> what do you do in the marine
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corps? >> a network administrator. pretty much, we bring up the internet and make sure it stays up and connected. >> you are the most popular guy in the unit! you go somewhere and you don't have internet, life is bad! >> some people think so. >> this is day weekend. it is tomorrow. what are you thinking about? >> you know, just coming out here, we all came for the same reason, to remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. also to remember those lost on september 11. it's a great honor being part of this whole thing. it is an honor to follow in their footsteps. >> very well said, marine. appreciate it. >> what you name it away from? >> -- i'm from port st. lucie florida. >> very cool. what do you do in the navy? >> i'm an electronics technician. i fix things like raters, communications gear. if it is broken i will fix it. >> your thoughts on memorial day. >> i come from a military family, a long line of military members. it has a deep meaning to me also like to volunteer with
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senior veterans. i just want -- just the sacrifices that they made. i feel the need to serve my country. and honor them. >> i love it! even canadians are getting the mix. >> i'm gavin grant from halifax, nova scotia. >> you are here on a joint mission for fleet week. >> yes. invited here, very thankful, thanks for having us. >> we thank you for having our northern flank. keep protecting force. >> will do. >> you have memorial day in november. >> is november 11 is quite similar. >> you are welcome in our country anytime! >> thank you. >> as long as you never try to evade us ever again. >> never again! >> thank you for your service and for being out here. we really appreciate it. >> the great one, mark levin, he will be with us. do not miss the interview, it is fantastic. new book, unfreedom of the
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tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms, or if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. this could be your chance to leave your psoriasis symptoms behind. ask your doctor for ilumya today, for a clearer tomorrow. >> welcome back. the u.s. border patrol capturing this aircraft after it illegally flew into the u.s. from mexico, linda just south of tucson. the plane was carrying and a half $1 million worth of narcotics. including methamphetamine, fentanyl. joining us now with more, chief border patrol agent in tucson, roy villareal. chief, think of joining us. amazing seizure. unfortunately it is too commonplace. tell us about this. >> thank you heavy. this is a growing trend. something we experience before but we abated this with federal
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law enforcement partners. it seems to be on the rise again. i think it speaks to the situation along the border. we are focused on the migrant caravan, the overwhelming number of families showing up and this is opportunistic from the perspective that they realize as an opportunity and they will utilize it to import illicit narcotics. >> i cover the border a lot as you may well have seen. talk a lot about the numbers. quickly i want to show people to remind them the other part of the story, border patrol drug seizures nationwide, 32,951 pounds of cocaine so far 2708 pounds of heroin, -- 32,000 pounds of meth and 1270 pounds of fentanyl which is unbelievably deadly. chief, when you compound the narcotics challenge to the overwhelming numbers that you are having with inadequate resources, can this continue? can you sustain this? >> the answer is no. that is the reality.
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we been speaking about this crisis for number of months now. the humanitarian aspect is overwhelmed our capability. the majority of ages are focused on the care and well-being of the aliens. and with that comes a loss in border security. >> chief, you and many other colleagues have called on congress to please act. what are some of the things they can do to help you in this crisis? >> first off, one of the things that we need to look at is the amount of funding being obligated and used to care and address the needs of aliens. it's overwhelmed our operational budget. the aspect is, we need some sort of change in immigration system. we speak about the operations, we speak about the impact, it's not just border patrol the immigration system as a whole. we need our elected officials to pass immigration reform. to play some deterrent so there is low that is abated.
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until it happens it will continue. >> it seems to show no signs of slowing down. the last past month, just unbelievable large numbers. no place to put them. before we run out of time, talk a little about the morale, challenges of the border patrol agents. but something like a retention bonus help these ages that are literally getting everything -- >> reality is we come to work every day and do her job because we serve to protect our nation. we are hard, dedicated workforce. not deterred by this, it doesn't impact them. a little retention would help, certainly but i think will be a greater impact is the fact that we get the support of the elected officials. >> chief villareal, thank you very much. we appreciate everything you and your agents are doing good have a good memorial day weekend, sir. >> you too, thank you.
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>> 2020 democrats taking over ohio and new hampshire. breaking down the state of the race. who has the most money and who is already toast! that is coming up.♪ ♪ [music] uh-oh, looks like someone's still nervous about buying a new house. is it that obvious? yes it is. you know, maybe you'd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. i didn't know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. yep, they've been doing it for years. what are you doing?
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rest of what was inside is just guided and strewn across this field right here. this is what we have seen all morning. rescue crews just going through the rubble looking for survivors. we have a really good shot from above. you can see the damage that was done to the trailer park. this is the skyview trailer park. justice of the american budget inn which is also devastated by the tornado last night. this morning, rescue crews from a dozen agencies have been here going to the rubble looking for any survivors. the fire department, rescue workers and rescue dogs.looks like the national guard here as well. everyone who was in the trailer park, they were taken to a local vfw here in el reno. they're saying that any family members who had anyone living in the area, to look for them
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first there at the vfw. again, this has been a long, ongoing process going to all of the rubble. it could take the rest of the day if not longer to fully understand the extent of the damage here in el reno. back to you. >> thank you. >> 2020 democrats are crisscrossing early voting state like iowa and new hampshire this memorial day weekend. while the latest polling as the former vice president joe biden the lead, the racist far from over. here to breakdown the state of the 2020 democratic track john thomas. welcome. >> great to be with you. >> i want to go through, it seems like an endless sea of democrats. want to go to the candidates starting with joe biden, the front runner. what do you think of him right now in the state of the race for joe? >> you know, he's having his best mom arena but in predicting he will be one of the flame outs. i don't see him going the distance. the fact is right now he is leaving but it is really a
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reflection just universal name recognition. he is one of the best known politicians in the world. and all of his other candidates that are running the democratic primary simply are not -- forget that he's a gas machine all that but his core identity of being just a generation of yesteryear, having taken positions that just are not in line with the progressive, ultraleft democratic primary. i think you get the front runner treatment in the debates coming up and fall apart. >> yeah, i am not sure this is his time. what about the one to watch, bernie sanders? >> the one i'm looking for is bernie sanders. i think is the most underrated candidate of the cycle. his exit polling in second iowa he is dead tied with joe biden today. here is my bernie sanders i
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think is a difference. first will in a 2016 job to be pulling in the 40s to win a primary. remember, trump was having in the mid-20s with a fractured field below hamm. sanders can do it he has the money has the base and he is the og socialist. evernote is a johnny-come-lately. if you want a leftist politician, he is your man. >> have the fundraisers, elizabeth warren, kamala harris, joe biden. >> all of these are candidates are raking in the cash. joe biden is a raking and i think he raised like $12 million in the first 24 hours. bernie sanders led the last quarter at $18 million. these candidates, the reason this is important is because it means that they're going to have money to be competitive in the early states. and so do not count them out. >> who are the longshots? >> well, there are a few! i'm watching beto o'rourke as a
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long shot. his campaign essentially daedalus joe biden completely implodes and in the middle kind of left middle lane opens, beto o'rourke could go center. also kamala harris. right now she is only pulling at 10 percent. but here's the details i'm watching. joe biden is capturing 58 percent of the african-american vote today. and kamala harris only about 12 percent of the african-american vote. that will not stand. and so i think we have got to watch kamala harris but a lot of things have to fall in place for her to win. >> the revenue lost causes here? [laughter] >> we do! in fact, most of them are. kirsten gillibrand, she's just not going to go the distance. i just do not see her identity working there. there are a host of candidates like andrew yang and others that will not make it. and i also think that pete buttigieg is also a long shot.
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he is the flavor of the mom arena special with the liberal mainstream media but he's missing one critical component that i do not see him ever getting. he has zero, zero percent african-american support. you cannot win a democratic primary without putting together that coalition. question forget, bill de blasio too. >> to me, i mean he is a cartoon. he is a walking cartoon.i almost do not put them in that category at all. 11 the candidates honestly, i don't think they believe they even have a shot. they're ready for something to do, for the t.v. time and a cabinet position. >> thank you john, thank you for being here. we will obviously see how this is all going to play out. >> thank you. >> up next, the one, the only, mark levin. he is live in studio coming up
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bring in mark levin. host of "life, liberty and levin", host of levin tv in a brand-new book. if you're going to pick one up for memorial day "unfreedom of the press". a fantastic new book. we'll get to that a little bit but -- >> great to have you in studio! you left the bunker for us? >> it happens! >> you follow this closer than anyone else peter came in our program a couple of years or laying out a devastating -- before anyone else can now have a president empowering the attorney general to say, if you need to declassify things, you can. the intelligence community has to incorporate what do you think? >> you notice larry's? democrats have 99.9 percent of the mueller report in their demand to sentences, something behind the two sentences. we need to have those two sentences. they don't care, the president says, i'm going to release all the information. we have to get to the bottom of this, find how the greatest
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scam in american history ever took place. but we can do that is classified information! the president is leaving to the attorney general to go to the document and make a decision. this is long overdue, the american people have a right to know because the press drag this through two and half years of hell. try to drag down the administration for 2 and a half years. pushing a pseudo-fake event using propaganda. how many subsidies to the shows connecting dots that he's going to be indicted, there's a secret indictment, he will be impeached. all lies! for two and half years the american people were dragged through this. >> now they are calling it a cover. the democrats new talking point is that it's a cover up. >> if we file the democrats is like an insane asylum with these people! [ what is a cover up exactly? let's talk about this. if they're not the most outrageous subpoenas in american history. for what? all personal from the presence finances, bank accounts, tax
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returns. his kids, counting information. has ever been done to another president of the united states? never! there no predicate for any of this. the president says, i am present you're trying to drag down the office of the presidency as well as me. i need to protect the office for future presidents. so he is litigating it. so how is litigating this a cover-up? go to court, one side wins, one side loses. awfully we get all the way to the supreme court. how is that a cover-up? >> i want to jump in because obviously i have covered the border quite a lot. the president is talking about he's upset the california judge, the latest blocking the president from using dod money to build 51 miles of critical infrastructure according to the border patrol officials. is it your opinion that these judges are really doing a disservice to what is agreed to by most, a crisis on the southern border? >> this president has faced the failings of obama judges.
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it is amazing how every major case gets some kind of obama judge. because litigants cherry pick. to get in front of a obama judge. every one of them is a left-wing activists dressed up as a judge. that is what they are. that's why they were chosen and they have demonstrated this. this is outrageous they are blocking the president on the border. they try to block his immigration initiatives, it environmental initiatives be one said that the daca, it is the loss of the president cannot undo what a prior president did. do you know what we have now? it is my first book, judicial tyranny. that's what's going on right now. the cherry picking of judges and the obama judges, this president is facing like never before, democrats on the bench, democrats in the media, democrats in congress, and democrat in the senate like mitt romney.
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>> the federal investigators, so many are watching and want answers to what was the justification initially for the investigation? for robert mueller to go to the whole process. they want answers but doubtful that some i joe biden right now, front runner, for 2020 will be asked questions about what his role was. what potential was president obama's role? will they face tough questions and can the american people actually expect answers as to what led to this investigation to begin with. >> they will not get tough questions from the media. they are protecting the democrat party because they are of the same ideology. they have the same purpose which is to push the agenda. that is the bottom line. donald trump got elected, they're waiting for obama's third term. that that they went out springtime wherever. and they did not. and they're very upset about it. the bottom line is that barack obama has not had a single question about this. it all happened under his watch. the idea he did not know anything was a lie. because when i came on this show, what was it, 26 months
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ago? it was in the newspaper. obama reads the newspaper. does he not know what is government is doing? does he not know what took place in his government? he was able to hang back his entire white house staff has been able to hang back. the president is -- the dragon him in front of congress, prosecutors. obama staff is never been in front -- >> who can change that? because people want to know, is there a way to get those people to have to come forward and speak? >> will be up to all these investigators now that are working to bill barr. and i want to congratulate bill barr who is under enormous attack. he's a smart guy, he knows what the law is and he is pressing ahead which is a very smart thing. >> you're a big thinker. i want to take the opportunity to ask a bigger question. our company has been divided before we fought civil wars but it feels very divisive now. is this just extreme trump derangement syndrome? or do you have a irreconcilable
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differences? is there a bridge to be had? >> no. someone will win and someone will lose. we stand for liberty, we stand for the principles of the declaration of independence. tell me, what was left of any of the democrats mentioned the declaration of independence? the way the constitution while they are eviscerating it. was last time they were talked about individual liberty? when is last time they were talked about property rights? limited taxes, limited government. that is the revolution. they talk about the opposite. the revolution was about fundamentally transforming government.they wanted representative government. democrat parties about fundamentally transforming the civil society. and our principles. the reason they talk about democratic socialism, those do not work together. socialism is about ironfisted centralized government. it takes a democratic part out of it. so they think they are clever insanely sorts of things, they are not. >> we will hear more from you.
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you were in the reagan initiation i'm curious if you've seen anything like this before. but we will do that -- >> and his book, "unfreedom of the press". he will talk about that. >> don't go anywhere.♪ ♪ [laughter] ♪ [music] [music] it's either the assurance of a 165-point certification proces. or it isn't. it's either testing an array of advanced safety systems. or it isn't. it's either the peace of mind of a standard 5-year unlimited mileage warranty. or it isn't. for those who never settle, it's either mercedes-benz certified pre-owned. or it isn't. the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event. now through may 31st. only at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer.
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favorites, mark levin. host of "life, liberty and levin" right here on the fox news channel. host levin tv, author of "unfreedom of the press". i have to ask about your book. first of all absolute love the title. >> thank my wife for that. >> that will resonate with a bunch of americans. what is your motivation for writing this book? >> i was sitting back watching the media. all of these years and i said we need to look at this. the history, the press, how did
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it come to be, how did it get to the first amendment? the different evolutions of the media today. then the current media. because if you are a human being with an iq of over 12, watching tv, cnn or msnbc or read in the new york times and "washington post" is obvious is going on. it is trash trump, trash conservatives, trust republicans and so i said i want to look at this. i want to lookat the history of the new york times. i have a chapter on that i want to dig into the issue of collusion , abuse of power and character. compare that to past presidents and what kind of coverage they had. this president has not cleared, not abused power and in the oval office there is not a hint of scandal. other presidents have done all three in the media have protected them. >> as a reporter, i have to stand up to this a little bit. the president launches attack
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on the enemy of the people as the press. it is not going too far? >> it is so passive when you look at history. it is almost ridiculous. give jim acosta covering the white house, creates trauma and then all of a sudden it is news. that is what we call fake news. the president or pseudo-news. no, it is not. john adams, 1798 put in place an act, he locked up journalists. shutdown newspapers. abraham lincoln, during the civil war, give 32 the secretary of war, shutdown 300 newspapers. locked up journalists. woodrow wilson, the great progressive. but in an act in 1918 locked up journalists, locked up political opponents. had the most aggressive censorship campaign in american history. franklin roosevelt used the irs to go after the owner of the inquirer that did not support the new deal his wife went after -- a conservative. barack obama, used the fbi. of course he does not know anything ever. but they used the fbi to go to this network, after an investigative reporter at the
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new york times and 2018 reporters. to the president of the estate from time to time rightfully so, because he knows what the media has become. the democrat party media. that is what it is. criticizes them and says you are the enemy. people say my god it is like stalin. really! what exactly has the president done against the first amendment and the press other than increase the ratings? what has he done? has he shut anybody down or imprisoned anybody? has the fbi been unleashed against anyone at obamathis is a big lie and something i address in the book. >> it is well-adjusted in the book. what is the future of news , free speech in america? >> i will try. >> will have 45 seconds. [laughter] >> there is a difference between the modern mass media and a free press. we don't have a free press. one ideology, we are getting propaganda. i think it is dying. the new york times needed money
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from a billionaire in mexico. "washington post" was bought by a billionaire. cnn has no redness, msnbc has no business model after trump, i think they're in trouble. freedom of the press, the internet, i think -- >> your book signing in huntington, long island today one pm in riverview. >> the book is "unfreedom of the press", make him a number one! [laughter] >> make us number one plus! >> thank you for being here. more "fox and friends" coming ♪ ♪ up. ♪ [music] that's a blazer? that's a chevy blazer? aww, this is dope. this thing is beautiful. i love the lights. oh man, it's got a mean face on it. it looks like a piece of candy. look at the interior. this is nice. this is my sexy mom car. i would feel like a cool dad. it's just really chic. i love this thing. it's gorgeous. i would pull up in this in a heartbeat. i want one of these.
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with you guys.i have a little bun in the oven as i like to say! >> this is something i wanted to do forever. >> maybe be a daddy? [laughter] >> i don't know but i will figure it out. >> it gets better! >> we have two people here we can ask for a lot of advice. >> in biblical terms, she is with child. [laughter] this morning she shared her big announcement and were getting prepared for her to be a first-time mom. >> that's right! we are getting her prepared role of the diapers she is about to change. >> we have the founder and ceo of parenting made joyful, kylie -- i need all the help i can get! >> i am here to help. >> where to start? >> we start with the five secrets no one tells new peers about changing diapers. >> okay. >> there something called a blowout. have you heard of that? >> yes! >> is terrifying! i'm going to scoot over here and show you what to do. instead of changing the baby by taking the onesie off this way and pulling it up over their head, it will get.[bleep]
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everywhere and is disgusting. all onesies can be pulled down from the shoulder. you'd actually just pulling the babies onesie down this way. putting in the laundry so you don't have a. [bleep] disaster. and trick number two is all about taking care of the umbilical cord. we will come to the side right here. diapers come up really high and it will go over the stump of the umbilical cord which is sensitive.when you change the diaper and put on fresh folded all the way down so you are not irritating the stump of the umbilical cord. >> love it! >> love it? >> what other tips? >> make sure when you change the baby you take out a wipe and open the diaper. >> true, in advance otherwise you are like this. >> yes in advance because when you open the diaper you think you're in the safety zone, you are not. they will pee while your change appear. >> you have a competition. >> take the diaper off i will rate you to see who could put on the best diaper. are you ready? >> put time on the clock.
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>> will have 30 seconds, is that correct? >> exactly right. >> three, two, one and then we will start. >> will be the judge three, two, one , go! >> i need a wipe. >> don't forget your wipe!♪ ♪ definitely in the lane. ♪ >> hold on. ♪ >> killing it. ♪ >> it has been a while. ♪ >> we may have a winner over ♪ here. ♪ [laughter] ♪ you definitely won. ♪ >> i won? ♪ >> you definitely won! ♪ >> congratulations to the ♪ new mom to be! ♪ more "fox and friends" in ♪ diapers coming up! >> that was great!♪ ♪ [music] ♪ [music]
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pete: i'm going to take a point of personal privilege, tonight on the channel, modern warriors, 8 p.m. and 11 p.m., a special for memorial day. here's a small clip. did you ever think about the fact that, i don't know, i mean, in both of your cases, in anyone's case, one explosion, one round, the rpg explodes and it's not the veterans day anymore, it's memorial day for you. >> i've got a constant reminder -- >> every single. that's the reason we say never quit. all the time it's getting dangerous. [laughter] never quit. >> i mean, i'll talk about it. i was one of the first amputees to go back over. why? because it's in here. it's that teammate, it's that cammed radially, it's missing --
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camaraderie. pete: you're not going to want to miss it. griff: thanks to mark levin for being here, all of these service members. ♪ ♪ >> good morning, everyone, i'm charles payne in for maria. joining us straight ahead on "sunday morning futures," this memorial day weekend, andy biggs on investigating the investigators, after president trump gave attorney general william barr a broad new power to work with the u.s. intelligence community to probe the origins of the russia investigation. also will the american people ever hear from special counsel robert mueller? and congressman biggs on the next steps for immigration reform. we'll also hear from democrat congressman ben mcadams who sits on the house financial services committee which just got access to some of the president's financial r
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