tv Hannity FOX News September 26, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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pass. until it does, keep smiling. have a great night, we got great news for you, live from new york city, the largest metropolis in this country, sean hannity awaits to take over for the next hour. >> sean: it's a swamp just like where you live. d.c., new york, l.a., san francisco, swamp. the rest of america, more normal. great show, welcome to "hannity," we begin with a fox news alert. the real story, the real corruption, none of it, zero has to do with president trump except that the president is once again a victim of baseless lies, smears, hypocrisy, conspiracy theories, this is not what the lion, corrupt and at this point despicable, disgusting fake news media is telling you tonight. we have the real story and that is we have a sleepy creepy,
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crazy joe who has serious explaining to do. new documents obtained by the hills investigative reporter john solomon may ruin his chances of ever becoming president. i'd say the odds are high. the material that we are about to show you tonight clearly demonstrates his blatant abuse of power and corruption in the country of ukraine. in other words, a quid pro quo, a real quid pro quo and abuse of power and corruption at an extraordinarily high level with a lot of money at stake and a pay to play scheme and a subsequent cover-up. all in an effort that would allow his son to walk away scot-free very rich and capitalize off of him being the vice president while he was vice president. of course, stop a criminal investigation and he used your money to do it.
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we now have evidence he has been lying to we the american people. it's the russia collusion conspiracies except this time we don't have to wait three years to get to the truth and the hoax, that which donald trump was innocent of. great irony is democrats, they are once again as the ones guilty of it. john solomon will be here and break that news in just a moment. i do want to address what is the radical destructive delusional democratic party in the media mob, their allies in crime which has now descended into complete and utter madness. nonstop rage, hatred for this president is so extreme, i don't think they remember why they were ever sent to washington or what their real job is. they are supposed to be public servants, that's not in play for any more. today the president called them out for their psychotic
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obsessive hatred and hysteria -- let's play this in full. >> i just watched a little bit of this on television, it's a disgrace to our country, it's another witch hunt, here we go again. adam schiff and his crew making up stories, whatever you want to call it, it's a disgrace, it's a terrible thing for our country. they can't do any work, they are frozen, the democrats are going to lose the election -- they know it. that's why they are doing it and it should never be allowed to what has happened to this president and despite that i think i've done just about more than any president in his first 21 half years in office, if you look i think you'll see a few things we could complete for the military, the economy, we have the best economy of anywhere in the world by far. we rebuilt our military, we have done so many things so incredible with tax cuts and
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regulation and i have to put up with adam schiff on an absolute perfect phone call to the new president of ukraine. that was a perfect call. adam schiff doesn't talk about joe biden and his son walking away with millions of dollars from ukraine and then millions of dollars from china. walking away in a quick meeting, walking away with millions of dollars. he doesn't talk about joe biden firing a prosecutor and if that prosecutor is not fired, he is not going to give them money from the united states of america, they don't talk about that. my call was perfect, the president yesterday of ukraine said there was no pressure put on him whatsoever, none whatsoever and he said it loud and clear for the press. what these guys are doing, democrats are doing to this country is a disgrace and it shouldn't be allowed to. if there should be a way of stopping it, may be legally through the courts but they are going to tie up our country, we
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can't talk about gun regulation, we can't talk about anything. they are so tied up, they are so screwed up, nothing gets done except when i do it. i'm using mexico to protect our border because the democrats won't change loopholes in asylum. when you think of that, i tell you -- i want to thank mexico -- 27,000 soldiers they have. think about how bad that is, we use mexico because the democrats won't fix our broken immigration system. we need their votes, if we don't get their votes we can't do it. the republicans are all on board, they want to fix it but the democrats won't do it. they don't want to talk about infrastructure, they don't want to talk about lowering drug prices, they don't want to talk about anything because they are fixated on this and nancy pelosi has been hijacked by the radical left and everybody knows it, thank you. >> sean: that was the president earlier today.
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democrats spend every second, of every 24-hour day -- and i've said before if they do make he cured cancer, there was still hate him. while democrats were always busy obsessing about the russia hoax, the ukraine hoax, impeach, impeach, the president has been hard at work since he was elected to end the results, they speak for themselves. take a look at your screen, these are accomplishments, this is just a side note of a president during the single most difficult hyperpartisan time in our lifetimes and through it all, he has still been able to remain focused on his promises. the success, the track record is amazing. we have the best employment situation since 1969. less than one term, watch what you see there. the president has renegotiated trade deals with mexico, canada, japan, and south korea.
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of course the wall on our southern border, it's getting built. more bureaucratic red tape and he successfully pointed two constitutionalist judges to the supreme court and hundreds of other federal judges. yes, originalist, constitutionalist, he passed the largest tax cuts in history that generated an economic boom. nearly 9 million new jobs created and million more out of poverty. the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. more americans are working than ever before in history. for the first time in decades, this country and 75 years is energy independent and a net exporter of energy, the lifeblood of every economy on this earth. none of it matters to the left, none of it matters to their mob friends in the media. none of it from the moment he entered office and he came down
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the escalator with mo -- they d their very best to defeat him. then of course the dirty russian dossier, the very thing they are accusing him of, they were guilty of. it is a never ending unceasing and hysteria, lies, hoaxes, conspiracy theories, and now it is a real clear present danger to this republic. remember ben franklin? monarchy, or a public -- a republic if you can keep it. i'm not so certain we are going to keep it. we live in a country now where simple basic fundamental facts of objective truth, basic truth, obvious truth, the rule of law, constitutional governance is in jeopardy tonight and the damage may be irreparable.
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now like groundhog day, here we are all over again. it's not russia, it's ukraine, ukraine. for the democrats, this is never been about getting to the truth nor about serving their constituents. all this is about for them is power and an inexplicable hatred and rage towards donald trump. render what congressman al green said in may, democrats don't impeach the president -- he is likely to win reelection. that pretty much sums it up, the end goal has always been impeachment. there is no path, no crimes, high crimes, misdemeanors, abuse of power -- none of that. for the past three years, democrats have failed time and again. we have many options and many choices on impeachment, we'll just pick one and if there is no quid pro quo will lower the bar.
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hysteria now surrounding ukraine is no different. devin nunes one of his finest moments in congress, he summed it up perfectly -- let's take a look at. >> i want to congratulate democrats on the rollout of the latest informational warfare operation against the president and the extraordinary ability to once again enlist the mainstream media in their campaign. this operation began with media reports from the prime instigators of the russia collusion hoax, that a whistle-blower is claiming president trump made an affair promise to a foreign leader. the release transcript of that call has already debunked that central assertion but that didn't matter, the democrats simply moved to the goalposts. >> sean: pay attention, the media mob will never report this. here's what we know about the so-called whistle-blower complaint. the complaint relied on not a real whistle-blower, hearsay evidence, reports from the mainstream media.
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i guess anyone in america can be official government whistle-blower. just have your friends get together and write it up in a lawyerly way. the inspector general determined the whistle-blower had a political bias against the president, no shock there. he or she is represented by a law firm that actually pays for leaking from the government, they even have one of their billboards outside of langley where the cia is. either way the department of justice investigated a complaint, it didn't take them long to determine zero crimes were committed, none, zip -- there was no quid pro quo, the ukrainian president and even the foreign minister both denying being pressured by president trump in any way. the democrats latest ploy, impeach the president is beyond a dud. you see that guy there, he's the biggest liar in congress, his name is the cowardly adam schif adam schiff. he made up his own version of
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the transcript that we all read yesterday, it didn't matter what some nonwhistle-blower whistle-blower said but we had the information yesterday. all of this, we read it yesterday and there was nothing in there at all that they claimed would be in there. he performed a dramatic reading for all of his adoring fans back in california before i show you the clip, i want to make this clear. what we are going to play you is not the transcript between trump and his ukrainian counterparts -- that wouldn't work. that's called truth, objective truth. but he does is pure fiction. this is a fantasy that he decided to share at today's hearing, the guy that was caught on tape literally colluding with someone he thought was a russian to dig up dirt against donald trump. watch the liar in action. >> this is the essence of what the president communicates. we've been very good to your
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country, very good. no other country does is much as we have. but you know what, i don't see much reciprocity here. i hear what you want, i have a favor that i want from you. i'm going to say this only seven times so you better listen good. i want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? lots of it. on this and on that. >> sean: the transcript was so, why did mr. schiff have to make up his own version. everything schiff and his colleagues accused the president of doing, they themselves are guilty -- that would be called projection. let's look at the topic of collusion, democrats falsely claiming over and over again the president colluded with a foreign government. if that was really bad, it was actually adam schiff -- did vladimir see them?
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he got nailed by two pranksters who said they were from russia and they said he was trying to get dirt on donald trump to impact the elections. in 2017, in early january, politico issued a report about the dnc's real ukrainian collusion. democrats cared about russia collusion, why didn't they care about ukrainian collusion? look at politico, a 32 minute read according to their estimates. ukrainian government officials tried to help hillary clinton and undermined trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. they also disseminated documents implicating a top trump made incorruption and they suggested they were investigating the matter only to back away from the election and they held clinton's allies, dnc operatives that saw information from a foreign country to help impact the election to get damaging information from trump and his
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advisors. they did this with the help of a highly paid dnc operatives. that would be called real collusion and a hysteria, and it calls for investigation, nope -- this is a political game only if you can bludgeon trump. don't care about real collusion, don't care about quid pro quo, look at sleepy, creepy, joe and he is in serious trouble about what our legitimate credible claims that he leveraged a billion dollars in taxpayer money. maybe if he called and said can i talk to as a father -- maybe that would've been different but he used our money to get a ukrainian prosecutor fired was investigating his son and even "the new york times" warned him and he tried many times to get this guy fired and eventually succeeded, he said you got six hours. they fired him. according to multiple sources as vice president in 2014, he was appointed point person by obama
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in ukraine. joe's son hunter scored a lucrative position on the board of a ukrainian oil and gas gian giant. he had no experience in oil, gas, energy, no experience anybody can find. in november 2015, he was told by "the new york times" his son is under the investigation by ukrainian authorities. december 2015 he made his first request to the president of ukraine to fire the leading prosecutor looking into the investigation of the company ended the relationship with hunter biden. in march of 2016, john solomon reports he was investigating his son. that is when biden leveraged your money come a billion taxpayer dollars, forced the ukrainian president to fire the prosecutor, that would be a billion reasons why he had to end biden claims the prosecutor was corrupt and that's what he wanted him to go.
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he wants you to believe the billion dollar quid pro quo had nothing to do with his son's company, thanks to john solomon breaking news tonight, we now have evidence that biden is likely lying through his teeth. here with the full report, investigative reporter john solomon -- why don't i let you go through -- explained to the audience how many documents we have and what these documents are and what you have gleaned from them. >> over the course of 18 months, i've gathered more than 450 pages of documents. these come from four sources. the state department, the ukraine prosecutor general's office, the ukraine embassy in washington, d.c., and the legal team representing burisma during the time that hunter biden was employed as a board member and consultant at the natural gas company in ukraine. that is the body of documents. these documents show that the very day that joe biden managed
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to get that ukraine prosecutor fired, that very day his son's company's lawyers, the american company lawyers helping burisma trying to fight this investigation were trying to reach the new prosecutor, the replacement prosecutor. one week later they managed to get that meeting. they are in ukraine less than a week after biden fires the prosecutor. in that meeting according to the official record from the prosecutor, the lawyers for hunter biden's company stated to the replacement prosecutor, we know the information was "false information distributed by u.s. government officials and other figures. we would like to make this up to you by bringing you to washington, you are not corrupt
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and you instigated numerous reforms. ukrainian prosecutors kept a few days later, hunter biden's american lawyers representing hunter biden's company burisma sent a follow-up email trying to make good on their promise to bring these new prosecutors to washington to explain the dirty tricks campaign that had been run and to clear the air. if joe biden forced the firing of this prosecutor on the grounds that he was corrupt and hunter biden's lawyers say that was false information, somebody's not telling the truth -- we need to get to the bottom of that. >> sean: this is important here because what you are outlining here are facts, you have documents to back this up. >> i've posted the documents, people can read the documents. >> sean: american legal reps met with ukrainians officials days after biden forced the
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firing of the chief prosecutor. the prosecutor told you, told abc and "the washington post" -- it's obvious. in six hours, fire the guy or i'm taking a billion dollars home. they fired him, why would a vice president of the united states of america want to prosecutor in ukraine fired? >> it's an internal matter. corruption has been endemic to ukraine, lots of questions but let's go to something that is new today. tonight i posted for the first time a sworn affidavit obtained by lawyers for a ukrainian oligarch, it's about to be introduced in a court in europe. it's from mr. shelton a man that was fired. in that statement he swears under oath he was told he was fired because he refused to drop the burisma investigation and it made to mr. biden the
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vice president unhappy. we have to find out who was telling the truth. this is that the core of the credibility of our united states government. either joe biden is telling the truth or the prosecutors and these memos and hunter biden's legal team are not telling the truth. we have to find out which one is because it matters to american sovereignty. >> sean: is it a true statement that like with the russia conspiracy hoax and lies of the boomerang was in effect, the only russian interference would be hillary's dirty dossie dossier, is that similar here? >> a lot of people i talked to say it looks like the democrats are projecting on donald trump what they did themselves in eastern europe. let's look at something i think is very important as we go through this narrative. there is an enormous body of documents on the record statements from ukraine authorities that these issues occurred that they have proof that they occurred.
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i have ukraine embassy emails, i have hunter biden's legal team's emails. i have the prosecutor general's official memos -- these are real documents. where are joe biden's documents? let's put forth the proof that they really thought this guy had the evidence -- he has not done that. >> sean: i don't think it's possible, we are going to have you back tomorrow and get in even more detail. you've been busy with this all day, this is only the beginning of 450 pages, thank you. here with reaction former u.s. attorney for the district of columbia joe digenova. a former deputy assistant attorney general victoria toensing. you heard what he said, you see what is reported, it is pretty obvious there are a billion reasons they fired a guy in six hours. >> we've known from the very beginning he was not a corrupt prosecutor, we've known he was removed from office under pressure from vice president biden because he was investigating the
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vice president's son. and because of his connection to burisma holdings. it's precisely why the democrats have undertaken this new move against the president of the united states with his corrupt allegation that there was something wrong with a phone call with the president of ukraine. this is ridiculous and the reason the democrats have undertaken this offensive is to protect vice president biden. unfortunately for them john solomon and the work that he has done in the official records that are now available are going to shoot a hole in their ship. >> sean: victoria, we've got less than a minute in this segment, get your initial thoughts on this. >> i have here in my hand the statement of victor shokin he goes into detail how they said
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drop this case and joe biden is holding up over a billion dollars for us. will you resign for the good of your country, look at it as a patriotic thing to do and he did. and i want to get to this when we go to the other side, how he was falsely framed by people in eastern europe. >> joe digenova, victoria toensing, congressman devin nunes, mark levine, we have a busy night stay with us. the nerves in your colon. miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn't cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. miralax. look for the pink cap. performance comes in lots of flavors. ♪ (dramatic orchestra)
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we know that joe biden said he demanded the firing, he's bragging on camera about it. we know it was a billion dollars of our money he was threatening to withhold and we also know that he was born his son was being investigated, his son has no history with ukraine, energy, or contracts. it became a billion in private equity, so the chinese related bank -- yet crump did nothing here. how did we get to a nonwhistle-blower being in the conspiracy in this? >> here's the deal. joe biden shook down the ukrainian government, it's very simple. it's not complicated, and they lied about victor shokin being corrupt. his sons lawyers come in after
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mr. shokin is fired and apologized after records obtained from that law firm to mr. shokin and his representatives were having lied about him -- this was a set up. what we are now seeing is a democratic party trying to cover that up and therefore you had a whistle-blower in the white house come forward who actually knows nothing and has created a document with the help of lawyers from other people. this whistle-blower needs to go to prison. he doesn't need to be vetted. >> i want to jump in here, how did that work? the u.s. and other people made false statements about him, that was george soros funded ngos who were also in bed with the state department, in the name of anticorruption and it really means that george soros goes after his competitors. this is my last point. the whistle-blowers sprinkled throughout the documents footnotes referring to a
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publication with the initial oc crp. who funds them? george soros. >> sean: wow. >> his dirty money is all over this story from day one. >> and all over ukraine and he still has embedded people at the state department. >> sean: we have a lot of ground to cover in the days to come. joe digenova, victoria toensing, now the ranking member of the house intel committee congressman devin nunes and ohio congressman jim jordan. i will be honest, i think this is one of your finest moments ever, your opening remarks today and information warfare operation against the president, a nefarious promise to a foreign leader that turns out to be debunked just like the russia hoax which you pointed out almost identical and yet we have all this information revealed.
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>> thanks for the kind words, the bottom line is this was a sad day for america. you are seeing the destruction of one of america's finest institutions, the u.s. congress. if it can't get any lower, at got lower today. it doesn't make me proud to be in there today, it was really miserable for us to sit there and watch the other side actually fabricate statements that they assigned to the united states president. this is unhinged, and it needs to stop. we look forward to this whole whistle-blower coming in to testify, this is going to be interesting as we start to get to the bottom of and peel back the onion and i think what you're going to find, it's going to be the same people that were behind the russia hoax are behind ukrainian hoax.
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>> sean: it's not a whistle-blower, it's hearsay -- people told me and it looks really official the way it's all written up. the inspector general didn't know the contents of the phone call and says this is arguably political bias and the doj investigated out, no action warranted. that was less than 24 hours and the ukrainian president denies being pressured as does the foreign minister. debunked again except it didn't take three years this time. >> the oversight committee probably deals with more whistle-blowers in a committee in congress. when a whistle-blower comes forward, you look for two things to assess the credibility -- where they are an eyewitness, that they have firsthand knowledge? two, what was their motivation? this whistle-blower has problems in both areas, he never was on the part of the call, he never had first-hand knowledge and the inspector general even tells us that he had a political bias. that is washington speak for this guy was out to get the
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president. he's got trouble on both accounts and now we find out there was no quid pro quo when you need the transcript but there was with joe biden. >> sean: that is the whole thing. you're going to bring a whistle-blower in who's not really a whistle-blower, i object, sustained -- move forward. there is no there there, there's nothing -- we saw the whole transcript. >> once you read the transcript, you say of course he had political bias because there's nothing in the transcript, he is filing his complaint from these other sources, second and third hearsay that he sad. they always accuse us of what we are doing, clinton worked with foreigners and russians and they blame trump for doing it even
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though they are the ones who did. now you have joe biden and they are blaming president trump for the same thing and it's just not true. >> sean: as you said in their opening remarks, joe biden is bragging about extorting ukrainians to fire a prosecutor, a billion reasons to fire a guide in six hours. then democratic senators are on letterhead pressuring the ukrainian prosecutor to reopen investigation, we aren't going to give you money, it's pretty much the message. they are doing what they say trump did. another democratic senator went to ukraine, that would be murphy investigating corruption allegations, not to investigate corruption allegations against the biden's son and the dnc committee guy, he was trying to get ukrainians to stay on the issue or we are not going to support you financially. wow. that is their corruption.
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>> let me get into the weeds because i know your audience of all the audiences follow the russia hoax closely. let's remember, why was donald trump asking these questions to the ukrainian president? about the 2016 election that i thought we were supposed to try to get to the bottom of what happened in the 2016 election. you had the president of the united states was been investigated for three years under the constant microscope, a special counsel, why would the president not get on the phone when he talks to the new leader in ukraine where a lot of the originations of the russia hoax come from ukraine. your audience that knows that, we don't have to get into it but everybody ignored ukraine, they ignored john solomon's work, nobody wanted to know any information about ukraine until now. why? because they figured out a scheme where they can say what was rudy giuliani doing over there, why was trump talking to the present of ukraine, of
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course he's talking to the president of ukraine because he's the one who had to go through three years of nonsense that had its originations in ukraine. why was he getting information from ukrainians and feeding it diffusion gps? >> sean: amazing work, this is the tip of the iceberg cap. this is going to blow up like i predicted it would. make your congressman nunes, jim jordan. number one "new york times" best seller 16 weeks in a row on that list, i call him the great one, the host of "life, liberty, and levin," nationally syndicated host, call him the great one for a reason. break it down from your perspective. speak a lot to cover, short period of time. after i watched this hearing, it's like waterboarding, i wrote this to myself. i said when it comes to trump, the democrats and media are like
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drug addicts looking for their next fix -- their eyes are popping out of their heads, the sweat beads are coming down their face, they raise their voices, they swing their hands and they become disgruntled. they are really freaking out. this is we are told august 12th the rogue cia agents complaint. stated august 12th. it's too richard burr in the senate and adam schiff in the house. if the data is correct, that means adam schiff has had this for many weeks. as a practicing lawyer, i went through this. i can tell you a cia agent who was a policy guy for ukraine can't write something like this. this is a legal brief. this was vetted through lawyers and i want to know who wrote this. i want to know who participated in writing this. i want to know who this man spoke to, every single one of
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them. "the new york times" which ones cover for the democrats and attacks the president of the united states, they say this man's lawyer who worked for chuck schumer and clinton doesn't want the identity of this man -- too bad. if you want to impeach our president using this b.s.? we want to know all about your guy. i love today's hearing where they wrap this guy in the whistle-blower statute. whistle-blower statute? this guy could have been a homeless guy coming off the street talking to people, he knew nothing. he heard certain people at the white house were monitoring the conversation were upset, he heard that. isn't it funny that not a single one of the people with firsthand knowledge filed a whistle-blower complaint? not one of them? this guy files it, this guy's rep is headed by democrats, this guy files it.
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i want to know if adam schiff and the democrat staffers or any democrat were involved in orchestrating this, this campaign. he did it in russia, he did it with brett kavanaugh, it's the same thing. this is a rogue cia agent. people might say it's a cia -- look what they did to the fbi -- look at the sky brennan, the complete retro reprobate. when the cia threw over the iranian government, the liberals were upset, when they tried to overthrow castro, the democrats were upset. when they try to overthrow our president, they are whistle-blowers. they are heroes. they are courageous. mr. adam schiff, released 90 days of your phone calls, 90 days of your texts, 90 days of your emails because i know something, you are a leaker. you are devious, same with your
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staff. nancy pelosi went to the microphone and announced like a dictator, we are going to begin official, formal and impeachment inquiry which of course she can't do. she is one knucklehead out of 435 in the house of representatives. she's from san francisco, it doesn't work that way. why would she do that before she got the transcript? because she had this. the rogue cia operative, this document is a thousand times worse than the actual transcript which isn't even cited in this document because the rogue cia agent had this never had this , now they are trying to get it to work with this document. the president of the nine states phone call has nothing wrong with that. the president. the president of the united states is a long conversation, i notice an immediate they are moving sentences around trying to
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attach things. why don't you read the whole thing? take 10 minutes rather than attacking the president for your fix and read the whole thing, so the american people will hear i it. why shouldn't the president of the united states say would you take a look at this? we've had news reports, we've had entire books written about hunter biden and joe biden obstructing justice in ukraine, blackmailing the ukrainian government, the president is supposed to sit there and act stupid? he says among a thousand other things, you might want to look into this. that's a unimpeachable offense. you get three of them who insisted that the ukrainian government insisted investigate our president. you have another one murphy who insisted that the ukrainian
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government not invest biden. finally let me ask you a question. where are the republican chairman in the senate? why aren't they issuing subpoenas, why don't they pretend they are elijah cummings or jerry nadler or schiff -- issue your hundred subpoenas chemical after their bank accounts, go after their friends and relatives, go after their accountants chemical after their records and if they don't give them, that goes for you too biden. if they don't go for them, hold them in contempt. >> sean: by the way, shokin told abc, "washington post," john solomon, i quote that the prosecutor said shokin, the one that was fired six hours, "biden got me fired to save his son." he now signed an affidavit under the threat of perjury.
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this isn't the vast right-wing conspiracy, this is politico. i'll redo the headline that says ukrainian efforts to sabotage trump backfired. officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect, the date 1/11/2017. where are all the people who cared about election interference? congrats on the book. mark every sunday night at 10:00 eastern on the fox news channel. when we come back, elizabeth warren got really flustered when asked if she would allow her vice president's assignment to sit on the board of a foreign company with no experience. more details coming. that's why she wears dr. scholl's orthotics. they relieve pain and give her the comfort
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>> sean: 20 2020 democrats are struggling to distance themselves from the biden story. >> can you say whether or not under a warrant warren adminis, what your vice president's child be allowed to serve on the board of a foreign company? >> no. i don't know, i would have to go back and look at details. >> sean: i'm flustered, how do i answer that? fox news contributor sara carter, ari fleischer back with us. i don't know who to start with. sarah, will start with you. >> elizabeth warren has this ethics plan in place, she will
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bam anyone who works for her from foreign lobbying, government, companies, yet she's completely flustered when asked this question. this is what they do. they are trying to figure out -- it's like how are they going to knock the lead horse out of the race without looking like they are knocking them out of the race? all elizabeth warren had to do was to state her own plan and to say i won't allow it at all. instead, she's confused and flustered, she doesn't want to be the first one to say it, you can hear the same thing coming out of kamala harris' mouth and the other potential candidates. this is how they play at. the reason why i laughed as it goes against what her own ethics plan is. nobody should have a child, it's pretty obvious especially when they are overseeing ukraine as vice president biden did then, nobody should have their child
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sitting on the board of a company of a foreign company that you're overseeing. like burisma holdings. >> sean: you're pretty good at getting out this year, i think the democrats got ahead of themselves. the real collusion in the real pay to play in the real pushing and influencing and withholding of money and threats came from the democrats. >> the hypocrisy on this drives me up a tree in the way the press acquiesces to the hypocrisy, the fact of the matter is it was quid pro quo engaged in joe biden. if reporters did their jobs, they would ask him two hard questions, what qualifications does your son have to serve on a natural gas board. did you or did you not have a conflict of interest when your son served on that board? why did you give up the purview,
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if you had a conflict of interest? but they won't because they only want to get president trump and not as a hypocrisy that drives me up a tree the most. i said with a president that was a 5-yard penalty, i don't believe anybody who is a candidate should ask a foreign nation to get involved in our domestic politics. he should never have raised hunter biden's name on that phone call but he did it. where is the press who came after barack obama, joe biden, hillary clinton and that resulted in the mueller report. they get away with it because they are democrats in the press is soft on the democrats. >> sean: does this boomerang, just like the russia collusion live, conspiracy theory? >> it depends how the president trump place it. if he allows the system to unwind and get the focus back to biden where it should be, this
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will backfire on joe biden and as you saw with elizabeth warren, it will tie her tongue up in knots. >> i believe it will backfire, we know now that an investigation will probably happen of burisma holdings, we will find out a lot more information on that. >> sean: at least we didn't have to wait three years until this boomerang, thank you both. more "hannity" straight ahead. ♪ (dramatic orchestra)
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>> sean: this whole time we really have -- let me say this. tomorrow we are going to have a live studio audience show. we have john solomon also, he will be doing a much deeper dive. we have 450 pages of documents now that he is sifting through. remember, we will never be the media mob. they come again, have lied to
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you on a spectacular level. it advancing their rage trumps psychosis. we will never be that and we will have the details, more tomorrow, coming, i promised her let not your heart be troubled because the news continues. back to the other swamp where we just wear. laura ingraham. >> laura: no. i'm in chicago. i'm done i'm in a different part of the country. >> sean: d.c., illinois, california -- >> laura: no. we are still here. they have their shoes that you're going to talk about tomorrow but -- >> sean: can we keep chicago safe? >> laura: you come i think we can keep it safe. they further. speed you can you believe this is that facts are the way it ha? b1 people are coming up to me in the airport today saying tell me this isn't happening. this one guy who i met years ago in
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