tv The Five FOX News October 16, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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you know why? because they want safety and security and they don't want low-income housing built of their beautiful suburban green. we got rid of it. we had a regulation, all the women standing up over there, a regulation that would have destroyed our suburbs. would have destroyed our american dream. and a lot of good people said it's very tough but why don't we just amend it? what does amended mean? make it better for us a little bit? i want the regulation terminated, and they terminated the regulation and nobody can believe it. they want to drive god from the public square to defend our constitution from this madness, i proudly nominated judge amy coney barrett to the united states supreme court.
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don't worry, we will fill that seat. she's done fantastically well. people can't even believe it. what a breath of fresh air, isn't it nice? she's fantastic. many, many years of student said said the single greatest students he's ever had was amy and that meant something to me. that meant something to me. i do like smart people on the
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supreme court, right? bite and wants of many people supreme court. he said i'll tell you after the election. what they want to do to the court will be a disaster and by the way, it's one of the reasons i got elected but we increased it by 20 great people that believe in a thing called the constitution of the united states. but i put out a list so that when we choose, i will only take someone from that list and their incredible scholars and great at what they do. not just about is he going to pack, who was he going to appoint? the aoc of the world. omar. you know what, i think we are going to win minnesota because of omar. think of it.
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she hates our country. she hates our country. she comes from a place that doesn't even have a government, and then she comes here and tells us how to run our country and she hates our country and we are going to win minnesota, first time since 1972. can you imagine? we are doing very well there. thank you very much, omar. ilhan omar. thank you very much. she's a wonderful person. it's not even thinkable. used to be that congress, they loved israel. today, it's almost like the opposite. it's crazy. what they've done to israel is incredible. not the senate, and all fairness but if you look at the house with pelosi and these people, it's like they hate israel. and they believe in omar who
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came in here, married her brother or something and came in illegally. come on, just us. let's go, justice. department of justice. democrats will pack the court with radical left judges who will shred our second amendment, empower violent mobs and protect terrorists and criminals, you know that. biden's agenda would be a catastrophe for florida seniors. do we have any seniors in the room? no, i'm not a senior. yes, i am. especially for everyone from the villages. i love the place. i love the villages. they fight for rest. i read stories every day, they are out there driving those beautiful golf carts, the nicest golf carts ever made, golf carts better than your car. we love the villages and we are with them all the way.
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they've got spirit, they've got heart. for years, biden tried to cut your social security and your medicare. now biden is pledging mass amnesty and three health care for -- he's got the illegal immigrants coming in, and we all want to take care of everybody but when you say you can have free health care, free education, millions of people are going to flood our country and we won't have a country left. you just can't do it. all of this is a magnet, please come in, so we are sorry, but we will decimate medicare and destroy your social security and destroy your country. while i'm president, no one will touch your medicare or your social security. to reduce the price of prescription drugs as you probably have heard, and it's not pleasant for me, i have taken on a thing called big pharma.
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they have unlimited money and unlimited power, the biggest lobbyist in the world, spend more money than anybody else by far, perhaps the lawyer spend more money, but big pharma. i signed the most favored nation's which nobody can believe because last year, the only administration and 51 years that brought down the cost of prescription drugs. do you know that? 1%. i'm not proud of that. 1%, but at least it's something. the big deal is other countries are paying a tiny fraction of what we pay for the same exact drug, the same pill. in $0.10 two and a half dollars, and we pay by far more than anybody because they view us as suckers, so i said you can either do these things and get rid of the middlemen and all of the things that we do. i will bet you hunter biden as a middleman, you know that?
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right? you know, the middleman -- it's called the middlemen. they never say the middle man or woman. they are not politically correct. they don't care. these are the richest people. i don't even know who the hell they are. i'll bet you that hunter biden has a piece of that action, getting rid of them. your governor wanted it, the first one to go to canada with the same exact drug cost 50%, going to buy in florida until the favored nations kicks in which will be even better, going to buy drugs from prescription drugs from canada and 50% off, and you will get the benefit, think of that. because we have a longtime system that is corrupt like so many other things and hard to break so we are breaking it and we have various states of florida is going to be one of them. ultimately, that will stop
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because the greatest is favored nations, so you will have and you will be paying the lowest price anywhere in the world, the biggest buyer. plus, we capped insulin for medicare plans that less than $35 a month, much higher, many times higher. my people did a great job on that. insulin was driving people out of business and people were dying because they couldn't afford it, they couldn't do it. every senior on medicare will soon be receiving $200 to help with the cost of your medicines, and we got that approved. we got a lot approved. nobody has done what i've done for seniors that i can tell you. we have a lot of great plans. biden took 47 years to do what i did but he is owned by the special interest and owned by the drug companies. he's never going to do this stuff. he can do it. i don't need their money, i
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never asked for their money. who the hell knows? maybe they gave me something along the line. you received $4,000 from pfizer seven years ago. but i couldn't care less. i'm here to do a job, and i'm going to lead and hopefully say i was a great president that's going to be in four years, that will be in four years. thank you. thank you very much. i under my leadership, we are delivering a safe vaccine at a rapid recovery, doing things with fda, giving us approvals and weeks as opposed to years. it's been incredible. you vote for me, prosperity will surge. that's all we want, normal.
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we don't want anything, we want to be where we were seven months ago. and next year, will be one of the best and greatest years in the history of our country. that's what's happening economically and that will lead to other things. this election is a choice between a trump recovery and abide in depression. he gets in, they're going to take away all of the benefits that i gave you which turned out to be a lot. you add energy, and it's probably seven or $8,000. think of that, seven or $8,000. ever see yourself with $2 gasoline, you ever see that happening? and at the same time, we are now energy independent and we have millions and millions of people working on energy, millions of people. millions of people.
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we don't have to be in the middle east, they are to protect israel, there to help others, but we don't need it anymore, we don't need it anymore because of what we've done. and by the way, the fracking. this guy goes around talking about fracking all the time. think about it. there will be under no circumstances, there will be no fracking and then he goes to pennsylvania and he says they have a lot of jobs here, 1 million jobs fracking. i've got a problem. we will let you, absolutely. and the fake news doesn't even ask them questions. didn't even ask the question. they don't even ask the question. this guy goes through that, did that two weeks ago in an interview with me.
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goes into pennsylvania, knows nothing about pennsylvania. that's it and then they left, they didn't like it. i love you too. look at her. thank you. thank you very much. it's very nice, thank you. but why don't they ask him that? for a year and a half, there will be no fracking. the election is over. he was going to pay his mind isn't so good, so he knows there's something bad going on.
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i i have no idea what the question means, but he's like this and then finally he says i just won the election, that's great. but then they go i've never seen anything whether it's that for the fracking or other things, they just deny it like it didn't exist and they get a free pass from our corrupt media. i used to think that was one of the greatest things that came up with, fake news, that was me. but now i have to go a step, it is fake and it is corrupt. and a lot of times i leave the fake off because i'll tell you, this is good. it's a single that causes the problems, the enemy of the people. it's very, very dangerous.
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and you've never seen it more than the last week between the big tech i will deliver optimism, opportunity, and help. speaking of hope, hope hicks is here. where's hope hicks? the great hope hicks. she was tested positive, but she's okay. where's hope? we want hope, right? we want hope. i used to say we want to help all these crazy people said where's hope? come here. come here, hope. come on. she's shy, but not that shy.
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that's called being young, strong, right? young and strong, but she's been fantastic. thank you, hope. so will deliver pessimist poverty and declining. you know it drives me when i s see? show a says i didn't act fast enough as it i was in a phobic and i said what does that mean? what does it mean? tell me exactly, please. give me a definition and he said i don't know. that's what they told me he sa said. but two months later, he is saying i shouldn't have done it, right? but now his whole line is i didn't act fast enough. he's talking about it in february and beyond that i shouldn't have done it, then you're up very early. big infections in spain and italy. nobody even talks about it, so over 200,000 people but remember this, expected to lose and are
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people whether it's vice president pence or all of these people that worked so hard on the task force have done an incredible job, they've done an incredible job. we compare very favorably, but now we are making ventilators for europe and the rest of the world doing things that nobody thought was even possible so i just want to thank all of the people that worked so hard on that. that's been amazing. but a guy like sleepy joe biden would terminate our recovery, delay the vaccine, prolong the pandemic, and annihilate florida's incredible economy, your economy starting to boom with a draconian, unscientific lockdown and you know what happens with lockdowns, what happened to people when they are
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in lockdowns. biden's plan will crush america. my plan will crush the virus in america will be in a position very soon like it was never in before. that's what's happening. this week, even the failing "new york times" had no choice but to quote and did a segment up, probably the writer of the segment has been fired since but said experts are saying with genuine confidence that the pandemic in the united states will be over a far sooner than anybody expected. isn't that nice? that's "the new york times," can't believe that. i heard that and said give it to me again because i don't believe it. our early and aggressive action saved as many as 2 million, but may be much more than that. we pioneered life-saving
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therapies. here i am. i don't know what the hell they gave me, but i'll take some more of it right now. in regeneron, great. the antibody thing. eli lilly also make something very similar and we are having a lot of it produced right now and we are going to be delivering it, and it's going to be something, but our fatality rate, 85%, think about it. we have it reduced 80 to 85% all the way down, so this is what we've done is incredible. we understand that 99.9 for young people like baron. i said how are you feeling? not good. two hours later, i'm feeling great, dad. whether we like it or not, they
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have a little better immune system than we do. let's never admit it, but that's the way it is. our first leader i lady is grea. they love our first lady. the abuse that she takes, she is a fantastic woman, she loves you, but they love our first lady. they love her. and they love our family. how about ivanka trump? and don and eric and tiffany, and they gave up a lot. you don't read that. i lost hundreds of millions, this cost me billions, right? i don't take the salary, but if an arab gentleman happens to stay one night and went on my hotels for $642.13, headlines
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trump is ripping off. these people are bad. billions of dollars i lost by doing this and it's the greatest investment i ever made because it's an investment in our country. an investment in our country. thank you. the greatest thing i've ever done, and we are doing things that nobody else would have been able to do when i'm only it because of you. we are the difference between having a great country, and it will be at a level in two years, three years, a little time to cede some of the things we've done, still have more regulation cutting to do, cut more than any other administration in history by far, but we still have more. used to take 18, 17, 20, 21,
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would take years to get a highway approved and it usually didn't get approved and it would cost hundreds of times more than anticipated. we have that down to two years and probably one. rejected for environmental or safety reasons but it's going to go quickly, there's no reason. you've seen the charts, the process that you had to go through to get a simple thing done, and now we are building refineries, building incredible things. somebody applied for a refinery in the old days, people would laugh at them and say you'll never get that approved. you go to louisiana and take a look at what they're doing in terms of refineries, it's incredible. the things we are doing our incredible and all because of us so this is the greatest thing i've ever done because nobody would be able to do what we as a group have been able to do for our country.
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so i am working to make the antibody treatment that i received available to anybody that needs it free because it wasn't your fault. wasn't your fault, and they call it a therapeutic. i view it as a cure because i didn't feel too good. all of a sudden, you've got a little temperature going. that's right. and i woke up and i'm telling you, it was the following day, walter reed hospital, walter reed military hospital in the world, but i want to think johns hopkins. the one thing where your president and you're not feeling too good, but 14 doctors surrounding you, where you from? everyone is a who's who, but what they did is incredible and we are making that available to everybody that needs it. i've signed an emergency declaration telling everyone to get it approved, and we want to
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thank the fda working very hard to get it approved very quickly. we will take ten years, we've got that number down in half, maybe even more than half for other drugs, cancer drugs, et cetera. we have a thing called a right to try, talking about it every once in a while, so proud of it. has had such an incredible impact, right to try. it's a great name to me. and if somebody is terminally ill and we have a drug that looks really promising they're not allowed to use it because they were afraid it will make the person sick. i say the person is going to die but not that easy because the drug companies didn't want to
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take the liability. the drug companies as an example didn't want to have it on their records and it looks bad on their records. they hated the idea and got them in a room and we had somebody, had a very strong document and you have an absolute right to try, so if somebody is terminally ill, you have no idea how many people have been saved by doing this. that's one of many things people don't even talk about, but it's been just an incredible privilege. through operation warp speed, we will have 100 million vaccine doses before the end of this year, the vaccine will end the pandemic once and for all and
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frankly, they'll hate this. even without the vaccine, the pandemic is going to end, it will run its course. he said without the vaccine, what? they will be a headline tomorrow. these people are crazy. we are rounding the turn, the state three months ago, you know what happened? we had a surge in texas met we had a surge in arizona, great governor of texas of arizona, great people and a great governor here. they went up and they went down and now at your lowest numbers and you are open and you didn't close and is just amazing, rig right? so we are joined today by one of the greatest governors in our country, and i know a lot of good ones and i can tell you there's some really bad ones, but this is a great one, governor ron desantis.
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thank you, ron. i heard your speech was great, i heard you did a great job. but he's been my friend. are we going to win this state, please? you know, if we don't win it, i'm blaming the governor. all fire him somehow. i will find a way. anyway, thank you. and members of congress and friends of mine and warriors, matt gaetz, who we said hello to, matt. great guy, great guy. is this your area a little bit? now, not too much, but they know him, everybody knows. he's a warrior, he's a fighter. also, neil done. inc. you very much. i like your tie. that's great. and another man who knows so much about the military,
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michael waltz. he knows so much about the military. the both of them. the both of them. congressional candidate, she's fantastic. tell me, how many points up? how much? that's pretty good. that's a good trim district, i'll tell you. she's going to be there and going to win it. a great job and a woman who you all know was in charge of michigan, hadn't been won by a republican in decades and decades, she was horrendous to me, kept calling me one more speech, come to michigan and you will win, okay. finally, toward the end four years ago, i said that's it, i'm leaving.
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i'm not coming back. that's okay, you don't have to. i get a call the other day you have to come back and i did it and we won the great state of michigan, and she was in charge, head of the republican party now chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. she's great. she doesn't stop. how are we doing in michigan, by the way? i heard. upon that came out we are up one in michigan. we should be up 30 in michigan. we brought many car plans, hadn't had any for 40 years and we have many of them being built in michigan so we will do great in michigan. today, also praying for all of the families on the florida panhandle. i love that panhandle. i don't know what it is. i know it's a little away from here but we came and we were doing very well in florida, and
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then the panhandle hadn't been counted well, they said trump has just won florida and wait a minute, they have it and they said the panhandle is like 94% or something. they said if trump is even coming into the panhandle, nobody's going to beat trump. we won it pretty easily, so we are with the panhandle 100%, great people. last month, i approved a major disaster declaration for the state of florida, and i'll be with you all the way and doing some rebuilding, got hit with a lot of storms and hurricanes and we are with you all the way. he's always calling me, we need more money for this hurricane. we need more money for lake okeechobee. it's pretty far away, but he wants more, but that's what a governor should be doing, when you think about it. i could get angry at him and say that's enough, but somebody who
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wants it. your two senators by the way, they're doing a great job. and right now in washington fighting for our new supreme court justice. great people, they are great people. under my administration, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world, and now we are doing it again. you know what it's called? make america great again and again. i see hats? but i don't want to do it a third time, okay? we're doing it really nicely coming along at a level that nobody can believe, but these numbers are amazing in my first three years, family income increased by $6,000, three years, more than five times in all eight years under the sleepy
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joe/obama administration. i've got an emergency call for that, they said i'm sorry to tell you, president obama is going to start campaigning for sleepy joe. i said so what's the problem with that? and they said he campaigned harder than hillary last time so why do we care to the other thing, he refused to endorse joe. he knows what's going on up here with joe and obama refused to endorse them and even after he had won, he didn't want to and then a long time later, he finally came out and endorse them but they called me and said obama is going to start campaigning and i said is that good or bad because i think that's a good thing. because they did a lousy job and i wouldn't be president of the united states if they did a good job. i probably wouldn't have run and if i did, i probably wouldn't have won so it's one of those things. they did a lousy job and that's why i'm your president. african-american income grew nine times more, think of that.
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these are numbers that larry kudlow give it to me right from the book, the great larry kudlow, african-american income grew nine times more than it did under biden and obama. right? that's a big number. african-american unemployment, hispanic-american unemployment, and asian-american unemployment all reached record levels, levels no one has seen. and it is amazing when biden sits and criticizes you and then i say wait a minute, it's not like you left 25 years ago, he left four years ago and i say he's always criticizing. he's got guys that write pretty well, he has no idea what he is reading, but he's very critical, and you think he's been doing this stuff for 47 years, why
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didn't he do it before? why didn't he do it before? we lifted 6.6 million americans out of poverty since the china virus that we have created a record in the history of our country 11.4 million jobs over just a short period of months. we've already cut the unemployment rate in half and we are now down to 7.8, and i'll tell you what, i never thought i'd be happy with 7.8. but when i hear 42%, 38%, going to go to a number like nobody in history. i said we can't let this happen and it took 30 months to recover more than half of the jobs lost in the crisis than the of 30 months, we did it in five months, think of that. jobs have been recovering 23 times faster than the obama
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recovery which was the worst recovery, slowest recovery in the history of our country. they only go back until 1929 so it was something that happened in 1851, they go back to 29, right? a long time. but it was the slowest, the worst recovery. we stopped businesses from leaving and factories are pouring back into our country. we've spent the last four years reversing the damage joe biden inflicted over the last 47 years on nafta. everyone said you can't do it. a you couldn't do it, you know why? because it was so good for mexico and because it was so good for canada, they also you'll never pull it off. i got rid of nafta and now we have the usmca which is just kicking in. and the other two countries we like very much, we wouldn't
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allow it to happen, that would've restored your automobile businesses, right? and china's entry into the world trade organization, joe biden approved that one. single worst deal we've ever made because china was flatlining until that happened and then it became like a rocket ship, and they are considered a developing nation and i said if they are a developing nation, then we are a developing nation because you get tremendous bonuses, it's ridiculous. and by the way, we just won a lawsuit, seven and a half billion dollars. they are treating us with respect and we took ourselves out of the world health organization. is that okay? we took ourselves out of the world health organization because frankly we put up 500 million a year, so we have
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325 million people, we put up 500 million, not the biggest thing, but it's a lot. we did 500 million, china 1.4 billion people, other than that, a very fair deal. this is the kind of stuff that i could tell you 100 different stories. is so stupid and so unfair, so we took ourselves out, dying to have us back in. he screams don't go back. that's the problem. i went back for a half a million dollars, right? i'd be criticized. what of terrible thing to do. it's incredible. hundreds of stories, we just take care of it all and we do it really well. for decades, our politicians spend trillions of dollars rebuilding foreign nations fighting foreign wars and defending foreign borders, but now we are finally protecting
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our nation, rebuilding our cities, and bringing our jobs, our factories, and our troops back home to the usa. they are coming back. and we have achieved energy independence, and we've done it while protecting our pristine environment. right now, we have the best numbers from an environmental standpoint that we've ever had. all this talk, the paris accord which was a total rip-off of our country, but all of this talk, the best numbers that we've had ever. i was have to preface it because these people, let's say over the last 50 years because once you get back to far, had no people. the best in over 200 years, i wouldn't say we had too many factories. i recently signed an order placing a moratorium on offshore drilling off the coast of
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georgia, north carolina, south carolina, and a place known as florida. are you okay with that? you know, the one that wanted it more than anybody else was florida. florida didn't want to see sludge coming onto there beaches so you are all protected and worked very hard on it. he worked very hard on it and so did your other great people here today and your governor wanted it very badly so we got it done. watch the first new branch of the u.s. armed forces it is called the space forces. i brought back nasser, which is now the number one space center by far in the world. it a closed up mass, and we passed va choice in va accountability and we have now a 91% approval with our vets.
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never had anything even close. we beat down isis, took 100% of the isis caliphate in syria. you saw that. and i are back and when i came in, it was a mess, it was all over the place, and we have generals that are so incredible. real generals, not paper generals, some of them too. we have some highly overrated generals and some great ones but these guys are unbelievable. remember, it is ever coming home, got 99% and they said no, we want 100%. i want to bring it home. so i stayed for another couple of weeks and we took 100% and killed the leader of isis who was killed so many people.
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right? and we took out the world's number one terrorist and the number one mass murderer for a long time, killed many american troops, killed many people, kasim salome and he is dead. one of the biggest things ever to happen in the middle east, people couldn't even believe it. and i withdrew from the last administration's disastrous $150 billion, 1.8 billion in cash, disastrous iran nuclear deal and we win, the first call i'm going to get and i'm not
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doing this as anything and not trying to taunt anybody but because it makes sense, their economy has gone to with the sanctions and everything i've done. the first call i'm going to get is a call from iran, let's make a deal. and i'm going to get calls from other countries, they all want to make a deal. their dream is that sleepy joe wins because of sleepy joe wins, china will own the united stat united states. iran will make another crazy deal paying a fortune for nothing, we got nothing in that deal. that was an incompetent deal and the only time he got up instead of walking away was to go to a bicycle race, remember that? 73 years old and that's when i pledged i will never enter a bicycle race and broke his leg or shoulder or something. but at least it forced him away from that and i thought maybe we got lucky. i kept my promise, recognized the true capital of israel and
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open the american embassy in jerusalem. i also recognized israeli sovereignty over the goal line, they've been talking about that for 52 years, they fly in, fly out, 52 years. got it done in about two hours. instead of the endless war, we are forging peace in the middle east. in fact, three nobel peace prize nominations. only one for the middle east. let's see what happens. let's see what happens. i tell you because they don't cover it. when obama got it, no idea what he did. killing each other for many years, killing lots of people.
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let's put these two countries together, let's save a lot of lives. we have all the cards, we have the money, the trade, we got them together. wonderful deals and as part of the deal, economically together. that's the way you do it. i did more in 47 months then joe biden did in 47 years. but now the democrats have the most far left agenda ever put forward by a presidential nominee. it's an amazing thing. this is the weakest presidenti presidential. go ahead, say it. go ahead. 100-year-old veteran right here.
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[cheers and applause] while. he looks beautiful. 100. looked better than i do. 100, that's great. what's your name? i want to thank you very much, and he does not need regeneron, that i can tell you. he looks fantastic, so sit down and enjoy it. what a beautiful guy, you look beautiful. congratulations. i'm glad you pointed out. i the biden plan would destroy social security, destroy protections for pre-existing conditions, biden vowed to terminate on jihadist regions.
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so the countries that hate us, countries that want to hurt us, they can't send their people, somehow that makes sense. 105? that's beautiful. while, 105. 105, so he went through how ma many? to wars? he looks good, i'll tell you. that's great, congratulations. got a better head of hair than i do. i like your hair better than mine. look at that guy, 105 and has better hair than the president. enjoy it, thank you very much for being here, we appreciate it. 10105, so they want to search
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refugee admissions by 700%, this was agreed to with crazy bernie opening the floodgates to radical islamic terrorism. he will ban school choice which we have to have, so important. they want to end charter schools because he's controlled by certain people. you know who the people are, and i say it with hesitation because i have tremendous respect for teachers, tremendous respect, i love teachers. then he wants to end here florida opportunity scholarships and in a second term, i will provide school choice to every parent in america, already starting. a vote for republicans is a vote for safe communities, great jobs, and a limitless future for all americans. it's very simple. it's a vote for the american dream. that's what it is, 10105, look at them.
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great going, great. that's beautiful. do we have spirit or what? that's one thing even the fake news admits, our level of enthusiasm, whatever you want to call us is off the charts, i believe it's the highest in the history of elections. the highest in history, and his level of enthusiasm is called nonexistent, it's nonexistent, there is no enthusiasm. you go through the communities, all the signs. you have to see it. it's unbelievable. he don't see biden stuff. we have the greatest level of enthusiasm they say they've ever recorded and one other thing, you saw it, 56% of the people in
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a pandemic are better off now than they were under the obama and biden. and it's the best number i think they said ever recorded and they were in a pandemic, not anybody's fault in a pandemic. another one that's even more interesting, 62% of the people polled, 62% said they are lying. that's the case, we will have the greatest landslide in history. i don't know if it's true. a high don't know if i should be honored by it, but we will take it. i probably shouldn't be talking about it, but we will take it. did you see that, 62% because i don't want to be bothered. just leave me alone, we will vote for biden and then they want low taxes, they want a strong military, they want a lot of things we are doing over the
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next four years, we will make america into the manufacturing superpower of the world and we will end our reliance on china once and for all. we will hire more police on the increase penalties for assaults on law enforcement, and we will ban deadly sanctuary cities, thank you. they will uphold religious liberty, free speech, and the right to keep and bear arms, your second amendment. we will strike down terrorists who threaten our citizens, and we will keep america out of the endless horrible ridiculous foreign wars. we will maintain america's unrivaled military might, and we will ensure peace through strength, and that's what we have. we have now the greatest
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equipment in any country ever possessed, all made in the usa, by the way. we've restocked, rebuilt, the greatest fighter jets, missiles, rockets, ships, the greatest military ever. in russia, china, everybody is envious. have the hydra sonic missiles you use to hear about come i didn't have them because other countries are stealing our plans from the obama administration, but we now have hypersonic missiles, the greatest military ever, and we did it very worth it and i only hope to god your whole nuclear arsenal has been redone. hope to god we never have to use it but the fact that we are so strong when i came here, you heard the story, one of the most overrated generals said we have no ammunition. i said no president should ever have to hear that.
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now we have so much ammunition we don't know what the hell to do with it. all made in the usa. we will end surprise medical billing, require price transparency already signed and kicks in on january 1st and further reduce the cost of prescription drugs. we will strongly protect medicare and social security, and we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. and we got rid of the individual mandate from obamacare which was a disaster. a ending up with a much better health care and a much lower cost with protection for people with pre-existing conditions. so we will see how that all works out. america will have the first woman on the moon and the united states will be the first nation to land an astronaut on
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mars. by the way, is that a beautiful sight? look at that. i hate to tell you, but i have the exact same plane at home. it's true, the exact same plane. except it's a different company that made the engines. no, i have the exact same plane but it's one of the most beautiful planes, one of the most beautiful planes in the world. that's the smaller version of air force one, trying to save a couple of bucks. we will stop the radical indoctrination of our students, restore patriotic education to our schools. we will teach our children to love our country, honor our history, and always respect our great american flag.
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and by the way, you see what's happening with all of these sports leagues that don't respect our country, right? they are going down the tubes, the nba is down 70% because people don't want to hear it. they want to watch sports. they've got enough politics, they don't want to hear it, so it's too bad, but that's the way it is. stand for our flag and stand proud for our anthem, right? and we will live by the timeless words of our national motto, in god we trust. for years, you had a president who apologized for america, now you have a president who is standing up for america and standing up for the great people of florida.
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right? so get your friends, get your family, get your coworkers, get everybody even if you have a boss, get the boss and say i've got to rip you out of your office. we are going to go and vote. go vote. it's the most important election in our history. more important than four years ago. most important election in our history. early voting starts on monday, so remember, and keep your eyes open when you watch these ballots coming in, thank you. i love you too. thank you. go out and vote, send in your absentee ballots if you want to do it that way, but make sure it counts. from tampa to tallahassee, from pensacola to miami, and from jacksonville to write here, i
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love ocala. i love this place. i love horses. you like horses around here, right? a lot of friends who live here. we inherit the legacy of florida patriots who gave their blood, sweat, and tears to this beloved nation. we stand on the shoulders of american heroes who crossed the oceans, blazed the trails, settled the continent, tame the wilderness, lay down the railroads, raised up the giant skyscrapers, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and from here, this beautiful, wonderful state with that fabulous son. landing them on the face of the moon. we made america into the single greatest nation in the history of the world, and the best is
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yet to come. proud citizens like you helped build this country, and together, we are taking back our country. we are returning power to you, the american people. that's happening now. i with your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, going to keep on fighting, and going to keep on winning, winning, winning. we are one the movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under god. and together with the incredible people of florida, we have made america wealthy again. we have made america strong
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again. we have made america proud again. we will make america safe again. then we will make america great again. thank you very much, get out and vote. >> welcome to the five, president trump in florida, fort myers before that, what did you think? >> greg: i think to get a strong flavor of this you should watch "the greg gutfeld show." i will see my time to everybody else. >> jesse: two hours before that, i will be on. >> juan: for both candidates, biden and trump, how do they look on health care issues?
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>> dana: we know americans cared about it than 2018, i thought last night when they did the town halls, that's a good format for both of them, although there was quibbles about that -- i do think in some ways president trump continues -- he doesn't give biden enough room to fail. by doing a town hall last night in addition, that meant all the attention was on president trump and none was on biden and there was plenty to talk about, rolling back the trump tax cuts, lockdown, all sorts of other things that biden brought up -- court packing, but i think what you saw today in the 2:00 hour, president trump is loaded for bear and he will be out working joe biden, we'll and see that works. right now, joe biden's strategy seems to have been good for them. >> juan: we are going to go shortly but we saw biden in michigan talking about health care. >> emily: that county that president trump was speaking in,
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76% of those people voted in 2016 overwhelmingly for him, he's earning his vote. >> juan: that's it for us, we'll be back here on monday, have a great weekend, everyone. >> bret: good evening and welcome to washington, i'm bret baier. it president trump us taking much of his reelection pitch with just two and a half weeks until voting day on his response to the coronavirus, you see there live in florida, the president finishing up his second event, he's making his way to macon, georgia, for a rally at the top of the hour. president trump participated in a town hall meeting at the same time joe biden was involved in another on a different channel. chief white house correspondent john roberts starts us off
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