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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  June 13, 2020 9:00am-12:00pm PDT

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president, see the president, just not shake hands with the president. it's novel and different as it might have been, still historic nonetheless and they are part of history. that's a proud moment. fox news continues. i'll see you on monday. ♪ . >> you are looking live at the u.s. military academy at west point where this year's class of 2020 just wrapping up their graduation ceremony. president trump who is still there, spoke at the commencement just a short while ago. he thanked the graduates for answering the nation's call to service in a beautiful ceremony. welcome to america's news headquarters. live from washington d.c. on this beautiful saturday, i'm gillian turner, it's great to be with everybody at home. leland, it's great to be with you. leland: nice to be with you. we add our congratulations and thanks to the class of 2020 there at west point.
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we'll check back with west point in a minute. i'm leland vittert. for now the president will leave west point and head to bedminster, new jersey, where he'll host a round table, mark meredith is standing by and travelling with the president. hi, mark. >> hi, leland, as you mentioned, president trump wrapping up remarks to west point's graduating class. he pointed to west point as a symbol of american tradition and for their loyalty, talked about the coronavirus and national guard during these trying times and military service as a symbol of america's enduring strength. what has historically made america unique is the durability of its institutions against the passions and prejudices of the moment. when times of turbulent, when the road is rough, what matters most is that which is
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permanent, timeless, enduring, and eternal. >> the cadets that were listening to the speech were spaced out and when they came in they were wearing masks. and we do expect the president to be making his way back to new jersey, but the campaign is already looking ahead to next weekend. there was originally plans to hold a rally friday night in tulsa, oklahoma. that's been pushed back by one day though and the president says it has to do with some of the criticism he was getting when it came to holding an event on juneteenth, a day marking the end of slavery in the u.s. the president tweeted, overnight, quote, many of my african-american friends and supporters have reached out to suggest we consider changing the death out of respect of the holiday and all that it represents. and i changed to saturday, june 20th in order to honor their request. the president was getting
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criticism on that date. if you log on to get the tickets for the rally in tulsa, there's a disclaimer, you cannot hold the campaign responsible for covid-19 if you were to attend in person. a lot of people are eager to see what the event is going to look like. the president has made it clear he's eager to get back out on the road. >> the president says 200,000 people said okay to that waiver, it doesn't seem like a problem filling that arena in oklahoma. mark, thanks so much. >> you bet. gillian: a federal judge ordering seattle police force and officers to temporarily stop using tear gas and other means of physical force to break up what have largely been peaceful demonstrations in the past few days in the city, this includes those in the so-called autonomous zone set up earlier this week. fox news's jonathan hunt is there on the ground with all the latest breaking developments, trying to stay safe.
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jonathan. >> gillian, we're here at the entrance to what has been dubbed by the protesters, the capitol hill autonomous zone. i want to take you for a close-up look inside this zone right now. it's about six blocks in total na the protesters have taken control of. one of the first thing you see when you come here on the ground is in huge letters, color as you can see, black lives matter. as we walk up to the right, some tents in here, that's the no cop co-op where they're handing out food and necessity for several hundred here 24 hours a day. the protests have grown to a couple of thousand during the day as more people come down and i think we'll probably see that today. this is the first weekend, interestingly, that the-- that this has been set up. so it will be interesting to see how many seattleites want to come down and take a look at this. obviously, it doesn't seem to be on the part of the mayor or
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the government of washington, the political will now to have the police move in, but earlier today, mike sullivan, who is president of the seattle police officer's guild says this is a dangerous situation and something needs to be done. listen here. >> how do the reasonable citizens in seattle expect to get police services when they call 911 for help? this is going to spread and if we don't get someone to step in to lead and make decisions here for the good of everybody, the reasonable majority of seattle citizens that support public safety, we're in dire trouble here. >> now just up to my left here, gillian, that building there, you can see a blue tarp outside of it as we pan up here with kyle, that is the seattle police precinct, the scene of a battle a week ago between the
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protesters and police force, and tear gas banned by the judge. how long the political leadership in city are allowing this to go on. you've seen the president's tweets, to take these streets back, as he put it. there seems to be no rush on the part of mayor who says this is just going to be, quote, the summer of love here in seattle. so, you've got the political disconnect from the white house to the local officials here and then it's the question of whether the police have the will to come in as well. the police chief has said very clearly that she did not approve of officers withdrawing from the east precinct here and at some point they will have to come back, but frankly, it doesn't look as though that's going to happen anytime soon. one of the protesters here just making their point, they are never coming back in the words and eyes of these protesters.
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gilli gillian. gillian: jonathan, it feels like the eyes of the nation are on the six block square radius in seattle and thank you for the insider look, we've been talking a lot about, reading about the autonomous zone all week and we'll check back with you in the next hour, thanks, jonathan. leland: what a contrast between west point graduation on the left side of your screen, you can see the cadets. still going up two by two with their diplomas in hand and saluting the commander-in-chief and the commandant of west point. in ordinary times they'd be shaking the president's hand, but these are not ordinary times. and the right, the area blocked off by the protesters, the autonomous zone. and we bring in serving, darrell issa running for a
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district. best point out that cadets getting diplomas in west point have sworn to uphold and even give their lives for the people on the right side of the screen in the protest zone to be able to protest. quite the contrast. >> it is, and of course, just as when i was sworn in as a young lieutenant, you not only take an oath, but you take an oath in a force that includes virtually every part of america, men, women, minorities and majorities, all with a common purpose to protect from enemies foreign and domestic, and right now we're having that discussion about the question of when is it appropriate domestically. senator kamala harris is out there with the protesters as though it's okay to be lawless, as though it's okay to live without a police force. that's quite a contrast between west point and my own senator. leland: worth pointing out, as you did, in terms of this question we're having, enemies
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foreign and domestic. the president spoke a little about that in his speech. he talked about the national guard coming to the aid of so many governors during the past couple of weeks. he did not address the split that's happened in the military over confederate statues, or that lee's portrait still hangs in the dining room, this was a more unifying speech than in fact we've seen from the president in times past. we're only a couple months away from elections, your election and the presidential election and races a lot closer than yours. independent women as they always do, will probably decide this election. here is where the president stands right now. do you approve or disapprove of the job donald trump is doing as president? you look all the way down there, independent women only 33% approve, 61% disapprove. how does the president keep his base energized, and the speech
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today certainly does that, and at the same time try to flip those numbers or at least bring them back to even? >> well, one of the independent i know is condoleezza rice, who has already come out very strongly against, as you were mentioning, this idea of stripping away history by taking down all of the history of the confederacy, rather than putting it in a proper perspective. in the same way i think that independent women are concerned, without a doubt, about safety for their families. you know, very often, women are the ones that worry about whether the kids are going to get home from school and their safety and even their husband's safety. a country without law enforcement is not something that independent women want. so, i think there's a stark divide between the democratic party-- >> that argument worked for george w. bush, 2004, who is going to keep your family safe,
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bush or kerry, and the argument had for president bush. what is the tone here? there's something how the president handled the past couple of weeks or months, is it a tone issue or policy issue that has the numbers so underwater for him? >> leland, i think you're right. the tone and the way it's reported in a lot of media reports puts the president at a disadvantage. but let's talk about policy. do we have peace and freedom in that address today at west point the president said we are bringing to the end the war on terror. it is nearly over, we're coming home. in fact, under his leadership we have in fact unwound the longest wars in american history at the same time we've revitalized our military, made them feel important and made them able to react around the world including against an ever more aggressive china. those things will matter this november. leland: and the president talked about rebuilding the u.s. military and talking about the hypersonic missile among
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other things. we'll keep our eye out on the west point graduation and head back there when the cadets throw their hats in the air and they have the flyover, always a special moment even if the families can't be there. we appreciate you being here and have you back before the election. >> thank you. leland: fox news sunday chris wallace talks housing developments authority, ben carson, and changes in the african-american community especially those asked for by the black lives matter organizers. check your listings for time and channel. media biz looks at the crisis facing journalism and some of the points that darrell issa just made tackled by howard kurtz and his panel tomorrow, gillian. gillian: as states are beginning to respond to this nationwide ground swell for police reform, they're also
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juggling to keep their economy and keep citizens safe from covid-19. joining me to talk about this are two lawmakers, with challenges on the ground making hard decisions. we've got north carolina state senate pro tempore. and we've got the chairman of the house administration justice, ted james. gentlemen, thank you for being with us. phil, i want to go to you first, talk about north carolina. one of the first states to sort of kick i don't have phase one reopening. you guys are now starting to see an up-tick in real case numbers and hospitalizations. tell us what the mood is like, tell us what you're experiencing on the ground. >> we are in what is denominated phase two. we're seeing an up-tick in positive cases, but that's to be expected because we're seeing a significant up-tick in the number of tests. the more tests you have, the more cases you're going to see.
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what we are not seeing is a situation where our health care resources are being overtaxed. and that was the reason that we were given for the shutdown to begin with. the biggest problem, i believe, we have now in north carolina is the rank inconsistencies in the governor's policies in terms of who can reopen. you can reopen a brewery and folks can go to a brewery, sit outside and consume a beverage, but you can't open a bar and have folks sit outside and consume a beverage. you can go to a protest and everything seems to be fine for a crowd at a protest. but you can't go to a race track and a crowd watch a race. it just rank inconsistencies in the policy. gillian: that's something we've heard echoed by lawmakers. ted in louisiana, your governor
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says overall in terms of number of cases and hospitalizations the state is doing much better. but we know, too, in your state, folks, small business owners in particular are really struggling to make back the lost ground of the past three months. tell us about, you know, what you're experiencing there and what your constituents are telling you. >> my constituents are telling me the same things. we are very concerned about an up-tick in cases and it's quite frankly, that an up-tick in cases comes from, you know, being around more people than you were during the quarantine. we can continue to say that an up-tick is only because we're testing more, but quite frankly, we see more cases because people are convening in large gatherings more, not just in protest, we saw it across the country during memorial day when our beaches were full. we can't just blame this on protests. in louisiana democrats, too, are concerned about reopening the economy, but more concerned about the workers who have to
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stand those businesses up. so as we the conversation that we're reopening like we're past the coronavirus, which we're not. our concern is for the workers standing those businesses up, those workers who didn't get paid sick leave, working in extremely harsh conditions and quite frankly those are citizens coming from the communities of most concern. you can't have a growing economy if all of your workers are sick. gillian: i want to bring up the topic of police reform because you introduced this resolution to force the state to carry out studies that look at that. and you've had some pushback. tell us what's needed on the grounds of reform? >> i'll tell you, pushback because there are some that don't want to accept the fact that we have a problem, we're policing in communities of
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color. we need to look at the system wholeheartedly. we can't just say get body cameras because we know that officers are turning the body cameras off without incident. and we can't say that the police unions are back stop, here we have a union that continues to fire bad officers and continue to reinstate them. we can't continue with policies and think they'll correct themselves. number one, you can see from the diversity of the protests, this is not just in the african-american community. in new york, we saw an elderly man pushed to the ground and when one tried to render aid, another pushed him away. in the case of george floyd, we saw one officer turn his back and turn a blind eye and in baltimore, saw a woman pushed down by an officer. this is not just policing in communities, but policing
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knowing they can beless -- be reckless, i'll save my cheers for when they can be jailed. gillian: you put a fine point on it. gentlemen, we have to leave the conversation there for today, but mope to have you both back soon to talk about the progress your states are continuing to make and we'll see how reforms ultimately get implemented and we'll have you back soon. thank you so much. >> thank you. leland: president trump and congress are still at odds over renaming military bases named after confederate generals. and lucas is breaking news on this like all week. hi, lucas. hi, leland. twice the commander-in-chief appeared to be at odds photographer the naming of bases. first the a erm said-- first they said they were open to the idea and then the
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president said he was not. lafayette square-- . >> i should not have been there, my presence in that moments and that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics. as a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that i have learned from. earlier this week after officials said they were open to changing the names of 10 u.s. bases named after confederate generals including fort bragg and special operations command named after braxton bragg who lost the battle in the civil war. and another base named after brown gordon. considered to be one of robert e. lee's officers. >> these monumental p and powerful bases have become a heritage of history, winning,
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victory and freedom. the united states of america trained and deployed our heroes here and won two world wars. >> the u.s. navy is not immune to criticism. the missile cruiser u.s.s. chancellorsvil chancellorsville. and west point and the naval academy named after confederate generals. we'll see what happens. in 2015, the army was also asked to change the name of its bases. the pentagon refused. leland. leland: and noteworthy, this is something the president did not address during his commencement speech at west point, a couple of hours ago. lucas, thank you. gillian. gillian: well, protests this weekend are continuing in the city where george floyd was murdered on memorial day. matt is on the ground in minneapolis, minnesota. >> the minneapolis city council not wasting any time. they've already passed a resolution to begin dismantling
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police here. we've live from the twin cities after this break. i don't keep track of regrets and i don't add up the years, but what i do count on... is boost high protein... and now, there's boost mobility... ...with key nutrients to help support... joints, muscles, and bones. try boost mobility, with added collagen. you've been avoiding. like people... and pants.ings but don't avoid taking care of your eyes, because we're here to safely serve you with new procedures that exceed cdc guidelines and value your time. visionworks. see the difference.
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george floyd. this as the city and the police department still at odds now. all of these weeks later how to move forward. matt joins us live from minneapolis on the ground with the latest, matt. >> yeah, gillian, like you said, it's another day of protests here in minneapolis. we're going to be monitoring one in a few hours and we're now at the location where george floyd died and a steady stream of people come to go pay their respects. yesterday in downtown minneapolis there was rather live demonstration outside of a building and hundreds of protesters demanded the resignation of crowell, the union president has been mostly silent. in the union, he says that police have been stripped by city leaders of their ability to end riots and unrest that we saw. here is one protester at
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yesterday's demonstration. >> there will never be police reform in minneapolis unless bob crowell goes. i'm sure there are good officers in minneapolis, i'm sure there are, but i hope they don't back him and i hope that they work to get rid of him. >> also, city council in minneapolis has unanimously begun dismantling the police department and transforming the public safety system they say. however, the minneapolis city charter requires a minimum number of officers per population ap now they're looking to modify the city charter. minneapolis tells fox news they're so short staffed over the course of a year, they were unable to immediately respond to 6,000 priority one 911 calls, that's potential rapes and life threatening calls. just last center, the police chief was asking for 400 more
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officers over the course of a few years. so this is clearly a police department that does not agree with city council that any less officers is a good idea for safety here. gillian. gillian: matt standing in front of a powerful back drop. that street corner in minneapolis even now is reshaping the trajectory of u.s. history. matt, we'll check with you next hour. thank you. leland: states across the country are seeing a rise in coronavirus cases in the midst of reopening. you can see the protests continue despite the rise in numbers. we'll put those two things together when we come back. is that net carbs or total?... eh, not enough fiber... chocolate would be good... snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave
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>> you are looking live at the
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u.s. military academy at west point graduation ceremony for the class of 2020. president trump is in attendance. you can see him on the dias there. he's saluting the cadets as their names are called. we are awaiting what is known as a traditional cap toss and the flyover, the highlight of the ceremony. we will bring that to you live later this hour as it happens. leland: most of the country is in the process of reopening right now. in fact, there's a lot of places you can eat inside of a restaurant. but more than 20 states are seeing up-tick in coronavirus cases. claudia cowan, live in san francisco one of the first cities to shut down with more on this. hi, claudia. >> slowly they're flattening the curve and the number of people dying from coronavirus is going down, but in the last couple of weeks, more states
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reported an increase in the number of new cases, including california, arizona, texas, florida and north carolina. the governors of utah and oregon have even put the brakes on lifting further restrictions as they investigate the up-ticks there. while florida, california and georgia which just saw its highest single day rise since reopening in may are allowing more to reopen, gyms, and restaurants. and more people are getting tested and experts point out that is bound to reveal more infections. while it may be too soon to see if recent protests have contributed, one doctor in new york believes that's the case. here is what she told our dana perino. >> i have a lot of patients coming in, they were actually having symptoms, shortness of breath, chest pain, body aches, fever, not as much as last month. so i feel that we have an up-tick and i think a lot of it has to do with the fact that,
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you know, we've had the protests recently and sadly some patients are noncompliant and don't wear their masks and are not social distancing as they should be. >> the u.s. has more people travelling in communities where the virus is spreading along with social distancing, and wearing masks, key recommendations, include taking the stairs, if you can't ride in an elevator alone, and and advertising dn sanitizing your hands after using things that a lot of people touch like a gas public-private. >> leland imagine having lunch in a restaurant. i barely can. now joining us is an infectious disease expert, doctor, thank you for being back with you
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again this saturday. a lot of medical experts, your colleagues are warning about a second wave of the virus in texas, california, in arizona. do you agree with that assessment that this is a second wave as opposed to a continuation of the trend we've been seeing over the last three months and does that matter in terms of how you treat your patients? >> i don't think it matters that much whether we call this a second wave or just a continuation of the first wave. there were many places that weren't hit very hard in the early part of the spring and now you're seeing this is basically a dissynchronous outbreak. we have, for example, the protests, meat packing plants and prisons adding to the level of case that is we're seeing in many other parts of the country, including the fact that we're seeing lots more testing going on, which is going to uncover more cases. gillian: so in addition to the
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testing, something that i'm curious about is, so let's say hypothetically for the sake of arguments are seeing a second wave of the virus. how much of a difference does it make that most ordinary americans, myself included, are now a whole lot more knowledgeable going into this second wave? meaning we know how to socially distance and wear masks and properly wash our hands and a lot of things that need to be done to keep ourselves and our families safe. does that make a huge difference, do you think, going forward in terms of mitigating a second outbreak? >> i do think that we're much better off in june than we were in march in terms of our knowledge, even at the medical level, from the physicians taking care of the patients as well as the general public in understanding how this virus spreads and what actions they can take and hopefully that will help decrease any kind of morbidity and mortality we see. we have to be ready for cases to go up in parts of the country and make sure that we
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have our hospitals resourced as they're going to be dealing with more patients and contact tracing teams. they're going to be key to keeping this manageable as we move forward in this pandemic. gillian: well, some epidemiologists say follow the case numbers. >> follow the case numbers. what really matters here for tracking this virus is the number of new cases each week in state by state, but others tell us that that's not the metric that's most reflective of reality. look at the number of hospitalizations state by state on a weekly basis. can you weigh in with some kind of guidance on how you suggest we approach this? >> sure, so it depends upon what you're actually trying to do with the data. to me the most important numbers are hospitalizations and percent positivity of tests, how many tests are coming back positive and divide it over as the numerator and denominator how much tests you did. if that's going up, that's
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worrisome. in texas and arizona we're seeing it going up and hospitalizations go up in places like arizona, that's the metric i think we need to look at the most. we know we're going to get more cases, social interaction will lead to more cases. the question, are those cases spilling us into the hospital and putting us in the position where hospitals are stressed and that's what we'll keep looking back at during this pandemic. that's what was driving the social distancing. trying to make sure our hospitals are okay and i think those are the numbers that people are going to have to look at from a public policy standpoint. gillian: makes sense. we're seeing spikes in other parts of the world, whether it's latin america, where brazil passed the united states, africa seeing increased cases. it's obviously terrible and the united states should do everything we can to help. does that present a direct health threat to americans, the fact that cases are bubbling up in these far reaches.
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world now? >> i do think that an infectious disease outbreak in the world has an impact on the united states, this virus established itself in the human population and going to be the new normal until we have a vaccine. we can't have this virus burning out of control in parts of the world and then expect america to be completely insulated from that. we will see cases that can actually move from country to country and i think it's important that we control this globally for it to be removed as a threat and get us back to our normal way of life. gillian: sounds just like a threat to freedom and democracy anywhere in the world is a threat to u.s. democracy, health threats anywhere around the world are a threat to the united states. doctor, thank you for your insight today. we appreciate it. >> thank you. leland: looking at the parade ground at the u.s. academy at west point. the commission of the class of 2020 underway. we'll head back to west point as a flyover begins with president trump looking on.
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>> you are looking live at the u.s. military academy at west point graduation ceremony. the class of 20 has received their diplomas. they heard earlier this morning from president trump. you can see him there. it's a beautiful saturday afternoon. the class of 2020 just did the infamous cap toss, once the graduation ceremony is officially concluded and they did the flyover and it's a beautiful sight and now president trump is gearing up to head out. he's going back to bedminster, new jersey. leland, it's quite a sight. >> it is, there's a pomp and circumstance to graduation at west point that's truly special. even though the families and friends of the cadets couldn't be there and they did it on the parade ground rather than at
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the stadium, there's something special about it. we're watching the president greet a couple of the cadets and shake their hands. he was not able to shake the hands of 1100 or more, it looks like these are the higher ranking of the cadet 2020 west point class to get to get the pictures with the commandant. and they threw their caps in the air and commissioned in the united states army and we'll bring that back around in a couple of minutes. meantime, we turn our attention out to the west coast. we're learning more about a u.s. air force sergeant accused of targeting law enforcement officers. investigators want to know if he killed a federal officer in oakland last month in addition to santa cruz sheriff's gutzwiller. we appreciate you joining us, the death of any law officer is a tragedy, but the idea that your sergeant was targeted and
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murdered and we understand two weeks before his second child was to be born, almost just defies the mind in terms of being able to assess the cruelty of it all. >> yes, and thank you for having me this morning, leland. damon, he was a really, really good man and in this day and age, of what we're living through right now, he was the picture of a community policeman and he was beloved here at the sheriff's office and by our community. and for him, he was looking so forward to having his second child. he was real excited and i talked to him many times about raising children because i have four of my own and he couldn't wait for his second child to come and he has a little two-year-old and a beautiful wife. and it's been a really, really hard time for us here in around this region. we're a small county on the central coast. we only have 300-- >> unimaginably hard and this
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is going to sound a little callus bus because no one can be doing okay and well two weeks before giving birth. how is his pregnant wife doing? does she have family around? what are you doing to support her? >> she has family and then we have officers that have been with her 24 hours a day and helping her through this crisis and she is very well-supported, but you can only imagine losing your husband when you're about to have your second child. leland: almost impossible to imagine. i know you've created a memorial fund there, we will put it on the screen to honor damon and obviously help his family through all this and seeing pictures of him in the memorial as well on the left side of your screen. the memorial fund that i understand is on sc and you can go there to donate. any ideas on what this is going to go to and what his family needs right now? >> his family, they need support. you know, these children-- they're going to need a college
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education. the main breadwinner, obviously has been lost and so, they need help and whatever, whatever our country and our community can give them is going to be greatly appreciated. leland: well, our viewers in times like this have shown the extraordinary willingness to step up and help america's heroes as damon certainly was, who ran to the quite literally into the sound of gunfire. sheriff, we appreciate your time and remembering him, who did so much to protect us. thank you, sir. >> thank you, leland. leland: all the best. gillian. gillian: well, one principal ballerina is making it a point to keep the arts alive and well during the coronavirus pandemic. we are going to talk to her about her herculean effort. they're not so bad to look at either. we hope you'll stick with us. anodized non-stick pan.
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♪ >> one of america's most talented, most high profile
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ballerinas is keeping americans on their toes and keeping ballet alive for millions of fans while the world has gone virtually dark for months. and tiler peck has streamed bailey ballet on her account. she's been joined daily by americans, and as you saw there josh grogan, kelly ripa, jennifer garner. i don't know if i've been so excited to be joined by a guest, a, we don't talk about how this has impacted the arts, and b, i've been a decades long fan of yours and you're
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incredible. >> thank you for having me, gillian. >> of course, tell me hoe you came up with this idea. i think you were really one of the first artists out there to do this, as the dance world got shuttered, theaters across america were shut down, there's no performances, no real way for millions of young dancers around the country to continue training and developing, so you launched these daily ballet classes. tell us about how you came up with the idea and tell us if you're surprised by the success you've had. >> yeah, you know, i think with this pandemic, i think that the dance communities and theater communities have been hit incredibly hard and you know as a former dancer, that dancers are taught to be resilient and super disciplined and so, when the stay-at-home order went into place, i needed to keep up my training to stay at the top level and so, i thought, you know what? the very first day, i'm going to give myself a class, why
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don't i just turn on instagram live and let whoever is at home dance along with me and honestly, i thought there would be like five to 10 people, and i didn't really know what the numbers meant at first and i have been so humbled by the response. i have people dancing with me from all across the world, so many different countries, different ages and you know, if i'm able to bring some sort of joy and keep people connected during this time, i'm so grateful to be able to give back in that way. gillian: absolutely. you know, the performing arts right now is really not just about beauty and creativity and people expressing themselves, a lot of folks don't realize that it is an industry, especially ballet, companies need to stay afloat. they need to generate income from live performances and tens
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of thousands of dancers across america are out of work and what are you doing in addition to staying fit? how are you keeping things going financially? >> i'm kind of in the same boat as everybody else. i did not realize really my last time dancing on our new york city ballet stage would have been february 29th. and we don't know yet when we will be back to work, so that's why these glasses have really helped me be creative and you know, the dance community and art world is so amazing that so many special guests have come on and i've gotten to-- . >> i'm sorry to jump in, we're coming up against a hard break, we want to bring you back quickly on the other side. stick with us.
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leland: live pictures at 10:00 a.m. pacific time from seattle, known as at least where this camera is the capitol hill autonomous zone, we'll check in there in a minute. welcome to america's news headquarters from washington. i'm leland vittert. gillian, nice to be with you. the president has departed west point after commissioning the class of 2020. gillian: leland, and everybody at home, it's great to be with you. i'm gillian turner. as seattle o officials continue negotiating the mayor is continuing to talk with
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president trump. jonathan hunt is covering the late-breaking developments this weekend? we are right now in the center of what protesters have called the capitol hill autonomous zone and this is what is at the heart of this protest. the seattle police department east precinct, we're obscuring with the tree some of the more colorful language. you can see, this completely boarded up. this was the site of ongoing clashes between protesters and police about a week ago in which tear gas was used. that has been outlawed by a federal court. the police told they cannot use tear gas to break up peaceful protests. the police moved out, moved away from the precinct and as you can see, as the sign says, this space is now property of the seattle people. and for about six blocks surrounding this police precinct are now boarded off by the protesters, they set up roadblocks at every entrance to
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this area and they say they have no intention of giving it back to the seattle authorities and most especially the seattle police at any point. president trump of course has called on the political leaders here, mayor jenny durkin, governor jay insley to take back control of the streets but there is certainly not the political wilrightright now. you get the indication from political leaders that they are going to let this go on for weeks, if not months. if you look down the street here, these are a couple of blocks of it. on the left, the tents there, what is known as the no cops co-op, they're handing out food. on the right, on the corner there, you can't see it, covered up by a blue tarp, a bunch of couches, the conversation cafe as it's been dubbed, where they talk about how to be
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anti-racist. this is a setup that the protesters intend to keep going for some time. the police chief on i the other hand says she did not approve the move out of the police and she wants to see police officers back in. that is a big question of course, gillian. how and when they do that. and we spoke earlier to the president of the seattle police officers gild. he said this is setting a dreadful example. listen here. >> this is the closest i've seen since being a 20-year professional of public safety service of our country to becoming a lawless state. when you have six, now seven blocks of a city of seattle owned geography now being occupied by some say are still armed people, especially at night, where do we go from here? >> reporter: now, just to pick up on that point that he was making about armed people, yes, there have been seen on these
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streets some people who of are carrying weapons. they are certainly not carrying them openly today. and they say that they are just armed for their own protection. but this is an entirely peaceful area right now. it has to of be perfectly honest, gillian, more of a festival feel than anything else, as you look at these tents that have been set up to provide food and water for everybody. but the question obviously at the heart of this is law and order. should seattle allow these protesters to essentially own these streets and if so, for how long. at some point you have to imagine there is going to be a flash point. as i say, no political willow callie for that to happen right now, despite the very tough talk coming from the white house. gillian. gillian: jonathan, the highs of the entire nation are now on this autonomous zone, watching
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daily, hourly to see what's unfolding there. thank you for taking us and our viewers inside. jonathan hunt, we appreciate it. leland will the administration - gillian: will the administration -- leland: will they return this to the sovereignty of the united states. we bring in ken cuccinelli. thank you for joining us. what's the timeline here? the president says we're going to take back the city if the locals won't. the locals are saying they don't. how long do they have? >> well, there isn't a specific timeline, per se, but certainly this is a subject of, as you all pointed out, that boils down to law and order and the most important role of government and all three levels is public safety and all three levels public safety officials, police, military whatever they may be, depending on the level, are governed by civilian authority. leland: what is the point of -- what's the point of making a threat like saying if the city
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doesn't do it and the state doesn't do it, we're going to take back the city, the police gild says it's a lawless state. what's the point of making a threat if you don't put a timeline on it? otherwise, it's meaningless. >> i'm sorry we're not meeting your requirements. leland: it's not my requirement. it's a rearment of making a threat -- requirement of making a threat. >> he didn't put a timeline on it. it isn't that he wants to step in. look, in the unrest for the last two weeks, the president said active military is an option if these get out of control. leland: he did? >> military members were positioned in place to do that. he took the appropriate steps. we never reached the threshold where he felt it was necessary to invoke the insurrection act and so i would say that his willingness to do it which has been clearly demonstrated by the movement of troops and so forth, plays a role in how others at other levels of government state and local are going to have to
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act. leland: you brought up the insurrection act. this seems to be a textbook definition of insurrection. you have a group of people who declared even by their own barricades they put up saying you are leaving the united states of america. they don't recognize as you point out civilian control or civilian laws. what is the deciding factor here for the president and for the administration? what do you have to say to business owners in chaz who can't operate anymore or provide for their families? what do you say to residents who may not be able to be protected by the police or fire department? >> well, certainly this is where three levels of government come into play. we've seen failure on an ongoing basis at the local level. actually, it isn't failure, it's a surrender, a sort of -- they're an acome police of sorts. -- accomplis of sorts.
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it happens in the public arena. leland: the mayor says this could be the summer of love. that doesn't sound like there is any urgency whatsoever to deal with this problem. what is the next step? what are the steps between now and the insurrection act to perhaps get this state and local government to do what the president wants them to? >> well, first of all, the expectation of course is works its way up, local, state and federal. we have that expectation. we've been talking a lot about seattle. we haven't talked a lot about governor insley and what they may or may not do at the state level and how long this will go on. you raised the legitimate point that the buildings and the businesses and so forth that are destroyed or inaccessible to the actual owners in that area are seattle residents.
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they're washington citizens. and we're not in a hurry to escalate anything. but at the same time, it isn't going to concede a part of the united states to lawlessness. leland: i guess the question is, rhetorical question but at some point if you don't intercede for a given period of time don't you actually cede it just by the fact that you haven't interceded. these are some of the demands, abolish the seattle police department, ban use of armed force, abolition of imprisonment, retry all people of color. release any prisoner currently serving time for marijuana related offense, release any prisoner serving time for resisting arrest, pe rep are ish trying to negotiate with these people? >> certainly not. they have the right to peacefully protest. they don't have the right to
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take pieces of property. those seattle -- the civilian leadership, not the chief of police, seems comfortable with that for some period of time. none of what you read off is anywhere near the bounds of reasonableness. at the same time, we are having a national discussion. the president has weighed in formally on a number of points on how to change law enforcement, about how we evolve our lawe enforcement, about what is an acceptable aapproach to protesting, the line between peaceful and violent protesting. that's something that we at the homeland security department are engaged in. leland: we've got to run. we appreciate it. and doesn't sound like anything is going to happen this week, based on the conversations, what we're hearing out of seattle. we'll revisit it next weekend with you, sir.
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appreciate it. >> good to talk with you. leland: gillian. gillian: tens of thousands of americans across the country poe testing police brutality, almost three weeks after george floyd was killed while in police custody. christina coleman is in santa monica, california tracking the nationwide protests. she's got an overview. christina. >> reporter: hi, gillian. well, many protest organizers are working to make sure that the protests last all summer long, especially since many local governments are in the budget planning season. they want to make sure that more funding is spent on social services. this is an election year. many of the protesters want to make sure police reform is at the top of the political agenda. this protest is happening right now in franklin new jersey, where video was taken of counter protesters reenacting george floyd's death earlier this week, prompting backlash on social media. and this is one of many protests taking place across the country today.
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in addition to pushing for some specific police reforms like requiring officers to intervene if they see another officer using excessive use of force, and nationwide bans on choke holds and no knock warrants, many protesters are calling on city leaders across the country to reallocate some funding for policing to social services, saying it would ease some of the conflicts police are often called on to handle. since george floyd's death and the protests, many business leaders and politicians have shown support for the black lives movement and a number of cities and states are working to ban choke holds or other kinds of neck restraints. >> what we saw in the news clippings that happened in minneapolis for me is an abuse, a betrayal of public trust. >> think of a loved one, sister, brother, mother, father, how would you like them to be treated? and treat the individual before you in that manner.
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>> reporter: also a blue lives matter rally is set to start in las vegas shortly. many officers reiterating that there are many of great, good officers across the country who continue to put their lives on the line to protect the public. gillian. gillian: christina, thanks for tracking all of that for us. we appreciate it. leland. leland: there are new protests today at the site of an officer-involved shooting in atlanta where police were called to a wendy's restaurant to investigate a man sleeping in his car. the man resisted arrest and according to police and witnesses, the man grabbed an officer's taser and that's when the shooting happened. the georgia bureau of investigation is now leading the investigation into that shooting. ♪ leland: black lives matter protests as well as issues involving law enforcement are taking center stage in this election. and democratic presidential
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hopeful joe biden is reportedly narrowing his list of vice presidential contender as the search enters a second round of vetting. garrett tenney looking at the short list now and joins us. hi, garrett. >> reporter: leland, good afternoon to you. we're about two months away from the democratic national convention so folks who are familiar with this process say there is still time for others to be added to the list but as of now, there are reportedly six serious contenders and there's a few familiar names on the list. those several people who are familiar with joe biden's search committee tell the associated press that the list includes senators elizabeth warren and kamala harris, president obama's former national security advisor susan rice, atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms, val testimony id. while campaign surrogate told the ap it would be exciting for the party to have a black woman
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on the ticket, biden's choice will likely be, quote, all about personal chemistry. he is stepping up his attacks on president trump and stoking speculation that president trump will try to steal the election. >> migrate -- my greatest concern, my single greatest concern, this president is going to try to steal the election. >> reporter: biden suggested president trump may refuse to leave office if he loses the race. the president fired back in an interview with harris faulkner. >> joe's not all there. everybody knows it. and it's sad when you look at it and you see it. you see it for yourself. he's created his own sanctuary city in the basement of wherever he is and he doesn't come out of and certainly if i don't win, i don't win. >> reporter: as for joe biden's vp search, sources familiar told the ap that so far he has not
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had any one on one interviews with the top contenders about joining the ticket but those meetings are expected to happen in the next few weeks. leland. leland: keep an eye on the travel of the six on the list among others. garrett, thank you. gillian. gillian: well, for more on the 2020 presidential campaign, the trail continuing to heat back up, let's bring in former senior advisor, fil philip rimes. you heard what joe biden said this week, he thinks the president might stee steal the 0 election if things don't go in his favor. is that what he really thinks or is that more of a talking point. >> >> i think that's what he really fears. let's go back to 2016. throughout the general election, donald trump repeatedly
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questioned whether the results on election day would be valid. and that played into a part of how the obama administration handled what they did and didn't share about the russia investigation. so i do think he was speaking hon ofestly and it is a -- honestly and it is a concern, it's a concern of many people in the party. i see the concern. i think it's sad that it's a concern but that's not a reflection on joe biden. that's a reflection on of donald trump. gillian: what is the precise fear that he's going to steal votes? >> the precise fear -- gillian: it's a little crazy. >> imagine 2016 but exactly in reverse. imagine donald trump losing three states by a hair margin, each of them by less than 1% and 39,000 people changing their votes. he might have said, look, i don't think i believe this. look at what he said after the election, 3 million people voted in california that were illegal.
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if you were to say that, we would be back in a situation -- let's remember, only 20 years ago, in 2000, we had gore v bush where neither of them would concede to the other because we were talking about less than 1,000 votes. i think in that situation donald trump would make noise about delaying it. now, in truth, we don't change presidents the day after he'll election day. if this goes on of november 4th, 5th, that's not the point. the point is whether on january 20 ofth, 2021, at 12:01 he refuses to hand over the nuclear code. gillian: i don't think anyone in this country, democrat or republican, pro-trump, anti-trump, has the appetite or frankly the emotional stamina to go through another, you know, bush versus gore type national nightmare. >> it would be a national -- gillian: well far afield of that. let's talk about biden in the basement.
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this has been an attack from the president, it's been an attack from republican lawmakers on the hill last week, they're saying he's not getting out there, there's coronavirus but he's staying squirreled away and he's not going out and interacting with voters to the extent he's going to need to if he really wants to clinch this. >> well, he's interacting with voters in the most important way. he's speaking to them. i would argue that more people are hearing what he is saying because the networks including fox are paying more attention to it rather than how many people are on the line, how many people are in the audience, how many selfies he's taking. i think if it ain't broke, don't leave the basement. it's not like he's being lazy, not like he doesn't want to meet people. he's being prudent, following the advice of medical and professional public health officials. i'm sure he's itching to get back on the trail. just because donald trump wants to go back on the trail this week doesn't mean that's the
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correct thing to do. what's most important is what joe biden says to the american electorate and what he is saying seems to be working. donald trump probably wants joe biden out of the basement because the joe biden that's in the basement is beating him pretty resoundingly. gillian: well, we will see how it all plays of out. sounds like the message is it doesn't matter where you say something, it's what you say and whose attention you have. thanks so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you, gillian. gillian: leland. leland: with a flyover by the 82nd airborne, the west point class of 2020 was commissioned and tossed their caps in the air, a major milestone for the newest graduates at west point. jon scott above the hudson for us. hi, jon. >> reporter: hi, leland. yeah, for anybody who has ever graduated from any institution that day is memorable. for the west point class of
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2020, this is one for the record books. graduating 1100 cadets amid a global pandemic and a presidential address. highlights in just a moment. right now is a time for action. that's why usaa is giving payment relief options to eligible members so they can pay for things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. discover all the ways we're helping members today. or credit card bills. i but what i do count on...ts anis boost high, and now, there's boost mobility... ...with key nutrients to help support... joints, muscles, and bones. try boost mobility, with added collagen. and people you can rely on. i'm a dell technologies advisor. me too. me too. me too. and if you're a small business, we're with you. we are with you. we're with you. we want to help.
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♪ leland: continue to celebrate west point graduation, the nation's oldest military academy is celebrating the class of 2020 today with the president and a socially distanced graduating class which makes things a little bit different. jon scott knows how it normally happens and how it happened this year and joins us from the parade field at west point, hi, jon. >> reporter: they are dismantling the stage on which the president was standing and saluting the graduating cadets less than an hour ago. this was one for the record books here at west point. normally graduation is held in mikey stadium, the football stadium, stands are filled with family and friends cheering on graduates who worked so hard to get here. this time, for the first time in six years, west point received the commencement ayou dress from the -- address from the sitting president. president trump arrived by helicopter around 9:30 this morning, i would say, and
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graduation ceremonies got underway at about 10:00 a.m. 1100 graduates in this graduating class. and they wore masks as they arrived into the ceremony. they sat in socially distanced chairs, six feet apart. and they graduated without the adoration of family and friends, that is something that president trump alluded to in his remarks. >> to all of the parents, grandparents and family members watching this ceremony from your beautiful home, even though you could not be here today, we know this day could never have happened without you, your love and sacrifice have given america these phenomenal men and women. >> reporter: the president also alluded to some of the current racial tensions in this country and also mentioned that in his view, the era of nation building
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by the united states military is over. these graduates, he said, should not be out building other nations but they should be protecting the united states if its citizens are threatened. leland. leland: jon scott on the parade field of west point. i knows you were thinking back to the point your son graduated at west point of. congratulations to you as you get to relive that memory today. thanks. see you tonight on the fox report. >> reporter: thank you, leland. gillian: joining us now is director of the west point center for oral history, lieutenant colonel david siri. colonel, a beautiful, beautiful ceremony we all saw earlier this morning. there was some extra special prep that went into getting today underway, not just the social distancing we saw but as i understand weeks and weeks of preparation, bringing the cadets in, testing them, quarantining
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them. tell us what went into this behind the scenes. >> okay. yes. well, thank you for allowing me to be here with you. it started about two weeks ago when they began bringing back the class of 2020. we finished out the semester remotely with all the instructors teaching remotely, with all the tactical officers leading their companies remotely and about two weeks ago they brought back the cadets and they brought them straight to one of the training areas at camp buckner and they were able to test all the cadets, make sure they all passed their health test. if they didn't, they quarantined them for 14 days and that way they were able to bring the whole class back, allowed them to be on campus, socially distanced, and then prep them for graduation. gillian: and so what comes next? these young men and women are going to ultimately deploy all
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across the globe to hot spots and regions where the u.s. has a military presence. but that's not going to happen right away. so tell us what comes next for most of them. >> sure. even in the covid environment that we're all living in, their experience is going to be similar to other graduates from west point. they'll go on a period of leave and then they'll each go to an individual -- to a training base, based on their branch. and they could be at any number of spots across the united states, going through training. after their period of training, then they'll finally join a unit at one of the army locations across the united states or internationally, germany, japan, korea are some of the places they might go. once they get to their unit they'll be prep fired take on any of the mission -- prepared to take on any of the missions the army assigns them. gillian: so tell us about the moment that we're in, this unique historical moment where
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there's a global pandemic raging hundreds of thousands of lives lost. at the same time, in the last couple of weeks we saw these racial justice protests erupt across the country. how does all of this affect the psyche and morale of your students? what do you tell them about this time? >> well, west point spends four years training the graduates, everyone who graduates from west point they go through a lot of of classes that develops them into leaders of character. to serve the united states. and so i think throughout their training that they've all gone through they're well-prepared for what they will experience. and then when they get to their units they'll receive additional training that helps them get ready for whatever environment they're in. gillian: well, president trump said it beautifully earlier today, he said no matter where you end up, we know that we'll be proud of you and you'll serve
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the nation to your best capacity. it sounds like they've got great people behind them like you. thanks so much for your service and for everything you do and your time today, colonel. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. gillian: stick with us, we'll be back soon. ow us. yoo-hoo, progressive shoppers. we laughed with you. sprinkles are for winners. we surprised you. on occasion, we've probably even annoyed you. we've done this all with one thing in mind. to help protect the things you love. and if we can't offer you the best price we'll help you find a better one. it's not always the lowest! even if it's not with us. that's how we've done it for the past 80 years. not just today, or this month, but always.
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gillian: protesters are taking to the streets in cities around the world to show their support for black lives matter this weekend. ryan chilcote joins us fro from london where people have been taken to the streets in solidarity for america's call for solidarity. ryan. >> reporter: it's a very tense situation right now in the streets of london. just 90 minutes ago a city-wide ban on protesting went into effect and yet there are still protesters and would-be counter protesters out there on the streets. the police's biggest concern,
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bar none, is that we have more protester on protester violence today. earlier in the day in front of the british parliament on parliament square we saw far right demonstrators hurling bottles and smoke bombs at police and journalists that had gathered there. the counter protesters said they were there to protect the city's monuments. when they started making their way towards a black lives matter protest, located just up the road from them, the police moved in to stop them and clashes ensued. the police employing tear gas to separate the two groups. you can see very dramatic pictures there. on the black lives matter side it was mostly peaceful protests, hundreds of demonstrators out there, beautiful day in london turning out despite calls from officials for them and the counter protesters for that matter not to do that out of concern that their gathering will spread the coronavirus and
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lead to clashes between the two groups of demonstrators. eyewitnesses say many of the so-called counter protesters have been looking to do just that, looking for a fight and there were some small altercations. so far, the police have by and large kept the two groups apart. the concern is, we're still just about three hours from sunset and there is concern that the police may not be able to control the situation as we go into the darker hours. back to you. gillian: ryan, thanks for keeping a handle on that for us. we will check back with you later. leland. leland: we are learning more about a doomsday couple and their missing kids. chad daybell, the husband of lori vallow is due in court on wednesday. human remains family members say belonged to the children were found on daybell's property in idaho of earlier this week. joining us to talk about what's
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next for the couple, attorney andrew stoltman. good to see you. what's the most surprising in this case, that it's taken this long or that the children haven't been found yet officially. >> i think the biggest problem is the prosecutors are crossing their ts and dotting their is. i think mr. day bel mr. daybello be charged with murder. it's hard to explain away finding remains on your property. leland: why has this taken so long? it's been a very long time. >> i think prosecutors needed to get the appropriate information to get a search warrant and i think there's also a problem because there have been reports of very large fires on his property at about the time that the kids went missing. so there is a chance a big part of the evidence has been eliminated. leland: my producer brought up the point that not only that but you think about it in idaho, the
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heavy snow in the winter covered up conceivably where they wanted to investigate. you have this man, the wife, they both married right after their respect of testify spouses died -- respective spouses died. any chance prosecutors will be looking into the coincidences you might say of what would be four deaths, the two kids and the two spouses? >> i don't think there's any question prosecutors are looking into everything with respect to both these individuals' back backgrounds, to have the kids missing, the kids likely dead, and the spouses die too? i think it's more than just a coincidence. leland: where does this case go from here in terms of the two of them? do prosecutors try to split them up and make a deal with either the mom or the stepfather or do they just try to try them both on the fact that the kids' remains are in their backyard? >> i think that might be the best leverage point prosecutors have. i would be surprised if they're not charged with murder and if
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they are i think prosecutors will dangle the prospect of a plea deal in front of one and seek the death penalty or obviously at least a lifetime sense extension for the other. it's a real effective prosecutorial tool. leland: real quickly, here. there's indication that's these folks are part of some type of doomsday cult or have some unusual views about the world and it ending. any chance that prosecutors are able to expand this out and if they're able to to prove that the parents did this because of these views that those who he's spoused the views in the first place will be responsible. >> i don't know if those will be aggravating circumstances, i don't know if there are other people in the doomsday cult that are investigated but it adds a fascinating later of interest to the case. it is truly something ripped right out of the tabloid headlines. leland: yes, sad as it is.
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we appreciate the insights. >> any time. leland: gillian. gillian: states nationwide now considering options for police reform in the wakes of george floyd's death. correspondent alice hogan takes a look at what is being proposed from new york. alice. >> reporter: one protests is left behind me, many continuing around the country as they demand justice for george floyd and police reform. lawmakers are taking action. we'll tell you all about it, coming up. ♪
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country are considering police reform. a lot of debate about what the reform will look like. alice hogan is on the streets of new york where things have been vocal this morning. >> reporter: one of the protests marched through here. we've seen weeks of protests. the protesters say they will not stop until they see real legislative change. now states and local lawmakers across the country say they're listening. police reform sweeping the nation. in minneapolis, minnesota, the city council voted to create a new public safety system, days after they voted to dismanned the policdis--disband the polic. some worry this will leave communities unprotected. >> we are going to continue to show up. ism not going to allow this police department to abandon those people within our communities who still rely upon
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us. >> reporter: in new york, andrew cuomo signed new police accountability laws that include banning excessive force like choke holds and allowing the release of officers' disciplinary records. >> this is something that has to be done anyway. because what we know is certainly true, is there is no trust between the community and the police. >> reporter: in louisville, kentucky, lawmakers passed bring obrionna's law,. >> with profound sense of hope that i sign this legislation which writes brionna taylor's name into the law and the history of this country and city forever. >> reporter: san francisco's mayor laid out a road map to reform which includes taking away responsibilities from police for things like homelessness and neighbor
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disputes. in cincinnati, there's a proposed bill that would not only retrain police on bias but it would also create a state-wide database for any officers convicted of violent crime. leland. leland: we expect more work on the federal level, senator tim scott talking about his proposals. alice, thank you. gillian. gillian: the coronavirus fallout from protests and riots, fooshortages, one chicago pastor and his team are tackling them all. what they're going to do next, coming up after this break. ♪
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make an appointment so they can tell you how it works. it's a good thing. access your equity. stay in your home. have peace of mind. gillian: project hood, an organization in chicago's south side, is helping their community with everything from food drives to help families struggling from the covid pandemic to cleaning up the city's streets after weeks of rioting. here to tell us more about project hood is their founder, pastor cory brooks. pastor, thanks so much for being with us today. we reelly appreciate your -- really appreciate your time. one of the reasons i wanted to have you on is because your organization is doing work at a really unique sort of nexus here. you're doing everything you can to support americans who are
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seeking racial equality and police reform where necessary but at the same time cleaning up city streets that have been vandalized by rioters and looters r who took advantage of these protests to cause havoc in recent weeks. >> absolutely. we're working very, very hard to make sure that we take care of as many people as we possibly can. we're cleaning up after the riots and looting. we're providing food. we're providing covid testing to find out who is positive and negative, who have antibodies and we're doing everything we can to make life better so people can understand there are people who care about the community and we want to make sure that life and the quality of life is better for everyone. gillian: was that your motivation for starting the organization? i mean, you work with your congregation, you see their daily struggles, their priorities, their challenges. what made you want to start an organization to do this work
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specifically? >> well, the organization was born out of being on the south side of chicago, seeing so much violence day-to-day, so many young african-american males who were gunned down and victimized and also the poverty that was all around us. a lot of people don't realize but on the south side of chicago a lot of the businesses that are there are not owned by african-americans. we wanted to make sure to start to stabilize the community and thought of starting an organization that focused on of education would be a great opportunity to do that. we started project hood, the hood stands for helping others obtain destiny. that's what we're trying to do every single day, make life better for our community, those that live in our community. we believe we can make america a better place and that's our goal. gillian: i was reading that your next big project coming up in the pike this month is going to be a food drive. tell us about that. tell us how viewers at home who
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are interested can pitch in and help if they want, whatever you got. >> so two weeks ago we did a food drive for 5,000 families and it was so successful that we decided to do it again, especially after the looting at a lot of the grocery stores were closed. we're going to be feeding 5,000 families again on june 20th and thanks to the cubs organization, they're providing all the vegetables. now we've got to get the other essential things that people need. we'll be packing up baby food, diapers, meat and dairy products. we've got a lot of great people who are helping us out. at the end of the day we need others to come alongside, to volunteer. if you're in chicago, want to come to chicago or go on our of website, and send in resources to help us purchase food, people who are definitely in need. it's going to be a major task and we're going to help a lot of
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people and a lot of people are going to be assisted and food is going to to be provided, much-needed food. gillian: well, for our viewers at home who are interested, want to pitch in, learn more about the organization, it's pastor brooks, thanks so much for joining us today. we appreciate it. >> thank you so much and thanks for having me on the show and you always do a great job. so i appreciate it. gillian: thank you. best of luck to you. that does it for us on this saturday afternoon. we both hope you will join us here tomorrow from 1:00 until 2:00 p.m. we've got a packed show. leland: we'll see you then. the news continues with eric and arthel from new york. you can also keep your phone, keep your network, keep your number, $20 a month, no contract. don't keep that case though...available 24/7 at tracfone wireless.
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eric: protests continue this weekend over the death of george floyd with black lives matter march now taking place outside of philadelphia and other cities across the country. this comes as president trump highlighted some broad changes in police procedures. his administration is considering following floyd's tragic death while some point out that law enforcement has gotten unfair bad rap. hello, everyone, welcome to america's news headquarters i'm eric sean. hi, arthel. arthel: hi, eric, i'm arthel neville, meanwhile president trump is in new jersey after
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delivering the commencement speech to the graduating class of west point. the president calling the military academy a, quote, universal symbol of american gallantry and devotions and social distance guidelines kept family and friends of attending and despite different background they share a common cause. >> the members of this class have come from every state in our union. you have come from the farms and the cities from states big and small and from every race, religion, color and creed, but when you entered these grounds you became part of one team, one family, proudly serving one great american nation. arthel: mark meredith live in bridgewater, new jersey with more, hi, mark.
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mark: hi, arthel, this morning president trump had a chance to salute west point class of 2020 in his commencement speech he honored those that have served before but also those that are just beginning their career and as you're looking different it was celebration, of course, but social distancing was in place for the cadets as they heard from the president during his speech. the president also praising their sacrifice and service of so many. >> no evil force on earth can match the noble power and gracious glory of the american warrior. i have no doubt that the young men and women before me today will add your names to this eternal chronical of american heros. mark: the president also mentioned the military service right now as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic. he also praised the national guard service members of those people who have been helping
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during turbulent times. also honor for him to be at the event. arthel. arthel: mark, the president has been eager to get back on the road for the 2020 campaign and now that effort is being pushed back one day, did someone persuade the president that holding that rally on juneteenth in tulsa was a bad idea? mark: the president heard from many people and decided to change the date. the president was expect today hold campaign rally on friday in tulsa, oklahoma and there's pushback and will happen saturday evening. he was changing the dates after critics accused him of being insensitive to historical significant of the friday date, marched by historical end of slavery and those who attend on sat in tulsa, there's a disclaim the other get tickets, pulled right from the campaign website. you are acknowledging that
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inherent risk of exposure 19 exist in any public place where people are present by attending the rally you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure of covid-19. some people were certainly surprised by the president's pick of oklahoma as the first spot to basically relaunch the campaign for 2020, however, the president says more rallies are in the works including battleground states like north carolina and florida and appears campaign is getting back to what we saw just a few months ago, arthel. arthel: mark meredith, thank you very much. eric. eric: well, arthel, battle against coronavirus, florida hitting a record high just over 1900 covid-19 cases yesterday, we were told cases were rising in california, north carolina, arkansas, arizona, just to name a few and texas especially hard hit now. the epicenter in the lone star state is houston. the county judge says they do not have the safety measures in place to be able to limit
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community transmission in houston right now. take a look at the chart, 7-day average in our country since march when you take out new york and new jersey, it shows the cases are relatively flat but they are not falling. senior correspondent in san francisco amid the fears of a second wave or maybe worst than the first wave, hi, claudia. reporter: in fact, on average americans are slowly flattening the curve and the number of people dieing from coronavirus is going down. as you mentioned the numbers are especially improved there in new jersey and in new york, but according to analysis done by the associated press, the 7-day average of new cases per capita increased in 21 states including here in california while utah and oregon have hit the pause button on lifting further restrictions for now, the others are moving ahead with phase reopenings including gyms, movie theaters and restaurants, some
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say the higher numbers are due to more states easing restrictions but also more people are getting tested and experts point out that is bound to reveal more infections. fox news medical contributor dr. amish says the key indicater moving forward is the number of hospitalizations. >> we are seeing places like, for example, in texas and arizona where it is going up and we are seeing hospitalizations going up in places like arizona. that's the metric we need to look at the most going forward. we know we will get more cases, social interaction will lead to more cases, are the cases spilling into hospitals and are hospitals under stress. >> the u.s. has more than 2 million people of coronavirus cases. the centers for disease control says some parts of the nation that had seen relatively fewer cases could see a big jump in the weeks to come as more communities reopen for the summer, but a new study is offering hope on one of the best defenses against the virus,
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scientists calculated that requiring people to wear face masks between mid-april to mid-may reduced the number of new infections by nearly 80,000 in italy and 70,000 in new york city. infection rates in new york fell about 3% per day, experts add that in terms of knowing how this virus works and how to treat it, we are better off today than we were in march and, of course, eric, every day brings us closer to a vaccine. back to you. eric: yeah, claudia, every time i see someone without a mask, you know, wear a mask, i mean, really, claudia, thank you. arthel. arthel: eric, thank you, meanwhile mr. george floyd protests continuing across the country this weekend, nearly 3 weeks after his killing at the hands of the police. kristina coleman live in santa monica, california. kristina. christina: arthel, some protestors organizers are working to make sure that protests last all summer long
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especially since local governments are in the budget planning phase right now and protestors want to make sure more funding is spent on social services. also this is an election year and want to make sure police reform is at the top of the political agenda. now this protest is happening right now in new york city, this is one of many protests taking place across the country today including the demonstrations in ohio and new jersey. in addition to pushing for specific police reforms like requiring officers to intervene if they see another officer using excessive force, nationwide bans on chokeholdses and many protestors calling on leaders, saying it would ease some of the conflicts police are often called onto handle. city officials in la and new york city already announcing they plan to cut funding to their local police departments, new york governor andrew cuomo addressing the call for structural change. >> protests, demonstrate, show
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the outrage, show the frustration and then do something about it, county by county, city by city, what police force do you want? we heard you, you're right, we agree with you protestors, now, tell us what the police force should look like. >> since george floyd's death and days of massive protests many companies, businesses, civic leaders and politicians have all shown support for black lives matter movement and increasing number of cities and states are moving to ban chokeholds and other kinds of neck restrains and also movement of rallies taking place across the country reverend al sharpton says he's organizing a march in washington, d.c. to deal with police reform and criminal justice and march will coincide with 57th anniversary of the historic march on washington.
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arthel. arthel: august, 28th, christina coleman, thank you very much. eric. eric: well, arthel n seattle a federal judge has ordered the police there to stop using teargas, pepper spray and other measures against nonviolent protestors. restraining order comes under pressure from president trump and others to disband the so-called capitol hill autonomous zone known as chas where protestors kicked out police and created six-block area in the city and chas simply cannot go on. >> it's quite clear that the people that have taken, stolen the george floyd message are using it to benefit themselves and holding the rest of the reasonable citizens of seattle hostage. it's absolutely unacceptable. eric: and joining us live inside chas known as autonomous zone in
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seattle, jonathan. jonathan: eric, the whole question of teargas something of mute point at the moment given the police department is not here what protestors called the autonomous zone. this is the seattle police department's east precinct which the police left after several days of intense battles with the protestors here as you can see. there it is now, covered in sign, the space now the property of the seattle people. so the police chief has said that she does not think officers should have left the precinct. she says that she should be back at some point. there's no sign to do that. there's no sign among political leadership in city of seattle or state of washington from the governor's office that anybody wants to make that move at the moment and you just heard mike solin, the president of the seattle police saying he believes it sets a very bad example. listen again to mike solin.
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>> how do the reasonable citizens in seattle expect to get police services when they call 9-1-1 for help? this is going to spread and if we don't get someone to step in to lead and make decisions here for the good of everybody, the reasonable majority of seattle citizens that support public safety, we are in dire trouble here. jonathan: but whatever the pressure coming from solin or president trump in the white house, no sign that police will move into the area any time soon, eric. eric: jonathan, any signs that the citizens of chas, protestors have any plans to leave and depart their zone? jonathan: none whatsoever, eric. we have spoken to some of them over the course of the hours we've been here today, they say that are staying here. this is now the people's property and as far as they are concerned it will stay that way. they've set up as you look down the street a couple of blocks of the protest.
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they've said the no-cop where they are giving free food and water and other supplies to other protestors. over on the right the conversation cafe, where they are sitting and holding discussions about issues such as racism and police brutality and they say that are just going to be here. they want to own this area of seattle right now. they do own this area of seattle, eric, and it's very interesting to think, will at some point you would imagine the police are going to come in and take the precinct but it's not going to be given up easily and we will see if and when that does happen, as i said, mayor of seattle, the city, governor ainsley of the state of washington clearly no appetite for them to order any retaking of this area right now, we've got a lot of people, these are not all protestors by the way that you're looking around here,
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we have a lot of seattle residents coming on this saturday to take a look at all of this and i have to say the majority of those that we have spoken to here, in fact, pretty much everyone, is supportive for now as this goes on days, weeks perhaps months, eric. eric: certainly magnet for the curious to come out and see what the protestors are doing. in a few moments we will talk to fbi counterterrorism force and what the police could be doing there, arthel. arthel: yeah, eric, ahead we will take a deeper look at protestors in seattle have virtually shut down the police precinct in the neighborhood plus police are saying it's difficult to do jobs although peaceful complicating efforts to keep the entire area safe, plus council members in one major
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city backing a plan to cut $1 billion from its police budget.
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eric: it is now known as chas, capitol hill autonomous zone,
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the self-proclaimed independent area of 6 blocks sealed off in seattle's capitol hill neighborhood controlled and organized from protestors who drove police from precinct there and declared a police-free zone amid calls on funding reforms of police reform across the country. how will chas eventually be dismantled. steve rogers joining us, former fbi member, new jersey police department, steve, first, what is the message of the protestors, what are they sending by establishing that it is their own territory, police banned inside a major american city? steve: well, it's very confusing because they don't even know, i believe, why they are there other they are antigovernment and i hope they will buy hospital beds by the hundreds
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because they are setting the cities for rise in crime. that's number one. think about this, you talked a little bit about defunding on your broadcast here, well, new york city, a billion dollars, think about this chilling thought, new york city is the number 1 target on the phase of this earth for terrorism, so what we are going to see as police departments begin to get defunded, you've got foreign terrorists, you have domestic terrorists, it's all being set up for a perfect storm across the country. eric: steve, defund asking not disbanding, you know the pressures that police officers have to face, god bless the police officers, overwhelming to be there. you have to be a marriage counselor, deal with domestic relations, you to deal with the homeless, you to deal with young kids, you have to be a social worker, psychiatrist, psychologist, shouldn't be some
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of the issues be better dealt with by other areas of argument, at least that's the argument by those saying let's shift some funds from police departments to other departments and municipal budgets? >> steve: eric i would suggest that defunding is political way of dismantling. guess what is being affected first, manpower. i've been on the job 30 years and there's no way on earth that someone who does not have the training as police officers do but are arm today protect themselves and other victims are going to be effective at a domestic violence complaint. those issues could turn around quickly and there could be a lot of people killed, so they're dreaming when they believe a psychiatrist can walk into a room like that and what about active shooters, resignations of police officers from tactical units. they don't want to get involved anymore because the government leaders are not backing them up. i'm not a guy that believes in
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drama, i have to tell you, this will be -- eric: let's go back for a moment and take a look at chas an area where police are not allowed, literally took over at police precinct, here is president trump talking about it. >> the police walk out of a precinct and give it up to people that are anarchists in my opinion. we can all them whatever they want. they are not protestors when they take over large portion of the city and that's a city that had a pretty good reputation. police were soft, but it was soft because of mess, it was not rudy giuliani. >> eric: we had waco, i covered that, i was there back in 1983, 86 people were killed including
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atf agents. montana, 81 days of standoff in 1996, we are looking at waco now and i covered the republic of texas, big bend, texas where they raised their own republic of texas flag that ended peacefully thankfully in 1996, so how do authorities regain and can they regain control of chas when the mayor of seattle is calling the summer of love. what do you think will happen, how do you think this play out, others say let them be, what do you think is going to happen? steve: history tells us as you just articulated that this is not going to end well. the way to minimize what can happen and i'm talk about a violent confrontation with police is to have the police go in and i know people get upset when the president use the president dominant and i use the word dominant. the president is right, dominant and overwhelming force. not excessive force, comant and overwhelming law enforcement people that go in and to take complete control of the areas.
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they could do it effectively. they could do it quickly and probably be the best method of reducing any violent confrontation. eric: seems authorities will let them be and let them remain as citizens of the chas, whatever it is with what they are doing, all right, steve, thanks so much, good to see you. steve: my pleasure, thank you. eric: arthel. arthel: eric, listen to this. two friends in the small town of pittsburgh, new york south of rochester, they are getting a lot of praise this week for setting a good example, so word got out after someone passed by a driveway last week and posted photos of what they were doing and then it turned into this tick to -- tok video, they set p lawn chairs, black or white,
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relax and have a beer. smith and ellis invited member it was community to have a civil conversation about the state of america and it caught the attention of country music star and singer brad paisley. >> i'm trying to hear out my friends in black community and i know that's what -- that's what you guys are kind of together doing the same thing and trying to learn and i am -- i am all ears, always have been. i've always had big ears my whole life. [laughter] arthel: paisley not only video chatted with smith and ellis but sent them hundreds of dollars worth of beer to exchange with people taking part of the conversation. >> i feel like if there's rioting and protest, i kind of felt like i was being torn apart and it was rough, sorry.
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>> you're all right, bro. >> this is what built it back up arthel: you see, this is what happens when you relate to each other as humans, you find that there is a human connection between us all. meanwhile cities and states responding to calls for action from americans protesting for change, ahead the moves major cities and even a few states made this week regarding police tactics and accountability to help manage blood sugar levels. it provides 60% more protein than the leading diabetes nutrition shake. try boost glucose control.
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lawmakers warn against going too far in tackling the problems. >> improve the outcome, eliminating the police will not improve the outcome, it will put our nation in jeopardy. if you like order, you like the ability to live your life and sleep in peace, we need the police, we just need to make sure that the relationships are improved that are strengthened and not eliminated. arthel: let's go with alex hogan, alex, that's what most people are saying, don't get rid of the police but let's refund, reallocate and readjust what has been done thus far, what's your resorting, alex? reporter: many of them won't stop until there's change in lawmakers. in louisville, kentucky, named one of the bills after one of the women at the center of some of the protests.
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brreanna taylor and will plan police officers in kentucky from entering home unannounced and will make sure body cameras record 5 minutes before and after serving a warrant, protests around the country met with legal action. in minnesota governor tim wolf introduced set of bills that would increase community engagement and reallocate funding to social services. in california, san francisco's mayor layed out road map to reform that shift issues like neighborhood disputes and homelessness away from police and in ohio, state rep cindy abrams would expand officer diversity but create statewide guidelines for officers that commit violent crimes and database for them. new york cuomo signed police reform saying that change needs to be met but protestors say there's no trust. >> if there's no trust, the community is not going to allow the police to police and there
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is no trust or there's a breach of the trust and that has to be restored and prepared. >> police reform critics say cutting back on departments will leave communities at risk. senator tim scott spoke on fox news, worries that this could leave more people in jeopardy. tim: the notion of defunding the police is synonym is providing more access to criminals to most vulnerable people in the nation. it is one of the dumbest -- i'm looking for a nice word but i can't find one. the dumbest idea i have heard in a very long time. reporter: as you mentioned a lot of the protestors, some do want to abolish police but most of them say, of course, they need police but reshift things and last night in city council announced it found a way to slash $1 billion off the nypd's budget come next year.
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arthel: alex hogan, thank you very much. let's go to you, eric. absolutely, thanks, alex. eric. eric: well, arthel, in minneapolis, the city council members there with resolution in plan for public safety in the city after the board announced support for dismantling the city's police department. the calls for change are continuing as protestors are taking to the street this is weekend in the city where george floyd died. matt finn with the very latest from the streets, hi, matt. matt: steps where police officer made steps appearance and happening right now there's an ongoing protest here against police brutality, several hundred people here. it's been very peaceful and organized and city council here unanimously passed a resolution yesterday laying the ground work
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to dismantle the police department and move forward with what council members call a transformative public safety system. >> we would like to end the current policing system as we know it and that we would like to create a completely new transformative model of public safety that centers a lot of things, healing, restore justice, relationships. >> we must take into account what black community members are telling us. >> i never would have never imagined where it would be right now, i'm united behind this effort. matt: now despite the unanimous vote from city council, the minneapolis city charter requires a minimum number of officers per population, so now city council is moving forward with plans to modify the charter and council member tells fox news that it would like to potentially look into the idea of stripping the mayor of
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executive power of hiring and firing people within the police department, also in that council resolution that passed yesterday really now a historical document council members wrote that the police use of force is a leading cause of death for young men of color, however, today city council members tells fox news that he's not sure where the stat came from and our own research indicates that that's questionable so it's something that we will continue to look into. eric. eric: all right, matt, thanks so much. arthel. arthel: and now a show of solidarity on international scale as thousands gather overseas to support u.s. protests against racism and police brutality. although the situation taking an ugly turn in london when counter-protestors clashed with police officers. ryan is live in london with more, ryan. ryan: hi, arthel, well, very tense situation on the streets
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of london right now, 2 and a half hours ago the police told protestors they have to go home. that was 5:00 p.m. london time and yet there are still hundreds of both protestors and would-be counter protestors on the streets. the police are out there as well. police say main concern is that there's no more protestor on protestor violence. that said, the day got off to poor start where far-right demonstrators threw bottles at police and journalists, the counter-protestors were gather to go protect the city's monument, some of which were vandalized in protest last weekend but when a large number of them started making their way to black lives matter protests just up the road from the square, police moved in to try to stop them and clashes in suit, some got through, most didn't, the police using teargas to keep the two groups apart. on the black lives matter side, it was a mostly peaceful day of protests, hundreds of
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demonstrators out there, very nice day in london, turning out despite calls from officials at bay and counter-protestors for that matter, stay at home out of concern that gathering will spread the coronavirus, of course, and lead to these clashes before the between groups of demonstrators. eyewitnesses say, though, that many of the so-called counter-protestors have been looking to do just that, looking for a fight and there have been some -- some altercations, i have to say, by in large, the police have done a pretty good job at keeping them apart. the concern, of course, that we are just 2 hours from sunset and who knows what comes next, arthel. arthel: ryan, thank you. well, the fate of michael flynn still hanging in the balance in front of a federal court ahead update on the justice department's effort to get a judge to drop the case against the former trump national security adviser.
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arthel: thousands of nursing homes are still running short on personal protective gear aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus. that's according to kaiser health news, analysis from may, 3,000 nursing homes, one fifth in the country reported having less than a week's supply of masks, gowns, gloveses and other supplies, 946 of these facilities reported at least one case of the virus. in late april president trump pledged to deploy every resource to ensure nursing homes would have proper ppe. a kaiser health analysis finds that more than 217,000 residents of nursing homes have contracted coronavirus. 43,000 have died. eric. eric: well, arthel, there's a new twist in the michael flynn
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case, federal courts, appeals court feel reluctant for presiding judge to end immediately, judge school van reviewing motion to drop charges against former national security adviser and appointed a former federal judge to argue against doj setting court date of july 16th on the case meanwhile the 3 judge appeals panel will make ruling in the coming weeks, what could they say? former justice department counsel, chief counsel and senior advise e for the senate foreign relations committee. what do you think the appeals court will rule and what would that mean to general flynn? >> well, eric, those who watched the -- listened to the oral argument yesterday essentially believe that the court is inclined to allow judge sullivan to go forward with his assessment of whether flynn should withdraw guilty plea and
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pretty aggressive. we will see what happens. at the end of the day, courts are disinclined to grant orders to lower courts to do something. in this case there's a debate, right, is this about prosecutorial to withdraw charges or judge's decision to determine whether or not flynn was guilty to federal judges. eric: it was pretty significant change because appointed lawyer, federal judge put gatti behind bars and came out with a scorcher calling the current doj a gross abuse of power by trying to vacate the charges or at least drop the charges against flynn. >> that is exactly right, eric, it is a very aggressive brief
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and, in fact, one of the judges on the dc circuit, quote, unquote, over the top, that being said obviously this is a hotly debated issue, the question of can you plea guilty and admit to crime and have justice department he didn't mean it, we didn't mean it. there are underlying issues by the way flynn was questioned by the administration, current justice department but underleadership of last administration. if you go to federal judge once but twice it's hard to get out of that. that's the hard question in play, eric. eric: he would say, look, they were threatening to put my son in jail which is why i did it. these technicalities will be put to squeeze on family members to get someone to squeal or to plea to something or do that.
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how do you think at the very end this will play out in terms of what judge sullivan will do? >> well, look, i think there's a lot of options for flynn and the administration. obviously judge sullivan, if he gets the ability to make the decision tan court doesn't direct him to do something, he gets to decide to withdraw guilty plea. let's say he decides to force to keep guilty plea and tries to sentence him, the administration can appeal the decision not just to dc circuit but supreme court and at the end of the day the president has ability to pardon flynn at any point in the process, pull the case away and never -- over and done with. eric: that's a great point. i mean, as this just continues and continues, do you think that increases the chance that president trump could pardon general flynn? >> i think it does, i think, look, the justice department has layed out the case for why they think the effort to go after
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flynn was -- was inappropriate and problematic so i think sort of the basis for the president to grant a pardon is there in the view of the administration, the question is why they haven't pulled the trigger yet already and that's an interesting question also. eric: probably trying to let it go through the process, we will see as it continues, we will stay on it, jamil, good to see you, thank you so much. >> thanks, eric. eric: we will be right back with more news in a sec, stay with us. is that net carbs or total?...
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eric: academy of motion pictures arts and sciences unveiling new plan in an effort to boost diversity and inclusion, making women and people of color more representative, this includes term limits for academy governors and new push to increase diversity both on screen and behind the camera. also the race for best picture will be open to ten nominees, doubling the historic number, those changes they say will take place next year, arthel. arthel: eric, thank you. well, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle clashing with president trump as they work to force leaders to strip military bases of confederate names such
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as fort bragg, fort hood and fort bening. lucas. lucas: president trump made no mention of changing names of bases after confederate generals. >> we are seeing of our original sin 401 years ago, liberate bid the civil war but not equal in the eyes of the law until 100 years in 1965. we are still struggling with racism and we have much work to do. >> earlier this week army officials were opened to the idea of changing names of 10 u.s. army basis named after generals, including fort bragg, 82 airborne decision and fort bragg and ford gordon after john
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brown gordon who is head chapter of kkk. president trump's press secretary explained why the commander in chief is not open to making the change. >> these monumental and very powerful basis have become part of a great american heritage in a history of winning, victory and freedom. the united states of america trained and deployed our heros here and won two world wars. lucas: the u.s. navy not immune to criticism either. today the american warship is ported in japan. there are also buildings at west point in u.s. naval academy named after confederate officers. in 2015 there was call to change the name of some of the bases at the time the pentagon refused, arthel. arthel: lucas tomlinson, thank you. so with temperatures heating up across the country, multiple
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states are at risk of wild fires. meteorologist adam klotz breaks it down for us coming up next. a credit on their auto insurance. because it's the right thing to do. we're also giving payment relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. right now is the time to take care of what matters most. like we've done together, so many times before. discover all the ways we're helping members at
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eric: strong storms are moving through pacific northwester right now as conditions elsewhere, dry conditions are raising the risk of wild fires. meteorologist adam klotz join us with the warning, hi, adam. adam: hey, there, eric, unfortunately a lot of extreme
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heat piling up in the middle of the country. we could be talking about big fire weather not just today but the next couple of days. let's dive right into the temperatures and you do see numbers in the phoenix area running up to triple digits, further north, denver to 90-degrees, that's the heat that will take to fuel some of the storms. the places where we are tracking rain, well, just the system sitting off the southeast coast, the larger system producing some of that heavier rain in the pacific northwest, you're seeing rounds of showers from portland to seattle and boise, idaho. we are talking about that type of air, outlook for this saturday, critical conditions from the four corners region stretching further to the east getting up towards kansas. these are areas where we are beginning to see wild fire danger with red flag warnings, so winds, low humidity, eric, this is going to be an area to watch because if it any fires were to spark off those are the spots that could be spread easily. we will be watching it here.
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eric: yes, adam, thanks so much. we will be back, arthel at 4:00 p.m. eastern just a couple -- just an hour, right, arthel? arthel: yeah, we will be back, journal editorial report start now. ♪ ♪ paul: welcome to the journal editorial report. i'm paul gigot as george floyd layed to rest in houston this week debate on capitol hill on how to address the issue of police abuse, house democrats unveiled reform bill that they say would crack down on excessive force and enforce transparency and accountability for officer misconduct. the bill includes a ban on police chokeholds and no-knock warrants and requires body cameras for federal law enforcement officers and end policy known as qualified immunity that shields police officers from civil lawsuits. house speaker nancy pelosi says those proposals are just the


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