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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 2, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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ainsley: we start with a fox news alert. across the country, riots intensifying over the death of george floyd as police officers from coast to coast are coming under attack. in las vegas, one officer was shot outside of a casino after protests in that city. his condition is unknown at this hour. no word on any arrests. then this st. louis looters raiding stores, lighting fires. four cops shot there all four of them are expected to be okay, brian. brian: yup, in new york city, wow, two attacks caught on camera. a sergeant run over by a speeding suv. that happened in the bronx. also in the bronx another officer attacked by several people. do you believe this?
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president trump calling on state governors to maintain order. >> i have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the national guard if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then i will deplot united states military. steve: this. brian: unbelievable. steve: as looting leaves major cities reeling. massive crowds taking to the streets despite city-wide curfews. take a look at that even the iconic macy's flagship in new york city hit by looters. that the miracle on 34th street macy's. that's the one where everybody drives their floats by on thanksgiving. we have team coverage this morning. griff jenkins is live in our nation's capital with the president's call for peace and how he is going to back that up
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with power. aishah hasnie on the streets of new york city where the looting. aishah, the sun is up. has the looting stopped? >> >> the looting has stopped. we haven't seen anyone for about an hour. we saw a couple of young men walk by with bags over their shoulder, masks covering them. we are not sure what the up to. we haven't seen any more looting. thankfully the sun is up. essential workers getting to their jobs. they are having to pass things like this. this is the urban outfitters store here in herald square. looters crashed through the glass and inside they created a complete mess. a disaster. and there is still some merchandise for the most part. a lot has been stolen here. we have seen a sephora store, sprint store. a staple's store on my way in to midtown. this was a pretty violent night for police officers as well. as you mentioned, several
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attacks on officers caught on video. in the bronx dramatic video showing a sergeant struck by a black sedan near the call of a possible break-in. he is in serious but stable condition. the people in that car unfortunately got away. another officer beat up on the street in plain view and in buffalo, a somebody is in custody this morning after a police officer and a state trooper there were hit by a car. they are in stable condition. now, back here in new york city. looters as you said really smashing their way through all across midtown, manhattan, also on the upper east side. including as you mentioned the macy's flagship store. all of this happening before new york city's curfew went into effect at 11:00. leaders have been trying day after day to send a message to these folks that are up citing violence and ransacks businesses. people they believe are outsiders.
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one of new york's top cops. chief terrence monahan kneeling with protesters in sole date yesterday. listen to what he said about these looters. >> get them out of here. protest peacefully. why would anyone break into a store in your neighborhood? places that employ the people in this neighborhood? no reason for it. it has to end. let new york show the country how this is done. >> now we have seen nypd officers here and there just keeping an eye on things as businesses are trying to now board up their stores. there have been dozens of arrests. we don't have an exact number just yet. hopefully we should find out in the next couple of hours. that curfew by the way it was 11:00 last night. they have moved it up to 8:00 p.m. now. weave will wait and see what happens. obviously these looters don't really care whether there is a curfew or not. back to you. ainsley: aishah sharks there were complaints about that
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curfew being too late yesterday. 11:00 is pretty late. they changed it to 8:00. the mayor and the governor did say they are adding 4,000 cops to the streets. have you seen more of a presence of police officers? >> i haven't personally seen more police officers. i have only seen maybe a handful here at the macy's flagship store. i think they are just watching over because there are still stores like this one that are completely wide open. so, anyone even now can just jump in. but i haven't seen a large police presence. we might see that a little bit later in the day. brian: aishah, i don't know if you can see this but you heard about it. cover "the new york post." it says mayhem. a lot of famous covers of big times in our country. i cannot believe that monday seems to have been worse than sunday. even though we knew it was coming. we had a curfew in place. how do you explain the brother comes out and says not in my brother's name you are not doing
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this. there is additional crackdown. there is more troops. in the end, there is more chaos. is it possible the cops are overwhelmed? >> you know, we have been talking about that for the past couple of days. the cops are just trying to -- they are stretched thin. there are so many things happening in new york city alone, a protest there, looting here. cars on fire there. it's hard for them to get to everything. we're really not sure what the orders that are coming from the top. just to mention, also, by the way, you guys have talked about these bricks that are showing up out of nowhere. at the sprint store just a block away. we saw a brick in the middle of the store. i looked around as to where this brick came from. couldn't find anywhere. you know, that i could tell where this brick may have -- unless somebody brought it with them in a car, i don't know where that came from. there are a lot of questions. but, it has gotten worse. every single night, and people
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on the ground feel like it's only going to continue to get worse. steve: yeah. i mean, at this point, what's going to stop it? because so far they have been ineffective at doing that. aishah, one of the problems is when the police officers grab somebody who has a great big shopping bagful of stuff, a number of them have told the police officers oh, this stuff? i just found it on the street. it's hard for the police officer to prove they got it from the macy's or nintendo store or where they got it from if they got from some place or maybe they didn't find it on the street. >> you almost have to catch them in action. we were able to catch plenty of looters in action. that was the frustration of business owners who saw it happening before their very eyes. went to the nypd police officers. tried to get them to go make arrests and they felt like they weren't responding. again, we're not sure why that
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was happening. but, got a lot of frustrated business owners. ainsley: the looters stole $2.4 million worth of watches at the rolex store. thank you, you are doing a great job out there, aishah. smoke billowing over our nation's capital as police and military crack down on new protests. griff jenkins covers our team coverage in washington. griff? griff: ainsley, good morning. the only sound we are hearing right now is that of the street sweepers in front of lafayette park where yesterday they saw more protests, which started peacefully. after the curfew that began at 7:00, things began to get violent. tense mommy's and lots of arrests. we seen something we never seen that was a military helicopter flying low off the top of downtown streets. they used that to track the protesters. in some cases i'm told it was used to sort of move them in
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certain areas. this all a part of a larger law enforcement footprint as the president says he is cracking down. i'm dispatching thousands of law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, have and lismm assaults and wanton destruction of property. griff: protesters swarmed down on our national mall. then they were moved north. this all a part of this law enforcement federal. and, of course, the d.c. authorities along with the national guard being deployed. now the president then admonishing governors earlier in the day for not doing enough to crack down. here in d.c. the mayor who has been critical of the president says she appreciates the security effort. >> i obviously don't agree with that type of language in it, but this is where our interests are the same.
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keeping washington, d.c. safe. griff: talk about iconic moments, it was after those rose garden remarks the president moved and walked from the rose garden from the white house across washington park to saint john's church. we will let you see where we are now as trash trucks going by. they are trying to clean these streets up now. see historic church over there. and as we let that go by. i apologize. normally trash trucks don't wander into your live shot. come with me for one second, robert. what i wanted to show you is the lafayette park and the rioting since that is still locking down that area. secret service isn't letting anyone in there and it was cleared for the president's walk. it's taking criticism for that walk. but, of course, the president in any given city would have to have a secure corridor. in fact, when any president makes his way just to the meeting area here, they clear
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that where there aren't even protesters. so we will see what tonight brings. one thing is for sure, it's a different picture than what you are seeing there in new york. even though we had protests and some tense moments. this larger law enforcement footing certainly worked and kept things under control last night despite the fact that there were somewhere 50-plus arrests. guys? brian: griff, was it mark millie that did the security last night because it's washington, d.c. and not a state call? was it the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff that set up the perimeter? griff: i don't know exactly who set up the perimeter but their perimeter that they set up around here in lafayette park, brian, is standard operating procedure any time the president walks out whether he goes to, you know, meet at the house where when we have the inauguration, he will come out and do some things.
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so, you know, the perimeter was similar, but it was definitely this combination. i was telling steve in the last hour, i have covered this now for nearly 20 years. i have never seen it at this level. here in d.c. they coordinated the law enforcement assets. let me just show you. if you look actually close just at the three people standing right here. one is a secret service guy. can you see that one is police. and then beyond the secret service guy. you can't quite see it but his chest the guy in the green see it? fbi. fbi, then of course that helicopter was the national guard used here. the whole coordination is really sending a strong signal to the people the protesters and would be rioters and looters that they're not going to tolerate it here and not going to be able to overpower the law enforcement effort. steve: because of the way the district is set up, the president and the federal government is able to send the troops a couple hundred from
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fort bragg the military police officers to the police officers of the streets of new york city without getting the mayor's permission. that's why they are there. but, griff, i have been on the north lawn when the president has come out and they blow a whistle that means they clear the park. what's different about yesterday, there was a protest, i understand, about 1,000 people, but they used tear gas and rubber bullets and flash bangs to clear the park. now there is a lot of criticism, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, condemned what they did. they say it was just for a photo op. so that's, you know, that's the criticism the president is getting this morning. griff: well, that's a criticism that he is receiving and street sweeper is a little loud. i apologize but the reality of it is that on the previous night, listen, on sunday and monday, i counted the charges from the d.c. police's information, they have charged
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31 people so far with felony riot acts. some of those included throwing bricks and projectiles toward the secret service agent. many dozens who have been injured in first two nights. last night they weren't going to tolerate it. they said clear this area. if you don't, then we are going to move it and didn't waste any time. there is criticism on the force that should have perhaps been used. but when you are talking about the leader of the free world and the president of the united states, you don't want to be in the way and disobey their efforts to clear this area. so i understand the criticism coming, but this is a very secure area. right nau it is locked down. if you have a hard press pass for the white house, you could go in there. if you are just anyone else, you cannot. steve: yeah. griff, you mentioned the number of people who were arrested over the weekend. there is an item this morning in the "the washington post." it says between saturday and
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monday, d.c. made 106 arrests. many for felony rioting. most of them had to show up in superior court yesterday and, according to the "the washington post," the u.s. attorney for washington, d.c. dismissed the rioting charges against most of them. and they asked for an official spokesman to explain why they didn't. so most of the people who were arrested, with rioting charges, were let go. griff: well. i will have to look into those cases. because this is a very interesting point. i covered during the inauguration those that were charged for the same thing. it's 18 u.s. code 2101. if you cross a state line and come here and participate in the conspiracy to incite a riot, then you will be prosecuted. and the difference is if you get arrested for destruction of property, breaking curfew, it's a misdemeanor. it's a slap in the wrist. they bail you out. you are back at it the next
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night. if you are charged and prosecuted for felony riot acts. that's three to five years in jail. and it is that sort of deterrent that they are looking forward to try to press people across the country on because it's perhaps the only deterrent that may work. now, in the case of the inauguration charges that we heard, i followed the cases very few, if any, were prosecuted. it's a similar situation where they had more than 200 from the inauguration day on those sort of charges. but most of them were not prosecuted. steve. ainsley: all right, griff. thank you so much for being live there in washington and bringing us that report. let's hand it over to jillian. she is in the studio. good morning, jillian. jillian: good morning. we begin with this fox news alert. the family of george floyd conducted independent autopsy. two doctors hired by floyd's family ruled a death from asphyxiation from sustained pressure when his neck and back
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was compressed cutting off blood flow to his brain. one of the doctors commissioned dr. michael baden joined us moments ago. >> have any significant medical problems at all. the family wanted to hire because the results that came out sort of implied that it was something other -- they thought, other than the what we saw on the video. jillian: the medical examiner's office issued its final report the public report as their finding saying floyd died due to quote cardiopulmonary arrest with no mention of asphyxiation. also breaking overnight, a philadelphia gun store owner shooting and killing an armed looter. our fox affiliate in philadelphia reporting the owner opened fire after at least three looters cut his gate. kicked open the door and pointing a gun at him. the owner says he has been on high alert after an attempted break-in earlier this week. we will have a live report from
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philadelphia in the next hour. primary held in 8 states and washington, d.c. for the 2020 presidential race and congressional seat. joe biden needs 425 more delegates. he could secure the democratic presidential nomination after today's vote. 479 delegates are up for grabs today. that's a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you. ainsley: that's interesting. thank you so much, jillian. brian: as violence. former obama official claims russians could be to blame. is that the case. former cia case dan hoffman served in moscow. he is on deck. discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders. try the cooling, soothing relief of preparation h. because your derriere deserves expert care. try new soothing relief.
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>> i would bet based on my experience, i'm not reading the
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intelligence today or these days, based on my experience, this is right out of the russian playbook as well. i would not be surprised to learn that they have fomented some of these extremists on both sides using social media. i wouldn't be surprised to learn that they are funding it in some way, shape, or form. brian: that was former obama national security advisor susan rice who wants to be joe biden's running mate. here to react former cia station chief who served in moscow by the way dan hoffman. hasn't seen any intelligence but why not throw it out there. seems like russia. does it seem like russia to you? >> no, it doesn't. and really in time of crisis, it's so important to rye lie on the facts rather than idol speculation. ambassador rice was fomenting and funding thi funding funding. there is no indication this is true. for sure russian media bye like iran are tracking closely and portraying weak and lawless to
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suit their own narrative there is no evidence to demonstrate russia is behind these demonstrations or the violence. brian: is there a history of doing things like this and is there a danger of someone with that type of resume throwing it out there if it's unfounded? >> i think we need to rely on our own government and keep in mind the united states intelligence community, our government, has not discussed this issue whatsoever. and i think if russia were interfering in our domestic politics, they would be doing that but they are not. and it's important not to let the incity gators of this violence off the hook as if they are easily manipulated by russian foreign influence. there is a danger. we have a bilateral relationship with russia. the president is trying to iron out economic deals and we have the open skies treaty that we are pulling out of and seeking
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to renegotiate a new start. all of these things are particularly unhelpful when a former senior official makes these sort of unfounded claims. brian: exactly. brian: 1918 pandemic, 1929 depression and 1968 unrest all wrapped into one right now. >> yeah. i really feel like that is the just a wickedly challenging circumstances for our state, local, and federal law enforcement. and, you know, we are seeing a confluence of economic depression and a virus that made its way from china to the united states. and then these protests and riots and violence and it is extraordinarily challenging for our country. and for sure enemies are watching and seeking to take advantage at every turn.
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brian: the problem is, dan, 30 seconds, the unrest is organized. it's not organic. in many cases the violence is organized. it's systematic. that's the challenge. makes me think we can unwind it through interrogation. >> well, there is a lot of evil -- there are plenty of evil doers in this country seeking to take advantage of this moment in our history to suit their own agenda. it's to our state federal and local law enforcement to collect information on those individuals and conduct appropriate law enforcement measures to stop the violence. which is obviously just so tarnishing, whatever narrative the peaceful protesters hope to achieve and that's something -- that's the wicked challenges i said that i think we face right now going forward. brian: we need former cia guys like you helping out domestically trying to figure out who is behind the brick
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drop-offs. who is behind the communication. and that could only happen if we find out who put them there by talking to the people that are there and caught. it doesn't 150e78 like there is much interest in interrogating them right now. dan, thank you so much. >> thank you. brian: police officers under attack, businesses are looted. we were just discussing. this violence spreading across the country. our next guest says a powerful call for peace to bring justice for george floyd. to fight an invisible enemy with courage and compassion... to comfort and to care, to hope, to press on, to do whatever it takes to beat the odds. we are the men and women of america's hospitals and health systems. and we're here to care for you in every way every day.
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♪ ainsley: we are back with a fox news alert as looters ransack stores and light fires. four cops shot in st. louis. todd piro joins us live with what we know about that. todd? todd: ainsley, great to see you. we have been following this all morning long. right now all four of those officers are conscious and their injuries are not considered life-threatening. still a very scary night in st. louis. these officers shot downtown early this morning after a day of peaceful protests devolved into something much different. st. louis police chief john hayden describing, quote: crazy people who behind up the crowds, throwing rocks, bottles, fireworks. even gas at officers. he went on to say at this point he believes someone randomly shot at these cops. two of the officers shot in the leg. one in the foot. one in the arm. the chief getting pretty emotional saying he was trying to make some sense of the mayhem. >> some coward fired shots at officers and now we have four in the hospital.
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thankfully and thank god they are alive. they're alive. [sobbing] >> we make some sense out of this? todd: several businesses damaged including some set on fire. police chief adding, quote: we need to pray for our city and pray for these officers questioning what any of this, this violence we have had to seen has to do with george floyd's death. back to you. ainsley: thank you so much, todd. steve, over to you. steve: all right, anxiously, thank you. with violence in major cities across america, our next guest issuing a powerful message of peace on social media. >> what's happened across the country, we have seen our cities burn. and this has got to stop. i want justice for george floyd just as much as anybody else does. what we can't do is we can't burn down our cities. we can't burn down the small businesses in our communities. a lot of which are owned by
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black business owners. steve: here with more on his message florida republican congressional candidate byron donalds. good morning to you. why did you feel you needed to post that social media video that you shot from the driver's seat of your video? >> it needs to be done because, listen, like everybody else, you know, i think that what happened to george floyd was an absolute tragedy. and he was murdered. and justice needs to be done. justice will be done. but what we can't do, what we should never do is riot in our streets and burn downer businesses because if we truly want justice we have to come together as one america. we can't be divided. we can't target the very people who service our communities and who protect us in our communities. steve: that's right. you can't target the police because they protect us and, you know, we saw what happened in minneapolis and those officers are being dealt with. at the same time, you also
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say -- you said in your video that you mosted on twitter, you can't -- people cannot line up with the radicals, this extremist element that is breaking stuff. and looting. >> i totally agree with you. that's why i said that listen, it's clear right now. antifa, these are the radical groups see concreting themselves into these peaceful protesters. and we see it every night now. it's peaceful during the day. and as the sun goes down, they come in with rocks. they come in with bottles. they come in with gas. and they are amplifying the pain that is existing in america today. but they are amplifying it for their own political ends. the president was right to call them out. all leaders need to call them out and we frankly need order restored in our streets. because you cannot have a safe america. you can't have an america based upon liberty. if you are not going to have safety in our streets and we have to protect the people who want to protest safe limit but we also have to protect small business owners as well. that's why it was important for me to speak out on this. >> you know, and byron, you make
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a great point. as we look at some of the video, including the looting of some high end stores in new york and other big cities, these extremists and these looters as well are targeting small businesses in minority communities. and that, you know, that just flies in the face of what you are trying to accomplish. >> exactly right. i was watching a news report last night before i went to bed about a pharmacy store in vannize, california was burn out and burglar rides. who does that truly hurt in the seen year citizens in van nuys that want to wake up the next day and get the medications that help. when you burn down a black barbershop that's just reopening and got a ppp loan, who does that hurt? that hurts that business owner that's worked hard for many years to scrape that together. when you talk about the firefighter who took all his savings to build a business and it gets burned out. who does that hurt? it hurts a black firefighter.
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is he not somebody that perpetrated the attack against george floyd. he was a man in america trying to fulfill the american dream, just trying to live. we have to have some real sense and common sense come to our communities. what we cannot do is fall into the violence and hate that these radical groups want this country to descend into. we have to stand up for what's right and just here in america. steve: all right. byron donalds. he is running for congress. he joins us today. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. steve: you bet. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. the family of george floyd now calling for a first degree murder charge. after new details are released in the details. so where do we go from here? judge napolitano on deck next. effortless is the lincoln way. so as you head back out on the road, we'll be doing what we do best. providing some calm amidst the chaos. with virtual, real-time tours of our vehicles
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peaceful thank goodness. comes in the wake of -- matt finn in as people are calling for the head of the police union to resign. what did the police union say about george? the police chief union said that basically the department has not been supported by the governor and the mayor. and that officers have basically have not received any type of support, calling it despicable. you know, here in minneapolis, there has been a greater sense of calm, law and order. this is where it really all began. and there is now a beefed up presence of law enforcement and national guard here and a very strict curfew that has seemed to provide a very sense of calm and law and order here. this is where george floyd died. for days now there has been peaceful demonstrations here. there has been circles of prayer and sit-ins and obviously can you see a very large memorial
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here. and actually the floyd family held a service here yesterday. and said there are peaceful god-fearing family and insist the violent riots must stop. >> if i'm not over here wallowing out. if i'm not over here blowing up stuff. if i'm not over here messing up my community, then what are you all doing? what are you all doing? you are doing nothing. because that's not going to bring my brother back at all. >> getting back to that police union president, in a letter, he writes that the governor and mayor are shifting blame towards politician, calling it despicable. writing in part, quote: what has been very evident throughout this process is you have lacked support from the top. this terrorist movement that is currently occurring was a long-time build up which dates back years. starting with the minimizing the
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size of our police force. the n. a tweet a council member responded writing, quote. krol, who is the union president his inability to acknowledge painfupainful impact on officers actions on community exempt if i flies the silence that glues in outdated policing system together. that is why we must step in to deconstruct our police department and build a new system with our chief. deconstructing a police department or getting rid of one all together in this city is a message that we have heard for months now. and you can see it spray painted all over. and there are signs and posters suggesting that this city does not need a citywide police department and there are other ways to provide law and order. back to you. steve: deconstruct the police department. all right. thank you, sir. meanwhile, overnight, hundreds of rioters were arrested after
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looting stores, destroying property, and targeting police officers as another night, a seventh night of violent protests rock the country. ainsley: here to weigh in on what legal fallout they now face. fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. good morning, judge. >> good morning, ainsley. good morning, steve and brian. ainsley: good morning. we wanted to ask you about the rioters. what type of legal trouble could they face? >> well, some of them are in extraordinary trouble. the problem is you have to have evidence as to each individual person. so, crossing the state line, moving from one state another in order commit a crime is itself a crime. that is potentially five years. if you demonstrate that's the reason a person crossed a state line. attacking a police officer, that's either attempted murder or aggravated assault. you are talking 15 to 20 years there. destroying property where life
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could be destroyed is also 15 to 20 years. that's not the issue. the issue is the police have a tremendous task on their hands. they have to protect themselves. they have to protect the press. they have to protect demonstrators who are lawful there. and they have to stop the violence and gather evidence against people. so as we have seen in d.c., where there are just mass arrests, that produces mass dismissal of the charges against the people arrested. if the police don't acquire credible evidence about each person that they have arrested. brian: all right. so this is driving you nuts, i know. the crackdown, the sitdown at home. don't go to stores. don't go to restaurants in new jersey, judge. but listen to the mixed message and i'm being kind of new jersey governor phil murphy when it comes to protests. listen to this. >> it's one thing to protest what day nail salons are opening
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and it's another to come out in peaceful protest overwhelmingly about somebody who was murdered right before our eyes. brian: what's wrong with him? are we keeping -- we supposed to keep social distance, wear a mask and be responsible and stay at home even on sunny days or supposed to just come together and throw that in the street for a good protest? >> brian, i'm as angry as you are. and nibble who believes that the constitution means what it says should be angry. i don't know which is worse, what governor murphy told tucker carlson three years ago when he said the bill of rights was above his pay grade or this where is he going to permit and protect demonstrations for a public policy issue that he agrees with you about not demonstrations that want to challenge him. this is the whole reason we have a first amendment. the government cannot use its
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power to evaluate the quality and value and meaning of speech. it must protect all speech. so he protected 2500 demonstrators who did not social distance who were peaceful in front of newark city hall yesterday but he could not protect 25 people who wanted to get together in a small town to challenge his ability to close nail salons and barbershops. he simply misunderstands the first amendment and can no longer be trusted with the power of the government. steve: and he did announce yesterday in new jersey that we're going to go into phase 2 in two weeks. and i will be able to get a legal hair cut in three weeks. brian: two weeks? steve: i know. it just keeps going. brian: what a joke. steve: in a case against the police officers in minneapolis. judge. >> well, i think that there's a case here for first degree
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murder. first degree murder requires intent to kill, obviously that's there. and a planning and plotting to do so. that intent and the planning and plotting can arise in the mind of the killer during the crime. so, where the police officer here, former officer chauvin was choking and torturing george floyd for 8 and a half minutes, and one of his colleagues said don't you think this has gone on long enough and he said no. he obviously was planning and plotting to kill george and he continued to do so. in fact, as we know his knee was on the neck for the last two minutes while he was already dead. so he should be charged with first degree murder. the other cops beyond me they haven't been charged. they should be charged as being accomplices for first degree murder. because they have the duty to prevent crime and they didn't do anything to stop chauvin from killing george floyd. these first degree murder
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charges would probably then not result in a trial. they would result in guilty pleas to second degree murder and the case will be gone. ainsley: judge, thank you so much. >> okay, guys. ainsley: one pastor is cleaning up the damage in his city and sending a message to rioters across our country. and is he going to join us live next. -what could be better than being a mo-tour? the real question is... do you mind not being a mo-tour? -i do. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. the first and only full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel available over-the-counter.
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ainsley: one chicago pastor is clean up effort and. joining me corey brooks new beginnings church of chicago. also the ceo of project hood which is organizing this clean-up effort. good morning to you, pastor. >> good morning. thank you for having me on your show. ainsley: good morning. thank you for being on with us. it's heart-wrenching to watch what happened to george. but to also see these retailers were hurting so much already because of covid and then to see the looting and these people profiting off those folks' pain. what is your message to those that are rioting? one i understand the frustration and disappointment and i understand the agonizing pain of seeing someone brutalized and i also see we have the right to
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protest according to the first amendment at so time should we ever start looting and rioting and tearing up property and dismantling possessions people own. once you cross that line it becomes criminal activity. unfortunate we are dishonoring george floyd's death by doing. this. ainsley: yeah. i have been so touched by the people, the communities that have come out and helped repair some of the store fronts and cleaning them up. >> absolutely. >> i know you are doing that with your organization. tell us why you started this and what you are doing. >> well, we are doing it because, first of all, we are americans and we have to stand together and we have to come together and start rebuilding. so we got all of our neighbors, we got friends from outside of our community to come together to try to help us to clean up. it was such -- it's such mess and so devastating that we decided to do something about it instead of just standing on the sidelines and getting on twitter and facebook and social media
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and talking about all of the stuff that we feel toward the rioting and looting. weave decided to do something about it. that's spread a little love. spread some peace. clean up the neighborhood. hopefully talk to some individuals about another way a different -- an alternative to doing it that way and hopefully it will work. ainsley: you know, believe it or not, there are millions of people that live in new york. some of these folks and all cities actually around the country. it's a small percentage of people that are doing this rioting. how are things there in chicago? >> just like you said a small percentage of people it started off downtown with the graffiti and rock-throwing and all of that type of stuff, burning police cars and destroying people's property. it was definitely outside groups that we believe came into chicago and started it. but, like a cancer, once it started it. started to spread it. spread into the neighborhoods now and we got to take a stand and got to say this is not going to work in our neighborhood and come together somehow, some way and make sure that we don't allow looting. that we don't allow rioting and
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that we come to a peaceful resolution about what can be done. >> pastor that video right there that we just showed the nike store. and can you see men, women of all ages coming out of there arms full of clothes. quickly, only 30 seconds. but can you tell us a quick message? >> yes. i wanted to, first of all, we are americans, all of us black, white, young, old, we have to find a way to resolve our issues without rioting, without looting. we have to find a way to come together and make sure that we do things in a better way just to make sure that we make life better for everyone. we can't allow police brutality and allow any type of violence but we have got to come together. ainsley: we have the go to go, pastor. please pray for our country. lara logan and lawrence jones coming up.
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brian: we start with a fox news alert from las vegas to new york city. rioting and looting growing across the country as police officers come under attack. in las vegas, one officer shot outside a casino after a night of protest. we have just learned he is on life support. in st. louis, as looters raid stores and light fires, four officers were shot, all four expected to be okay. steve: that is good news. meanwhile in new york city, two shocking attacks caught on camera. a sergeant was run over by a speeding suv in the bronx. not far away another officer attacked meanwhile president trump calling on governors to get a hold of their states and
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maintain order. >> i have strongly recommended to every governor, to deploy the national guard. if a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then i will deploy the united states military. ainsley: that warning as massive crowds take to the streets despite those citywide curfews like here in new york city and mayhem in new york city macy's flagship was hit by looters. aishah hasnie. we are hearing about stores on madison avenue now. east side. west side. you reported on soho a few days ago up in the bronx. what is happening? >> good morning, to you. yeah, it's really all over manhattan, and i want to show you something so you see this is macy's flagship store. now, take a look this way.
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you see, obviously, wood boards put up all across all down the side of this building. this actually wraps all the way around the building. this took this move, this action obviously after the looting happened last night. now, some of these stores in the midtown manhattan area are still wide open. and we have seen now in the last couple of minutes police officers, nypd have started to show up to these stores and stand outside just sort of watching over these stores until they are able to also put these boards up. now, i want to show you some video because this was a very violent night as well for these nypd officers. first of all, several attacks caught on video in the bronx. dramatic video shows a sergeant struck by black sedan near a call of a possible break-in. he is in serious but stable condition. the people in the car though. they got away. another video shows an officer being beaten down on the street in public view as people walk
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by. and in buffalo this morning. we are hearing a suspect is in custody after a police officer and a state trooper were hit by a car. they are both in stable condition. now, back here again in new york city, looters as i mentioned were smashing their way through manhattan. stores foot locker, sprint. all of this as new york city established that curfew that went into effect at 11:00. now, leaders day in, day out have been trying to send a message to these folks that are inciting the violence. people that they believe are outsiders. people not participating in those peaceful protests. one of new york's top cops, chief terrence monahan actually was with protesters yesterday. listen to what he said about these looters. >> get those out of here from california from all over this country who are being paid to take this move-in and turn it
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into violence against the men and women who love the community. >> and, again, back out here live in manhattan we are seeing businesses. if you take a look this way, they are starting, to again, just board up, just really nervous this is going to happen again. the curfew is earlier tonight, 8:00 p.m. but, again, we have been mentioning, we don't know if that's really going to stop looters if they want to loot, they will be out here. steve, brian, ainsley. brian: yeah. we know we are going to get to phase one supposedly in the city which we should be much more accelerated than that at the end of the week. aishah, where is the national guard presence? we see them on a regular basis with anti-terror efforts. i mean, it's already been day six, day seven. what's going on here? >> why have not seen that presence whatsoever here in midtown, manhattan. we have seen some police officers. when i got here early this morning, a handful and now, perhaps there is a new shift of police officers that have showed up. we have seen more coming in as
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the sun has come up. and they are standing outside those stores that have been broken into. now we are not seeing that presence at all. steve: aishah hasnie from broadway i believe. thank you for showing us those stores with the plywood. putt the plywood up after they break the windows. a lot of stores put the plywood over good windows hoping to keep the looters away but last night, unfortunately, we saw a number of vandals show up at the stores with crowbars, pried them off and then vandalized the stores. so, just what's going on in the big town. meanwhile, the sun is rising in our nation's capital this morning as police and the military crack down on new protests across the district. griff jenkins continues our team coverage in d.c. he is just about a block from the white house. you can see over his shoulder. griff? griff: yeah. that's right, steve. we are at -- this is eighth
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street here the white house you can see in the background. do you see the black fence? that's new. that is riot fencing put up because of what happened yesterday. and just on this corner we will give you a quick look. we have literal i a handful of protesters, one gray black lives matter and the police there obviously letting him do that it was a scene we have not seen before in the downtown washington area. that was a military helicopter hovering above the protesters trying to control their movements in the large law enforcement footprint that included federal law enforcement agencies. d.c. police and the national guard. this all after the president vowed he would crack down. listen. >> i am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton
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destruction of property. griff: now, we saw protesters swarming down on the national mall and in the downtown area and around this lafayette park area neither white house. it all came earlier in the day when the president had been warning some governors that they needed to dominate the streets. they needed to crack down. and here in d.c. the mayor, who has been very critical and feuding with the president did agree she wanted the secure safety. listen. >> i obviously don't agree with that type of language in it, but this is where our interest are the same. keeping washington, d.c. safe. griff: now, the scene here of st. john's church that you saw, the historic church that was vandalized and set ablaze monday night. can you see lots of crews out here. it was not damaged yesterday. but there was quite a scene that was tense at moments because
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when the president decided to walk from the white house after his rose garden remarks over to st. john's. they cleared the perimeter using tear gas and a strong law enforcement effort to clear the pat. and as you can see, i want to give you one last look, can you see now the lights coming up, the white house now, that park that has protesters all kinds of events protesters, it was the sunday night, monday night, saturday night, the secret service agents have been heard from rocks an --hurt. doing some cleaning up now. one thing is for sure. no one is getting close to the white house right now. we will see if that changes later as a few protesters turn out here. steve, ainsley, brian? ainsley: that's their duty to protect the president. thank you so much, griff. we appreciate it. 7:08 here on the east coast there are protests in minneapolis. they are remaining mostly peaceful there ahead of the mandated curfew overnight it. comes as george floyd's family
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calls for peace and matt finn is live in minneapolis at the memorial that honors his life. good morning, matt. >> good morning. well, throughout the show, unfortunately, we have seen the reporting from places like d.c., new york, and las vegas. and even los angeles where the riots and the violence is picking up. we are here in minneapolis we are standing at the site where george floyd died. this is where it all began. fortunately in this city this morning there is a much greater sense of calm and law and order in the past 48 hours. you could see there is a memorial here for george floyd and there has been a bunch of peaceful demonstration, prayer circles here. people dropping off flowers and actually the floyd family held a service here yesterday. and they said there are peaceful god fearing family and insist the violent riots must stop. >> if i'm not over here walling out. if i'm not over here blowing up
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stuff, if i'm not over here messing up my community, then what are y'all doing? what are you all doing? y'all doing nothing. because that's not going to bring my brother back at all. >> in a letter, the minneapolis police union president writes that the governor and mayor are now shifting blame towards police, calling it despicable behavior, writing in support, quote: what has been very evident throughout this process is you have lacked support from the top. this terrorist movement that is currently occurring was a long-time build-up which dates back years. starting with minimizing the size of our police force. minneapolis council member o'connell responded in a tweet quote, kroll who is the union's president will will inability to acknowledge painful impact of officer's actions on community
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exemplifies the toxic culture of silence that glues the outdated policy systems together. this is why we must step in and deconstruct our police department and build a new system with our chief. houston, texas and boxer floyd mayweather has vowed to pay for the memorial. the family is going to accept. brian: thanks, matt. appreciate it. latest in minneapolis. look at washington, d.c. minneapolis. if there are some bright spots, it seems to be protests. not rioters over the last few days. that is knot the case everywhere. earlier today florida congressional candidate byron donalds joined steve to talk the need for some calm amidst the chaos in order for george floyd's life to have some type of justice. not the riots. listen. >> like everybody else, i think
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what happened to george floyd was an absolute tragedy and he was murdered. justice needs to be done. justice will be done. but what we can't do, would what we should never do is riot in our streets and burn down businesses. if we truly want justice. we have to come together as one america. we can't be divided. we can't target the very people who service our communities and who protected us in our communities. you can't have an america based upon liberty if you are not going to have safety in our streets and we have to protect the people who want to protest safely. but we also have to protect small business owners as well. brian: yeah. what i don't really understand is no one is talking about race relations. no one is talking about law enforcement techniques and tactics. how to streamline. and no one is talking about what needs to be done. what we're talking about is trying to prevent the ransacking of major cities in this country and who is actually behind it. because you don't hear much about george floyd after 11:00. you hear a lot about it until the sun sets.
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and then it just becomes mass destruction by seemingly a whole new group of people. and until we unwind what's behind that one is for law enforcement and justice. and let's move forward like we did in the 1960s, like we have done through time. now we are just looking at people who want to destroy the country. systematically city by city. steve: you know, brian, there is an item in the "new york post" this morning that talks about how they have been watching how this looting is going on and they use the term systematic. as you just did. and they say it's systematic. somebody comes by and they will break the window. then somebody else comes by on a bike and starts to loot the place. and this is aside from the extremists. these are the people who are taking advantage of the situation and actually taking the stuff out. and, according to the new york post what they said is the police say the looting appears to be done by, in large part, by
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gangs. and it's coordinated by the gangs from the forgive bur boro. take off with stuff stuff from the stores. ainsley: most people doin -- nio see good samaritans out there trying to to help store fronts clean up. heart wrenches when you see stores ransacked, spray painted, broken into. because they are already hurting. retail hurting because of corona and now hurting worse. you hear about them setting a fire to a house in virginia where a child was in there and then they blocked the fire department from getting in. thankfully the officers were able to get everyone out of that house. you hear about four officers shot in st. louis.
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two shot in the leg. one shot in the arm. one shot in the foot. thankfully they are alive. the police chief, john hayden started crying and he said thank god they are alive. the police chief in virginia when he was talking about that fire was getting emotional. then you hear about the officer that was hit by the car in the bronx last night. and the officer that was beat up on the street right there. i mean, and then all these stores vandalized. the officer that was shot in vegas. come on, everyone. let's just come together as a country. let's unite. let's stop doing. this and let's just remember our values and our principles and what we were founded on. and let's see better. brian: yeah. i would say. so i have never even thought you taught back to a cop let alone hit a cop or run over a cop. we are losing the whole foundation of law and order. and it's maddening. meanwhile, we'll have much more to talk about here but jillian halls the other news breaking around the country. hey, jillian. jillian: that's right. good morning.
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let's go ahead and get started with this. overnight the department of justice pushing for michael flynn's case to be dismissed meestled. they are urging the federal appeals court to order the judge overseeing the emmet sullivan to take action. he has rejected calls to drop it. even allowing outside judges to weigh in. sullivan calling the doj's reversal unusual. arguing it gives them a reason to question and wants to consider the request carefully before ruling on it. happening today, primaries will be held in eight states and washington, d.c. for the 2020 presidential race and congressional seat. joe biden has a chance to clinch the democratic nomination today. 479 delegates are up for grabs. he needs 425 to secure the nomination. a virginia police chief breaks down after protesters set fire to a home with a child inside. >> officers were able to -- officers were able to help those people out of the house, but when you take a legitimate issue
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and hijack it for unknown reasons, that is unacceptable to me. jillian: police chief saying rioters traveled from outside the city to break up peaceful protests. a powerful moment as lapd officers take a knee in solidarity with protesters. officers met with cheers as they drop down. praising the officers quote part of the healing process for our city is to lend support for those who show up to voice their grievances. we're seeing video like that and images like that from all across the country, guys. steve: we have indeed. jillian, thank you very much. meanwhile, 7:17 here in the east. president trump blaming antifa for the violence across america. aiming to designate them as a domestic terror group. but what do we know about
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antifa? lara logan had a personal encounter with them and she joins us next. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. i might be crazy but i'm not stupid. having an annuity tells me that i'm protected. during turbulent times, consider protected lifetime income from an annuity as part of your retirement plan. this can help you cover your essential monthly expenses. learn more at . the first and only full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel available over-the-counter. new voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. i don't have to worry about athat, do i?are irritated. gel. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. it works below the gum line to neutralize
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and our community is counting on us to do our part. we know who we are and how vibrant our community is. let's make sure our nation knows it too. for more information, visit, and to participate, go to >> those who threaten innocent life and property will be arrested, detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. i want the organizers of this terror to be on notice that you will face severe criminal penalties and lepghtd in lengths in jail. this includes antifa and others who are leading instigators of this violence. steve: the president has vowed to designate antifa, via tweet, as a terrorist organization. but what exactly do we know about this movement? fox nation host lara logan has
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had an encounter with them before and she joins us right now. larr remarks good morning to you. you know, the president had suggested that he would essentially designate them a terror group. but legal experts are saying that's kind of hard because there is no central leadership. it's more of a movement. you know, each town might have five people on 10 people. it's just kind of scattered, they say. >> yes. it is scattered. and that's by design because it's a massive network that spreads, you know, all across the u.s. and across the world, actually. it's a global movement. and that's not my words. it's their words, right? and, of course, legal experts. all these people want you to believe that you can't designate them. why? because it brings with them very significant authority. for example, all those people contributing bail money to members of antifa and other entities. they are a terrorist organization. then they are contributing to terrorist groups and that's
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illegal. so that will -- the money will dry up. certainly sources of funding will dry up. why do they move across state lines to go and commit crimes. they do it because they get in their cars or get on the planes and go back to where they came from. and you can't get them. well, you can if they are designated as terrorists so this is a very significant designation and shuts down authorities. when you hear people coming at you with that whether they know it or not they are contributing to the propaganda. steve, can i tell you the propaganda in overdrive right now. on antifa website and through their network of people and different social media forms and even in the "new york times" today quite astonishing. they are literally collects data and dismissing all of this what you are seeing in front of your eyes. they are say something a conspiracy theory. i mean, they have used conspiracy theorist theory. that's an information warfare term that's meant to shut down any conversation and to silent and to intimidate and to get us to self-censor because we don't
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want to be accused of being crazy right wing conspiracy thirsts. take a listen what they are calling propaganda now. instead of propaganda they are calling it cop it's aganda. policemen taking a to me. you showed that on this show, right? that's called copaganda. grossest most blatant attempt at cop aganda anyone kneeling with him is a fool. what we have known already the last phi years just ask intelligence people. law enforcement. they use the tactics that they accuse you of. so this is their insurgency, right? this is their propaganda. if anyone is in any doubt about where this is going, go to their information. i always believe in going to the source, right? don't take my word for it. can you go to the source, too. have a look at the revolutionary an abolitionist movement. what do they want to do here? liberation by any means
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necessary. they are going to destroy the state police, military, corporations. all who run what they call the american plantation. they live in a dignity world n. a world without prisons. systems of punishment. no law and no money to protect. property they say is alive. it doesn't belong to anyone. except they won't really be equal. there will be a system because go down to number 10. militant networks will defend our revolutionary communities. liberation begins where america dies. so that is what this is about. liberation begins where america dies. right now the white people you at fox news, you are the oppressors, right? this is all about justice for black people and under privileged communities and poor. but a few steps down, anyone who owns land is the oppressed. and a few more steps down anyone with a successful business, and a few more steps down do you have a bigger, you know, profit resources than i do? and every step along the way we all become the oppressors and
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what they want when they say abolish the police and the army and everything, they want to get rid of all black policemen, black soldiers, it's not just about race. they want to us believe we are divided. they have wanted it to be about republican absdz democrat. but it's not. and every single thing you are seeing is to incited a response, to incite white people for example to take up their guns and say i'm going to defend my homes and to incited the police to acted to incite the national guard soldier to pull the trigger and give them exactly what they want. which is an excuse to get rid of this president, get rid of this administration, and ultimately liberation begins where america dies. that's what they want. that's in their words. it's not a conspiracy theory. the "new york times" should be ashamed of itself for printing such play tangt propaganda. go to their websites. either you didn't do your job or you are on someone else's team. but you are not serving the constitution of the united states because that document is ultimately what it is all about.
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that's what stands between america now today as americans have known it all their lives and this world where america has to die in order for their world to exist. steve: lara logan joining us. knee shows a lot about antifa. she has covered this for fox nation. larr remarks thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: all right. meanwhile, dozens of people standing guard outside of a target store in south philly that was being targeted by looters. our next guest helped organize it. and says his community is fed up with the violence. on what matters most. and your health is key to that. centrum supports your body with vitamin c and zinc to help maintain your immune system today and into the new tomorrow. centrum.
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take care, and be well. to learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit ♪ brian: we're back with a fox news alert. a philadelphia gun store owner shooting and killing an armed looter overnight. steve kealy from our fox affiliate in philly is live outside that store. steve, what's the scene now? >> well, brian, this is the oldest gun store in philadelphia. the owner is 67 years old. he has been in business here since 1984. the business right along i-95. he has a huge billboard on his roof that that him driving south from new york city south would see out their window. here is what happened. the night before sunday night the looters attempted to break
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in this store here. he has a steel enforced side door here. look at this. they beat it up. beat up the lock here. they then tried to use a crowbar to wedge their way in here. steve reinforced throughout. so they gave up and left. but because of that he saw that the next morning. yesterday he said to himself i have got to stay here for tonight because they are probably going to try to come in again. and sure enough they did. and on the front of his store here. facing front street coincidentally in philadelphia, he directs his customers, many of them police officers, to enter threw the parking lot on front street. so these looters maybe the same ones, came back and then they cut the padlocked gate and they had bolt cutters with them so they were prepared when they came back this time and then here is video. you will see the lot lock is cut well and found the bolt cutters inside -- the police that is here is the door on the back side of it. on the other side of the door i showed you just now how it looked before. they kicked it in and shattered it. he is here he hears that noise.
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he has a brand new surveillance system. he sees them coming up the steps. three or four looters. he is waiting at the top of the stepping armed and trained with a gun. the first guy in line points a gun at him. and he blows that guy away. likely wounds another looter in the shoulder. the others run out as fast as they can for their lives. they calls police at 4:11 a.m. this morning. notifies them of what happened. as detectives are here investigating that and the other guy is pronounced dead lying face down in a pool of blood. they get a call from the closest hospital in philadelphia that they have a man that just walked into their emergency room wounded in the shoulder is knot telling them how. so police obviously suspect he is in this looting crew as well. wounded also by the owner. so it's come to this in philadelphia. last night, brian, we had a very violent confrontation with police after they refused to let protesters shut down the main thoroughfare, the main highway through this city and they showed up with a swath team. the swath team police tell us got hit with rocks. so they fired tear gas.
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rubber bullets and beanbags at them back at them and we had several arrested after the that scene. then, this has become the most violent scene yet of this looting situation in the last four days in philadelphia that seems to be getting worse. but, these looters picked the wrong guy to loot. a gun owner, gun store owner, who is training police how to shoot a gun. you are not going to get somebody more armed and trained than that. that's the last person you want to face and one of these looters learned the hard way, brian. brian: steve, no charges or anything, right? >> well, we had an assistant district attorney come here first to get a firsthand look. and there she is back there with the red shoulder bag. and she is here to just make sure it's a justifiable homicide. but a veteran detective said you don't get any more justified than this one. brian: steve kealy, thanks so much. ainsley? >> as mass rioting, looting and violence erupts in philadelphia, our next guest is stepping up to protect his city. the co-founder of stand up south
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philly. anthony joins me now. >> hi, ainsley how are you doing? ainsley: i'm doing well. thank you for asking. i saw the video yesterday. we had on "fox & friends." target store in your area in south philly. all of the folks that are with your organization are standing out front so that the looter couldn't get. in tell me why you organized that. >> we organized that because we are just tired. we are fed up with the crime and the revolving door and in the criminal justice system. the looting and the rioting. this was not protesting that was happening in philadelphia and around the country. this was looting and rioting. and criminal behavior. and we were not going to stand for it. we stood up, we rallied. i had -- ainsley: sorry, go ahead. >> okay, i'm sorry. we stood up and rallied together. we now have almost 11,000 members in my movement that i started back in january. the rest of the city saw what we were doing. once you wecht national on that
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small clip the other day, brooklyn stood up outside of a target. the communitials in philadelphia were then told that the looters were going to move to the different areas in south philadelphia. south philadelphia is a tough neighborhood. we are strong here. we are blue collar. we mobilized all the neighborhoods. i was in and out of every neighborhood yesterday making sure everything was fine. we were being circled at some point. they wanted to get into that target. we refused to let them get into that target. and south philly stood strong yesterday. and we want to send a unified message to philadelphia, and we also want to send a unified message around the country that if you stand up in your communities, and say no, and unite with your community, the african-american community, the latino community, asian community, and stand up against this violence, the violence will end eventually. ainsley: more people against the looting than the looters themselves. for you to organize. this it seems every city could probably do it.
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we want everyone to stay safe. the nypd chief knelt down with some of the protesters he said, you know, don't let folks come into our city and do this to us. we have all worked too hard. like you said, blue collar worker. many people came to this country. not too long ago. and they are working really hard to keep their businesses, small businesses open. so george floyd, he died. and everyone has come together saying what a horrific way to die. and this police officer is charged. >> horrible. ainsley: what is your response to these looters? his family is saying you are not honoring my brother by doing this. >> it's absolutely disturbing and atrocious how they are putting a mark on mr. floyd's memory by rioting and burning the cities and the country down. this man suffered a horrible death. we stand with mr. floyd. we stand with the african-american community. we stand with the protesters.
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we get that they are angry. but we stand with the peaceful protesters. we do not stand with the violent rioters. dr. martin luther king walked in the 1960s. he never threw a stone and he changed the face. ainsley: good point. we will leave it with that anthony. where can more people find out about your organization? >> can you reach us on the facebook on the stand-up south philly take our streets back. we have a twitter handle and also have a website that's being designed. and in the future, like i said, new york city i will come hold hands with you, also. and we can walk the streets together for peace. ainsley: thank you so much, anthony. >> you are welcome. thank you for having me. ainsley: police officers getting attacked by rioters in cities all across the country. what message do they need to hear from our men and women in uniform? our police panel is going to speak out next.
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brian: fox news alert. police officers under attack during dangerous riots across the country overnight. 39 cities. a las vegas police officer is fighting for his life after he was shot outside a casino a suspect in custody. in st. louis four officers are shot as looters raid stores and light fires in the city. the police chief fighting back tears. >> come coward fired shots at officers and now we have four in the hospital. thankfully and thank god he is alive. they are alive. [crying] brian: new york city two shocking attacks caught on camera. got a sergeant run over by a speeding suv in the bronx. is he in serious condition. that car did not even stop. nearby officer outnumbered and attacked. did not light up until they pulled out his firearm and then they ran away. three people know this situation well and challenging police work dr. oscar odom nypd detective from brooklyn.
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a former nypd officer and author of becoming bullet proof and joe carnellly is back with us. retired nypd lieutenant. joe, start with you. how can new york specifically get back control of the streets in a city this big with this many looters ampted r and perpe. >> first of all, national guard needed to be brought out early if they are not out on the street we can't do it. we have no support from our politicians whatsoever. they have more support for the rioters they are not protesters, they're rioters than they do for the police department. come to the extreme of police officers getting hurt and shot and still not enough for them to pull out the national guard. brian: he is right. i see the national guard sitting at penn station. now we need them and they are
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nowhere to be found and mayor and governor aren't even communicating about a curfew. >> yeah. i agree with everything that was said. we need help. the nypd cannot do this alone. first of all we need the community's help. we all have to be on the same side to protect our city. but if there is this divisiveness and this hate for law enforcement, they can only do so much. when you see this blatant attack it's the community with our politicians, our political leaders have to be on board. everybody working collectively together to we support your. what happened t george floyd is horrific. what we are seeing now is not great city of new york. brian: oscar, is it possible to counter this organized opposition and do you view it as organized opposition? >> most definitely it's organized opposition. and the thing when we look at first thing we need to do is thank the police officers, the women and men in blue. brian: ,. >> who put their lives on the
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line every day to serve and protect the public. we need to go out there. we need to go to the people who are doing. this speak to the agitators. speak to the politicians, speak to the community leaders, the community activists. sit at the round table and begin to bring about these discussions. because we are out there every day putting our lives on the line to make this a better place and make this a safe place given everything that's going on covid-19 and also the curfew needs to be put at an earlier time to help to protect and establish some sort of law and order as stated by the united states constitution. brian: joe, what can you tell us about the opposition? they are coming in with bricks. pallets of bricks dropped off. cars without plates with all types of defiling equipment. what do you know about who is doing this? >> they know it's the organized agitators as oscar said. what we need to do is if they can control times square on new years with packages and everything coming in. they most certainly can control.
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this their hands are tied by the cowardly decisions made by our politicians so. until that is addressed, you are not going to have any organized attempt at stopping this unless you bring in the national guard and it's done in a massive attempt like that. brian: have you two lawyers, ebony handing out cocktails while being involved in this protest and the mayor's own daughter who he can't control. how is he supposed to control the city? >> you know, i think it has come to political leadership. the ability to be out there and to support your police officers, to support your communities and to come out and be very clear and very stern that this is not okay. the nypd, our law enforcement need their support and they need our help to protect our city. and they cannot do that. brian: thank you, evy. oscar, what happens tonight? >> there better be a curfew and police officers better enforce
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the laws and also to make sure that they make arrests when necessary to protect the lives of the women and men out there on the streets. brian: we might have to get the retired guys back out there to help out. that's how desperate it seems. >> absolutely. brian: thanks so much, guys, appreciate it, all of you. straight ahead, president trump vowing to fight for the american people amid escalating riots across the country. did he deliver on his message yesterday? lawrence jones next. robinhood believes now is the time to do money.
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♪ steve: president trump yesterday promised america he will fight to protect us in an address to the states rocked by destruction and riots and looting. here with reaction, fox news contributor and fox nation host lawrence jones. lawrence, good morning to you. the president said if mayors and governors don't stop the violence he will send in the troops. what do you think of that message? >> i think there is a balance of it. i think the president should send in backup for states that won't do their job to protect their citizens. i think there is nothing wrong with the president being tough because as you see, the whole country sees anarchy.
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the balanced side of this the president has to show his heart as well. he mentioned i stand with the peaceful protesters. there has to be some symbolic measure as well to show those people that he really does stabbed with them the president talked about law and order which the president agreed there has to be order. we can't allow people to take over the streets. with that law and order you have to hold the people who do unjust actions who strip away people liberty accountable as well. so, you know, i don't know the logistics of this because he is the president of the united states. and secret service would have to deal with this. but he has to go with some visual message to the protesters because they need the president as well. i'm not talking about the anarchists and the rioters but the majority of people that are standing saying enough is enough. they need the president, too. steve: sure. lawrence, let me ask you, why don't you think more governors and mayors have asked for help from the national guard or
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whatever? >> i think it's political. i don't think they know what they are doing. i think that part of it is that they want to stand with the protesters but they don't know how to get control of the rioters it's a back of leadership right now. i have been seeing messages following this where they are organizing and putting bricks everywhere. it's pretty easy to shut it down but, again, it takes actual leadership. look, before this protest and the rioting starts lost control of the city. poverty, crime, all kinds of stuff happening. a failure of leadership in general in these cities so, this is just a repeated behavior for them. now they haven't got control of the looting and the crime. so, again, the president can assist them but at the end of the day, pete, thi steve, this l
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level problem. we need a national message of unit and law and order. it's incumbent on the local leadership to get this in order. steve: absolutely. have you got to figure there are a number of people in different states and different communities going why isn't my governor asking for help or why isn't my mayor helping -- asking for help as well. let's see what happens going forward. lawrence jones, we thank you very much for your point of view on this tuesday morning. >> thanks, brother. steve: you bet. all right. coming up on this telecast. senator tim scott and usc champion john jones. right back. ... some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data.
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back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala at home. find your nunormal with nucala. steve: it is 8:00 in the east on this tuesday, june 2, 2020 and we start with a fox news alert. from new york city to las vegas, rioting and looting growing across the country, as now police officers come under attack. in las vegas one officer is fighting for his life at this hour, after getting shot near protests outside of a casino. meanwhile, in st. louis, as looters raid stores and light fires, four officers shot there. the police chief made a statement fighting back tears. >> some coward shot the officer s and now we got four in the hospital but thankfully and thank god, [crying]
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ainsley: thank god they're alive so that's vegas and st. louis, look at new york city, two shocking attacks caught on camera a sargent run over by a speeding suv in the bronx. yeah. we stop it right there so that we're not going to play when the officer gets hit but not far away another officer attacked, president trump calling on governors to maintain order. president trump: strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the national guard if the city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then i will deploy the united states military. brian: we'll see if it comes to that the warnings asthmas ever crowds take to the streets despite city-wide curfew like here in new york city. mayhem on 34th street, macy's iconic flagship store hit by looters and at the last minute they decide to put a curfew but
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they make it 11:00. i understand it's the first curfew since 1943. aishah hasnie is live outside that macy's, anything getting back to normal there? reporter: good morning, steve, brian, ainsley, yeah i'm standing right in front of the macy's flagship store and as you could see right behind me , there is plywood all over the windows of this store and it wraps all the way around this entire store because looter s hit the store late last night and one of several businesses that were looted in the manhattan area. now this is the famous iconic macy's store that of course is the back drop for the movies like the miracle on 34th street and this is also where you would come out and watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade and it's just really sad to see waking up to this as people walk by here that it's completely covered in play wood now. now, i want to show you video
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from what we saw inside the macy's store, as looters ran sacked the store, smashing their way through other stores as well across manhattan. we've seen an sephora, foot locker, sprint, urban outfitters , this glass shattered everywhere and looting also took place in the bronx when it was a pretty violent night for police officers. several attacks on officers caught on video, dramatic video shows a sargent struck by a black sedan near a call of a possible break-in. now he is in serious but stable condition. the people in the car got away. another officer beat up on the street in plain view of people passing by and in buffalo a suspect is in custody this morning after a police officer and state trooper were hit by a car. they are in stable condition. all of this of course happening as new york city established that curfew that went into effect at 11:00 last night. leaders have been trying to send
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a message to those inciting violence. people they believe were outsiders, in fact, chief monaha n kneeling with protest res yesterday. listen to what he said about these looters. >> that needs to end. it has to end today. tonight when that sun goes down, people protesters, go home. leave it to those who want to cause damage, we'll get rid of those and get rid of those that ruin your neighborhoods. reporter: what we don't know if it really made a difference or not, so far we've only heard about a 200 arrests made last night with sounds about the same as what happened the night before. that curfew has been moved up now from 11 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. tonight, so we'll have to wait and see if it works. back to you. steve: all right,aishah, thank you very much, meanwhile now to
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the capitol city this morning as police and military crackdown on new protests across d.c. griff jenkins continues our team coverage live in washington. griff, yesterday the president walked from the white house which is behind you to the church which is just to your right. we understand later this morning he's apparently going to take another trip. he's going to go to st. john paul ii national shrine about four miles from where you are. griff: that's right the guidance we're getting, steve scalise that he will venture out again and travel up to near catholic university. it's an effort of international religious freedom but certainly another venturing out that he won't be concealed or confined to the white house but let me just give you the look here for our viewers that haven't yet seen this. this is lafayette park which was cleared when the president walked through there but there's riot fencing up and no one goes in there in fact, if you come with me one second you can see
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really there's street traffic from joggers running through, but all the way up 17th going back all the way down here towards 15th you can see that the street is blocked and the gentleman running, the blockade right here is from the fbi. now that's significant because we've seen this combination of a much-larger massive law enforcement footprint that involves both federal law enforcement, local d.c. and the national guard. we saw something we haven't seen before here in d.c. and all the years i've been covering it too. a military helicopter hovering over judiciary square trying to control the protesters, track their movement. certainly flying very very low off the deck and for someone whose been around helicopters and war zones it is a very effective saying, in terms of controlling folks. it's all a part of the president who vowed to crackdown, here is some of what he had to say. president trump: i am dispatching thousands and
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thousands of heavily-armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property. griff: and the protesters swarmed down on the national mall then were pushed northward past lafayette square into areas downtown and beyond. general milley was out surveying this morning some of what was happening and the cleanup, which is what we've been seeing obviously all this morning long, but really i'll tell you the iconic moment was again this several hundred yards when the president walks through lafayette park all the way out here to st. john's which by the way has been mostly they've been working on the graffiti trying to cover it up. its been pretty much efforts have been going on since the middle of the night and right now the streets are quiet
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but no doubt, things will be tense and they will clear, obviously a safe corridor when the president makes that visit up to st. john paul ii by catholic university, steve. steve: that's exactly right. all right griff, thank you very much. we should also point out that yesterday when they cleared park behind griff, they used tear gas and rubber bullets and flash ban gs and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer this morning are condemning the white house security people for doing that to the protesters who were there all right ainsley? ainsley: all right thank you. as president trump delivers that strong message to governors yesterday, the state of texas warning about potential federal charges for those coming from out of state to engage in looting and violence. here with an update is texas attorney general ken paxton. tell us your plan what's your plan for folks that come in from other states? >> i'm actually very appreciative the governor spoke
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out because we want to send the message if you're coming to our state to do what's happening in these other states you're going to be prosecuted under federal law and we're going to help these federal agents make sure you're held accountable for these types of actions. brian: that that'll certainly help. i know there's protests like everywhere else in the country. what can you tell us about the level of intensity and violence involved from dallas to austin? >> well you definitely hit the two cities where it's most prevalent. i'm sitting across the street from the capitol right now and i can tell you there are lots of state policemen across there and there are also many national guardsmen, so i think we're prepared. we're hopeful that that sign of force will keep the protest at least peaceful. steve: yeah, you know, mr. paxto n, the president said yesterday if mayors or governor s don't stop the violence he's going to send in the troops.
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don't mess with texas is an expression that is very familiar to a lot of people, but at the same time there are other states that are not looking to the white house for any sort of help they're going to just do it on their own, what do you make of that? >> look, i don't fault the state for step up and trying to stop this but they're going to do nothing. i would expect the federal government to step in and try to stop it, so you know it's going to depend a lot on how these states react and governors react and whether they step up and protect their citizens. here in texas, our governor will do that and i think you'll see it as we go forward. ainsley: as a man of the law who studied the law, the president said yesterday, america was founded on a rule of law. he said i took an oath to uphold the laws under this nation. what was your reaction? >> do you know what? i totally agree with his statements. i think his number one function is to protect america from harm both outside and in, and in this case he's speaking to an issue that's effecting cities across america where people,
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their property is being harmed and potentially their lives are being harmed so sure, this is exactly what we want the strong leadership to do and the president is doing that. brian: ken from what you observed and as you talk to other people involved in the law and law enforcement, does this seem like an organized rioters, does this seem like an organic anger and emotion when you watch what happens when the sun goes down from minneapolis to new york to all these other cities? >> yeah, i think your observations are really interesting and i think i would have the same observations that it doesn't appear to be random acts of violence. this whole thing has been planned waiting for the right moment to go into effect, especially when you see in our state people coming in from other states for these riots so i think this is definitely
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planned. steve: but at the same time, ken , you know, i think a lot of people looking in and they see hey, look, somebody broke that window and suddenly, everybody has got all of those free coach bags or something like that. they see this as an opportunity because a lot of people don't see what happens next. don't see whether somebody is arrested. don't see whether or not they're booked. they don't see the next step. >> no you're right and i think that's what's important. the local law enforcement, the local leaders speak out and tell people about the consequences of rioting and looting and harming people. those stories need to be hold by the media as well so i'm hoping that governors and state leaders will speak out so that people know that there is a consequence to doing these type of activities. ainsley: what's the next step when it comes to race relations? you're one of the leaders in texas and leaders all over our country. what's the solution? is it for the president and republicans to team up with
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democrats? is it to get black leaders to stand next to the president and say let's talk about this , let's have honest conversation and let's do something about this? >> yeah, i think your suggestions are really good. i do think we just need to talk about this and i do think there are issues with law enforcement overstepping their bounds and doing things they shouldn't be doing and we need to hold people accountable if we have law enforcement, not following the law but i think that's the exception and we still need to talk about it and figure out ways we can prevent it in every possible case so that people have confidence at all levels in law enforcement. brian: so far so good in texas. we'll check in with you again ken paxton, thanks so much. >> thank you have a great day. brian: let's go to jillian mele you saw what shawn hannity last night and the interview with dr. baden, and the latest on the george floyd investigation. reporter: yes so that's where we begin with the fox news alert the family of george floyd pending an autopsy two doctors
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hired by floyds family ruling his death a homicide due to asphyxiation from sustained pressure when his neck and back was compressed cutting off blood flow to his brain. one of the doctors as brian mentioned commissioned to do the autopsy and fox news contributor dr. michael baden is sounding off earlier on fox & friends. >> he didn't have any significant medical problems at all. the family wanted hired because the results that came out sort of implied that it was something other, they thought, other than what we saw in the video. reporter: the medical examiner's office issuing their final public report of the findings saying floyd died due to " cardiopulmonary arrest" with no mention of asphyxiation we'll continue to follow it. >> two stories breaking from philadelphia overnight. first a gun store owner shooting and killing an armed looter. the owner opened fire after at least three looters cut his gate and kicked open the door. one of the looters pointing a
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gun at him. the owner says he's been on high alert after an attempted break-in earlier this week. and a 24-year-old has died after he tried to blow up this atm. police say at least 10 other machines were robbed with explosives overnight in philadelphia. >> today primaries will be held in eight states and washington d.c. for the 2020 presidential race and congressional seat. joe biden has a chance to clench the democratic nomination today. 479 delegates are up for grabs. he needs 425 to secure the nomination. >> and across the country in this incredible scene, is speaking out, and sheriff chris watson took off his gear after seeing peaceful protesters in michigan. he then marched alongside them. the sheriff telling fox news that moment wasn't planned. >> the crowd was probably the least thing i could have done but i saw that they wanted a voice to listen to and when we took that first step, it is a
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message of hope. reporter: that video has gone viral and sheriff swanson hopes his actions will inspire communities to create peace. back to you. steve: jillian, thank you very much. 8:15 here in the east. president trump vowing to take action to stop nationwide rioting and looting during his speech last night in the rose garden. what did senator tim scott think of the president's message? brian is going to talk to him, coming up next. introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel, the first and only full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel available over-the-counter. new voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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now that's simple, easy, awesome. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. visit today. president trump: our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, antifa and others. america needs creation, not
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destruction, cooperation not contempt, security not anarchy. this is our mission and we will succeed. brian: president trump vowing immediate action to stop the looting and rioting rocking the country. here to react about the president's message and where we go from our south carolina senator in constant contact with the president senator tim scott. senator i know you were for the president making a speech yesterday, was it the speech you wanted? >> i thought he did a good job and struck a very good tone for the vast majority of the speech. i love the line that you just played, security not anarchy, the bottom line for us to have justice for mr. floyd, you can not have rioting in the streets. those two things just do not go together, and so while we want to keep the focus on mr. floyd, it has been co-opted by violent protesters in my opinion was an organized effort a criminal intent, not for mr. floyd, but for anarchy and it's one of the reasons why i like that part
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of the speech where he talked about security not anarchy and frankly, i like how he started the speech on focusing on minneapolis, getting justice for mr. floyd, and the country needed to hear that but also, chaos only enemy to chaos is order and that's why the line about security and anarchy is absolutely essential for us to be able to have a conversation about the next step forward. brian: senator, in washington you talked when the black community, under privileged black community, you're talking to them about getting jobs and i know that matters a lot to you to step away from the cameras and that's the conversation i thought we were going to have last week, after the horrific killing of george floyd. why are we having that conversation? what happened? >> well you know, you look at new york as a classic example of what happened. the law enforcement was under siege. you can not have that situation happen anywhere in this country as mad as we should be as angry
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as we can be at those four officers in minneapolis, we have to respect law enforcement around this nation. it's part of why we are the greatest country on earth is because we have order. law and death actually matters and so the president's objective of having more conversation about economic opportunity and being able to live in a just society, those conversations are now being pushed to the back because we first have to have order in our states, order in our cities, and i'm going to employee more the governors and the mayors to do the job that you were hired and elected to do because that is how we get to the underlying issues. you can not have that conversation until you first establish order in your streets and your communities. it is not doing the african american community any service by having that kind of violence anywhere so if you want to have a conversation about race in justice, and if you want to have a conversation about
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progress first get order in your street so that we can then sit down and have a conversation as one american family, we can still get there, but it's going to take the efforts of african american leaders, law enforcement leaders coming together with the president and saying enough is enough. we will not lose another life whether it's a blue uniform or a black face, we don't want death in our country. we're going to stand together because that is what we do as americans. brian: senator this huge pushback from the president saying i'm going to send in troops if you can't get this down by yourself and the governor of illinois and governor of new york said you've got to be kidding me we'll make that call but isn't it up to them to bring some order to their streets or else the president really wouldn't have to react. >> i think the presidents comments may have been a little bit premature but here is what i heard. he said we have to have order at whatever cost it takes. he did not say that from using the military to kill people in the streets, but that's not what he said and intended.
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what he is suggesting from my ears is simply this that governors do your job. the national guard was not even called in from everything i could see in the picture, new york did not have a national guard available to assist law enforcement. if the national guard is doing what they can do in south carolina we called out the national guard on sunday. i had a press conference with the governor and we talked with our leaders in the national guard. they are prepared to assist law enforcement. we have to have that wall there to protect citizens and to allow peaceful protests to happen and the only way for that to happen is for us to quell and then snuff out this violent protest and it's not even protest it's just anarchy and we have to snuff it out immediately. it's a very big difference, chasm between the protesters who are non-violent, the john lewis type of protesters and these folks who were looking to bring anarchy, chaos, and disruption to everyone, black and white, red and brown.
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this is something that our country cannot, will not and i will not stand for it either. brian: they have to be arrested and they have to be interrogated we got to find out whose behind it and whose putting the bricks in the streets and putting those cars loaded with material, and find out who is supporting this , because it's a different message than george floyd. >> exactly right. brian: and how he lost his life and that's a frustrating thing we can't get to the heart of it until we can get some peace in the streets. his interaction with the president is extremely valuable thank you, senator. >> thank you, brian. brian: straight ahead a couple of vandals tried spray painting a store, what they didn't know is a ufc champion was there to stop them. jon jones took things into his own hands.
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york, los angeles, philadelphia, chicago, but fortunately, here in minneapolis where it really all began, there's been a much greater sense in the past of 48 hours. we've seen a beefed up presence of the national guard and law enforcement a strict curfew and that has helped. there were about 60 arrests yesterday at the capitol for curfew violation but overall much more peaceful here and this is the site where george floyd died and there's been days of peaceful demonstrations at this location. the floyd family held a service here yesterday and said they are a peaceful, god-fearing family and insist the violent riots must stop. >> if i'm not over here blowing up stuff, if i'm not over here messing up my community, then what are you all doing? what are you all doing? you all doing nothing because
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that's not going to bring my brother back at all. reporter: there is some growing fallout from all of this. the minneapolis police union president writes in a letter that he's received death threats but he will not remain silent writing in part through his rank-and-file officers "what has been very evident throughout this process is you have lacked support from the top. this terrorist movement that is currently occurring was a long time buildup which dates back years starting with minimizing the size of our police force. " minneapolis councilmember responded in a tweet writing, " the inability to acknowledge painful impact of officer's actions on community exemplifies the toxic culture of silence that glues this outdated policing system together. this is why we must step into deconstruct our police department and build a new system with our chief." also there will be a public
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memorial in houston, texas for george floyd next monday, june 8 and a private service next tuesday, and boxer floyd mayweather has vowed to pay for the funeral. back to you guys. steve: all right matt finn from the streets of the twin cities thank you. ainsley: thank you, steve in new mexico, be vandals trying to de face a building with spray paint quickly getting shut down, by aufc champion, watch. well here with more on the encounter and his hometown is ufc light heavyweight champion jon jones. hey, john. >> good morning guys. ainsley: good morning. these folks, our whole country needs to be remembering the legacy and the life of george floyd and instead, they are out there spray painting vandalizing and looting and you
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did the right thing. why did you do that? >> well, you know, i had a teammate give me a call and said hey, jon, we're having a protest and there's a lot of caucasions but not many african americans in albuquerque and he said we should get there and administer black peace and i said yeah that sounds great and yeah it's going peacefully, and when i get down there the peaceful protest is over and a lot of people are just hanging around still and the vandalism started right away , and i just noticed that no one is speaking out everyone is just kind of scared of this hou ligans tacking over the town and i've never seen anything like it. no police were around anywhere and people were just doing whatever they wanted at places i like to hang out at and i felt
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like a coward i was just watching people do whatever they wanted in our community so i just started to talk to people to say hey, just kind of realized how much danger i was in by all of these people asking them not to do certain things and finally, i just started taking things from people, and a teammate ended uproaring the situation and i guess it went viral. ainsley: i mean, i know you are a fighter so that intimidates people and people probably know you and your neighborhood but at the same time, you did the right thing. what is it, how do we prevent people from doing the wrong thing, what's the message, what needs to be said to those people because you just walked right up to him like man give me the spray can and they did. they complied. >> yeah, they gave me the spray can. at the end of the day, these are our relatives that are out there and these are our next door neighbors, our nephews, our nieces, our uncles, so we need
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to communicate. you're going to go outside and vandalize one of your relatives with spray paint bottles and masks and all this type of stuff , you know, speak up and say something. try to be the voice and try to be different. all we did last night i had a bunch of friends and ex-military guys together, neighbors, and we became like our own little local non-violent police force for our community, and we work well with our police and last night we had a protest, and we were our town 's police, our own vision and it worked out great. there was absolutely no violence we waited until the crowds disbursed and we pleased our own crowds and we had a few vandalism moments, and we approached that with lots of flashlights and ex-military guys with lots of flashlights and we were very intimidating and we made sure that our own tone
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worked out perfectly and just a lot of communication and a lot of coordination with our local police officers, and we were the voice. at the end of the day, there's a lot more of us than there are police and the question is what type of manager do you have to be in this historic time when your country needs you, your community needs you to step up, to say the right thing, to be courageous and when you see people doing wrong. i'm not asking guys to put yourselves in danger but i am asking to use your voice, and do what you can. ainsley: you know, we all need to look at it through your lens, because we all grew up in neighborhoods where we know the person to the right of us and to the left of us most of us grew up in the same house, you know, our whole childhood, and when you deface someone's property in your neighborhood you're right. i didn't think of it that way. it's your aunt's house, it's your mom's best friend's house, it's someone's business it's your neighbor, someone who worked really hard. thanks for being a good man, john. >> thank you, i'm trying. thank you so much guys, god
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bless you. ainsley: god bless you. okay, thousands of people arrested in los angeles county after days of looting and protests, ben shapiro says those people are doing nothing to honor george floyd and he's on deck. it's not "pretty good or nothing." it's not "acceptable or nothing." and it's definitely not "close enough or nothing." mercedes-benz suvs were engineered with only one mission in mind. to be the best. in the category, in the industry, in the world. now, get 0% apr financing up to 36 months on most models and 90-day first-payment deferral on any model. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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at >> [chanting] brian: tensions simmering in los angeles after protesters standoff with california's national guard, you had 2,000 more troops are expected to hit the streets today, we need them. the first troops standing outside city hall with police who arrested more than 2,000 people and clashed with protesters in the streets. steve: meanwhile, in nearby santa monica, california, the long cleanup begins from damaging looting and fires, police there say 95% of those
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arrested for looting over the weekend came from outside the city. let's bring in ben shapiro, author of the upcoming book "how to destroy america in three easy steps" he's also a resident of los angeles. ben, you know, we're all supporters of the first amendment. we understand the importance of peaceful protests, but when you look at what's happened over the last seven nights there are a lot of bad actors who are using the death of george floyd to do bad things. >> no question, what we're see ing here are three groups, protesters who are legitimately angry about police brutality and protesting and exercising the first amendment rides and we're all in favor of that and then there are people who are actually outside agitators like the folks at antifa who are just terrible human beings who are staging act of violence attacking police officers and then riot rioters and looters taking advantage of the situation to steal a pair of shoes or grab a tv and those
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two don't give two damns about george floyd, but all they care about is stealing stuff and breaking windows and the attempt by other networks to paint this as an out growth and legitimate outrage is insane and demeans both protesters and george floyd. ainsley: we heard laura logan talk about antifa and she really laid out what their principles are and said they are left radicals. how did this group form and what do we need to do to let them see that this is not acceptable? >> well the group has been around for a very long time and again many members of the media, legitimized it or attempted to pretend it's very loosely affiliated group of anarchists and radicals who take advantage of large crowd scenes in order to generate violence against police and they have been doing this for years and anybody who mentioned this was deemed to be not serious about other problems in united states. the other way suffice it to arrest everybody whose engaged in an act of violence and that doesn't mean you have to enact new laws it means you have to enforce the laws on the books
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and we've seen mayors in major cities like portland basically allow antifa to run the streets for years on end without arresting people committing crimes. it is the essence of tyranny to see what we're seeing right now in la or new york or the law abiding in their homes and rioting and looting are allowed to rage out of control because political actors are too cowardly to actually do anything to uphold the first mandate of government to protect your life, liberty and property. brian: but you know whose not cowards? law enforcement they have to stand up to this without the political backing to actually put somebody in jail and make them pay the price. so they know the lawlessness is not, there's not a price to pay for it so ben, why aren't we interrogating the people that we arrest to find out who is behind them, what communication they're using, in order to unwind it like we would to do something in another country? >> well you know they are doing some investigations into encrypted communications between members of antifa and looking into using things like racketeering laws i assume on the federal level to look at how
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people are using cross-state activities in order to facilitate this sort of violence but you're right. law enforcement is on the front lines here and law enforcement obviously is the center of the controversy to begin with, and we saw a bunch of law enforcement officers shot last night in st. louis. i mean, to pretend all of this is happening in a vacuum or that the constant flame- throwing by members of the media, the attempt to paint all of america as racist and evil and on the side of the killer of george floyd all of us has very real consequences steve: sure and of course the peaceful protest as they started were all about police brutality and that's a terrible thing, but ben, how do we fix this? everybody is looking in going hey, seven nights in a row this has happened and now it's getting bigger and wider. its got to stop. >> well i think the country cannot last if you don't agree on a few central principles. one, police brutality is wrong and that includes police officer s believe this by the way many many police officers not one of them looked at that tape
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of what happened to george floyd and didn't think what happened there was not an atrocity and they all thought it was, number two. virtually all americans agree that rioting and looting are disgusting and the people doing this stuff are pieces of crap and number three, most americans leave other americans believe the first two things. if we can't agree on those three central principles we don't have a country because if you believe your friends and neighbors don't care about rioting or looting or the death of innocent people in custody then they shouldn't be your neighbor and increasingly we are seeing people basically imply that your neighbors are a bunch of racists who don't care about black people dying in custody, or are a bunch of people who are in favor of rioting and looting. your neighbors are the people who live around you they all agree with you we should be on the same side of these issues an if we can't be on the same side of these issues then there is no country to speak of and the country is basically done. ainsley: most of us are not racist and most of us believe in doing the right thing and not looting but there is that small percentage. thank you for being with us. all right, as president trump
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vows to designate antifa as a domestic terror group we take a look at the inner workings of this movement but first let's check in with sandra smith for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> sandra: and good morning to you, ainsley, good morning everyone. another night of unrest in cities across the country. how the white house is responding this morning, coming you the president along with the first lady will be visits st. paul ii national shrine, plus brand new video showing an nypd officer attacked and hit by another car. the latest from new york city as riders leave the macy's flagship store looted and destroyed. and authorities cracking down on those riots in our nations capitol, the d.c. mayor now welcoming federal help as she calls for peace in her city. we have a big three hours coming up live from americas news room joined and me top of the hour. ♪ limu emu & doug [ siren ] give me your hand! i can save you...
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steve: president trump calling out those creating chaos including antifa which he hopes to designate a domestic terror group. this as a dhs intel memo from earlier in the week warn that " suspected anarchist elements could infiltrate and exploit the protests seen nationwide." here to react we got former fbi
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special agent with the joint terrorism task force chad jenkins. good morning to you. what do you make of the president suggesting via twitter that they tried to designate antifa a terror group? >> yeah, i think we need to focus on the root cause of what has caused all of the chaos in the united states, and that's the racial injustice and the in justice, the unjustified killing of george floyd. we need to stay focused on that conversation, because that's been the catalyst that then allowed for antifa to grow in stature and the unrest and the chaos throughout the whole united states, but until we focus on the tactic which is focusing on the racial injustice and showing the african american community that we're willing to step in that fire, and we're willing to hear their grievances and we're pointing back to that, i think that will actually help
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to diffuse antifa and the legs that antifa is getting by unifying on that front, but that's got to be the main effort in this. steve: yeah, chad when you look at antifa in the united states, i know they had something like 30 major events. i know in the 80s, they were involved as a group, that confronted neo-nazis and then in 2007 famously, antifa group was founded in portland, oregon and then in 2017, 10 years later more mainstream involved in charlottesville protest as well. what has been, has there been a central theme that they have been orbiting around for the most part or is it just for chaos? >> yeah, any time they can use an inflammatory situation here in the united states to expose that, to exploit it and to add fuel to those fires that's exactly what they are going to do and this is a perfect catalyst for them to get in
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there and continue to use, you know, divisiveness to cause more chaos and destruction and it's not what's needed and we need to become a unified front as a nation, because if we don't, the outcome is not looking good, and the way to root out evil is through good and through grace and that's the way and to really put ourselves in other people's shoes, and that's the step we need to go and i think that will diffuse the leverage that antifa has right now. steve: sure, a couple of days ago the dhs suggests that their intel said that extremists could infiltrate these protests. so we've heard antifa's name banding about. that doesn't surprise you does it? >> no, i mean, any time, any fringe group whether right side or left side they're going to choose this to fuel flames to the fire, as i said, and we shouldn't be surprised and the dhs intel report that's
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nothing new. when i was an fbi agent we would get those reports quite often when we were looking at some type of catastrophic event taking place in the united states. steve: all right well, here we are. chad jenkins former fbi guy, chad thank you very much. >> thanks, steve. steve: you bet. all right we'll step outside, back in about two minutes.
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>> we are up early at 5:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow so set your dvrs. i'm joining brian on his radio show from ten until 12. thanks for having jan and dave i look forward to see tomorrow. thanks for watching, everyone. >> sandra: fox news alert, police officers and several u.s. cities attacked by writers as much of the country descends into another night of chaos. this has president trump says he will deploy the military if you are asked to to end riots and looting gripping the nation. good morning everyone, i'm sandra smith. >> ed: at a very pleasant good morning to you. i'm ed henry. protests continued after the death of george floyd. those demonstrations mostly peaceful but it was a much different scene and many other cities. at least four officers were shot in st. louis as writers ramped up attacks on


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