tv Hannity FOX News June 4, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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congrats. that's it for rest tonight. we are out of time, sadly. but into the capable hands of sean hannity we send you. here he is. >> sean: great show as always and welcome to hannity. we are glad you're with us. tonight, violence, chaos, reigning supreme, stabbed in the neck, two others were shot, and got a mayor in new york city that continues to deny all reality of what's going on around him and listening to repeats of let's imagine by john lennon. looters continue to wreak havoc on the story after story after story, thousands have been arrested, lacks liberal bail policies have to put it right back on the street so they can join their fellow anarchists right back in the action. the people of new york are now holed up in their apartments, prisoners and their own city and to top it off, prominent
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democrats and celebrities now -- this is a new cause, they want to defund the police. help me out here. this is brand-new information reveals the violent extremely organized tactics by what is now designated a terrorist organization, domestic terrorists, and t5. we have a full hannity investigation about this group coming up. first joining us live on the ground with the very latest in new york city, bryan llenas is back out there. you are back there, and i see the crowds behind you. >> we are with a couple hundred protesters in brooklyn and from what we're seeing tonight, it is vastly different than i was mind with you last night when the nypd was strictly enforcing the curfew. we are in our past that curfew and not seeing nypd officers followed this crowd. not seeing mass arrests at this time, it appears that's probably because of the criticism nypd
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has been facing from activists and elected officials in the city for what activists say was aggressive stance last night against peaceful protesters. they say that frankly there was too much aggression for these protesters and there should not have been mass arrests at all for peaceful protesters after 8:00. and from the nypd's perspective, the commissioner today came out and he said that he believes violence against nypd officers is reaching a fever pitch and blame the antipolice rhetoric. he said elected officials silence on the subject is sickening. he said the antipolice rhetoric is disgusting, and he is saying that frankly, people believe this is reaching a fever pitch and more needs to be done. the nypd finds itself in a difficult situation. they are trying to protect peaceful protests while also realizing that there are a small number of anarchists and antagonize her's and looters that are hijacking this movement
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and find themselves in the middle of this fight. they say they understand and stand by these protesters, but frankly, they are dealing with an extra level of violence. last night here in brooklyn, there was an ambush attack on when nypd officer, they were shot in that confrontation. on top of that, the officers this morning were attacked by a knife wielding person just while they were getting breakfast. also throwing molotov cocktails, and frankly says that this violence just needs to stop. appears tonight. yes? >> sean: any of those protesters want to talk to you? now that all four officers have been charged, they upgraded the charge to the officer with the knee on his neck. what do they specifically want? >> i can ask that. let me see here. >> and i ask you a question? i was wondering, if you could
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explain to me why you guys are still out here today and the four officers were charged and whether or not you think that's enough when it comes to the george floyd case? >> charge is one thing. once we start see conviction, that's a whole other world. a lot of times they get charged and they get let off. ever since rodney king when i was a kid. charged and then nothing. >> sean: what does he think of the violent protesters? >> when they murder another person, they get charged. once we talk about convictions. >> sean: what about the violent protesters? >> what about the violent protesters, the violent antagonize her's who have attacked a police? been over 200 nypd officers who have been hurt. >> i have nothing to do with that, i can't speak on that. they didn't make those charges until the city swarmed. >> i hear you. the nypd commissioner was talking. >> i know nothing about that, i
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wasn't involved. >> saying the small minority hijacks the protest. >> i can't speak to something i'm not associated with. the masses are angry because let's talk about convictions. once there is convictions, that's when we will stop. the charges don't mean anything. charges happening forever. >> all right, there you go. go ahead. >> sean: thank you. we are going to be checking back in my field on the grounds in new york. we also have images now out of atlanta where there is a confrontation building with the police they are. we also have the same thing going on in illinois tonight in chicago, watching all of these cities, we will put them both up on the screen and also check in first year with mike tobin in minneapolis on the ground. mike? >> sean, the crowd here were
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george floyd died is thicker than it's ever been in. first of three farewells to george floyd was held. one in which speakers try to use his death as a catalyst for change. they tried to paint a picture of who george floyd was, a name we only learned because his death was tragically caught on video. >> while we are marching all over the world is we were like george. we couldn't breathe not because it was something wrong with our lungs, but that you wouldn't take your knee off our neck. >> three of the officers charged with aiding and abetting in his death were in court today and bonds reduced from 1 million to $750,000 and people keep coming out to the streets saying until it feels right to leave.
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>> sean: mike tobin on the ground in minneapolis tonight. as we said, new york, chicago, atlanta, other cities and is mike tobin highlighted, hundreds mourning the death of george floyd during a memorial service earlier today among the featured speakers, took time away from the busy job to politicize the events. take a look. >> we cannot use bibles as a prop. and for those that have agendas that are not about justice, this family will not let you use george as a prop. tell them about making america great. great for who and great when? we are going to make america great for everybody for the first time. >> sean: perhaps al sharpton missed the president's comments, missed his early demand for immediate justice and expedited an investigation, doj brought in by the president, and the civil rights division to work with local law enforcement authorities who were fired in
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record time, all four officers have now been charged, serious charges, and we believe that justice will be served. but now you've got fear, division, hatred, everything is in trump's name. and his home city, al sharpton is under attack. last night in the city of new york, two officers were shot, another stabbed right in the neck. they were patrolling the streets of brooklyn for looters but now probing the perpetrators possible links to terrorists. after a week of violence, police have been shot, run over by cars, beaten by mobs, hit in the head with bricks, frozen water bottles and other projectiles. several members of law enforcement have died, some fighting for their lives and life support with life-threatening injuries as we speak them up at the chaos continues. just last night, surveillance video capturing looters ravaging a drone store in manhattan, just 1 of hundreds of businesses that were looted, vandalized, or set ablaze over the past week.
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you have the politics of this, the so-called solution now to all the violence and all the anarchy and all the lawlessness and looting and arson and violence is let's get rid of the police altogether because that is apparently now their new battle cry. they want to abolish police officers. hillary clinton's former spokesperson tweeting "defund the police." and you have the hollywood who's who list, john legend, jane fonda, many other celebrities signing an open letter demanding that we defund the police. today, the mayor of los angeles, the city council vowing to cut over $100 million from the l.a.p.d. budget in new york, at least 40 city council candidates now calling for a billion-dollar cut to the nypd in minneapolis city council members are actually vowing to dismantle the entire police department. and meanwhile, black lives
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matter as we told you last night want to push all police out of the inner, replace them with their own armed militia. in the same group you might recall that was chanting what do we want? dead cops, pigs in a blanket, fry them like they can. this group wants arm to self policing? seriously? without a doubt, democrats seem to be embracing this anarchy. today, the president responded and tweeted "the new theme is defund the police. remember that when you don't want crime especially against you and your family. this is what sleepy joe biden is being dragged by the socialists. the complete opposite, more money for law enforcement. senator tom cotton offered an op-ed in "the new york times" calling for u.s. troops to be utilized to restore order. in the president saying he doesn't think that will be necessary, but also brings up the issue of why these cities and mayors and governors are saying to the president know, we
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don't want national guard help. they have to ask for it. and otherwise, the president would have to invoke a insurrection act which i don't think is necessary and we should not have to do. they should be taking control of their own states and cities. this has caused an internal meltdown, the new york toilet paper times, some were apparently apoplectic that the times published a viewpoint different than their own liberal view. the staff of the times claimed the words in the op-ed put minority staff members in danger and the toilet paper times ultimately apologizing for publishing the op-ed. today in a very kind gesture, cotton tweeted "how is everyone at "the new york times" doing tonight? i can report tonight that they're not doing well because two weeks ago, the left was demanding that police officers arrest anyone not properly socially distancing, and now it is clear they want to get rid of all cops altogether and it is coming at a time when law enforcement is now investigating whether or not antifa is organizing the violent
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elements in this week's protests. take a look. >> there are extremist agitators who are hijacking the protests to pursue their own separate and violent agenda. we have evidence that antifa and other similar extremist groups as well as actors of a variety of different political persuasions have been involved in instigating and participating in the violent activity, and we are also seeing foreign actors playing both sides to exacerbate the violence. >> sean: the ag is right. so what about this group, who are these people and are they really organizing violence all across the u.s.? we began a hand of the investigation. antifa exposed because over the past week, some have been blaming antifa. trace gallagher reporting about piles of bricks that are staged showing up at protest sites all
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across the country, also witnessed scenes of alleged anti-for members dressed in all black wearing masks and helmets all while breaking into stores, smashing windows, spray painting buildings and assaulting the police. in texas, has been accused of coordinating the looting of a local target and according to a lengthy undercover investigation from project veritas, james o'keefe organization, antifa has been plotting and organizing violence for quite some time. they went undercover once again, this is their video on their web site and you can take a look at yourself. antifa prospect talking about his tactical training with the organization including how they are taught to target people's eyes during an assault in order to maximize carnage. this is project veritas video. has an independently verified and we let you decide. >> what is it?
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the terms used to -- a tactic in which they can conceal their identity to look uniform so that no one can be identified in the act of a crime. seems much more structured, almost like a company like a business. so i feel like there is some type of outside funding influence over resource being used. >> sean: out to their eyeballs out. chilling. so just how extensive and organized is the group and what can law enforcement do to prevent them from committing more violent acts? joining us now, award-winning journalist, fox nation host lara logan along with dan bongino, fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. we begin with you. you've been digging deep, others have as well. we see the project veritas video. your thoughts?
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>> one of the most interesting things about this video is that it shows how this american woman married to an antifat activist from sweden came to the u.s. land really brought the european model of antifa to the city, and it really struck a chord with me because it centers around a bookshop which is a kind of fake bookshop where the training occurs. the very senior law enforcement sources who talk about the exact same type of bookshop in austin, texas, that has already been investigated that is operating in exactly the same way where you have professors from nearby universities. and in the video, they are talking about in portland who will train recruits there, and what is extraordinary is there is a very organized process where they have to be vetted, it takes a long time. you have an entire syllabus, there is a certain number of lessons that you have to attend.
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you have to be taught in different things. most importantly, have to know how to conceal your identity and one of the greatest deceptions of this movement or organization, whatever you want to call it is that there is no organization to it. because as dan will tell you, that's how they stay one step ahead a law enforcement all the time. that's how they avoid accountability so they will change their names, proliferate the numbers of groups, but if you have any doubt about how organized they are, take a look at what's been circulating on a number of their web sites. this is digital security for activists, and they put it out, this is the civil liberties defense center which tells you how to encrypt your communications, how to scrub your social media accounts. they have webinars training people. saying this is how we are all going to do it because they put out their ideology and they all follow the same kind of principle and i can tell you this is one of many sites out
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there. dealing with different aspects of that so for anyone to say that it's not. behaving in exactly the same way and all these different cities across america using exactly the same tactics, not just bricks they are putting on the street. i actually saw something which is a kind of palate and you may know about this. a large amount of bricks very quickly where they can put it on the back of the truck and its lights off and stays. this is a form of logistical support for u.s. military users. is not what your average protester uses or even your average rider for that matter. criminal gangs don't do this for the level of sophistication and organization that it takes is so extraordinary that after they called this conspiracy theory, i called them the blind "new york times" now because they are asking you to look at
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what is right in front of you and pretend you are not seeing it, which is just extraordinary to me. >> sean: let me go to you from a law enforcement standpoint and that is that we see what is happening to police all around the country. you served in the nypd. he was served in the secret service, you've had the training, but funding organization, a mission statement, a chilling video from project veritas, begin to put all this together, i believe many of the people out there are protesting, righteous indignation. we celebrate freedom of speech. i don't agree with some things, not in this case but other people, i support anyone's right to say what they want. that's what this country is formed on. but if you have people infiltrating peaceful protests, look at what the result is. >> just to confirm what laura is saying, i have sources that have spoken to me about what happened
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at the white house last weekend. make no mistake, that was essentially a coup attempt at the white house. previously identified antifa members engaging in very sophisticated attack tactics that luckily the secret service and the other law enforcement entities there were able to overcome. was not a ragtag bunch of criminals that just randomly showed up there, so anyone telling you that is simply lying to you. secondly, this defined the police, what i find quite odd about that is the hillary clinton hack, is he talking about defunding the secret service that protects hillary clinton too? god, i hope not. i was on hillary clinton's detail in a support role when she ran for the senate in new york and although i didn't agree with her politics, i had no problem doing my job. so i'd love to get a statement on what kind of police he's talking about defunding and if that includes his boss. that would be interesting. and just on that thing, when our liberal cities going to wake up to what's going on?
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you know you're being prayed on right now. you understand that, right? you are being preyed on not by the police. you are being preyed on by criminals who are eluding your buildings and antifa members who were burning your cities. is not my city. i don't live in new york anymore. i used to, and i still love that city. they are burning your city down. they're not burning my town down. that's your town. i suggest you remove your heads and wake up to what is going on right now. you are being preyed upon by people and being made fools of and you want to defund the cops? you better wake up quick. >> sean: i talk to you fair today and you said this every night is breaking your heart and now they want to defund the police. without police, there is anarchy. and black lives matter, what do we want, dead cops, the chance that all went viral.
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is shocking. this antifa undercover investigation. the project veritas video said. how do we pull this together? i don't believe the 99% of cops just like the 99% of the fbi agent just because we learned yesterday russia was a total lie that the whole country was dragged through the mud, what is your answer? >> sean, i don't disagree with anything you or laura or dan has said tonight, but i want to go a different direction, if i made. i could talk directly to the president of the united states, my friend, out of love. mr. president, you have shown your toughness. you have shown decisive action. you have motivated police forces that were asleep on the job to get out there and stop the writing on the looting and the disorder. you have shown you are a law in
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order president britt however controversial and maybe i would've structured it differently but to go out in lafayette park and go to st. john's church and how interesting is it that the photo op annoys "the new york times" more, how ironic is that? but given the fact that a lot of what you're seeing tonight is based on hatred from people who would never vote for you, i ask you to be the bigger man right now. i ask you, mr. president, my friend, out of love, to acknowledge that black men face challenges white men do not when dealing with the cops. i ask you to acknowledge. >> and i jump in here? >> let me just finish. george floyd would be alive tonight if he were a white man. ask cops across the country to abolish the choke hold. we don't need the choke hold. remind people around the count
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country. you are the president who instituted criminal justice reform. not obama, not george w. bush, you are the man who did it. i think what has to happen now is in a kind of way has to be the city on the hill. all on this together in george floyd's name. let's be united as a country. that's what i want from the commander in chief. >> sean: all of you stay right there. we have breaking news. we had to atlanta where she is on the ground there tonight, a lot of activity on the ground. >> hi, there. tense moments just wrapped up. i wanted to show you a look at the scene right now, the national guardsmen are standing down now, but if we can come off sidewalk over here, how far they push the protesters today. push them down this block here
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with a line of atlanta police as well as the national guardsmen, and push them to this road here. was a little different than the one we saw last night where the national guardsmen kind of boxed in the protesters, so a little bit different than what we have seen in the nights previous. also, a little bit more of a hectic scene than what we saw last night as well. the crowd thinned out a little bit, but there was a crowd that stuck through the rain here and things get a little bit heated there. 24 minutes into curfew and law enforcement actually started pushing people out around eight or nine or so. a little bit of time to clear out before they started pushing everyone out of this area as well as making arrests here at making their way back after pushing those protesters out.
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little bit of a different night than what we have seen in nights previous as well in terms of the tactic about how they are all pushing people out. you can see the national guardsmen are now making their way back to the area where they are gathered in the back here up the street. but again, some tense moments following that 9:00 curfew but things are grinding down. >> sean: my old home city atlanta. we have seen chicago, atlanta, new york city tonight, now we go back to our panel. i think it was either danna or laura that wanted to respond, lower? >> okay. so i just wanted to say that it's not a choice between supporting all the issues that are related to race and police injustice.
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is not a choice between either or. but it is like saying not going to look at community relations and all the other problems related to this. while ignoring the threat that's right in front of you because these people are instigating these protests. they are instigating enough peaceful protests, but instigating violence. for example, i stumbled across something today and i am telling you this for the first time, and that is on one of the verified antifa web sites, and they are using a source who is publishing the department of homeland security's flights. they are putting out the height that they are flying at, flight patterns, surveillance, aircraft being used by different agencies, putting out personal records of police officers, they know their addresses, they are tracing their paths and what businesses they go to and
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putting this out into the network. and these people have a very significant organization and every time we say i don't want to talk about this, i don't want to talk about these other issues, look at the history of these groups. they go back to ferguson and all the others. the head of the police chief of minneapolis is black. the attorney general there is black. the person in charge of state security is black. so it is allowing these groups to proliferate in, take into infiltrate law enforcement and attempt to burn this country to the ground, which is their ultimate goal. they want to kill everyone. that's what they say. >> sean: a quick response, let me go quick response, and then we will go back and we have some breaking news in brooklyn. you can see a confrontation evolving as the police push back in brooklyn. a quick response, dan bongino and then we will go to brian yunus in a minute.
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>> it is pretty tough for leftists to argue about systemic racism without addressing the fact that the system that these liberal cities are living under his liberalism. as a piece in "the wall street journal" today that makes that exact point. has anyone not thought this through? you are arguing racism in cities dominated by liberals since 1939. has anyone bothered to think this through? >> sean: let me go to geraldo, last point. how do you argue when there are groups that want no peace they don't even want any police that are chanting what we want, dead cops and when do we want it, now. donald trump gave speeches about -- he rushed to get it expedited investigation. talk about the shock to the conscience. all of that was a criminal justice reform. was donald trump.
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>> i don't take a backseat to anyone when it comes to supporting cops. i have sent on this program in no uncertain terms i want to use statutes, surveillance cameras, i want to use cell phone monitoring. >> what about now and they are being shot on the street? support them now. >> we have to go after these radical groups. i don't know what you think i'm talking about. i went to go after these radical groups with a hammer, but you cannot for a second pretend seeing on the streets of america are all antifa, are all radical anarchist who want to destroy america. they were mothers and children and families. why not emphasize the positives? emphasize the positives. we are in this together. >> sean: law and order -- i get it. we are not helping anybody by not stopping this what we see
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every night. and the reason is governors and the mayors refuse to do what's necessary and take the help that is being offered. i've never seen anything like it. >> right now, the person, i just want the president. >> sean: finish your sentence. >> i just want the president not to get blamed for everything. >> sean: okay. thank you. we go to bryan llenas in brooklyn. we have seen some pushing and shoving with the cops and the protesters, now quick update, brian? >> atlantic avenue in brooklyn from one end, started telling them to go home, protesters on the other end are walking them and i think are trying to tell them to disperse because it is past curfew. they have been throwing trash as a police are moving in on one side of atlantic avenue behind me, they are over on the side,
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and then a huge group of protesters are behind us over there, so i guess the police like we saw yesterday are closing in because they're going to make curfew violation arrests. this is what we saw yesterday, they said they respect these people wanting to peacefully protest but it's time to go home. the people out here are of every age. we've seen families black, white, hispanic, have chanted black lives matter, no justice, no peace. also heard chance of how do you spell racist? nypd. a whole smattering of people here tonight who are here past curfew and the nypd says need to get them back home because they believe that agitators are using these protests as cover. >> sean: we will stay with you tonight, thank you for that report. here with the reaction, the longest-serving commissioner in nypd history, commissioner ray kelly is with us. we have had rudy giuliani on.
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you are the longest-serving. you see what's happening in the city night after night. the governor, the mayor, they steadfastly refused to accept the help that the president is pretty much begging them to take every day as they fight themselves and a mayor that plays "imagine" and says this is all peaceful when we all know it's not peaceful. there is violence every night. two officers shot last night, one stabbed in the neck last night. >> the nypd has 38,000 police officers, and i would think enough police officers to do the job but i'm starting to think of this continues for a couple more nights, we are going to need the national guard. that was not my initial position, but something has got to be done. working 12 hour tours, no days off. they are exhausted. he was saying in your run-up,
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being assaulted in every possible way, run down, hit by bricks, trashed, and i just saw a video which is been out a couple of days apparently, the police officer hit over the head with a fire extinguisher, and you see the blood gushing out. arrests are being made, but certainly to a larger extent because of the new veil reform laws that are just turning right around and coming up to the precinct just a couple hours after. >> sean: what good is a curfew if it is not enforced? a mayor that denies the reality, yet does uneven -- wouldn't even support his cops being assaulted and being doused with water and the vandalism going back now, then you have a governor signing a bill that says you got arrested? they are back out on the street with an hour when they rejoined the protests. all the hard work of the police
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department is meaningless at that point. >> 2014 when he first came into office, had the eric garner demonstration, police were directed by the mayor to give up those streets, give up the bridges, and that still goes on today and the whole concept. talked about the police commissioner, the mayor mentioned the other day that he was on the phone with him 50 times that night. that is way too much, way too much involvement from city hall. have to let the police confessional do their job, the executive staff know what to do if they are allowed to do it. >> sean: i think you are right in your assessment, right that the police department are handcuffed and not being supported and than they do their job, they arrest hundreds of people and they are back out doing the same thing because the
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state of new york has a nobel policy. i've never seen such madness. dr. ben carson will weigh in on the failure. you have many liberal cities and many liberal states, decades of democratic rule and how is it that they have not solved fundamental socioeconomic problems in their state? let's look at chicago. murder statistics, why haven't any of the leaders there ever solve that problem? also, larry elder as we continue our coverage, stay with us. lives right now, today, re gr for the freedoms that we have here in this country. so for us, at newday to help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about.
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>> sean: now liberal lawlessness is as bad as ever tonight as far left leaders continue to surrender to riots and police officers leading chaos and crime incarnate is to plaplague city streets. a lot of these cities where we see a failed institutions, educational institution, housing and urban development, we have failed our american family, decades of liberal policy. all of these big cities, and they are not stopping it now when we need to protect the public and the police and
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everybody. your thoughts? >> there is so much interest in using people as ponds for philosophical differences and changes. at hud, for instance, i've been trying to change some of the things for years now like if you are living in subsidized housing and you get a raise or you bring somebody into the household who is making money, then your rent goes up. that doesn't give you a whole lot of incentive. when we are dealing with the whole homelessness situation, and i want to use data and use the evidence for the programs that actually get people out of poverty and make them self-sufficient and congress says no, you can't do that. you've got to use only this philosophy. these kinds of crazy things have been going on and a lot of our cities, and they are hurting
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people, and what i hope people will do is actually wake up and actually see what is happening that will help you before this coronavirus started, jobs were abundant, poverty rates were going down, unemployment and african-americans, asian-americans, opportunity zones flourishing, jobs coming back. those are the kinds of things that actually are helpful and work, and i think what we have to do is start looking for real solutions, not get into our respective corners and hurl hand grenades at each other but as for real solutions, are there problems in the legal system and with the police? there are. but not widespread. but there are police who have bad records who can just go from one state to another state. we need to eliminate that kind of thing. but what people need to understand with these rioters as
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they are not all the same people. there are some who are peaceful, who have a legitimate gripe and then there were some who are wreaking chaos and you always see them two or three days after something starts, and then they come flooding in and they use this as a cover to wreak anarchy. and now asking to defund the police. are you kidding me? we need to have dialogue, have some of these people sit down and let's talk, and i think they will see that is just silly. does it make any sense. >> sean: dr. carson, making too much sense as always. one american family here. now portland, oregon, as we just saw, secretary carson, thank you. tonight, joe biden's racing for the left and why didn't he mention the police? and why didn't barack obama mention the police? and cops are taking notice with one police union leader telling politico "he kept moving left and fell off the deep end adding
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that police are shaking their heads because he used to be a stand-up guy who backed law enforcement but i guess he wants the vote of the crazies. for whatever reason, he is riding a sad final chapter when it comes to supporting law enforcement. here with reaction, nationally syndicated host. i'll start with you, and i am looking at this and thinking i want every american life safe and secure. i want businesses safe and secure, and listen, black lives matter, they want to run their own armed police department, what we want, dead cops? we remember that. how do we bridge the divide here? first, we have to restore order first things first, right? >> let me be very clear, i want joe biden to listen to this. you do not have my vote and lets you oppose defunding the police. i will hound you throughout the city. secondly, i want you to use the
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words law and order. everyone wants a law and order and not to mention her address the issue of the police department is ridiculous. totally ridiculous. i'm going to be clear. is going. there is no systematic discrimination and a city that is run by minorities. so this is being misapplied. is totally ridiculous. and one final point. al sharpton, you don't have the right to politicize that memorial democratic purpose and attack the president. don't travel all over this country, it is so sickening. >> sean: larry? >> again, i am loving this leo terrell 2.0 and next he is going to apologize for calling me uncle tom. >> here we go again, stay focused. >> i didn't interrupt you. >> you go off record for
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self-hatred. of >> sean: it is not the radio show. let's stay focused on how we can fix this tonight. >> biden's problem is the 1994 crime bill that has become a problem for mass incarceration of black spirits of he doesn't want to do anything at all to interfere with his black support without which he cannot win. his second problem of course is that interview we had with saying if you don't support me over time, you're not black. so for all those reasons, he doesn't know what to do. he knows the polls show the majority of americans want law and order and what the national guards of he doesn't know what to do. >> i'll tell you right now, joe biden will not get the black vote because black folks like me want to law and order and he is going to be hounded by people like myself and other democrats who want law and order. you've got to say law and order, and you cannot begin favor of defunding the police, simple as
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that. it's ridiculous. >> are you going to vote for trump? why don't you vote for trump? are you going to? >> just stay focused on this issue. we are in agreement. we were in total agreement that joe biden needs to support police officers and they are hijacking the death of george floyd for political purposes. i'm sick of guys like al sharpton, sick of al sharpton. >> has frozen over. he's coming over to the light side. >> sean: haven't heard great radio until you hear this some days but it's interesting. all right. in we have to have the discussion. up next, we continue to monitor all these protests around the country. the architect karl rove is going to explain. we have an election in 152 days. you will be the ultimate jury and it will bravely impact the future of this country.
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for decades undoubtedly have a major impact. we have an election in 152 days. you come of the american people, you will be the ultimate jury. but fox news contributor said joe biden is not rising to the occasion. the ever forgetful joe's response to the riots "campaign claptrap" karl rove, welcome back, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> laura: to i know there are whiteboards by your side. >> the old ones were out and we waited so long to send them. just not able to do it. they just wore out. look, i made my comment about tuesday speech by joe biden. but you have to go back to last saturday. on saturday, president trump went to florida for the lunch. and first 10 minutes without launch, he addressed the death of george floyd to. it was 10 minutes and well worth
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reading. because just over half of the time devoted to expressing what he called the war and the grief and the anger of the american people have about this incident. he identified himself as a friend and ally of anyone seeking justice. and how had begun an immediate investigation and spoke on behalf of the american people in a unified or at what happened to george floyd. and the other speech, it wasn't just 50% plus this and 48% of this, but he did talk about the violence being perpetuated. he forthrightly defended the right of the people to peacefully protest under our constitution, but he did talk about the effect of the violent members of these protests who are trying to use the cover of those protests for their own evil needs. it was a great set of remarks but the problem was it was saturday afternoon, and nobody saw it. so i wish he gave that speech
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again, you know, and prime time but joe biden on tuesday responded. and there was literally like two lines where he talked about the violence being perpetrated in these protests. and much of the speech, some of the speech was devoted to talking about george floyd. but 4 minutes into the speech in a moment where the american people didn't want to hear partisan politics, joe biden began to attack the president. he said the president is interested in power, not principal and he's concerned about not all of us but about his donors. that is trying to quiet voices. i thought it was a real, real mistake. he could have risen above it as the president tried to do saturday, but biden looked bad to come i think. the setting was terrible. no audience, which i understand but he was looking at a teleprompter and very looked with a swivel head right and left. >> laura: what is going to
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securing our borders, sanctuary cities, free-market economy, capitalism versus socialism, we can't if defense and peace on strength. 152 days, you decide to appear let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is up next, laura. >> laura: the former chairman of the chief is now joining the chorus of former military folks going after trump, even raising the issue of the and insurrection act if they can't control what's going on. if it gets violence in the cities and he says it is dangerous and i'm thinking now the military is aligning itself with a group of people, not the peaceful protesters, but the violent ones obviously, who want to abolish the constitution basically and of course, abolish any law enforcement presence at all. that is an interesting pairing. >> sean: i thought in the beginning that might be the path, but i tell
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