tv Hannity FOX News January 7, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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the show that is the sworn enemy night 8:00 p.m. of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. sean hannity right now. >> sean: scary scenario, great segments -- thanks. welcome to hannity. president trump is calling for calm, peace, law and order, here are his remarks in full, take a look. here are his remarks in the fold. a look. >> i would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the united states capital. like all americans, i am outraged by the violence, lawlessness, and mayhem. i immediately deployed the national guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders. america is and must always be a nation of law and order. two demonstrators who infiltrated the capital, have defiled the seat of american democracy, to those who engaged in the acts of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country.
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and to those who broke the law, you will pay. we have just been through an intense election and emotions are high now tempers must be cooled, and calm restored. we must get on with the business of america, my campaign vigorously pursued every legal avenue to contest the election results. my only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote. in so doing, i was fighting to defend american democracy. i continue to strongly believe we must reform our election lawd to verify the identity and eligibility of all voters and to ensurey faith and confidence in all future elections. now congress has certified the results. a new administration will be inaugurated on january 20th, my focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition of power.
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this moment calls for healing and reconciliation. 2020 has been a challenging time for our the menacing pandemic has upended the lives of our isolated millions in their homes, damaged our economy, and claimed countless lives. defeating this pandemicth and rebuilding the greatest economy on earth will require all of us working together. it will require a renewed emphasis on the civic values of patriotism, faith, charity, community, and family. we must revitalize the sacred bonds of love and loyalty that bind us together as one national family. to the citizens of our country, serving as your president has been the honor of my lifetime and to all of my wonderful supporters, id know you are disappointed, but i also want you to know that our incredible
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journey is only just beginning. thank you, god bless you, and god bless america., >> sean: important speech and as is thes president's signature style, he fought as hard as he possibly could after the actions of congress last night, pretty much any remedy he had and what he had been fighting for had been exhausted, the president's right to do it. law and order must always prevail, call must be restored, we must get on with the business of america and an important part of that business is fixing flaws in our election process. every state legislature needs to get busy, let me make a prediction. after the first 100 days, democrats now full control of the government and the media mob, the never trumpers, all working togetherr to help elect joe biden -- my attitude is you broke it, you own it and guess what, we know you helped somebody everybody knew was physically weak and frail, clearly struggling cognitively who also has the most radical socialist agenda in the history
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of this country. i rode a whole chapter -- socialism, and history of failure. predictably, it fails collect taxes go up, energy prices go up, hostile regimes i think they see joe biden the way most of america does. russia, china, iran, elsewhere, they cause problems -- let's see how he deals with it. hope he deals with it for the sake of the world to the right way, when you realize how dull and boring joe is, i'm betting here but those never trumpers, the media mob, they are use to a daily diet of waking up and feigning outrage and a psychotic rage and hate. when the mob in the media, all of a sudden they are going to realize he's kind of boring covering joe, what's trump doing today? they're going to promise they will stop covering trump, they will be back to covering trump and mark my words, the words
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"miss me yet" will resonate sooner than you think. just a prediction. let's see what many of you think about the 25th amendment over time, whathi are you going to think about the 25th amendment now that you're talking about so much? now we must determine what went wrong at the u.s. capital, that is our top priority. capitol police chief has officially resigned, the house sergeant of arms has also stepped down. americans demand answers, rightly so. what we all a witnessed yesterdy inside the capitol building, that could never happen again in this country. that building belongs to be the people. this is our house and it was breached and it was breached within minutes with relative ease. the capitol police, it's inexplicable. they knew hundreds of thousands of americans had descended upon washington yesterday, they knew what their plan was to march from the washington monument to the capital.
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they knew congress would be in session, got to protect all elected officials and they would be conducting important business. they knew the vice president would be there. 99% of those who attended the rally remained outside the capitol building as we pointed out lastes night. we told you if you have any desire to understand who they are and why they are there, we spelled it a out in great detail last night. good, hardworking, honest people, work hard, play by the rules, pay their taxes, obey the laws, raise their kids and still the capitol police were totally unprepared for theru 1%, the agitators who had ulterior motives. this transcends all politics. we do live in a post-9/11 world. this kind of security breach at our nation's capital where the people's house, elected representatives and innocent people are is beyond shocking and it is completely unacceptable. guess what, every one of america's enemies witnessed this
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massivece vulnerability. i was shocked, i couldn't believe within a minute, 2 minutes, v they were in. they see our capitol building is wide open, what if al qaeda, what if the nicest terrorists were among those that preach that the building yesterday? that is a nightmare scenario. here's what needs to happen, we need a full transparent investigation of what went wrong and who screwed up. numbero. two, those that did brk the law, riot, breach the building, they've got to be arrested and prosecuted, committed vandalism, them too. we need to make a plan -- this can never happen again and we need to make that plan fast, we need a short-term plan at a long-termpe plan. a 14 year air force veteran -- this is one of the most horrific scenes i've ever seen, i don't think we're going to play it in full. this woman served four tours of duty, shot and killed yesterday
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by capitol police officer inside our capitol building. thousands of law enforcement officers were seriously injured. it never should have come to this spirit they knew hundreds of thousands of people were in town marching through the capital. how did they not prepare for this at all? yesterday's chaos is about much more than lax security at the capitol. on this program we believe every person they are responsible for his or her own actions and as we said many times, remember the deranged bernie sanders supporter, targeting republican lawmakers, almost killed the steve scalise on that ball field? that person is culpable for their heinous crime. it wasn't bernie sanders, i don't blame him, that's the game the media democrats play. all conservatives come all trump supporter's are to blame for yesterday's capital breach -- no they're especially 99% were peaceful people protesting and we went through the list of reasons last
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night. especially brazen and dishonest coming from them. where were you, nancy pelosi? chuck schumer and joe biden and kamala harris in 2018. did you forget already? remember, there was a breach then too, anti-kavanaugh agitators marching past capital police and occupying the senate office building, how soon we forget spirit where worktop democrats last summer when minneapolis was burning during a massive riot. that's right, senator harris was promoting a bail fund on twitter to get violent writers and arsonists out of jail and supporting the defund the police effort in l.a. remember that autonomous summer of love spaghetti pot luck dinner zone in seattle? where were the democrats them, promoting the lawless zone as a wonderful democratic experiment.
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that is until two young african-americanem teens were murdered y and you might rememb, horace lorenzo anderson sr. talking about his son. he's on this program for an hour. at that point seattle's mayor who would not even bothered to pick up a telephone and call him, she was the genius that referred to the autonomous zone as the summer of love zone and who could forget the nightly riots went on forever in portland and downtown. far left agitators trying to burn a federal courthouse to the ground every night for months. democrats were out of their mind and nots the rioters but the president, they were mad at him. how is that was not for sendingm federal security forces to protect the courthouse. we saw arson and vandalism and looting in st. louis and chicago and los angeles, new york, kenosha,li wisconsin. this was fiery but a peaceful
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protest according to fake news cnn -- look over his shoulders, both shoulders. does that look peaceful to you? washington, d.c., violent left-wing rioters tried to breach the white house. many secret service agents were wounded, president trump was forced to evacuate nearby st. john's church was lit ablaze. chuck schumer, nancy pelosi didn't care, the media mob didn't seem to care much either. if you remember it was still predictably feigning outrage and anger and rage at donald trump and thetr trump administration r pushing so-called demonstrators back a few blocks. according to the guardian, this summer's carnage killed at least 25rd americans. joe biden refused to condemn the violence forat months until it started hurting him in the polls. many on the f left ignored or me excuses for the violent riots across the country and we have the tape to prove it, take a
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[reporter questioning] >> people do what they do. [reporter questioning] >> that's a myth that is being spread only in washington, d.c. >> they aren't going to stop it for election day in november and they aren't going to stop at after election day and everyone should take note of that on both levels. they aren't going to let up and they should not. >> it is not generally speaking unruly but fires have been started. >> perhaps this is some sort of dmechanism for a restructure in our country. >> sean: what did they just say? make matters worse, you had some praising antifa, that's the radical group whose anarchistst
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members are hell-bent on fomenting violence,t' we can remind you of that also, take a look. >> i know their name is antifascists, did they only go after fascist order they go after anybody in the global economic community they don't like? >> they are strictly principled antifascists and what they see in the trump administration and what they see happening in this country, they see neo-fascism that we see. >> a lot of people recognize that when pushed, self-defense is a legitimate response to neo-nazi violence. >> it's has it right in the name, antifascism which is what they were there fighting. there is no organization that's perfect, there is some violence. >> no organization is perfect, there's some violence -- sadly democrats, the mob, the media want just defending antifa and ignoring the carnage, many prominent democrats were on the front lines actually glorifying violence against the president and his supporters, how quickly
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they all forget. one thing i can promise over the next number of years, i have a really good memory. i'm not going to forget and i'll often remind you in case you forget, takey. a look. >> i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> one was the last time an actor assassinated the president? >> how dare he say the things he does of course i want to punch him in the face. >> there needshe to be unrest in thee streets for as long as ther unrest in our lives. >> in the department stores, at ar gasoline station. >> when they go low, we kick them. >> i don't w know why there aret uprisings all over the country and maybe there will be. >> i will put mr. burgess up against sean hannity, he will tear him up.
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>> the press always ask me don't i wish i were debating him -- i wish i were in high school and i could take him behind the gym. >> sean:sh stop for a moment and think aboutta this. can you imagine any prominent conservative ever said any one of those things, let's say this week or two day -- what reaction be by the very same people? yesterday fake news, fake jake tapper tweeted "it wasn't today's events that distinguished bad people from good people, that moment has long passed." i guesss you're right but not te way you think. perhaps some self-reflection on your networks five years of lying, hysteria, conspiracy theories, slanders, smears, might do you some good. last night, fake jake's colleague at the ever so prestigious anderson cooper had his own grievances -- according to anderson the real horror from yesterday's chaos was that some of the pro-trump protesters will go back and celebrate at an a
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olive gardenof and to spend the night at a holiday inn. the thought -- take a look. >> it's' stunning they are going to go back to the olive garden and the holiday and they are staying at and the garden marriott and they are going to have some drinks and they are going to talk about the great day they had in washington and they did something and stand up for something and they stood up for nothing other than mayhem. >> sean: it's called the hilton garden inn, courtyard by marriott, i've stayed in a ton of them, my kids were athletes and i happen to love the olive garden. i guess vanderbilt wouldn't know that. there's nothing wrong with being a vanderbilt and there's nothing wrong with olive garden. let me give up blood for for olive garden, i like olive garden. i like your salad unlimited, unlimited garlic bread sticks, some nights you get unlimited pasta.r they got these hot doughnut like
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things that you put chocolate sauce on, great, really delicious. iat like to shop at walmart too. the fact that anderson cooper thinks accusing someone of eating at an olive garden are staying at a holiday inn is a low insult is probably why people hate cnnde so much. anderson and his colleagues, is that indicative of how much they look down on real people? they believe they are morally superior, we are intellectually inferior when nothing could be further from the truth. unlike fakee news cnn, this program we are going to condemn all violence. we condemn the far left riots over the summer, we condemn what happened yesterday at the capitol. america must always strive to be a more perfect union, there are no shortcuts. vandalism will never make us stronger as a country and won't fix our broken voting system. it will not make us freer or safer, remember the words from president trump, our incredible
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journey is only just beginning -- that's true. here with reaction fox news contributory dan bongino, formr white house press secretary and fox news contributor soon to be governor sarahx sanders. welcome both of you to the program. just a little slip -- maybe one day i can always hope. i want to get dan's take from the law enforcement perspective. they were able to make this breach, i don't even think it was a couple of minutes and that is the high side. >> certainly that is a terrifying act what took place yesterday, that this happened so quickly with seemingly little pushback, certainly not enough otherwise at t one to have taken place. let's be very clear, what happened yesterday was absolutely y unacceptable, just like it was unacceptable for the radical left to kill police officers and burn our cities to the ground.
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we are a country of law and order and we cannot have senseless violence running rampant and making decisions in our community and ruling our communities. the reason america is so great is because we are a free country and we cannot remain a free country if we don't remain a country of law and order and a country that respectsan that. what we saw yesterday in those moments was not bad, what we saw this summer was not that, that a is not who we are as americans, we are better than that and i hope to see the goodness of america that we did get glimpses of many times yesterday and throughout the past year when our country was in crisis, that's who we are and that's what i want cecum of the america i love, the america that is free and that is what makes us special. and the greatest country on the face of the earth. >> sean: i've got to give you kudos and credits, you saw a long time ago, you've disclosed publicly that you own part of parlor which is an alternative
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twitter, i saw the presidentjo joined her us, at least there is a place, it's like twitter, it's called parler, i have an account there, i'm telling everybody there -- good for you, the president joined,, they are censoring him and dan's camino and everybody else but let's look at this from a law enforcement standpoint, your background -- thoughts. >> i debated what to say coming on tonight, was i going to talk about the technical components of the security plan at theig capital that went wrong -- i don't want to do that because a lot went wrong. i think we all get that. i want to talk about something more important and it's the worst-kept secret in law enforcement, it's a dirty secret but it's the worst kept one. 50% of security in public safety is political -- what do i mean by that? you're never going to secure location, a city, the capital, if you don't have the backing of political leaders and the problem we have and what you saw yesterday at the capital, they have 2300 police officers and half a billion dollar budget. the capital in a 2.3 square mile
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area has a bigger police budget than the city of detroit -- what went wrong? the answer is they just don't like the cops. people in big cities run by liberals in the city of d.c. is run by liberals, they can't stand the police, they haven't made a secret about it, they've actually run some of them on defunding the police. i love these thought experiments because they make liberals and media people outside this network think, i can prove this to you. did you see the rioting today at the capital? no you didn't. this tragic incident yesterday was done thankfully and concluded and you saw nothing today. yet the siege at the white house in washington, d.c., with blm lasted for what, a week? what's the difference? it's the same area of d.c., the same d.c. metro police department, the same federal entities involved, why did one stop in the other didn't? the answer is because yesterday
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was a disfavored group, trump supporter's so there was unified political support to stop it in the siege at the white house was a favored group attacking the white house trump was em. nobody did anything about it. you think i'm making this up? what happened in new york city, why are homicides in new york city exploding despite the fact that nobody is moving around due to a lockdown? how is that happening? we are mutant criminals from another planet randomly drop the new york city end crime exploded. what changed in new york city? the answer is bill de blasio change, the political leadership changed, you think the cops don't know how to handle crime? they have shown the world how to handle crime for two decades. the political leaders are ruining policing and you're never going to get security and public safety until we get better political leaders. period.
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>> sean: let me go to the media, they are going to have 100 days of socialism they are trying to instill in the country, i making the prediction that the ever weak, frail, cognitively struggling joe implementing socialism is not going to be particularly interesting. am i wrong inn my prediction, te media mob will say we aren't going to cover donald trump and after joe results in the lowest ratings and is it dull and boring on top of his bad policies that want and not particularly well -- i predict they are going to want to know what donald trump has to think, your >> they can't help themselves but to want to know just because they find it far more entertaining and certainly more newsworthy than what joe biden would he still remains one of the biggest voices in the country for whether you are republican or democrat, he is one of the biggest voices in american politics h regardless of where u fall on the spectrum. they cannot ignore that, he still has a massive amount of
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support from coast to coast, north and south in this country and i don't think there's any way the media can ignore him over the course of the next year or four years. >> sean: the idea on parler, you have friends that are involved in, great people, i know one of them beside yourself, maybe you want to put a "miss me yet" hashtag trump 2024. >> i'm leaving twitter permanently, i will make my last post tomorrow, they locked me out for daring to post the speech of the president of the united states. this is cable -- you, tomorrow, i will post tomorrow on twitter but i'm out. >> sean: before you leave, put in their sarah sanders governor, hashtag 2022. >> a final endorsement? >> i like it.
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>> sean: despite four people dying, 68 arrests reported in yesterday's rights on capitol hill, the left is trying to claim that the blm protesters after the death of george floyd, those people who said black lives matter, triple very different things but saying the group would've been treated differently, here's what biden had to say earlier this afternoon.
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>> no one can tell me if it had been a group of black lives matter protesting yesterday there wouldn't have been -- they wouldn't have been treated very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the capital. we all know that's true and it is unacceptable, totally unacceptable. >> sean: there wasn't anybody there, there were no cops there to stop anybody. it doesn'te stop joe from speaking out forcefully. don lemon tweeting they've allowed these people to run rampant in washington but they gassed peaceful blm protesters, there was gas in the capital yesterday in case you missed it. msdnc's joy reid weighing in on this issue. making these comments last night. take a look. >> in their minds, they own this country, they own the cops come of the cops work for them and
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people like me have no right to try to elect a president becaush we don't get to pick the president, they get to pick the president, they own the white house, they own this country. when you think you own it, you're not afraid of the police, the police are you and the police reflect back to them we are with you, your good. we aren't going to hurt you because you're not them. guarantee you if that was a black lives matter protesting d.c., there would already people shackled, arrested, or dead. shackled, arrested, unmasked, or dead. >> sean: joining us now radio talk show host larry elder and nationally syndicated civil rights attorney leo 2.0 -- i haven't seen the larry 1.0 -- larry never needed to make a big transformation, leo needed to make a big transformation, larry stayed consistent. we'll start with you.
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>> when i was watching these tragic events unfold on television watching windows being smashed, watching tear gas, watching these protesters being dispersed, my first wasn't "what would've happened if the protesters had been black." i don't understand that mentality but if you want to play that game, do our friends in the left and read "the new york times" and "the washington post"" left-wing newspapers? in 2016 to my front page story about a study done by a harvard economist two happens to be black and he said the findings were the most shocking of my professional career. he found the police were more hesitant, more reluctant to pull the trigger against a black suspect then a white suspect, he was shocked. a few months earlier, "washington post" -- april 272016 my birthday. a long story about research and analyses going back to the 70s showing out hesitant the police are too pull the trigger on a black suspect. one study found the police were three times more likely -- less likely to pull the trigger on a
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black suspect in a white suspect. bottom line if these protesters had been black and the likelihood is it would've been worse because police would've beend more reluctant, more hesitant to use force against black people as evidenced by studies going m back to the 70s. joy reid is full of it, it perpetuatess the notion police are out to get blacks, it's a flat out lie. >> sean: i'll tell you right now, joe biden should get a phd in playing the race card. why did he even raised that issue today? i'll tell you right now what bothers me about this is that it is not an issue of race. black lives matter would've gotten preferential treatment, larry's right -- let me tell you why. black lives matter if you look at last summer, police officers were not allowed to arrest everyone of those democratic cities, they did they didn't o prosecute black lives matter. black lives matter has a table, a chair with the democrats. you have black lives matter, the
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police have to back off. black lives matter is so powerful, they own l.a. county district attorney. i'm telling you right now the joe biden race card, the joy reid race card is the placate black lives matter. a political force within the democratic party and they would not only on the capital, they would be sitting in the white house right now if they were black. >> sean: look at it this way, there's the group of black lives matter, we played the tape often -- what we want? dead cops, what we want -- pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon. after the george floyd incident, a lot of people use the term they aren't f affiliated with black lives matter the group, but that's not what many people are saying about black lives matter, this supports the group. >> they support the group based upon this false narrative that the police are killing black people just because they are
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black. as i said just now, if anything the truth is the opposite spirit as hurting people, it's not helping people. 7,000 black homicide victims last year, one-third of 1% were killed by police officers, and even smaller percentage who were unarmed. it's a flat out lie and it's hurting the country. why don't people talk about that being divisive instead of talking about donald trump hurting things? this notion that america remains a structurally racist is a narrative that the media pushes for ratings and the democrats push for votes and its >> sean: let's look at cities run by liberal governors for decades, they have the highest incidence of crime and violence and they are our fellow american citizens not being kept safe and secure, there's not peace and harmony. we can fix it, we know how to do it, we've done it before, why don't they do it? >> they want to keep the minority communities depressed, they want them dependent on
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government. a black matter does not care about black on black crime, black lives matter does not care about a police officer who gets killed who is black. they only care about getting media attention where there iss that occasional white officer involved with a black victim. that is the game they play and they play in these democratic cities where school choice is totally abandoned and they basically controlled their borders in those communities, we've got to stop that, we got to break that vicious cycle. school choice is the key to break the poverty cycle and the key to break the democratic plantation. >> sean: every kid has the right to be safe and secure, every city, they have a right to ari good education. the government is not getting that right and we have this belief that the government can do all these other things -- good luck with that. thankt you both. when we come back, while everyone across the country should be calling for unity tonight, not everyone on the left is doing that at all. pete hegseth, katie pavlik's
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next as we continue. ♪ also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now
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to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs
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♪ >> sean: amid calls for calmm and order following yesterday's chaos on capitol hill, democrats are actually suggesting the country should be dragged through -- get ready -- another impeachment circus, another adam schiff show, have the current cabinet invoked the 25th amendment to remove president trump from office, it will be interesting to watch democrats evolution of thought on the 25th amendment. as a senator chuck schumer called events, and insurrection against the u.s., speaker pelosi said vice president pence doesn't act, the house is prepared to impeach the president again. joe biden taking it all a steph further claiming the president
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unleashed an all-out assault on our institutions of democracy. who wrote that line for him? where was his outrage over the summer when hehe had all the violent demonstrations, that took over our nation's cities. here with reaction, fox news contributor along with pete hegseth, just a little bit of hypocris and a double standard, not unusual. >> it's been the democrats and nancy pelosi's fantasy to impeach and remove president trump since he was elected in november of 2016. they have tried to do this over and over again and now they feel like they've had their moment. one thing we have seen over and over again not just in the past year but in the last 24 hours is the left completely ignoring the fact that they have been responsible for tearing down a number of norms and institutions
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in this country for years. it was four years ago thatsp joe biden had that oval office meeting with president trump and a suggested the logan act be used against michael flynn. they act like just because there wasn't an outward view of what was going on that there was a peaceful transfer t of power between the obama administration of the trump administration -- there was not. for them now to be trying to get their fantasy finished in the last 13 days of the presidency, i don't know what's going to happen but this is not a new call. they have made this accusation so many times i have no credibility left when it comes to the issue and crying wolf has consequences. >> sean: we played it earlier, all the calls for violence against the president, i think an awful lot about blowing up the white house -- i would like to punch him in the i face. imagine if you said it or i said it or any conservative said it
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about joe biden -- i never would -- i don't know any conservativese that ever would. >> wee wouldn't get away with i, the double standard is right there, it would never happen. what katie says is entirely correct, the more we use these words, the more we trivialize them, they lose their meaning. you're talking about resisting and impeaching, domestic terrorism, we are all racist and it was russia forever, coup attempt, insurrection, they point the fingers atat conservatives at the patriots and trump supporter's and say you are all of these things which dilutes the meaning of it but i love what you said in the introduction because when they called me a racist and we don't have a racist bone in our body i just ignore it, i know that's not the case, it's the personal destruction, the tenant of how you marginalize people to get them to comply. i love what you did in the intro, be careful what you wish for in two years. let's say two years from now there's a big red wave of patriots who say i don't want with the left is doing to my
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country right now and by the way joe biden has continued his cognitive development and they decide let's invoke the 25th amendment -- the left will scream and say how dare you, you are racist and whatever would they want to use because they have loosened the terms of what it means and it's really unfortunate and we've seen it in the current events as well. >> sean: i really do contend, miss me yet is going to become popular sooner than people think. >> i think the media is going to be saying that, they are going to have the access to the white house they had in her president trump and i'm sure they will be asking and watching what the president doesn't next especially given what he said tonight and a video he released. >> sean: you might want to get that web domain quick. >> you already have it. >> he's going to make me buy it
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from you. >> sean: he got bit coin when it was nothing that i still don't understand the algorithm, my mind doesn't work that way. >> it's going to change the world. >> sean: coming up, congresswoman ocasio-cortez demanding senator cruz and senator hawley resign from the senate -- for what? matt schlapp joins us next.
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>> sean: in other news, democrats are trying to blame republicans for the tragic events of yesterday even though they themselves glorified months of violent rioting in cities all across the country. for example, congresswoman cori bush is now calling for the expulsion of republican lawmakers claiming they incited
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this domestic terrorist attack. congresswoman ocasio-cortez is demanding senator cruz and hawley resigned from the u.s. senate. senator cruz tweeted back tweeting you're a liar debating in the senate and assuring election integrity is our job and is in no way responsible for that terrace that attacked the capitol yesterday and i ain't going anywhere. simon & schuster just apparently canceled josh hawley's book. here with reaction, congressman matt gaetz along with american conservative union chairman matt schlapp. before we get to the best-selling author, i figured i would give you first crack at this. >> am i the best-selling author? >> sean: did you write a firebrand or do that other right
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-- guy? >> the other guy, the distinguished congressman. i'll go quickly so we can let the best-selling author talk. i think democrats have to decide in joe biden do they want to unify and take down the heat or do they want to impeach and cancel and attack? that's why joe biden's words are so deceptive. he acts like he wants to unify the country. if you want to unify the country, let the 73 million americans, who voted for donald trump feel like their voices have been heard, let's get to this inauguration and let's let the representatives and senators they've elected to congress, let them all do their job by advocating the positions they feel whether it's corporate america which is increasingly becoming woke or other big voices on social media companies, instead it's always a desire to shut down anybody who is a conservative, shut down anybody who is for the maga
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agenda and this is literally going to make it very hard for this country to stay as a union and it's a very troublesome thing. >> sean: firebrand author matt gaetz. >> you've got to at least respect the hustle of congresswoman coriae bush. the ink isn't even dry on her new member orientation packet and we are already talking about her. she beat lacy clay who is a popular member of the congressional black caucus whose family has held that seat in missouri for 50 years, but you've got to acknowledge the hypocrisy of the democrats and the whiplash that gives us just yesterday we were told we were seditious traders and the vanguard of all democracy. today you have a democratic member of congress saying the elected representatives of 70 million americans should be expelled from the chamber. if it doesn't much hurt my feelings, i've been expelled from the state of new jersey already but i don't exactly think it's the best foot forward
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for the hundred 17th congress of democratic majority do not even want to debate us but instead to want to expel us. josh hawley and ted cruz are patriots, they saw something was wrong, they said something about it, we made our objections and t now wehi have an obligation to make sure we run clean elections in the future because it is still my belief, the people who actually showed up and voted, among the people who had identification tied to their ballot, donald trump won this election in a landslide and it is a travesty the government did not uphold that victory. now we have got to clean up this process and democrats trying to kick us out of congress certainly isn't a step intoto the right direction. >> sean: last word matt schlapp, that's up to state legislatures, isn't at? they need to get working now. >> that's exactly right. elections are governed by states and what we saw with the judges in these states is they didn't
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have the courage to do their job and it's now time for these republican legislatures in states like pennsylvania to stop going along with the stacey i abrams crowd. change these laws and make sure you vote once and you're registered to vote and americans can have respect in the election process once again. >> sean: i want an voter i.d. laws like if you go to the dnc -- did you know matt gaetz wrote a best-selling book called firebrand? just saying, in case you didn't hear. more "hannity" right after this. ♪
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stinks to high heaven. letnd not your heart be trouble. why? because the news continue. take it away. >> laura: great show. i am laura ingraham and this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. as jarring as the actions and images were from yesterday, it appears that the in coming administration's response to all of that will be freedom crushing from social media censorship to a punitive justice department. tonight we will explore all of it with glenn, ken and harvey among others. the left is using every crisis to gain leverage control over the lives of innocent americans. new york state democrats want to give andrew cuomo the power to detain people under the guise of a covid risk.
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