tv Media Buzz FOX News January 10, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PST
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♪ ♪ ♪ howie: this is media buzz, i'm howard kurtz. why twitter is taking the drastic step of banning president trump. it was atrocious day, heartbreaking day and assault on democracy played out on cable news screen hour after depressing hour and it began to congress set to hear republican challenges for the electoral college results and the president telling his supporters to head to the hill. >> i love pennsylvania and we are going to the capitol, we are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our
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country. howie: as rioters invade nancy pelosi's conduct, many blame on the outgoing president. >> ask yourself who is the enemy of the american people right now, it clearly is president trump inciting mob and threatening democrats and republicans alike. >> i want to go back to this chilling fact. we are in this situation because the president of the united states forced it. chris: you had the president for an hour filling a crowd with misstatements and facts that have been shredded in state courts, in federal courts. howie: some conservative commentators were harshly critical of his conduct. >> let's be honest since november third when we got the
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verdict by november 5th, the president's behavior has been terrible. >> he's clearly violated oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the constitution to the best of my ability. >> i don't think there's much doubt, bret, that the president's actions and his entire conduct post the election are what led us to this point. >> i think president trump, donald j trump is done politically. howie: but others on the right have a different take. >> you can be horrified by the violence and as we said and we will say it again, we are horrified, it's wrong, but if you don't bother to pause and learn a single thing from it from your citizens storming capitol building, then you're a fool. >> suddenly the same media mob is trying to condemn all trump supporters, the vast majority in washington, d.c. were peaceful, you can't paint them with a broad brush although you'd like to. howie: the next day trump
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released scripted video announcing new administration will take over. mollie hemingway, in new york liz claman, host of claman countdown. mollie, there seems to be a rare consensus, fair or unfair? mollie: well, the first thing that's important is that there's consensus across the political spectrum that happened on wednesday was wrong and that is a good thing that there is consensus there. from that point, people are pointing blame and that's fine too because there's plenty of blame to go around and donald trump is certainly no exception at all to that. i think particularly what he did to mike pence was shameful and to be condemned and the problem, i think, the left whether in the
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media or otherwise are using the horrific attack that everyone agrees was horrible to go against 75 million republican voters and they're not looking at what they themselves did to contribute to this. this was an escalation but it's worth -- >> howie: can you briefly clarify what you meant what president trump did to vice president, what's shameful about that? mollie: you look at the speech that was on the mall. president trump asked people to be peaceful and patriotic. people are saying that's incite meant, if that's incitement then everyone in congress is being called as inciter, but telling people that mike -- that mike pence, the former vice president could really do anything on this day was dangerous and it was wrong and i think he owes mike pence an apology for it.
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howie: liz, you were live on the air on fbn when violence erupted but he refused to let go of a stolen election claims that has many supporters upset and led death of police fair or unfair? liz: fair. is he responsible for the fact that with the momentum that they had, that they started going right off the cliff. you can see it right on your screen. more importantly is the bunked bite that you played which was president trump, we are going to walk to the capitol, we, instigating the fact that -- planting the idea that he was there. i would agree with mollie that there is the point where everybody is on the same page about how horrific this was. where the media differed was the planting of that blame, but when
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you look at the wall street journal which, of course, has been very fair, over all over the past 4 years to donald trump, wall street journal editorial board, trump incited the crowd. they specifically talked about the verbiage that he used to whip them up. kimberley strassel, this is from the guy at the top. neil cavuto, his show on fox news asked former hhs secretary tom price, did trump light the match and trump price appointed by president trump said, in essence, this was unconscionable and unforgivable. there is that spike there. the bifurcation. howie: clarence, there's right to peaceful protest in the country which i know you value, is it fair to describe, for the media to describe all who went
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to capitol site as thugs and criminals? clarence: we saw people incite to what became a riot. he didn't have to say a word, as mollie said, come with me to the capitol and i -- i was down there when this all began to unfold and he made it very clear and the crowd was clear too and donald trump went back into the white house and watched it back on television and before -- the day before he had said mike pence is going to do the right thing and if he doesn't, he's not going to be very popular, words to that effect. howie: right, right. clarence: knowing all along that it wasn't legal. howie: i was just trying -- sorry, i'm just trying to make the distinction that not everybody who went to the capitol broke the law. clarence: i said that, definitely right. howie: one is that many pundits
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are now claiming vindication saying we have been telling you for four years that president trump was dangerous, like your thoughts on that and we will talk about this in another segment, but brief comments on twitter taking the step of permanently banning donald trump? mollie: right, well, what i was thinking earlier too is that people aren't putting enough blame on other people as well and the media, it's a media show, we need to talk about what they did to contribute to the situation as well. the media has praised takeovers from capitols whether that was in wisconsin in 2011 and texas in 2013. democrats encouraged proceedings there and attack on supreme court and summer of rage that the media not just coddling and enabling and supporting and other people such as democrats working to bail out rioters who took over cities, dozens of people that were killed,
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billions of dollars that were damaged, attacks on federal buildings, state and local buildings, churches, these are things that the media generally encouraged and took months to get anybody on the left to condemn them and the media said you have to listen to what people have to say. if you want to be heard, violence is an appropriate way to go about doing that. that also contributes to it. the response to this is terrifying. what's happening with twitter, big-tech oligarchs works to suppress, on the day that democrats take control, collusion with big media, big tech and the democratic party to completely wipe out a political movement that has 75 million americans in it. howie: more on that in a few minutes. the capitol police handology of this was an -- handling of this
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was a massive failure and new reporting by the washington post shows that we narrowly everted a massacre by minutes really thanks to some brave officers on the capitol police force. let's turn to the growing democratic talk of impeachment. nancy pelosi now that the 25th amendments kind of die house and let me play a sound bite from an interview that airs tonight on 60 minutes. >> well, sadly the person in the executive branch is a deranged, unhinged, dangerous president of the united states. howie: liz, does that kind of talk hurt the efforts to heal the country and the idea of impeaching the president again when he has ten days in his term, will that be covered or should that be covered as more beltway partisanship? liz: well, it is what democrats see as an opportunity, the
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moment to go in for the so-called kill. as you look at all of the past events in the past 72 hours and what happened at the capitol, it does especially considering we haven't really heard from the president beyond he is scripted speech that he did put out on twitter, it does make you wonder what is really going on at the white house and you have media outlets trying to do that. i would argue that the blowback of what happened is very much a cluster bomb, it's herding some down ballot people. you have red states like missouri, you have purple states such as wisconsin, their top reputable newspapers, you know, the kansas city, calling for ousting of josh hawley, congressman scott fitzgerald and ron johnson. so i think that the spread is now like wild fire and nobody
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should be surprised that the democrats will jump right on this. i do want to say something about the capitol hill police because having been live on the air, we couldn't see what was inside, some let the rioters and others fought valiantly and one lost his life and we should never forget that. howie: i was talking about the planning. clarence, it was only last sunday after our show the washington post released the audio, media freakout where the president calling georgia republican secretary of state, i just need to find 11,780 votes. my question is are the media rooting for a second impeachment of the senate although senate conviction would be unlikely? clarence: the responsible media did not root anything. maybe you're talking about the opinion people. they are entitled to say what they want to say. democrats are divided about what to do now because they are outraged on what happened. are there votes enough to
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impeachment? they have enough democratic votes but republicans for all the criticism that you hear from responsible republicans, the ranking file hasn't changed and the press are still on cruz and hawley, very much politically alive. impeachment is dead and democrats, i think smart ones are looking at what can we do now with the new biden administration. howie: i have to get a break. ahead former white house spokesman on whether the president twitter ban is justified. trump officials who are resigning. isn't it a little late to be piling on your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. want to sell the best burger add an employee.ode? or ten... then easily and automatically pay your team and
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the riots, some of president trump's most loyal allies broke with him over claims of stolen election. >> if we overrule them, it would damage our republic forever. >> i don't buy this. enough is enough. we have to end it. howie: spade of resignations including education secretary betsy devos, transportation secretary elaine chao, mick money -- mulvaney. chris: do you feel any responsibility for enabling donald trump? >> i feel a lot of emotions this week, i was shocked, i was angered, i was frustrated. >> what happened on capitol hill was direct result of his poisoning the minds of people with the lies and the frauds. howie: bill barr who stepped down as attorney general last month told ap orchestrating a
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mob was unexcusable and betrayal of office and supporters. when you have bill barr issuing the blistering statement and spade of resignations it's hard to say that most of this is kust because the liberal media don't like donald trump. mollie: oh, absolutely. i think it's true that at the end of an administration people tend to be leaving. we are literally in the last hours of an administration with media frenzy and you can overstate the importance of some of the departures. people are absolutely are saying how they feel about this and that's appropriate. it's inappropriate, of course, to blame 75 million americans for what happened which is what's quickly happening as the media mauve band of rioters across the capitol and entire impeach an entire movement and trying to silence that many people and that's a big story going forward. howie: liz, the washington reports that president trump is furious at mike pence for not using power which he does not
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have under the constitution to try to block the electoral college results and senator says that pence is mad at trump. the media don't need to hype the backlash against the president. liz: the media don't need to hype anything about mike pence because people saw with their own eyes that this mob as the wall street journal call it descended chanting and there's video of this hang mike pence. in fact, we need to point out that a lot of the video that came through from reporters that happened to be inside and caught in the fray show that these people came weponized. there was one man with a spear, 6-foot long spear, zip ties, one got inside the chamber and up load of human restraint zip ties, for what, taking people hostage. the mike pence thing is very crucial but as for the people who were leaving the administration from betsy devos to elaine chao, the deputy
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national security adviser which is crucial. we need national security, maybe some of it is conscious, maybe some of it is just trying to 25th amendment invocation chatter and didn't want to be part of it. howie: some of the pundits are saying well, too little too late and they are trying to salvage the reputation, do you think it's fair? clarence: it is too little too late and what's most important, howard, the general public, 70, 75 million trump supporters out there and all the folks that are making excuses for mr. trump still, we can talk about should people get away with impunity after all of this or what about those who supported by just simply being passive to recall, what really matters here if you let this happen and don't try to
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-- to have some kind of punishment for those who are responsible who are accountable, encouraging disruption to happen again. howie: right. okay. clarence: we need to talk about being passive, you can be an accessory. howie: on the sunday shows, other allies, chris christie called the president's impeachable and pat toomey said that he should resign. loyalists like liz mcconnell and lindsay graham, no evidence of widespread election fraud, doesn't that match what the media has been saying pretty much since the election? mollie: well, that removes the problem which is people are trying to conflate very important issues. we had a sloppy elections and tens of millions of people are concerned about that and the concerned should not be lumped in with people who have elaborate conspiracy theories about servers in different states, different countries and what not and these type of
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conspiracy theories. the problem, the underlying problem whether people have faith in the country, faith in electoral systems, that's not going away. you can't hide the fact that people have these concerns. you to address them. the media have done a horrible job of addressing them for years and also all of the other issues that concern these people and trying to eliminate them or pretend like they are very serious problems with how the country is being run don't exist is not going to help anything. again, people are forgetting all of the violence, the summer of rage that we had this year and all of the violence leading up to this year that was embolden by people on the left, including kamala harris put out link to bail out rioters when they were taking minneapolis, these were things that happened and if the media pretend that didn't happen and go after people on the right, that's going to further make problems for this country and people should be thinking
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about how to heal the country. howie: i do think the widespread distrust of the media even after what happened in the capitol on wednesday is a continuum problem for this business. mollie hemingway, clarence page, thank you very much for joining us. liz claman stick around. up around temporary facebook ban and twitter permanently suspending president trump account. is this a classic case of partisan bias? you may think yoe doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal.
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an masculating moment. howie: liz claman, much of twitter celebrating twitter's move. twitter saying that some people were perceiving this as code to start talking about another attack on the capitol next week. how can anybody be held be responsible for what others say if you're not even alluding to violence? liz: well, this goes to the whole thing that president trump wanted altered which was section 230, the liability shield. but let's just hoover 30,000 feet above this. free speech is protected, you know, by congress when it comes to things that are government sponsored or entity such as public schools, privately-held companies, privately-run companies are protected. they can do whatever they want.
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if you own a restaurant and somebody is being too loud, boisterous, you can throw them out and there's nothing he or she can do about it. you can't sue. the twitter mega phone being silenced for president trump is significant because that's the tool to rise above traditional media, doing a sit-down with chris wallace or whoever, and use it to get his direct succinct message to followers. that's quite damaging to him in his post presidential life. if he wanted to have any kind of mega, that one is gone. howie: absolutely. but meanwhile hasn't taken any action of thousands of tweets in fact, trending hanging mike pence as you alluded to last segment. the president said in his own statement, twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech and silencing him by coordinating with democrats and the radical left. isn't this inflaming trump's
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88 million followers and you mentioned this legal immunity section 230, could it be seen as payback by jack dorsey for the president's effort to lift immunity for social media giants? liz: make no mistake whether it's jack dorsey of twitter or mark zuckerberg of facebook, they are reading the tealeaves, for four years, they gave the president the run of the place. basically up until recently never really had his voice squelched and you have a different administration and you can argue it's their right to figure out, you know what, i need to interpret what will work with the new administration and this is going to be it. they're allowed. but the false narrative actually about parler which a lot of people migrated to after twitter, a lot of conservative or the right-wing votes -- right-wing factions, they are not being quite honest. they will also remove parler, i don't know what the term is,
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tweets, but lynn wood, the president's attorney that would put out that said get the firing squads ready, pence goes first and after a day or two parler removed a tweet and a subsequent tweet that claimed that the young woman who was killed in the violence, the army veteran was still alive. so those two were completely removed by parler. so it isn't total free speech. the companies are still running the show. howie: but just to update our viewers, both apple and amazon have taken action kicking parler out of app stores or not giving them platform which could kill the company because of what these others tech giants say they are not doing enough to quell violence. in the 30 seconds we have left, if, in fact, twitter, for example, is trying to ingrade itself with the new administration, good-bye to him and that does sound political and partisan.
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liz: again, it does, but they're allowed to as an entity that's a privately-held company. again, it's their candy store, they can run it any way they want. but if you look forward to all of this, you had berry diller who dislikes president trump, let it all out there. we had incitement to violence and that's perceived by both the right and the left to the point where there was insurrection against his own government and against his own vice president, howie. howie: liz claman, always good to have you on, thank you very much for joining us. next on media buzz, president trump announces fake news on capitol storm and republican divide on party
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howie: when president trump spoke at the rally of supporters who would soon storm the capitol he took hard shots at what he calls fake news. >> the media constantly asserted the outrageous lie that there was no evidence of widespread fraud. do you ever see these people? while there's no evidence of fraud, really? well, i'm going the read you pages. it's all part of the suppression effort. they don't want to talk about it. howie: joining us now from new york, arie fleischer, fox news contributor, arie, president trump and the media have been at war with four years, you don't always agree with trump but you regularly defend him on the air. where are you you now? >> i do my best to call it as i see it, i call it as i see it. i think as he goes out of office it's fair to say he's a man with tremendous accomplishments, we pandemic, lowest poverty rate in
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america since 1959, child poverty reduced, wages particularly for black and hispanic americans at record highs. huge growth and jobs for blue-collar americans, stood up to china. i will always be proud that i defended him on the bogus collusion charges and even though his call to ukraine was wrong, i did not think it was impeachable. having said all of that, he's now on his own when it comes to defending him and what he said because he stirred a pot that incited a riot and i cannot and i will not defend him on that. howie: but if that's your view now, the horrible incident that claimed 5 lives, looking back, do you regret it all having to defend him not on policy stuff but in terms of character as president? >> no, as i said, i will call it as i see it. i think the president always played a risky game of going up to the line of some of society's sensitive issues. until now, i gave him credit but
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he was flirting with violence previously. remember the question he got about can you guaranty that we will have a peaceful transfer of power and answer instead of being yes, was we will see. i got the sense that the president always was looking for groups of americans, the fringes of society to come down into the streets to take his side and that's playing with fire. in america, the fringes on both sides are violent and dangerous. the greatest fringe risk in america is white supremacy and white supremacists, no one should flay footsie with them. they are equally dangerous. we saw it frequently over the summer, of course, with the riots, the looting, the occupation of two different cities, portland and seattle, the attempt to take over a federal courthouse in portland. make no mistake, there are infringes on both side. i will denounce on both fringes,
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and appeal to the center, that's not being a rhino but america's tradition. howie: you worked in the capitol administration for years before joining the bush white house, how do you feel the disgusting acts that took place under the dome? >> it was sickening. and that's what i tweeted as it was taking place. look, when the protestors were outside and it looked like a peaceful protest until tv showed them breaking through the bar -- barricades, one fringe begins another fringe. this is what 4 years of not my president, boycott inaugural, 200 people arrested at president trump's inaugural, antifa lighting cars on fire, that never happened, we never had inaugurations like that, it wasn't that way for bush, it wasn't that way for obama, it was done to trump in 2017, 200 arrested. so my take was four years gets this until they broke the glass and broke into the capitol. in a flash that changed
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everything and it was no longer a peaceful protest, it was a bunch of people who need and should be arrested. howie: absolutely should be arrested. what's your take on twitter taking the drastic step of shutting down donald trump's account which will last even when he's a private citizen? >> you know, in the same spirit that i said america need to be aware of fringes, we also need to be aware of shoving entire movements into an underground. if you want to put more people into a risky fringe, relegate them to the underground. best disinfectant is always sunlight, when you start using power of social media to ban people from your speech, you're again playing with fire. there are dangerous groups on the left, howard that haven't been banned. there are groups i looked it up this morning, red in the case revolt, they aspouse violence toward police, left-wing fringe
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groups. if the principle to not allow social media to engage in violence, they are only going after one side. this would create a dangerous underground. it's a mistake to engage. howie: we are talking about selecting enforcement here. do you think the republican party will remain a trump party even in light of what happened this week? >> my view for the future of the party, it needs to remain a trump party in policy and ideas, it needs to be a blue-collar, working-class, populist party, standing up to china and denouncing white supremacy. that's the future of the republican party. some steady outsider, conservative will catch the message and i think that will be the air apparent to donald trump. howie: ari fleischer, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. howie: after the break, joe biden, deflects reporter on
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notions about him. he's been an embarrassment to the country, embarrassed us around the world, not worthy, not worthy to hold that office. howie: joining us now from philadelphia is ed randel, former pennsylvania governor and dnc chairman, governor with biden's essential theme being heal the country, what is he gaining by taking the question and using it to eviscerate president trump even if you agree that trump is at fault here? >> i think there has to be some accounting for what president trump did. what he did -- he had an insurrection against the united states government and it's treasonous and should be spoken about by as many people. i was glad to hear what ari fleischer said and senator toomey in pennsylvania said. we have to be strong in condemning this action, however, on the question of impeachment,
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unless there's a substantial number of republicans in the house voting for impeachment, unless this can be characterized as truly bipartisan move, i would like to see it avoided because i don't think the most important thing for the country right now is that joe biden takes office with the ability to bring us together as much as possible and to pass very important needed legislation in the first several months of his term such as a robust -- >> howie: right. yeah. i mean, record-breaking levels of the virus again this past week and if there is an impeachment trial in the senate now shadowed by biden inauguration and ties up the senate for the first days of the i remember. so you disagree with nancy pelosi on this? >> there has to be barriers and what donald trump did in my
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judgments, should be called out. on the other hand, unless it's bipartisan it wouldn't serve the country well unless it was democrats voting for it and only one or two republicans, it wouldn't serve well. let's get covid relief bill, $2,000 into the hands of americans and get -- money vaccine for distribution and let's pass things like infrastructure bill, 15-dollar minimum wage which 60% -- >> howie: that's a little down the road. i do think it was a mistake in the presser for biden to refer to -- when discussing josh hawley and ted cruz talking about nazi propaganda. i say this on both sides, let's not do the hitler analogyies.
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jon ossoff and raphael warnock giving a tie and -- >> well, it depends on how he conducts himself. if he brings bills to the floor, bills that are not only sponsored by republicans but democrats i think he would have earned a better treatment by the press. what mitch mcconnell said was in my judgment horrendous. 73 substantial bills came from the house, they deserved to go to the floor and have a vote taken. you can vote with against them if you want but you can't stop by the power of the chair stop them. i hope they get a fair hearing. howie: finally, in half a minute or so we have left, it would be easier for joe biden to control for control of congress at least
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for first two years, who does he blame if there's the usual beltway gridlock? >> well, that's true. that is absolutely true. so i think joe biden's task is not only democrats but like wise republicans who want to see progress. like an infrastructure bill which was robust and spent a lot of money repairing all of the infrastructure, could create so many good-paying jobs, that's not just republican or democrat. joe biden can get stuff like that to congress i think he would have done his job and would be very successful president. howie: and we will see beginning in ten days, ed randell thank you very much for joining us. still to come, covering insurrection at the capitol was a heroine experience griff jenkins was there
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howie: fox's griff jenkins covering the siege. griff: totally different level of violence than what's happening out here where we are being heckled but inside the capitol obviously a different situation. there's a lot of as you can see this gentleman is saying fake news, bill. howie: griff jenkins joins us now, what was it like being hassled on people that were pretty angry. griff: the president, of course, broke the sentiment because he began speech in the ellipse and as i looked back, i fought long
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and hard about events on wednesday, no more is it more apparent, howie, that democracy lives in the space between rally and riot and on the ellipse the president gave a speech on peaceful rally 15 blocks from the capitol and turned into a tragic violent riot and it was driven, i think, by the president's passions, fueling people's passion with resentment that it was unfair, rigged, stolen election and fueled what we encountered there in the clip and so many other members of the media because of his disdain for the press of which he's had from day one of his presidency. i tell you, i think i learned a new curse words i had never heard but some people were kind to us, some people did say we are not with them, unfortunately the majority were against the media. howie: i want to put up some pictures showing criminals destroying television equipment belonging to the ap, another
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example of turning on the media. why make a target of those who are covering the siege and presumably trying to help the protestors, at least the most peaceful ones get their message out? griff: that's exactly it. in every situation i've been covering protests and riots since the early 2000 and the core belief, hey, i'm going to get your message out usually works. it went to a different level and that destroyed ap production equipment is just one example of how really dangerous and frightening it is out there because they weren't there to get their message out, they were there to really attack, in some cases the media, and that's a sad situation and what will be interesting to see is how long that sentiment exists beyond president trump. howie: right. and this is not theoretical, photographer erin shaw was attacked and two capitol police officers pointed guns at her
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because they didn't believe she was part of the press until other journalists vouched for her. it's fine to hate the media but when you get in those situations, this is pretty dangerous stuff. griff: it is. let's remember the messaging matters. the president's banner was stop the steal. the crowd to fight for trump and so you can't send those sorts of messages and then sow distrust and send them down. it was very much, it seemed, a battle cry in a dangerous situation, howie. howie: yeah, you always seem to be on the front lines of these things, griff, thanks for doing that and thanks for joining us, good to see you. griff: thank you. howie: that's it for this edition of media buzz, it's been a rough week for our country no matter which political side you're on. we had a chance to air all of this including the war with big tech. we hope you will look at facebook page, we post daily columns and videos from the show. we will continue the conversation on twitter. check out podcast media buzz
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meter, you can subscribe in apple itunes or google podcast or amazon music. again, thank you for watching. these are difficult times, we try to be as fair on the program. we will see you back next sunday 11:00 eastern is the time with the latestt buzz now, during the everyday smiles event new patients get a full exam & set of x-rays with no obligation. no insurance? no worries, it's free. plus, now all patients can get 20% off their treatment plan. find every reason to smile. every day at aspen dental. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at . . .
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eric: the conned versie is continuing on this sunday, big tech cracking down on the conservative social media app parler. google and apple suspended its app from its stores. amazon said it will no longer let the company use the web hosting services, citing parler's failure it says to take action against violent threats by its users. hello, welcome to america's news headquarters. i'm eric shawn. hi, arthel. arthel: hello, i'm arthel neville. the move comes after twitter permanently banned president trump's account over concerns he could incite further violence after last year's
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