tv FOX and Friends FOX News November 20, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PST
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done, i can't do it and then left. i don't know the numbers of each of these precincts but it's 71 or 72% of the precincts are off on their numbers. how many votes is that i don't know and the committee is going to look into it. jillian: we appreciate your time thank you for being with us. the show over. have a good day. >> joe biden is in the lead because of the fraudulent ballots. >> it's hard to fathom how this man thinks. >> today g.o.p. leaders in michigan are expected to meet with president trump. it comes as canvassers in wayne county speak out. >> the number of voters doesn't match the number of ballots, yeah. >> tread very carefully because there will be much longer term problems for anybody to ho participates. >> pfizer's partner has announced they intend to file for emergency use authorization. >> they are prepared to ship over 40 million doses by the end of 2020. that's incredible. >> black and brown communities organize to make sure joe biden
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won but now it's time for pay back. >> we don't make that demand and walk away. we have to bring the teeth. >> this is what you get when you put socialism on the agenda. >> caught by locket for the touchdown. and this ballgame is going to end. ♪ ♪ steve: welcome to friday tim montana we are playing his song because he is going to be joining us a little later on. live from new york, it is "fox & friends," the world's number one cable news show for about 20 years thanks to folks like you. we are friday, november the 20th. we are less than a week away from thanksgiving. if you can see over my shoulder, they are putting the christmas ornaments up already here in
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rockefeller center ainsley and brian. ainsley: they are. they look gorgeous. we love seeing the lights behind us every morning. so you said the date is 11/20/2020. but the operative word is happy friday steve and brian. brian: going to be delivering remarks about 2:30. going to be talking about low prescription drug prices. they have that social comment period. he is going to tell us why we are going to pay less for drugs that's always been his goal and we will find out if he is going to participate in the g-20 summit that of course severing done remote. we have a lot to go over today including great news about operation warp speed. steve: that's right. a sign of hope today the company firestone is going to seek emergency government approval for its coronavirus vaccine that they have been working on nonstop. >> ship millions of doses of vaccines within 24 hours of fda
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approval. >> so my message is hope and help are on the way. steve: that's what we wanted to hear. the vaccine, according to the company, has proven to be 95% effective during the clinical trials, ainsley. ainsley: this comes as coronavirus cases spike nationwide, more than 185,000 new infections were just reported yesterday. president-elect joe biden, well, he said yesterday there will not be a national shutdown. he's not going to pursue that listen to this. >> i am not going to shut down the economy, period. i'm going to shut down the virus. that's what i'm going to shut down. >> so that is ruled out. >> i will say again no national shutdown. brian: let's hope little by little is that exactly what is happening california governor gavin newsom announcing a stay at home order sounds like a shutdown. californians will have a curfew 10:00 to 5:00 a.m. for a month. i don't know if it will apply to
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him. he will take it into consultation, perhaps. this comes one week after the democrat came under fire for ignoring own restrictions. by the way that fire has never ceased to attend a fancy dinner party. you just know that this isn't the only picture of gavin newsom not wearing a mask doing everything he told the people of california not to do. meanwhile, turning now to another top story we are following this morning. griff jenkins is live in washington as the recount begins in two wisconsin counties today the president wrote a big check, griff, do you think he's going to get what he wants? griff: he will indeed. he paid 3 million for it and so the wisconsin elections board ordered it. it is going to begin today and has to be completed by december 1st. in with it of wisconsin's most liberal counties milwaukee when which went 69% for biden and dain which went 75% for biden. we will see what happens. this is michigan certification could be headed for a delay after, remember those two wayne county g.o.p. canvas members who reversed their opposition to
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certify. they are speaking out now about being harassed. watch. >> he has used his social media platform to repeatedly dox me, post my phone number, my home address. my email address and encouraged people to stop by my house and share their anger with me. >> when we get, you know, our -- when we are at the meeting we get what's called an over and under report we didn't that report this year or this time. instead we were given it orally and we had to record everything by hand. griff: down in georgia, officials declared joe biden the winner after that hand recount but hold your hat. the margin is narrow enough to allow the president to request another recount after certification if he chooses to do so. meanwhile, the president's attorney, rudy giuliani, laying out what they called their opening statement full of serious allegations of widespread voter fraud short on evidence and making claims that have not been proven in court. >> to any experienced investigator, prosecutor, would suggest that there was a plan
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from a centralized place to execute these various acts of voter fraud. >> and attorney sidney powell claims that centralized plot was communist in origin and came from venezuela. of the dominion voting system to which dominion shot back in a statement saying the latest flood of absurdities is deeply concerning not just for dominion but also for our dedicate state and local partners and the electoral process on hold. dominion is a nonpartisan american company with no ties to venezuela or cuba. now, things to watch today, of course brian you mentioned the president speaking. but also the michigan republican legislator leaders will be at the white house meeting with the president. we will see how that goes up in wilmington. president-elect biden meets with pelosi and schumer. steve: let's bring in jonathan turley fox news contributor and george washington university law professor. professor, good morning on this friday. >> good morning.
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steve: so i'm sure you were watching rudy's combative marathon news conference yesterday where he was talking about a coordinated scheme across the country to rob, essentially, donald trump of his votes. from your legal perspective, where are we with this? >> well, we are certainly got not in a good place politically or legally. the press conference was long on heated rhetoric and short on hard evidence. and while they kept on saying this was their opening statement. we really need to move towards that closing statement. we need this evidence. there is going to be certifications next week. now, in fairness to the trump campaign, they are right. it takes time to build cases. we said weeks ago it would be last week and this week that we would likely see any evidence of systemic problems. i have no problem in that respect. but the allegations raised yesterday have not been
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established. they are suggesting a global communist conspiracy. and last night jil giuliani sain hannity. there are issues that deserve to be looked at. issues of overvoting. issues of conditional voting. issues of curing ballots. those are traditional traditional challenges. steve: those happen every time. >> right. they made some good points and those should be looked at. the strange thing about all of this is that most of the country is caught in the middle of this. they don't want to see the heated rhetoric. they want to see resolution there was a recent political poll that showed that most americans did not support an immediate concession of the election. a plurality did. about that shows the need for
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transparency and for our leaders on both sides to reduce the rhetoric, increase the transparency and just commit to look at all of these questions and resolve them. otherwise, it won't be resolved. we will stay divided. we will stay hateful. we will have rage instead of reason. control everything that we do in this election in this country. we can't have that that's what troubling in the place we are. in neither party seems eager to find a path that will establish some certainty for the majority of americans. ainsley: jonathan, jenna ellis yesterday said these are just the opening statements. i heard you say earlier it's not time for opening statement it's time for hard evidence. didn't rudy giuliani lay out some evidence when he said thousands in pittsburgh showed up to vote to find out their votes had already been cast or in their own names cast by other people and in michigan changed the dates on absentee ballots. in wisconsin he mentioned 100,000 absentee ballots should
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have been invalid because there were no applications for them. is he saying there might be more lawsuits in arizona and new mexico. isn't that hard evidence? >> if is hard evidence it's like hearing snippets of songs you really wanted to listen to and they end it. and the press conference they kept on saying you are like wow, okay. that's something that i would like to hear more about and then we would get wrapped up into this is a national conspiracy with a global communist footprint. if they can prove that they should definitely prove that i'm much more interested in hearing about that other stuff that may not be so extraordinary and so catchy but it actually is the type of stuff that can move votes. and is that really sort of got lost in the rhetoric. and that's the reason i think the press conference was not successful. >> two election officials as i mentioned is going to be coming to the white house today to meet with the president when they came back and said i can't certify this vote. the governor of michigan weighed in on really with a warning.
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listen. >> we all know what the law is in michigan. this is an impairmen embarrassme state and effort to disenfranchise the most popular county of our state by the way which is also the county that is home to the largest fraternal part of our population. this has so many ramifications. many legal, many ethical and i would advise anyone to tread very carefully there could be much longer term problems for anyone who participates and undermine the election by a candidate who was on that ballot. brian: when this doubt always bring up race. by the way those dates december 8th the warning bell when the states are supposed to have resolved those disputes december 14th when electorates close their votes. that might be when the closing arguments have to be out there. what do you think about the warning the governor gave? >> well, it's mystifying. governor whitmer continues to act as if she was representing half of the state instead of
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essentially being elected by half of the state. most politicians try to show that they will work to bring their state together. you know, before the election whitmer was pushing this conspiracy theory that the post office was going to steal the election. the same conspiracy theory that joe biden himself put out there. there was never evidence of that it never happened. but what's fascinating is that the minute the election was called for biden, all of the concerns about election irregularities became conspiracy theories. and anyone who raised those concerns, became racist or tyrannical enablers. that's why most of this country is left just standing in the middle will somebody just commit to resolving these questions? and what's concerning about whitmer particularly is that she didn't denounce those people who were physically threatening these two republicans. joe biden has not denounced the lincoln project.
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brian: nope. never does. >> or others who are harassing republican lawyers. i spoke to a group of republican lawyers who have had death threats against them. and this is a formal campaign. and the lincoln project was proud to announce it. they pledged half a million dollars to harass other lawyers. and i mean other lawyers because thousands of lawyers in law firms have supported the lincoln project. not one that i know of has come out publicly and said this is wrong. this is wrong to attack lawyers to try to get them to abandon their clients. to say reach out to their other clients to get them to pressure them to drop lawsuits. this began shortly after the election was called for joe biden. brian: they are a despicable organization. steve: all right. professor turley, thank you very much for joining us on this friday. i think one of the. >> thank you. steve: if somebody starts playing a song if it's a catchy one, play the whole song, don't just stop right there at the bridge. >> exactly right. brian: if you could zoom in a
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little bit i appreciate that. will will will will will will will. steve: jillian, stop messing with his camera. let's move on to politics. we told you before the election that this was going to happen and it happened yesterday on the steps of the dnc in washington, d.c. aoc, progressive groups and members of the squad were there to remind joe biden that the people have spoken as it says in that poster behind her. we helped you, joe biden, get elected and now we want you to accept our green new deal and our other very progressive ideas. if you missed it, here's a little of them trying to pressure joe biden. >> i don't want anybody here to think that we're not winning. because, let me tell you something we're winning, it's working. it's happening. that's what our next move is, to make sure that the biden administration keeps its promise. we know that we don't just make
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that demand and walk away. we have to organize for it. we have to bring the heat for it. i urge you all to continue raising this issue because we hear you, we are here with you, and we stand by you. >> we're going to make sure that the biden administration sticks to our timeline, is moving towards our timeline. so i ask all of you do not move from the needle. do not. we are more than them. steve: in other words, keep the pressure on joe biden as he is going to figure out who he is going to put on his cabinet and other appointments. some of the things that they talked about yesterday that they would like to see happen during the biden administration, universal healthcare. of course basic income for all americans and 100% of our power from renewable sources. and it's interesting one of the groups that spoke there was the sunrise movement which is very progressive. and they broadcast the whole thing, ainsley, with the #biden
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be brave. ainsley: biden be brave. tackle income ininequality and climate change modeled are a fdr's package after the great depression. there was a draft of the plan circulating around congress. you named a few of them steve. eliminate poverty. calls for living wage job for anyone who wants one. health workers affected by climate change and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, brian. brian: i think it's hysterical how everybody is loving the temperature and the democrats are doing the right thing looking ahead. in fact barack obama weighed in and said i think joe biden is right to say we should all do our best to make an effort to lower the temperature. real little? did you see that press conference and listen to elizabeth warren? they are breaking up on the left and while everyone is ignoring it the fractures begin to show themselves that did not allude dan crenshaw who weighed in. >> look, joe biden has to deal with a simple fact. he invited all these socialists
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to his little dinner party kamala harris is the most liberal senator in the senate made her his vp pick, and he can't be surprised when they got a little drunk on power and now they have a very loud voice which is exactly what's happening. they are not incorrect when they say that they are winning within the draj democrat party. i don't think they are winning over america. because we need to remember something. republicans took back almost a dozen seats in the house. and we should be pretty happy about that. i think democrat platform and policy was largely rejected this time. and this is what you get when you put socialism on the agenda. brian: republicans are smart as we toss over to jillian. they will continue to give them all the attention because it seems to turn off the so-called middle of america the whole defunding the police, medicare for all under a destroying cows. because i have been pro-cow for years. steve: all right. and you mentioned jillian, she is joining us right now. jillian would you like to apologize to brian for.
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jillian: i messed up your camera shot will you forgive me? brian: i expect that from carley but not from you jillian. i will allow to you begin with the news. jillian: a protester pleads guilty for his role in setting a minneapolis police precinct on fire. police say bryce williams helped torch a molotov cocktail that was thrown inside the precinct by another man in the may riots following the death of george floyd. women's threw boxes into the fire outside the entrance. three co-conspirators have been charged but not pleaded guilty. a convicted killer is executed overnight. orlando hall was put to death by lethal injekdz at the federal prison in indiana. he was put to death shortly after the u.s. supreme court denied a petition that blocked his execution. hall was convicted of kidnapping and killing a texas teenager in 1996. today vice president mike pence is going on the campaign trail. he's headed to georgia to rally support for incumbent senators david perdue and kelly loeffler
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in the state's run off election. it will determine whether the g.o.p. keeping its senate majority. perdue and loeffler are being challenged by warnock and osso ossoff. a look at your headlines. send it back to you. steve: thank you, jillian. the state i live, in new jersey, is joining a growing number of state with new covid-19 restrictions. how are businesses going to be impacted? we're going to talk to that new jersey gym owner who you have met over the last couple of months who stood up against the governor and the latest lock down order and he's next. (vo) (sigh...) dear 2020, you had your time. now, it's our time. time to get away to a place where we can finally be free. free from boundaries... ...limitations. even virtual backgrounds. today, we break free.
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surge in covid-19 cases. how recover from the last round of lockdowns. let's ask two of our favorite guys atilis gym owner ian smith and frank they fought the over the last lock down order and getting fined they will not enforce the mask mandate. ian, let's start with you. what is your greatest concern as this governor warns shutdowns are coming? >> our greatest concern moving forward is not that we are going to stay open. frank and i are going to be matter no matter what. no government mandate achieves that we are worried that other businesses stand with us. we have power in numbers and it's really important moving forward that indoor dining and small businesses hair salons when restrictions come down that they stay open. punish us all very quickly as everybody said. brian: frank do people not appreciate the fact that staying healthy and strong and building
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up your immunity is one of the best ways to fight this virus? have you been telling people that. >> absolutely. people do understand that and that's why we are so busy here at the gym and that's why we have had over 72,000 visits since may 16th. the problem is that the elected officials that actually set the guidelines for everybody they are the ones that don't care. they want everybody to actually be in their homes not build their immunity. brian: frank, duble you believe other people should be standing with you. >> absolutely. my biggest fear right now with the second shut down is that people are going to shut down. the most important thing that i think could come out of this second shut down is for other businesses to stand up together with us. we can all work together. there is power in numbers. and they falsify numbers. want to shut us down saying we can't -- yet in long-term care facilities there is 241 covid outbreaks.
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how do you have 241 covid outbreaks no one is allowed in there? they learn to take care of their own house before they tell us thousand take care of ours. brian: absolutely. ian, you are getting fined every day because you won't enforce the mask mandate. what about the masks that you think, are counter productive? >> well, first of all, in the language of the executive order. they specifically say cloth face coverings. we know very clearly that cloth face covering has 0% efficacy in stopping the virus. very conclusive wearing cloth based cowfertion in an environment where you are doing high impact aerobic activities detrimental to your health. pass out. basically creating a film over your mouth bacteria and waste. so we make masks optional. in less than 1% of our members actually choose to do so. we have done that pretty much from the beginning. and like frank says, we have
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over 72,000 since june and don't have a single trace back to us. brian: if you want to stand with the atilis gym owners where do you go? >> give us a call go on our website it's www.atilis we are here state of new jersey and around the country. stay open. we will support anybody who stands alongside with us. brian: it's nice of everybody to work out while we are talking about working out. ian smith. >> absolutely. brian: thanks so much. can i hear it in the background. thanks so much. >> thanks. brian: we called the governor's office and they didn't get back with us. a new cause get a convicted cop killer freed from prison. the widow of the fallen officer here to react. robinhood believes now is the time to do money.
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ainsley: former nfl player colin kaepernick taking on a new cause he claims convict would cop killer mumia was framed and should be freed. >> he had no record before he was arrested and framed for the death of a philadelphia police officer. we're in the midst of a movement that says black lives matter. it means that mumia's life and legacy must matter. he's a human being that deserves to be free. free mumia. ainsley: mumia abdul jamal was convicted of murdering daniel faulkner during a traffic stop in 1981. his death sentence was overturned and he is currently serving a life sentence now. joining me is maureen faulkner the widow of the slain police officer daniel faulkner. good morning, maureen. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: good morning. i'm sorry for your loss. you lost your police officer husband you were married 396 days and it changed your life.
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this push to free your killer, a lot of celebrities have jumped on this bandwagon for years. what do you say to folks like colin kaepernick? >> first of all, i would love to speak to colin kaepernick. i would like to sit down and talk with him face to face. he is spewing lies about my husband's case. he was just a young child when my husband was murdered and why he has taken up this cause our whole family disrupts the entire family emotionally and brings hurt to us. and i don't know why he is -- he is bringing this cause to -- at this time. it really baffles me. ainsley: well, maureen, he said that mumia abdul jamal was innocent he was framed. he goes on to talk about fernandez over 1/3 of the officers involved in your husband's case were convicted of corruption, extortion or
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tampering with evidence in unother related cases is that true? >> no. it's a lie. and i can prove it. he's lying. ainsley: how do you prove it. >> i will bring up the facts. i have the paperwork. i can show the facts of what happened. and this is not true what essaying. it's rhetoric. jason goebbels one time said a litel it big enough, tell it often enough, and it becomes truth. that's what colin kaepernick is doing right now with this case. steve: maureen i know you wrote a book about this. i want to hear your evidence but first, tell the folks at home what happened to your husband on that day. >> on december 9th, 1981, my husband stopped a blue volkswagen for going the wrong way down a street at 13th and locust. when he called for some reason when he stopped the volkswagen he called for a backup. then he approached the car. there was someone in the car by
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the name of william cook. william cooke was mumia's brother. william cooke handed my husband a license, which was not his license and my husband asked him to step out of the car. when he stepped out of the car, william cooke punched my husband in the face. my husband turned around, hit him on the side of the head with his flashlight and started to frisk him. at that time mumia who was hitting in a hack taxicab. he was sitting in a taxicab across the way ran across the alleyway, shot my husband in the back. my husband swung around, shot him in the chest, fell to the ground, lost his gun and at that time mumia emptied his gun into my house and leaned over and within 14 inches of my husband's head between his eyes he shot him he executed him.
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ainsley: you have the evidence. >> and mumia's brother was there his own brother was there and to this day his brother hasn't said someone else did it. there were four eyewitnesses that saw what happened that night that came forth. the police back-up showed up within 70 seconds of the murder. so,. ainsley: normally you shoot a cop, you go to prison either you get the death penalty or go to prison for life. he was already convicted in court. so why are all these celebrities backing him now and why has he been on death row for so many years and wasn't he supposed to die and then they changed it to a life sentence? why did that happen? >> that was on a technicality that they let him off and gave him life without possibility of parole. the case can go on and on. i can't explain it all on tv but he did get on. he got off on a technicality life without possibility of parole.
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and he has been in prison ever sense. he ended up getting hel hepc whe was in in prison solitary confinement. he got hepc which is interesting. i don't know how he got it. however, our text dollars gilead gave him $90,000 for hepc for him which our tax dollars paid for. this man has been coddled all his life. all his life. ainsley: he wrote a book and made a lot of money too on your husband's death. we are out of time but i'm so sorry for your loss. thank you for speaking out. i wish you all the best. i wish this were not the path for you. i know you wanted kids and wanted to buy a house in the poconos. god bless you, maureen. >> god bless thank you, ainsley. ainsley: joe biden holding third press conference as president-elect and he faced some hard-hitting questions. >> look at the way the president is handling this, his refusal to concede. what do you think is really going on here? in your view,
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how do you justify not taking legal action to get the briefings that you say are critical, that you say you need? >> when you take a step back and you look at the way the president is handling. this his refusal to concede, what do you think is really going on here? >> in your view, mr. president-elect, what do you think the president is doing? brian: how about a question about georgia? they just found so many votes all these votes uncounted? how do you feel about that? dots it make you wonder about the system? that didn't come up yesterday another round of third press conference since becoming president-elect. steve: here to react fox news contributor and media columnist for the hill joe concha and, joe, we didn't hear anybody ask him what his favorite kind of pie was for thanksgiving. probably pumpkin, just thinking. once again, turns out fox news never on that list of people to ask questions. >> that's amazing, right? i'm noticing a pattern, steve, as far as the out question from
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the statement from these reporters which is how do you feel or what is your message to the american people? what is the easiest type of question to absorb outside of donald trump said this or president trump said that how do you react? i mean, again, it's not even softball it's playing tee ball with a beach ball on the tee. these press conferences are three words choreographed, hospitable and risk averse. you have a staffer which joe biden admitted yesterday that his deputy comms director calling on reporters that were picked before hand on a predetermined list. have you ever seen president trump do something like that? and i think there was even one point where joe biden talked about his future press secretary, i believe. do you have that sound by any chance? steve: we do. take a look on the way out. >>
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ainsley: on the way out peter doocy was never on the list he asked a question about bernie sanders and joe biden a joker turned it into a joke. >> but is it though? after all anthony scaramucci was communications director under the trump administration for all of 11 days. and, you know, if peter doocy were chosen it probably would be and brian could appreciate like bill belichick's career as new york jets head coach which lasted about 8 seconds that would be interesting from a journalism standpoint to cover. i don't think peter will be leaving fox news for the biden administration any time soon. steve: he would be able to ask him questions. >> a paid msnbc analyst. would, i'm sorry. ainsley: joe, isn't that the second job offer for peter doocy by joe biden? remember peter when he was riding the bike and he said is your vice president going to be? it might be you. i think it should be you. something to that effect. is he anxious for peter to get a
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job on his team. >> right. because then you could control the guy who is actually asking tough questions when he goes to work for you. it's like when president obama hired hillary clinton to it go hillary clinton no longer pick from afar when she actually works for the guy. actually very smart. brian: spend the next few years getting these type of questions to the vice president if he ascends to the position. no more contention and no more confronting questions, unless, of course, joe, he ends up being a moderate which would tick off most of the party. then all of a sudden these hunter biden stories would be on the front page of the "new york times." that will be the beginning of the end. >> it's amazing. when you compare actually and talk about the nice questions. and the problem that joe biden has in terms of the far left. again, a republican fire wall in the senate if the republicans actually controlled that majority will keep joe biden away from the aoc wing of the house and anything they pass gets the republican senate. it never gets to the white
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house. but, if -- excuse me, if democrats take georgia in those two runoffs on january 5th, then there is no stopping that particular agenda. brian: let me interrupt, just remember, just remember the reason why these guys from cnn and msnbc got book deals is because donald trump interacted with them regularly. they made a name for themselves by confronting the president and the president never backed off. and go back 8 years. barack obama auto would always have a list and once every four months in the few press conferences he had he would call on a fox person. that's it. i hope people are okay with that and i think that they are going to quickly realize that nothing is getting done in washington and no one is asking the questions that people want answered. >> exactly right. i went back and looked at the transcripts and i will leave it here, guys, the first press conference for president-elect trump 13 times during that press conference it was in new york you may remember and russia or putin came up in that particular press conference. the tone and tenor was 180 from
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what we are seeing in the biden administration. anyway got to go it's thanksgiving week don't you know and hosting next seven days at the house piecemeal our people coming over. like 60 degrees this weekend we can actually do it outside. good times, guys. rotate. steve: joe concha thank you very much. a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. janice dean joins us. and janice, let's talk about what could be a get away weekend for a lot of people. janice: i mean, it's going to be beautiful as joe mentioned in new jersey. what more do you need? we are going to be temperatures above average for a lot of folks. the good news is no major storms on the hoards as we get into thanksgiving week. so there is some good news as we start our weekend there are some of the temperatures. so we're warming up here in new york city across the northeast where temperatures were below freezing over the last couple of days. there is the radar. not too much to tell you about. we do have the potential for showers across florida as well as the great lakes and then we have a weak system that's going to move across the plain states,
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bringing some wet weather, some snow, depending on where you live. but, otherwise, no big major storm systems or winter storms or hurricanes to report as we head into the next couple of days. we are going to warm up for much of the country. that's kind of great news if you ask me steve, ainsley, brian, and it's friday. how about that? ainsley: it is friday. thank you. let's hand it over to jillian she has headlines for you. jillian: that's right. good morning. we begin with this. a 10-hour manhunt a university lockdown ends in minnesota after police arrest a man accused of attacking a state trooper. vonn wilson was found on the campus of st. john's university. weighs pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving but fled after punching the state trooper. the trooper will undergo surgery for several jaw fractures. the cfa several protocols the agency will be using new technology like identification scanners so passengers can
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collide their driver's license through instead of handing them to an agent. 80 airports nationwide will also have ct scanners to give a more details view of luggage so agents don't actually have to touch the bags. well it's been a basic icon for over a century and now wrigley field is a national historic landmark. built in 1914 in the chicago cubs home since 1916. wrigley is baseball's second oldest stadium behind fennelway park. the secretary of the interior citing the significant role the ball park play in chicago. brian: does that mean they can never take it down? it will be a museum if they build a new stadium? jillian: i don't know. brian: i think so. jillian: i have never been there time to go. brian: is it time to get in gear for three huge auto show? the answer is yes. all new electric ford mustang.
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we will have a preview ♪ heart failure causes nearly two hospitalizations every minute. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch. it's seeing someone's face that comforts us, no matter where. when those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care.
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the first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. there's resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. when we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. the best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. managing heart failure starts now with understanding. call today or go online to for a free heart failure handbook.
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call today or go online to learned a second languageument applied to college applied for a loan started a business started a blog shared a picture shared a moment turn your wish list into a checklist, with internet essentials from comcast. when you're connected, you're ready for anything. ainsley: house republicans are calling for an investigation after trump supporters are attacked at that march in d.c.
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carley shimkus joins us live with more. hey, carley, what's the latest on this? >> hey, that's right, ainsley, good morning. republicans who sit on the house oversight committee are calling for that probe following last saturday's million maga march in washington, d.c. [cheers] now video shows attacks against those wearing maga hats and trump gear setting off fireworks where people were dining outside. even stalking families and they tried to escape. the counter protesters clashing with the president's supporters. tens of thousands descending on washington as challenge the results of the 2020 election. >> the pattern when conservatives come to washington. the mayor and the police force turn a blind eye. i think we need to have a hearing on it. and i think they need to be held accountable. carley: in a letter to the committee g.o.p. lawmakers are slamming what they call silence from washington, d.c. mayor
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muriel bowser calling her inaction part of a broader pattern of discrimination republicans alleged that mayor bowser only cares about violence in her city when people who share her viewpoints are the victims, ainsley? ainsley: okay. thanks carley, steve over to you. steve: ladies and gentlemen start your engines gear up for not one but three car shows. we have a premium of some of the top rides featured in the l.a. and detroit car shows. mike caudill joins us now live from l.a. good morning to you, mike. >> hey, good morning, steve. the auto industry has been hit pretty hard over the last nine months with the coronavirus pandemic. the show doesn't stop. although numbers looked pretty bleak at the very beginning numbers came out last night. the industry is only off 12% per j.d. power. that's really great news. everybody is talking about a variety of these vehicles being
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launched. the all new ford mustang milwaukee e we showemust mac e.. consumers behind the wheel. the interior is refind. everybody is really. steve: that's electric? >> it's electric. it's going to start right around $43,000. but you will be able to get a $7,500 tax credit with that vehicle making it only $36,000. and that's what i love the most about the vehicle is the price. now, you ready for this, my friend? this is the all new 2021 nissan z proto. they have sold more than 1.35 million zs over the past 50 years. this one is the prototype that will come to market next year. the interior is defined. everything you want in a performance car. by the way nissan is going to debut 10 new cars over the next 20 months this one being the nissan rogue right here. i just test drove this vehicle.
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the interior is packed with luxury. packed with technology. can you seat exterior design and that two tone leather on the inside really makes a standout. steve: beautiful. >> starting price of $26,000. you will get everything you want in that mid size suv. steve, i know you love convertibles and i picked this one out personally for you 2021 mercedes-benz 353, 329 horse horsepower under the hood. twin turbo starting price right around $100,000. now, you want to talk about toyota high landers. i know janice dean loves toyotas this is the all new high lander the sse. this one is the first time they have ever put in a performance package with the high lander. so when you see the interior and see this beautiful red and black leather. mono chromatic exterior the color saul the same. great suv right here. starting about $35,000. have you also got this right here. this is a brand new model lineup for infinity the qx 55 and it's
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a coup styled suv beautiful red interior styling on the outside. 20-inch wheels and two more for you this the all new ram rtx 70f road truck meant for the off road enthusiasts this one is for you and ainsley to share. the starting million dollars. carbon fiber. i picked this one out for kilmeade especially. if you like orange, brian, this one is for you, buddy. great stuff here. great stuff here at the auto show. a lot of stuff to talk about all these great cars, guys. steve: that's fantastic. mike, real quick, because a lookout of car dliption are social distancing real quick. how are they doing test drives? >> yeah. so there is a have a right of different ways right now so from a test drive standpoint they will deliver the car to your house wipe it down and allow to you test drive it or take
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minimum or keep them outside at a dealership do the quick test drive. steve: have them drop that million dollars car off and take it for a test drive but then we will have stonsd it back. thank you for joining us from l.a. it's 7:00 in new york city and this is "fox & friends." ♪ >> what i'm describing you to is a massive fraud. you would have to be a fool not to realize. >> most of the country is caught in the middle of it. they don't want to see the heated rhetoric. they want to see resolution. >> today g.o.p. leaders in michigan are expected to meet with president trump. it comes as canvassers in wayne county speak out. >> number of voters doesn't match the number of ballots, yeah. >> pfizer is going to seek emergency government approval for its coronavirus vaccine. >> we need to put the any concept this was rushed in any appropriate way. >> open our schools. open our schools.
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>> we currently have the worse governor in america governor cuomo. is he taking absolutely the wrong approach. ainsley: joe biden holding his third press conference and he faced some hard-hitting questions. >> look at the way the president is handling, his refusal to concede. >> these press conferences are not even softball it's playing tee ball with a beach ball on the t. ♪ slow ride ♪ take it easy ♪ slow ride ♪ ainsley: it is november 20th, 2020. it is friday. good morning to you at home. brian? brian: yeah. we have a big show coming your way over the next two hours. definitely consequential. i will tell you far too many parents are watching us right now because schools, for some reason, even though the science says no, are closing down, especially here in new york. and suddenly the parents say i don't have day care. i was supposed to go to work and there was outrage in the city and can i imagine the city near
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you. steve: also your kids go to catholic schools because the catholic schools in new york city are open and we are going to have the superintendent of the archdiocese of new york of schools he is going to be with us 20 minutes. brian: private schools too they are pretty much doing it they depend on tuition free market policy and getting a lot of the public school kids. steve: they are not bound by mayor de blasio's rules they are bound by the governor's. ainsley: i have very good news when it comes to coronavirus. this is a sign of hope. pfizer has announced that they are going to seek emergency government approval for its coronavirus vaccine today. >> we will ship millions of doses of vaccine within 24 hours of fda approval. so my message is hope and help are on the way. ainsley: the vaccine was proven to be 95% effective during
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clinical trials. brian: moderna is right behind it. this comes as the number of coronavirus spike nationwide. 185,000 new infections reported just yesterday. president-elect joe biden has not ruled out a national mask mandate he says he not pursue a nationwide shutdown. >> i am not going to shut down the economy. period. i'm going to shut down the virus. that's what i'm going to shut down. >> so that's ruled out. >> i will say again no national shutdown. steve: meanwhile, california governor gavin newsom enacting a stay-at-home order and a nighttime curfew. californians have to be home between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. for about a month up to december 21st. this comes just one week after the democrat came under fire for ignoring his own restriction to attend a fancy dinner party with a dozen strangers. the thing about the pfizer vaccine and we talked a little bit about this is it has got to be kept super cold. it's 70 degrees below zero.
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and whereas the moderna does not. it's just in a regular freezer. it sounds like the first doses are going to wind up going to people in institutions you know people in hospitals, healthcare workers, things like that. meanwhile, it was goofed to see the coronavirus task force yesterday dr. fauci though he said look, i can assure you that these things are safe. they have not been rushed for clinical purposes and obviously he was taking a shot at governor andrew cuomo in new york who has said look, the trump administration rushed this through for political reasons. i don't trust it. my administration is going to have to take a second look at it. even after the fda approves it. elise stefanik the congresswoman does not like our governor here and had this to say. >> i come from a state we currently have the worst governor in america. governor cuomo, is he taking absolutely the wrong approach.
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he also is not applying the rules to himself. so governor cuomo has attended private events without wearing masks. without requiring social distancing. it's not just governor cuomo. take a look at governor gavin newsom in california who was caught on camera having a dinner without masks. this is why the american people are so frustrated with failed leadership from our democratic governors. it's big government. it's rules for thee and not for me. brian: there were rumors that governor cuomo goes to events he doesn't even wear a mask. we know his brother never wears a mask. had to get reprimanded by his own apartment building. shows you how arbitrary it is and how outraged people from were in the streets in new york city. these weren't democrat they were parents. you are closings schools for .3% infection on long island it's up to 8%. ainsley: i think it's 9%. brian: 9% a few miles away. in michigan they say you are going to school up until 8th
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grade. i think you should be going to 12th grade and have the restrictions. when you talk to people that know, most of the time the kids are getting infected when they go to parties and i know i'm not blaming the kids they have got to live. in school they can control it. they close the lockers, they say walk on certain side of the hall. they have reflecters and barriers in the desk. but to knee jerk and send these kids home not to learn on laptop is absolutely outrageous and this should not stand. have you got to point almost away from the politician and more towards the teacher's unions. they're looking at themselves first and the kids second and that's inexcusable. >> yeah, cuomo at one point, remember he really made sense at one point when he said if the number is 3%. if de blasio is going to close schools when we hit 3%, why don't we take one school at a time because if you have one community. brian: of course. ainsley: where it's really spreading close those schools but don't close all the city schools. don't make it a blanket
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statement it's not fair to all the kids. all right. so let's turn enough to to the election. another top story we are following. griff jenkins joins us with the two counties in wisconsin today. griff: that's right. a lot of news happening in the different battle ground states starting in wisconsin. the trump campaign paying $3 million for it to begin today. the deadline is december 1st. and it's happening not statewide but in just two of wisconsin's most liberal counties deign and milwaukee. we will see exactly what happens with that meanwhile in michigan certification could be headed for a delay after wayne county two g.o.p. canvas board members who reversed certification now speaking out about being harassed. watch. >> he has used his social media platform to repeatedly dox me. post my phone number, my home address. my email address and encouraged people to symptom by my house and share their anger with me. >> when we get, you know, our --
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when we are at the meeting we get what's called an over/under report. we didn't get that report this year or this time. instead we were given it orally and we had to record everything by hand. griff: and down in georgia officials declared joe biden the winner after the hand recount but the margins are there enough that the president could request another recount after certification. this as the president's attorney rudy giuliani at a press conference laid out serious allegations of widespread voter fraud short on evidence making claims that have not been proven in court. watch. >> to any experienced investigator prosecutor would suggest that there was a plan from a centralized place to execute these various acts of voter fraud. griff: attorney sidney powell adding that the centralized plot was communist in origin and came from venezuela the voting system to which the company shot back stating dominion is plain lay
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nonpartisan american company with no ties to venezuela or cuba. legal scholar and fox news contributor jonathan turley had this to say in our last hour. >> the allegations raised yesterday have not been established. they are suggesting a global communist conspiracy. there are some issues that deserve to be looked at. issues of overvoting. griff: now at the white house here behind me the president will meet with g.o.p. legislators from michigan while up in wilmington president-elect biden will get a visit from speaker pelosi and minority leader schumer presumably to talk about things other than the president-elect's birthday which is today brian, ainsley, steve? steve: it is indeed. thank you very much. bring in arkansas republican senator tom cotton a member of the senate intel committee and the old guard at arlington national cemetery. good morning to you, senator. >> hey, steve. good to be on with you all. steve: it's great to have you.
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i know you were down campaigning for the twin republicans running for the senate down in georgia, purdue and loeffler. we will get to that in a second. tell us a little bit about where we are right now because we saw are rudy giuliani at that marathon contentious press conference yesterday. he made a lot of allegations and a lot of people are going i wonder if there is anything to that or is there? >> yeah. steve. i think where we are is the point that we need the evidence to be adduced in court. rudy giuliani and the president's lawyers have multiple lawsuits filed around the country. we are to the point though where this is the time not for politicians or press conferences. that was during the election. this is a time for evidence in court. so you still have some recounts going on as we heard in wisconsin. potentially another recount in georgia this will be decided in the end on the law and the facts. ainsley: so georgia is very important in january. the republican senate majority is on the line. i know you were there.
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tell us what your predictions are for those two races. >> yeah. this is an election that's gone in overtime with david perdue and kelly loeffler running against jon ossoff and raphael warnock for all the states. control of the senate is on the line in georgia. if chuck schumer gets his way, if he gets the senate majority, as we heard on the streets of new york just a couple of weekends ago from him that he plans to change america. i can tell you having been in georgia yesterday people there don't intend to let chuck schumer take georgia or to change america. his kind of change means packing the court, raising your taxes, making washington, d.c. a state. taking away your health insurance on the job. taking away your gun. giving amnesty to illegal immigrants. that's not what georgia wants. brian: have you been there and the vice president is going there. shows the republicans understand what's at stake. the one thing senator lindsey graham told us yesterday that has to change is this new thing where one person has the chance to judge the signature check for
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mail-in balloting or these absentee ballots that i guess have to be requested for. someone has got to change that because that one person no one knows anything about but you can't match signatures because they threw out the envelopes. that stacy abrams group has gotten in there and they haven't broken the law but it's time for people to balance out what's taking place there. >> brian, i think there needs to be more authentication of those signatures on absentee ballots. brian: how do you get 600,000 applications already? >> well, both sides are encouraging voters if they're worried about their health to vote by absentee ballot. absentee ballots have been used in georgia and other states. what there has to be is bipartisan authentication of signatures. brian: yes. >> if there is any question at all those signatures and ballots have to be set aside so you can actually give redress. so you can make sure if the signature doesn't match that
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that ballot hasn't been thrown in the hopper and can no longer be traced back to its signature that needs to be done in georgia during this run off. it wasn't done effectively enough on the election on november 3rd. steve: a story earlier this week, senator, was the fact that arlington national cemetery decided because of coronavirus they were going to cancel wreaths across america. a couple hours later, news trickled out the president asked the secretary of defense or army to change things. next thing you know it's back on. i know you were part of the old guard at arlington explain for folks how important this is. >> well, wreaths across america is a great tradition. it started out uft company just providing excess wreaths to put on web sites and now they provide wreaths for every grave in arlington. we are concerned about the coronavirus pandemic and we want to be safe and responsible. i know there is a way to do it.
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the army leadership reconsidered. i have spoken to the secretary of the army and chief staff the army to ask him to do just that as an old platoon sergeant used to say it's only a mistake if you don't fix it in time. i'm glad families can participate in wreaths across america and honor our fallen heroes this christmas. steve: that's great. anxiously? ainsley: you gave a speech on the senate floor about the mayflower and pilgrims and ilhan omar she tweeted out she was critical of that "new york times," this is their headline the thanksgiving myth gets deeper. could we roll that back so i could read it? okay. well that was the "new york times." let's see gets a deeper look this year and then ilhan omar her tweet when your sense of history doesn't go beyond your 3rd grade coloring books and actual history terrifies you. what's your reaction? >> well, ainsley, tomorrow is the 400th anniversary of the mayflower compact and the pilgrims landing in massachusetts. i think we should be celebrating that we should be proud of our
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history. they wrote the first constitution and they established the principles that we still hold so dear like religious freedom or the rule of law or the natural equality of all mankind. that's the actual facts and genuine history. you would think ilhan omar who herself sought refuge in the united states would be proud of this great land like the pilgrims are but maybe not. any event i wish her a very happy thanksgiving. brian: keep in mind we have a thanksgiving special on the history of thanksgiving. they found a story in 1815 about what happened in 1620. it's just a remarkable story of native americans, american indians coming together, able to save the lives of these pilgrims that came across and through perilous times for religious freedom. what's wrong with that story? >> yeah, brian. nothing is wrong with that story. daniel webster the great statementsman from massachusetts referred to the pilgrims on the 200th anniversary of this occasion as our pilgrim fathers.
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the pilgrims of 1620 deserve to be in the american pantheon along with the patriots of 1776 as the fowrntiondz of this nation. we ought to be celebrating their anniversary tomorrow. steve: all right. senator tom cot con joining us from the d.c. area. thank you very much and have a great holiday week next week. >> thank you, steve. happy thanksgiving to everyone. steve: jillian is dialed in with headlines. jillian: that's right. we begin with a fox news alert. overnight several people are rescued from a high rise apartment fire in san francisco. flames could be seen shooting from an apartment on the 11th floor. everyone was evacuated from the building. the fire is contained. two people are hurt an investigation is underway into what sparked the fire. legendary college football coach lowe holtz halou hotel tested fr covid-19. he doesn't have a lot of energy but is he recovering. led the team to the last national championship in 1988. holtz is expected to receive the
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presidential medal of freedom. six locations are now in the running to host the new u.s. space command. they include air force bases in six states including texas, alabama, and florida. you see them on your screen. the air force plans to make their final selection early next year. in the meantime florida's peterson's air force base will remain as the interim headquarters. how about this? alex trebek recorded a very special message before his death. it aired during last night's show. watch this. >> before we get into today's match a word about today. today is world pancreatic cancer day. and if you or anyone you know has developed some of the symptoms that i have talked about in the past then by all means get to a doctor. get yourself tested. i want you to be safe. this is a terrible, terrible disease. ainsley: th jillian: the jeopardy host
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recorded world pancreatic day the disease he passed away from earlier this month. he was 80 years old. gives you chills. steve: a lot of his episodes are going to run through the end of the year. right? ainsley: all right. thank you, jillian. coming up. new york city public schools still closed today but catholic schools are open. superintendent of schools for the new york archdiocese joins us next to discuss how they are keeping kids safe and the classrooms open. ♪ want to brain better?
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no matter where. when those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care. the first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. there's resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. when we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. the best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. managing heart failure starts now with understanding. call today or go online to for a free hf handbook. call today or go online to (children laughing) ♪ (music swells) ♪ ♪ (music fades) (exhales)
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to confirm that k through 12 schools can operate with face-to-face learning and they can do it safely and do it responsibly. the truth is for kids k through 12 one of the safest places they can be from our perspective is to remain in school. >> and they have got the data to back that up. against a top doctor's orders, new york city public schools closed yesterday and remains closed indefinitely but not all city schools have closed their doors. catholic schools are still open falling under the jurisdiction of new york state, not new york city. with more on how they are keeping students safe and staff safe the superintendent for schools archdiocese of new york michael deagain. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. it's really good to be with you and ainsley and brian. thank you. steve: you bet. it's good to have you. explain, why are the public schools closed but the private schools, including the parochial and catholic schools are open?
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>> new york state established very strict guidelines and protocols on how schools should remain open. and we have the catholic schools in new york city and the catholic schools in new york state have rigorously followed all of those guidelines and directors. and, therefore, we are able to stay open i think mayor de blasio and the uft the union established a 3% infection rate and that's what they are bound to. we are not bound to that as a matter of fact, i have over 200 schools, 65,000 children and the positivity rate is .003. >> unbelievable. >> >> positivity came from outside the schools. our schools are the safest place to be. steve: we heard from dr. redfield say the kids are safer at school than they are at
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home for the parents who are outraged here in new york city because, you know, a lot of middle class families can't take off work to take care of the kids because now the kids are at home. ultimately, mike, this is the perfect argument for school choice. and this is something the trump administration has been pushing for the last couple of years but because of a lot of static and opposition from teacher's unions, it is not a reality. >> yeah. i think it is -- it illustrates the need for parental choice in new york and throughout the country. parents who are sending their children or would like to send their children to catholic schools are taxpayers. they are paying the taxes that they should. in fact, in new york city, steve, in order for us to stay open in certain zones, we have
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to test our children. the new york city public schools have been administering those tests in public schools for weeks and weeks. they have refused to do the same thing for catholic school students in new york city. so we have filed in court, we are suing the city of new york, demanding that they provide the same equal treatment to catholic school children public school children in new york city. steve: sure, we heard experts say given the fact that they are closing schools and remote learning, a generation of children could be lost to this particular, you know, situation we are in right now. exit question for you, mike. since the mayor announced that he was closing the schools. have your phones been ringing off the hook where people say hey, could i get my kid into the catholic school in my neighborhood? >> yes. we have had an uptick in interest from our public school parents in new york city expressing an interest to come to a catholic school.
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and our doors are open. our phones are ready and any parents who would like to send their child to a catholic school in new york city or for that matter in new york state, we encourage them to do that because there is scholarship available for them. steve: that's the important part. because a lot of working class families cannot afford it, but you do have scholarships. in fact, a majority of your kids are on scholarships, aren't they? >> approximately 60% of our children are on scholarship. steve: all right. michael debegan the superintendent of schools for the archdiocese of new york. i know you are open today so thanks for dropping by today. >> thanks, steve. good to be with you. steve: good to have you as well. 7:27 in new york city where the schools are close you had except catholic schools and private schools. up next a top biden staffer pushing for mandatory begin backs just last year. >> weapon ban is very, very important and we need to have it. that only takes weapons of war
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off the streets. it does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there. steve: colion noor gun rights activist is going to sound off on that next. sofi made it so eaf my student loan debt. ♪ they were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. i got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy.
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ainsley: we are now learning president-elect joe biden's incoming deputy chief of staff pushed for mandatory buy backs of assault weapons while working for bourque las beto o'rourke l. >> campaign of seconding some candidate to come out and support because plan that supports mandatory buy backs of weapons of war. the assault weapon ban is very, very important and we need to have it. but that only takes weapons of
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war off the streets in the future it. does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there. ainsley: here to discuss this is attorney and gun rights activist colion noir. good to see you colion. >> thank you for having me. ainsley: the family that owns guns and believes they need them to protect their family. >> what's interesting is she keeps calling them weapons of war. but just a couple nights ago i had a guy banging on my door trying to come into my house for 15 minutes and when i called the cops and staying in my house with my ar-15. it wasn't a weapon of war to me it was a weapon of defense. i don't know why they keep trying to vilify the idea of common americans utilizing an ar-15 to defend themselves. especially considering that less than 2% of gun deaths in this country are committed with ar-15s. ainsley: here is biden's statement on the buy back program. or his team president-elect biden supports a voluntary buy back program. when you read more about it either sell the guns back to the
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government or register them with the atf. what do you think about that? >> honestly i think it's a slap in the face to common working americans. if you think about that that idea is inherently elitism. what he is saying either you have the money to pay for the incredible tax that i'm going to place on this firearm or you have to turn it in with a voluntary buy back which essentially is nothing more than a gun con face scation i don't have an option either can i afford to pay the tax on it or i have to give up my guns. the only people that hurts is people from lower economic status who are usually in neighborhoods where they probably need these guns the most. people who are wealthier won't have a problem paying these taxes. so who is he actually trying to help? ainsley: with defunding police so many police officers retiring. now with this buy back we are not allowed to have certain types of weapons if they get their way. it's very scary if you have a gun to protect your family or a weapon to protect your family. what if the democrats win the
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senate with these two elections in georgia in january what does that mean? >> that's interesting you bring that up because i was actually going to talk about that. i think anybody who is firearm owner especially those who live in georgia i think the run off election that's going on in georgia right now probably most important election with respect to the second amendment considering that the two individuals democrats that are running have voiced their basically -- they are essentially anti-gun. from that perspective, if they do take the senate, we're going to find ourselves in a situation that if joe biden is the president you you would have kamala harris as the person who would be deciding ty breakers on particular bills. we know what the democrats plan to do with respect to gun control especially pushing assault weapons ban. ainsley: she says in the past she does support the mandatory buy back of assault weapons. colion noir thank you for joining us. glad you are safe after that guy was at your front door so long. thank you. dr. fauci taking a swipe at democrats and the media for pushing the idea that the
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we now, as the vice president said, are tell you that help is on the way, which has two aspects to it, it means we need to double down on the public health measures as we are waiting for that help to come, which will be soon. we will be getting vaccine doses into people at high priority at the end of december. brian: get those cotton balls ready. are you going to be ready? are we going to make it. "fox & friends weekend" co-host will cain, jedediah behl and pete hegseth. those aren't their real names we will use them on tv. i will use them now because we are on tv. jedediah, are you concerned about the politicization of the vaccine since donald trump was rushing it which we all know wasn't true? jedediah: i'm concerned about it in the sense that shouldn't happen these are great companies that are working really hard to bring forth opportunities for people to not get sick and that
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should be celebrated. however, i don't think that's going to be something that weighs heavily on people's minds. i think when it comes to something like this, like a vaccine, you are really going to have two groups of people. people who are first in line that say give it to me i trust it i want the vaccine. this is how i feel about medicine and then you will have people who sit back for a minute and let me just see how this plays out not because of you who they feel about the trump administration or how they feel about politics but because of you who they feel about medicine and that's just going to be a difference. gallup had a poll out this month that showed that 58% of people would be willing to get the vaccine. now that sounds like a low number to some because that leaves a whole lot of people who won't. the number is actually up from september. in september it was 50%. it will head more and more in the right direction. as people get more comfortable with the vaccine and comfortable with side effects and things of that nature. steve: one of the things in new york city we all have children and all work in new york city. will, have you got kids in new york city. and yesterday the mayor closed the schools and we were just
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talking about the archdiocese of new york their phone is ringing off the hook because they are open while the city, bowing to the teacher's union essentially, where they came up with that 3% positivity rate, has closed the schools. >> i'm sure catholic schools ring off the hook. do you know who else's phone ringing off the hook movers? people leaving the city and ride to move into the suburbs. the phone not ringing off the hook wealthy people in new york city kids in elite private schools paying $50,000 a year are continuing with in person learning. this impacts, as we all know these policies impact low income students who have no other choice. and, to me, what this reveals is the left, while preaching, continuously about standing up for not just children but those who come from difficult circumstances are largely giving you nothing but fluff and words. once again, when it comes down to it, who do they stand by? steve, as you pointed out, the
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teacher's union. who did they stand with? the teacher's union. who did they sell down the river not just children but poor, low income children who now have no option for learning. at least not any high level as we move into the winter in this city. ainsley: pete, how is this affecting you? i know you and jen together have seven kids. i remember back in the spring you started what did you call it hegseth university or something. you took matters into your own hands. what are you doing now? pete: hegseth higher learning. we have kids in christian school and catholic school and so far they are open. but it is in and out and in and virtual and one kid has an exposure so that class is closed. it's very tenuous. thank goodness the catholic schools here in new jersey have been strong on this. it's an absolute no brainer, guys. kids have 99.9999 whatever survival rate. they are fine. send them to school. teachers can wear masks. if they don't want to go, they
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don't have to. it defies the science. and dr. fauci on the stage, i don't want to hear from dr. fauci. if he had his way i would be sleeping with a mask on in a room by myself. same guy that said after a vaccine we are still going to have to wear masks in perpetuity. i was jarred to see him on the strange yesterday after the statements he has made in the past. i will step back a little bit and say the press conference i was really most interested in yesterday was the president's legal team laying out what they have seen happening and if even a shred of that is substantiated, we're in a big -- we are in bad place and we should be examining every single quarter of whether or not this election truly was a sham. people are watching a lot of different things it. effects their lives and at the bottom line it shoul kids shoule going back to school. it's not hard. teachers are running this thing. brian: unbelievable how many parents can't work because of that and now all of a sudden have to get day care. so listen, you guys did a lot of booking during the week. kayleigh mcenany is going to be one of your guests.
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governor mike huckabee. jedediah why would you book steve doocy? jedediah: i was just wondering that myself, steve. that's my favorite guest of the weekend. i don't know. i'm hoping that he is going to bring some food because is he usually be counted on for that. but i'm not sure just yet. steve: listen, you know, because we have got that "happy in a hurry cookbook," a great gift for christmas, we have a holiday chapter and because everybody is doing smaller turkeys tomorrow i'm going to make for you guys a bacon braided turkey breast, which is the best turkey you can make this year and a special i just dropped off in the green room refrigerator a ritz cracker crust peanut butter pie. so that's your enticement to come to work tomorrow. brian: too much scientists looking for nutritional value we will find out if we can get any. steve: listen it's delicious. you tried it and you loved it. brian: it's great. ainsley: my grandmother's dressing recipe is in there if
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you are looking to cook that for thanksgiving can you buy his cookbook and get the recipe. pete, tonight is such an exciting night because we honor our veterans fox news. patriots award the second annual one. tell us about. pete: second annual patriot award. it is the awards show for people who love our country. forget about celebrities. actors giving awards to actors that think they are so important but they are actually not. these are awards for people who never expected it. they have done heroic things, large and small. you will be inspired and cry and love it. brian, steve, and ainsley you are giving out the modern warrior award. we have tucker carlson and sean hannity and laura ingraham lots of stars across the network. this is the awards show america deserves. what we celebrate is a reflection of what we value. we value patriots and patriotism. the patriot awards, you are going to love it. 8:00 p.m. eastern time tonight on fox nation. don't miss it. will: ainsley, i wouldn't forgive myself if i didn't look across the brady bunch boxes i love the jacket, hegseth but
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what time is the t time with the country club with that country club jacket you have on. pete: you don't like it you are just jealous. jen told me it's holiday season i have got to jazz it up. i went for it. steve: the no necktie crew. ainsley: jedediah you have to be the referee. jedediah: i try my best, ainsley. ainsley: you do a great job, honey. we are going to be watching the patriots award. you can watch pete host that. it's going to be streaming live on fox nation tonight at 8:00 p.m. don't forget to wake up with those three tomorrow morning for the four hour show on saturday and another four hours on sunday. steve will be making an appearance, too. thanks, guys. all right. brian. brian: ainsley is going to do the impossible. she tosses to me and i will immediately toss to jillian. never before been done. anchor extravaganza. i'm a master tosser.
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jillian: good job. headlines a suspect known as psycho is arrested in connection with the death of three people in colorado. federal agents capturing convicted felon andre at a hotel in new mexico. he faces murder, assault and kidnapping charges. police found human remains belonging to three people while executing a search warrant at two different properties last week. the biden-harris team has yet to publicly answer a request to meet with black lives matter. the group's co-founder calling for a meeting to ensure the new administration knows their expectations. they believe democrats would not have won the election without the support of black people. a little boy lives out of every kid's autumn dream. take a look at this as the boy gets thrown into a massive pile of leaves. the pile was so big he got lost this them. he was able to get out just fine but the tiktok video getting nearly 900,000 views on line. that's adorable. people are bored. >> i think it's cute.
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steve: just leaf him alone. ainsley: how panicked a parent must feel get him out socially. brian: never rake. steve: there you go. thanks, jillian. legendary coach urban meyer joins to us preview this weekend's college football action straight ahead on "fox & friends." -oof- and every backache is telling you: you cannot do this. pain says you can't. advil says you can. - [announcer] forget about vacuuming for up to a month. shark iq robot deep cleans and empties itself into a base you empty as little as once a month. and unlike standard robots that bounce around it cleans row by row. if it's not a shark, it's just a robot. inflammation in your eye might be to, looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes
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ainsley: president-elect joe biden is set to meet with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer later today. their first in person meeting since the election. hillary vaughn from fox business is live in wilmington, delaware as the president-elect prepares to pick his treasury secretary. hey, hillary. >> hey, ainsley, steve, and brian, good morning. president-elect joe biden says he's already made his pick for treasury secretary and he says it's something that some think is the impossible. someone who can please progressives without making moderates mad. >> you will soon hear my choice for treasury, and you will find it is someone who i think is -- will be accepted by all elements of the democratic party progressive to the moderate coalitions. >> biden says he will go public with his announcement around thanksgiving. the president-elect has a chance to make history. the post of treasury secretary
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has only been held by white men in its 231 year history. biden's short list suggest that he will make history because on it is urge lael brain northward. federal reserve roger ferguson and janet yellen the former fed chair. one big name though missing from the list senator elizabeth warren who was favored by progressives but picking her would mean democrats would give up another seat in the senate so warren ally tells me they are betting on yellen and that she would be considered a victory for progressives. today president-elect joe biden will meet with senate minority leader chuck schumer and house speaker nancy pelosi in person here in wilmington. this will be their first in person meeting since the election. tom of the list how to get a stimulus package passed through congress. biden has said he does not want them to wait until he is in the white house to do that and it's also the president-elect's birthday today, so maybe there will be some cake involved.
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anxiously, steve, and brian? ainsley: all right. thank you so much. hillary. let's hand it over to brian. brian: all right a big weekend in college football, ainsley including a pair of must see matchups on fox. kansas state will take on iowa state and in a rivalry game actually known as farm g.e.d.en this as indiana will look to continue streak indiana comes in at number 9. wonder what our next guest says about all of that is he heading back to columbus tomorrow along with the rest of the big noon kickoff team. let's bring if fox sports college football analyst and ainsley's best friend three time national champion urban meyer. coach, you have a very intriguing matchup. did you predict, did indiana on paper have the talent to jump out to a 4-0 record beating michigan and penn state in line to take on ohio state? did you see this on paper? >> indiana has always had good players. and a guy name tom allen, the coach. >> a guy very well respected.
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but to say that we saw indiana going to beat the wolverines, michigan state and penn state three weeks in a row, i don't think saw that just a credit to that coach. they have a very good team. this is a legit team. they didn't upset those teams. they were actually better than the teams they beat earlier. brian: what about this team playing former team ohio state. are they better than ohio state? >> no. no. they have a chance, because they have good skill on offense. ohio state's secondary is still relatively young and untested but toe to toe ohio state has the better team i will tell you that team out of bloomington, indiana is playing with great energy and confidence. brian: kansas state against iowa state 12:00 claim this is the 4:00 game. tell me what we can expect. >> there iowa state is doing the hunt. a quarterback injury so they are not at full strength but iowa state is a very good team. iowa state some people still believe can go compete for that big -- getting that big 12 championship game. brian: coach, have you had a lot
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of different challenges throughout your career. if you're coaching now, with barely a training camp, with so many different challenges with the virus out there, not knowing if you are going to have to take days off because someone tests positive, what have you noticed about the level of play? >> it's talent. the veteran teams, the veteran coaching staff where systems have been in place they look fine. ohio state is a great example. you watch them play. that system has been in place for a while. they have arguably one of the best quarterbacks in america. the ones that didn't have like michigan state, michigan state had no spring practice, interrupted training camp. new systems offerly and defensively. and you would expect a team like that to struggle. so young teams, new coaching staffs, you know, you just watch them play the quality of play is not very good. brian: coach, the other thing is i know you don't think about at which what about the crowd without a substantial fan base in the stands, how has that effected the field of play especially the place like ohio
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state that gets 100,000 people? >> i always tell people it's a 7 to 10 point advantage especially in college maybe not in pros because they are pros. college kids you go to penn state and play in the whiteout in front of 110,000 people in my mind that was always a 7 to 10 point differently we had to overcome. now it's not there. it's a scrimmage environment. shoot indiana as happy as can be go play at noon won't be people in the stadium. the typical issues like not hearing the snap count, communication flaw issues and all that, that's not there. so it's a big advantage for a visiting team when you go to a place like ohio state and play. brian: are you enjoying these hits with us or would you rather be sleeping. >> no, you know, brian i usually just talk to ainsley, not you but that's okay. brian: i have never seen you disappointed. big losses you are taking this worse. coach, thanks so much. >> you guys are great. thanks. brian: sundays at 10:00 a.m. we will watch you and the whole team saturdays i should say kickoff on fox kickoff at 12
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urban meyer. download the fox bet super 6 app. for your chance to win a percent of terry bradshaw's money. that's why he is doing the relates show because he has got to make up the deficit. he will definitely give it away. ready for the third hour? it begins right now. . >> pfizer announced they will seek emergency federal government aapproval. >> millions of doses of vaccines 24 hours of fda approval. >> joe biden is in the lead because to have fraudulent ballots. >> it's hard to fathom how this man thinks. >> we are to the point where time for evidence in court. >> open our schools, open our schools! >> i have over 200 schools and positivity rate is 0.03. steve: pushing more mandatory
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buyback. >> the only people that hurts are people the who are from a lower economic status who are usually in neighborhoods where they probably need these guns the most. >> stepped down and -- touchdown. ♪ ♪ brian: also from the president of the united states, we have not seen much of him but we will see him on remarks of lowering drug prices and he will have a meeting from two election workers from michigan today, steve.
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steve: indeed, brian, for a lot of people today is get away day. they are estimating 50 million americans will be traveling this thanksgiving holiday. 2.5 million will be flying, ainsley, which is only about half as many as last year and the cdc says if you can, don't go anywhere. ainsley: yeah, that's right. it is november 20th, 2020 and it is friday and, you're right, a lot of people are taking the whole week off, just a few days off, maybe wednesday, thursday friday so shortened week next week. everyone deserves. recount begins in two wisconsin counties today, hey, griff. griff: hey, good morning, ainsley, brian and steve, paying $3 million for the wisconsin recount which begins today, the deadline is september 1st just in two counties there, the liberal ones in the state of dane and milwaukee.
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that's not the only battleground state where there's news -- i'm sorry, in wayne county the two gop candidate members who reversed opposition, they are speaking out about being harassed h. >> he used social media form to repeatedly dock me, post my phone number. >> when we get our -- when we are at the meeting we gets what's called and over-under report. we didn't get the report this year, this time. we were given it orally and we had to report everything by hand. griff: in georgia, biden won recount. the president's attorney giuliani laid out serious allegations of widespread voter
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fraud short on evidence making claims that had not been proven in court yet. watch. >> to any experienced investigator, probation -- prosr would suggest there's a plan from a centralized place to execute the various acts of voter fraud. griff: attorney sidney powell claiming the plot was communist in origin and came from venezuela via dominion system and with no ties to venezuela or cuba. legal scholar talked to you guys this morning and had this to say. >> the allegations raised yesterday have not been established. they're suggesting a global communist conspiracy. there are some issues that deserve to be looked at, issues of overvoting. griff: so we will hear from the president at some point here
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today, the white house behind me up in wilmington, president elect biden meeting with speaker pelosi and minority leader schumer. brian: so many states still there in the balance. let's move ahead now. 4 minutes after the hour. another story, pfizer making a major announcement on covid-19 vaccine. >> we are submitting our application for emergency use authorization to the usfda. >> don't guess my boxes and get that forward quick. 90% effective during trials. millions of doses are read write to be distributed within 24 hours of approval. steve: that's great. the white house coronavirus task force asking americans to remain vigilant as 185,000 cases were reported in the united states yesterday. also yesterday we marked the
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milestone, 250,000 americans have died so far. meanwhile president-elect joe biden has not ruled out a national mask mandate but says i'm not going to shut down the country, though. >> i am not going to shut down the economy, period, i'm going to shut down the virus. that's what i'm i'm going to sht down. i will say it again, no national shutdown. ainsley: meanwhile california's governor newsom enacting stay at home order. californians will have a curfew from 10:00 o'clock at night until 5:00 in the morning for a month. this comes just one week after the democrat came under fire for ignoring his own restrictions to attend fancy dipper party there in napa valley. let's bring in geraldo rivera, correspondent at large. hope you are too, you and erika. what do you think -- no national shutdown but he's considering,
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still on the table that mandate to wear a mask, everyone has to wear a mask? is that a good idea? geraldo: i don't know. i don't know what they should do and what they shouldn't do. i think wearing masks are polite, whether they work or not, it's so far beyond debate. people should just wear a damn mask, what's the problem? i was sitting here, ainsley, i was distracted, the old saying of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest of those it might have been. so watching the guy from pfizer saying that he's going for the emergency use authorization today, what if it was 3 weeks ago that he had the same announcement, how different world history would be if pfizer and moderna had announced that they had the fabulous vaccine and our issues, our problems were almost over and president trump would because he was the architect of it, he would have, you know, benefited, i think -- the election would have been
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entirely different story if but for timing. i had an idea with the world so divided and everybody telling him he has to give up and time to leave and time to transition and all the rest of it, why not name the vaccine the trump, make it -- have you gotten your trump yet? it would be a nice gesture to him and years from now it would become kind of a generic name. have you got your trump yet, i got my trump, i'm fine. i wished we could honor him in that way because he's definitely the prime architect of this operation warp speed and -- and but for him we'd still be waiting, you know, into the grim winter for -- for these amazing miraculous breakthroughs. >> while we wait for the cavalry to come and third vaccine to come and we will have a great 2021 in the meantime, shutdown after shutdown, business after business going belly up. in new york they are shutting
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schools. in california, the governor goes out and does what he wants. what about the shutdowns? we already know it didn't work the first time and destroyed the economy in the process even though the vice president and if he becomes president, i'm not going to have a shut down, you might as well, you're doing the same thing again. >> andrew cuomo and gavin newsom are similar personalities, they are larger than life, i want things the way they want things. what happened in new york yesterday showed arrogance of power that i thought was really very untoward and unfortunate. when they shut down public schools again, when they shut down the public schools again, 1.1 million young people now released on to the streets of the city, a lot of them have working moms, you know, with other small children at home.
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you know, homes are stressed, single-family -- brian: the rate is below 2%. it's a joke. geraldo: seems to me that egotistic attitude is driving rather than science. he said no doubt about it for k through 12, we've examined all of the data, safest place for children is to be in school in person in school and why don't we get that, why are we afraid of -- teachers union. is that what it really comes down to as something -- so common as that? i -- i hate that. i think it's a terrible, terrible idea and for me to come home, for me to be here in my hometown and to look around, you know, the avenues and see all of the plywood and closed hotels,
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i'm the only person in my hotel. big high-rise hotel, famous hotel. the bars have been broke off. brian: i know. >> it's so sad. the city needs -- brian: the governor writes a book on the good job he does. geraldo: your daily briefings are a huge hit. the reason they tune in is because they hate trump and they look for him to jab trump and the result is people ultimately look at the emperor and he has no clothes on and right now andrew cuomo has a lot to answer for, nursing home infections and a lot of other things that did not go perfectly well that were maybe submerged because of politics. steve: i think you're probably right. speaking of politics, geraldo, we heard before the election that the -- the plan of the
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progressives and including the squad, is so-called squad of freshmen congress people was to get joe biden elected as whatever he wanted to be, centrist, moderate, whatever, and then they would drag him to the political left because they have an agenda and yesterday as you can see in the images yesterday from the steps to have dnc, they were out in force and they were reminding joe biden, you won because of us and we want you to make sure that you incorporate folks that we want on your cabinet and the green new deal is something america has got to have. here are those people i was talking about yesterday directly talking to joe biden. >> that's what our next move is. to make sure that the biden administration keeps its promise. we have to organize for it. we have to bring the heat for it. i urge you all to continue
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raising this issue because we hear you, we are here with you and we standby you. >> we are going make sure that the biden administration sticks to our timeline and moving towards our timeline and so i ask all of you, do not move from the needle. do not. steve: what do you think, geraldo. do you think they'll be effective? would they be able to drag him further to the left than he is comfortable with? geraldo: you know, steve, having an agenda is different than having a mandate. they have an agenda. i agree they have an agenda whether it's green new deal, you know, critical race theory teaching, whatever. they have an agenda but the results of this election, steve, indicated that there is zero appetite for that agenda in the united states today. we are a conservative nation and in many ways, i don't mean conservative politics, we are slow to change, when he want
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consensus, we go with the flow and we have an idea. we go with it. there's no kind of consensus. there's no ground swell of support for the green new deal or any of the other activist programs. this -- this crowd is totally out of touch. they better check with nancy pelosi because the last time i looked, the democratic majority in the house of representatives had been wheedled down to 5-6 members, a couple of defectors, a couple of them being conservative. nancy pelosi may have a very difficult time controlling her own house caucus much less passing, sweeping legislation that changes the way, you know, people do business in this country. ainsley: yeah, i have to imagine she's walking on egg shells and doesn't want to upset the prerogatives. geraldo: right. nice to see you. ainsley: happy thanksgiving. geraldo: that's right, i will think of you when we do the --
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brian: good luck in the geraldo hotel. ainsley: yeah, now that everyone knows where you're staying, get ready to sign autographs. let's head over to jillian, she has headlines. jillian: good morning, you can see flames shooting into the air east of baton rogue. no word on what caused the crash. a protestor pleads guilty in role for setting a minneapolis police precinct on fire. police say bryce williams helped torch a molotov cocktail thrown by another man in may riots following the deaths of george floyd. williams threw boxes, 3 alleged coconspirators have been charged but not pleaded guilty. vice president mike pence is going on campaign trail. he's headed to georgia to rally support for incumbent senators
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david perdue and kelly loeffler in runoff election and determine whether gop keeps senate majority. they are being challenged by jon ossoff and warnock. and tis the season for finding the perfect tree. >> it's frozen from the way down. >> it's part of the experience, honey. >> there it is. [laughter] jillian: the capital christmas tree will arrive in washington, d.c. after cross-country trip. it was chosen from the grand mason national park in colorado, tradition of the people's tree began in 1964 although some of us have put up and decorated a tree. steve: what, before thanksgiving? jillian: yeah. steve: you really are bored during the pandemic. jillian: give me something to
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ainsley: today pfizer will seek emergency fda approval for covid-19 vaccine. if approved the doses would have to be stored in extremely low temperatures and edward lawrence from fox business with more. hey, edward. >> yeah, this is where they make the storage units. this is one of the units that they are testing right now.
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negative 96 celsius. the pfizer vaccine has to be negative 70 celsius. they can handle that. these refrigerators would hold tens of thousands of doses. to get ready for this, there's a lot of phone calls to make sure the machines are in the distribution chain. mitch is vice president and general manager of controlled temperature division. tell me, how did you know how many to have, how much production to do right now so you guys have enough? >> thank you, edward. has been main contributor for covid response. when we heard that pharmaceutical companies were going to begin manufacturing material. >> so as early as march and april we began planning for what was going to be needed for production and logistics to the point where we are now. so we began this journey back in
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march and we developed, you know, our -- our demand plan. >> they started hiring through the summer, they are continuing to hire as of right now. 700 employees, units out the door, ainsley. ainsley: such exciting news. steve, over to you. steve: mayor bill de blasio is warning indoor dining could be next. our next guest actually owns new york's oldest restaurant that has withstood the revolutionary war, devastating floods, hurricane sandy, you name it and now he fears another indoor dining -- dining ban could be the greatest threat yet. existential. good morning. >> good morning. steve: this couldn't come at a worst time. thanksgiving is your biggest
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week. if it happens then, what happens to you? >> i have to go order turkeys for thanksgiving and i have to go to plan b if the close happens before thanksgiving. it's impossible way to do business. steve: indeed, it is, as we look at the exterior which is legendary, how have you been operating over the last month or two? >> we have been working -- doing things that we've never done before and working outdoor dining, we started ramping up delivery options, delivering beer and food as well as own merchandise. these were things that we had never done before because we were all about selling an persons at tavern so we have to shift gears and, you know, so far that's been going okay but in order to get us through with another shutdown, i'm not sure.
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steve: that's right. and you've been able to just barely break even at 25% capacity. if the mayor says you know what, we are going to close down indoor dining, boom, like that, what's going to happen to you? >> i quite possibly will survive but i say at least 50% of restaurants are about to hand back their keys. 150,000 people that are going to be laid off and we would have to lay off our staff, again, coming up to christmas. that's 150,000 families, you know. it's a horrible situation to be in especially when there's no guidance for this with regards to infections and restaurants. it's not happening here. we spent thousands of dollars on social distancing, on air filtration systems, we are doing everything right.
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it doesn't come from our schools either. they are shutting down our schools. my daughter is in kindergarten and she's at home for the foreseeable future. steve: we heard from the top dr. at the cdc, redfield, that the schools are the safest places for the kids to be. about an hour we had superintendent of schools for the arch diocese of new york, they are open. the superintendent said the positivity rate in his school is .003 whereas mayor de blasio turned things off much like the image of you we have right there at 3%. eddy, what's the positivity rate in the neighborhood of frances tavern, it's around 3%? >> the last i checked was under 2% which, again, driving us
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crazy. it doesn't make sense. steve: yeah, because, you know, they are trying to do things in zones. if it's a hot zone, put restrictions in the hot zones, but instead if they are going to say, 3% some place, we will close everybody down, that's crazy. eddy, before you go, there's real good chance that mayor de blasio is watching right now, governor cuomo watching right now, what would you like to say to them as a small businessman? >> as a small businessman i would like to say that our restaurant, new york restaurants are the heart and soul of new york city. if they want anything to come back to when this is all over, they can't close restaurants. they have to go where the problems are and the problems are at home. they're not in the restaurants, they're not in our schools. they have to go with the science. steve: it is crazy that you -- that place has been there since the revolutionary war and what ultimately might shut you down is a mayor looking at an
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arbitrary number. >> yeah, it just makes no sense. they need to have a plan b. they need to have some disaster relief supporting businesses else or else there will be no more. steve: no kidding. the thoughts of a nation are on small business people and we are all trying to get through the challenging times and let's see what the mayor does at new york city. eddy, legendary lower manhattan. thank you very much. 8:28, democrats taking total control of congress and the white house, one to have candidates in georgia, senator kelly loeffler will join us next .
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>> they had a 3.5% rejection rate in the last election, you know what the ballot rejection rate for signatures was in this election 0.3%. well, four times more ballots they've entered into a consent decree, the secretary of state with stacy abrams that's really polluted the database that you would compare a signature to. they failed to take people off the rolls. to verify a ballot signature in georgia you need one person. it's not bipartisan, it's done by a single individual and whatever agenda they have, that's what happens. brian: and if you don't straighten that out it might be impossible for a republican to win in georgia and with two senates seat to keep majority,
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joining us now the current georgia senator kelly loeffler, she wants that job for 6 more years and we will find out on january 5th whether she got it. senator, welcome, before i talk to you about what you plan on doing over the 63-day campaign, can you respond to what the senator said, can you get somebody in the room to examine the mail-in ballots this time? >> well, brian, good morning, you're exactly right and lindsay is right. we need a bipartisan look at these signatures at these ballots and make sure that every legal vote is counted and that no illegal vote is counted. georgians deserve to know, look, they went to the polls, they waited in line, they researched their candidates, they made their voice is heard and we need to make sure that's taken care of right away because everything is on the line on january 5th not just in georgia but the entire country. >> how are you going to do that? are you going to talk to the secretary of state who seems a
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little, i guess, different than most republicans? are you going to talk to the governor who has been invisible? >> well, look, i raised concerns after the primary election here in january where a thousand votes, a thousand people voted twice and i've made my voice heard more recently. i've suggested that the secretary of state should step down. we need to have control over our elections, someone has to be accountable. the buck stops with the secretary of state and we need to make sure that georgians trust the process, we need people to turn out. for our race, absentee ballots have gone out starting wednesday for our january fifth runoff. so georgians have to trust the process and know that only legal votes will be counted. brian: very interesting you have a reverend raphael warnock running against you and he's come out and called the ferguson cop thugs, you can't serve the military and god and mentor was
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jeremiah white, i'm not sure that's going to resonate with the moderate georgian, do you? >> not at all, what georgians want is economic opportunity, safety and security and you have someone in raphael warnock, he's chuck schumer's, stacy abrams hand-picked choice for the seat. he's a radical radical. he called police officers, gangsters, thugs and threat to our children. when i asked him to apologize in our debate, he declined to do that. he said you can't serve in the military and serve god. he's made antiisrael comments, he called israel an apartheid state. that is not only wrong for georgia, it's wrong for america. i think georgians are going to hold him accountable for his words, those are his words at the ballot box on january 5th and you can learn more at and you can understand in his own words how radical he is. brian: senator, i know you -- sadly we are out of time but you did speak to the president and he does plan on helping you in
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any way he can and you will debate, you will have a debate where david perdue will not have a debate. senator, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. brian: we reached out to raphael warnock and invited him on the show and did not hear back. lawrence jones next ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit,
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♪ ♪ >> black and brown communities organize across the country to make sure joe biden won the white house and he did that. but now it's time for payback and it's time to make sure that we invest the resources necessary to rebuild our nation in a way that is representative of all of us so we can truly have the people's house. steve: new york congressman elect jamal bowman joined the so-called yesterday delivering message of payback as progressives to influence president elect biden and vice president elect harris' agenda. ainsley: here to react fox news analyst lawrence jones, hi, lawrence. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning, what do you make of that? he's saying joe biden, you owe
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us. >> he's right and i cannot wait for this. look, i may disagree with the squad and the new squad members on the ideology, but the fact of the matter is they worked very hard, they got people elected, they got people to the polls an joe biden should be thanking them. i think as i continue to say the nation is yearning for this ideology debate, will you choose wealth over poverty, socialism over low taxes and opportunity to invest in your own business and do what you want with your own money or go with what these guys are selling? and so to see the debate and holding joe biden to the fire for the fact that they got people to turn out to the polls, i can't wait for it. brian: very interesting because when you look at what they want, they are going the find out if they are going to get it by the people he names in his cabinet. if they don't have the agenda and the background that they want, i don't know how long they stay in line and with just a few
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vote advantage in the house, you know who should be lining up the microphone and providing press releases is republicans, let them know the more they speak, the more divided the party gets. >> the fact of the matter is this, you can't just put people, black faces in front and think that's going to be enough. and i think that has been joe biden's philosophy so far, is to appoint people based on the skin color instead of doing something that's going to actually impact those communities, again, i disagree with the ideology of these squad members but they do have an idea and the fact is will joe biden line up with the ideology and be reflective in legislation as well as people that share that ideology in his cabinet. it doesn't seem like he's going that direction. he's appointed moderates even when it comes to the congressman from louisiana. he doesn't share the ideology of
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the squad. he's a moderate and he was one that was going to be potentially challenged in the next election, so, again, what is he going to do? you can't serve two masters and the fact of the matter is, the squad members aren't going anywhere and as i said before, i'm going enjoy every bit of this. steve: speaking of not going anywhere, the cdc made it clear yesterday that as people think about thanksgiving next week when 50 million people are supposed to travel, the cdc said, hey, if you can, don't go anywhere, right? >> yeah, this is what they are saying and i had the opportunity to talk with new yorkers about it, take a look. >> so the cdc is recommending people don't travel or get together for thanksgiving, is that going too far or the right move? >> it's the right move, necessary unfortunately. >> it's really difficult to tell people what to do and put restrictions on them because people are human, people need to be with their families. >> the governors and mayors
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telling us to put on a mask, telling us to socially distance and then you look at they're not wearing a mask. >> they've kept the country ignorant because they were preaching one thing and doing another. >> i think shame on them. i think it sets a bad example and certainly has been done anything to keep our country safer. steve: people seemed steamed. >> at the end people that i interviewed that were going to be travel, they didn't want to go on camera because they didn't want to be fired from their jobs. guys, i'm so sick of this. i understand we need to protect the vulnerable and take the virus seriously, they told us 15 days to slow the spread. the fact is that you have individuals that are in power that play by different rules. when is enough going to be enough? when are we going to take the children and mental health? the fact is that we have been all on air, media people and governors saying we are in this together, we've never been in
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this together. the rich, the powerful and well-connected play by different rules and the -- and the simple fact that they're able to tell americans to limit themselves and to stay in their studio apartments and not go interact with their family members, i'm afraid that the mental health is going to be catastrophic. you have people committing suicides. veterans that are going through -- i don't think it's fair to average day americans, they keep changing the rules on us and keep telling us one thing and living a different way. it's not right. ainsley: all right, lawrence, thank you, great to see you, have a good weekend. steve: don't go anywhere. man. ainsley: janice. take it away. janice: as we head into thanksgiving quieter weather. no hurricanes, no snowstorms and we will breathe a sigh of
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relief. let's take a look at it. you know what, we will warm up across the northeast. it's been cold here. a taste of what's to come. warm those temperatures up and in terms of moisture, i mean, it's limited across the northwest, the plain states, we could see a little bit of snow across the great lakes but really not a big deal. we are not talking about a severe weather threat either. here is your forecast, much of the country with milder temperatures, this is the forecast as we head into next week, much quieter and i'm very glad of that let me tell you. have a great weekend, my friends. brian: go get them, janice. thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, country singer super star tim montana making debut this morning but first he joins us with a special performance you don't want to miss. ♪ it's moving day. and while her friends
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following last saturday's million maga march in washington, d.c. video shaws attacks against those wearing maga hats and stalking families as they tried to escape the counter-protestors. clashing with the president supporters, tens of thousands of people descended on washington as the president challenges the results of the 2020 election. now in a letter to the committee democratic chairwoman, gop lawmakers are slamming what they call silence from washington, d.c. mayor calling her actions part of a broader pattern of discrimination. republicans allege that mayor only cares about violence in her city when people who share her viewpoints are the victims. steve. steve: all right, carley shimkus, thank you very much. ainsley, over to you. ainsley: thank you, steve, well you know him from hit song
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american thread, now country singer tim montana is making his label debut with his brand-new ep cars on blocks and it's out today and he joins us now to celebrate the release. hey, tim. >> good morning, thanks for having me. ainsley: you're welcome, when i saw cars on blocks made me chuckle a little bit because it takes me back. tell me your story. >> i grew up in trailer house off the grid till 18 and you had a car on the block in the driveway in case you needed spare parts, you never know. ainsley: that is great american story. i know you collaborated with big stars that helped inspire you to write the songs. tell the folks at home who you worked with? >> on this one, wrote some of the stuff with david lee murphy. great song writer that contributed with us, michael knox, producer, brand new songs
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and, you know, country lifestyle. ainsley: you always do such a great job focusing on so many people important to the risk of the country and that's military, first responders, hard-working americans. tell us how they have inspired you when you're sitting down pen to paper to write the songs? >> man, i grew up that way. first responders, that's important to me to tell their stories in crazy times. you know, we need the essential people that are out there hustling, working. ainsley: i know you're friends with -- you write a song with evil caneval. what are we going to hear today? >> anyone that's not afraid to
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>> it will be a great program. join brian kilmeade radio worldwide on all the channels. we'll watch. everybody, it's been a long week. have a great weekend. we'll see you back here on monday. >> trace: fox news alert. michigan state lawmakers set to meet with president trump at the white house in a few hours. this after republican canvassers tried to rescind their votes to certify wayne county's elections results claiming they were bullied into siding with democrats. i'm trace gallagher. >> martha: good to be with you this morning. i'm martha maccallum. sandra smith is off today. the chairwoman of the wayne county board of canvassers says she is being harassed over this situation last night she said a poll challenger has been waging an online campaign against her. >> it has continued. he has used his
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