tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News May 30, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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rning. because only tempur-pedic adapts and responds to your body... you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. during the tempur-pedic summer of sleep, all tempur-pedic mattresses are on sale! >> protests across the country growing increasingly violent. welcome to america's news headquarters i'm jon scott, fox team coverage on all of this. first let's check in where it all began, steve harrigan on the ground now in minneapolis, steve. steve: jon, the crowd here giving a cheer to firefighters. it's not clear how much of that post office is actually left. you look into the back area, it's entirely collapsed and the flames were still peeking out all day today, 200 businesses have been burned down in the last couple of nights. a lot of small businesses
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changed, but the mayor has vowed that the mass -- massive show of force tonight, that the violence will not continue and also been clear that they think the violence is coming from outsiders. here is the mayor. >> this is no longer about verbal expression, this is about violence and we need to make sure that it stops. we are in the middle of a pandemic right now. we have two crisis that are sandwiched on top of one another. steve: you might see a lot of people in the crowd with brooms, dust pans and volunteers trying to clean up after tremendous violence and chaos last night. there was hooting, there were shots fired at police, there was really a sense that no one was in charge overnight and the next hour or so we should see a protest, we will see what those numbers will look like. it could be anywhere to 70,000 people coming out that they brought in the full complement
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of the national guard, the national guard's mother states and the governor and the mayor vowing that tonight will be safe. jon, back to you. jon: it looks like a beautiful day in minneapolis, i supposed, that's bringing more and more people out to either engage in protest or see what the damage looks like, steve. steve: jon, a lot of people have been looking at the damage but a lot of people are taking action too. you can see the people walking by, many of them carrying shovels, these are people volunteering on a saturday trying to clean up, families, young people, all different kinds of people really trying to make things better on a saturday, but as you say, there could still be trouble ahead. if i ask photographer to come up to the precinct there you can see officers on high alert there. some of those are the ones that retreated the other night from the third precinct so they are exchanging some words with people on the street but certainly in a tense situation here it's a beautiful sunny
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afternoon. we saw chaos and violence last night and many people here hoping that that won't be repeated again tonight, jon. jon: yeah, well, those folks doing the cleanup are showing the best of america, that's good to see. steve harrigan in minneapolis, thank you. at the moment president trump is on his way to florida for today's spacex rocket launch but not before tweeting about last night's protests outside the white house and across the country. mark meredith is live at the white house now with more. mark. mark: good afternoon, jon, as you mentioned president trump is due to land in florida later on this hour for the spacex launch but so much of the focus is also on the violent demonstrations that we have seen happening all over the country including in minnesota, the president did address that before leaving the white house this afternoon. here is what he had to say. >> it's a great state, minnesota, they've got to get tougher, they've got to get tougher. they've got is to be strong. honor the memory of george
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floyd, honor his memory, they have to get tougher and by being tougher they will be honoring his memory but they cannot let that happen. mark: the president praising efforts of u.s. secret service outside of the white house. we were told 6 people arrested after the demonstrations in lafayette park outside of the white house fence, we got a statement from the secret service about what transpired last night. they say, quote, demonstrators repeatedly attempt to knock over security barriers on pennsylvania avenue, no individuals crossed the white house fence and no secret service protectees were in dangerous referring to the president and first lady. right now security around the white house seems fairly normal what what you'd find in saturday afternoon but lafayette park remain shut down. it's possible that we could see protests show up in the afternoon because of what the president tweeted earlier today, quote, the professionally manage sod called protestors at the white house had little to do with the memory of george floyd,
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they were there to cause travel. the secret service handled them easy, tonight is maga night at the white house and the president elaborated about this before -- jon: interrupting that report, the attorney general is making a statement on the george floyd investigation, let's listen. >> it's real and legitimate. accountability for his death must be addressed and is being addressed through the regular process of our criminal justice system, both at the state and at the federal level. that system is working and moving at exceptional speed. already initial charges have been filed by the state. that process continues to move forward and justice will be served. unfortunately with the rioting that is occurring in many of our cities around the country, the voices of peaceful protests are being hijacked by violent
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radical elements, groups of outside radicals and agitators are exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate and violent agenda. in many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized and driven by left extremist grs using antifa-like tactics, many of whom travel from outside the state to promote the violence. we must have law and order on our streets and in our communities and it is the responsibility of the local, state leadership in the first instance to halt this violence. the department of justice including the fbi, the u.s. marshals, the atf, dea and 93
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united states attorneys' office, u.s. attorneys' office around the country are supporting local efforts and continue to support them and take all action necessary to enforce federal law. in that regard, it is a federal crime to cross state lines or to use interstate facilities to incite or participate in violent rioting and we will enforce those laws. thank you. jon: bill barr, attorney general, saying that peaceful protests is acceptable and even encouraged but the violence that we have seen in minneapolis and so many other cities across this country after the death, unfortunate death of george floyd, those are unacceptable. he says they are being primarily led by antifa-like outside aggregators who in some cases are going across state lines to
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participate in those protests. let's bring in david spunt, live outside the justice department with more on this, david. david: hey, jon, the attorney general just made announcement in the building behind me. you can think of the department of justice headquarters as the central hub for the investigation of the death of george floyd. there's a criminal element that's going on in minnesota. jon, also there's a civil rights investigation here at the department of justice to see if mr. floyd east civil rights were violated and that's being head by the civil rights division here at the department of justice. they have several divisions. jon, something interesting that the attorney general just said, i didn't have a chance to watch it but i heard it in ear piece, it's federal crime to cross federal lines and incite violence, a lot of people have masks on, we are talking about covid-19, we are in the middle of a pandemic but the attorney general did make some news there
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saying, listen, we are not going to tolerate this no matter what state this happens in. again, reiterating that it's illegal to cross the state lines. i al want to bring in something from fbi director christopher wray, he just works across the street in fbi headquarters. it's internal memo obtained by fox news yesterday. it went all to all fbi staff across the country. i want to read part of it, it says the events this past week in minneapolis clearly illustrate how quickly the trust can be lost. as law enforcement we are bound by an oath to serve all members of our community with equal compassion, professionalism, dignity and respect, the american people should expect nothing less from us. that coming from fbi director chris wray who is working very closely with attorney general bill barr. also, jon, going on right now before is to it back to you, expected to be some sort of demonstration outside of the department of justice, the group online says they are peaceful, but they have some serious questions about how this investigation here at doj is being handled.
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we will continue to follow it, jon. jon: all right, david spunt outside of the department of justice, thank you. civil rights attorney brian claypool, owner and managing partner of claypool law firm. crossing state lines to participate in a violent protest is a federal crime, what do you think the chances are that we see prosecution of any of these people? >> hey, jon, nice to be back with you. what attorney general barr did was effective and from what we learned upwards 70,000 people in minneapolis later today or tonight. a lot of those might be coming from other states, so now that you have a -- an announcement by the attorney general saying we will charge you with a federal crime for crossing the border to incite violence, that might very well be a deterrent. ting ghost i think to to have a deterrent effect but getting back to your question, in terms of practically arresting people
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on the scene, i don't see that likely to happen because it's too much manpower to transport those people out and also might incite more violence. jon: yeah, there have been tremendous protests, numbers of protests in cities all over the country but relatively few arrests. the police have mostly been standing -- standing aside and you have to wonder if that's about to change. >> yeah, i mean, it might change because we are bringing also the national guard, the federal national guard, so you might have enough reinforcement from law enforcement to start making arrests, but, jon, that's a tough balance, a tough decision to make because when you start arresting people on the scene, again, it's hard, you have to have manpower to take them off the premise and then, again, it might escalate the situation. i think this is more of a symbolic gesture, more of a deterrent and i'm hoping and praying that it really helps tonight. jon: in terms of, you know, the
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local charges, obviously the rioting that has destroyed so many businesses in cities around the country, that is a crime but as i said there have been relatively few arrests and with the masks as you point out, it's pretty hard to identify some of the people that are causing mayhem. is this a time when a tougher hand is now called for? brian: jon, i really do believe you have to take a tougher stance. they tried in minneapolis not to escalate the situation but we have seen a lot of lost, 170 businesses destroyed and they need to step it up a bit and start detaining and taken a lot of nefarious protestors. i have to tell you, jon, one of the problems that might have quelled some of the tension is
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the lack of the u.s. attorney charging officer shavin with civil rights violation. with me being a civil rights lawyer it's pretty obvious that shavin violated the civil rights. unlawful search and seizure under the fourth amendment and -- and sticking your neck on this man -- sticking your knee on the man's neck and knowing for over 3 minutes he's unconscious, that's a categorical civil rights violation and also having to talk about probable cause, why did they pull over george floyd, being black in america is not probable cause, that could very well be another civil rights violation. so i think the sooner the u.s. state's attorney steps up and adds civil rights violations, i think that might help a little bit in terms of tempering the tension. jon: let's hope that tonight is more peaceful and far less destructive, brian claypool, brian, thank you.
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>> you bet, thanks, jon. jon: spacex over an hour away that will launch rocket that will send humans into space from the u.s. in nearly a decade. kristin fisher live with more. kristin: well, jon, president trump has been prioritizing space since the very early days of his administration, from creating the space force to directing nasa to return astronauts to the moon by 2024 and this launch today really represents the beginning of that effort. yes, it's a different program, yes, it's a different vehicle, but this launch today really represents the begins of the administration's goals of renewing american leadership in space, and as president trump was leaving the white house about an hour ago to head down to the kennedy state space center to be there for the launch, he explained why it was so important to him to be there and go back down for the second time in just a few days. >> we will be going to the space center. we are going to be hopefully
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seeing a great launch. it's a 50-50 launch. it's important as president to be there. what we have done with nasa is amazing but -- [inaudible] >> one of the great center in the world. i think i have an obligation to be there. kristin: the other thing that is so important about this launch is that it shows what can be accomplished when you have what the nasa administrator describes as a continuity of purpose, continuity of mission that transcends from one administration to the next. the commercial program started during the obama administration but it will culminate hopefully today during the trump administration and after this launch if all goes according to plan, president trump will be addressing nasa employees at the kennedy space center and, you know, space is great politics, plays well with both republicans and democrats especially in battleground florida and
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especially up and down the space coast where president trump is going to be today. as for what happens at this launch scrub, nasa has backup dates for sunday and next wednesday but unclear if president trump would go back for a third or fourth time but, you know what, jon, i wouldn't blame him if he did f you've never seen a launch in person, it is truly something to see. it just doesn't do justice watching it on tv. when you're there you can really feel the launch vibrate through your chest and don't mind going second or third. john: it's the lighting and thunder you to watch out for. i don't see, you know, i don't see thunderstorms right there.
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kristin: well, they still say all systems go except for the weather. right now the weather is 50/50 and, you know, it's not just the weather at is launch site, they are also look target weather at all of the down range abort sites and more than 50 of them, some as far away as just off the coast of ireland and what they're looking at is, you know, unlike the space shuttle the dragon spacecraft has the ability to abort mid-launch which means capsule would be carried away from the rocket and splashed down into the ocean and with parachutes slowing its speed and they have to make sure that those abort sites don't have thunderstorms either because you can imagine parachutes and thunderstorms don't exactly play well with one another, so a lot of factors at play but right now what we are hearing it's still about 50/50. fingers crossed. jon: fingers crossed indeed, let's hope the bird gets in the air. kristin fisher at cape
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canaveral. hong kong's antigovernment protest movement in crisis as china tightens -- tightens grip on the financial center and the u.s. response, we will take a closer look at what is going on right after the break. or credit card bills. right now is the time to take care of what matters most. like we've done together, so many times before. discover all the ways we're helping members at discover all the ways we're helping members ior anything i want to buy isk going to be on rakuten. rakuten is easy to use, free to sign up and it's in over 3,000 stores. i buy a lot of makeup. shampoo, conditioner. books, food. travel. shoes. stuff for my backyard.
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gillian: the president also announcing that after temporarily freezing funding to the world health organization the u.s. is pulling financial support and terminating the relationship entirely. this comes on the heels of the chinese's government approvals of new national security law, directly threatens hong kong's independence. the u.s. is eliminating all policy exemptions that have allowed hong kong special treatment and special status for decades. >> my announcement today will effect the full range of agreements we have with hong kong from our extradition treaty to our export controls on dual use technologies and more with few exceptions. gillian: secretary of state mike pompeo says the administration is also focused on chinese university students with suspected links to china's military that are currently studying inside the united states. >> this is a communist regime that poses real risks to the
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united states and we have obligation, duty to make sure that students that are coming here to study, take the benefits to coming to america to learn what we can provide to them aren't acting on behalf of the chinese communist party. gillian: chinese government officials and chinese-run state media are using the protests now erupting across the united states as an opportunity to criticize the u.s. government. they're calling the carnage overnight beautiful, that's a reference to when house speaker nancy pelosi last year called hong kong protests the same thing. jon. jon: gillian turner from washington, gillian, thank you. for more insight, let's turn to dave lawler. dave, i think that ultimately took place in late 90's, isn't it violating the commitments by the laws that it is intending to
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pass here? >> that is certainly president trump's conclusion, so, yes, so when you mentioned hong kong was handed back from the uk to china in 1997 basically they set up two separate systems, one country two systems where hong kong would be technically part of china but have own judicial system, civil liberties and basically operate as an entry point into china for companies and for people who are quite weary of the chinese system and the current law appears to be the biggest threat since 1997 to that level of autonomy. jon: does the chinese communist party simply think the world is too focused on the coronavirus battle to pay attention to what's going on in hong kong or why is it flexing its muscles in this way? >> dave: that could certainly be part of it. massive protests last year which were clearly unacceptable to beijing, the giant statement of really some hong kong saying we
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don't want to be part of your system, we want autonomy, we want our level of, you know, we want to be able to live more freely than you're able to in china basically, right, so especially when those turn violent, this was something that china found unacceptable. there were reports that they were planning some ways to establish more control over hong kong but this quite sweeping security law took a lot of people by surprise. you're right, the coronavirus may provide level of cover for them to do this now. jon: president trump always spoke about his warm personal relationship with president xi of china, but he has not -- not brought that relationship to the floor in recent days. i mean, he's talked a lot about china and the chinese communist party and frankly criticized them as he did in that sound bite that gillian played a while ago. you have to think that that's going to rub off on his relationship with president xi.
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>> dave: absolutely. trump has not attacked president xi directly and attacked china big picture and he has tried to maintain this phase 1 trade deal that he reached in january, he's punching in some areas and holding back on others. president trump has made this, you know, tough on china attitude a central part of his reelection campaign arguing that joe biden would be softer on china than he is so this is probably only going to ramp up particularly because the coronavirus has given sort of an opportunity but also has really raised some genuine concerns of people in the white house and base that handling of the issue has caused a problem for the world so i think it's going to be difficult to maintain friendly lead the other lidar relations when, you know trump
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is china repeatedly. jon: the community has seen disinformation campaign coming out of china but iran and russia as well and the conclusion is that all 3 of those bad actors are working together to try try to foment trouble for the united states? >> right, there's a lot of questioning, certainly we saw the argument from secretary pompeo and others that we need to investigate much more closely the origins of this virus, that it may not have occurred naturally in a market and may have come from elsewhere. that attitude has not been supported by evidence necessarily but there's suspicion there and china is not an isolated case. as you mention, a lot of concerns over russia, iran taking advantage of this crisis trying to, you know, foment additional concerns around the world of what the role the united states is playing but also within the united states. we have to worry about this election coming up again. we saw what happened in 2016
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with foreign interference and this are all coming together in a worrying way in an election year. jon: and having destroyed the initial samples of the virus that the world health organization and others wanted to see. there's a lot of us possession about why they were so secretive about what happened there. dave lawler from axios, dave, thank you. first man space launch from u.s. soil in nearly a decade. we will take you to cape canaveral for an update just ahead. gum detoxify, from crest.
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from life plans falling apart. we didn't ask for it... but we are rising to meet it. and how far we've come isn't even close to how far we can go. we just have to remember how patient we were... how strong we can be. (how strong you can be.) and remember this; there's a crack in everything for a reason. how else can the light get in? ♪ tomorrow starts today. jon: protests planned across the country today after a night of riots and destruction, alicia acuña live. hi, alicia. alicia: nearly 40 american city wills see protests today or
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tonight and some have already begun and we can take a look live in the streets of philadelphia where some protestors are blocking traffic, folks are gathering there right now. let's hope that remains peaceful. overnight in georgia things got to violent the governor activated 500 national guard troops after protestors trashed businesses and set cars on fire in atlanta. here is the city's mayor. >> you are disgracing our city, you are disgracing the life of george floyd and every other person who has been killed in this country. we are better than this. we are better than this as a city, we are better than this as a country. alicia: officials in multiple states say the arrests that they are making are people from outside their area, those who have come in to create havoc. in detroit police chief three quarters taken into custody were from out of town. right now investigators are looking for whomever shot into a
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crowd from an suv killing one man last night in detroit all this as law enforcement and political leaders call for calm and some also acknowledged feeling of rage. >> what we also know is that i as a white american have walked into the store with a 20-dollar counterfeit bill i would be alive today. maybe i would have been arrested but i would still be alive and we have to recognize what happened to george floyd. alicia: in colorado demonstrators clashed with police, officers deployed teargas and windows broken at the colorado supreme court also here downtown denver. the organizer of one of two protests that are planned in denver today say 10,000 people are expected to be in the city in the streets of denver today, jon. jon: alicia acuña from denver,
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thank you. ♪ jon: a little less than an hour from now if the weather prevails right now 50/50 latest chances we are told phil keating live from the cape, any updates from nasa? phil: funny you should ask, weather declared a go by the meteorologist. all technical systems are a go. 3:22 eastern time is the launch time and out there on pad 39a stands the falcon 9 rocket on top of which is the spacex dragon inside astronauts bob and doug, been there for 2 hours now, 50/50 all day long. it's really looking positive that this launch is going to happen on the upside of the 50/50 equation. now the air force 45th weather squadron provides meteorologist criteria, neighboring kennedy
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space center at the air force station and they could wait all the way 30 seconds before launch for a no-go decision. >> if that happens again on saturday, we will cancel again. the bottom line is we are not in a rush, we are putting bob and doug at the top of a rocket for the first time in history. this rocket has never flown humans before and if we need to be safe, we are going to be safe. phil: and as of a couple of minutes ago looks like they will be safe and this liftoff will happen as, again, the weather is a go and everything else is a go for this mission. tens and tens of thousands of people flocked to the coast wednesday, they've done it again today to watch the first launch of astronauts on an american rocket from florida in nearly a decade. here is a live look at the crowd at cocoa beach aiming for a two twofer, joan -- enjoying the day
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and rocket launch. president trump and first lady melania will watch as well as vice president and his wife. it's all, you know, really because this is the real return of americans to space from america, in this case for the first time ever and this makes history, private space company, spacex launching human beings into orbit, fever been done before. always been a governmental organization around the world and that's why this mission is being called launch america, no more reliance on the russians if everything goes well. again, this is a test flight. launch time again, in just 44 minutes and about 19 seconds. back to you. jon: phil, i don't know if you were able to see but they just swung away from the rocket the crew capsule. all signs they are ready to send
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ship in the air and welcome sign for many americans including president trump who will be there. phil keating at cape canaveral. >> that's where they take the last steps on earth. they could be there 1 to 4 months by the way. jon: wow. looking forward to the launch, hope they get it up in the air. phil keating, we will check with you again. joining us now with more insight on today's launch homer, talk about the history, nasa getting out of the actual building of the rockets and turning it over to private enterprise. >> you can't stress the importance of that to our space program. the falcon 9 rocket is a commercial rocket. it's built by young rocket boys and rocket girls out in california versus being bureaucratic layers with nasa so
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this is a unique historical event, one that all americans should enjoy. this is an all-american company. i got a call by vice president pence that i was on with neil cavuto yesterday and he's excited about this and i really can't stress the importance enough, the space program having a very interesting party in the white house. the vice president started the e national space council, gave us a go to land on the moon in 2024 and that has really caused a lot of -- of bigger in the program and it's all good and i'm sure glad he's down there to watch the launch. john: well, they both just landed vice president pence and president trump as well. they just touched down. not far from the launch pad at cape canaveral. they will be experiencing the launch which we expect is a go
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45 minutes from now. ii want to play for what president trump said a week ago about elon musk, the founder. >> i want to thank elon, somebody i have great respect for, but it's 24/7 for you, you're always thinking about this, you're always thinking about other things too, this has been the baby. >> in fact, i told my team it's not simply the top priority but the only priority. jon: not unlike what happened with nasa. i mean, there was a shaky start for spacex. >> there was. jon: there were problems that almost ended it but they are ready to go today. >> i met elon in 1990's when he was at space camp in alabama. jon: really? >> yeah, i followed him when he started launching rockets in the pacific, the first few didn't
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work and i kept sending emails saying, you know that's what happened to the rocket boys back in west virginia where i grew up and, you know, you have to keep trying and he runs a really work unlike with nasa everything is very slow plotting way and everything has to work as you go along, they test, they fail, they redesign, they test again and it's a very ramped way to process. we have blue origin, another private company coming on strong. right now the american space program is looking really, really good. jon: it's hardening not to have to write 70 million-dollar checks to the russians just for a seat on one of their rockets to take you up to the space station. >> yeah, the russians have proved to be very good about supporting our american astronauts into orbit but, yeah, they keep getting more expensive
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every year and it's really not right. we should have our own capability to fly into space. it's been 9 years and we never want to let anything like that happen again and since we are essentially buying seats on the airliner i don't think it ever will. there's always going to be an american aerospace company that would want to fly our american astronauts into orbit and the international astronauts as well. jon: homer, former nasa engineer. we know you will be watching the launch when it takes place we expect 38 and a half minutes from now. we appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you, jon. jon: well, as protests spread across the country today what is it doing to the economy that's already hit hard by the coronavirus, we will take a look at that aspect next.
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walloped again having to deal with protests in the city. mitch roschelle, mitch, you know, people are just starting to venture out again, businesses are just starting to reopen after this months' long coronavirus shutdown and all of a sudden you get protests in cities like minneapolis and so many others. it can't be good for getting this nation back on its feet. mitch: no, jon, and i do worry about that because i think what's really vital to getting our economy sort of back to close to normal as possible is consumer confidence and things like this do rattle consumer confidence. it's a story that monopolizes the news cycle and people think about going out during the day and night. in minneapolis, you mentioned earlier, all of the cities bracing for more protests tonight. it could be a shock and setback for the economy.
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jon: well, and minneapolis alone 200 businesses are essentially destroyed, that's got to be an economic hit for that city and really the nation. mitch: yeah, and you think about it, those 200 businesses, some of them might have been open because they were deemed essential by the governor relaxed restrictions and some of the businesses like astronauts and beauty salons wound able to open june first but the store front if they don't have inventory on the shelves anymore or the stores in disrepair, the stores in disrepair, that means they can't open and they've been shuttered for so long and that certainly is an economic setback for the city and the entire metropolitan area. jon: in your view, what's it going to take? is the economy ready to come roaring back or is it a pause button for another week, month, what do you think? mitch: i don't think it hits the pause button nationwide. i think there's a tremendous
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amount of pinned up demand in the economy. people who have been sheltered at home for quite a while and all have relaxed restrictions in some way or form, the consumer is anxious to get out there and consume. the things that are holding back the economy's recovery is what i will refer to the supply side of the economy, the ability to go to places to consume and that's the thing that's really vital going forward, so as we see more states relax restrictions i think we are seeing the economy grinding back up, but it's a slow process. jon: mitch roschelle, pwc partner, mitch, thank you. mitch: thank you, jon. jon: well, weather is go for launch, we will take a closer look at forecast in florida as well as around the country as you look at the launch pad at cape canaveral 32 minutes from now
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about the launch coming up in just the next half an hour or so. so far we are still a go on this thing but the weather maps the storms both still a threat as we will be tracking over the next half an hour or so. this is the line of storms i wanted to show you that have been firing up and down the west coast it's only needing to see lighting within 10-mile area. currently we haven't seen it yet but that will be a concern coming forward. we are looking at 82-degrees is the current temperature with heat index 98-degrees, this is typically what you see in florida, that's enough heat that you get pop-up thunderstorms and some with lights that could ultimately delay this. winds up to 35 miles an hour. winds at 9 miles an hour. that's not going to be an issue. this is our current radar right now and you see some lighting activity, little bit south of cape canaveral, that's getting into the melbourne, florida area. if you start drifting to the north, that would be something
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that would scrub this. more lighting a little further, a chance that this happens but there are pickup showers out there and i do think ultimately this is a game-time decision. now if we get something, the lighting, the wind in the next 30 minutes that results in this being a scrub, well, then that would mean we would be launching tomorrow, we do see a slightly better chance, little clear conditions for tomorrow but once again temperatures are running up into inner 80's and humid and hot and opportunity for pop-up showers, jon, for now everything looks like it's good to go but if for system reason it weren't -- jon: adam klotz, thank you. neil cavuto ecisions
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neil: today could be the day. i'm neil cavuto, 22 minutes away from history, for the first time in nearly a decade americans are prepared to send americans into space and this comes at a time when a private enterprise is going to be leading the way. the first sign we have seen that ever. the astronauts by the way got in there about little 2 and a half hours ago, doug curly and doug bakin. each married to astronauts themselves, well experienced in
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