tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News December 20, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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he said he just wants to, quote, see everyone living good, loving and being free. sounds like a pretty good presidential platform to me. congratulations on your run, president bodee. maria: welcome -- hello, welcome to justice, i am lisa booth. thank you for being with us tonight. we have a big he show ahead with guests including gop members of congress, andy biggs and jim banks. we'll discuss new developments on the covid vaccine with dr. marc siegel. later on, i'll be talking with trump campaign senior advisor, katrina pearson and others. a busy weekend as negotiations in the house continue for a covid relief bill. let's get the conversation started with chairman of the house freedom caucus and arizona congressman, andy biggs who joins me now. congressman, thank you for being here many i want to get to you about the covid talks that are happening right now. i want to get your take and
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what's happening in california. twe've got the recall efforts really gaining steam to recall gavin newsom. we've seen an assemblyman there introduce a bill to try to curtail gavin newsom's emergency powers. he said gavin newsom for 300 days has been making unilateral decisions without consulting and working with the legislature. do you think looking at all this, are californians finally waking up? >> i think so, lisa. i'm looking at it. as you know, we get a lot of people from california into erizona and they are fed up quite frankly with governor suesome. and --p newsom. governor newsom issued orders andd mandates, he affected businesses, he shut them down. we've had loss of jobs over there. and in the meantime he hasn't bothered to actually fulfill his responsibility by following those laws and mandates that he's put on these people. it's really created some unrest over there. and that's why i think you're
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seeing the legislature starting to say look, we should be making some of these decisions, number one. number two, that's why that recall movement is really picking up steam according to my friends and resources in california. >> there's also these conversations we should be having about just basic freedoms. so many americans across the country are really being robbed of their freedoms by the liberal politicians. a lot of businesses and restaurants robbed of the at to try to earn a living in this country. my question to you is, are we still a free country? >> well, we're seeing i'm limited. it's more than hypocrisy. we talk about hypocrisy all the time, particularly from people who are imposing the mandates. when you are -- we all have a little bit of hypocrisy in us. when you start telling other people you have to follow this law and you are exempt from that law, as newsom has done, as we've had mayors, we've had nother of governors do the same
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thing, it becomes a tyranny and this imposition upon us and i believe quite frankly we've lost a significant amount of our freedom because normally what i would say is, each one of us assesses the risk that we take every day, we make decisions every day based on how we assess those risks and we accept the consequences and responsibility. we have had that tab adan -- taken away from us, we've had imposition by lawmakers but not really lawmakers, by governors and mayors and county leaders and they're not following the same rules the rest of us are and it's really causing a problem and i think we have seen a loss of freedom. the question is, will we fully recover from that and how long will it take if we do. >> i think that's a great question. and i also think -- when wee see these leaders and they're not even following their own guidelines, i mean, we've seen it time and type again with gavin newsom, we saw it with the denver, colorado mayor, the list goes on.
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nancy pelosi, all of these people. so when that happens, doesn't it undermine their citizens' faith in the policies and regulations that they're rolling out and implementing? >> yeah. i mean, think about this. the institutions in america are already under attack and people question them whether it's the election institutions, public health policy institutions. when you have your leaders as well, that brings -- for instance, nim the congress. we are really held with a disregard by most americans today and that part of it is because we have not lived by the laws that we placed on people and i single out of speaker pelosi in but also in the states as well. the americanel people, they know intuitively that lawmakers havea authority only because the people give them that power by voting for them and in our constitution and in the state constitutions. we are seeing that being you
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abused and that's why people don't trust us anymore. they simply don't trust us. >> and congressman, this weekend we're seeing negotiations right now, an on of us in spending -- an ominous spending bill and covid relief package. where do you stand on those two items? >> well, we have about $500 billion that you could put back for pp for small businesses without having to allocate any new money or appropriate any new money. that could be done immediately, could have been done months ago but for political purposes. they're bloating up the relief package now and they're bloating up the omnibus package. they're going of to marry those together. you're going to have one bill out of the two and it's going to be the biggest spending bill as far as i know of in the history of this country which means within the history of the world, it's going to be about $2.5 trillion. lisa, that is so dangerous what we're doing. the best relief package
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americans could get right now is to open up the economy, let mainstream people be free -- let people be free people, let them make decisions like we were talking about and i think you'd see the economy come back quickly and people would of get their jobs back and it would be great for this country but this bill that they're combining, two bills into, would be a huge, huge burden for our future generation for sure. >> congressman, thanks so much for joining me tonight. appreciate it. >> thanks, lisa. >> now to another major story this week. eric swalwell and his relationship with the suspected chinese spy, pressure is mounting for nancy pelosi to remove swalwell for his highly sensitive house intelligence committee commission. 17 house members sent a letter to pelosi demanding his removal from the committee, one of those members, indiana congressman jim banks joins me right now.
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i've got to ask you, why is eric swalwell still on thesk house intel committee? >> lisa, your guess is as good as mine. really, this is the most astonishing part of the story. it's been a very public story for a couple of weeks but nancy pelosi has known that eric swalwell was compromised by a chinese communist spy for years and still she appointed him to the committee. she's allowed him to serve on the committee. and even with the liability of the rest of america now knowing what she knew privately, that a chinese communist spy had compromised eric swalwell, she still has yet to do anything about it. i've got a couple of theories. either eric swalwell has something or the chinese communist party has something on nancy pelosi herself or nancy pelosi needs ericar swalwell's vote really badly in a couple of weeks to be reelected as speaker of the house. nothing else makes sense at this point why she hasn't removed him from the committee. >> well, you serve on the china task force for republicans.
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we also saw this with senator dianne feinstein.he her driver was a spy. her driver of 20 years was a spy. why does china pick these certain targets? is it intentional or do you know why they pick these certain targets. >> it's extremely intentional. this stretches far and wide and we're becoming more and more aware of the china threat, the espionage techniques that the ccp uses, it stretches into corporate america, stretches into hollywood. it stretches into professional sports, the way they coerced the nba last year is a really big example. what makes this story different involving eric swalwell is that they identified him as a city councilman with some political upside, this spy coerced him into a relationship, an intimate one it appears and over time they helped get him elected to congress, helped staff his office. this spy herself was involved in
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his organization. so you start piecing this together and it tells us that this is a part of a very deepan strategy by the chinese communist party to infiltrate our government and in this case eric swalwell is privy to the most highly classified and sensitive information that's provided to any member of congress serving of o on the hoe intelligence committee. this is a real threat. the fact that nancy pelosi is turning a blind eye to the threat is probably a signed sign of what we're going to see into the future. under kevin mccarthy house arrepublicans have been tough on china. the democrat party today has become a tool of the chinese communist party. the chinese communist party has the democrat party in their back pocket and eric swalwell's case it's even worse. >> d and about that, i mean, wt do you think she was trying to gain from him? >>e' well, they saw the politicl upside. why nancy pelosi put him on the house intelligence committee,
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knowing this was going on all along, is at this point still a mystery. kevin mccarthy, the republican leader, was briefed by the fbi yesterday. he came out of the briefing and said eric swalwell should be immediately removed from the house intelligence committee. nancy pelosi hasn't removed him yet and we can only speculate about why. but the democrats at this point are showing that they're the pro-china party under leader mccarthy's leadership, the china task force, other efforts, republicans have been tough on china. that's the difference between the parties. you're going to see emerge even further. every single pick by joe biden to this point for his administration has a pro-china record, pro-china rhetoric, in some cases financial entanglements, not to mention the hunter biden corruption probe into his relationship with the chinese communist party entities. this is deep and wide for the democrat party. they know it n have a chance to do the right thing and remove eric a swalwell and they haven't. >> why is the china daily being
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delivered to congress? i know this is an effort that you've been trying to get at. the china daily is propaganda for the chinese communist party but it is delivered to congressional offices on capitol hill. why? >> yeah. this was one of the most astonishing things that has happened to me since i became a member of congress. i've been there for four years. every day, the china daily, a propaganda piece of the chinese communist party appears mysteriously on my doorsteps as other members of congress. i asked speaker pelosi, why is that allowed, why can't we stop a tool of the chinese government from being a propaganda rag from being delivered to our doorsteps. she's been completely silent. she's never addressed my letter and i followed up time and time again with her office about how that could be the case. it's a sign of, again, what has become of american politics, democrats are on the side of china. republicans are the tough oncr
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china party. real quick, so there is a deductibility fix, potentially on capitol hill. what happened, a lot of the small businesses who took out ppp loans, they thought they would i ultimately be able to deduct the expenses, paid for with the ppp funding. the irs is saying they can't. you're trying to change this. what do we know about that and what's going on in capitol hill right now? >> that's got to be a piece of the covid relief deal and as republicans negotiate with nancy pelosi who made it very difficult to negotiate with her, by the way, she's demanding blue state bailout for democrat states as her key piece of the negotiation, republicans are trying to solve p this problemat with ppp loans to small businesses that are keeping so many american families employed and paying them what they need to feed their families and pay their bills and yet pelosi has held all of that hostage for
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bailouts to states like illinois. i come from indiana and hard omworking hoosiers shouldn't ben the hook to bail out illinois who had deficits for decades before the pandemic. that's the outrageous part of the negotiation. speaker pelosi should come to her senses and do the right thing and pass a bill that solves the problems. >> it could be a 37% tax increase for some of the small businesses who thought they could deduct the expenses and now the irs is saying they can't. big issue. thank you for fighting on it. appreciate you. thanks, congressman. >> thank you. >> still ahead, i speak with a restaurant owner in los angeles, fed up with dems' crazy covid regulations and how he's ready to fight back, plus veteran joey jones on how we can make a difference for military families this christmas season. next, dr. marc siegel weighs in on the historic covid vaccine rollout, the second vaccine now approved and what it all means
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lisa: that's a flashback from joe biden talk about his vaccine scepticism about president trump's warp speed a couple months ago. but now that vaccine is rolled out and successful, he's set to receive his vaccine along with his wife jill biden. author of the new back to, "the politics of fear and the power of science" and fox news contributor, dr. marc siegel joins us now. kamala harris did the same thing, she raised doubt about the vaccine. how much damage did they do? >> that does a lot of damage. we already have a lot of vaccine
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hesitancy in the united states. they are coming out at warp speed. the science is there. the fda is advised by top scientists. it's the wrong kind for doubting and politics and i might not take it. i'm glad to see the political leaders come forward and start taking it. but then you had the state saying my state got 30% less of the pfizer vaccine it was supposed to get in the first week. all this grumbling sows dissent and fear. but the chief operating officer of the vaccine rollout said the buck stops here. that kind of leadership is what we need. as well as the healthcare workers who lined up and said i will take it and i won't even take a day off.
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lisa: you look at the fact there have been some allergy responses to the covid-19 vaccine. the fda is looking into the allergic responses. how much confidence to you have in these two vaccines? >> i talked to experts involved in the process. i am very confident. they have been tested for several years. this technology was first developed in the 1990s. and when you see a rollout and start giving it to millions and you will see occasional side effects. i am not that concerned about that. because in the united kingdom those two patients were carrying an epipenn with them. but that's what you normally see.
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that's the growing pains of an extremely successful vaccine. it's the glass half full. they are tolerating it with a headache for a day, maybe slight muscle aches and a fever for a dane it goes away. lisa: president trump and the administration never get the credit they deserve. can you talk about how successful operation warp speed has been? >> it's unprecedented. it has president trump's signature on it. he's a deal maker. you have the u.s. military involved in this, and that's never been done. when i heard that, i knew the ridge trey ray tore trucks would work. and you have cvs and walgreens
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involved. and fedex is delivering the doses and ups. this is unbelievable. all hands on deck and the top scientists in the world involved in this. that's what makes it historical and everybody should be cheering for this, not just one side. lisa: doctor, thank you for joining us tonight. coming up, joe biden sits down for yet another softball interview. will anybody in the media every ask him a challenging question? presents under the bed. narrow to those whose dogs... also fit under the bed. no, not that one. ok, that one. meaning, you. you're the one we made mywalgreens for.
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm joh jon scott. congress in session on this sunday, inching closer to an agreement on a pandemic relief bill. the house and senate could vote tonight before government funding expires at midnight. they may have to pass a stop gap bill first and move to a final vote on monday or tuesday. millions of doses of the second coronavirus vaccine began shipping this morning and a third could be just weeks away. white house testing czar says
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the fda could give johnson & johnson's vaccine emergency approval as soon as next month, following those from pfizer and moderna. and in ohio, we await a decision from governor mike dewine on a new stand your ground bill, it would remove the requirement that someone must try to retreat before shooting in self-defense. ism jon scott, i'll see you in a half hour. now back to justice. >> people who want to make hay in washington will try to use your adult son as a cudgel against you. how do you feel about that and what do you have to say to those people. >> we have great confidence in our son. i'm not concerned about allegations against him. it's used get to me. i think it's foul play. but it is what it is.
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he's the smartest man i know from a pure intellectual capacity. as long as he's good, we are good. lisa: joe biden defending his son and the late show with stephen colbert. let's get the conversation started with trump 2020 senior advisor, katrina pierson and jessica tarlov. remember in 2019 joe biden said he never talked to his son about his overseas business dealing. we flow that to be a lie -- we know that to be a lie now. >> we got the emails from the questionable laptop. lisa: jess, we know he took his
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son and an official visit to chiena. and met with his son's business official while he was there. why would he say that when all the evidence points against it. >> i wouldn't say all the evidence points against it. quite to the contrary you have that event where hunter biden did travel with his father. but the "wall street journal" debunked the report and found no role for joe biden as chairman that was referred to in those emails. you will see it's concocted to take down the biden family. there is no evidence that joe biden benefited from that. nepotism is not a crime. and that's all there is. you have the "wall street journal," the "new york times," "the washington post."
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the "new york post" article about how hunter biden -- sorry, i'm getting my words confused. how hunter biden had done something et cetera, et cetera. the "new york times" investigated and found the person who wrote the article didn't want their name on the by line. lisa: katrina, i read the "wall street journal" article that jess is referencing. it said he didn't have an official role. and it doesn't mean he wasn't trying and he wasn't tangentially involved. if you look at hunter biden's emails that no one from the bind team dismissed or said they wouldn't authentic. it talks about 10% for the big guy.
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we have tony bobulinski who said he met with joe biden twice for this potential deal with the chinese energy company. i just don't buy it when people are trying to disassociate joe biden from this. >> people pushing the russia hoax doing extensive investigations where president trump's son was seen ad by senate for farless investigation. and it received wall to wall coverage. but now we see the pot and the kettle. but the difference is joe biden won't have tor withhold a billion dollars, now he will be able to fire the u.s. attorney which is reassuring the swamp is back in safe hands with the
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establishment so it will be business as usual enriching the politicians and their friends because that's left for the rest of us. there is a lot of evidence that the press didn't cover tony bobulinski when he held a press conference when he discussed articles being suppressed by big tech. if it were trump being called the big guy receiving 10%, there would have been wall to wall coverage. the double standard is egregious. lisa: joe biden has said he has confidence in his son and he did nothing wrong. should he support a special counsel? >> i am not sure he needs to get to a special counsel. we'll see where the investigation goes. i know team trump wants to do as
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much as they can in their final days in office to even shire they make life as miserable as possible for the bidens. donald trump tried to pressure the ukrainian president to investigate the bidens. let them investigate his finances. hunter is a big boy. but i want to remind everybody. joe biden was on the ballot. hunter biden wasn't on the ballot. there is no credible evidence that joe biden personally benefited from any way from what hunter biden was doing. or that hunter did anything wrong. nepotism is not a crime. >> i would argue text messages and emails are evidence. and it has not been disputed.
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i think there is evidence. and of course there should be a special counsel. if it's good enough for the trump family it should be good enough for the biden family. >> i don't think the bind camp denied that joe biden met with tony bobulinski. but we have to leave it there. katrina, jessica, appreciate you guys joining me tonight. just ahead, unreasonable covid restrictions destroying small businesses. one restaurant owner is taking on the california owner himself to try to save his livelihood.
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plexiglas. we went outdoors. now that's getting shut down. there is no scientific evidence that shows outdoor dining is contributing to a rise in cases. lisa: he's fighting back as he tries to keep his business open against gavin newsom's orders. did you ever think you would have the government trying to prevent you from earning a living or being able to keep your restaurants open? >> no, i never thought i would get past the excessive taxes and restrictive regulations. not the actual hand crushing down on the businesses. lisa: you mentioned in the video you already spent thousands of dollars to meet the rules, to comply, and they keep pushing.
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it was indoor dining, now it's outloor dining. how much money have you spent on that and what was the impact? >> we spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to keep up with the restrictions and safety mandates. that's what we wanted to do. we are focused on safety, all of us having food handlers cards. we spent money and the plexiglas. it's incumbent upon the small businesses when somebody tests positive for the krf were or gets quarantined, we continue to pay the employees. but there is no rebate from the federal or state government. it's just another cost being pushed down on the small businesses which is making it harder for us to operate. you saw new york own data showed
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indoor dining is 1.5% of the covid spread. then l.a. they can't prove a correlation between outdoor dining and the covid spike. why do you think restaurants have become the scapegoat. >> it's easy to shut us down. a it's a million of little pieces. we don't have lobbyists and law firms behind us. a lot of their policies are driven by ego making it look like they are doing something tough and difficult. if they shut us down it divert attention away from amazon, starbucks, walmart, they continue to operate. they are the large donors to most of these people's campaigns including the entertainment industry in l.a. shut us down and we'll not fight back while they can push all
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that money and revenue into big business. lisa: you are actually doing something about it. it's sad to see private citizens are the ones who have to step up here to keep your restaurant open. you started a gofundme page and you raised $41,000. tell me about some of the stories you are hearing about people struggling and trying to stay afloat. >> we started this fund called 86 restaurant struggle. 86 in the restaurant industry is when you are out of something. this is directed towards the restaurant workers who had their showers cut and often without notice. i am getting emails, my wife and i, i lost my job, we can't buy
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gifts for th the kids or even fd and rent. what we are hearing is incredibly sad. these aren't college kids living in mom and dad's basement who need beer money. these are oftentimes single mothers and dads trying to put food on the table. and they are left out in the cold quite literally. lisa: small businesses in america make up almost half our private sector jobs. even if people don't know even if people don't know
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>> where can people find than donate or try the to help out? >> the go fund me is called help struggling restaurant workers. you can search that on the go fund me site itself. or you can follow me on twitter. i post every day. we have gotten so much support. it really is heart-warming. the community, they want to help community. >> that's awesome. we appreciate you doing that. keep fighting the good fight. thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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relieve any financial burden. many of the families have been affected by hurricanes in the last few years or spent their own trying to get well and get the care they need and it's really an amazing program. it's so personal. it's not overly publicized. i'm really proud of the whole staff for doing it. >> and where can people learn more about it? >?yes, boot campaign's a great organization. the santa boots program has a consistent glom raise of non--- group of nonprofits, elf on the shelf in atlanta support it. these families are -- if you serve in the military, you have pride about you and if you fall on hard times, this isn't some pr stunt. these families are custom shopped for so what they get is what they need in their lives and want and someone they know is the person in charge of delivering it to them and they can choose when they open their packages. most of them do it on christmas. this year we had a santa virtually call in and talk to
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the kids and really it's about letting the troops know, serving in a time of war isn't easy and it's letting them know we haven't forgotten about them. >> it's not easy coming home either, is it? >> no, it's not. i'm in pete hegseth's new book, modern warriors. there's so many of us with so many backgrounds. i'm a good old boy from georgia. if we're deployed together, we are brothers. you learn so much about people that you go to war with. to come home, it's like how is the country so divided. we have o so many things that divide us overseas. i think the country can learn a lot from combat veterans, teen one that's are struggling. i wish people would have more conversations and apply that to some of their own lives and just go talk to somebody. >> and everyone should go out and get modern warriors to read about your stories and it's a
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let's end the year enjoying more. ♪ you are all i need baby baby to get by ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to justice. in her weeks-long look into election integrity, we heard concerns about both voting machines and soft war, specifically a company called smart mat tick. the week we reached out to eddie perez, global direct or of tech development at the open source election technology institute. his team develops open source software for elections, and we asked him about the claims some have made about smartmatic e. >> have you seen any evidence that smartmatic software was
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used to flip votes anywhere in the u.s. in this election? >> i have not seen any evidence that smartmatic software was used to delete, change, alter anything related to vote tabulation. >> smartmatic says its software was never used outside of l.a. county in 020. do you know -- 2020. do you know whether or not that's true? >> that is my understanding. i am not aware of them having any other direct customers' relationships with election officials in the united states. >> what about smartmatic and dominion? do you know if they're relatedsome whether one owns the other? whether dominion uses smartmatic software? >> both of them have individually and if respectively put out very clear statements from their corporate headquarters, each of them indicating they are independent companies, they are not related to each other. >> have you seen any evidence of a connection between george soros and senatormatic? >> -- smartmatic? >> i'm not aware of any direct connection. it is my understanding that an executive at smartmatic has some
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sort of relationship with one of soros' foundations. that's the extent of my knowledge. >> have you seen any evidence of smartmatic sending u.s. votes to be tabulated in foreign countries? >> no, i'm not aware of any evidence that smartmatic is sending u.s. votes to be tabulated in foreign countries. as others have pointed out, irrespective of which voting technology vendor we're talking about, in the united states the ballots that are cast in the united states are tabulated in the united states. >> are you aware of new instances in which smartmatic's technology was banned in the u.s. in 2020 due to security weaknesses or wrongdoing? >> i am not. i'm not aware of new instances where smartmatic's technology was banned in the u.s. again, it is my understanding that outside of one customer in los angeles county, smart smartmatic has no presence in the voting technology marketplace in the united states. >> well, that's it for me
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tonight. i am lisa boothe filling in for judge jeanine. thank you so much for watching, and i'm wishing all of you and your families are very happen and more true christmas. have a great -- merry christmas. have a great night. ♪ ♪ jon: a top health official says the u.s. could approve a third coronavirus vaccine as soon as next month. and on capitol hill, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says a final deal on the covid-19 relief bill has been reached. good evening, i'm jon scott, and this is "the fox report." ♪ ♪ jon: thanks to the white house's operation warp speed initiative, the first shipments of moderna's vaccine began heading to hospitals across the country this morning. at the same time, congress is on the brink of passing a $900 billion relief package even as government funding is set to expire tonight at midnight. we have fox team coverage.
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